llTHE HARRIEEXAMTNER THURSDAY mmmm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mos pnllce chief across Can ada smunchly denied the charge mnda Wednede at lhp Cann dian Bar Assnclaliun menan ln Bani Alla that police oltcn dcmln prisoners lncnmmunlcado Iar several days at time Lawrence Cnrriveau chahs man the Quebec scellonl civil rights cummfltce told the moclallnn there were many pases inwhlch prlsaners were denied the right of communica on with lawyer famlly or lrlcndst Askca ahnuk Mr Corrlvcaul slnlcmcnls Police Chlel Arthur Cnnkson olinegina said Mr pcuklng of Saskatchewan hus 10 hls wires crossed We hnvn never dnne anything of Ike kind in this province In all my 10 years eXpErichB and we dont lnlund We have telephone right In the cells and Inslmctinn are sucd that any prisoner can call his lawyerImmediately after his arrest it he wanlg to The react on was Nwa Scotia and New Bruns wick Danmonlh NS Police Chiel Jnhn Edge said it dnnsnt hap pen hem Chic Wesley Van War of Saint John NE claimed thl is not loleralcd here Police Chiéis Dehy Holding Prisoners Incommunicado In ins 35 years with the pullec deparlment In Calgary Chlel Partridge said he cannot remember when prisoner was held longer thanlhe legal However Londnn 0n Chlcr Finlay Carroll admiued that Hravy duly lrcnd rubber sole with blark canvas upperl vcnllialtd hale 1n lide hrm arch Iupporl BOYS SHOES Soft suede uppor with foam rubber soles Como in colors black beige and brown Oxford and Gore styles Full and half sizes 26 GIRLS SllES W24 Theyre Washable 599 Theyre New 399 Lllllo Emu lo 10 Mens and Boys Basketball Shoes $179 Monf and Bgys MyAneeko VQxfovd sm la Menl ms now Roya Sim to $199 them were nccnslnns When was imposslbla to meet the Imur deadlino such when timer arrested few lmurl efnre court is scheduled lo and there are several lonsa ends at he chum to ba llefl vqy rgre As far as holdlng pdsanu lnr thast thlnk lhatl unrel sonnble usually try to get the prlsnner belore the court thaw gnurlhslulgu Chief Carroll also disagreed wllha smemenk by Mr Carr vean um palm still am now lessans out oIAprlsgqakjs Workers Make Plea To Viscount Amory As far as the lhlrd dame gm the police chic snld though that went out with 1h hum and buggy OlTAWA CWA dclcgsuon of our Toronto workers called on Viscount Amory British high cammissloncr Wednesday lo pen or help In restoring lhe jobs dismissed walkers with Brillshawncd Inn Canada Thu dcingaiion was headed by George Stevens naiional repre sentative he United Electri cal Radio and Machine Work ers oi America Incl employees lhe Amalgamated Eleclric Corporallon wholly nwncd suhsldiary General Electric Company of England riha uccusluns he added are Ynulhx Sim II la $199 by Scotchgard Mrnl Sim lo 12 $229 were dismissd nsrol Aug The companyls moving Man rum Toronlu In suhur In Markham he said He €113qu that he dismissals represented unlalr business practice Mailra bmidg Monetm ville Avocht In Cour Ap pal dn Paris was crcalcd an HLWTHQS CHIEF MOUNTAIN ECHO BOOSTS INDIAN ART WINNle CF Noel Wuuunnce 571 Cm Indlnn artist ha been ppolnlcd Um ï¬rst Indian Imndlcrufl promp uons ofï¬cer at um Manitoba hnnurary chic the Sluncy Indian tribe during the Guns dlan Bar Assnclallon cunvcn tion nl Ban Alhutarllonday REBORDS communin development ser vice He will assist In manu Iacluring marketing nnd pnt mollnï¬ mauve Manitoba handl crafls now $150mayoar business is Indian mm In Chief Mountain Echn Stormy chic Geqrgc Lnbclln perfumed the ceremony lCPWircphow For Boys lulu thpx DEI bulkykn orlon Vnock unllr nu Mano lrpo and Vncrk Ind 10er lronl Cnluun Guy mlx medium blue ltd ï¬lm ML Ivln fllnll nulhy Knll nylon Cudlnn llnry Illlrh lnlrdlunarzflnlnun fled whlln nr lrml Mug For Old fllxcl ï¬x IVIIII WARM COMFORTABLE SWEATERS Bdrï¬ï¬iiééis Appeal Board BANFFA1I CPIThe clvll rlghta unlinn the Canadian Bar Amciauon Mild Wednes da will nudy rnpml that ï¬diclal Ippul trbunnl bu Inhllahud or person dhchar ed by the armed Korea on aecur ly grounds Th decision camu killer Lloyd McKenzie 01 Victor described the dhmlasal nl hls cllcm Eric Peterson from Um Canadian Navy Mn Penman former pally ofï¬cer wastnld when he Irlod Io enllsl for Ihlrd ï¬veyear term the navy no longer needed his servlcu Mr MéKenzlo said no formal or ofï¬cial team was given but My PeruIon Awqujgld his ap llcallon enled because hTu alhgrdnlaw had been mem ber ho Cnmmunlsl party during lbs 9593 GALT CHA Ilw llrm hen ncllng or In unnnmed cllent has Informed citycouncil Illa it continue to allow reguo latcd marlin shunts lhe client plan In take action against the city under the Mlnralory Bird Ac The shunt have bcen Held his summer under police supervi slon wllh council approval In an cflnfl rld certain sections lhe clly lhounnds sur llnga Onlarln hunllnz regulalInns xpcclllcaily uclude starlings mm prolecllon as well crown blnckbrda cowblrds and sparrows Law Finn Wants To Protedt Birds 299 299 WASHINGTON APD Suulh Vlel Nnma ormer ambassador to ho United State Mild Wed nesday no amount Iorelzn aid can now carry Pruldent N50 mm Dlem rexlme ta vlclury ï¬lled ar ungow gqvcrnment Knudvï¬ll Tran Van Chucnpwhu ra signed Aug 22 protest over the South VlLlnnmosu govern ment éruckdnwn on Buddhist monk and nuns said he Dlem governmcnl has lrrcpnrably last the suppan 01 ll people But no amuunt 01 sinsauna can mm It In step down he said In In lnlurvlow anda halt in 118 ald would laso Um cnunlry lo the Communists LONDON Ont CHHeallll Minister Judy Lanh say she regret the Canada Pension Plan has become pafllnn lltlcal Issun and conï¬dent universal pension plan will be In efllccg In law yearn Addresslnz meelln Wed ncsdny night the led Se nlor Clflzons of Onlaon shu also said odaral government study more adequate hous Ing or the aged In under way and new mean am being sought to provide productlve and useful enlployntupt or oldgr peoplg ï¬x of her speech Ivus Non wmmpquprs peter delivgyx LaMarsh Regrets Pension Plan Has Become Political Issue SdvsVietï¬amesé Crave New Govt Tin lederal governments llnr ladles Fines Qunllty SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS calllllon men Lhdlcs nnd Mlasca lrl lle roll col ton Inklcla relnforcct ton and heel 39¢ each Sure To Fit Because They STRETCH Ynulhl cmhlnn wlo I4tol¢h ny Ion hose lnncrllncd lhmunhom wlh ml cnmbcd mllnn nu mu la 10 Reg 600 51 mm 100 BOBBY SOCKS Miss Prim Nylons especially made for Junlor Miss unlqu narrow ankle construction surcs Wrinklefme ï¬t 100 NYLONS pnlr Eu thin dilemma no Insoluble may seem Chunng recalled that Dlemr hlmsethad overcame lonnlda blu opposlllon when ho came nwer in 1954 because he lhcn ad lhe supper ol he South Vlelnamese people Now nller nlnu year of he present unjust and lnelllelenl reglmo why all South Vlel namese crave or enmplele ehnnze of lhe novernmenl and the realm The present dllemma can be solved by conllllon ol able men of doodwlll who would llrmly stand or nullonul unlon and reconclllallon Jusllee lnr all and more allelency ln overn menll posed contributory retirement pension plan lnmduced In the Commons In July will be dis cussed federalprovincial conference next Monday and madny in Oiwwn My own regret and know one that shared by many you here and by tesponslbla ofllclal at all levels of loverm ment lhnt hll quesllon of pen sions has lnkun on distinctly pargsapn lluvur 5119 an But we cannot in blind in cerinin dliierence which have arisen we accept them with candor and desim in solve them we will him made good beginning Younngiss 100