Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1963, p. 5

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31 eed Laws To End pColor Barrier IlUVI WINNIIEG ICI Pnmler all Hohlln nl Maniloha mld duty In will not nutnd lh Gem domlnlonpmvlnclll mu mnc nn pennlonl called by Prim Minier Mrwn vnmmml In Jul In oralIn 9mm mm prmlon am but hid rrcrlvcd reply no Pro rrulw Gomorvnllvt kt Ill hll pmvlnct hem Vlarc wan ml may lo aflor any Mu KNIIOM or crltlchmn lhc ml plan or nnlImul pon Mon Mum li wun tomcer HI In lhu lnvmlnuon In uld In 5250 JACKPOT lEGION HALI comm sr 2Addreuln1 metallurulsu conlmnco he newlyappolnled usglslanl deputy uld everyon ln the professlon has ccmin fimpamlblllly in recrulllnx the young people We have In expandlng In ry and decllnlnx mpply Roblin Wont Efittend Meet By BOB TRIMHEE hfiANFF Alla CPIDlxcrim Milan exhl in Canada Ind jfizuy man legislation It bolh ledernl and provincial lev lg can lump ll nut lay Dun VF Hawker the Unlvmny of uculg ogulnwt wv Anll dlscrlmlnnllon leg on mmly tmum that In dlviduals will ha trulcd oqunll don no mnk rlminllnr lovn hl man dllhrenl color or Tho clvll llbmlel ullllllon he at our Iccllonll met In old nxudny In annual conv llon Iwunl lnln hlxh old Ihe civll llberllel flon of the Canadian Bar Imo tllllon nxudny that comlllu lJonIl Inlegulrd Iuch lho dlan mu or High had nu in alglvlygthal problem Ho addod that at the lame dma the Industry lncel another blg problemthe tragic VIqu ulneu older experienced en zgi can These men are In 1qu mdm and son who have last lhclr Job due to mine and pllnl closures and who now are Ind lng difficult to move maybe qu leghnglo Ically obsolesccntl uld Mr rolLl QUEBEC CF Canada last appmachlnl crlsls In lha Ihamxe ol mlnlnz and metal lurucal engineers Jenn Pul Drolot mistant de uIy mlnls ler In the tederal mnes dzpnrt m9nl IglIdlqd Iiha available ierliliiy lail in iha toil and ma need ior extra ieed inz for next year crops The Hut Ilep In mil ieailnz Ippuld be In yet anpply oi mil bniee and Field Report Forms These can ba obtained irea oi cliarza lrom your nearest Coun 13 Agricultural Oiiice If no enn venienl lo call IupDLV will be mailed on requell mend aiep in lo aka the Jamplea Thia may be dona wiih la apada or sail aampiing lube Many oi the Director and mm here oi our Soil and Crop Im rrnvement Aaaocialion have rail ubal or thin purpose L1 rn porlanl when inkinl iha eoii Inmpiel to gel care oi aail iabout to deep ram all parka or each field lnr enm ypoaiia sample Avoid sampling dead iurrowa or any lpai iha dais no represent illa general Inl oi the Held Soil samples Ihould not be dried out but ahnuld be non In eonlalnin1 normal aoil moisture lia field has two or lhrea large rm oi deiiniiely diiierenl nil pea IllCh clay land and muck ihni can be ierliiized Ieparalely it in heal in lake Iepnrale compolile nmpiel iar each area North Elmo eplembeih an excellent umu Ilka soil mu from most leldl an the arm for nut arl crept Tho crap In Mr fled lux thl molt park which 1m anfilar la lcoflecldula mu to mm an file lugn now should xlvaia WEDNESDAY SEPT nmuIM mnva HIM THE MM MECML ROUND Shortage OtMiné Engineers Approaching Critical Stage gamers Finc1z iiBefst TimeTo=TestSOi1 By STEWART PAGE Manna ale mm lEGION BINGO Huva nunm uv IIIHDflHUlIfllhihflflfl rum luovm Il 1ll And Bu mun mu We mull nerve cllrnll wllh limited mum Ind ms nu Hnnl hmin nd commerclul communmu The mlnorHy lroup Ihould ha IN to er on lawym or luppofl of nd lo thamplou nny Xcuillmnu we may may hnvu Auochllnn Prnsldcnl MIcKlmmlo of Calgary added lhll llwym urn rtqulrcd lo mum rtspamlbnltlu till zcnshlp well beyond bnlc requlrcmenll anlcr Mnnnlnz berla wnrned lawyer channel In Iaclnl toncepls have led pew pla lo begin to demlnd profu Ilunal nervim democrall rlihL was mm or 1h prnlex Ilunal lo Inlllnle on Io mcnl he prcsxum headon rather than tum your back upon the problem and wall or public prtuum Io bring them nhnuL DEMAND RIGHT hybe the life story and he nccomplkhmenls of our um prominent mlnlng engineers meullurzlsu and zeolonhu should be pnbllclzed to that every lime the words mlnc and mlnernls are pronounced the man an old dlny beardad nrospedar with canoe on his back would not be only pluma conjured up by lho young nu More than IMO Cunadlan lawyer In In allendance Offering several lunede help new young men far Industry Mr DroM said an poinl rum Next year the Industry could expect nbout 130 new engineer Inz mduaku not nearly lo cover nqrmal waste In an age speedy tezhnolw ucal nbsalescence engineers were needed who could think with Imagination not merely flgnfl nyd people The mil anmpiu ninng with the repelIa may then be mall ed or sent vla expms lb Soil Science Department DAG Guelph The cost oi mailing or Ihlppinz probably about in cam er Inmglc is the only cash out ay vi ll xervlce rained professionals Mr mole said The north step and probably the most important because It in most often neglected or in complete In to ill out the Field Report for each field nmpled In addition to station the lield number acreale and crop to be mwn next year each report thouid give as much iniormetlon poasihlt an to previous eropa and treatment oi each field For example In recommending an tilizerl for hay or pasture atende It iI most important that the percentale ol legume or clover in the mixture be shown paa ture with so per cent or more clover should not require much it any Nitrogen while pure graan pasture might need we lost or more Nitrogen each year at cost oi over $1300 er acra in addition to the Phosp ate and Potash reTulred Likewise grain lrown iulowlng lood clover and will need little or no Nitw Ken and it too much Nitrogen in applied lodged cropmay relult mmzm 63mm HEW ummu4yu The third llnp nfler lhemll mph hn been nblnlned wul mixed and when In the roll box In waxed ban to Ident lly the box with name mum and Held number Regarding Held numbers It but to have term mm with each field num bered that no re will hnvn lhe nme num er uch year and can be compared sum ll upmc plan will bu allowed lndo qulclly nwny The Voice Annrice wughl perHIme use la rclny ll pro mm la Soumem lulu The mt of lhe lime Indi would hlVl ull use lhe Itnllon Nehru old Perllnmcnl recognize breaking the lammen nrrlvod II neon venlenl and causes lame dllll camel nut adhering to he emcmnnl rel Inllnlltly mere dlfllculllu Many Indium churned Um agrecmanz to net up lhu 1000 mwll Immmlller Calcutta would violate lndlnl policy 01 nunalignment between him And West NEW DELHI AP Prlmo Mlnhlcr Nehru ald nmdny Indln would do without power ul rndlo Iransmltlcr offered by the us government nhcr lhnn It lho Value of gmerim use It three hour IV the cos transport or Agrlcullural lee stone up to $250 per ton ls nvnllabla on applicallan through the local Agrlcullural Olllce prnvldlng proper recnlpls or the cost he llmo And Irnnsporl Ire pmvldcd Mlny our roll in Norlh Simona need liminz particular ly or the growing Allan und alher legumes ln act number of our iarmm have re paried being unable in worthwhile crop oi hay or my lure unlil limo was Applied Ax ricuiiurni Limestone in most profitably spread in the all 01 lbs year an iields ihal Ire in ha needed dawn the ioilawlnl spring and he more lharoulhll he lime ll workod inin ihn Hall the halter The usual rain of Ip piifa in two lullllper Ecru Nehru Refuses Voice Of America While the requirement ai each llcld and crap lur Nitrogen Phosphate and Polash ix ihe main purpose of the sail lesl in last also given lhe organlc Muller and Magnesium mnicnl ol ill mil well indicatinl the xoll acidity nr need for lime survey by the OAC Sail Science Department on arms throughnut the Province came up with the answer that term lzer applied to oats according to nail test recommendations re suited in over $100 per acre greater Mum than when the iartiiizer was applied according to general recommendation For cnrn potatou and other crops which require several times as much iertililer as ate the ari vantage oi soil testing proved much greater an itis iair statement to say that the time spent in taking soil samples can he the mast proillnhla oi the whale yearr The tact that the number of soil samples sent inn is increasing by 15 to so er cent each year is evidence at more and more farmers are de en this service Maxi farmer will agree that ill pay In use fertilizer on mm mm Many am quite cun vinced that they cannot aliard rig to use fertilizer and using it regularly Not an mn Ire Inil mini however being satisfied In use their own judgment ar the recommend uon oi thn fertilizer company This raises Ihe question to whether or not ii pays to 501 test wasnt timehlha al oratory epo on gene fnrm IOU tented nl tha OACu are returned to tho locnl AM cultural Representvs who mnku the mommandallanl or each crap tn ha Irown Thin hu frnven convenience to many nrmen wfin when all over lhelr tall Ind crop robleml Ind sometime change eir crapplnl plan and so require dmuenl reqommendntion Normally take ram two In three week to let rayon hack on lb loll ample but In the all when 1040000 loll lamplel are an In lake men month to gnmplelu all the mm Tho Special in he Am and Craft Iccllon de fined In appeal In compellnz unlxls lInlrlu canalsl col lcrllon Eve ail pnlnllngs on web loplu an lundscnpu law an or damullc animal or blrd Cnlogorics lncludo than or ample culinary skill one Ian whitc brand nno Zlnycr whlla cukol filled Iced and the wanted or Euler one chmy pln Inulnu lap our vurkllu of unbnkcd cookie arranged on plnlo approxlmnlcly 11th lrull calm llnznd appmxlmnle lv mum unu mmnxulnr mm Chelscn buns men ltm an Inru Prize Include at first or mend $6 or mm phu lam avnrdy mum inn open In any exhlhflur The winner of lhe annual contest will ha mwned at pm Scpl 10 Enlrlns an judged accordan lo dlsplny llnvnr llghlncu tenure and Ip penmncc COOKSTOWN Special En lrlu lo lhc Bako Gum mm In the math annual Cookalawn Agricultural lalr an helm soul by the lulrl brunnlzcn The driver wau finally forced of the highway near anle just was Oakvllle man who let the car was tackled by ache omcer In ha 1ch urns field Several cm were creed Mo the ditch the stolen car crus crossed the highway several Mme speeds up to no mllo an hour The stolen cruiser lollowui aver the Burlington Buy Sky way evaded mdblock on tha QEW by driving up the wrong 31 of the highway for nearly Fair Seeks Bake Entries OAKVILLE Ont CMA 20 mlle chase Invalvlng 23 pollce crukem chnslng elulen cnler ended In Hold near the Queen fillfibelh Way hero mm at The Hialen cruiser had been taken mm Hamilton meet while tho olflcer made door checks 11m chase beam when the cmlscr was mind by constaqu jn another cnglsere on Ch V7 smigrsmizfi Royal Commlssmn Campnlgninz paliticianl kiss just about everybody and just abuu everybody kisses bride on her wedding day but whoever heard 01 bride on her wedding day kissing campaigning polilician Well it hgppened in Toronto hm PREMIER BRIDE SWITCH ROLES ARMY suowu one ONLY ATE JANE SHOWN AT 650 IOJD Hominy morning pup who prnvlmuly nllmdcd lhclpulon Stpnrnlo School numd Inklnl day clams here In Um Com munlly Hull nrranzcmcnl wlll mnunua unlll lha new up Irnln Irhaol hulldlnn being cclnd In Elmvnlu ll may 5611 Al the Imvnlu Dlflrlct High School new Icachm on the null are HnyElls MA prln cina Bumr LIA Mrs AL Downer Hnndlcy Henley BA In Holmes Mn Lrpnn Mchhc IL Trokc anshe lVllllnms BA and Mn ELMVALE Special Yu crdny ll war buck la schaol Inr many uplll For olhcrl II was lhtlr Hm llmpu Inside haul rnnm The commission mambo who receive $100 per aiiiing day pins living and travel expenses my aim giva an indltulion nl ihn durailan oi ihtlr inquiry Prlmo Mlnisicr Pearson has predicted that lhe work could be completed in out year but commission member Jennlauil mmlssion kely will do cide such questions as whothm lo um Interpreter or the hem it of spectators at publlc hear lnga and how to male Ihe ac lunl presiding dude between mhnlrmcn Andre Laurcnduu and Davidson Dunlon Elmvale DHS Has 12 New Teachers mammm ynvnm Tho meeting In expcclcd to produce announcemtnu Thun dny on the min he first public hearings the scope nl special research projects and myan staff 0mm CPIEleven men and mm woman meet here to day ta chm the course an lnqulry Into the troubled waters of FronchEnaUsh relation in Canadat The 10 member and two lec ruafle of the royal commission on btculluralism and blltnzual am will let tagwwr or the that time or two days pre umnary usslom 1n pfiynlg day when Ontario anlor John Robarll campnllnlnx In North York riding ran Into the wedding party of Robin Noble and his bride Jummh Added angle that Mn Nnhlu lull ion ymgng Io val shes only 10 CF Wke phom Begins Today BIG HITS TODAY STA RTS nunnun SORRY run LI almrmnnn run TM ENGAGEMENT ADMIMION TM hunmul ADULT CHILDREN ll YMII ANII UNDKI ill PA 8339 Tho Orlglml DrlvcIn BARRIE Scum Wllh Tho Chain Thu Plduru Llfllt Rand In Oh Clly Bllwun Hwyl 400 Ind ll LAST TIMES TONIGHT BACHELOR IN PARADISE IN COLOR WITII non 01 LANA TURNER mn um GORGO In Color Wm lrlnn flu omu 0pm pm show mm Al Dull Thu hmpllul Inluunce II ad mlnlslcred uparalaly ram Iho medical can plan Ind luu separate und to draw on or Ill opnrnllon Thu huspflal plan named by rational premium colleclcd Jo nlly wllh lho med lcll urn premium Ind olher vnrlnble tax Iourm Includlnl nnlu In Thu rtducflnn in the pnrmnnl rcmlum Inr holpllnl Inaurnncn ur lamlllu In mm In nddlllon he perlunll promluml he modlul can In mmnca fund recclvel revenuu lrom Anlel lax camarallon In and Income tax mumI Pur lonnl prcmluml llnnncu abaul oncqunrlcr uHmnlcd 1100000003Aynnr cast at open lnu thl medical rm plan Prcmlar Lloyd told pm conference lhe reduction are possible or the calendar year bccnuso turplu about $900000 hnl hccn built up In ho medical care lnaunnca lund levlcd dents or the operation the provinclnl mcdlcal care Imur anco and hospital lnlumlce plans win he Induced lo $32 yur mm year or famil lc and lo 23 year mm your lot lingla perms Pre mlur Woodrow Lloyd mnnunced myduy The in projects llkely wlll centre on the use ol anch In lhe federal clvll Iervlce and U19 Irate of FrenchEnallm rela Ilana in several lyplca dllel and town across Canada Thu commission expected to launch countrywide round of pugm hearing In cInlrtwljmei an open resear mac thls fall Saskatchewan Will Reduce Medicare Cost Gannon quoted as layan that three years would be needed seems to be Insmphobla Spencer commented It wu marked by an unreasoan con cern about med We and he said that Inca 105211 the Unlted States 500000000 pounds in secticide have been used upshot oi tho exposure oi military and construction men to Voracious mmuitou hilck flies and their alliu was wholeuio campaign In iind an lupin1t mulled In program to oataiogua the inxm world from Alaska to Gmnlud Mr Spencer mid with the capture oluwrge 750L000 pecimem Northern Cann In den of biting 11y an aw they swam in unbelievable number he said In an alien Huhbhemed Affirm Canadian Insect Ha Wu dollvulnz hlsloflcnl review 100 yam of enlmnol ozyor lnuct studyIn Canada at the start of the commem belnz nuendcd by 450 Idenum frfm Cannda Ind alher coun zr as Defence move in Allah Mains the Japanese In the Sec ond World Wnr andlhen ndar line constmcflnn In narlhern Canada brought min cured cont vllguulharggg or biting In In near 153 emeritus alsficumeer up Buggy Cglumbln EGINA 1C1 Franklin OnAWA CMThu study of Clnldll cumin Insect Illa draw substantial boost from delenco pIInnInz the um am An entomology meeting WE91C Tuesday Study Insects Boostedfiy War Séyé befeskor HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE STARTS THURSDAY Inventinle will In won Iomd by tho Canndlan Anodi Ian Uplvorllty Tucker AM the National kmlmm CI nndlnn Unlvenmu Ind Col 1cm Dr nlmll wld sir Jlmu Dr Blue chairman commlflu up lo ndmInLalu $50000 run from lhn Fan FoundHon uld Ihm In In lune lnlmll In CaMdI In lhu problem of unlvmfly Admin lmion TORONTO CPIAn Invull Nation he udrninlnmlan Cnnndhu unlvmlllu will bu undertaken with Iho Aid lund from the United sum Dr Claude Blue president of flu Unlverslly of Toronto nmincodwlhegdnyr mysrn COUNCIL The rezullr meeting lb lawmhlp Councll wnl held Slmud nmdny MnuerInrll In mm the conaspandenu wen dell wllh Ind nun Coc Schnnls have become bll bus lnm throumaut the lawnuhlp my ha teen by mile to flu School FIJI cumin up lhll month Then of coma there no he Bell Ewan lchooll which com prlaa punt ucllnq open lan with Illa old lhrabmnn bnlrd mum and huh Large Ilke Ihar am or ralepnyefl at their own xupport Thm pup are ulna taken lrom Innlnfll to Wm Gleimbury uhool from m5 GiIurd nun nla accretary or the board Edgar Sunmu who in also the Ma contractor did not hava Hz um an enrolment or the area ahand lax nlzht Committee To Study Canadian University Administration Wllh lhe new Ichaal on the Ffllh line ready even to lnwn and playground belnl nodded bum deflvered pupils lo hulldlnz which hu repiaced the oneroamed Ichoull In the South Am This school wflh the Le roy Ind Alcanu nehooln wfll handle puplln for he am The new who put Into lull apuntlnn II on at the flm ol Iulrlnd In mum having Ill ggtlade and lunlparlauon avail lhm buses are required to handle the Job and not on 11 lot Into the wrong vehicle 3mm leaving It the end of the fly mu New members to um mm Mm Grlmn who tench II Hur onla formerly lha MIneuToll eman school and Rex Peacock Alllxlon who lunches at Knock lchoul The North Am Band wu has at Innunl dinner In tu cherl Ind alllcim last evening Th meal wu arm by tho Paulette of St Pauli Church swim to lhe gathering In spemr Mncklem uld he re ulnr monthly meeting deal with Important manna BonrdeamhuI wen accomi paflcq by their iwlvAu with pupils tuxulna up It Ichaon of tha north am Tue dny couple oi imam mm by will cm in lake in comm lo where emptyiunla could be lound They are not all here yel was ihn melaan name newcomerl have ytl la Ihnw uy il in vexl likely ihni the pro posal lot Deparlmeni oi Edu cation ior nixmom Addition in the Pliniwick wheel will ha ap provcd many new homes are um going up ihrnuahoul If The number of lgaghcn ha increased by twa with lormer teacher Ill buck ll their chooll unln HAIR EXAMINEE DRIEDAY um mmsm NOTES IntAdth fininflh 911 Pupils RegisteiL At Township Shhoolsi ms DRIVEJN Vsnowma 855 $2519 mm mm Am 53 they xvnnd hurrluily to mac tho demand Mulh llon ex Ionian expected tad It pen In 1970 Un tryllll muons 1313 In vmuzallon appear lo be he in crcnflod prcuurnoq unlvmlUu ho wn not mmfii Thu Iludy will hula thll Inll And hoped ha Ina upon wlll b0 amplified by March A1065 COLON CINEMAICOII mm HMO All JAVA WI Maunllard Brllhh knight nd vlccchnnullor he Unlveh lily of lecrpooL will an ll lenlor mmmlulaner tar lhl In veilIInUop him nlw will be 1m module cammhslbner pmbably Em rlrnrcnt US nmlgsorbut mm No year In hmmaklnl bl 4713 dull plan Ilyl lhu aula no the devtlopmenl of Mlnllnbl capital and Immune In munlclplllllu durm ha nut 23 yearn WINNIPEG INTh lero pnman Winnipeg govzrnmenl nmday unveiled master plan aimed ll guIdJnl clvlc develop mgnl by law LAST TIMES TOWN The bylaw regulating lilo liar linu nl iim ha been well publi cized even in mentioning it on the lax accounts ye vcnam um rim without taking the necessary precaullanli Ind lubjccl to Cnurt Ippemncl ll charged The total cost approved or the Ir department or the month amaunlqd to 564254 and lhla could be Iomewhnt rbduced the persons who mude un necessary call wen to mm buLu lhc lawnslglp oWivum mum ncwm mum zonal mmuon Winnipeg Unveils Master Civic Plan Same fires are being Invest lad by the re marshall dk palImam lncludlnz one which dexlrnyed pan of homo and illconlcnts ma ilowevcr when children liar tcd llro an the floor barn quick arrival ol Ihe equipment saved the barn leaving only about 20 damage Al anothlr barn lira nearby nhed con lalnlng implemenll was Iaved by prnmpl arrival lb lire llghleu NINE FIRES Inniaill Fire Department mad nine runs In various peril of the township in August Same at these irips mini have been avoided by man careful en inracaiil he Plan nlnu Board George Burton who has been min chalrmnn the luwmhlp lanntna board aim the death Roy Wamlcl Thu Central Board Include are adjacent to Innlsfll and 1WD in Planning lunar ICON NINE mas ha ndvoch led the ward mum Iamo llme Jun how lhu wnrds would be divided whether on popub man or man hlcal ham wu not deal with night min11m CIJAIRMAN lha luwnlhlp at Gllnmcouxy neurEramplon wlll be Vilma won the clerk can Irnnll an appohllmgm hm ngmm hrane dalved Into Henu In had been dllcufled previously 11 reave wanted motion um um quutlnn of adopting the wnrd lyllem bu placed berm rm plyern on His hallo mm ban approve lhu Idol altar vid llnz townrhlp where um ly slem In nu llllhny II Gulhrlc mm

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