nv Cumn mu ufllnlnl HIM In MI cl Ill Mn MM In Illl um II 1M Annim AM an no on uI nub1 um mum at Unlunll Av innum rm III Ml lflllvll Will 00 IImI yum Momm IM run HIMll Anmilllon 1m Amm mum at umunlonl Dim um llllll In MI unnnn mm nun uuunr ll MumIan MUIIAV An nun mum Inulln uoNnLu cmu llnl un Inbuenmon nu duly 1mm In I1 llnlll up in mIHlI 0n uu Ill nan mm now1M Onllllu AM Blllhl nu III um Inllln mt llul convlnccd lhuugh they Ire In lhclr own mlmlx doctors are rcluclnnl Io com plaln to nulhorlllu They our legal 04 prlanln by me parcnu Pendinz bélord thu leglshluro hill that would romova lhl Doclors hav become lncrcaslnnly alarmed In Vlsconbln and tho nnuon over lho number at ballcrod chlldrun they run chlldrcn whose Injuries could only bu caused by sadlstlc parents The reasoning sounds ok but it it is applied to Toronto why not to Barrio or some other small Onlnriu city Has the premier forgotten that Barrie re ceives only 33 per cent for road maln lcnnncu The city gets nothing for ord inary rcsideniinl road conslruciion 0n main arteries which are links wilh tho provincial hi hwny system it must neg olinto with tie government or provin iic Put his reasoning in this way At tcr ni lhu subway can be equated with road it we had to provide equivalent transport on the road wed have to tear down buildings What weve done is to subsidize road that goes under the surface Annimad mans um mu rnu 1mm DIDllmlll mm ind pumm II pnmu II Dulu lundlll um lulu llam mm Recently there have boon Indication that Premier Robarts is being swayed by their biandishments The premier is fighting an election and voting time is also an occasion for promises rash though some of them may be Out of the blue he told Toronto Pro ressive Conservative teaparty the ot er day that the government is considering pro vincial aid to the citys rapidtransit system Toronto has been one of the loudest squeakers tn thls province over the cars Dos lte Metros great wealth ln uslness an lndustry the council seems ta feel that Torontodeserves some spec lal treatment They have chronlc hablt of asklng for and frequently gctllng more than tholr rightful share of the provlnclal tax dollar There is an old saying that squeak ing wheel getting the most reasei it has something to do with shar wheth er it be the contents of the par barrel the tax kitty or apple pie Premier Should Be On Guard For The Squeaking Wheels The Barrie Examiner Walla Eubflnher MIlwnuico lnurmyl HE EYES OF THE WORLD WILL BE OH US QTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlslfevdl bylcmnélnzg Nev5511mm Ath 16 Hayï¬eld SEIeeyBNfle Ontarld her arm5mm Genml Mum énunnlivammmnn flunkp In Junl yum what Maryann am when Illey GONE TO THE DOGS llnmlllon eclllorl 0n lho more In 03mlan mytholo 5ul miles thus our concerns Hun do owned by rs Margarel 5mm Flock England He nukes 20 clgnr elm day Mlml Iyou Iahl Mm Huller no dowle Uusl pum which 15 supsmrtcrl by lho ndvimry commllloo no Mllwnukco counly wolflrn dc Irlmenll chlld pm ecllvo mvlco unl wnnJmnsed lho units but has Inn ulxhc alnco May In hc munth Judlc commllluoa Bully lhla nmlon ho lcglalaluru en lcled nlo Ilw lho Good Samurlun MIL This law rm doclorl of the threat of malpncllcn sulls or rendering nm Ild In nrcldonl vlcllms Tha Imllmd baby hlll In lhu snmn calcxor It dcurm lo bu brought out of comm lluo prom lly and concurred In by the numb lhrenl pravlden lhn physlclnnn And surgeons shnll report the Incl nnrl clrcunmnnccs lo llm dlxtrlct allornc or alter when tho cxnmInnllon an abused or Injured mnor creates ren sonnblo round or an oplnlun ml the common wns lnlcnllnnnlly caused win by other ll Toronto feta the llnanclol help so gratuitously cred byMr ltobnrts we could mcntlon help the government mlght gtve In other dlrectlons Barrie for example could use new city hall and would be dell htcd to get Onturto dollars to ï¬nance project Perhaps the overnment would supply us with mullmllllon dollar and torlum which could be employed to attract conventlon from Toronto We could contlnuo wlth much lon thler llst What about tt Barrlo coul squeak as loud as Toronto to get special treatment But the Toronto eounclls phllosop seems to be this It we yell loud enoug well get more tax dollars from the people of Ontario as whole Perhaps thats one reason why the city managed to argue the government into 100 per cent of the cost or iii hway 401 through the metropolitan dlstr et Everyone who has ever travelled 401 knows that the highway is employed largely by To renionians as rarid transit artery And thats the principa reason why 401 is al ways jammed with trattlc Toronto has vast industrial complex from which many millions of dollars are received in lax form As conse uence ii is quite able or should he ab in pay or crosscily underground railroads When then should therapidolransii sys iem oi Toronto be singled out onspccini treatment Ceriainly it cannot be re gardcd as part of the provincial road system its purpose is to relieve the citys traffic congestion for which there are available many city tax dollars cial aid This in spite of the fact that the arterial link forms an integral part at the provincial system um munsun Hum promny lM Mr nullum if mum lhtlr no In number nl ml Ihcy baht Hum may an Inn 11 nnmullm Ill lul kin lhh hm lï¬c duly Mbrr Lflurd ml In Reulmt south mm bout Locum my you last ygnr Thu In ll lullbalm hm ml mm Nnuh hmd on hmhmh nm blmmnnl rum min mmuwhnl Invlcnl wlmln 01 VAIontAln minim WM lhn member hr lrflnlnlnl Glennrry In Ihl Int Home Ml hu Iwuchad mllnu bum mend lnto Elnmlnm Dom hm her mum IN mcmhurl And lbull MIer in Mlnl lvm III Mun In lhn olxllnn lTllF Tlfllnl KEEN 11m 5li umnnlm Is Nu Mini HimII Mm hn Md HM rldlnl Ilnu m1 In belnl npmmi My Im lreulvo Cmmvnllu hrmnd Gulmhn BI DON OIIEARN CORNWALLOm but Inhu In lhe cumnl elmlon 15 lb III 1th In Exormohl Tho whrld one In much of God hll one cm Ill Illald lulled wllh mm In belnr you nmpl lgmlny IM have all Mun hold um um which load Abluln Item Incnun ILl nmnlnnllnn ml Thu lhlx dlvermu ol View exists wall known Ind both he prim minhlul nmcu and Lord Dennlnzs Ill Ire mnk In clan Iludy whll lho mu lull poslunn of flu report Nelmer hu yel ruched Inn conclullnn 191w wdnmis The Canscrvnllvn parly hu Ind planty of worries In he lllll yen but he mum nl lhm ll lhu Tory anxiety mu 0n lha question ni dliuiinx ihn report in pubiicnlinn purposes Mr Macmillan and hit Willon Ire far Innt Mr Wiixnn will insist lhai nniional security lone Lhanid lho deurmlninu man in lupin my part oi the rapori lecrci But hm are mva iem lhnl lhm may In material in the report having nalhinl in do with naflonli tnriIY bul 11th unvern men will not dealt in hnva published Thai In White them will Another mnior cinlh ni wlii between he wo pnriy lendcrx and Ihis nl course wauid pro vidu mnierili iar an explosive debut in iho Hausa oi Commons when puiinmeni rummhies The Labor pulyl rcply lo lhn view that Lord Dunning ought no lo have the me Im conlrnllnbla pawur to decide how much Ihe prlme minlsler Ind the opposition leader should know on the miller QUEENS PARK Then point on which there ll likely in he ulronl dimrccmeni is under mod ihat ML Viison will inlisi on being lhown the minutes oi the evidence on which Lord Den ning in his conclusions TM is xameihing which Mr MI mlliln will find it Impossible lo conned indeed Ihn minuiel of evidence are not likely to be shown even lo the prim min ister This becauninrd Dan nlnz at ihs Aim oi his inquiry lava hi personal pladn in elch wlmas who appeared harm him lhal avarylhinl they ld would he imlcd with iha Iiri esi confidlnce This it piedn which not even the prime min isler wauid in uliiy oi break in To how the minutes of evi dence to Mr Wiixon wouid be heir or lim pledge BIBLE THOUGHT Lard Dennlngl Invcstlnllons however II qulu evident mm witneuea he Ind hnd before him wlll an Ir beyond the IlmIII unylhlnl related to mtlonnl murky And lint II where whm the report II ï¬nned It will pmduca clash between the prime mlnlaler Ind tho op position lguder agnma sucksr EPOBTTHOM 01K LONDON heated raw expected to develop helwun Prlme Mlnlner Hunold Macmll Inn and Labor leader Humid Wlhan when Lord Donn pre unu MI rapqu on IllJam won lntn um Pmlumo mm Ihu beulnnlnnMr Mm mmun In premised on Ihow Mr WIlwn Iha report Ind dinm with him which nation should or should not he mldo publlc Mn When wllunl in hm the report dlluled or puleca Inn only In In In nullnnnl lee curlly mllht be endawed by name secllpnl 01 II but that in In II he ytflllnl lolo Fighting Is Hard For Several Seats we OvérPrqiï¬mH cash Mcnmnsfnddb not on Also In to Idmll um ll Ian llma lincv mm lppoflfld mum or my llllilm II and Hul In IMI olgcllgm Hum mm In In nnc cln hnmly lo do wllh lhu pmyl huh lumphm lull hm hm held an Inn ml loo unruly by 1M Comer vulm Tler inn mum lha rlly 01L rldlnn 111m um om mu ulna mm Ihu Hhmh uprnu my opumlnm Hod In wllh Mm Al land flmnclll Irruulnrlnn rt mull ml mndlnl may hm dumped 11m Iridmununy Jim mum Mm Icfl he pmvllh tlll nmxu Ior In helm lllld And All MO nunm wu do llllbd In In Man eluc Hm In Glennrry vnnlud hy Fm MM Guimlm lonnor mam lwo PC tnndldnlu In lho nah In mm the Which mum 0n er1 mu llvorlle nl mm III An old leonl If nywny Heml rde Non but wlthoul IM of lrenglnr mum to ion but 9mm dlseue Then no reuon 15 car your bmiherl collapse had done my pennmcnl dump Tho collan Inn In pllnhd or ouncrwlw wll Ihl only dimmer Min lumponry Ihorinun hmlh Menu nnly Inn 11 It Work lmlud ma Then no point In remnvlnl Ihe Inn The lurgery whichyou mcnllon rcanvely simple 1119 lube wlUI uu bottle in aefled Into lho chest clvlly not In put Ilr In hut Lo Illow lho Air in the uvlty or pleunl 1pm to wave In the lunl bulm lo luncflm Izlln mother weak Ipo ulxu cm rupturo and lhn lung wlll mlla so main However ro man ml lulu1mm of luborculasll lung men In cab llpced dellbcmely Iv them Amt lo rest and Ham um In pallenl trouble menu like scary nor ï¬lm but lctunlly ll not usually can or my rent concem bccnuso when Ihu hull collupsu lha small leak heals just as cut Ilnzcr would Moreover Ihe hole In the lung Ll usually very mull And hence heal upldly The cause usunlLv ls In the rupture bulb or somewhat oversued nlr Inc In Ihe lung This can ruplura eully usually from Iudden nation or hard coulh but wmellmes wllhoul any nnumblb ruson except lhn the Mn membrane lud denly brem This In not uncommon In lhu can And 201 Ind 01 mm hippen slur 1n Illa too This collapse ha lunl ll called spontaneous pneumo harlx which mums udden leahga ol alr mm he lung lhlo Iha rpm between ll ml the chest wall The prcuun ol lhe Alr lhul hm leaked lnlo lhu chest clvlly than prevchll hI lung mm expmdlnz Five days law the lung col lapsed lulu and the doctor did lha sumo hlnu Why would lhIl happen to someone Io younl The doctor wont um out the lunmMn Den Dr Molnw Tho lunl of 5123 l7yeamld brother ml llp Ind lhe doctor performed mum on him tube was put In III In with bottle of fluid lo pumpalr In IL By JOSEPH MOLNERR MD Ike limo flu Imunm zlectlon 01m iwal tenderw to Helium um um mm leenlcundidm would no ha dumulnl lnclnr wherrlm Cunxcrvgtlvo member wu de undlnu hll mt And lum ed on to be In use um Ilandl InWSuWa Avan England Ind In lithiumad munHy HOME STILL STAND The Home In which William 631 my yvnshonp 19st ed by me mam ino Liheinls Pave announced 1392 My Ilnlgpd have announced that lhgy man hnvu 400 candldnker In comm general election Th may md mm worry over DI 1m bunmnde Appr out In Ihlu yearl byelmlolu TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Lung Collapses fears AllaYed ml mmy cuea ho navur has my miner Mlln 50ml Umu It sham nnrq mm TUISDAYV 5m Io 0m Full Fnlr Townhip Fuh Grounds Barrio Councll City lhll 700 pm Mulmur Township School Am Bond moallnl Mlnallnld School 800 pm Barrio Go and Country Club Charles Kcmoy Memorial Flml Blllle Cup Final Ferguson Twobull ml Church Servlcua Sec Church pages TODAY SATURDAY 50m Orllll Fall Fnlr Fllr Ground Senlor Softball Finals Burrle Plan v5 Stewarts Garage 700 pm Queens Park Noltawasaga Twp Councll no disease nr denlaunul found Hula can bu done be cause It repruenu an Inlloml eal vamllon 1n um lolnl Ind you will have to gel Alon with he crucklnl but need expect no harm mm It mm To Mn Kllx Wheflmr you have cllmnx hnl nom llu lo do with pmnuwy Mather paulhlllly mmcumu Involved Is your bile Ihc wny your Icth coma anther If his tho cm hm your denllnï¬heck because the hue olggn unnbe correclgd No IMI condition doe not mm mm lick ol vitamins It may be due to me Inhrlllc prams or to certain tendons riding over the bone you mqvauyour Inwh Dur Dr Moluen What would cause myvjnw to crack upm Inuy when can It tome vlll mln llcklnl 7WMl may occur again jun It did In your brolhern cm my in CANADIAN Him 524131116 Queen Ellzabcth dnuxh er Henry VIII and Anna Boleyn wu born no yam no todayIn ms The In fluence of the Eelorrnnflnn hit by man neon lully all In England and he younl prlncul war mm up under influence and man well oducmd She we mm to Ihe Illmne in 1555 She wu ruponllbla or In ellahuuhmenl ol the Church England on has which the hoped would be Iblo lo Pmlemm And mln Cuhollc Illku sho never munInd The period or her relzn wu one or thin mos Hulmoun In Enz hndl hlnloyy no Premlu Mlurlcq Duplmll Quebec died mo The Germul Lun waflu but on Auden be In WEDNESDAY Saw Tank1 omwnvnnponT HISTORYg MONDAY 5m SUNDAY Sopt Ind dlltrld SATURDAYJEPTEMBER T0 SATURDAY SEPTEMB ER l4 hr thou ruwnl Mr me treelaid tha Ontario overn men in bringing lowher up rescnmive from each oi lhese Interested fluids lo hear expert Ipeakm irom Canldl and olher munitiu and lo express Uigh nyn view or worms mm um primnllyv political millmy may hlVl been th pm Then word whawfllm by Prolessor Waller Hucklnzhnm In his book Automationll lm put on Bullneu Ind Ptoplol An expand Ind impact cram Wu laid by Hon Mlle Rowntrce DnIIrloI minister at llbor and the Ipurkplul ml confer tnca It will bring new prob lam In due Held Industry education and mlll life These problems must be delimited and hay must he alloculnd lo the luvel of government or In manalcmenl or to llbor or to outside Immullons which ever could Ind should but hind Vlhem 1100 ICC The pmleswr neatly mm up the golden promlu Ind tho black menace lechmloglcnl change which hand In hand lace us and mint be lncsd quoia II words beuuu lhey have been Idorlad the plannuon why he Comervnuve loverman Premier John Rotqu Ontdo hu Invited more 1th 1000 representative manazcmenh Inbor urn unl vermles And lavemmant in It lond the Canteranon on Automn lion and 50cm Chum to be lnï¬qmqlo Sept 1110 BARRIE 1ch on ol lhll up expond Eu volume at knowledge could crulu on economic parodlla on will It could equally lead to Ivlolent and lo clvlllzallon In In oveul Illa explosion ol oclen In and lechnlcll knowl cdle wlll create multitude ol ommrnlc well And pollllcol problem In tho Ilmouaulo mall xmwlh ol Ihlx knowledno unread lhrmuhou the world the major problem cmlod by uylll be economlcnd Ioclll 0n th npenlng dhy ol the Mgpy Bye Inyigéd deRulomation Meet M111ch Nxmouon Ta Ilt mm npen In uu nnml publle lponlond hy mmvmmlly or Inlullonl eon cl Communllyï¬llr If tdllor 11 mm Enmlnrm Bmle Gal And Country Club Iell hundm lournnmenl Gord Roach Trophy Cookalown ml omml openlan hlr rounds 115 pm Hospital Auxlllnry Tu Day Barrio Hospital Auxlllnry Tag Day Burk FRIDAY Supt lJ Roller Sklllng Barrio Arena 800 pm Cookslown Fnlr Fair Grounds exhibit open to publlc 700 pm llso cuchra 0110 midway rldes Allgslon Banting Mamorlnl High School commencement cxerclso 800 pm Bond Head Chlckcn barbecua Bond Hand Communlly Park lusplcel United Church supper served from to 000 pm SATURDAY Supt l4 rotation and orumlmlanu Ind ndlvidulll who would ill to be invliod The prolrlm hu bm Blamed to offer useful com inulion oi Informnuon lo deio lies and dlscuuion by ihem ii lhl conierence rcceim irom our newspaper and brondcni in stations iho comm which mcrlu ii will help Ill 0n urlnm And indeed Ill Cann dianl by incuuinl our alien lion upon this Iadly neglected subleci Ind by Illflllnl or an the glued in pin to Adjust lo the hams Thu especilliy impeluni ior parent oi school nu childrcn who should emura that than chit drrn will no out into the world Idtqualely equippod lo llll Lh Iobl which will in IVIHIbII ior them Mr Rownlrco tells ma um lhe response to hl novan mcnll invitations has been unuqlly wnrrn This rumcu ha great awarenusln bolh mah agem band labor circles In Ontrool the prnmlsu Ind problems whlch In being nixed by Itchnoloulcd chant He Inld um lhl new of lhla canlmqne spreads many requosll being recelvgd from Mher con conlerence delnmu will hear deutipllanl oi the develo nun automated mhni nu in dumy and lhn eiect whl the will havn on the ecnno onlocie Then panel diacuulon wil locus Minn upon their impact in Cm Ipeciiicaily Tho lCCOlld day will be in voted in review ni the coulo qucncn oi technololiul chnnï¬l abetmanagement rellion How will hummAUon Iller in min lhe union How can iho work area be Adiuiod lo in channel What new mining 11 be re Hired What Ihould th roe oi manmum and Inbor in ihil Idiuumopt Ind minim Vlhe third dny will see lur vey of unvernmenil cnpnbilly and responsibility in solving rnblemn which will be mnï¬gd lechnoloilcai change lurally in thin context real cmphasil will be put on the lentlu expansion oi our mhni callralnlnx Varï¬wgwai 55