Mine mm It Iur um Ih mmmuu plum In mn Lull rlvll agrqu IIqupq rlvll amm mur 1an maulu but will not Au Hum $300000000 Invnlvlnr 1000 mll mum wll In nl Ill HIM llm nnmmrnl and II rm 197m III dawn on 0pm ll man at bmnlnln lnhla In 011m um um wovllnl mum In unloniypo rnno ml myomm mm Mn Ilmw mu flanhd by llm Imp land In the our mu mvlu mu moclm llanl nut It round lulu Ind nhkcllm lurch far wnrhbll tolledln Ivarnlnlu unlunomrnl IIVIIX manna hard pm work to do Imlaru In an heuln tn lhlnk In llrml at llmrlnhle laid prm tan mm Ila declined llrul lnr commluul mum to Ilm uovcrnmrnl on how rollm Im lmrlnlnlnu run he ulnb lllhed hrlwml llw lovIrnmml Indmnmrlnyu ymnnluuonl Henry cum alp lomal who hand lho nlnomm lwr prcpnrntory tammllln an colltcllvo run in An nouncrd Wnlnudny mu olflrrl hm hm opened Ill hind Ind work Ilnmd on lhl long mm Invullullnn OTTAWA CP Ipoclnl mm 01 unlor avtrnmenl ol llclnh hm launc cd lwln In vullxnllon lhll my land In major overhaul lhe pmml unwlcldy lynlem clnnlfylnu and paying rdml emplnym well prndutlnx h1uoprn or civil mvlco collect bl nlnlnl min at regional planning ni In pmvlnco Over lho pin number yearn nnncxmlans amalgama tion and lha Iormnllon ol mot In the direc tion 01 system 01 co ordin nlod rcxlonnl lovcmmenu lablhhod according to an oven all pal quolopmg Mr MncDonnld dcacrlbod I1 Pu nLregloqpl plunging al The kwy to ma New Democra uc Party up roach will be he said comm ty planning Thu Elnnning wuld be for and done clch groups which make communityE Ho mid It uld be no bolu llon for Queen Pnrk to do the Job alum because flt cant hope In nppmclnlo all local problems 51L Iho 10ch 99115 Earlier ML MacDonald made vlgamus plea for community plnnnmg in Ontario calling tor an overhaul this provincol hupldpq mung mnles1 um ridlmz or the N1 in Due 75 dtcflnn Wu An gus Sm 37 Asys ovnmmm He uld 2ch Canadian should get pension of at least hall his Inlary on reliremmb He not $6000 salnry limit Tho NDP loader dmrlbed an election campnlgn the Lib eral and ngrcsalve Conservn tlvo parties as exercise In hr Ulity tryan show ï¬lm en which do not exlsL Investigation Could Mean Service Change think the allure al Ottawa to meet Its mnmltments um 15 betrayal of he oldage pen donor Mr MacDonald told party nominating mnvmllan in Scarbomugy Noah TORONTO 0P Ontario should back the pmscd fed eral nslan Inn Donald Mac Donnm pm ndnl New Demo cratic Pnfly leader laid Wed nesday mm but only on the condluon 41m oldn19 nslom are raised to $75 mm pres LW Federal Pension Plan Backed By Mac Donald Id nut ll Mother 04 lo III at mlntml Damn My In nundam lmhy 1mm 1mm In un land In my mm Jnll Muirnu um Ind her IMN leca dlrd whm In mm mm mini Inmm hum homo II III II mlkl loud at Mllmry 11w fury lmpocllam mould mdudrd wllh Ihp alumina he 0mm hum amulmml Whm unannqu mum In found lmmodlnlu nclon umuld be luhm or unilyl WMM Mn ll ald Iht commluiwu In vullullan will be timed In Instill 1mm hn warhd out an Inlormnl mmenl Mlh lhn Imam cvll uer mu urannlznllnm lo km dillnrenm agin lon mm crupnnl In Ila durI mllunllan bu molluan my moammt or Ilrumllntd pny clmflh Ewan 1mm nr or mllacllvn Jury Recommends Inspection 0f Welfare Recipients Homes 11M committee has been let up by nonmflllunt Monk leased utter being Aimsled Aug when loldlerl carried out bloody mnulll on pagoda Md mundcd up hundreds of mania nuns students and op poIIllon gum Buddhist wurm snld they Wm sprcndlnl word no to go the pagoda no that lhe gov ernment vmuld be unabla to my overnme Even up vrovnd formum new Un lon Commltkn for lho Ddcnco Fun Buddhlsm SAIGON ReulamiBuddhlfl worshipper wen boycotflna pn xodn here today in retaliation against tho Soth Vlunnmcso governmcml new policy 01 d1 vlde and conquer 11in Buddhlm were angry over measures by the mem mcnt lo hand back aullwrlty la nonmlllam loaderl whil mll uant monks were kept In prison Id mm mm In inli mm to uh uur Each regional evemment will have revenues mm bow urban and nun assessment or the development the entire reg Mr MacDonald said my panning Icheme revamp the preunl county Itruclura in the nravlnoe Ind amen would be included In regional whips He areas but the Imu ba with thI piecemeal Ip proach that the newly ea lnbflxhed Hen ua rarely the best man or ellecuvo muni cipal zovernmcnh WOULD REVAMP SETJJP Tho ND would ln commu Angry Over Govt Measureé Buddhists Boycott Pagodas ropollum avemmenu have pro duced something approaching regiqgu govemmelgls In ew The ï¬rst step In the new lys To Id uul haw la mum AD MM PICNIC MUHKVDIR Que CF Humbu ol Mmlmdl Chl nm commwdly ummd at warm bum Im Ihelr guml plrnlc Maul IM mo mum mm In ch bum IM umd Hm Vlllhm Duter ll told Um ury lha Hm ud lluM than Iplllnd luv munh II rm lo II man In mm 111 Mm II Mmde la pm In merml mun II the highway crlmlml Ml lllmcn chum nu hmlly mom Into lhc Mm In April um lenvlnu mmlnnnrd Mm In Wnnnvlld paid no IIth rm In had no or or oledrklly Mr Huncy Inld hn Il nndy mrl lmldonl Clludn Jnr dam Ike Clnldlnn Labor Con Yul nbanl lha work ha rammllm Tï¬qprepan muhlnuy or collecllvo hurulnlnx Ind uhl lrnllnn no he Junnln technltnll llu lurroundlnl lhu 1537 mm MI urvnnll and her rllnlod pny min EXIII chntkm Iyucm lhnl lm mun Ilka laply Ilnco ll wu Inim ducndjn 1019 rllzrncn Ii chml July govtmmenll Buddhist pollcuy has been handed am In hln Ion or burial nu Tho Igcncy Bald Um remnhn Buddhist leader Ticu Dicu who burned Mmull lo dull In pmtqsï¬ pxnlnu the NWw government ln mak dawn Against Buddhlsu ll uld monk and mm cmpomlly dculnod undu marlin law To Quoo An pm soda nonr Hue mm to Mir pagodu two daygaza mm In olflcinlld mumn rm agency In the dgy ol Hue 400 miles north of hm pollco have to slququmew log Government agent were busy trying to encouraze Buddhists Io Mum Io the pagoda but even those cw women and chil dren who went to worship parted ana ulklnz briefly with 199k apd nuns inal evcrylhlng was returning to non But as puny we stand ï¬rm in our mnvlcuon that due major Impetus to change must come lrom pmvlnclal govern ment which cam enough thou the problem wnm lo to work to solva tcm wnuld be tho provblon an Adequate and competent au thority to undertake community plum us The Maud would be to determine what areas plannlng most Mr MacDonald uld um party was not alone In It con cern or better commqu In Iha province Many citizens and group lam tho pmvhce allure our duke to begin In pm min mm hard Fuvcnhlm Iumeoded lo luv lo wlmx hla lather the wound ml wu HIM on nvcm urvlco in the Flu World Wu Hn LONDON MP Tho lhlnl £an nl Fevmhnm and WM nuuly nigh 1mm Mr la carry 0n the sudden Ho wu IL Flynn the Oravenhunt band 01 Education uld ha rusted nolmcr contractor nor rthll How can wu be re we emu will won pnyln on7 Chnlhnm board of tducnuonl rt rolenlnllvu Campbell hanrd urge In qrchl nunIll hanrd upectl In loci lo dulun hulldlnz minimum or mm More than 600 deiexniu rcp mcnling iuchen munician Iiu nrchliecu and buiidm nthmd or no conlmnce an Irth desin and building casui In two main polnll Advice or Ichool board were to pay morn nllenllan to whll the tucker Mal and davclup wider role or flu Architect In lha lolul dumn the school And la equlpmoni In lhe onttrence hynnto Iddrus he uld no lwallymav Ina Ioder an ward whll he termed lha cultural Arrogant building wmmuk concern at tho lulure Feversham Dies No Heir To Title Speaking on Ihe In day of twoday canltrenco on school design spammed by he depart men oducnllon Dr Pmelet nid adaya new Ichools mly have In last In so yun NEON CPlRldlcal de panum ram old Ichool deuxn concepts were urged Wednes day by Pmeter superIn undenl public schools In In Khan Etablcake Urges Designs Change GETS WELFARE WINS NEW CAR im gain to buy some new winter clothinzjnd im Eoing up mm to viii my ialks right lhmughio Christ mas she said Wednesda Ii city regulation wo have pmvenledher imm hoping both the car and her loch welfare benefit muwumn wryMn Elizabeth Tom 40 mill wellm reclphnt who won $2700 automobile In Pad flc Natlanal Exillbluon draw has decided to sell the car She also expect on return to her Ikid mud home be cause aha nya the um there bocnmo MU In politic WW ICPPMri fnkdlyl nylon Mdnyl hulkhi is now mm by Iho action ofyout Comemllvo 0mm min lha Minimum Wu Au To be wplied In who Inga lhmughom Una Province as yd Immu prooflhnl Gmmullvp 0mm mun mum Good Government MINIMUM WAGES SET Iblod And momHy 111 Since me ho had bonded national cmnmlllno lnqnlrlnz into Irllll m1 Inmnlnallon Cnun dnm In not slated Thu 11 lncludlnl llvo women were Irmch July In rlu 1d ln Tomato Ind nurby Hampton In which 00 000 worth homln vm ulxod My aledod am by Judn and wayr wot Mth db TORONTO CWThe prellml unry henrln uninsl ll porlom churned campIdnu to Ic In woodc apened Wodna dny In three member at my RCMP dnu Iqund old luc lni he movamenu Nu ml or dm Conn Kelth mu dewhing the In day old wnlchlnl one run ulvo mum up Iulel ol whllo powder In Ton oulo puldpflot Mn Flu laid Negro frlmd 01 her husband wan being lent to 5mm Alr Force 3m She joined the National Am clnuon or tho Advancement 0015M Poop two month no and pawned her movie cnmm gals may g9 raise mngy to lrlp lo Wuhlnzlon um the dvfl mm mardx UnLU three monlhs ago she anld the had thought Hth about desegregation tlnca 195 when 5h gradual mm Little Rock Contra HI School Ind the v3 supremo 0mm handed down Ra school ducmuwon declalnn Mrs FRLS laid her hmhand Ippmved her decision lo and Steven lo Negro school but cannoncd her not to let our boy not hurt mswpport Officers Describe Tracing Drugs Aggnogjts nmsmu Mn mu husband Mrcralu man Kenneth Jay mm un tlve Syracuse NY LI sla uoncd Wm Um v5 AI Force at Ancharage Alaska They have live children The three el dcsl um Idochd Beside Sta van the children an VinInn Carol Adolphe Fidel and wlnl Kenneth Jay and Keith Jon ï¬n huflnl annuoI Why course you will honey his mother nld Stem uld excitedly want lo coma back In this school hr momw Steven while youngster had lust completed llls ï¬rst day In the allNegro sclwol Mn Yvonne Anlta Fina hla mother told repomr Hell learn something ml of all lhlr hll lie he has no yrejudlce NORTH mm ROCK Ark AHWhen classes ended at McAlmom Elementary School Just northeast of here Wednes day Steven FM and Ed wardï¬emlzan came nu wlth their nmu around each other Whites Send Boy To INegro School Luk December plebllcllo ul Mclm Im Iledau mullod in fluarldnllan boInl pulcd by nnrmvr muraln Mr Allenl call lo Worh Communique mm Clark mmpllcmd mlchlnary ta work lmnwdlllely India fluoride commund Into the water Ihn rm one pm Iodlum fluorldo to 1000000 pm of Wllfl it ended 11 yem 01 vom ment plebilcile and court hold ups Specili provincial laxilin Iion wu required um Form iiiii Vliiuu fought in the court unlucceniuily 101102110 CPIMelanin lnn Chairman Wflllnm Allen picked up the telephone Wed nesday Ind momenls Inter fluor ldnflon ol MelroI wulcr supply MM Mn mu llveMflve Ind 117 pounds mid Ah would nu move or change Im telephone number beclnu U11 would ha form 01 nmnlnl and Im no that luredyet NEGRO SCHOOL NEAREE Than when Iha Ida ol und lnn Stevzn In McAlmont look not In lhlm ven handed libhm Sherwood Ele mentary School three miles from My honla McAlmont only mUen Away Th the mahlhlng wer llahllnl ona hlve tho chlld go to the lchool neared hll home Aha uld Mn Fm any the hu cdvad steady stream ob scene and Ihmlenlng Idem calls rock wu thrown through Stevenl bedmom win dow shower him with 11m uheumwmwumw she said Someone pelted him my 51ml whit mm house with cu Metro Begins Fluoridation Plugs ha Md vIsll to my dongvnlhw You Still ll Cant Beat Natural GAS Ho nld ho umd permnully with In proposal lhnl accuxed peorh should ha Iparad lhn pub lclly unlm they wen can Vorller mado tho remnrkln reply to propaul at the Tram vnul Conlren Iha Nullannl Party that court men under Ihn Immonllly AclLhu IIW lhll auIIIWI chull lnlertoum be tween pmnnl dillerml colnr flpouldlpq held in game PRETORIA madamSaul Mrlun Jusllcu Mlnlsm mum ur Vomcr laid Wednuday nlghl ha wnl enumeran whelhur In bun upon of court ca helm wnvlcllcn May Refuse Court Reports tom calm Grade pupil at Codrlnxlun Public School demonerMes he THIRTEENHAROLD Mm wetMcClure Intends her Inn out to pravent mm and um mur vlcted but Idded my remdon an thll would have lo be Ippuul unlfarmly far charm And no only or lmmnrallly mu mm mod by My patrol Imam across Bunlo to help other ltudcnts Ems busy streets Examiner Photon from main the line unlll all truffle clear All lhm children attend Hillcml Pub 1ch School EXECUTIVES DANGERFIELD MOTORS and worklnl men Illka they or he air at lhair choice It ME