Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1963, p. 5

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iiMMlNS CHThe provin 111 New Democrallc Pnriy Mar lulled around the cum bpliunvrlng hm Fridny nith Spud nid that one oi his political opponenu couldnt iiihi ill maynu oi wet paper bin Thuojwm rinlaide nail or Iveryane About no political an guejldgd nllylin this riginz 9f ThrowBodyaalgswsr Athohn Wihtérmeye am mmnru tom lsummm Eoulh Cochranalo watch Donald JMIcDanald him cw body MW at Ontario Liberal Lander John Wnlermey¢n HI record In lhe Hausa QIIIEWlnlMmpypr uldnt Huh his way out 01 Lwetpgsar big lha NDP leader mm Ha oqulppcd with to Very capable Madlan Avenue Joy who are wrmnl loulh Ipeedxexwhlch are complelaly of chlracler or ha weakest boy In town to praclnlm from ya rooftops Mr MncDmalg said that bolh Liberal In tho Consulvac lve In their cnmpnlzna wcm beclnudinl discussion of real fjxsuea Ho said tho New Duma mllc Party would jrescne the llectlnn mm the sham battle two oldpartlex Perry Rhoda hlnnd nallve had had duy when he valummd In to In Lake Erlu Ind arm flul Ho Ipenl 1mm Murh Auguu ol lull hulhl In le lhlpl ll IIrlc ln lhmv olhm mm mm lluflnla ADMIMION hh humml ADULT LII CHILD ll mm UNI ll NDP LEADER MACDONALD PUTlNBAY Ohio AmOl flclnh 1mm Canada Ind lha United States will meet on 50M BIL Island In Lnko Erie Eundly to observe nearly 150 year pcacn Ind to honor then naymmld nnvy liuulcnunl whole annlm upcch tho end the War ol MIL An lncxpcrlcnmi nnvy omcer Ollvcr annrd Perry lulled MI fleet nl nine lllUn Ihlpl Into the Inns Ike Brllhh out and endcd Hrlllxh mnlml of Lake Erie150 yem no on Tues any 1ho vlclary lorccd m1th land oms Io wllhdrnw lhelr Alan am In norlhem Ohio And llunchad tho Amcrlcnn lore under Gen Vllllnm firm on wnmndlnu nl Milly hlswrlln my no nuvnl vlctnry wan over morn dun la lenlul and emruy ol um PA 9339 Tho Orl lull Drlvaln BARRIE Sou Wllh holu H1 Pklurn Llllln Road In Nu CH bllw an HWYI 400 and II Mmlulon 751 Ch ldnn yun or undlr FREE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE US Canada Observe 150 Years Of Peace Dr ChVIllnd Puzzle duds th uvenyurold son Sbavld Iwny mm thc Teny Height Elemanllry Sdmol THE IHTERHATIOHALLY ABCLAIMED HIT JUST AS TT WAS SHOWN III THE MAJOR CAPITALS THE NITRUH TODAY SUN MON 1UE WED INTEGRATION ATTEMPT FAILS or JAEFin WASHINGTON CF US weather Iclenllll my you ought la run your uulnmubllu by clu Irlclly and heal your home tho mm way In pruvcul cilch 1mm helm lurned lnlo wllchu brow polmnnul alr cnrrylnl hmnchlua and lung cancer Th pmcnlpollullon INUMIOII II had enoth ml or lhe Ion lotm Mum we cannot over look lhu Incuulnl contribution to nlmmphcrlc pollution of do mu hmllnn and molar vchl In Irnmt Inyl Dr II lflslnrinnx Illll dcbnln why Burch dld ml nunck the IMP ant Um Consensus 15 um cured xund bar which blocked tho hubon All ma canuructlml wal wntrhud closely by Cnpl Rob on ll Dmlny veteran Bril lsh naan omccr who mm mmde the Drillsh arm on the lake Run Automobile By Electricity he also made lea or unl vmal automablle nsuranca in thgjmvlpcg Thu choice we have before very simple one we want to maintain die present emmlnlly waalclul and unm nomlc uysloms canceling re mlumx and naming aulomo He claims then yuuvnto Liberal or anxervnflvm Ho said 52 vol or the New Demncmllc Party wouid mun automobile lusurnncn cost and wlder coverage at rate una third less than charged now by private cogpange Mr MacDonald those who Ihouuht the ND car Insurance promAm was In tha sky that it had been or erallon or yam in Saskatch own and beyond any shadow or doubt In the mind of objec tive observers It has hem vcry successful He said hat to lum gas junking he plan in tho western pravinca would be po llllcll lulclde Full application mlnlmum wane laws In the vmvlnce would be delayed he laid because ha luvtrnmenl wlll nhll action m5 angula lgnenlip ytslcrduy inWIuanvllle Mm alter slate pulmlmen In hack urnund had prcwnted mm from rezlslerjn ha younzsler Thm when he 11ch was FIRSY DRIVEIN SHOWING Landabcm ol um v5 wcnlhnr bureau He made ma ilnlcmcnt In Ipccch pnpnrcd or pm tnlnllan belnre the Intcmnllannl nlomclwmloxlcnl Comm now undcr wny nl Pan France The at wan mndo nvnllnhlu hm Unlm lumu 1mm Imokn mm nnd nulomoMle exhaust rlpu are eliminatedpulling vy lho um eleclrlclly or lucl IllWI can look forward In wunl nn cm in whlch lhw cvlll nl tlly cllmnlg ytlIl overwhalm Thu slory that the Brilhh commanda nllcd neon wldow lo dinner In Dover 0n and um hln fleet was In Dover Hnrbor or Ilvo dnyn Din unharan cllmallc 10ml hu uld Perry hncnma can at the xmxl heroes tho war llo wu dtmmlcd by Congress and pm molcd la cuplnln about completed Barclay dlt Eppcnnd 1mm hls station and Perrys ships mom out Lnln lhgrlnko Inlha while faculty The school wan under laden court nnkr In winter he child AP Wrcpholo Taday lelu wen scheduled for Kapnskaslnl and on Sunday the campaign was to aka Mr MacDonald to Geraldtnn and Fan William The mail oi more than 200 companies enlazod in unecono mic competition it um out of avtry premium dollar no more than an average 51 cent in paid back in premiums gha ND lander Mid Experience wllh lha Saakaichawan pinn hadmoved that cent in claimacan he paid from the premium dollar ans alaa lum Al amass conterenca enrller lnKlrklnnd Lake Mr MIcDon Ild scored hu government for falling lo make credit easier or Northern Ontarlo lacondary 1n dusuy Ha said that Interest rate on second mortgage outside the Toronto urn were Mom per cent hllher than in the provin Clll capital The government ahanid once again Into the second mart ian huslncu he said because this would tllmlnlla disarmin allon In Interest rate charged outside Tomnlo SHANTY BAY DEIVlIH mlifiiri muni SUNDAY Gulhrk and WEDNESDAY omsunnmo ADULT HITS In Terhnlubr Mmlllll DAMN CHAN ROVER Thl mvcnled In tho annual report Ncnry d1 reclor lnvcsllgnllnn and mrch under the Cnmblnu In voslluntian Act Inr year ended March 31 It was mndo pub Friday Research covered nu only Canadl wldo tonccnlrntlon pour 1n load rcknlllnl but mm cenlnllnn nvunl cmnomlc upon 0m wunlry wcll melmpolllnn am Mr Henry miles The dclrco ol mncmlmllnn measured at any them level wax maldcrnhly below lhnl In many other ludunlrlnHoncen lrnllons rnllns In Cnnndlnn lrll IIh and Unllcd sum lnduxlrlel been um lnr romp1+ The Mlflinese charm the Russian wilh having admitted iens ui thousands at Chinese into Soviet lzrrilnry last year in an attempt in overthrew he Chime adminlslrulion ill in remoi Sinkianz province Pe king declared SovietChine re lliium have ruched the brink of split USlulhorlllcs nay roped have bum teaching here for MTAWA HM loo much 01 Canndnl mull 00d business been taken over by few hlx Iupermarkcl chains JuslICB dwarlmcnl lawyer dont think 30 An Invosllgnllon hunched In Inle 1059 to whether hm was unduo can cenlrntlon power In food tnllIIIl has been 51ch Thu upcclnl nudy he ycun ml and coinplclui last all They tend to assess Pekingl momion diatribe his week Businst Moscow as evidence of further damning oi the split between the Klan Cnmmunisl rivals Still they dn not cxpect an outright diplomatic ruptura in iha nenr iulure WASHINGNN AP US nulhofllies hava ackmwluigcd Ihey received reports of flow of Chinese Mugees across the Chinese border into Russia but they doubt any Slno Soviet shpollnz mm is liter in magnum ummsqmm mnmzn musi Halt Investigation Supermarkets DoniBkh Border Striie Muse rgsgeSoviet War Ramiro Pepln examlucis coln ha lound in in oldha whna digging nearth prop mt Lmllevllle negr Que MONDAY TUESDAY TONIGHT ONLY 7mm him TIARA TAHITI mm Mnuvlm mun Trrhnlmlor lllll LEPBECHAUNS combining was was Weslerncr living In niosmw aiiercd another mason Inc the txodus In aid The Associaitd Pres Friday thnl Russian told him many ai lha fleeing Chine wera Musiemx estping reli gious persecution Al no lime he Chinese Communlsl take over at ihn nxion 11 yam Ixo lhouunds oi Mullen fled wnlhwani lnio Klshmir giving the lame reason In lha View of 115 expert here tha flow peoplc mm China inlo Russil In meant months probably nrlseu mm unhappiness the rduxecs wlh lhcll dlulllon under ml nm Communln IdmInls rallnn They mum tho rank gees disliked Pcklngl Itlempu In set up commune or perhap they hung The source said they hnva no Iccurnla estlmale II size of the refugee flaw bu animated In the lens of lhousunds Pe king claimed the Chinese were enllccd and coerced lnta going Io Ihe Soviet Union and Russia has refused to repalrlale lhem desplle repealed mum from faking mep low dim Lmed arson 1mm China across the mm in this aren Nomads Mm lcally travelled back In 5315 lhk fronlrler bec City Earliest Icllbh data was mums ms and the coinsscemed to be Brit lsh Valuahasnt yerbeen de termined CP Wimpholo WINNER CANNES FESTIVAL AWARD REST COMEDY WfiflmMMWfiulummfifuummfifiii 55 1153515 LAST TIMES TODAY All Color All Fun Show IT HAPPENED TO JANE PLUS WACKIEST SHIP IN IHE ARMY Shun It 100 Ind PM He announced the larmlllon lha new parly LI Rnlllemenl Iller Quebec Clky caucus Wed nuday This allowed can vention La Rnlllcmcnl lhu Quebec win tho Social Cred puny which delewu vnled la rcpudlale Mr Thompson Ix party leader Mr Cnoueltaw from St Sacrem hhere he having Manning glvinz the flanal movement H500 man maybo 11 mm Ml electoral lund dont know8nd ha peck lo run lha party wllh lhls nmmpson Party Leader Robert Thnmpson helng led llay Manning whelhnr he know or Caauella xald he now has the declared support of 11 al Soclnl Credlls 23 member of Parliament And lzih mun will rank lyppo lndgy QUEBEC CP Rell Cum ello head Le Elulemcnl des Credltlsles Friday night at Iackcd Alberta Premier Mun nIng who crilldzcd the Quebec parly Icaderl decision In oxm his own puny Mr Cnouella Add in tele hona Interview Premier Man huld knowaboul local me Is he had termed because Soclnl gflgfimfia no member mm uulslde Alber Wm BRADFORD Still Both delemlou appearing More West Gwllllnizdry annshlp Council Wednuday nlm ware ooncemedi about schoul prob lems Salegunrdlnl upprqachu to Spflnzdala School ms the aim olone delegation comlstlnz William Wlnflrl AnVan Dyke mi Jake Verkalk He snld lheimlrvod driveway was necded to provide exlra parklnzlaclllu because he dmol wlll be used more 511 mugging svenlqg yeellnzg ment followed land exchange between the township and George Machllan alter the school property was purchased The exchange was made to al low Improvemean on No Sldemad south when the school property was bought lt muted ontnwnshlp land bexlda the old rand After the exchange sliver ouand belonzlng to Mr Mae MIllan separated the school prggegty mg lhu mu ls situation work against us Mr Van Dyke SIM We dont wnnl to have landlocked uhoglyam any firm in the III Our peoplq wantlcwncll lo auntgo access to um schopl magnum or two entrance for circular drlvawny said Wm NV We mnmqa 7171mm Mr chMlilin sald then wwld always be entranca rights Real Canuette Blasts Manning Starts SUNDAY SChqol Prob1ems Exupt Int WeSt GWillimbury SW16 speaking Hospiul medicl halwmr or the chMiuans Mam firm pass lhrnuzh this narrow nlrelch or land them are ILwa vital to MrJMao Mlllans ingeresu to malnLaIn It ownership She tamed with Mr Vnn Dyke mat he land lurfaca itsel had little real es lala value im not questionan Mr Mac Miiianx promise In guarantee arms rim to the school as lung as he is alive Mr Van Dyke said What hoiherl In in that this stipulation Appar enin is not included inwrilinz In any legal documani pertain in in the properly We check with lhe solicitor on this ngk mun Mr Van Dyke lmplled Ihe choalboard was worrled over lls legnl future rlxhlsahomd Macmillan property pass lnlo dlllmnl nwnmhlp The problem ll alrlclly be tween the school boom and Mr Mncllllllan no the councll summed Councillor Orvma Hughes conl lee why coun cll should be expeded to our vlde any nuannlees or become Involved ln my way ln lhls 51b uallon ed lp he ownshlp Chlnfics made or the new lawnsth road hava henan on ths problem Thardore lhe township shares responsibility for mu dlmcully he finished The delegation attended the menu to man an official ver bnl presentation Ls use no lo rmlve coundls declslon With heavy agenda pqcked with Items néedlng Immedlaln atenllon mundl look no rmher action on bk matter It Wed nesdays meeting or the school Deputy Reeve Mu Viol Machllnn trawl He wanlx wknpwntar rluhh to the land not sell who township She was referring £0 hum hag waler pipe supplying all Himmler or the MacMilIans Mr Van Dyka disagreed lg 555i of lmgloncejulnnp Thh II Iplchl lnvllnllon lor Thl Silvnlan Army BIrrlI Corpl Oh Lords Dly ejvlcgalzo eagh SundayAal 11 um and 70 rum Sunda School classes for all ages lnclud an Adut Blhlo Class ls condgctcd at 945 am Our MldWeek Servlco la he on Wednes 13 at 800 pm Our Youth Program Includes Cu Scouts Brownies Guldcs Young Peoples Group Band and Singing pmctlccs those of seven years and over also Blblo Sl dy Group ages 12 to 18 Tho Burl Corp II annnllnlly Iocalod ll 60 Colllor Slrul Tho Salvatlon Army Officer slnnds randy aqlnll llmel to help persons In doubt distress or sorrow and those who may havu splrllunl problems WARM WELC AWAITS YOU BARRIE CITY CONCERT BAND Sum Sept 81h3 pm SUNDAY TIM RIFTILICM AT 130110 703 l000 DANOIROUS CHART AT 250 040 Vincent Park Home wil be gonducling Cl Concert Band Association CHRIST IS THE ANSWER In nud Cull PA 64595 PUBLIC CONCERT by the Tecumsth Townshl resld en who braughl his pro 1m to copncll wumd in to Tepumselh Townxhlp Council In slead He asked lhnl hll school taxes mi an of the hive prop uIle ho own he lranskrrcd to Teuunseth Township Thu dml laxasvlor Ihlame piece at land are now going West Gwllllmbury Towmhip Whose Job 13 11 la chanzc UIIMS it an manna been mada asked Councilor Peler Verkaik have no doubt this aim Hon will be cleared up amw ably Mr Van Dyke oommant cd the delegaflon left Its only reasonnbh lhal Te cumselh should get his school mes Ouunclllnr Keith Lanz lard added Councillor Orville Huxhu an weredu Tecumseh anmhlp mould In touch with And In hm the max fielumed to them EVERY MONDAY Abovo NwScrvlu Clnnm $31000 SHARE THE WEALTH SPECIALS JACKPOT Admlulon 50 14 HIGH ST RCAF ASSOC 800 pm ix

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