Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1963, p. 1

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QUEENWAVES mom ll noorTEE 59 Vietnamese Students Rebel AntiGovt Strikes Continue DeciSiQfi Lakfe War Till Talks End Mm Amulyfi 1m youold Donna Axum who mm Illa him MIAMI 1lly NJ Ml AriMu mm mm hMII m4 uh den umlm um Wm Brlchn Ton Thal Dinh Iald In communlquc lhnl Commu Mal and rcncllnnnrlu wue urlnlllnu lhu Innuccnce and nu vote In uhnol children In 99m Ym No 210 Pollcc slnrmcd Mn the xchool and raundcd up hundreds belllaus youth as the milflply unvcrnor ol Saigon declared exlremhl iludonls uver lhu II 20 would he dramd Inla Iha Army and bay and girl un dcr 20 sent In lpcclnl rc Iducallon centre my Ilchcd hull with slothmw nx sludnnls who barricaded themselves In boyl high Ichool SAIGON South Vin Nam Reuters Sml helmcled cnmbnl polllcc legny laugh m4 that he cxplaslan occurred very close to the Sept 13 deadline in by the Amerlcnn mum requlrlnx um them to slop nickel or rIcrlng with the Shaw or In furnconlcmpl of com lltandlnn the Glenna re nucu or Presidcnk Clnndo Jo will ol the Canndlnn Labor Con Mr earson dlscusscd the latest Incident in the marlllme union war In whlch the Cunn dlan vessel Howard Shaw was dynamited early Saturday In Guano where she has been tied up for xeveral months When Parllament recessed he said It would be reconvened hurriedly If labor war event made that necessary IICAL NJUNCIION The discussions here will in clude Labor Minister Media ciwn External Aiinirs Minister Martin and Mr Penrson in Washington he said he be lieved More Harrimnn who had been instructed in like an special assignment wouid be discussing the mauer with the lecrclary oi inbor and pmhnbiy ih5sccr3iary oi siale Legklauon was ready lo place Ive Canadian maritime unions under government lruslceshlp but he added Ihn It is not lhe kind of legislation um wnuld have any mm In nnolher coun try and Ike violence has taken plgge IlLlhat poum He said allowing cabinet meetinl that he hoped the talks will have lhe alive oi prevent ing violence against Canadian vessels in the United State emphasizing ihai such violence la mailer or 115 authorities wrhamfle JDTMWA CHPrime Mini ter Pearson said today no de cislun will be made about In early recall of Parliament umll liter the ounclullon current talk hero and In Washlngion on GrantLakes labor violence For Examiner Wm Adi 1th phona FABml lelophuna number to call or flu Buslnm worm am PA mm Our Telephones Examine Wait my on Jan 41 lelophuna 19931 l9rlhg Buslncq VIII of Allnu My In Ind In mm In and nunum mm Iup mm mm wuml to warn nn nonnch as Mme Nxo Dlnh Nhu poquul nislcrlnlnw President N10 DInh chm pre pared la lcnvo on her way In Iho Unllnd Milan in New York to defend ha Cnlholhrlcd ra ulmcl crnrkdnwn an um major lly Buddhlsl populntlnn Hlhe dchndnnt 43 Imlnor plrenll would he held equally respunsime he nddcd mm Dlnh rncdparunls wmYd he chnrgtd Inr lhu cost hair chlldrcnl educa tion and II shxdans harmed nallnnal murlly lhny would bu Irlnd Lhy mllilnry court loxltalo and lncllu them Io abandon their classroom at on gage In vlolrn ncllun la dlslurh publlc mic and xncurlly luauu up signing the gmllcd nuclear Ins han treaty wn up last month In MW Speaking wllh thlx curren pondcnl at Bruzlllun nnllonal dny reception In the Brnzlllan Embassy Castro also dlsclosed that Cuba has ye madoyp mm We are prepared to light hem and answer In kind United States leaders should think lbs my aru aldan tarrnrlsl plan In ellmlnnlc Cn ban lenders lhoy themselves wlll noybe xale said Biilcrlydcnaunclng he cullcd men 115 prompted ad on Cuban lorrilory Castro HAVANA IAP Premler Fidel Castro said Saturday night United Slates kndm would be In dnnzcr hey helped In any allcmpt to dn Imrny hlcndmlolClh lllrl Pearson emphasized lint ll most recent violence had oc curred in the United Stain where no Canadian legiaIailun could havo much clieci scemlng to lndicatn that Parliament waa unllkely to meet helm the scheduled Sept so date He said its entirely speculative that the MPa are likely lo he called back It would lake tinca or four days to dn so and many MP were overseas alihough umy could get back quickly by Would Retaliate In Kind Castro mu or mall Parliament before Sept so Mr mmn said Labor MinimalMammal has been In ouch with Mr Jo doln and had sugscsmd that the union leader approach Geom Niamey president of tho Am Clo who wm key man there and Mr JodoInl nppm sflj number Dml mnl ll lb wnL MIN will my in look In mlnur to II yen1 7M1 MAM ll Vrnnzurll AWA mm mrdlcnl 1m nllnlu kept vluil lmlny om Humdurum uulnluplrl bays how llnlml lwn manlhl mnlurr In Vrnumlln und mnlhrr TIM mnthtr Myumld Mn Innu Mull Currvo dc Pvlrln lml llu Inllllllulbl him known qulnlu In line vmlvm hummi rm wind null va lrlnr mn ln mm plnml In All lnmbnlnr HI llun 14 mm Illinde mllk din Drnzlllnn Pmldtn Jnno Gnu 1m cnllui or nn Illnu elm lo help Pnrnnn The overn mtnl hl ordered 000000 In funds rclcnntd In Parana low ernnr Ney nrnun Now only rnln can Invn ul lmm lolnl drlcnt lflld Cnl Ilnlo Canto Mad the 1th won In In ltlephono 1n lervlew ram Curlllbn rlpllnl Inrnnn Thm ha been nn npprtclnhln ruln In lhl mu lncn January Thu Unllcd 5mm and Hrnxll cumhlncd In rulhlnz powdered mllk cornmeal and flour ma reluxcu Olllclnls expmud hono lhnl henvy mlnl moving newly narlhwnrd lrom Arlunllna wnuld end Hi to lhal hnvn clnlmed poulbly 230 llvu and dulmyod lhuuslnd 01 um 01 come plunlmlonl Food Iuppllc wm 11quan Iharl South American Gives Birth To Quintuplets mo DE JANEIHO Brazil AWTm Unllcd 5mm mshcd lens and lupplle today Io aboul 300000 homeless reluzecs fleeing rum our dnyl unann lrallcd Ianul flru In tho dauuhkpamhtd mm Par agrees Ho uld he in delllhlcd It he cdernl dcclslun Just In nounccd to also he hulc old age penslon an 70 lo $75 1th from $86 Parliament Shonly aflcr lho conlmnca began at 10 um Mr Rabml Gnu to conllnm his election cambahm rounds If lbehind delumlm qty 08 Rushes Food As 300000 Flee Brazilian Fire have musiatenlly em hu Alzad not only Onurlol wll lnp nus but Onlarlol dcalre to cm npcrale fully wllh he Domin lon lavemmcnl have tnken hi Ian llo Premier Robam lah He rec110d that former Carr servaUVe premier Leslie Frau said In 1960 lbs there were re rloua disadvantages In any one province establishing ppnslml lchemehy Itself Mr Frnsi hnd caiicd lor iod ml pmvincinimpcraiion and amendment In the constitution lo permit iedcrai participation Mr tham new policy He luld lha openan or lha federal provincial conierenca loday um ha prepared to recommend chanzcs In the On Iario pension tchemo to make it conform wilh an Igmd lianai system OITAWA CHPremier R01 ban of Ontario and ready in temperate wllh Ollnwn in working out federal conlrlb ulory ponslan plan HERES ONE To Maké Schemes Conform TAXTOCOVER soofi LNJlD AGE PENSION 13an uld this not look sl me an ma Own mnlnx mlnnln period maul um mMnluhl FIMI mm 0mm Id lht llrfl baby mtghpd lhmemll In Me 3de mmmlg lb ad that wound ovum and no Mb Imr pound 19 UIMCI In uld Mn d0 tliriw Tm an my minus not Min In mm Tn hulhImI lern lluin dc lrhlo Myumkl annual lnr lhl Cnola lflmllum Cam puny IuIIMIArr Slander Oil Nrw Jmy uu rllhl rhndrn lrom nu urlllr mur llll llolh Puma and III win In dlwrrm IN MWUIER Mu dc lrlelo lml Ive Ihll drrn hy muvlmu mnnlnu Innlulu warId dnulhlrr Mm rmnlly an Mrlh Emmnl In MiniKer Murlln Cnnndn explured In hnur umtmncu with 16 Shula Bemtlry llqu hm Tho Amcrltnn Informant cull mnlcd lhnl UN mllllnry larca my 01 3000 or U300 lronnl wauld lnmnu Um UN payroll hy mmo 1304000900 yam With lho UN pcrlodlcnlly lhrtnl mod hy hunkruplcy htcnum rcvenuo drlln ucncy wllhln Hm UN mtmbmh Us lull lhnt body In contranlcd wllh nnnuuh llnnnclul lmublu wllh nul lnklnl on now onu Hut Um US does no In much ham or cslnbllmmml new UN milllnry plnnnlnu board for full mlvallon military plannlnl commillu which barn Cllflhlllhld In Inn UN but hullqu Soviet Unlon oppnalllnn never has htcn nlvcn morn lhnn Inpcrflclll omlllnn An American diplomnlic snurco said lhe US is willing in land encouragement lo iho idea ni Imnilcr counlric voiun larily tnrmnrkinz mop ior posslbio UN um pmvldlnl lhcso counlriu pay in will in valved WASHINGTON CF Cum adal push lo provide the Unllcd Nallom wlUI expanded military Ilrmglh In prelorvo world peace may rocclva only We warm lupparl from he Unilcd Slnles It was learned Sunday Recelstionscoof To UN Militia Board LIMITSh and Prcmler 11 but 01 Ontario exdaanzo yiewa In Ottawa lodny short hum MINISTER My WM ll Tm Dllllrnll qululuplell Allrlc Fernmil III Im Mull Huh Clrlo Ind Imuswon horn In Amnflnn on July ll lull All In nur VIN nu Dlonm Ind nllIan luplm urn lhn only known In lnmu In In MIAMI0 Illa or mm vim qulnlnplll blxlru or Id mm mt ll mm mm Maxim Irdlul Au on mud Octobcr MO Uni II hid mm ol lnlupldbtrlhl llannr Mu Ill mm mmpor 4a hon Munit lnpllm ml Nu Ulnnno llnlm In Cullnndor Onl An ullu Ceclla Emflle erll nrl Yvonne Dlnnna mn mm 20 IBM Emlfll dud Ml Hlu lccldcnl mund nwm enlnry lntcrrupllon nl mum The Ipnrk Wfll Itcomnmled by hlul Iudlhlc mml black AWAY Mn Vnnhm wm lnkm Ia flayll Vlclorln Hm Hal whale hla condlllon Will mrlhnd In good Nn Nnflll pulled through his body Tho Iccldcnl nnyflrld mm Dunlap hydro llntmm Jnmu WM vrn lullcrcd Irinl burn today Him 13004oll llnn ho was wwklng an touched Izmund palm cuunlna brlzht Ham Tho Iccldcnl nccurrod on nnylflrld mm Just ml 01 Martin Inter rucallrd that In ma prcaldcnl Blunhower had advocated callccuvu uctlon wllhln tho UN to deal with lo cll wlrl And nddcd ha ha qund no mm In want that Iho noncrnl principlu would he oppmd by thu present US Id mtnlslmtlan Th IllnlA vulllrd hlvlh Mohdhny fifilomim l9 urday the mulbllillu a1 provid In lhn UN with Improved pclwkccplnl machinery my WAS IN mvon Hydro Lineman1 Suffers Bums ly beforo the start or led erIIprovlnclnl conforms on L5 Cnnldl Penalanl Plan Jun belt mcellnl mrl Whlle ll ll lull uncltar ll lo When we um ioTu uTniiSI lard nu lmlllrr ol Call loxnlnn mum mmwn milIn the mung whtn Mn 1mm mm Ilruck In cobra pm mt Mn 11m Mmmn Mum sm Ire Anoclnllon Dun called or Invornmml Irllon In lh iulw ll In In Cnpluln Manley 14rd WNmN lAPIumnlnl an Inn lnqulry lnln ha Ilnklnu Ihn 11ml In umd Ivy rolmluml umlulkm Iranlo thr the mm am In uvlnln ll umo time US nu thnrllm llllltd llflll Imlmc Ilnmu lo Irrvlmncn nununhoul snluon lo Imp lhmwlng uman lrnm mall lhelr film on Vlrlnnmun poll Home cum bl bun remrlod urlunllnl our Hm IMH bulldinul Thu ollkrrl Mrnlfly wn nnl dlclmd but hn wnl dunlhcd bnlnu ul Held irmlemnjnr llculonnl nlnnnl or cnlnml SAIGON4 Vch Nnm MPIAn Amcrlun alllccr It being Icnl lmmn or lhru nnrhnza mm Balm ml whch lnndrd on Vlulnnmm murlly form rcllnhlo Iourcu Inld here Urge Reopening Titanic Inquin lgrd aw myLar Following lnlh wllh flunk Marlin tmphulud II pm commnet hero the Med for collccllvo Ictlon ln dun with local oulbrcnhpnrllculnrly nl lho world hand lulu compre henalvo or pnrllnl dlurmnmcnl urccmcnll exaclly what Canada has In mlnd hm hnva been Ottawa report lhal Prime Mlnlalcr Pcman will alter the UN 1mm and mm flexible Inna dlnn lam when he nddrcsm ho UN xencrnl ammny Sept 20 Canada haa mnlnlnlncd alnnd by banallnn or pomhlc UN duly and avcr he yam Pcnraon has bun man ad vocal or armlnz lha UN wllh pnrmnntnl mllilary force Throws Trash US Officer Sent Home ed Prim Mlnhler Pcmbn announced hm oldan pcn Ions wlll ho Increased by mnnlh lo 75 bcxlnnlnz Och CP WlMpholo 0mm lClI we loam Mama um an IM Mom matron May In IIIIOM lugmm mum IN by IMI unlon An omml Im lnmnnlfoul mem mm Monum ua unlw In new mmu MIAMI ML lCll mum 50m 01 Frvuinm Dmihobot luu dud auvlnl hunm Illlh Hut hn wplmd nullmrluu Ilm It bum mm Ihun month um Mn Mllllhl lopull 17 died aundu In Ihl rmdnmlm ump valId uwnuln Prim Inn MUMHV ME AN emu all laund body of fill Dorhtry sundny Imr Muly hmm urcth HIth lwllled nlul rock Ind llmbvr In lllc mlnl Ml Ill walrrn anlh Cuollm mounuln rummunily Dochry 99 ml upped ulna mllm In mIM mllnvud Mun Illerngmn Montreal Longshoremonstage Walkoui lllllMIerllAM Mn Ml Governor Gram anlnu plmd Nullunnl mm unlll an ha 1er hm lodny Jun In rm lhcvn needed In ILhDOI Inlcurnllun dcvclupmmll Th lulld MI no plum an lho Ilfll In cm olher lnnn nlnnlnllmm Second Proodomite Dies 0n Strike Thu dcpnnnlml became so rulronchcd lhnl II run lnmplumu mommrndnllom on when they mizhl ml The lrulh ho mallcr ll lhal the code and Ill ruuln Hum hnvo bun ready or mlu and Ike Inbor dcpnnmenl wlll not him lnlu elml GERALMON OnL CF Premitr nobnm record In the Held Induilrlnl my WII malltd hm Sundly night by Now Democratic Party Alder Donald MacDonald who do urle mo 01 lho monu lndlclmrnll Ilnlml lhe Pmnmulva Conurvnuw any ML MacDquld an lha nurlh day bl In elldie cnmpnlzn ulna thmunh Nonhcm Onln rlo aid that duplla Comma tlva clllml swapped lI bor deymmcnl Ind pmmlxu may coda or wood work nolhlnz ha been donc Thu Indunlry had the Muhul ch drnl rlla In the prgvlpcc Rescuers Recover Miners Body Govemo Puts Troopers 0n Alert And he unhappy lac that lhl llck lrua ll oh Ilrurllnz lull cooperlllon and covordlnnllon Roll ncllvlllu Ind hampering th null organized crime In no ohvlqu lhat Ihc kuy pollen officer Ind pollen um clea respomlbla or fllhllnl or mind crime hm Ion conlld4 nce In this Conservative Id mnlltrnllnn lineman commenllnl on Mnclunn Mmzlna ml cl an nrunlzed crlml Mr Wlnlermeyer rtlleuled hi vlnw lhll orlanlzcd crlmn exlm III plgvlncqud ISM TORONTO CF Liberal Leader John wintarmoyer nld todly lha Pmlreum Comm Iuve Iovummenl hu Ion the confidence at police mpnmlhle or llfzhnnz arlunlzed crlmc In on MacDonald Raps Accident Rate lavernmenl name said lha gnvemment not ya decided whnlher lncoml ulc Ind cor porauon taxes will be lncmsed to cover lhe higher pumluns or name olher In mum med nrllllully Intended to ram he bulc penxlon nle urly next your and pay or ll out cnn tribunal by employer and em The prescnl pension 65 monme 70 In mid mm Ihn old no murky fund and Old Ale Security will be amended II In all Flrllr manlnry union to lnmm flu lundl manna Liberal Leader Restates Charges men nnnounccd Ioday will rain lnxcl to pay or no In craue In nld mpenalonl to monlhly mm Oclohar tor wnrd ll Pulllmem Imam QIPAWA Cw7T govern NEWS BRIEFS Mayfiaise Sales Incbme Taxes To CoverSIU Increase No MaiI Than For Copy16h Clear wllh clhudy pallad Io nlml Ind Nudny Windavllght Low nnlzhl so Hlxh tomorrow 7IFor lummlry no one two nw hurlnl hand llllh maro lhnn 60 lvcufldh Mr Mncvomdd lulu 1M Ianr mln lulu dlpplnylnn nhmlule mn lrmpl or Ilumllnn lhnl had almldy ml Hum mm lhrlr llvu wnlkml nu beam pcrwnnl plqu Ha nva rm example ht lrenlmml by Labor Mlnmor Mlle amino unlonvn named hcnrlnu lnln charm ol Ikuflduucry In the womb lnIl Februnly II mm mm as mllu won Klpusknslng The NDP lander told nlly hm In nu pan Shannan party can Idala or Ian Anhur rIdInI mm lnbar depm menl no longer Itch bound to Imp Ill own prnmlm llm Ind yam of lullcrinly Mr MncDonaXd mld hld rovmcd to tho mmhonond nrncllcu ol Innorlnu rrcommend Minn In Hue hope that they will adv nwny The lovernmenl originHy In nauncod that he no lncmu In Ihe but ptruhm mm at In 70 would hav la ba paid or out conlrlbullunl in Cannda Penalon Plnn mrung urly In IBM Mr Feman nld he Increlu now would he paid out Iha old In ucurlly fund mm which lho present ll drawn The lund made up spezlll manual mymmun and ulu tam um hm mm mm lha government general Iundl The lav on pmnml lncamu now mind to 190 yalr The lhmperunl aldm Ie curlly Inlel lax In part prescnl lIpercenl nahLux lha other night paruulm points 9an to men rav cnuu The Canada Pension Plan provide or em oner and em ployca canlflhulnnn In ply uyouzo mirement penllonl plan with employer henellll lVllIlbll um Cnnnd Ind purllbla from one job to An other It wu unveiled In tho Common In July belorc Pnr Human adlourncd In It gum my men Ideal Weathér The uni governed by lhl old we Security Act lefmu mm mm budget lean ILlon By Ill In amendment in 1059 It lovlu Ihrceperunl tax on Income nlu and carpalAllan prgmlt W1 Wm mun Mr Yunnan also Innnunud qulxlauon would ha Introduced rum tho Iddmanal ravannu gymd by ghc fund wW an Thu announcement much by Prime Minister Pemon mar cnblnel meeting And nlmulllnr muly wlm um am of fedml provlnclal commune on Clllldl Pemlonl Plnn nld the Increase would be mud out thleoldgn mcurfly lund 119 la Iho Canndn Pension

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