They iaik about umpires and referees and league executives having thankless job its no different being sports writer the crowds are good the rea son you get is because the teams are cPlaying well it the crowds are poor you get blame for not giving gnough publicity its case of heads you win hills Last Saturday morning Jlm Short president of tha Senior Soflhall League called the sports department and was more than little upset over Fridays column here suggesting change In the voting system for th most valuable plnyer in iha league No need to go Into the telephone conversation was followed by the allowing Inner AT AN EXECUTIVE meetlng held early in August ll was unnnlmously agreed to use the following system or vollng or he most valuable player Ballots to be issued to team captains one coach and captain umpires and league executive No vot ing member of team bu allowed to vote for mom her of his own icam Tho ballots were issued approximately three weeks before the Aug 31 1963 deadllne To date the executive has hnd no official complaints mgardlng the system only from your column COOKIE INJURED BUFFALO MUnub ilk lulllmck Cnnklo Gilchrm njuml Sulunlny nlghl In In Ammmn Foolbnll Lcnxuo tx hlhlllun game my be la Vlth the length of tlme allowed for voting three weeks and no olllclol complalnts rcgartllng the sys tem it must mean two thlngs The system was acceptable and satlslnctory The cholco Chuck Blanchard as the Most Valuable Player an excellent one We are We aware of other systems but this is the one the duly elected 1983 executive decided to use this year The letter was signed by Mr Short FIRST OF ALL dont believe was complain mg stated in the column that several outstanding players were overlooked completely because of this system And most certainly did not disagree with the choice 01 Chuck Blanchard As matter oi fact altered him my sincere congratulations But do want It known that several people DID compialn to me lam not In the habit of stating things like this if they are not true When the tlmc comes that sport columnist cant express oplnlons it will be time to start looking for another job believe Ive been more than generous with pub llchy and coverage the Senior Sunball League and glsrognrdlng this Im stlll entitled to express opln ions Alhleies leagues executives officials and anyone else connecied wilh sport from Little League to the Miami Hockey League or major baseball leagues are under flre by writers at one lime or another will is just as entitled to his opinion as anyone else and thats exactly what column ls one persons opinion STILL DISAGREE with the onevole system believe there should be three choices and points system used sports writers 15 great guy as long as hes building lcnms leagues or lndlvlduals up Let him take crack at anyone and theyre ready to send him out of own on the next lraln President Shnrt also gave the dates or the remain ing games at the Sicwarls GnrageBarrie Plnza best oiscven final set which Stewarts lead 20 Games are slated for Wednesday and Saturday nights of this week an Queens Park at seven oclock Next week Monday at 830 Pm and Vedncsdny and Saturday at seven pm are he dates or as many games as need ed vmlu Mtl1qml mm mm InIM nu Aulhhll III the nun elmI1 dln ml lun tholu Ippnflnl Wn any complain stock Sunbum lowllng Illu Hum Inn at Mull 3n Ilu mind at you mm Bunkm lkIulMII lum Nam bowlhIMulnnn nth aimMl my anything 15qung 376 BLAKI ST llARRlE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER IN KEMPVIEW BOWL SPORT AT GLANCE President Short Givés Commenis Exuhlnor Spam EdlInr By RICK FRASER play In lhu Dills lensnn opener next Sunday in lrnm physlclnn Iald Sunday Gllchrlsl lnrmcr nllr In Canadllm loolbnll who hmme lha top around nnlncr Inst ycnr nppnrmlly lul cred nb cnrlllnuu Icpnrnllnn PA Mm 11 THE CANADIAN PRESS If Monlrcnl Alouellcs miss Sandy Stephens it is lho hush kept secret In the Enslcrn Font hnll Conference whn laundered wire with Sluphcns are bauan in along with Buhba Mnrrlolll lhe mun whn lnak over when quarterback Stephen wns sus pundcd rcccnliy or being over weight tho mm as he stores an up an wln In the mans lwwmlle event at the Canndian Nulinm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Blue number who have represented lho West the times In six yum tn the Cnna dinn football lcnnua tinle cur rently look as though thcy mtght have to hunt Ticnts It lhey wnnt to mnku tho urndo thls ym Then the Rider struck twice with hnrdplunnlngmkta tull hnck George Itch necounllnx tor hath touchdowns other Snskntchcwnn polnt came an two slngtca by Mnrlln tnbl and convert by Rex Whllchouse Jnrv Jnnu Imrbd lhn lone games and lhu Grey Cup chnmplons have unly record Snakohewnn Rnuuhridcu clipped mm 1511 Monday in one MI 01 he Vc cm Conferences Labor Day doublchcndcr Calgary Slampcderx dumped the instpinto Edmonton Eakl mo 11 in tha other gamc The win pushed lhe powerful Slump Into Int place two inl nhcnd oi the idle Brilr sh Columbln Lions wllh 51 record After the Lions In come Vlnnipcl and Snsknlcho won with record nnd Edi mnnlon with only am win in llvu starts Wlnnlpu hnd cnjnycd hnmlmo lnnd and All hold II land at lhn hmquarch mnrk Alouettes TigerCats Rack Up EFC Victories Stampedefs Take Over 2nd Place Chris Vllllnmsnn no break As you watch foothgll on TV take fivg for fifty ale UPSETS INTERNATIONAL VETERANS Enloy Chnndlnn Pro Foolbnli on TV and Iho do that brings II Io youCanadas lanloal growing nloLabnllu 50 AIM The pre msnn avarilcs looked like the cum lhcy were suppuscd Io he Monday as lhnyl rolled to 3745 Win nver OlAl lnwn Rough Rldm and second place in my slnndlnu In he sccnnd xnrnu of lhe IIlCa Labor Day pruxrnm llumlllon TigerCnls prolcclcd lhelr land by lurnlnx In uuarler Interception In Exhlblllnn track and llcld mm In Toronto yualerdny nm Unlvcrslly New nrum wick sudcnt mm In Hhcnd other Snsknlchcwnn polnt came an two slnglca by an111 lnbl and convert by Rex Whllchouse crry one scared lhc lone Vinnlpoz lnuch George Ilvmlng kicked cnnvcrl Illd tingle and Jan Dclveaux hauled slnxle Lnny Rohlnsnn was klck Inx hem for Calgary with two ï¬eld Ian and convert T110 Iona touchdown wnu xcarnd by lell Coleman who is ï¬nd or the league scaring loud wllh Nub Homer Tummy Jae Culley look louchdown pm lnr the whip Exklmos Bill Mllchcil klckcd Huh anal and convert nnd Bobhy Wnldcn hoqm Mnxle Tho Slump hurl lhelr hand lull with In pesky Eslu Ind lound hcmulvu out mhcd and nubpmscd Only Maul de hnso km the Slump out lmnl nuchdown In 11 win over Tub out Arggnnu Mlcr Iha hullday Icunn Ticnls worn on lop with record Mrnlrcnl wn 12 lawn and Toronto 14 Mnrrloll who nuw has guldcd the we wlnn In sum Ilrm seem ln have he pnwcr hul Montreal backllcld function DIXON BACK IN FORM at Torontos Bruce Kldd and Pat Clohessy Ihu veteran Australian Brnlsh Emplm Game medalwinncr who was lhlrd CP ertpholo Gemnu Dixon the man who wnn nvnrylhlnx lust season In the East regained hls mm Monday 11 he rushed or 234 yards whlla tho enllre Ollnwn carp managed only 79 Dixon lwn records In his scared Ionyard louchdawn lmm scrimmage longest ever In the East Ind smashed lhu clubs rushan record lormcrly hug by Pat Abbruzzl Don Clnrk xccnnd hall lhe lcnrnrl onevlwn punch scored lwo lnuchdowns lor lhe All and rocklu Dnvu lloppmnnn added anolher Bobby Jack Ollch klcked hm llnld goalsmm 21 1t and yardsaund added lhru converts Glno Barrel aildcd lhe olhcr polnl on Iln Geno Gaines who ran ynrd nllcr lnlnrccpling Marv null nu Icnrcd on Ollawn ouch own and halihnrk nun Slewan nlso crossed lhn Hum Tncklu Moo flncIno converted both and rack flick Dlutk booted Ilnglp Tho Arzo palm Ilnzle all Hold ï¬nal attempt by Dan Fuel lule In lho In qunrler hcld up unlll lho Hnnl quarter Gur ney Henley lnlcrccnlcd Tur nnlo mu and ran 59 yard are hrlnl no ed on houndn rm lhe Toronto lhrcc ynrd llnu In Ihu Mnul quarkr COop NiPSCwsumefs 43 Evén Series 2+2 the Ul Simeon Imp with melr back to Ibo provanhlal Wlll overcome L34 dellclt and hung on or vlclnry over Consumerl Gu Inst mm Al Qumnx Park to evnn lhelrjesmmlva Intermed lnle Snflblll Luxuu lemlllnll wigs AM Flnh and deciding game 01 they min In slated 101 Friday nluht alï¬ue Le Jollllfo alerted or Caor gave way to Lclzhlon Smlth he hlrd helgod out in Cnnpl HuhInnlnl 1y with lwnvrun homer then came back Io pitch the In twa lrnmu Gord Media was in loser Consumerl converted pair of walks into run in the fourth Inning Io uh 20 1qu Ind added lnalher 1n the mm to mnvanhcnd 30 In the helium hr of he mm Smllh was Male an an error and Jolllflo ollowod wlm Ms home run Another error double by Ziegler and alnnla by Mick llng mulled In two mm mm or loop and lendr Totlcnhnm rlnk uklpgcd by Jasper Boyd posted his scare 48 wllh three win to cup hu mlxcd treble lnwn bowllnl Iournnment at tho Allnndnlo Wlli lho WHIXNIE rlnk were Mrs Clarldze and Mn Andnr son look high honors wlth lwo wlnl with score 51 plus Greene and Hulhcrnl warn lhg other members ol the llnk iweM rlnk compalcdrhIlha days play Includan oulsldc enA rles mm Tollenhum and Be on Visiting Rink Takes Tourney VANCOUVER CF Cnn The vluycu were Jack Viimn ndn Olympic hockeydvnm cl Victoria nulicnder Selh Ilnrls working out this week Marlin and lnrward Dave Rul wlilr hammer Ind nails null nl Trail Smoke Enlurl And Fm mm may mum delmccmnn Jack Dnuuln nl Inary training camp in Edmon Chumm Mufï¬n Inn the 24 player mun rcpulr Fm BMW With Expe huudm on Unlvmuy all ricnce the learn cauld he on the British Columbia cnmpuslhnli 51 1° WNVm MW in be their dormliory Unlll lhcn Lï¬ffluc my will any at St lilarkl nul flu IV8 Hid Wm man Catholic Colicle home of Dim dill WM WA their conch luv Dnvld Bauer PM heck Father Bauer anld Monday llhe Edmonton camp was excel an Everybody balllinzlar loam pmnlon nald he plans In Add tour we plnym lhu loam but me Edmonton observ asked mo that was really mccssury In view ha lnlcnl we hnvn nuwl Everbody Battling For Team Position Says Father Bauer Jan Baflhu Allnndale lrln DANGERFIELD MOTORS hnva the lemon car 10 north Tomnlo Ve hava tar far you Jollmo got by lhe Alxth wllll eul nny lrnuhle and tanned tha Int two butter in lheIevenlh Then Comumcn loaded ham and Jnllme had In no cleanup hallo Don Cuulwn Coulsnn upped rounder back In Jallille who llrcd lo third area Tcd Emms Thu ended lhg sump wax toughlm or Madge as only on of tha our rum wnI carnut He znvu up only pair males um um Hflh any wound qp wl Comumm mnnagEd only our IMll three of them in he mu CORNWALL CF Bub Pan anluk Burrle won the Carn wnll prnfnulonnl open gull our namcm hm Monday when he beat Stan Iolaro Hull bf one stroke in lhrue 015 syn Bolh men had Ilcd lhe Â¥Ihnlu round wllh uncunderpnr ls Bob Pahasiuk Wins Tourney Thu CnIiIomin Cuuu lived up In an press cllpplngu and ex puclallona Sundly nigh Queen Park when they Rap crowd ullmnled at 3000 mm In mm sun In linlsh In an ex hiblllon mllhnll umu wllh Stewarts Garage or the local Samar Sollbnll Leasuc Fnlhcr Bauer mld with expe Hence the learn cauld he on the level at the Western Hackuy League But lvc xnld berm were pus lha dnya when wa could predict hockey wln nbmnd Id any we have 50 50 chance Joliiua ind Cuties Big Hit At Queens Park Nn one was Intercslcd ln lho AT MflnlE PLAZA PIN BOW LERS HOLIDAY BOWL Cull an PM Your Spol Tum 0r lnflvldun Mens Muior Pin league Begins Early September MINIMUM AVERAGE 190 MIXED LEAGUES NOW FORMING Thll 01hr Explru Slplomhlr MI FREE GAME OF PINS all hlucru wllh BRING IN THIS AD FOR YOUR AHention lhréa hlla In thrue Ippnarunces He had pull0 llnllel In go with homer Zlenler checked in with dughlg 5nd Ilnlle Ted Emnï¬ wai Connumm only bullet with two hltl HI Ifflld Val null In thm pl GRAVENHURST Onl CN Bah Fruwln HI Toronto Tel egram covered the Hindu Inn mum in I2 Ilroku Sundnyrla win lho annual Onlnrlo Sporti wrltm and Spartacngturl Imo clallon in laumnmelgt Nnrm Mnrlhall L11CHTV Hamilton was mend wuh nn no one Ilrokn Ihud third nlnce Pen Allen CHML Hamilton Low not honor went in Al chkla the Klnlnon Whlz Standard he um 71 He was allowed by chk Secordnf the Toronlo Star with 73 ml mu Bennett CKVRTV Bur rlfl WM 73 Bill Bennett Prize Winner more mullet 1m no one knew the way lhe Cullu printed around the hue slewaï¬‚ï¬ did have 20 lead but All lha Vllllofl came Ihe bench and rounded In bu backward Ind clllmed land Fin basemanpitcher Llu Inna was cmwdvlmer ha way Anynna wllhln hurlnz dltlanca lhl pllyer hld III evenlnzl enterlnlnmenl 1m alsnnl nauxiï¬ mum mldgel was number the Cullu who caught he Iancy In lull The Cullc opened wllh Inn and dance roullna Ind sum or xhnduw inï¬eld mup This put Iha Inna lunxhlnl trams cl mind whlch they dldnt lose or the remnlndcr 01 evqnlnx The Cutler mlnuemrnk wu lust complimenlnry mun the Durrle Inn wen mm the moat plenllnz crowd lh team has evcr playcd thurt ancrun ohmvm clllmrd It was KM most thnyable laurlnl inflball club ever to hit Blrrle PA MIST