Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1963, p. 8

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Friday nlghl It was the sum slory as ll has been or Toron tns lasL live games They losl 2520 lo Vinnlpcg Blue Bomb ensand remained In the Ensl em Foolball Commune cellar will live Meal and one vlc WV 7min Inn ou all the blame Parker LEO LEWIS STARS The real slnry of the name us 111 um led will Vinnl peg halfback boo Iawis Tam here was the Argonaut ollen lhl line which pmvidcd TmN on nmnm with only 75 rush lnu yarjls ln the 39mg Inld feel DES MOINES low Dick Slkrs Ilondy glny ln lha Amcrluu Cup malt his or llhllshcd zlyumld Amn Mudcul prlme llllo rnnlcndrr In the nnllnnnl Inn ltur null championship hm nu neck When lho muscular younxslcr um I1 mnlldrnlly lhronnh lha wood lo club hnuxe Frldny mill unu lnn lnnncd hm lmkm or In Unllrd Slnlu lcnm hrulhtd glnh or rtlltl yen had just dlublml lho Unllml Slain II lhvllul lwo slnxlu mlchu ho nllrmoon and wars nurmw In lhn US lrml whrn lha hrilurn 5er nhyly Idmled bu hurl whlmm Ml Cnnldlnn and Multan he with In hairy 1m lnAnIay van In ruqu by llllly Jon lnllnn 119 Irnm cnpuln lwm Mnrunnlnwn N17 who ulnn won wily In cllnch us mrmh umrmllvo Ill umph In lh tun lull Ind prr WW unymltn mavd Th VUnIILtl Mum mnd paints In tho ivoulny awn wilh TORNIV cmm was In be the year Tommo Argonauts camc out or the wilderness And Jackie Parker was the Moses who was to lead them 111ng5 seemed to have worked in reversethe Argos apparently have led Parker the quarterback who Ior you daulcd Edmonlon Eskimos tan with his brilliant runnlng Mn the mods wflh uwm Tho Inns whn looked to Par ker or great things exercised their vocal chords in disappmw ah hiday night It sounded all 2990 In attendance were boolnz him as ho Argos lrailcd 10 midway through first And they cheered late in nu name when substitute quarter back Don Fuel was sunk in will me Arm losing bu hue ulxlmmsd own man touchdown for Toronto bul it wasnt mix and Bombers won the Canadian Foothill kaxue Interloch Allah ad vmdnx secondplace Us In lha Western ConIcrtnce The Bomber ms for M0 with 4st Imunnnz or 15 yank including Wynn touch down jaunt In he final quarter pmvcd to be me winning 771431 scored nmlhu touch down or Winnipel Farrell BAEK Jackie thiu fit husllu back In pass protect Bombers Hand Toronto Fifth Defeat 1n EFC us Team Takes Golf Tournament BE Amoqu quarm to Go Bowling Allan XVIIIl hum TIMI Anmu LADIES MENS Ind MIXED All lEAGllES NOW FORMING just over mlnula to play In lhe lrst hall Amos look the lead when Vydmny rookie mm University Western Onlarin rushed lhmgh In block kick by Jack Dcl veaux Ind followed ll Into lbs and Lone or touchdown 11m waived was missed and Argo Iodlll RQNS 11 mws The won by 1mm mrxln over Cnnndl with Mox lcn dhlnnl last we yran ago In Mmlcmy Maxim The 1965 chnmaalonshlp will ha pllytd 1n Can Slku wu lho only plnytr In lhu wady duh btlwun lha anlh Amerlun ncllhbon who hmch mr 353672 an Inn chllltnllnl 63 Wknndn mum whlch lulum nnrrnw Illrwnyl lrluhlmlnl rouhl Ind gndltu hills Jr Huh Illa mutualy ho us um munnud nnlxv am In In In llnulu Emily calm Mulcoi Juan Huntl up bul losan In Nlnk We log nlflurllnulpnuomu And xllm lln In Hum Ind Mrlln Col In 118 turned up In gain bun vlrtor nwr WMle Ind Burl TInhum anlmlntr Ind lhnn wtnt on Io delan Nuke Ind Fmslon Idded lhe olher and Georg Flemming Tomnto caslofl scored hm wnvem single and Ryan Held goalm New hnpon and Jack Elwell defmslve hallhnck John Wydnr my and Dick Shaun scared the Tamil touchdowns wim hell adding two converts Shauns score moved him alone lnln he Eastern Conference scoring rage wilh live touchdowns mun opened games scoran In the first quarter when he took lhIrddnwn Jump pass from Bomber quaflcrbnck Ploen pr he yank With the lid 01 nughlng thekltkar penally on third down mar midfield Argos moved In to lie the scam on Parkers 19 ynni as In Elwell in the end zone Flemming ducked or his livid goal early In he lhird quarter and than LowLx seam his first lauchdown 1h took latcnl hum Button who had mm plewd asyani pass mm Ploen and ran Um final 17 yards Mler lho Bomber movemi Gordla Rowland short klck on the emuan klclwll lhcy moved in Ar enough Allow Flem ming lry uyard field goal which want wide or single Thls Iefllhe Bombers ahead 15 lawix put lhe game away In the lourth quarter smashan oliucklo from his own In nnd x1an 11 ha way Fuel moved he Arum lnlo mm on we yfd lhlrddown um to Shane Clllldl mood wllh um and Ellyn llrd wih eluhl ll mu lm thol by Cam dIm on the Nm 251m pull an IM CM lauded lho mulch Argoarspcri To Hnal two minqu hauled up In their own ed by walla Argo Ilnamen during Friday nights Canad an Football Anne Kama in Elmvhm nnlllmon Orlnlu lepl floslun Red Sox winning lhc opener on lhrwrun hom by Jnckla llundl Ind ildur mu Pam1m then Ink lho wand lame wlth alnzla run In lhtlr hut lhm llmm lml Ind 141 Angel Anueh odqul Knnuu Clly Alh MIC 44 whcn Alhlo lumn wu hit by pllch with lhu bu lunchd In Ilhc um Irmjngz pa red pun Chicago While Sox in Mir duel or and plum in the American Mimic dcicaiinz While Sex with barrage oi iour homers iricludinl pair in lho ninth In ning Bob Allison mkcd the ninth Innan homer or Ninx who booslcd their season total 7m alter Har mon KiHchrew Ind Earl nullcy had mncclcd earlier in the gum mums with While llgdnr WI Elston Howud And Joe Pcpflom rm uncv manc sinng the as th anlh New York pmvldlng kl hnndcr Whlley Ford wllh Isl glory ank now havorbcm Inva In seven mum unwun dzdslom wln nip hf ol lhcm Washlnuan Senator scored 14 mp 1n lhu 10000 mljor leaxun gum nvcr lavelnnd IMHAILI also Ina lour In Um Hm big league mulch year no Iln in wlfh 0ch out In lhl 1an ch Mcmmm homer In tho eng um neyr thrqueypdjgaly Tomnlo had slight margin 106 to In the air as Parker and Hell completed 25 passes Plocn nnd Hal Lcdynrd mmplekd six In 12 attempts for 96 yards and Lewis threw one for Sevenyard lain lhe Bombers had 1m down to for Toronto on Kama Imnically Lynn Amndee the man who qunnerhnckcd 1hr onlo to that victory was put on waivers Friday CFL action continues in the Elsi today wilil Hamilton Tiger Cat playing the Rough Rider ln Ollawa Sunday Winnipeg will be in Montreal in ladln Bul lhby can gain round on New York Yankees who In conch to slug nn opponent lnlg submisxlnn Ynnkcu bunchcd hm iln glos In lhn ninth or run um mm them 21 vlaory over Damn Tiger nnd pushed their load In 1m gamesheu My my ollhe season BOSTON DU imunmw Hunk Mulrm held Ynnlu la mm hubIncluding Hurry nrluhll hum In lh mm InnlrgnIunro Ihu mum at The Iciory or Winnipeg Ivuucd 21 beau lhn Argos gavu the Inner In he suigimz Mounties By JIM HACKLEMAN Anodnltd Pres 5mm erler Minnesola Nlns are mnvlnz ham nm muscle Toroula Winnipeg won 2520 spnrkcd by two touchdowns Twins Take OVer Second Position PIOPLI DO MAD WALL You All PETERSOROUGH CPIElm ven ol 64 players invited tn 1h delendlng Stanley 011 than plona mlnlnl clmp lulled In put in an appearance when on on manager Punch lmlnch of Tumult Maple 1M1 sounded mg ml calljjrlqu In tho umd nme Orlolu tauth up in tha IIXUI wont Ihcnd on non Powelll runamrlnu slnlla in the av enlh Ind Iced ll wllh Jlm Gem lllnl humor In the elth Lolly MIR McCormlck won wllh lehlller lulu lllll Marn lled It wkh homer lhu ninth or lels um lhey hmkq lhmuxh In lho um whnn Tod Bowdleld Nunlmd lurlon nil in or mr Holy Sndwukll alum Ind nu IMMUQMI walk Hod lhc bml Dnva Nicholnnn boiled xrnnd slam homer in sixhm second inning in While Sax making i164 linen liter live scoreless inninu Bnilcy hum cred with lwo onin ha unhlh ion Minnesota land Chi cnxo drew even in iL hnii oi In Inning on bamrionded wnlk to Joe mnninghmn hui he homer by Pawn and Alli son in tha ninih olisci tho While Sox onunm nily in lhcir iase nlAan Each Aldo used live pitchers with flllly Dailcy the wlnncr nnd Joel HorIen the laser Kil chrcwl homer was hls lying hlm wllh Bostonl chk Slum lho lcazuu lead Al son has hll 32 may 24 Bennla Dnnlcla pllcmd Ivo hlllu or Senior Ind doubled in run mthey scored Inm Imu In ha deh loser chk Donovnn Nlnclymlnc thousand nine hundred Ind nlnnlynlno name no on May ml Cleveluud Ian 10 Fort Warn chlonun In busobllll um mgjor anxuejngm Brandt and Pippa lhbh Ulrwnm home on Monbouqumlu Kn lhu first two Innlnu the llalllmon opener uhllu 5mm knocked in our Boston nun wflh homer Ind Llnzlcu 1m Annclu look over nlghlh plum hum Kmuu Clly wlth lho nvenlmu victory mum Alh lulu llllly Marn lled It wkh Regulus BHly um um Tim Horton and mlnor luzum Gerry Ehmnn Ind 10 Jmkow ski had permission In report Inle Harris and Emma will check Into the National Hockey MW Dim haying holiln Imhelp his lzlta wllh twin son born 11 me Regular goalie Johnny Buwer and Dan Simmons failed la show and Imlachslalcd he did not know wig Gary Beg and Tmy Clancy have decided to attend the Uni versity or British Columbil and try for place on Father David Bauer Canadian elnhlh was an of six hle of Ford now 2l7 cam 11 Players Are Absent 1mm hallhnck 11 Law CP Wlnphm Yn pm Ill no AI Vm Ilunc Inna burm Ann DONALD Ill PA 66055 CIIARUI ANDERSON SL Lanlannllnlls yan to overhlul 1h lumelndlnx Lo Angela Dodger leh ma slnlch bld hnvp lust lhnlerv log blah ludnr Dick Gmnllhdr llst hull film In nine day Ind In ponunily lo uln mund In Nellonll Dengue yannnnt nee Glbson bmuxhl hII record In Ind drovu In lhc ony null CardInIlI nuded In tho upcnlnl umn vIclnry with lwwun Ilnule In 010 lecond lnnlnl PnchlnlBob Vella Plnlu poslcd llm Inth lluul that out wllh xlxhll Imnd um triumph over 51 Mull um pt Clrdlnllllwlynlql Ilmk It nlnc hm SK UM wnn nunu lwlAnlxht doublo nude bl llnuluJlm Glllllm nod en hll homer and lwo Ilnxlu Ind ICOlGd our Iunl NI llanll Lulu ludm duhltd Sun Funcim and movtd mm In run nmmrnp Clldlnlll Gml the lumen leadan hluer with 321 avenue and lop candldnln or 1mm Valu Ibla Player honors was lost lnr several Imus when ll wu plunked ln ha chest by Dan CIrdwell pllcll ln lhI llrsl ln nlnu at the opener ol lwm nlxhler Ilulnst Pllubnrgh Pl nles Nevertheless St Louis want on to win lha open ex lendlnl their winning lrelk In ulna lame behlnd the flvehll pitchan Bob Gibsnn But Bob Vcnlestopped Cudlnals In lhe nlxhlnp so on nix Mt whlla posllnl his Hm munr legua shgloug from III exhausllon tnhrced lamday llyotl and remanded with homer Ind double or Gl mu ROBINSON SPIKED whe Grout WI tr ported out or llVflll dly wllh cnnlnxlan of lhe lower chest wall Clnclnnull nedl Frlnk Robinsnn may hnva been 10 In Red or lhu remalnder of the sum wllh INK wound on lhe lcll um Nahum blcen vlemd by he aplke ol New York Itc nnd baseman Ron Ilunl when Robinson IlId Into mom in he lelh lnnlnz Men declxlnn aver Rcdl In other nmu Mllwlukee Brave look our third pllco mm Sm Frnncllco mm Shaw lhm Ml Phllldelnhll Phllllu llld Chlcun Cub blanked llamlon Coll 30 he hlnd Glen Hobbit Ind Llndy McDanitl By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Slowm lend the mlulwo tune to one by Virtue 124 and victories In the first two names Pllu won the mmpme in lhglller In pitchers nnhouzh Jlm Arm an expected In let nod mm Slew11s coach Bill Ruman Ilx bean Raycunl policy In Alumna pitcher Armstrong and Butch Boid throughout ha plum whlu le coach George Mlle usu tlly will unlll the pluhers hlva finished wmnlnl up lora msz mpmgnpemenl duni this ani nvun oclock Filth game will be plAyed Mondny nlxhl ma pm By MIKE IAmEl Anoan Pnu Spam erler The aplil dropped Cardinis 55 game back oi Dodgers winners over San Francisco Illll Sandy Kouilx gained his 21nd victory Jim Gilliam paced lb 10 Anueiu attack with homer And Iwn pinliu 199mm Slemrla Guam and Bunla Plan will dish lmlzhl ll QueenPurk In the fourth aims of their butolaaven sen IoLSo llygaqgflmlsulu Fm IARIE EXAMINER SATURDAY lEPlq 1M Playbfl Tilt InSenior Loop Tonight Grogt Sidelined For Several Days mum mm mm Inch Ormlslon WHITI ROSI Opm mm In pm Dllly lullcld mm mu BALI STARS Tom Cl Br Avnngod On All Ropaln In III Madge Star 1ncansumers Win wlth Inh to Ian center Ralph Sm popped out and Wayne Hickllnu but an hunt to put runners nn um and ab cond Le Jollma angled In unlurlnd Inc lhmwtrom Ted Emma cumh 2mm the plule when in Mad Io mm Cmsumera Gn lined beflh In lnlermedllto Sollball Luna llnll In nluhl It Queenl Park whtn John Chris llua mudmm home run and Gold Maduel Huh vllchlmf rub ad in GI bnylyln cry ovpr slmm low the besto aumers will now meal Mkr vlew Dllry or the lawn champ longhlpn lonshrlr Ch atlal bl bluw name In the am lnnlnz Ind Consumer Idded alnllo run In ha mend Ind ourlh Inmu round out lhplr Mal make find shaky Hrs In ulna hm II he not by this one huhowyl pl papal hm form Vulo turned lha hblu In 1110 nlghlup with his tlnu parlorm Incl chk Schofleld wired In first two Pint runs He don bled In the first Ind mud on all Vlrdnnn nlnzle hen sln glad In tho second Ind scared up double by Jerry Lynch NEEDS HELP Mcu not Iho Job dnnu uxnlnsl Red wllh Ed Knutpr Ilrok In hm Ilnllcs And xcnrlnz three run and Pumpsla Green collecting lhrae Ilnzlcs Al Jackson lnued or homer by Vadu Plnsnn In 1h victory or ma mam Hunk Aaron hlt hls anh homer 1nd mnpmdnclnl dnu big in xupporl Sth 910 51mm IMF IL my doc djnx mug Cull BIII Mandiy na DUNLOP 51 EAST MONDAY NIGHT 845 WRESTLING hhlblunl Iluuln III mum nflmlul by Onlqu Mhmle Cammlu LEASE 1964 COMPETITIVE RATES INCLUDE INSURANCE ALL REPAIRS AND LICENCE THE MASKED DESTROYER See The Best In Aclion TONY mm CARS and TRUCKS AVIS WRISTLINO AT IT IXCITINO IIST on Jolllfloo hll Lehman Smllh grounded nanend lha lnnlnz It was hm Mu wthaul run or Cnop Comp starler Lea Jolllflc who llke Midge alumd every game In lhhla nerles didnt have Int nu He walked lhe um man he need Wally Kolmen Chuck Edward greed hlm mound but Emma hunted nlely and Don Cannon wanted Io load Illa hues Ppck Rdd lumud or lhoaucnnd out then came Chrlsllo He wnldxed tho llrsl pltch gn byI called ilrlkeliu ripped Into the next pitch and am lowcrlnl drive Ion field Len alder chkllnu looked ilkn he had his mm on the ballhul he ml By THE CANADIAN PRESS nu international teams southern dlvleien winner liarpcd down lhe northern di visor top two club Ixain Fri day night inths leagues unri iinel series Indianapolis indium Huh pilce iinisherl in he Ioulhem division look load in one babelseven series wllh 51 victory over Syracuso Chieiur millian oi the northern division Mlnnll the Crackerl whu ended second In In nunlhern dlvlslon clabbered Toronto Mn rlu Lents moundplace cluh In ha norlhern division or llI wln and 24 lead 1n the norm Thu Indlanopalleyrucula rm shlm to Syracuse loullht Ind Sunday necessary Tor onto play Alllnla tonight and may move In Toronto or Sundaxl me Cracker spotted Toronto so lend In lhu um lnnlnls than reared 10 run In he bah tom of the llllhr pinch hlller Johnny Lewis crash lha hlu bluw lhreonm homer run He also homered In the iavanth lhrcHun error lhlrd hm mun JIm McKnlxt preceded Lawls blow Cruckm bombmama 1hr onlo pitcher for 17 hlls Mapla Lea manager Blll Mali wu to and pllchern Carl Bouldln Southém Division Squads Increase Playoii Margins RENTACAR PA 42 WHIPPER BlllY WATSON No Time limit Battle To The Finish ll BULLDOG BROWER MIKE VALENTINO ll0 DIAPOlO Conanmera werent through Wally Kelmnn singled homo Lcw smddard In the second or 50 lead Jolllfla wn Iakcn out In jhls ram and Lellhlon Smllh came an lo Hnlflj ENJIML glued ll and It wcnl over hll cad grand tllm homer Thlu was all Mad needed lt was man thin enough He Allowed only two alnllu om Ihe next 1ch lnnlnux and gave Inolher 9111 In the men but Illll came lhroulh wllh lIlI Ihgllonl Ind John Andmon back Io lor onto today In rest up for Sundny Tame Nellher plmmf Flnal run came in Ihélfzurlh Chuck Edwayd xcoyed it wu an on ern chum look up rand on usedballmudlo thlrd on 1d pltch and cured on tho umc play when catcher Smkh throw wild to third lndlnnapnlh Jon Shlpléy and lee reliever Warren Hacker comblnrd or threw hluer mlnsl Chlell Howls Kapllll wns lhe loser By 1m ASSOCIATED rnasi Melhuume mm Peter Cabblnh um Ghnnn Iloppeij Rad Kenny H7 Auxlrllla FIGHT RESULTS Vmu Opp nu In sum Dunlop EL Barth Tomgs an IL in rm 1qu WORLD Wm AV IIIVICI Mr 5th ElliIll Hall lem DANGERFIELD MOTOR mm Ban Tom Ply Lulu JOHNSON Co Uri VS REPAIR NOW PAY lATER BUDGET PLAN Tel PA Mm Bani

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