And lhnlI whm lhu munty nu 111m clnbornle bangle Meantime she can 101 In mu lraplul breezes under palm mama and do pretty much she plumput gold ring in Mr nun hang gold dim on her 2m Ind my wrist Ind nnklu wilh head In ncccn slendemus She can alsn mnku few extra dollan lrom tour le by ulllnz hands lrlnkeu hand woven and appllqued mal crlul mulnl Manson and mm Her Ilnlul lymï¬Ã©l II nor old brcmplale Junglan hm and dim wnlnhinl nveul poundl exlcndlnu Irom neck Io wuhl Everything Mon to her her husband has lab an the mainland the gen Ml wages on pay day Ergo urn SAN BLAS ISLANDS Panama Nevar undurestlmnu Sun um lndlnn wnman Her damnln on one 00 small Island or me Caribbean Coast Panama II wamnnn world Indeed She slnyl home to cm wood catch fish do ha cook nz and lend the kids She also keep Mum erp on Ihe Inmily purse No Tell Ch Auk Io ml 00 Ml DON buAM pmomlly Hud Olllm 49 Yong mm Wlllwdnlo OM PM Long Dlmnu and uh hr fluidly striped lamvex db ligan especlally Io be knll led In Ichaol calm gully ringed knllled kerchlel and toque let all the hoyl thus ldm supplied on on luau for your knlmnu plau ura Tho accent 00 ha been CON TRQL PURSE HE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY WHEMBER TION SEE THE NEW BATTERY CHMOER ncd nun buy hilarch In Will be held Irom 1030 am to 130 pm lb FREE HEARING AID CHECKUP SERVICE FREE AUDIOMITRIC VHIARINO IXAMINA Gold Bedecked Wives Rule The Indian Islands CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE SCARVES AN HEADWEAR ON FRIDAY 5m HEARING PROBLEM HEARING CLINIC QUEENS HOTEL ZENITH 69530 All hmo minted ouulde In fluence err rehelllon many you no whrn mnlnlnndm In In In lnHIlnlu lhtll llllmll INTERFERENCE lecondnry lncuma from modellnz 101 min phomxrnph with Iain rule of Tun Iar tr aublccl In All hulnm dulnu the Indian abmrva ltrlcl code nnllva elhlu When Innml II IhflWll In pnnlculnr photo luhlecl or louvenlr all other wllhdnw from the bar nlnlnz Thch ll nn hauling pmlurlnl or compellllnn The Sun Blnl no on dunnlah nr rivalry excel In the llxc lhrr bugIn apt Thu San Bial use coconut II mcdium oi exchange Among lhemlciveu lavcn iur nickel but their principal income mm daily Imail piano load iourinis who buy irinkeia and cloth Tourist from both Noflh Ind 50th Amerlu pour lhmuxh Pannmn Clly and mllly mnko Ihu ulda lrlp In It Ihe mall unusual and must Independent Ingln Ilhe hemllsptucra nulld up gold brempInIe mmu ax colleclInK dIn mondl and mInk elsewhere but In one hrIgIIt spot In drab cxllIence wIlIIouI cm televls Ion Ind very IIltIe la gosxlp about Interest In IIah palms Ind coconull mun wears out tell way In ten lurlcl Win In elm onlher lhzy hnvo lo nelrhborly Sumo Indlnm nu with uluncl throw nnolhcr yd lunch Innd mun thml chlrilh Ill own ldrnllly colon and de dim mugs swam hand made but lh znld mull be purchased and lhm contlnual addlunns xlven to qulck easy knllllnl ll you would llke the leaflet for Illesa dulum almply lend stamped lolladdressed en velope to tho Needlecraft Db palimam lhll paper qnesllnz Scurvu and Head wear Luna Na 1063 STRINGS You El Forng Students LHoId 6thReunion BANGKOK nmllnnd AP IHMMM xlrl burntd Mr to deal nflrr her pnmlu lmlded her or 10an lolha wmnl mlrkol ho Dnnxiok Wand reporlu IAMinx Palm mid Hm nlrl ldmllmd only Eupcll covered Mm with lmllno Ionked Inmqulla not and Ml hmel nllro The II lml build of mm no mom and ran Ilium Women upedully enjoy lhu lnur Ind obmvlnz the domln nm to Sun mu wlvu In lhelr helm and cnmmunlllu Panama Clty lravel ucnll ll mun dnlly lrlpl lo ha bland 70 mllu away wmlnuu mm by Imnll plnntl Plnncl luvn In early mornlng Ind re lurn In llmo or mm hole torhalel guided our ll am $30 1ounm 7mm Ichcdula nu hand lnlo lha lluhtmlnz lllnuury Im Iat pamnzcrl Illowlnz an an llre ultrrnoon and nlzhl for ur lnd other Illracllonl Ind Ihoy pinl In both uId and new Pun Imn Ind thl Pnnlml Canl Zone Dupll grimlllvv llvlnl In human of nmbna vlnu and palm lrondl with only hum mockx and lei Inc for ur nlluro Ihc San put on In lnlrlzuln Ihaw lhtir enuer wel cnma In vllltorl Mahlle of my Curlhbean vacallan Flsh coconut and bananas In Mr Iluple diet but they hava In npprednllve tune or lulled pwnull candle and other nnlm nodl Introduced by our lm The coconut In both In unllal and and beverage IIncc drlnklnz water mun be hauled In dunuls from he mainland The Sun Blu are Imlll people muxlly lcs Khan flv tel lnll low albino pea have resulted Irom thclr cased nm llycrclex they have been permlued to law unto themselves Women nrcly luv the Islands Ind miny agendjbclr llfellme here Mm Mllne wlll be In dam of devotion or Septem hcr Mm Erlc Joker Invited he ladle to her home or the September meellnz 1h hasten mvcd mmh menu Ofï¬cer or me 196 reunlon are President Mn Wnllwln wkwresldenl Mn Chm1e Ken lamelm Mrs Mlll ward uensurer Mn lhomu The monthly meellng ol the Angus Unltad hutch Women was hnld on Wednesday at the home or MH Art Duckworth you win big mh pvlm nan Clrwlnllon Manner amlo IllmMh Meeting opemd with everyone lining the theme song follow ed by prayer led by the pm Ident Devotions was taken by Mpnrbucrkwoflh Rollcnll was answered by 15 members and two vlslmra Mer mun now le win an Ind Mull Thu cmlul mm In Mm ombn and mllnuu or um For lull dotll on how Thll II wnnxlulul wor lunlly lnl HI wnmm Km Thehext reunion will He held at he home ofMr Ind Mrs Wallwln Mimi 19 Mr Mnnox who alert In his early years asked for mlnulel menu in memory limo who hm panel on during the your and gave an Iniplï¬nx 191k qn Education picnic upper wu senad whldl WI foilawed by shot bushes muting Md election 01 officers Millwml gave lhauzhl provokinz recitation on My ngabojld House lha allemoon 3le ln remlnlulnm Thozroup recalled how mnny puplla had walked levers mile ovar llnplmnhed road In winter Ind cm were melyulzn Angus UCW Hold Meeting Farmer PM at Ftindnla School he thelr lxth mnull reunion It the home or Mr Ind Mn Jjwallwin SrSunnldaIa mud Ind wdcomed their lead of nearly so yum no Lennox 01 London Ha wns nccompaniod by Mm Mnnox qnd an Mqu Lennox ANNUAL CASH AWARDS CONYEST STARTS SOONI 500°° 11w enmcnum hu bun Announml MtWNn Mlu Clrol Diana Km Ind John ank lln loodtollov Tho bride 4Iu1 II III dnnlhler Mn 71mm McKnn Durrlo ML Nvlcre who as om llme Pnrhh nxhlan edllnr or L1 anuzlna bmuzh Gurlulnn blur in he nllcntlnn ol North America In 10414 Inyl Ihel been lxnllnl ualml 0m black drul 31mm Iorever 5m nyl we cry woman ha her own color and IL lml hlnck mom0 CF Waan an ugly in Iincks and too many biuk dream at dinner can make the Affair look like 11 um mi any Claude Rlvlcre Paris couiurlcro viliiinx here with her coilodlon oi all design Three whlle mm were fun laned Into henddrm lor the bride And held her shoulder length vell ol French tulle Sh canled while nible adorned with mnuve orchld and my hnnom The bride was escorlcd down the 11 on the arm or her lather For her weddlnl dny nhe chose trldlllonal gown whim Mlle uhxoned with wmy munded neckline wllh lhreequarler lenth dam and 50in gathered sklrt Rose up pllquu adorned he bodlca rent and Iklrt of lhb gown The brldu Is the daughter ol Mr and Mn Alex Mucdmald Glen Rooks Roman Tha brldmoaml pannu are Mr and Mrs Emu Hunter RR Barrie uglmog mum Standard of mauve and whlle gladloll decorated ha altar the church or the oclock ma mggy Rev David Reeva amul nl wedding Mp to Ottawa Montrul Ind Quebec City loll owed the manInga of M15 Heather Eileen Mudonald and Walker Hnnler on Ana 2L at Em Road Presbyterian Church Designer Claims Women Are Ugly Wearing Slacks sumMANEJ DUNIDI ll Wm Vowsv Exchanged At Afternoon Bites jadziond 30 gay I0 Ihc IMDASSY CLUI Blcko WEDNESDAY SEPT 4lh SHOWING pm Mn pm REFRESHMINTI FREI R0 T0 LADIEI TICKITS NOW ON SALE AT mu PLAN SEPTEMBER RITES MR AND mus WALKER Mr and Mn Wlnl GWUII law mo cl Um no Ibo lurldumom 01M PINMI Tm dam will lulu plan In allmuoon runmany In llurlnn Avmm UnllnI murrh mm 11 Somallmes Plnln Jnna cnn ho lrnmlormed ann vlrtun glamar zlrl overnlxhl Ihnnkl In Solonu nonmalch Ind lhe rlghl rm Thll ll just what In hnppen In to an old lrlcnd nnmel cookwnru whlch hm had an lmpurlunl place In ha kllchen or II 1m century not more Then It Ian Wm out Inhian Forirï¬Â£111nu the bride dnn ncd Ilraw colored null Hum will mntcblnl accegorlca The nawlywzdl will mlde In Thornton Th9 bridegronma mother than rock mauve 1m with while accessorlu and coyngq pyflx mg The recepllm wnl held at Bay llaln Lodge Mlnull Palnl when the mother 01 ha hrlde received nest wearing meet length flux of bugs hrocnded linen with matching jacket Sh nhnnced her ememhle wllh engulf Talisman mm Mm Yvonne Lamont Bit rle the 1010le Organist wu mum Barrie William Hunter or Bmfa It legfldgd he brldenqp The uxhrr Mac danald Roman and Ken Webb Slmud RECEPTION The attendants were zowned alike In drum of royal blue Influlu with organza avmklrls Their headdreuel were dulzn edï¬o mqlchlnq tulip Héuquat wiila Vmnm wgrflarcaffled by She brlgiesmglda Ruth Ann Macdonald Roman lillei oi the bride maid oi hon or Min Marmot Currie Not lnwn and Mn Olen Webb of Thornton were the bridesmaids Ring beam wal Glen Maedon aid Ransom Enamel Cookware Finds Place In Todays Modern Kitchen gyng aggrndgnuhwega M13 Dy ELEANOR R055 361W aAImICK Am STYLISH II MAPLE AVE when m5 so hlvo look mum In lhl homwnm dupulmcnl your mm mm nut llmc you in shopping or poll Ind pun Ind In lhc mamelwlm In in nu mum mlm Ennme wnl I0 my In wuh wllh hnl lfldl ha 11 not Iurpthlu lhnl Ill populmly hn mdmd ur l0 mnny yum Imoolh rlrnnlooilnu lur Invllu flu canlldem of In ooh cumlnl lnln lhe lam ll nclunlly re lvnlu dark bluu tolur wllh ullnndwpwr Mum uhlch will mlnly ook lnmlllnr your mother Ind your und mnlhnr no lo you ll dnlu buck In only Amorlcnn Ily and Ill ren penrnncc hrln Imck In Ilr nldlnh lone chum my 19 cum pnlltrm In lice and enlmclonv Iron IIva been Imund or mu Hwy have ununlly bun mllnbh only In hlrhtrprlcfld marchnndlu Bu lhl lpr kitchenwarn hnl now mme lnlo flue lnwtrvprimi llnu put out by Mufï¬n mlnuhclunu 11 mm rend It in ma Hed wm Inner Win and um waxH1 handsome II lh ll funnlnnal and whlle ambinlllanl especillly up mllnz Ind ruvldo dmnlvu not all thcmselvu LAIE51 TREND Bu lherel hem chanza The Introduction 01 bright eye cukhlnu colon In enamelon xted makcl right at home in the most calorlul uplodnla kllchem and new dulzm have nlvtn nnmelllnllh poll and full hundlomu Almmlinrd oa Dear Ann Landmx zlrl wha work In his department came up to me And laid hnvu been told you have bwutllul valco and um you no man who married her in lezlliy the mar 01 her child He mun be migth line per nn lo have Iccepted the mum on Your Inn own la him and lo the child to stay out of hair lives And In zneslur you loo TOO LATE have promised my son would not breathe word Inyono not even my husband and Lave kept my promise All Dur ARP The girl would not be tending your Ion plb lure of the baby and he hould rm have passed ha picture on 1030 your husband wants to be an executive hed better Itm to look like one STAY AWAY Dear Ann Lundenx Balm my Ion let or the West Coast last January he lulu me he had fathered child The girl mar rled anolher man live month before the child was born She confmed lo Ihls man that the rth wax no hll Tie Vzlrl has Inn my son plc tum The child look so much Ilka my own boy that can hnflilx gigan 1L Milka be wmnx or me lo lend Um eel the baby L1 my qwn flesh apd blood Wuld Whlo Tuvol Scrvlu 107 Dunlap $1 Em Bum OweIll Ouunu Hon PA 6451 10mm In hmllu Appeinnce does count In buslncu and the man who res this act of Illa hurt him When told him thll he be cnma annoyed and Imlmd um Ihe business world of men not luhlan Ihaw and ability In the only thin that counll May we hear from you on hmAT ODDS Dnr AM There Ire vary few Albert Einstein nround who brimnee makes them accept abll number In Iunlaneck sweater sell in the pun ihree year he hu been overlooked twico ior promotion to an executive poli lion He could have handled oi lher oi hero position well and woe dlrnppalnged when he was peered over ieei tho reason ho was pnsud over is because he is carries about his Ippenrance must no him to let his hair out and hi shoe shined He weir upon shirts in the office ond We battle to or him to bug naw euiL nmm mam My hfll band ll employed at Llama lndulklllpllnlw Ha ha col lege degree is brilliant Inhll work and hn beenlnvflcd to mend luvml executive meek Ingl Ialt ll Ippmnt the bran In lhta mmpany values hi Judg men 102 Dunlop JOHNSON c61iMï¬Eo ANN LANDER Apiigarancfes Cquï¬fi InBusingSsQWOrld FOR INfQWTION ANb RESERVATION FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS CALL NOW BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE nur 1mm Dr Thu lllll bolnnl to you la proper lo rclurn woddinl Inn only when wcddlnl hnl hem am called Now Ive nmr be abla la nlonl no Im llllnl iar divorce nu wrck Tho quullon ll IMI Shall keep um weddlnu am or Ilmll rclum lhrmv Some he ullu null In ha ROMZN DREAMS Dur AnnLandm married curnfm lrmpomlhle mnn aim the ndvlce cverynne lncludlnz you Mlar wn hur ribla month of mum ran Izod had made mmnke We to pink pings nvn Your pmblnm dLlerent howevcr You Ire running may from home bccnuxa ya danl want to he mother woman who cant Iolerm her children has ml problems hope or lho lake your children as well or your own uh you wlll gel prolmlannl help WEDDING HITS MMMHB n1 AIIOINMIEM PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvu PA M474 iwlmmlnz ullml Inmme xnovl on the mmdunchod Clnuy Inlandl am ll ll Molma Spllnl pa uln winm lmrldmklln allnz nlhu holiday Inn am In all Only 0760 pluulllu mscunswmoronwcu SPAIN labulou adm lIm In Seulhum Spalnl cm all Sal havduln in am Medlluumm on hillmla iluu Llsbon ndlld num ML valllu ld llIlHIIIId um anly 3190 all Ii lm Jul my on sup DCl mmm lmlulnlmnly ml mvifl vom Clnldll mnlol mm In llnbon Madyld Ion lot lowloldm luluvlnllhm and olhu mpvm low In 11ml Ann my Pltlh olliom my SQIPDIIUISDIiIIHIIYl1rl hndl cl oumun monoon Cmdlm Paciï¬c Empvamoun Iheras an jun llghl in WI Rim laces MM ml uploï¬ï¬lbelmvousmlmlh Canadun Paciï¬cl 21day ec ononY 1m look mm umpo lonu Call Innludu holelllhlmlnisamcmun exciting days as little as $20723 Dlinluly xun Inmmml