Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1963, p. 10

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Emnlmr Spurn Edllor An executlvohas been formed we and means committee set up and now all thats to fie decided is can enough money he raised to kickoff hockey sea son here What thu of hoclEey will the league be this season And ow long wll the schedule be GnAll MIGO OTTAWA CI AlIlmck Dnn Dcxrlrk pllctd on wnlml by Inrnnln Arunnuu manlly II hrrn plckud up by lllu llnunh Illdm II nnnnuncrd Tundny II ImparI hmn Oklnhaml ColIru Dmlck wnI In hll Incand ynr with Ariel NAMH FARM COACH MONTREAL IIIIMnnlrenl Cnnmllml Announced Blondy Benny Howmln mom chIrI Icnul Inr In mm In Eulern Cmmll hn Imn Ipmlntrd Mu of um um mm In Omlhl Th cluh Omnhl Knllhu wlll play In Im new Conlrnl IquInnll lluluy Lulu lhII wInlrr DELVECCIIIO MHNI uplrumnumu Ilrd era In htr lurch or morn but In Unit oflunslvo hacklleld II halfback Canon Clark load in norcr al the Soulhuasle Cantmnco hat loam who rectnlly cut by Oakland mid lhl American Foolbnll Leaxuc SKIP ETCIIEVERRY FORT COLLINS Colo AP Denvcr Broncos cut lheh AmrrA Inn lnnlhull Angus mum In ha leznl llmlt cl Tuudny The 311mm Iquld don nnl In rludu Sam Elchuverry lormur Mammal Mauello and El LnuII Cnnlinnll qunrlrrhnck who nuns hm lhll weak to work out nn trial bmll Wlili Ilgnod Xléx mlncrhln lts posslhle the local team may go after 40 gamu schedule thls season Instead of the present 32 game length Also expected to take up llltle time at next weeks league mectlng ls whether overtlme should be played Well the hall ls rolllng and now well just have to all by and watch the developments Thlngx should start hopping better one the league parley next Tuesday course this means money and what can hap pen and quickly is that teams will oulprlce them selves and be usingJed lnk before the season ls hall over More leagues have folded because of this very reason than could be told about here Ive seen it happen several times in places with seven or elght times the drawing potential that we have here Me or ap ears timistlc He feels that with the allelic num er of mports good quality of course Barrie can hold its own against an other club in the league He feels that first of topnotch goal tander who can be available for every game is needed Sandy Air has been in touch with one but no state munts canbe made at ihis ilme lo TflE IVMRRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT ll Not much can be done to overcome these problems But it may give you an idea of what hockey club must contgnd with In this league THERELL BE league mectlng next Tuesday and at thls tlmo it will be decided if the league will step up to Senior From the talk last nlght the men running the club here feel it would be unwise to chanfie Blggest reason is that unllmtted lmports are perm tted ln Senlor and this wlll have the clubs runnlng all season to obtain better talent Theres llttle margln or error You pick your lmports and youre stuck wlth them whether they turn out good or not So one has to be careful in that department Theres the problem of only one home game week couple of stormy nights and the attendance is cut considerably and financial problems arise And not to be overlooked is the fact that players are travel ling back and forth only for games and this puts the coach in difficult position of trying to work out plays with very little practice time available COACH PAUL MEGER who will also be on the executlve this season ls ha py to see Sandy Air ready to return to the club and so member of the execu tlve It was felt that Sandy could do fine job of lin lng tmport players to Toronto He has already been contact with few and la walttng or the green light to contact otherar Bclng stranger here well almost havent had the opportunitylo sea lhls local league ln action But from what can gather can certainly see where cxecullves and coaches hava problems Not to by ovgrlookcd of course of improved Import talent for 10 Is the uestlon hockey eam Thats the local hockey situation today following meeting of the executive and committee last night aMhe Barrie Arenai Much enthusiasm was shown and believethese men can do the job SIGN ALFIMCK OTTAWA cmmam lc uynwnwuumyw ml In In at IMIUMI BARRIE BOWlING Ill Dull VA 0m AHPMI hull Auo 11m Aullnll to Go Rowling LADIES MENS and MIXED All lEAGUES NOW FORMING NEW SNACK BAR SCISSORED SPORT SPORT AT GLANCE Hockgygpicturéf Looks Brightergl 1m ll lllfl Gm LI 556 75 377 llnnon cm 571 Dnvll LA 71 151 321 Chm llh new mum Alron Mil 31 IO 11 120 llunl Mum nun fllllrd lnAlfon IlIIIIImnn 1M Douhlnoflrnll Jl TrlnluIlnwn om lluuAunn Mal nunWilli In An uju By RICK FRASER wIItd ll lrrrnnmkl lm Anulu 1H Ynurmxkl Bnl 151 Ill Klimt Dtl 16 Ill Imon LA ms nolllnl Mln 4M 71 Mnlzone no 511 SI 15 nunTmh Ntw York 31 llnnl Bllhd IIISlum Bah Inn 100 lllleIlIM Ml DoublnYulmmnll Trlplu vannllu Mlnnl MII and Hlnlon Wnlhinmn llom nuns5mm 1M Molt BIIuAplrlcin Bull mnN 35 PlléhlriiBaulam an York 196 KIM Rmkuill Pdm Chiclo ll ho NnUmul Hockey Denna club capuln to MM con lrlnl Tuuday BALL LEADERS Amrlun kngm Alhul My All 11 lm Anlcln hI Mull Snn Imncllro lhllndclphll Milwnukm LInclnnnll Iultnxo llllflmrlh nelulll Tandy Halllmora Boxlcn New York Dclml Kansas Clly Minnesou Only unme scheduled lmhlbll Ilkhtn Tody 1m Angela Chance um Minnesoh SHlmnn 134 Dnillrmre noun mm Clevnlnnd Grnnl 1042 Walhlnklw Ollecn I10 at New York Mum Md Delmlt mm IN at or uni nxrleylHIQ New York Chian Mlnnesoln lawman Delroll naxlnn Clevrlund Kansas City In Angelo Wnshlnmn xmuiabili rmkmm ml Saul 75 nl Chltnzn 11mm HM And llnrlry 15 wlnlxhl llnmlmlw Nyw York He may he used at nnypne three posltlons quarterback or where the Argonauts appear to need helphalfback or fuflback The speculum began dlnlcly alter Torqu paid Ihe 3150 wnlver price In gel Sle phcns the conlruvcrslnl quar Ierback wha was luspcndnd re ccnlly by 19 or tailing to get his welsh down to 210 pqunds He was removed from the Ca nndlan mmn Lcngucn lus nendcd list taller weekend nego llalluns wllh Montreal by Sla phens and MI lawyer Sam Gmmhlan By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Franc Culll ane Ter roncz 117 Fresno knocked out Chgrlia Scan M7 Philadelphia lluuxtonTod Herring mfls nulpalnlcd Bl McMunny zlo Stephens pinned on waivers by Montreal Alnueiies hesdny and claimed by Argos hours later could see iou ni action with Tamniobui not returning puqis ep ens 23 was quarter back during his collegiate years when was an allAmarlca chalca Mlnnuou and will WRONTO CMSandy Sle phens l0 anxious Io ploy foul hall that he has won offered to run hock kick for Toronto Argonouts By THE CANADIAN FRESH Pictured above from left to right are Ell Bennett Paul Meyer and Sandy Air who make up ha execullva of lhls yearn Barrio hoékcy dub mum Thundy at Mlnnumn Knn City nl Chicano Wmhlnzlm Al Nuw York Drlrnll Dodo Only lnmu Ichrdulcd Argos Pick Up Sandy Stephens On Waivers FIGHT RESULTS BUILDING MATERIALS 249 51m 51 ul mum III 39721 EOWEST PRICES FASTEST SERVICE THORNLEA Cush€grgy III American Mung ork oln City Izelu non Pcl GBL 90 49 M7 as swans D7 88228233212 gas Natlaul EXECUTIVE BASEBALL SCORES rcmm Sgdaaidfiis 333338282 565 540 511 10s 52 II 510 II 311 11 IM 361 SW WHlyman whn wlll dllcun arm with Slcphenl today eel Stzphem mauled foothill player ludlnnnpoll Mlnnln Llnlu flock Columbun Jnckwnvlllo ton other He said he thought Skopbeu could step In right now and play quarterback for the Arms as he Ideally sumd lor the Tar nnlo mllnu nyle Eu added muth posslhllily He could he the blg fullback the Argus have been looking for hel blg and strong Aqqos mu mm Wharevcrrhe 111 III Argo Ira hnppy to have hlm Bath lryqvfgkl lnd zgnernlm nun nuulil Tunay Cincinnati NM York Plluburxh 10 SK bouls Cinema San Francisco ls Philadelphia Milwaukee Houston Lo Angela Pmbablé pm My Philadelphia Bennett 72 Clggiprinii0iooia 717111 vuluuuuu vlwll um 11 Pluuburgh Frlcnd 1612 At hilly9353 Nuw York Wllcy L11 ll St Loulm Bmullo ll0 Chicano Kooan 14 at Ange Milly muth Zach 1w It fianclm Sank llI2 Syrncuu annnio indium nullnln nlchmond nmll 1mm Mglmlly lngflnnnpylll Vlludlannfiolin wlm mum plnyn lnr Soumem Dlvlnlon thumplomhlp Tody Infill Eyrmm ll lndlnnn Toronto Al Allard4 One man who think Ste phen will help Toronto Ralph Snzlo coach Hamlllan Tiger Calu Ha Ihlnks Stephens and Jackie Parker Argonnuts regu lur quartzmack so far hi sea Ion could boih play In thn lama backfield Bnth Emu can play as either halfback or qunnerhnck nld $3110 ljluesday nlglpl In Ham Mnnlrcnl slncé comlna to Can ndu In 1962 But Ihe Argonauts gre over flowing with quarterbacksthey have four alreadyand conch Nabby erkuwakl although he said it was still too early or dellnlle plans dld no rula out Stephen mum ha buck When Cleveland Brown or the Nullnnal Football Leaxua had Stephen on lhclr mgnllauon list they had plain to try him out halfback qu MANY ounmms FOR Hamel was president ol the club llle past three season Vand will not In this ofllce zaln this sensun Mczcr in also coach the Ienm and Ah Gnmel nmmlly Pittsburgh Milwaukee New York at St Mull Chicago Il Lu Angela Housum at San Francine Only game Ichoduled lnlenullonnl lulu Hull litMIMI Nvflhem Nvllhn gum or méy Vcomplcmtnl and Mlhern nlvlllol BARBIE HOCKEY CLUB mum 30 7o 51 7a 75 50 75 7s 7171490 any 66 ll VI mmm 31 77 $1 501 lllltlnl chk 5mm Red 50x Ml hll lath ham run Ind buan lhn llnl Amman Luxucr lhll mum lo 01113 100 rum lulled In Hallo loll lo nnmmm Orlolu 45 Mlle Ind III chmu face 20 deficit In games allowing 1H and 120 louse 1n lhe open lngflgonlmg of thc mics luchlnny My Phllldel pMI Illnwtd Milwnuku unly lwo hlu or 20 victory lhll Impptd the Philllcl avrr lho erAvII Into tourlh plum In lhc anlnnnl Longs Those were lhn word at Bar rle Plaza conch Georla Mlle lhll morning he prepared for tonlzhll Ihlrd amt ol but olIeven Semansdunll Leagu nnal urle Ixalnst Slewml qup at Qqqenq Park Mlle uld he would name hLI 51min pitcher game time Wen Dovno and Jack Val ard ready and urh Immu could also we Action Mllu wasnt Abe Inythlnzh WI drum me 11 am upress hop that Co Pyrlltdum will be wax Corby ha been away on nfioncymoon the pm week and wu upeded home In night Miles Ind In who Plan lqnud would wel com the night of the bland bomber hnndlnz out to MI Ihad Ilop pollllnn might Sluwn manager Larry Wood report hll lcnm Nady and lelJng to Kn Unlcu Dutch Ba II mung byuer thin was yoaTcrdH Jbfijflmfii 1° 92 MIME Boyd pllched the opener and Armstrong lha Iooond lnmn Conch Bill naycmfl mule hll pitcher much mulbll but yoyd was nunlnl cold yefler nld been prelly bot ll ITIIE ASSOCIATED IREM Sepiens jolned the Alouallcs or the 1982 mason billed as the man to m1 lha Ihnes Sum Elcheverry who had departed to try his luck as an NFL qunr lerbnck He was inandout last aenmn when Montreal barely dled out the Argo or piayofl position and then iast to Hamilton in the eastern iinal He played the ilrst two games Ihls seasonthe were trounced eachbefore his luspeminn They have Iinca wan twlqe In two slut with quarterback Bubba Marriott believed In agreement was reached with Monlrell on Stephens navcut contract to al low Mm to play elsewhere He signed threeyear contract in 1962 for salary animated Is hllh $115000 Va wnnl lhll on we need It Therel no lense holding back anylhhu at this mm 01 tho mics one of the cluhe lop playern The three were namednl meeting had last nlght at the Barrie Arena An accountant le also be appointed lo nerve on the executive Plaza Hoping For Initial Victory Wed llkn In Me lhcm In Mr Laniw mm In IIKIN umlcmnnul lam ml dlmlmh mlkm Only Nth mu mid gymImpe Fumei hmrig emlemnon Cluh I10 lgval WNW v9 1M BALL STARS ExecutiveflNclInEd For BarrieHockey Entrl SAN FRANCISCO AP Ner voul uxhaunllon will keep Willi May rldellned until It lam Hdny bl doctor uld nm ny Dr Seller unmlmd Mnyl Monday found nnthlnl wrong Ind Illa check Tuudny uld lulu um Ill W1 1187M ml The Glanil llumplnl badly in in week open thrw um min with tho Icuue lending Lou Anzelu nodzm Fr Ix night UnlIl lhelr current IlumpX Mnyl had carried lho mum umnce wlh In Auguu mun mark of 357 In railed MI Au Ian to Members he Banl learn Ire Dan MacDonald Jahn MI 01 Dick Forbes John MCCIM Bob Hooper Ron Cutter Emlc Mllll lbm Guner John MIL only Ind Ben Popp lately In ovary dew1mm and hope we week layol hunt hurt the bow M101 an hay pen In urlu Ind wcn 1103111 do not thin on mum Wa be ln pnlly good lblp with 13an In the min Gum time tor um oclock Fourth lune cl tho ur lu will be played Salmlay night Ilsa at seven oclock The San Francine allnll 00000 can elder dump ed lo home plan whlln billing Inlnu Chico Monday And mmplllnm ling Und Ind walk HI wu 1lith lent hopu lo real Prospects hockey team operating in Burrledoak brink ludny lollnwlng maetlnl lul nlnht nl Ihn Eurrlu vAran whtn anexecullva and way andd mean committee wu Jor Rny Heap was named chth man loa and mum cammmw Serv with hlm will be Clarence Smith nay Topplng Funk Pelmnn Bob Duncan John Dobson IIn Hop and Wilbert waltnn other may ha Idded Teams entered at Elobicnke NIngau Fulll Skiword Ian don Chalhlm Slralhroy Kll chenor Elmln Imam Wlud nor and Bmle jargo meek Gulhnm In Bennm Don Coulmn Ind Ken Robertson made up the exam Ive the put hm mam All lhrea reallned his year due to hualneu pmsnra but Ben nay nzgped to come back Barrie Jaycbcs wlll be ona the 11 learn competing Toumamunt at Kitchener Salut dal aqd Sypday Bill Bennett wlll agnln be FTP Ildent the club and nervlng with him on Ihe executlve will be coach Paul Meier and alar Elayer sandy Mn Therall alm In accoumnnt appolnttd jnler dale The local team will luv Fri day evenlnu Ind play In In nine Salurginymomly BarrieIICs To Compete In Tourney Willie Mays Needs Rest Ely CilyMnlorl Iponmrl min min Inn1hr Minimum lflll HIM kWlIG MN FORMOSA DANGERFIELD MOTORS In ll our lot on nrndlard St Ind look Imund 0K uud cm In In allhudlm POP lha learn Ins year old the cluz lhu lBuy LIlyl vn donate sweeten Ind iockx hey bmmhl or Ian ycnrl loam Thu cm will he changed to whalevnr name lhe club plckx Mon at Ihe ovenan was taken up wllh lund raisan prolecu and was declded to sell sen mna llckels llnwcvcr they wont be nvallnble for over weaklye an Imus meellnx wlll be held next Tuesday and It wlll be decided hep how Ian Ichedule wlll he We Ailmy Arena Mnnugcr told thc meet Ihm warn talks oi the league ltepplnu up to nior irom intermediate but this wont be decided the league mutinu ln Mr Heap aald he was In con tact with savers bullneu men In the clly And they named to for tho den Half llck Its He was Assured by at least mun Punuc mums InylloH Thu mo volume heated by mother method could con ovu 11300 per month Matchless electric water halting ls proven to over 90 emclent other method may only In much 05 student Independent Iurveyl prove that more water an In heated It lower cost with flat rate electric mm halflnl than my olhnr wny YOU CAN USE OVER Why Pay More Electricity ls Sate lean Homeless More Efficient tool FOR FUIJ DETAILS CALL ELECTRICALLY PER MONTH TO HEAT IT BEST FOR LESS CAN use ovm lllll GALLON or PIPING nor wmsn EACH DAY AND Ii cosrs YOU ONLY HOI WATER WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE COMMISSION You Need all the three mrllcl um lnke xcvornl hunks Man on hand or the mewan was lust years mrclnry un Caultan who ngrecd In wwrk with present cxecullve tn draw up budget or the mmlng san Mr Caulsnn was campuI menled or the flue lnh he urn ed In whlla with the club am was wllh wire lhal lhe exc culle announced they couldnt ablan hll lurvlcel mln ll Ienson The meetlnl was naked whet wus bulnfl done in 1he line of Import or Iho coming neuron and president Bennett nid Sandy Air wan in contact with Ievernl In Toronto and it II he ed that the executive will had meeting this weekend to tail aver prospects The exicutlve wlll make urlher lntemanl ollowlnl Ncy day Mum Imua meetlnl 200 PA Mm tlm

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