Diccmher Ind Ftbrunr nhould hrlnl ynu tum ure lm llnnntinl aprorlunllln IIul ynur rul bl wnnlnu In dlulod ln mid1m Avold lM lnlo duh In sepltmhcr or you could 011m IIIIIII 1m 1m nriod lur tamr mlllm will pm In unlnnmrnllnnrd lood mmlnry rlu PumaI rllnllonhl wll b0 ovumd lnr mall lhl ur Iml you may Iani MIVInl In happy unllmmlnl dnrlopmrnll dun um mm AM my In Donmllrr and um 11 Jun Iml Julp yuu Ill tunml lo nuld Ivkllnn In mldv Nuumlnr ml In MIHII yml lwuhl hnvo Ianlh ullln In umullc lnlmm Whlla be marl nerlodl um the high bomllclnl la mm Iuvlm both Dmmmr Ind Jun hllh malnlllon child balm nu Hull wlll ulmmy grqulmli ran II hum wilyml nuld pm In ml far Implnllancand Milde Dmlled recipes are unnec eiury it you understand he basic principles cooking uyl Mn Sawyer cooklnx teacher who learned culinary an Iron her mother and grand nmlhcr The Inner once was duel for House Eslcrhnzy fill the old AminoHungarian mnplm Evan International mechllle becom mom nalun when ll lomnrmw In your hlrlhdny your hommpe Indium lhnl lhl nut you an pmvo hlnhly wnxlrucllu when your Mer cm In cancernrd ll you forth bfll Hum Ivald Mk III huly dlcluom Ind nub lhl Vlrznan undlncy lawnrd banlum Nu mum hnw aimcu your lnlcnl lhll mm could Illennll lhou In on In hrlp ynu Emphun Eur dilllnncu Ind mourcr luau upeclnlly durln flu Mxl Ulm munihu when mr And llnnnclll mnllm my be wmewlm on Um dull Ilde land In Alter um yan want In In nut IIbul In Inn lo il plumllrnlly 3313 IN THE TRIM FDR TOMORROW Avold exlmmu and cndrn tfu lownrd mklcssnm now An mmmlnl Man Influence up dipu overnuruslvcnen on lha pm nl mlny Ind lhll could clun trouh you dont hun dla Inch II on zenlly Dont fly handle Go about our luh And nodal planxum normI mamar nnd you Ihould hm 7m lmuhlo FOE Ill BIRTHDAY THE STARS SAY By PATRICIA RUSAK mamm cmm Saw er In sim cooan phl osop plny by ear And she persuaded other women to do as she does while demonslrntlnl 1n the kitchen hum the Womens Bulld In It the Canadlan Nuuanll Eghlbillon Hy IDA JEAN KMN puzzunl question luvs Becipes If Youre This Lopmal and dress by Hardy Anus mm the new London Illwinter collection carry the gums Baruch The can In dark glowlnz Mam Inmn wanmpu am ma Lhr Inadequate And Faulty Diet Leads To Borderline Health ESTRELLITA RED PEBBLE TWEED lnrvkulul II mu mm lulu many ovenulm Ina vldunls Ill omhd hut ml mrlmod mum on good Mud dlel II or width cub dawn an lam clloflu my mind bul don cut out In dlduy alill uh ndw rllu dld mm an In nmvlv meal plan Ind mum Irm nmllmdJml wllh Imnllor urvlnu my and le Mul Mod may Far um mm uu mt ulnrlu 11 1mm in tutor Iu Hm hrll Iholr qumy mun hq ml Iho mm mum ha nnn cl nu uh enlp Th Imllol oulll lh lmmnnm owl elrmtnll m1 1qu lhrlr In mrm CHAN TAKE DOWN Nulrltlon bod mm In us put ment at hullh eduullnn Ind wrlluro hu publhhed Full Abdul Nulrlllnm Thll bookltl enmhnlm lhnl ho unn llnl nxxl clrmrnll nmltd dilly or my work lommr ln whu mm lurmod nutrlllou lomwvi wdl blnmd nu rium llvmlon mill or wallhum vndfly ol loom Todny hm Ivnlhbll Ill Incmnhln Abundance nl mm 01 mod loodn wllhln mean ol mnu pockttboolu would umlnly Item Hut Ihouldbc lhc but nourith peopl In Ina world But Ir we In mu boolm mu About NunIon Dr Mlmlu 111mm In up In lhl Md nnlrlllon rolnu ml Many puma all mnmmo lnld null or null dim which my It to poor or bonlcrllno bank and lherl ll mmlnulnl Med In nmvldu In lormlllon on how use Ill Ihumlnnra ol food to tho MK nulmlonnl Advmull To make thlnxs more compII uttd what In Inn lodny may chnnga Iomarmw fluerd In NI Insdmllnl IIeId LI mn tInuIng pronw and nulrIUon Is Ilvlnz chlnalnl acttncat In order In take ndvnnluc at Important menrch It II nem ulz to Imp up with cumnt Iin Inn 1b help mainland Immiw nn 1qu MA who Ln you about food Ind health lo dnyr With so much belnl erl ten about nmrlllon It hnrd dialingulsh belwcen whll ll lruc Ind 11111 paeudmclen HM and mlsltndlnx Are Unnecessary Creative Cook The meal lulu in nvloll II beef with larmm Mann and tuvorile lullnn splas Lwccl has and oregano Polish cook use tllllnz poqu Ind cheese ollen sauerkraut or ven Hull the small dough squares are ï¬lled with vul or pork mmure and Inn lauco which Is llmply molusu vinenr tall Ind popper pasta Mn Sawyer uyl In baslc la the cookinl ll most every nationallly you can make pasta you can make dishes as dmerem In charadcr and flavor Chin won um Ilnllnn nvlufl And Polish plcrolL yau understand why you In dolnz the lining you In red pebble tweed and the dress in matching British lixhiweighi wool hopsacki The Camde signed inbriu wen woynn on the SI of Lewis ml to poor or bank and lherl ll md to vmvldu In on how um um Iood lanlho IIer up at bonchl IItII Iwn pound ol bacon or other In In pm And ldd two will I111er hnddcd been Iwo Allced onlom Ind III And my per Lo mu Cover Ind cook IIowa um um Ind lhen IIII In In llblupoonl nl Ilnur Ind lwo cup oI Ilock SIlr unlII lht mp come In ball and um or mInuu Carolqu lUr In cup to mm Mn Elwyn remmendl IddInl pIIIn bollcd lost And tho Imh all In on urv But thc wont mlpo for cuurolo IIuIc In In uucn And bum rIcl noode but thIo lhl VIII luck how to malu um 1mm hm on you an our ImuInnIIan nmwlm or solution II llmplouu mu flock Inï¬eld ol mnln wllh lrcsh meal Ind then me cunned cooked and Mud been long balling Um munad by fresh mu and hem In elinflnnld mum um haw lo mike 0M ol lhe dllhes Mn Saw er In ten naked nboul ll oucM And most women wnnl In know how lo nvold lho lulned hind whlch result mun mun Iruh been SIMPLE EOLVIION Thurnedoel Bumnlu Iar example sounds compu uted but In Ilmply um lam does the heel ï¬llet prepared In uuu Ilmllnr lo mlyon all ch gyms women know IAIRII SALE Homemaker oflun Irllht med 1mm mun In 1mm Hana dish by Its name Ilene But Just read over Ihe Intre dinnls and you will recomlu mmelhlnq with which yau uammr Bee Stmznnolf Ind Hunnh in chick an dlshel of he lame type In an Id ditlou of mu mm which add the lavar lo bath But the Rush prefer to us bee whllI the Hunurflns use chlcken Strudel chimed to be German dlsh but In bulc prin ciple alumuni layer of butler Ind doughl used by cook runny nuflomlllm My Sawxer mm CONTINUES UNTIL SEPT 15 WIGGINS AUGUST For dressy costumes Mm leather hm with Illmmu Im II Illhoullll wen Ihuwn The ienliler color mm or lull lealurea deep counlry lhldel Sinrrinl the brown nmlly includinl Inlelope balm honey Ind mnhmny Aim importn will be deep lone well cum berry mustard Ind olive Ind neumil an lilo order ui on grey and tune The Iulhen lie look ol way And anflqued ieaiher ï¬nal Ind Aniline dyed inland ienlllerl which re inin their origin mnrkinu il mum or an mull lesbian picture null lq other pawlr Avie on exhibit included Ihoulder hm hurrah crumb envelopes and clulch as The loathe box bag can Ilructed will rItld tides and lidtypo lop will bl luck on the mmon Icena In both rounded and Annular lhlpfl lbp bu iordaii will be in pet oi than nuburbnnnt the fcounlry look iuiher Iaichqi Inchor iole Roomy wililoul ting oveniud it is nine being um upf by the auburbnnitel biz city union who know nod Ihinl when Ihe men it Thin euulliy eiennt handing style was xhown mu oilen in mined bljulhed antiqued and the new nxy and umin Iporu hm hlrdwue in cio inn embiam or olhervornu menmion Line In Ilmple Ind my mum poth or clutch box bu or bumL Lealhers mum1 In the ranuot tex lumnnlnod wlxy moth Iugdod anuquedluulre DgtailingMQIkS PallHandbaOS nunu the waudremd mm wlll heed lhn clll to mm olfIImplytaMed hmdsamely lulured lemm hlndblll keyed tov glolhea or mull llvlnx WIGGINS runs leml Trodoln Allownnm Mun ll hm MI emu Mm lidm For Oulllly 50 lo Workmumhlp Ind Ibovu III anuc In ml DUNLOP IT Anolhcr pollcewo Hll El Ilnlwnrlz HM Perlonllly bellow um very glrl wnnu lo munltd Ind In cm we mm inlo dour peranal comm wllh Ilmr prnporuon men lhm the 1mm wnmln mun Idmll Hull our unllonm In very mm but hudly think lhcy min lrmlllnbla II II nMcwnnhy all It rllmwomw ll Humlord Ihn ad mlrrled lhru Ind IIIde In flu Mu No tr tn blue however entirely Agree with lhl report The mnrrlnze problem ll inhmnt In my ornnlmtton whm women no employed Intd attrmtve Sat Jennltcr lttl tan mltonod ll East Ham llu collcnlue Sutt Cnryt Kur II added 111m bound to ha certain number who get mar rlcd But It mun ha rcmembar that Imo number ral lcuwnmcn mlrry policemm Another pollccvvo Mummy Mn Thl report the In clan nyl Mlny Ml Ire uvlnl alter only lwn or hm yun had the dummy keepinr wo men police up lo lul Ilrnnllh II major pmblcm Expenslvc rainlnz walltd and the pos lllon Acute lhll lame chin conrlablu Ire consider lhI poulhllluu rmplaylng mar rlld wumm upalcemcn on full or pIrMImo duly VIEWPOINT mm tn Icmm lormer policewoman now married back or purlllmn wnrk LONDON The Home Olllce Inspector of Constabullry are greatly concerned lbaul Ihu manIan ma ha pallccwu men Brllnhll policewamen Ire proving lrreslslabla because their good low Ind lrlm unil Iarms Ihlt too many of lhcm Ira mlrrylnl afler only few yearn on the lam Thu Hon Ofï¬ce II mmlderlnl Icheml Spec Th BurI Imlner met his allow when wns wnlunz table In rupecllhlo call Ho Wu customer He told me on an Hm dnlc Dust Dru Ann Landon hive hand of mmled men lelllna Ml they Ilnglc but hnvt you evu heard Ilnxla mun telling lhe II mprrlcdi Munwhlle Aka comfort In the ml 1th you am my well be happier and dn better the unlvmfly he will mend hick town Ind Ill lhnn he would have donl In on the unlvenlllen prefer bymhun PEONY DATE Mon Your husband noted unwlrely lo be me But It would be lnporrect lo any his Icllon ruined lhu boyl chances Thu kind preuura In exerled qulher help nor blndm UrnHy In Ignored Hraven only knows why some lludenu are accepted and olhcr are not saddest all mm the kids are often made to Ice Ilka Allure hay Arent nccepled by the school their parenu elem Munwhlle Aka comfort In Policewomen Pose Problem that with the yt olutlc record he would nuner have rmdo an the Ichools MI mhur had not put the hut on Please print this Ielllul wamlnl tn olher when llEAM SICK MOM HI put prmmnn hi Innu emuI Mend And bmlnm Iocllllllfl writ letter In by In pur Ion My hubmi prominent Ind Iucceulul businessmnn wn determined um our boy wnuld 10 to wellknown unlvmny Ho oak upon hlmaufl tomHo Xenon tn Imlvmily pmldenll alluring gun with prnmlm more bur An Landau Soon our bflllllnh hlndwma um will be leavlnl or medlom unlver lily In hick awnbecause hII know1m mm wwldnt ll Jen wane or lothl boyl high adv MdeYRE noon ANN LANDERS chgice or University shfpuld Be By Student PA um put ll bluntly dont cm or his Ideal Ha gnu for ou modern design which leave ma cold Mywile ls even more canmvlllve but xhu doesnt Denr Ann My win and been mlrrlud lovemywl and us ready to bulld ham Mywma kid brothar rout of college fluently and Is unm lllnl young architect Ha ha MugRam dualln our home nu luv lulr And Itrictly for your Inform llon TNT man who rally la munled but not mun nlonl with MI wire no ud hol candidh elxher ogm mm Deu Dynamlle The man Illppery who Ia Interested Iolaly In calmInmam By all Inl you ho was married he was makan ll clear lhal he was no caydlfiaga 3r gho altar Every Mme wcnt out and menuanad hla wlle he thinned he aubject not In plclnul Ind quutloned woman whn worked In the lame campuny found on that In In not married Ind never has been What dn you make hitDYNAMITE DOROTHY hl wu mmled am he Ind his win did not let along but ha wu mylnz with her br sags ofnlhe children calunl claulc lhu oxclllnp layorod look CanonlumenockodlomyWhlto black or blue In Ilzol SML 44 Wool plald tunic lop In Ile 11 to 16 Black flltlng lrelcb lllml Blnck4 brown ollvi bluo rod or In In slmBloZO 1H The brolher Ihould be laid Ihal his offer generaul In deed but you cant accept ll becauseynn have some Ionly ideas n1 your own which yunra mm wnnl be compnuhll wllh Vevo mulled to near clen ol cnmmllmenl In In bul when ever wl nu lnzclher her brother mm to lllk about Wm can you tum vooM DE Voomx links you your wife speak up you gird up llvinl In ham know how In turn down her hrgghgr ofler Aclually aepnc tank depend on tunmes break down lhc reluxe lnthem The modem mum to use product web SeptBa developed by TH leyl Canadian cumpany which Iclenuflcnlly provide lhn pmper Hymn to ensm proper waxkin Harry Webb chemist leyl Limited route pem In the ï¬eld admin theyve received some mighty IllAnn Idvlce the hmlly dinErin whenl the In place ynu look or Mr In the nelzhborn We link Well duh 1er flintJlnt 1m when youd ï¬nd her When lepllc nnk Imp worklnl Inan In oldAdmer will reqnmmend throwingI dud ca lnlo them Others believe hut yam Hm or 1aner ol oth wm um It work lng Little Truth In01d Béliéfs 10 awn ALKERS JOE 1016 luvsIranilellorl Llnkknll sun of wool Fully lined sklrl Pink blul or my In sin 10 In mum now only in min Momya an II II Nun W44 you Fried iomllm quickly mldo vexetnbi dish to nerve either part no main coursn or with lens for breakfast For ix sorvinga cut six medium io maim In hailinch slices Ben one en xiilhily with Iork Ind season wilh iui teaspoon of nail and pinch each ruse mary and cppcr Dip the main Iiicc hall cup at iim Fried Tomatoésr Quick Vegetable Thu engagement has been nnmuncmlo Mls France Fya Carter duulhter o1 lgr Ind Mrs Curler ol lid on ANNOUNCE WEDDING NEE 16 When making ml crumb 1mm loaf of crusly bmd fll handy reniamber that one pound lea yield lhresquamu ol pound of crumb liter th crusu have bun ulmmrd all TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA um bread crumbs then In the on Ind main 111 lbs crumbs Fry In mill amount 01 In skillet gnm lightly browned on son of Mr and Mrs Parks 0mm Onlllcr Street United Church Ban1e will be sailing for flu anamoon uro Lnony on Sept 21 rmm by hlc Gammam