Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1963, p. 7

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hllu you my n01 mullly aWHHCAI ll molxlurn lend lo nxlw non lun Ilu ll Ilka llny hnln on my wood mm The plnc block urvu an All Iron lo pm thl mu In and no mum lhe Illrrn Ind beauty In Inn lnrldm My Im mm In cunn crnle can also um pm lng block Aller flmklnl or umll mln ulrn Id lhl lumlluro dry Ihnr outhypnkrably hour or mumhelm upplglnl will or pollxll 0n tho ha Inc lumilun lhln um mm min Um polnl In my unit Air or ynur Mmll In Ink for your lurmlurr duullnl all umrll urm lhul um dulerl lenmlly good Inn on Ihe urn In quu urnllurl Ind mm on or hm 0mm come In lul gcsllm 11ml you um block of non wood Iuth mll pine In llmka th Iumct wllh he mm nfler Du vim bu been yum and rlnud hllu you my mulllv Sometime ll Even necel Inry to mub lth Accumu Inllon of dlrt brim you an nod look what youvo bouxlgll SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Readers of this column might remember reading an article on Scottish dancing which appeared earlier this summer Those of you who were interested will be leased toknow that your curiosity may he uatlstle our diffidence respected and your courage admire an Se 10 at pm at the auditorium of Hillcrest Sc 90 Most 01 us are now that Hm nnllque umlluru um washlnz am In whllz Just as xumy madam plem do And lhn pmccdure he sumo Warm sud Ippllcd wILh spam or clothor perhaps brush he Icco has been un nud for on llme Ind lu mating cl xrlme II Inllqul Um wood lurlL 0n the first Nesday the program wlll include reg lstration demonstrations and instructionExperienced dancers some of whom wlll he asslstlng with the classes will lllustrate some of the formation as they occur ln dances such as Fergus Mclver The Glas gow Highlanders Mnntgomerles Rant The Lea my dfflhe Llntpn Plgughman Lavender sachets make wonderful gift and are so easy to make without sewing Simply put two or three tables can of the dried flowers in the centre of dainty andkerchlef pull up the corners and tie in ball with ribbon finishing with hook for hang ing Never put loose lavender with wool blankets or sweaters The flowers will eat into the wool and leave small holes My neighbor makes lavender sachets by using tiny wicker baskets whlc makeideal con tainers She also rows the lavender in her own back yard Next year ho to have my own lavender plant too with the ai of her gardening tips and the use of her green thumb till get my plant started EVES BEAUTY SHOP Ian 14 Amun nm IA um Mrs Voiienden bays that the prizes IIB bigger and better and they will be presented in the winners at closing party which will be held in the spring GIFT GIVING The new committee members are in the midst of completing the schedule Games will be layed in October and November and continued ag in the newyearu This week committea was formed with the fol lowing members 31 ointed Mrs Peter West Mrs Standbrook lrs Caner Mrs George Rod ers Mrs Marshall Mrs Myrlll Dean Mrs Klumer Mrs Nell MacDonald and Mrs Ernie Wolfenden As Barrie club women get back in the swing of things after lazy summer members of the lODE are in the midst of planning the clubs main fundraising project The ODE annual Marathon Bridge offers an opportunity for avid bridge piayers in the city to meet with other players twice month at their own convenience HandSafe Suds Fine For Antiques One of the most delightful aspects the Scottish country dancing according to Mrs Wilson is the so clablllty of the dance Courtesy and gallantry are ln trlnslctc0ltntry danclng Thosewho have danced or have watched the danc in agree that there are social ghyslcal and aesthetic yes to Scotttsh Cpqntgy IJancng trioii aie interested da pinn onzttendlng the open Ing asses on Nesday evening BACK IN THE SWING Scoitléhléodfitfi Dahclng unlfie folk dancing has always been ejoyed by all classes of society Ind 11 agemgroups mm nl nu All Indiiidixialéflbi couples lanning to attend the first class should bring softso ed slippers slippersocks dnnhclnglsflpgersor 3ven runnlqg shpgs fWhlle the expéflénced aanceré will ha on hand to show the patterns and steps they will be there also 11191839 new $9 899qu awn ME Charles Wilson the lnstructresa informs me that an introductoa series of six lessons wlll begin at that time with option of continuing longer as deslred klicbrs 1768 IAmglxmmzn mun sum ms PERMANENIS By ELEANOR nos 191+ until 550 SKIRTING THE BAY liter Iwa II on Ildu wllh good old noun or detox gent ludl lowing flu and lo duh inKy ll uld VII Ind end IIrm hm mwuw my lho no old nmlquu pium me dual and llblu lnvo mlrblc lopl TM expert Idvlu um 0n mum be nmovzd one rainy any Ind lnkcn ouulde Nrn ll wmnp IIde no he nln un WM Ind IDCD lhmulh 11 um Alway drake Hue duslclnlh wllh ht Iraln becnun crou wlu or circular limu will In In lam notlcuhll llreah daily mum of wood Burleel fllull in Hull WITH THE GRAIN By EILEEN DIXON LDAISCOMI TO TRANSMAN QUALITY WHEN IT COMES TO COAWCOMI TO 14 DUNLOP IT run TRIMMEb com CLOTH COATS FUR FABRICS CAR COATS Thu reception was held the homl ol ma brldel lrnndplr ems Mr and Mn nylor The hrhhl mother received 1er In we plm mlnk belie ensemble wILh mulcth ImamIts 1nd com orange dcllzhl men Mu nay Tucy of Barr Thu bridel brother Alex Wllsvn ol Toranlo wu best man Allan Wilson Wood xlock 115 the hrldel bmlhar Ind 1hm Parker ul Toronto ne phew Lhu bridezmom wen when ngcapnon Carryinz Ihrouzh lho lhume file bride he Iliendanu Iiieel length lawns oi pcau de Ioio were fashioned in line nimiinr lo the bridal gown The maimn ni honor worn aqul shade wiih the bridesmaidI gown in pink Mulching piii box hats Ind nou uyl oi pink mm knd willie muma compleied their con lumu Mn McNalr of film dale the bridegmomx sister was matron honor Miss D1 Inne Cunningham of Toronto and Miss Shmn Hllborna ol Woaduqck glare bridesmfids Given in musrage by im ls lhen the hridu wore own of new dc sole lenlurlnz soiliy scooped neckline lily palm sleeves and floor length skirt sweeping to lull trains Her linger ilp veil of tulle illusion was caught lo headdress ol velvei flower petals The bridu carried willie Bible Idomod wllh spray red rnsebuds AnENDANIS 111a bride the dnuzhltr of Mr and Mrs Ruben Watson of RR Woodslock The bride mom the son of the law Mr and Mn Hilden Parker Blrrle rum die 5rqu and Iccompnnled the mm Miss Lynd Mann of Windsor my sou GoWN Standards pink Ind white zladinll with emery adorned the 1th Linn Baptist Church Woodstock or the wedding of Mlu Haul labell Wakon Woodsman nnd Doullas Gmy Plrkerol Toronto Rev Dd Lamble of Toronto omcluled at His alternan cmmony Aux Wag PERMANENTS Woodstock Rites Of Loool Interest out vaINEm nunaar IALDN ruoxz PA um noy 1ch olBmle All For ME AND ms nouams bkiikfiv PRICE Leavlni toi honeymoon In Northern Ontario the brlda donned twoplace hem wool dress with belze pccusorle and carnage or ytllow mebuds listed wearing gown of print ed ailk In pink lanes wllh matching hat Ind 9mm pink mebuds 0n xeturn lrom tho wedding Electra hauling Inn mada biplmpromnml to our may of Marvel our healnt bill film Man In uud to my and didnt hm all Al advantaau uumu mm doomt mod mmuIyou luv um an am In bun1an umm mhmohmdhulwflnd llhaomplmly odoullaI The worlds clam Imtlnl mm Nut to llahc electric man In mid mum mJA Elmldu hm in an Ind comlnnl Thom In no cold IPOII In duo homo nr umomfomblo him of hot nit uMy bmkflnmufll In hon luau Ihoonlln lyutam mmth flamlm Only olootrlc hullnl lvu you cuntomcomfort You can dial exactly and pmdaoly umpmlun you mm or any room in flu hono mu bowl oloctrlc with offer you Lhommum In my mom Ihm lush hoallhful luneplum with oloctric haunt Mvor loo dry my mum Iomo that can be 6th mofiflliud in flailing or wall your homo hated dim My electricity Ulmuah bum unit in cad room Eloclrlo hulln lvu you cholcl ol hull lyfitml Eloclrlc bmboud hosting an mug along tho wall at baseboard Invol Innulalod eloclrlc cable ll hiddon In the ceiling or below the floor And then no other unlla What It nllolecttlo ham hdltlng This Ls unique Iyalom of home heating that In an easy undomtnnd Ind opornla as your aloctric applinnooa When tha weather cool at any time of year you jun turn dial can am Is no doubt that electric home heating in already Evolutionlzing modern living Thousands of Ontario home now have it and progressive buiidorl ere lnelelling it in many of the lelcet home now being built This revolution is happening beceuee no other heating eyelem can compare to electric heating for comfort leiety cleanliness end troubleme operation nyl Mn Ulmln Selkirk Avunna Hunllwn 0mm WHAT AllELECTRIC HEATING DOES FOR YOU ls electric heating revolutionizing modern living The bridt mduule Central Bnpllst Sunlnlry Toronto And the bridegroom completing hll audio the ammo Ichnol ornnu Juicl cup uncooked rlce wild rice may in used it aired lcup chicken broth le inblunpooru melted butler tlbierpoom minced onion itnhieapoon dried pulley lilblerpoon mariorlm Itubiupoonx ahredded or minced celery nit iruhly round black pepper cooked chopped duck inlets lnlinl anuu ltnlpoon uteri cum rind cup Candim dry red wine cup ornnn Juice Brush cleaned duckllnl inside nnd out with orann Juice Pour rice tluwly into mp oi mid iy boiling ultzd water tu spoon nit Cook slowly ior minutes Pour rim into upper section oi double boiler ldd boil trip the couplo will resldo Madison Avenue Toronto lodccom sh on dell 1111 In lonerl II no lubtua Just little lmaw how llld most of then dlahel In In simple It gnd wondmul mm ORANGEWINE nummma Iduckllnzg Tho wordl Gourmet Food Ilwayn conlm up methlnz kna Indugnogl than Orinu WIM duckllu xlvuyx connldtmlu aumlvdhhp really PI prawn Ill acmmpuoul uuu any um 01 the your lWine Pgovides fGourmet Touch iulhclélnc any other Jam of heat nurpyiuualu mummi Harinpillxgefi inmvavlulrfcwma mnlou cahng couldnl think living will than hzaflhy and iiiix cup oiwine with cup mule inigl uni med ornng rind Pour over birdsi haste irequenlly while masking Sexv with wine jelly in mm cups Add onlonplrsuy Ind mur hrlm ta melted butter Season with Ian ind MPH Add alemed rlcélnd llhlels bland to thoroughly can will butter sum birds place on rive 1nd met In open pan It 375 or 34 houn or to Mb bird or 15 lo 25 Minutes in the nund depend oh at Mr and Do nolxexpm much with men or any Ipmuculuf chine envlranmant annulus on sundly Mos perm In camelvulva mondsundln cllned to operate In no pattern Fina planaury Influences how ever Ivor Inmlly 1nd hams lnlmm ulherlnu wIlh clan lriendl FERme fmmnmr Ii lofnonnw you lbIrthdny the nu thud pmmllel much In chickenl bmllf cover Ind Ilgnn 9mm Hon Iugder my TQMonnow BARRIE PLAZA MENUS COIFFuiiié nyl Mr Edwin Walker 40 Nona 51ml Mldlnnd Onluio WHARETHESTARSPSAY ucrnmlw For mom Infonnnflon Ind utimniu finuct your qun Med clocuichuunl 00an or your locul Hydm ofllm SEPTEMBER T0 OCTOBER Teenager However any homo with aloclric heating should be built to Hydm standards of insulation WI lbOIIT operating costs In many mnnlcipalities the rate for oloctrio booting has boon mduood on much 30 during tho Int yam Thla moons that In some man It coats loan to hunt homo nloctrically thnn with other nyotonu In other plums the coat in about the mm In the ow amun whom rum om llill nIIfihtly hlgher tho diflemnoo In negligible oompnmd to the extra value olockic heating ivoa you cumntood InmllntlonChm In electric henIlng non bnclor who In qunllflod to bnck his work with tho Induntry mcomlwd Triple Seal Quality nunrnntoo Thin gunrnnloo oovom both oqulpmonl Ind installation TNE lONflTEIIM ECONOMY OF ELECTRIC NEATINO PROV TNAT IF YOU ARE BUILDING 0R BUYING NEW NOIAE WNATEVEN THE SIZE TNERE IS NO REASON WNY YOU SHOULD SETTLE FOR ANYTHING THAN THE GUSTOMCOMFOIIT3AFETY AND CllANLINESS II NEATINO SYSTEM THAT NEVOLUTIONIIINO MODERN LIVINIL Low Installation coat EIocMc heating Is any install No furniwn or fuel tank In nuwmry simply uxwmion to your wiring ayalom in ll that in mquimd And with eloctnc hunting them an no annual mainlannnm maul However any homo with aloclric healinl ahnuld ha hum In you In phnnln horn union or pm of your harm norm pmpotly hand you an lmml Iupplomnluy Ilootrla ham In nun It will lo 1va you plum huuu mum llEClfllfl KATan 70 fun PflflfllNT HOME SOFT EASY 10 MANAGE MODERN STYLES titanium PERM SPECIAL In the way of Achluvemeul 1you are mum Ind willlnl Id curse In mid mnllna In unneu and financial ya lllll You may have lo try harder coagemu whhfnlhers II on would Illaln wonhwlle am But on can accomnllih mu den In Dacamher nury Much Ind mid1m Stm lanmnz now however illeng wont Ill out of lha ue Perm1 um will be 111 Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE Ind TV SERVICE FA 61142 Mycrpefima wiih elcdne hating ha one ymlnund Inlfnfudxon maximum safely ul mavlcltanllnm no mainlmamproblamdudmnu ylm healing camort uyl Helen Dion 531 50m Salldlk Skeet Fan Wfllhm 0111 00 PA cpmpldl Ila mm exclllnl wllh to manca Ind 50an lnlemlx cuf Mntly and Ample also In December max May June and July lnvelwhm than trips are concemedba tween now and the nth um monlh In late Dumber Indm early Junuary when long Joub hey no planned the period bp tween Ill Mayundearly Sep Qembzr next year will In good BEE ADDIIIONALBDCIM NEWS BEE PAGE Burlap St

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