Theysimply ddded two new Super gosolines beIWeen Regular and BPs high spirited topoctane Super In fact they put one of lhem in the sterling 1gale right next to Regular and priced at only penny more per gallon BP reseorch scientists thats who Theyre lening good old BP Regular run olmost neck and neck with todays premium gosolines 0m than In certain Mlny nnw cm mlnnlnctured lines 1961 an no fur mm dll 1mm between nII chum Ind uch ym mnnuhclurm hlVO tended to extand their rammmcnduiom to whnt MI Inlervnl nhauld be This mum pmumu ithnt ho VFirét in Canada MONTREALSpedlhHow nmn Ihould you chum the all In your at ltl moot In thnt his been dabmd ur mmy your by nutomnbllu mkm on mmpnnlnxlnn mechlnlu Inthe fellow hh kind the when who hu to pick who New motor waileXtendSibilfadrain intervals WHO PUTA RACINGSADDLE ON THE WORKHORSE oll wu IVIHIhll In Clnudn hut would meet or amend the extended oll mm periods Mc ommvndcd by ha our man mumI Evzn during ha min months the nuw all his not hum nvullnbla the mutuflnl public pending result of mu mnflrmlm Ila qunllly Ill nnmll BF LONGLIFE Motor Oll imbued by HP ThurI thu rub Until Februry whan new fluper Addpltd for Canada F3 mum delay In olfcrlnl LONGLIFE to tha public bemuu ulnce Iebrunr Ihe mmpnny has been con uctlnl ml which conflvm ha quillty mu un Ruther dun Introduce lhn oil In in urlglnnl lormuln BF Cand chm la Idlpldl upodflcnlly or the ext me In Canadinp mayhem hlx Clnldl Limited espednliy int Cumdinn drivlnz conditions The hula iormui ior DONG LIFE in that ni long lusting moun oil Introduced in Europe iui yur allowing mam thin twn million miles oi mad ml in ï¬wfgen grew Ind Enzind Maybe yoUre one of the 273000 Regular users in Canada whose knocking engines indicate they need more octane If so iust grade your car Now with four BP Maximum Energy Gosotinesthree Supers plus one Reguloryou can select gasoline that exactly suits the octone requirement of your car and ot the lowest possible cost MW vn premium Iuhrl cant mt exceed name MS teat requirement llld down In the Ownerl Mum fur um um Since chm requirement In or averinmulnr be tween service parlodaJDNG LIFE Is uniï¬ed with spudl detoxlam Inmdlmt um cup Iun dirt nludu Ind olher angina depoqu Ipd mm mm nd Hum in nuspenalnn In and longiturm prutactlon pm vldad by the Gundim furmuln Mull 50ml loqulnmonll BP ppNGLIFE Motor to movinn pm during the hum of summer It hu In tendency to thicken durlnz exlrnmn cold The result is oulér ulanlnz In with mduud enzlna wear cleaner vagina and hence lower qu mnsumpflon BP CInndu bu zone step further In develop long term angina pwtecdnn by much LONGLXFE Ill SAE BWKIO on In met In oven wider dun nonml nnua of winter Ind summer spardun mndiflons While give full pngtacdpn Inn Being pl 2ime sung cARsAM maximum energy gasnlines Your DP Incan help ulul lhc mm on to am you maximum pawn with maximum uonomy up to one of the new Super gasolines and win BPs dcin double Maximum power with maximum economy POWER TO MEASURE PRICE T0 MEASURE from Mm nor yumlim Nul how wmn or own In NH yaw ml butail EP CANADA LTD UUPER RED DUPER WHITE RUPER BLUE REGULAR OIL Thu nmo lnmoul lopoclnm vomlum Ilwnyl luld DP newch 0M Cam Ion gallon llIIn aupor nod Com an gallon Illnn aupn Vlad and only mm Hun maul Tlu floplndnhlo maul nucllno almyl Iold ll DP urvlcn Illllonl They Snmm LONGLIFEflu Cnnldln flm mnlnr oll mpénillly developed or extended oll duln periods new urn During six months ampund go dran from bltlermld Feb rulry lhruuxh the sweltering summer 20 pollm pmwl cm logged more hm 200000 tut miles with BP LONGLIFE lub dating their lnzlnel The hushhunk Cnnldlln md trill MW BP LONGLIFE Motor Oil undoi nctull driving conditions warn conducted in secrecy Mint lhlt muldnc hive been rulrded better be uuw the can wan thou Inn matupolllnn pollu da pmment Police Make 6M0nth Test of New Oil Thu mï¬luLIf qqmenllx