Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1963, p. 9

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Sam Attends Club Workout Ford Wins 20th Mick gIn Starting Lineup 1m nlrhnn Mnnlml wan nu underll llrll ml llelrnllnz Mndrllnn Fax nl nap mm on 75 mm with sunklcwlcl In wln dnnblu crown In much 11 Tm Inch and Min Dulmurlur both of Oh up KINGSTON CW Dlvld Hum 16 Mlcvlllo won Ilnlltl ml In the underla bnyl nlvlllnn ducnllnl Kinpmnl Mm slnnkl Linndmludrlmiur 31H Wishfnfilnn tSenator hlnlcd 11 homm In the npcnerA 154 In Seullorg In Sundnyl umel Cleveland Incpl doubleheader aver D34 rall Mnnd Nzw York nedgrd flnlxlmurc Cnluzo whlppcd Ailnncnoln Damn dcd Washington md Kun Clly nlppcd Wllhinuwn an Sulurdny Drlroll aul luutd Clcvcland Chicago blanked Mlnnmlu 24 Klnm Clly trounced Lon Annalu New York downed Dunlmon Ind nounn dzlulcd th lnllon quzurzlfnx by in nmo 31 iwm mm Mlnneloll Twln put on III olher power how and climbed lo wllhln unehall name of Whm Box by knocklnl all Knnsu Clly Mhlcllcs lwlqa and Bunion Red Sax dropped Balu vjmm Orlnlu In pair as A8 Elnnbnuquenlg wgp Ind 34 an 1h llvéhll plichinn of mold Boh HeHner Cleve FORT COLLINS Cnla MP Velmn quurlorbnrk Snm um awry workrd oul Mnndly with Drnvrr mum of tho Amul un fnnlbIl Leanna WM Broum mml muner Jnrk nulkner tho mulbillly Illn ln wllh lha Broncos Mr or the mend Ilma in MI lumen cum In the opener taken by Yank Mnmle wal marm ar the am Mme Ilnce June ha Iecnnd name 21 1ueaker won by Tiger hchlnd enhander Hunk Agulrrel neat pitchlng J4 Marllnl lwovrun dnuhle In In In ol the ninth lnnhw lave Chlcuol neond plncn Whlu Sax In dtclslon over Lon mum Angel and Mr blehudernpm against AngeIL Hm Angela ripped out hill 11 upmrlng opener 75 David Hurst Cops Tourney 31 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It wn only Llhnr Day but Al hnd All the looks 01 World gem tuneup for Naw York happened in Detroit Mon dly Yankee held onln their Amerlun Leanna cushlan of even dozen lame with don blihufigr lplll unlml Tlxeyl Whllay Ford wen uvun In XIlflll plus 1n posklng hll mlh victory and Mlckey Mantle wn baykjn lhu nullting une lomawhm under thb pile of plum LI Hlmlllon Tim Cnl fullback Jlmlo Cnleb who HAMILTON TIGERCATS SCORE WINNING TOUCHDOWN the Mind xrlmlIMut mond lull dld ha Job or Gmn hr Ml llml Illzr nu xlnnlm uplalhlnz an lwn pun lnllrrcpllom hid Ink I744 lud In lhl trl Iwo parlndl Thu Inn flu erd In our uhlhlllnn Inr lhl Gllnllv Pink 01 rhumplnm nur or It mu lhu chlmpn nvenlh Ilrnhzhl vlrlnry over the Ollnll lhl Ium Ihry whlnpcd In lhn NFL lllln um lhl lul lwu nd thaIr 23rd pn mn um wllhmfl Ian ulln NFL oppasluon flolllnx In lhrlr laurlh vlclnry Ilnu nn Ignnmlninul 2017 lm lo the Collm AlSlm mouth n10 he Pucker Imlchd lho Gnnll 1117 Marc mrlnl Haul crowd 11121 hm Mendy nlzhl nle Pucker In Iqumly Ilnp lha Icrlmhle lho It NFL team mnvn clam lhelr an openen dun from GREEN BAY Wile AP Grcen any Pukm In mu matter or an York Giant and In ml of lhl Nlllonll Foolbafl Lugue DAILY TOURS no 730 no DElANEY BOAT LINES om om rm av llyfldd 41 mun non AVAILABLE FOR cuman Angels lumped Gary Pclcrs wlnnlnl llrlnn gnmcl by holdlnl or White Sax In in opener and Appeared handed lot xwaep when they came from our runs back and look lead lnlo um nlnlh Inning of he xecnnd lame But Martin pulled It out or Chlcnga with NI lworun double allowing double by Ron Hansen um will to Jim mnnlnxham Jon Pcpllonea Ihremn hm mer mlnn Frank Lnry In the mm Inning the apnnrr broke 12 Ho and puwzrcd Ford to his 20th victory Manllo ra ped lwn Ilngles Inlnsl who Illflcd Ievcrnl lhruu In Inrnlnl In In elshlvhluer flxm overcame 10 dzflcll wIthlhelr two rum In tho third inning minst Slan Williams on Bill Brulonl dau ble Dick Mdhllml bunt Jingle mince fly by AI KIIInI Ind Rucky Colnvllal nlnlle Mnnlle out of mm mm plelely for two months with broken too and mullam knee troublz had been conflned pinch hlmnz helm hIs Ilarl In cenlre Held in Mandi ucand game Manuel loss hldnl been felt by Yanksexcept pump 91 lhg 11qu theyq he nam will meiwncnhnunE Iluggar In prlme lbs 101 the World Series Green Bay Still Giants Masters Knucklehalflnl tellaver Hoyt OntHour Tour Plnumqvo Komplnll Buy made twoyard dlva or 11 only touchdown he am ullmt Tornnlo Argonlulu SCENIC BOAT TOURS In the Amcrlun Foolhnll hum Whlth open In regular lulan Frlduy nluhl wllh Km Inl my cum menllnt Denvtr Bloncol Sun Dluo Charm wound up Iho uhlhmnn champ with 15 Kalurdny nluhl ded Ilnn nver Onklnnd naldm Chuan wan lour Ind loll unl prulleuon plly Olhcr wak ond mulll nunu Dilm ovnr KIM Clty 1M7 Imd nullulo Ill over Denver lIH an Sul urdly nlxhl Ind New ank nver Damn Plllloll Inc an Emmy In olher NFL nmu DnHaI Cowboyl whlppcd San Francisco werl 5724 Ind Pllllhuruh Slcelm denled Delmll Llunl 1L7 Frldly nllhl Ind nnlnmcro Coll urncd bnck hlnulau mdlklnl 2111 El Lou Curd Innll edled Chltnxo Run ll Clivelnnd menl Ipllled an Amulet film 2311 Ind Ihlln delphll Enulu but Mlnnmll VI H7an Iiundly Th Gmn Buy Ncw York Inmz which boosttd NFL pu umn nllendanca aver 0144000 wllh 11x dam remnlninz next 11 In ll 49y pmlaoiiull program are Lgbor JDay kcnd Jack Krallck went the dll tunce or Claveland in lha um lame but he Trlba used pllchm In Iho mend iiomcrs by Larry Brown hinx Alvis John Romano and Joe Adcock drove euros in indinn run in their rout of Senators then Don Zimmcr Ed Brinkmnn Jim King and pitcher Ed H04 huugh homered in Wnlhinniunl narrow victory Iiivil and Jan Azcue also connected or Claw land in H1 mend lame whiie pitcher Don Rudolph and Dan back had Washington homer in Nina alumina tripletsHar man Kiliebrew Bob Allison and Jim Halleach blasted Mr run homer in the dauhla vlctcry over Athletic Klllebrew hi hls mhlnd Allison hi all in the opening game won by Bill Pie with 13 innlngl oi iww hl reliel Hall Imlckcd his 1th homer In lha second game whlle Le Slang vliched live hlller for Minnuolm Ed Emsouda lworun ti in the seventh inning nnd dc Radau reiiei pitching helped Manbnuqucue in his lmh vic lnry Rob iiiimm and Dick Stuart ingicd in iho Red Sax runs against Ballimnre in iha second Iamz In luppnrl oi Hciiner Wilhelm was Que While Sax winner far the third time mnny duya yuterdny In Hammon Tn nuchdawn Ind luhequent con var by Dave Vltl came allu Inld Clnh my Whm you mndder II luck unnl rut And lhert wu Inlmermu mm wlml ynull Hm um MI mde 1le Ilm Wlllllmlon wu lhu luvorfla lhe limoplul am Thu Unl venlly New nmnnwlck Ilu dent Md htflercd KIddI 8000 melnrjuniar mark In Satur day ll yllgrlng in lle look land In lhe lelh Inp Ihnolinl pul Kldd Ind Clohmy medll wlnne In two nmlm EmpIra lnr Aunlrllll who llnluhed lhlrd Mm uklnl lhc lud Wll llnmlonwnn mm In In cub Ilnndlnl no9 umnd Ior II henvnllq Fennel louk one Jump ll ll fine then bonsled um bur lo 17an ll llnt Al lempl WM tolled when he twlalcd nldewnyl golnl over Ind brushed Ilm bar wllh hll chm llo knocked ll of on he on lhl ncond lwn lrlu Tha eraldcd ma mum evtnl ell Ihort ll pr meet buildup Even lhauxh Canndlnn open record Incl one Inch was It was cry lrom lhe l7onl Imp made day um by Jnhn Danna Ill pmmnx world mark P11 rel lhrcequnrlm of an RECORD Ill FAILS pm cams In the 380 yard unknown Dave McClure Taronln East York whipped Unlled Slate lullmile Jm Fumeu nlo ynunx fellow lrom Fred ericton who movrd In Tnmnlo lhls wmmer to take ndvnnllge Fred Fooll coaching lapped an International old which In cluded ananlo ace Bruce Kldd Ilso Foal prome Monday hf lnklng he thrmlle event in um minutes 551 md he Canndlnn Nullonnl Exhlhillnnl lnvllnllannl lrack meet wnnnmsnn up firmly 1th shed himsell II An Immu dlalapgqrunglng thanl By PAUL RIMSTEAD TORONTO CP It may have been Lahor Day to the rut Ihe country but was Chrlx Williamson day or High younz mun 1mm New Bgnswlck Sepand lama of the hunt Iva Ladies Softball League llnnl Ierlu between Newmnrke and Monarch scheduled Iar lu nlght at Qunenl Park at 1th oclock Newmnrket won lh Ierlel op ener 1n Newmarknt RivIn mn III II IL em Ladies Game Is Scheduled Maritime Runner Is Upset Winner TIC halfback Gurney Hen ley intercepted an Argo pm and ran back 59 yards Ham lltou wnn lha name 74 CP erepahlo Tmm Cm In Amnuod On All Ropaln linmu Mint Ormistons WHITI non play Dally Tm ourlh rcnurknbh pa rln rmlnce by lluyu Jane 01 Delroil In lhe lwylrd hllh hurdlu lhrm tor Ihc 1064 olymplca Junu wnl docked in mm The old record by Kellh Gird nu ol Jlmllcn had mod mm lhl IDS Drillh Empln Glmrl Vancuuvm Ahby beltered her own record In Ihe 380 yard Iha whipped US champion Sandra Knit Cleveland lnr the auth IImn In Iour meotlnn In 2210 MI MIu McCrtdIe who but bel mark pdenn lasted lha IIIBI 1ch 601m Inch on opchlrkl Abby Hoflmln Tarnnla and Nancy McCredll of Brampton Onl McClurz whn cum here mm Bonus 10 yam no luck lunflnx Dupm by Iu rise Dupm an his way om allsr long European law Rand has MXI be his only Icllvily his all Ind he doml plan on Indoor mmpellllon Ihls wlnlLr mmcr Ill be running as well ever dld he sald nghl now all an think In ml 11 an lame Ilow run ning But Im gelllnl llllla tired compellklonIII been Iwo qu yam He Ihould have load chance to mnke the 1961 Olym KI leam uld Kldd who mu regained hls form liter heel Injury Kldd who lrled to Come back on recent EuA ropenn tour but loundhe wasnt ready Plum Inn layuflmm campemlon Johnston was clipped fur lev en hlls Including humerl by Hutchlmon and pitcher canton who last an an elzhbhlller Thornton Jumped Into lead In the first lnninl Ind never looked luck New Lowell narrowzd the margln to one run wlth pair In their half at the first and lnolhcr In tho second Thornton padded their land with llnzla run In the fourth and two In the 1th More New Lo well rounded out thelr total with onfnln In the xlxlh Don Jnhnaon Ruched tho vIc my and Illflv elpnd hllown cans by Ilnmmlng thremnm hnmur 1n the um Innlnl and balling Ilnllu In the laurlh and alxthfrlmes for threeInrfour It the male Thornton advanced lo the 50th Elmcoe Baseball Manna final Saturday when they defeated New Lowell 74 at Thornton In like lhn mulhern dlvlalon but nlllva Hnnl lulu In Ihm Ilgnlght angles lath viclpry In up my Al Hammm Ifid Wayne Kloox tamInn combined or the later mdgm up lolal II hits mummy Emundlluud thmugh the made No In row pl om when theyudellned Ch Manr Relor ed Jul nllhl anl Par In maaecond bumHum Birth and DI ulc Solthlll Lam mlHull qeggu Ski51y my hlmed huljn 135 victory to gala thenLn In tho 195m fluII Len Bouncy muck out but Im Indlpflld out IIan htrto vlctary Newlomll Elififinated By Thornton ShamyaBaIYa Eééshefifw ran ImMAm can PA ma Jlm Human wax hl Toronln hem Mondly uncth nnrhll bull or our nnn1l Ind endinl wllh llvevhillcr nlchmundl nnly nm came on Dan Buddlnl uvthlnnlnl homer Taronlo Iha 1pm with nlchmond wlnnlnl the mound mm Ind lanlnl 32 Columhul mulled Mlnnln Ind lll Butlaln Ihul out Jltk Ianvllle 70 Syqlcun derailed nuchuur Ind lndlannpolh dagglled Arklnm lol Sunday Syracuse dueind iianhuler iwice and 74 Taranio mill with Richmond losing 10 Ind winning 32 Co iumbu Inili Mm Allnnil win ning lilo iiui films Ind im inz and indinnapuiil dz iutcd Arknnlu and Juk Innvllio deienizd Buiilio in ling umuL VInxl who would have led Toronto or sculnd place Taranlo had Ins and they had wonwknpt the pressure an by delenllni Syn cuse 71 Bunuln Bhan ware l1 wn nu oycr Jugksonvllla Suns Cm an an ndlanl lled or lhe dlvlalan lend Monday 11th when MIIMI dclcmed Colum bu Jcls and Indian all will wilh Arkansas Trnve cm losing 13 and wlnnln me and game 41 023nm svnAcusz Maple Dem will mm the lam Ind Syracuse Chlefl northrrn dlvlalon wlnnm will Inch flue winner Thelr opponent In Iha bultn Ieven aemHlnnl wnnt be known unlll tonight when Indlunnpalh Indiana and Allanll Crackm meal In onelame ludden dculh plnynrl at Indinnapnll to decide the southern dlvltlon cnqmnlunghipa Toronto demled mchmond Virglnlnns 31 at Tomnlu to clinch second ylacc and the nnlpilayoll spot Toronto anlo Leahv at on lime my game bnhlnd the Internallonul League norlhtrn dlvlslan lender and deep In the dlvlllan bnscmcnl climaxed long secondha drive by Mr min playoll spot Monday nal day 01 5h ljagulnqueasong By THE ASSOCIATED odzerl remalnud le nmel In mm lacunaplace St Louis Cardlnnls whlpplng Hou ylnn Coll Sandy Kaum won his 2m and 71 Cardinals kepl pm by dawning Pm hurgh Plrnlu and Mil waukee Bum cloud to Man onehall Jame of Glunll de Ipflc loan to Phlladolphil Santa meanwhile went inur torellhl with seven runs bailed In for the lwlnbill min grand lam immu nnd solo Aha in the nighicap lg lhedciend in champion Ginnil iell Wu games behind Nntlonni Leuuu Inndi Rodgers wum Ellsworth becama he nu Chicgo Cub ultcher Hum 1845 lo null 20 vlclurlea by wlnnlnl the upener before Hohbluut lh llnhhlnl touch an the dou lnheador weep and Glnnu pennant dances with lwwhfl ylclaryx um uclw Bath collnp during La bor Day daublehelder San Francllco Mm ram mum on and Giant mm an over ddsq nl Ran Snnmn Iluulnl and the pltchlnl a1 Dick Ell wgflp 1mg Glen Hobblg 31mm mm Annclma Preu 599m erler Wlllll Mm waazy And SIB Pepclmnalanlll yrq dead Toronto ClinCheS Spot In Playoffs MCIYSIS Woozv AreDeddln NIiRaée PRESS 94 FIN 51 JIcknonvllIe 1m yearl Irat placu Inlaherm but 16 flames behlnd In the toulhorn dlvltlnn lhl fur New 74 lend Buffn milled Ila Ind win on nlnIhInnlnx homer by Ed Kranefiool the young New Ynxk Mm opclul new law prim on an 1qu whoLnnmohu bu como Alvnonzmoul with pcriccilon European miir mamh oi on you ur ihal you cm drivo wilh coniidcnco in uponxivu compnyJho iuxuiinul In icrior includu genuinc lenlher and mil to Will cm pei Oxfords quick ICHOH purl box intro out ur nm which io owed through hr brill In roni handllng mm in Oxiordn mlny ienlum an ion numerom io mention not he imi oi which in me economy of no mm rhhyl let down Jatl In nnu Whlll lhelr mam wm held In only our hltl all lhreu Columbus pllchan Indianapilln look 17 hll bomblnl 1mm Arman bola rallying to wln Ihn mond ugnz Lou Jlnkmn dnuhled In an Inn In Toronto In the In nInz Ind MIpIe mu wrapde It uy In the mm whnn after Iwa were out Tony WuhInglon IrlpIerL Mack Jone duublld Ind Jlm McKnIKhI Ilnglcd Dick Huzhu vllhrheip ham nlyerhoal 5mm Ingl Bob Hum Dr Suller uld Mayl Mum 301 with 32 homer Ind as rum halted In Ihould be back In an Hon today He Just told ma ha wn kind And weak mid Dr Saller He had no blurry mm or unylhinl lika that MORRIS oxrono £4153 33 $1890 Glanll monum ccnlre Holder sulfcrodn dizzy upon and drop ed to am he utm fouling ol pltch In the lourlh Inning of he opener Ha wu axnmlnad by Dr Sni IeLuq In horn 19 my Salurdny Red blanked Plltlbunh SI Luula over powereg Phladelphll 115 MIL uku edged aw Yark 43 CJma nirpcd Inunon be null Ban Franclco dawned In An Phllllu and Cindnnau ng mm doubleheader If with Nuw Yark Mm wlnn nu the nlxhlcnf 10 Jlm MI lancy won mu wllh thrus 1mm Ifler Moll tank In oplnur DODGERS WIN 73 lehurfh defeated Clncln nail Ch cam shaded Hou non 1nd New York out Iulned Mllwaukee In ll In nu MYS SIMCOE MOTORS Cnll BIII Mlmflny DUNLOP 5T EAST LEASE 1964 SALE COMPETIAIVE RATE INCLUDZ INHURANCI ALL REPAle AND LICENCE YEAREND CLOSE OUT WANTED TO SET PINS at KEMPVIEW BOWL Apply In Forum or Phone PA 39979 or PA 3976 CARS and TRUCKS Whllo fluy Lml Boys or Men VIS By THE ASSOCIATED PRES Pkllhuuh Johnny liorfll knocked out Jimmylu chum 155 Phlladelphll nu mum Duke Carmel npged mule danblu and lrlpla Ila Al JIck nun pitched lehllm or New victory Maloney 2H mm on In the nlghlclp and go the only run he nzeded when Feta Rm Ilummed lhl flu pllch lhe gnmo by My Hook or hnmnr Bobby Wlnal tworun homer broke nun the fourth Inning and Tony Taylor wrapped up he scnrlnl or Phllllu and Cll McLlsh In with Iworun that In the nlnlh Hank Aaron hll gem hgmer ar Emu card won both endl dou bleheader or In Mme thin acnson bthlnd the man pitch Inz Bah Gibson 154 Ind Ron Taylor Glhlon checked Plum on levcn mu Ind III humcr while Ken Boyer Ind Gaem Altman homared behind ruck out or 259 mm movlnl In wllhln 1D ntrlkeoull of hi own mum rec ord or loll hundur Dodger rut away with ourrun ourlh In which Tammy DIVII and Frank Howard cnnlrlbuted double and W111 Dnvil masked lrlple Johnny Pod mm Ind Ron Permoskl hold Coll live hlll In 1h mend game whlIe John Rau boro hll lwarun humer Ellsworth mum loner loll year brought hll record lo 107 ln Ihc opener wllh Llndy McDunloln rnllel help Cub munped ll In In llllh wllh um runllwo on fly by DH Wllllaml hot lell in or dun la whon xhorlolop Jon Po zon and let lleldor Cop Pem sun collldod In tho nlghlclp llobble allowed only lhlrd lnnlnz Ilnglo by re Aluu Ind lrlplu by Wllllo quey In her nlnlll year Ila ihll month Mm callnnled Clncinnaii 01 anla battled or the ennnni H0 wan out or mm nyl Al lb and the lemon Mm underI want extensive impiui Legil which nhawcd that nothing wu wrung with his health advised him lo hei lbme ml and prucrihed ledlllv FIGHT RESULTS PA 342le NTACAR PA 64411 13

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