Liberal Policy Is Top Election Issue llmltn uhllnl pvlmlq In lmumm ï¬lm In ovulale Imy Tum lyn clly mun nr Ild ll mun only about of lhe elilqu hr Tnmhlyn Id lho mm plmd plnnl um move per unl nl In nnan bring an no lo OWIIC Ilmdmln The mmcl mml lw purl nl an nmll man or rumin lllnn or umrnllnn In Ind l0 mflullnn Under an Ilm Nallou ll HanIn AcL In CMIIC my man mm In munlclpnllly at mmltlpnl lawman cor pomllrm lnr lho purpme min In ll wmlrutllnn nr HymnInn Iowan Ural mrpl xvmlrcl Thll II me uch loan In the zlly Federal mull to will lhl tllf will ovmll plnn vol lIIlun control new lolnl npprob lmnlrly 1mm OIHIK yfl lmlny hy Hm Hon John laml mlnhler mpomlblu or lhl npcrnllanl he Cent Nor gm and Dulllll Corporation The Ian bugd nnnn all mflqd Icon ol mom Federal 0th loan of 00067 hnl been lrnnlcd to lha clly mm to will In lhl cllyl conurucllm Iowan lrgglmgnl pllnl ulrnllon ONTARIO PARTY Tho 01m rulinz lnuu which he lull dcdlcalcd and deter mlned young men could Iolvo ll they won mumod to In arm provincial leenl adm nlllfl llon In Onlnrio Soul 25 nwu Iumlkw wuuur Pole McGnrwy nl Orlllia slmwc North flush Muc Donnld Pnrry Sound and Maurice Fllzmaurlcc Grlvnn hum pipsknka With Mr Wlnlcrmcycr were 109le Cm The policy oi lire Liberal Parly II Ihe great luuo nl lira cam lnx provincial eicclion Lbcrai Leader John Winlcrmeyer laid lira poopin cl Slmooo County Ian ninhl iiu appeared in Barri briclly In lnlroduco Liberal can didalu in our Central Ontario HEEL Barrie Gets $689067 1Q Aid Sewage Project POPULAR GUESTS he fourhour extravaganza old lma orchean playing he Cookmwn Ourllnz link has nizht wm lap dancer Brian Th My pm In hr ulullnl pm lo prnvldl lmmllr trulme mu mod mm um lnrnhlc Ill rapidly Mr Tnmlrlyn lull mmnl city 1000000 Ham dul 10 Hominy II run and ill open Council Manda nluhl mrry Enllnm rmlnl Ca Md nmlc Slmmu Mcchmlul Con mutual Cm OrHHI Mch mnn Cnmlrucllvn Tnmnlu Hu lm lmn Camlmcllan 60 mornhlll lum Cnmlructlnn C0 llnzrrlvlllc Schuman Con Ilmcllon Cm Ilurllnuon Mm lo Lulu lml Comaurnl Foundation Ca Cumin Ll Tarmlo thl Conulrurllon Ll Humlllon lluhnl Ulnln glnmlnl lld Nlnnnm Fall4 ml Wellrm Ill Foumlullon 70 llnmlllun my mun For work mmplrlrd on or be orn Much m5 he CMHC may mm It nymem 25 per XII Um prflaclpll mount NIM loan And 75 per uni ol lho Inlem crued In rcl pm Io lhl law In flu of III of lhaflprnlm own rm and mm local Hrm Ira Mddlul or marnfllpndalln ulcmlm He Inld Um real And erlln en quullon wu what can On nrlo do In help Canada Ontario could and must wopcrnlc with Ihe lcdnrnl government In lnlro In pnymsyouzo perv Ilon Plan that would be lvnflnhle to wax enmgrl Adam 14 Mt nnd Canadian Open old lee llddllnl drama Ion Graham Townsend 11 both Toronto Examiner Photo LEADER SAYS Inflanlmd Furnth ll nrilvn In pom and In ham min llur an dluNul Ind mm ll ll MmlmLCuuor Joshua Wei I1 In Mn Inla 50a 10mm rhlul mum at mum Ind cantor Mmlmln Alth Jnlmmn llldnth Kodak Mum ndnr r47 r4 lrlpnml mum Umflnl and wull known lrnphlc um Induflm Mr mnyn Id 11 uhlln Inr Um hay rlonn hul lmmuvemenl fluan In mm In mph yea Thu dlgullnn lankl lepnulu hulldlngl wlll mumro In dlnmclrr by hluh And will In Jnlnod by control bulld lnn no llnnl lemlnl tank will mmuru loo th by no um um lht unllon lmk will ml hyflm ltd ly Wnlcr from mm ol ho city will noon ha llvcn nxlcmlvl lrcnlmml In In new dlzullon llnlu now ncrnllon lnnk Ind Illnnl all lnnk ll Tllf CANADIAN PMEM umnn devninpmenl would on mmpnu culling nnu year all th To lhll end program 01 hy dro developmcnl lax lnccnllvu and expansion Incandnry 1n dmlr landing lo more Eb woul be Imillulcd by the urgh In mid Thlrdly lhm II In mailer nl transmit and nodal develop meal the Opposition lander old lam gran Onlnrlu mull prav or 60000 pa who In cumInt tï¬a mu force each year The record of 20 year Con lervnllva government la 0nd lune In UN cnmpnlrn he continued Scandals and mu llan whlch hnvo come to Hg have shown that tho uovmr not capable curing lac The lashing lap dancan shoe of guest TV star Brian Adnmx and the lyrical bow and large grin at Canadian Open Fid dllng Champlm Graham Town send both Toronto pm vlded flame colour In the musical meJee NOVA SCOTMNB Wlnnerl ollho nm the of $150 were the Nova Sen mu led by Carl E1119 Pickering Beach They ravldcd lechncnlly flawless rend lam waltz The crowd of 1100 attending the second annual Ontario Open Old Orchestra Contest loved They pressed around the stage providing vocll accom panlmcnt and shout at encour agement lo Roy Dale and Louie Helherlnztonol Cookstown who entered upon Ill Impromptu and extended etep dancing demon motion COOKSTOWN Siam giant ionisiompinl Iiddlingk moiraising iambarea rocked the stage oi the Cooiuiown Curling Rink at midnight in night Can iestania mm 15 bands across he province Joined creel in pro viding an inlormal hootenmny rlcuiwnl Society monlomnï¬ Impromptu Jamboree Adds To Music Fun DEATHS KXAMINER WAN ADS llIONK PA um Mr Dalian born In Darrin 0nL mm mm hll life In Monlrul and van Manlnnl mnnnxcr Ind llruclar Rapid ms uni mum lellod Survlvnrl lncluio hll er dlulhler ml we InnA MONTREAL Cl hmnral Iervlm fur Brock Llna mum well lnavm In lho mphlc lru lnduxlry will by mid Frldu Ho will AIM to lorccnsl ha number null tho Liberal Pnrly would win In lho elecllan ho replied Wnro cemlnl loin la gel morn than In nrlly Rtlormlnu Hm curriculum and memod 01 Hannah inc lion In ha province would not lend any reducuml of qunllly All young pulpit wuuld hnvn Ihl opportunlly dcvclc lhemmlv en la Hm the cnpuclly ha noted Brock Lane Batten Was Barrie Native Only eight per cent of Ontario youngKm bclwctn Ind 11 =an Ala allcnd unlvenlly Ontario he laid Tho compnr able guru tor Nuw York sun It 15 per cent he nld year primary and mono dary Ichool and providing in cmucd nulxtnnu nl lhu ndemic ethnch and unlvcnlly lavcl ho stated Fourth prize wnl won by the Mnlhollnndl Stroud Pnpnlar with the crowd was the adapt ability of George Mulhullnnd who mm the saw hanin and the Musten ceremonial nr the two halves the rognm wen Coohmwn ml em Hurry Ed Glancy were commendzd more than once from the um may sought to glva each entry equal conslderntlnn durinz thu Iaur hour at playing The péwerl of cancenlrallon and endurance 01 Judge Don Charla mun Yntythyn gm Thu decision of the fudge in awmlng the seven prize lbs canton seemed to favor the tra ditional approach tn old time or dIesun performance Flu and second violin sup ported by bus and piano db mended an understated clear and lyrical performance 11 qumed was In marked contrast to some of the liveman ensem bles lealurlng such twentieth cenlury innovation as electric sugar bases and Hawaiian flu and reel compulsory arms or the contesf event predlcléd that men roPs AMONG nm 15 or wlll be more entries and PM cheslral enlexed In the second pie Lnatiendanco next year annual Onlnrlo Open 01d om no AM Masonic urvlcu was held or Mr Mum Ann 71 allowed by the public service from Jen ncll Funeral mm 1119 next day buxlnl WM Harris Unhm Cemetery Born In Thornton the non Mr Ind Mn Lovl May Mr Hayes was married lo Mko KHer In Bmlo 0d 11 mo Mn Mnyu Iurvlvu hlm lho tlmo dnnlh Mr Hayes rulded Sled Sk The dcctnml wu cmduo with um Canndlnn anlonul Iluilwnyn nnd Hvtd or name Inna In nlomlon Hmncpnyna Mm urvlccs or William Edmund Mnyel 60 who dlui n1 llornapnyne Aug 25 were held Aug 27 and In Barrie ILEMI Illan OI MAIL IAX BILL IuIIIlu mm the cll cm wlfl Ion In hi halal AMIMII harm HEITEMIIEN MI ll lo lull Illa In payment wly nl bunlml lun umul lulImnl mm mm In If null pmul will In bl ml AVOID PKNMJIEH Sergeant Georg Sleep 32 Barrio Jen Leopoldvllh today via RCA Yukon alter mmpleuna our of duly with he Ualled Nation In tho Congo member the Royal Canadian Corp 51¢ nal ha served as crypto zrlphor with anadlan Slz WILLIAM EDMUND MAY Enllfnll In lhe 00111 fa returan lo Canada he will n9 put year Ivan erahl president the Coakslown Agricultural Soclety sponsor ol the event thanked Lhu lnrllvldual orgnnlzeu the £435 anglpmrulsqd the annual Tap dancer Adams gave two solo performance In the music of Mr Townsend The latterl longplaying record seemed lo receive brisk demand In sales onlho 1901 Colise and Ken Qawlord Ihvy supervised the awarding of door flze dqnnled lgy local merch SATURDAY pl lrom mm in IQ Noon MONDAY Sopl mm pm 00 no pm OBITUARY RECEIVES CONGO MEDAL TAX DEADLINE Pnllbenrm um armor fel low pcmlonod mmloym Edvy IL lnllcmn Don wnmhum Dunn mi ane other Iurvlvm Include lwo bmlhcrl Gulmer nmnlan and Norman And lhrcn Ilulm Della Mn Spenccr Bmln ncbn Mn Flnlny Ion Tamnm and Incl Mu WHIInm Stqimuan nmlc In ms Mr Mayas eniisied with the 157th Bulillion CEF nnd mvcd In France wiih the Ilnllnliuni IIu WIII wound ed In nclim Ind tolude Ilnmo In this spring oi 1m iio wu member of tin Pmshylcrlnn Church Darrin Curling Club CnriMhian Lodge No 90 AF and AM and North ern OniarioDnrrio CNN Pen alancra Association and Graverhum well as Bnrfla be stationed Camp Borden where he will carry out tin name duties Prim to his luv lnz he wu prenatal with lhl United Nation Congo medal at medal pandaheld in impoldviiie The prescnlnliou was made by Col Green commander ol the Cnnadlln unlL Sit Sleepl wile Merle ii In Kcmpmleldl Dr own The Countrymen oLBar rle vabolhnml ol Dunedin Thu Slmeoe County Bay Col llnzwood Rhythm Ranch Bay Erin Ovulandl Orugevlflo and Holllnmeadl of Schom wmm of Plekerlng Beach The 0mm try Cousin Sebrzngvme Mel Lavlnga Huge Harbour The Mulhollnnd Strand The Deweys Toronto The Double Eagle 01 Oakwood fly limespgu ol Totmm Enlered but Implacedwin tha comes wen Duceland Eu gr Helfly 3nd Crew of Cooks Tha 11ng chflans Hme Orcheslrl Wales In Coaksluwn last night wen the Nova Smuuu Whining in is also rcsporuibin or mning member on first aid Iubkdl and ior loathing in4 51mer of counts or noun guide and oihcr groups which tnko lint lid training He WM division mrgmn ior nine year previmu lo Dr iiiciu Ippoinimcnt Hurry iinmmand oi Mnnlo vainciai Sinii Olilocr in tho Si John Ambuinncp presmled um 51 John Ambulnnca since 1950 and hn mm max the members their knowledge Hrs uId mu uh Nnbull was mauled with Ceruiicaia oi Appointment Division Suimm Dr Nrnbul who Join Dr iiiclu Division Sur geon has been naive in the Nonly member of Barrie Division St John Ambulance were present last night dinner 0dan In wild Dr Mr Royal was ban In Cree mare In 1889 Ho Joined Manilon Lodge AF and AM In Collin wnod In 1910 Mnnltau Ch let In 1m Ind became Shiner in 914 He married Margaret Mmllls MncMurchya Seluemem in 1917 The Royal have two Rev George mkhart Royal Knox Prabylerlnn Church God CONTINUES UP T0 50 nuyxu Branch Masons in Colungwood and Com Jack Royal nu phew 01 Mr Royal St Iohn Ambulance Presents Certificate Of Appointment nu nn nennu Comp Dr Fraser Hay Grand First Prlndpnl Accompanying the Grand Su perintendent In Mr RoyalI Ban ria rendance 114 Owen SL were his secretary Ex Comp James Kilsby and Camp Notgnu uu my mum Elm Principal at 39 R0 The presenhflnn was made by Comp Cpnmn Grand Superhtendent of Geek ginn DEE No 9nn behalf Kenneth George Alexahder Royal Banla was presented with Ihe myenr jewel Royal Arch Mason recently BREE nus Ion violin Ilrsl prlzn of $150 and the cheers 01 the crowd wen left Carl Elllotb lander Vic 1111 Al Walton piano Percy Eula and Gerry Ell Barrie Man Cg FiftyYear Jéwel ROBINSON RRRRWRRE Leelalr Danlo won he Jaycco draw or Klan KIM bnl Gwens Fall In nlnht moods mm lho draw an earmarked to help defray lho gluba gougfllqn aollhnll mum Amcnl In idlenor lhls Wok Furith awards for mem ber are expectcd In um next lew weeks In short address hetero he pmenlallon Mr Hammond fainted out thak must division Ontario lack divklan mr goon Bard Division qr and in having two flyjsiqp mnzcoPu thief cerlfjcnga t9Dr mebull Barrie Man Wins Draw Mr Royal was emplnyed by the IBM Comgnny General Sales Mungu at Canada arid Stuart Alllsler mm Barrie total work force 1m Enétem Ema coun tries and the Soviet Union women term twoUm tho Ill nun uuunpnlne Allin meeting the qunllflcn Honxund Interested Ln Joining are asked register Monday afler seven oclodi lho Banla 102 Alr Cadet Squadron wlll resume Its 1963 64 tulnlng schedule Monday night ntthe Earrle Armoury and wlll accept nppllcallon for members To be glble for enrollment boy must be It years old on or before Jan 1984 and not older than 19 Grade slu dent year old he 9111 lhla to 10111 Lynch nvw chairman ot the Mr Cadets aald yesterday The alm thls Iralnlng la lemmaage alr cadets to develop the attrlbule of good cillzcnshl to stimulate their lnlerest El avlatlon and help develop high standard at physlcal Illness maxilla alertness and dlsclpl BARR EXAMINERl THURSDAY SEPT 135 Hi Cadets To Accept New Members ROYAL 014 your