LieutenantGovernor Earl Rowe his given some alrnlghtfromtheuhoulder advice to Camdlln tnrmers He says they must learn to depend more on their owu Inlunuvund business manngemenl and less on subsldlmlon from the gov ernment trensury cumw Comlng from the former MP for Du erlmSlmcoe and farmer hlmselt this is rather Iurprlslng statement In theory the ldea ls ood The farmers themselves want to regarded able businessmen and most of them Ire They us also independentminded Ind do not like handouts more than anyone else But the fact remalns that there are times when subsidlzallon ls necessary to save thglndystw ML The farmer es echll one who grow wheat must cons der rnseli an export er Hls product no sensitive to world markets and he through his agencies must comgete for international trade in which no olds are barred His greatest enem es are disease and weather Storms can destroy his crops and ruin him financillly Disease can hit both his cattle and his field crops All his earl spring calculations can go up in me through the vagaries these grim forces Announcement of the development oi successful new vaccine or measles and that it has already been administer ed to many thousands of pen la in North America and other arts the world where measles exls la heartening breakthrough that me see the disease eradicated or its eifec greatly minim izeddln comparauYelyushort tlme While measles by tselt is relatively minor disease which strikes mostly dun in childhood it has tendency to pro duce some serious and often Ital side etieets notes the Woodstock Sentinel tevlew One of these is once halitls which otlen damages the brain It some cases it results in pneumonia and en in ections lending to deafness In others it he adyerse client on eyesight Altogether measles and its side ef fects are said resgonslble for as many 400 death In United States each car This is twice the numbar of death but now occur from pollomyellu in the country Because at the serious altereffect measles doctors hive done everything they could to protect pregnant mother MRI mm Or an Imun mm 1m no mu mm Unlmvl An my un amu lunde qu int unm um VIWI Stralford BeaconHerald We know forsonncl manager em pioyed In ma factory 100 emgloyccs or few more who quh school lmsell when he had his junior mnlrlculmon after Ontnrlu Grade 12 That was nbou 30 years ago and now he Is respect able somewhat portly and moderalcly successful clllzcn ills job is hiring and tiring It amuse him vryiy to note occusionalli that in the cours of doing his job turn down job applicnnls with more aehooling than he as himself saying You havent enough education He is well more that it he could suddenlr be 30 years young and come to hlmsct to up ply tor job ho would probably turn imsett down Things have rlmnged in the lost 30 years but they are goinft to change even more in the next 30 it truo that there are people who are intelligent Ind woll tntormed without having ent much time in achooi their dliteul is to be able to prove it to prospective en player it may happen that dull hoy wnvu his graduation diplomn and gets Job while bright boy ploy jnbicu having no diploma to allow ihnt run he untoir but it L1 also to be ex ecle it the bright boy in ruliy bright to had holler atoy In school long enough to get the diploma to prtivo it man mud rlm run rm lmm yum cl um In mm mam lulumy mum IKNNIII WALL rINhI nun mum on IPIIIIUN uunnu mu mu mum Aluml mam DONNILLV mum mum mman lIly mu unity mu mm at nu In mur uum nonmud mum outmpmng mm mm um emu My mm Imn Iln mm normm Andll II Inl II Cumm mu nilunjth Luv rhulnu£ Farmers As Exporters May Need iProtection At Times 5151 year 10 per ion Onlnrlo mulan who Ill Ichool qull wlth no curlltlralu or plum my klml 0n urlo had he bell record In thll regard Vaccine For The Measles WI wnu Punuahu The Barrie Examiner OUR RISING STANDARDS Published by Clnldlln Newspapenumma 16 Bnyfleld Elm Bung 019110 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WEDNESDAY ll Farming Ind gold mining have one thing in common There Are times when both need rubsidieetoplrry on The gold mines of Canada erutin on ï¬x ed price of $35 in 05 undo nce 1934 have received federal government fin ancial assistance or years This hes not been prop for the mine alone It has also been an aid to communities like Timminr Ind Kirkilnd Lake thathuve hitched their wagon lo the gold star Thousands of fem lies depend on the sub sidizetion of the mines to safeguard their livelihood The farmers Ire in much the same position There are times when they need help to prop up the price of their products its the governments responsibility to decide when to give such help and to take it away The farming industry is one of our greatest sources of export dollars We must protect it and sub sidies may be necessary at times to am complish this purpose Fifty short am no canadn was largely In agr cultural nation Today the emphasis ls more on manufacturing but farming is and wlll continue to be the backbuna of our economy from it Sometimes other children in the family contract the disease while an other is on the way and this 05 danger both to the mother and er un born baby who we haVe been told may even suffer late similar to that at thgiidomtgie baby Up to the present some vaccines have been prepared which are also used as check or preventive to number of other dlscascs Most of these set up mild case of the dtsease in the attent when combined with such other ehrents lemma glgbultn development however has come about from the isolation for the ï¬rst time of what has been termed the wlly measles virus Subsequent re search hu brought what has been de scribed as the first pmucal effective vascinu against summon disease Tests have raved that the new serum are effective about 95 per cent of this most prevalent of childhood diseases After trill run in many couhtrics in cluding Canada the new vaccines have now been made available to doctors and the general public in the United States In tho other nlne province the percent ages were hlgher than We wonder what will be tho slluatlon of Ms 36 per cent 30 years from now Will 84 per cent our chlldrcn bo worklng to support 36 per cent on job less relief Vlndsor Slarl recent survey In Germany showed that some 12 crcenl of persons In volved In lra Ic IchdenIs In on com munIIy were under the Influence of me dIcnlIons not alcohol Them as In olh er countries he mlsuso drugs has In creased In In alarming degree Io lhat suppowdly harmIess II become dan serous lrnfllc enemy According to observations oi saic mcd lcal authorities the combination oi druï¬l and onii slight amount of alcohol exlrcme inn croua Not only that lim combination drugs and alcohol dimin iahts ihu irivurl rcnciion and mainly on the road Sirong coffee oilon taken an Iiimulnni niong wllh common drug cm ind in mm oi inioxicnlion All lhls points In the need or publlc education on use dm that could run der man unlll lo rlvc ll Ilsa my gun at all poulhlo summing onecls nhoulr bu dear 13ch on the rug cnn lnlnm especinly lhu conlcnu no trlnqullllofl Ind stimulants North lily Nugget Ward Ire nlmonl lmpouiblo lo rcrlhu lhu underground rioionco complex nllroui Lake iim whole lhlu Minor he Imauimllon upcclnily won one comldm lhu Iiupundouu number of mm hourl which must invu hem lprnl In digging am the imgn cavern hen con uirucllng the building lhcn manufactur ing the electronic equipment and Hum moviu Ii inio lhI limelqu Ami mcmbi in here Tu cnvlllon modem omcn hulldlng mmpletuly Ilrcondmoncd And with aver convelflmcl llenly clean bone hundred of fee of mild rock dilllcun and It In unfortunle thlt In our clluem could not In than through Thll ol coune Imponlble bul know he would com Away and Ind 1m rem 111g woykjhï¬ goqlnflo on on one nï¬womghlal duhlnr on of then all ucown can uom Hawk an DRUGS AND DRIVING PERILS STUPENDOUS SIGHT Erin 5111111 Plhl and gold mining have one man There In times when ugllsldley to flclqy on 13 6mm Mania Bur Damn Kindly demihl mm vmullr dlleua Hyperlenslve vascuhr use In high blood pressure wllh some degree bland vea lel and heart Involvement By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Hypertension ls quite un dtrllandsbly mlacnnslrued lcrm For whatever reasons wu think Irsl Icnslon In terms nervousness That Isnt who mean In hypertenslvn dluase My ar lemlon or too much em on almply mean 100 much pru Iulg Hiuh Mood pgcssurel unher becausc too much nu vau tension Irewent cumA panion low much bloodprey lure tension They often to lo eher gut my alwalyl 111m in further 1m Nation In tha arm hyperlumva vn 1qu dlxeue The lmplicuuun LI lhal It of Ion Iundlnx Than isnt my mm lo dlslurbed out mporlry In crem in blood pmmn You blow your top It mm Illufl Unn nr olher or you In lrllhl cued or you hnvu la nlly Ill ynur energy Ind Ilenneu or In emzrgmcy or you sound Your blood pm rlses II we could menu bland prcsmre on he run wad ï¬nd lhul mosl he player on loolbull Arum hlve hllh blood pmsure or hypenenA flan Jun balm lhn llnl klck Thnln natural response load But ll would be lem rnrnry lhe preuuu or no And reason canllnuu lndellnl lcly ll qulla nnolher miller The conllnucd excmlvo pru um linu mm on tho blond vuscln which mnkc vmulnrw The heart be come enlarged Thm may or may no he ovhkncc hem wanknmahnnnm at hrulh Iwellmn the Inklu 0r hurl pnln VAn rleclmtnrdlox may or my not nrrqlr Temporary lh hlond pru Iun In ha xptcled Can llnurd hluh pr In II not Thcrdon hyprmmlva unllo vuculnr um Impllu lhnI Hm trouble cnnllnulnl And In produclnl glhrr than an All my unm III In Inn mum In In um m4 1mm WIDEMitt II Thu nrrltmlhm at end upon IM durlllan and he lhl nmuxrr plua any Inn hull lnvalwmtnl an nl hlxh hlnnd nrruur ulnclnu hm romnll ullom nut when your MM llul you III hyperlem nlm Alum II In Him for you In my lcl numllon In nurh mm he hdnl ml pr All III nu ma MM In Iuncu hlgh Nomi pm erh wlll MI hurl III Ind my Indeed be mlptnl lo un llul II we All lnln phyllolnllul huh trmllnmd Mlh vmnurc Hnd boll da nomrlhlnl lboul TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH but Malnm Whll about lunxm rmh henth llnur null uml Innuan hue hmd Ihen II hml lrulmonl ï¬duan nlul mnnlhl In yur LC Urlnmlulvln hu Non elm Hu In lmlm lunnu Inlm CIIIMXM umllnud ump lnllan mum our um um Ind mth III over foo mom Outinlhlnnn 1014 BIBLE THOUGHT HyperténsionQuite Misunderstood Term THE POULTRY WAR bur Dr Mullen My mother In her cos bu been troubled wIlh In ha rectum Plum mu ha nun and the tunMn ax Tho own polyp Ln ho calon lust Ibovt the reclum And Iulpect that flu In what you man ll not known nuy lhould be wkhed or My Man chann or hlusdhuI in which an they Ihouid be removed Iurllcllly Thll il he only pro cedureandlhe only my to bl on mm lypu Sinu ho nulls raw dawn the rul ment mun be Ipreld over long um belarn you can emlrely ml inlected tluuu Thu dml should be mun un der Inndlcnl lupurvillon Hy McINTYRl HOOD LONDON Tho mlnltl ol hell II runnlnl Inlo dlllcul In in mom to pmuldl lacl health nulharlllu to Add sodium fluorldl to their wuer Iuppllu lo wravnnt dlnlll do any menu chlldren ll now elght monlhl Ilnca Powell mlnlsler huhh IIVI ht Ill clcnr 11m to fluorldlllon In Brl IIln Bu up to pment mm nnly about so nl lhl 114 Incl hullh lulhorillu In Finland nnd Wulu hm dacldod adopt luarldallom me limev belwun 20 Ind at local hullh Inlhorl Ne hm dcllnllcly valtd Iulmt ll erl our 50 hnvc to In liken no min In either dlr non Somn In mm concom ol lnlmducl ln Mir urlln fluarldnllnn hluhy dulnbll mmuro Mr Powell crlllclnd crnnkl who lll lrylnl In hold up lunrl dullnn by Icmmanurlu Ind mlm men nu ll mml llul trunk hlvlnl nom Iuctu even null Iln Brllllh Dentl Aunclnllon Ind lh Brl llnll Mnllul Auoclnlln nl ldly hlcllnl ll mlnllur hrnllll or an In nld to bc IIXI Murlmllan Ml chlorlm used to ad upon Ihv In duuny lurle ornnlunl Ind mllu um ul lo drlnl fluovldu In med In Id upon body In hrln nbmx rhmm In Ihn nur MI mm unlcr or IM mmvhk Al IT DANOIIOW 0n crank who nplled lo PM mlnlllcr lord Dou In at Mm mini uno In new IlIlmenl tuned by lho London nnllfluorldlllon umpmn Loni Dnulll InclIr Fuller ml hnlolnn Ind Hm In delpn mine III lh IM Ilh nun Jouml rIIIIm Hull llunrMllon my bu dunurnm lnr Blllllnl mm undue IHIMII uld dllhtllu ml drink mun er mun noth Ind Mhnr Ho gonmA lpclï¬vr In munm ol intuh mum um mlvmm by Dr Ilw do not undmund my hump my protection can commum Null dllbdlu ll ml lot dollylnl In mm rulu decay In chlldnn whcnjhcro Mhar REPORT FROM UK Traubles Locally Be Fluoridation uh mm chum in luck polyp mg no Intanmner of nut tlnlr Ind denlu lhn dlmllu In fly Th been Ihown uh mlnIatry mmmun 1n nudIu In chJ In In Ire when fluorldn oc cumd nalunIIy In water In he extent ol mm In mm mm per mllllon Thu hlthul mlurll cancenlnlIon recordld In DrI luln 51 pm per mIlIIon II Wen Menu In Euex Thu lnvernmonl mommlnda Inul hullh IulhnrlIIu Io IN on plrl per mIIlIon In mu whm lhg VIII gzllglgnl Influorldc Dr Sinclllr tlllml hnwevur thll ha II cunnmed Ibuul ho unknawn dllhellcl who rflmn Ind wllu lnuh In an can lrnllcd Ilever lhc mwn howuvtr II II nhvlaul that my Ily lacl Iulhurlflu r0 Icupllnx lh mlnmry ol hull mommmdallon or fluorldllinn ulu Iuypllu WINNIFEG CF III 00000 lard In In hull ll Wlnnlpel Ornml Hnlpllll wlll lncludn In llerlronlc manlle lu mum lhul wlll tunbla nnm lo III In Immrdllll mdlnl nu any ol number rrlllnll Ill vllltnlll Th war II Mill II Irahad unlll unII un Ir cm ol num Elrdronlc mnnllon will ul In lhu will hulda urh will ulclllm Icnpu lnfllullnl lo nnm how llu plllml ll ll my llvon mnmrnL By HIE CANADIAN PRESS mallan wlll bu com neclod In an elorlronlc nun mam when had num Irll In Inan Io mndlllan pullml In tho vml 111 vlm wlll maul Inch mm II hun nu It lum Mood mun Multh lllclonty olurn Inluu and nyhfm flloxlda mllpul Whrn lull om lhn Im IIudy hurl oI pnllbnl VIII ImamHull mus mm mmr Ind on In alum In urn mum Ind damn The murder wlIl nlao hm luck nl how plllmll mm In lmlmtnl pmvldlnl lnlar mun Ior mlun nlmvm by Th uni will In km plum M1 wlll hue In don Iurg ul uwnl um um um nulhly hum Mlullll wru Iuvo mumwill mun um only mum Llr nun The Thlra French Repub lJc wu pmlllmed yurl no odAyIn lmIollow In the upturn ol anoieon HI during the FranmPrus Ilnu Wan Wllh the all tha emplre In Frnnco luv emmen ol unlonnl delenc lrled Io continuu the wnr with Gummy but the fol lowlnx yen Franco upllu med Th Third Republic wu deï¬nitelf lnmumod by them In Jan 1375 which organized Lhc mum ll under what was culled In Conggllnllon 131 Machine Speeds Hospitals Work lmTho mu Boy Seoul rally wu hid in Enlland ll01 Composer Edvud Gnu died TODAY IN HISTORY um patch of sirnu looklnl when ha been nnllced by vlallon In the Domlnlan Ex erlmenm Farm here In the can of Olllwl lhll lummel chld Iwuy mm the wall In hecumc unproï¬table in Can ol axperlmenul hnley vlhll dumpy he Jadan crop has been mn rpenlnl hn mm mm lounh enopgh Ilvhh 1L MONTREAL CPl One of he lulu and brllhtu mum to Montreall summer Fullvull mlrlm munlclpllly run 1th ope companyLo The uln Lyrlqun de Montreal And not only doe It rzpment ha relllnllan of lonIheld drum Illndl lumclhlnl cl victory over In my ham 1thch lqhvlllon This In Gnlm when wlnler lawn vulny which under huvy lorllllutlnn hu Achieved the munIn yield 155 bushel the Im neuly HIM lime In Clnldllll Ivmu yield Ourihrmllndl cmle at leedlnr mnny more lnmlllu than our ownoopulluon our unlumed llodl could Iupporl ldlf many million of fnmlllu now halfnan In other part lhe world But our amoul Prnlrla uralm olwhell lawn rlpenld and hmmed wlthln ha hImdred days my not be compellllve In ha world of tomorrow Clnldll Armllnds have In lho mes live Your pulad yieldtd nn mm of 2M bush of when to ICM Gnlnl wheat ported to run lo cornucopln of 155 human to III we mm rum wnmgu Eu hla bounmul Gllnl mm II no luiled lo Candun condi tion hn done wall In mu lhln Iummer possibly only because we had In Ihuormal wlnler wm lot new but no lhlwn Bu mm when rowlnl mu the world when Gnlm couId prov Im menuly tuccenful llm In Cnnadl Iu qunlluu Ive It polenllnl worth pmnt flock Ground with hir dlu vnrletlu Gllm my help us to Ichlevl IhnrtItllked vnrluly ml In In Iln the burv OTTAWA REPORT Monlrulm hm xlvln Ill enlhmlmle reception to the complnyl Hm production Ed mond Audnnx lly lhmIcl npm LI Inseam belnx pra umud through lhl Iummer month an air avenlnll Thnlrl Under lhc Treu In lubcmtnl La Fonulm Pgrk Thu compm Ml yelr ll drum true or IrllnllcLlonel Dnunnll BDyurold hlrllone Ind compoxer who hll milled will lyrlc lhnlrc or man lhlll 1an OperaLoving French Canadiajljig Flock To OpenAir Theatre The flu at Mlllnll ndem 1m dllplmd or in run llmn nldu flylnl mm mm In Iron ol CH1 IIAII In Ilnlumn Flunl du mm In mm Im new In Minn on MM 10 um Pm dual umu mlm mm PATRICK NICHOLSON Ind Chlrlel GouM now whiter Wheat yields 155 Bushels To Here has Jadan mn rpenlnl ltllk numb the lmmenu uu whlch crop has hn enough to weigh 01 IDIOLI from em produced hyhoavy Ierw lullnll but Ihix cquld take or 11 yearn Gain when Ilaa been planléd experimentally In Iaulhern bortl and alm in lhe IIIIE Washinmn II II not yet helnx old oommercielly Ivenma need it yield Iqu kernel no luliahlo or bread on excellepl for cookle and pastriea The Ipeoira oi high yield when Imveuod In at er 091 uiea would menace our iar ere unlena limiiar when could be flown in Canada Sptlnl aown when played an invaluable part in Ielllemonl at huge in land It wn literally the aiaii oi ill to flu men In Iheep akin coaiawlm peopled Ioni Prairies broke the pralrl landa and convened ihem lnlo the breadhaske or tent mil lion oI people den oi the larger number 01 Mun nab HUNGRY in iï¬o moat mm ilvuyu period in 220009W lures pinned wiih when yieidinz an Ivarm 9i 1M bushel to iho 1m lot iaui harvest oi 159000000 bush eil This Canadian roducilun II Iiizhily in than at oi in diai which in Ill ihat oi Ihl Unlied Siliel which in him in oneihird the oi RuuiL Our dommic camumpilon ii on ihird ni our Iverm cm in eight iguighgil 13H ApexJoni um laval ol tomumpllom Red Chin alonu could use 10 lmu our mm crop So hm In In Ample potenllll world ynnrkeg or hllh yleltflnx when But how could our pralinl when cnmpm Wk lull yleldar which mllht hrlnl lhc world prlcu down lo 50 cum hughel of km Our lumen now Ielllnl what or Around 81 hulhll would no innur ha hp hi Ilnndnrdn In which my hm rown ngcuutqmld 11m II why nk will whenfarm becaml unam lllblo 1n Clnndnr lecrellry lb Gruler Mont ml mu Council leundedllï¬l 11m open complny Vlrlzlu Lyriquu 27 yem Ila We pllyed In packud how or 20 yean Ind Ind 15000 11 Icrlbm Duunall nyt EIIIMHI Ihal Frmch people In nlwnya llkcd llghl nptn HURT BY TV Bul Alter elavlllon cluxhlflha publlcl imminnllon ll wnJmg poulblo lor eomlc open company mu niumu mu but hope um um day lhl puhllc Interest would be revived and hit onu min then would ha or lllhl open complny Ill hnpu proved to bl nu minded when Mnynr Jun Dra puu In all dulded to Idd outdoor 0pm la lhn Im lpr ¢lnll lummer mm In Mom lhllh thin lomulll lha outmrm ol United Nullm hum llllan in IMlllh Borneo lm llmlu Bmwnk uml Noll flornm lo delumlnl whdhe lhc ml mml lnmem Illh Milly Inrl In It um AP Wraphogal K3