Amrdlnl to flu Campluy mm on ulu ol lnmlmmu Ind Hm melt mum bmuuhl min In $090 than me am Dun oi In compared III mu lo Una In Mind with included mm on no Iavumeau Ind HIM mm nl MW Mu deducted mm ll lacuna Iquwol 33 Mu nolhm AM CW mm Comm remru ml mnlnu mulb mled Jun 1M lmmlnlld to ï¬lm or IMI Wt Ihm remand Illh 41000 or man nur tor the mm Wndlnt potlod In your Itqulllllnn of hi culmh IlIXo mm In loxlul ulrnllon 01 lb Ipoc ll bul Imu at our Comm Unlled Khudom lllthllllll Ilnlod Grunl llnmy len Imldml In npllmlllln Ilmul Mun III II el tnbllahed pm milky whkh um lmllwd In tho Europen Cnmmon Mm Hund IIodn Ltd Balldn Food hu enlmd lho Immnlnl European Common Mum wilh lhc Imement lo pmth aulunndlnl upllnl alock of llllrullrrlx HaloBella Brunch Thl Com my hu mnnulnclured Ind lelrihuttd cone Ind wnlm lo llolllan cum Indulry or mm no yearn LIbrIdur Mlnln And Explor Illnn Co Md The Company My tlmd dlvldcnd W75 pny lhlo Seplnmhcr 10 hnre holdc Hum Auluxl ID 7an Company nruvlnulll ald glyldrmh of $050 on In Imï¬uf hush Ponncfulhcr Pmldanl an lncrcm In ovuhud nd operating Inn by tho companyl lululdlnry Flu and Cuunlly lmumnce were he lwn Inclnrl contribuhnl lhe lower ml umlnxl ludnllflnl Accepllnce Unmar nllon Lw The Company reports ncl earnimzl for ha mnnmx ended June so Inca amuunlcd to 045061 or $085 per Ihuro compared with 51mm or 8099 par alum for tho camI pondlnz pcrlod lust ycnr Amul Sloth HOW mul ll PIIlund Ind Sloth Commun haul Illnnl Synopsh band of cloud and mattered Ah stretching northeastern Omado Lula Superior andLuka Huron ls mnvlng southeasth and should cm southern Ontario later today Behind It high pressum ma promises gener ally lair weaflle or Ontario on Sundayr Lake St Clair Lnkl Erie Niagara southern Aka Humn Luke Ontariov Halihumn Wind wr London Hamilton 1mm northcm Luke Humn Georgian Bay North Bay Sudbury Sun day sunny with cloudy period and Little cooler Wind 5h ing In narthcrly 15 10mm lake Huron Georgian Bay Ember winds 12 to la knots TORONTO STOCK TXOHATTGT Forecast issued by the Thr onLo weqmexj pfliqe at mammoth ornan lwn pounds nine ounce has been harvested by Samuel Pepper of the em side road Innis pm 3mm 1mm gummy sipmum Compiled by Flynn Dunlap 3L Bum INNISFII MANS HARVEST WEATHER FORECAST lumueu summur lm Ill Wilt IndIA Allnm Avlual mu BULLETIN BRIEFS lIMll ylll HClml Inn In the mt Med My 170 Mu mad nu um mm 1mm mm Inmmm my lap flu It Mum Um M7 mom nu eimlnu lot Hull mr mm my flu WW or Jim compnnd or m1 Info In Inlmlknll unqu Corpoh nthI nu compmy nqu can nolldlled Inromo hum apexIlla or lhu llm Ill monlm mind Jun Io 1m Imounlod In M1 or mmmon Ihm mmplrod with $4001129 ur 00M enmmon uhm or Inc IO porlud In It anion ml pmlll on the null 01 Invulmonu lnr flnl Ill mm no menu lo co fnmpmd va Mme In Trunk Linn Cem puny Limited The Company nh pom not enmlnu 101 month ended June I0 100 mounted to 011mm hr ma mm to compared Illh ll loull 006 mm or wrmpondlnl pain In ma Mudun Pd All Gold MIMI Mmlltd Th Comxuny ofllmllv ed Inmlnu or lhl le monlhl ondrd Ju 30 Imaunlud Io HIDJM or shun WMJMMI or nimro Iorlhl comlpondlnl pcrlod In 1061 Sham enrnlnn or bolh yum urn bucd on lolll 4417031 Clnu Ihnm Ind mm cummun at Jun so In An nddlllonnl H675 Clan Ilmm wm luuud Ilock dividend July 1m and nu Included In lhl mldryunr slum lalull Alum mung LignIM Home on Complny Manual The Comynny report In enm Inzl for mu le munlhu ended Jun 10 IBM nmounlrd to $71 000 or MI um compnh ed with 3681000 share lnr the commandan period ml Mr Moore Prcalch expects newprint MIBI or lho lull ynnr m1 wlll bl equal to lhou ma North say Sudbury erly 15 to mum lake and buy this alum and noflhhmflhemlï¬hmb night Shown today aouth hall and vaxinble 12 to 18 Was nerth llnhm forum Aug so in Eaaner Photo 11 Township Mr Pepper said yesterday um be his been zardelxflna II 3be all his Forecast umperaluiu Low tonight High Sunday 1VVi11ijeé Borden SChOOIS by in uld numb wlll hm In humh Iln mm drlm Ind quail Id mlnmnm mu WI wen nllrm Ihc unme mnlul n1 lho 1mm mm um um vllmul IM mlh Ml J4 Oolllu thllh min ll Ontario Clvll 5mm oiiimlusgn mm nvtmmam am Irlltlpnlin In pm dll Ilun ll Hull lha lode pmvlnc n1 Ind munltlpll lmll nummml 1an thann annulled pummel They uld IM Imt ullrin or mgonuhlo million an pmly la lune bu um Kmn ol lho ublle mum ml yinBu OTTAWA lCPNnic um mu mm In low mum hy In While my um Ind wry luv 1qu mm mm look 1m win uvommml mt Illa Innlllull While AdmlnII lrnllan VII Inld Frldly Public Servants Believed Held In Low Esteem BOWL 29 The Barrie Knighi oi Calum bua entertained the Coiurnbinn Squires bawiinl aid at the Holiday Bowl in night Team milking weru Chill Squire Ray Kramer and PM Rick Kline Top ngyler iierillvt onlch Ki NDEA mad ymenmlonl LOCAL GENERAL Pm Dmrmeaux will Cabbaga WM 10 ten cauliflower two or cents let tuce twb ar 25 cents celery hurls lwn tar cum radish our bunches or 25 emu Inmaloea two quart or 45 cents or 65 cents basket Cucumbers were cenls each ghcrklns two dollars basket dlll plcklcs as cents basket Tiny Tim Iomatocs 20 cents quart spinach 30 mm pack age and quash 25 mu mus cents Carnrvrm cent dozqn cooking onlan lhm pounds for 19 cents pickling onluns 75¢ch quart man pepper our for 25 can Bunches at cano nd beet old or 19 cents Beets wen 50 cent basket turnip to cum polatom 35 and 45 tank bas kcl green beans 55 cents bus kei gr two quark pr 35 can Trading was brisk at the Bar No Farmers Market HI morn ing There wxu good oelectlon or vegetables fruit home We Ing any bulged product School as lhe first his olllc hl unallth Monday Then he wlll vlsll Brlzadler Tm m°xwd° en training at the Army Physichl halnlng Cenlm and the Melli od of Imtmcflou Wing Allel luncheon he wlllJelIun lo the Armored Co School or an of Isah winsqwfl Ions bsequ Royal Cmadlan School ol entry Col Mllroy had been dlreo lor ol publlc mlmlons for the Army Prior lo hls present up polnlment he was the comlan danl of the Royal Canadlan Ar moured Corps School here The dimmer of mlllmry train ng or the Canadian Army with headquanen in Ottawa will make oneday Inspection It the main training uhoollrhere CclHW AMllrny ls slalcd arrive at Camp Borden by Army Aircraft lboul ms pm Sqqday Selecï¬on Good At The Market HarWllI addreéa1he Compnny Squadron Commandm Cow hA° Car Morley lnllmnn cw ueugllvt 9mm MAKES PRESENTATION hblhhmam In Indopendcnl pollu In In undldlu An archdemnnry conlerenca allowinx Ute deliberations of the World Anzllunoanurm In To ronlo wlu be convaoed at hln Hy Anglican Churdlthanle on Tuesday Guest aim will Include Rev Sue candjulor bishop Toronto Ill Rev Panmr Bishop of Bhagnlpur Indll and Rev Woolmer Bishop ol Lt bore Welt Pakistan Thll Irdrduconnry confer enca II mumer Imporun lo lhe Anglicans nl ha dimlet fol rholmhlw la 5mm may Dmlon Ind Brian Cam For other hoops camping at Camp Wndmen was the order of the sum and as the vlclnre above drown three Second Blr rle Scouu were hr busy warh lnx dishes Ind do other KP duller Milk thls week and wlIl bq holdlnl regulpr magma 111 new In Scouting 1n the dktrict his year II that M810 Wï¬ Brew In back in haahlrlin c55mkalonern chnlr aggin Hoflnld Wu looking to lull yen of an The accent By nEAunom VIL been hectic nummzr or same mpg and qum one or others For Warm Law and Mike OErecht Thirdnnd Fouflh Bmru Trump respect lvely its been durum Hath went to Greece or the World Jamboree Bishops Will Attend Anglican Conference ENJOYING DUTIES at Camp Wlldmanlhese three Second Barrio Scouts perform necessary chore hoping SCOUTING AROUND 349 $99M trogps mung By DR RYNARD MP LOO pmJUDGING 0F LIVESTOCK I30 mmHARNESS RACING 200 mmLOG SAWING COMPETITION KING SHOWS MIDWAY NOTE Hag mu In dollvcnd Io Copaco Supt I0 Dmud Baton Faquu LADIES All OIMHII mm In In by Tuuday SIM I0 at pm ADMISSION 15 CHILDREN AND STUDENTS 15¢ AMPL PARKING CARS 50 0R0 WORLDS FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 900 munSCHOOL FAIR OPENS I230 mmSCHOOL PARADE and OFFICIAL OPENlNG Summer Hectic For Some Groups mm CONSECUTIVE FAIR SEPTEMBER 10 AND 1963 fln Nlhap ol Dhulbur luv larmu look Ml do 1m wlll ulxo lpuk nl In mulan lar Io mnmbm lhn hm Unplm Ind nth who mm mend ll GunIn Churrn Mmulnll ln mo Inclnoon lhm win be rnlly womrnn orllnh allum lha Irohduconn Slmcw held II the RM let wlll b0 prelided nvtr by um coldMor nlthnp or Toronlo Both dllllnzuhhw vllllou 1mm aveneu will 93 um um Tuesday Iha Condjulor Emmy Torunlo wlll talehnla Holy Communlun Trlnlty Church 10 um ha clergy 01 ha Archducnnary nl SImCM will meet to dhcuu the church unlan Ichemu In lndll In HIV flu acumenan dly cqunnl lklnl pllco In Cun ndn today Mid Archdemn Rud Chrhllnru have been moved by the My Spkll God to lhlnk very hard about their vo chon Chrlsllnnl Selï¬sh way must go We must learn about Iha work Chrmlnns tn 1h hr comm of the earth We must km from helr ml and half deflation their men Ind their humlllly We must learn of our re on llbllity in helping one Incl or our lnttrdepcndenco In Hm nod mm canlarmco wl help do then lhlnu In holed COMMUNION lhl should be excocdlnzly excllllna thinly pl pt Angllpanlsm In the world 11 born lllmd to MW look Ilsefl and In xelallonshlp to tho world he ma The theme of the Conï¬rm muuu lo the warld The church that llvlelal to lllell will die by it lowing as It does upon ha Con mu Archdeacnn Reid nld odly fllen 15 um sharing of leader this year and any per son Interested In becomlnl Scout or leader uked ta contact your reporter no 01mm Council eximds welcome to Scanlcr John WI kinx recently lrnmiamd with in Bell Telephone Company from Raidide Township Mr 101 OBrecht laid Mr Wilkins will be associated with Sow troop my The third annual dinner Ind meeflnz planned or October The Lahlnnd Raglan conï¬r enco will leo be held In Burris In Seanllng lhl yur will be training emum lnr Scouts and lzgden Two basic puck courses for 01h pack leadcn three nights each will bu given in the iail along with uiension cour Ies oi one night end in 01b an chqiJtadm dlahu Hunt From the Ian Tam Hardacre Peter Johnson and Ross Roberll Photo by Dana Wuhan her In Im Ordnlned prlosl In mm Illlbury ha wu mm In hnzlnnd More olnl la Lahore In mo ll mved In num Mr dlllmul uhhu balm becoypml Ant 0mm ol Ll Ila wu cemented Ami Bl Ihop of Lane In Iha Culhednl ol lhe Relurmllon In lm by Ihe Mdmpolllun the may Ilcullt The Lord When Lahore the ILL nev Lawmcl Henry Woolmer L1 mduala or Pettrl Hull Oxford Mien he mum hl dum miller of nm in ms IXAIIINII WANT IIIONI IA um In 1h diocelo MVHII wellknown mrlslhn mum Hons lncludlnl school and hol plum In mull of lnunflvo eunmhllc ellaru out Mr udulu Includlnx mules hive been bnpllzcd In the put two ho nld Bhunlpur 13116 Mum containing nvml humus and ï¬le Angllun Churul ll mall and saluted Iald Archdeacon Read Chrhlim work mainly In nnnl mu and among the prlmlllve IrlbcL but here II also work In lov ernl lnrge town Ind emu chlefly 1mm unlvmlly ï¬nd em Ind rnllwry workn For flva yam after 11 or dination in 194 ha workod amen ha vrlmlllvl BM tribe In the wfld countryman Bombay um he was In chum of ulllemenl In In Alums Bombny bulldlnz up gout15111111 tdml Ind nouneu on In 1955 he um emueculcd thop Bhaxalpur 11 lb State Blhlr Indll HARD 10 REACH CUSHENDEN Northern Ire larlxd lCPIItedhmxse that can any ad M111 cave is or ule near here sundl high on the men nnd cum 0131an Coast and was bull 29 by wepmmmm 1am me at Bombay Unlvmlly and Im also leaching demo Ha rmlvcd hll Rheological min Inz Bishopl Collm Climb md It St mum ColL 913 Cinleflmry Egzllng fly vzinmï¬iédum Um Kn Industry no Northern Ireland Cmpnlzn hudqulmn for rum Evnnl PromsIve Con uervuflvo cnndldata in 81mm Cantu hnve been Ad In Ddd Fellawa Hall Caller SQ Ken mum to snarl earn pain chairman other olfldaix are Barrie chainnan Onle mm committee chumn Don Allan secretary Mn Baa bm Wheelar publicity Juk Gumr mind Pnllce mulled me he wu In highly Intoxicated candldan about 615 pm Mon In from of NI balm whldl Ml aimed Mm from mum Deacrlhlnz numeil mar Clay asked to be not In lhnt he can km 505 Police Chit Ed Tldllrhm re commendod that may rm llr oflmder should lvr hll own good be dvm Um to dry out CM ha already been lent to clinic In Mvnto to take or flcdholhm Mixthte mm lined my 15 VI $3 costs and len enced him to 20 am He ou ered to lend the Sulvauon Army or rapmmlluve of Alcoho lic Anmymmu to mu my ln but wlrned him thl If he Ippomd on mocha elmgo ol Mmsm be Md In an Each to Tomi or moï¬trm mun Opens Quarters For Candidate Shnley Clay as plelded gun In mumaw coml mun day In chime of being drunk In Mlle place 011m um Help0 How Diploma Protects Your Family Tho phlrmulnl diploma no any Io ohhln Sovonmn your ol uhoollng wort mumry bolorr ohn ovohd ollogo dogru wu cured wmv don l0 mun lo you Jun lhlo II pharmullf who II onlrumd lo dllpcnn lhl lmulng modlclnu lodoy hu bun urolully mlnod hr In work dlnponlln hlrgo II nomuvy Ian pharm uluo dmao lor prolmlom urvlcu numn In that your promlpllon II upubly llllod You can depend on your lonl phormlcllv Ior urvln In omcrgondu And lor tho onrydly hullh mo of you Ind your llmlly Ho II mpcmlblo lo Ihn mulllludo ol onlly and wmollmu pulnlublol modlclnu In IVIHIMI who nudod MI dltpow II no more o1 on HI COMIHIIWI luau drug wholmlu oqulppod On Ipnd drug lo ovary pm pruvlnto Yu tho phlvmulfll dlplomn pvolvclu your IMHY Roly on him OrlCOUVIIOUI lnlormod mvlu II all mu INDEPENDENT PNARMACISTS INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS AlllANCE Spomond by Hi MWPMIHILvufl MhuIu unbu mman Mun mam m4 arma min pm walkm MN 04 It WM on lulu of ung nunuh Mm hv humn WM ï¬lm 6721mm