Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1963, p. 4

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Dr Phimister director of educa tion Toronto has posed tfimstions in rcs pact to education which ave political ring But Dri Phimisters intent is not po litical lie is concerned with the state of education in this country Dr Phimlster recalls the struggle for aeltgovernment both in Upper and Low er Canada This fight made our fore fathers determined to govern themselves and to keep overnment close to the peo le wlrh as ittle interference from the ederal and provincial governments as possible Hence as he points out our multiplicity of arms oi government with every rural township every village every city every province with its own government 44 Walk Publllhzr new Dr Phimister sees some ndmirahio characlerisllcs 1n the dclermlnallon to go nnes own way and to dispute me au thority of lhu next level of government But In todays world where the struggle goes on between muons in the race or 0er markets It hardly seems sensible to pll the slrcngth of number of rela tively uncoordlnaled unhs against the or ganlzcd power of nalions which mink and act In thernallonaljnlercst Planning For Education Step We Must Consider He sees mp ca on national field Canada has onethird as many pro csslonnl people as lho Unlled Slate ln proporllon to population It has only hall as mania skilled peo lo ln lls work force It so esllmnlo that 500000 adult Canadlnns have skllls In tho three 115 not abovn lhu grade on level and lhal 000000 adults how not Ilnlshed hlgh school In lho Unllcd Slnlcs 30 per cent of prlmary school teachers do not hold PATHETIC lLLUSIONS Guelph Mercury Them are few pcuplo who Ire not iouchcli hy schizophrenia in some demo and their Iplll pcrmnnlil makes ilsuli known in union ways l0 cliizcn who in qimllilcd to vein is partial lo lhnl cnn didnln whosn plnliorm calls or lower lax cs woli knowing this cnnnnl ha pen when he wnnln butler romls liclicr hi lng Mill halter everything ho can lh nk of ill refuses lo ma llho incl ho mun do the paying ilo vn on or those niirr inn lhcmlelm for Iloarri oi Eiiucnlion who he heiiovu will prnvhiu his children with llw hrs in uiucnllon hui ha in ii nnllrilui with the amount of nlary they pay ha mun mam mum llulmul 9914 II1fl LLI III III lll0l DunI MI WWIIn III III IIIII mum mt Innmu um mum mum mum MICIIAIL nonnnu cmmm lummm My my unln In 10 yllll III In III Ill NMHIII WI mnnlhl II MIMI III lulu 0llfitlwn 7m Un on no my mum In In An 13mm cam ml mm mm In Uerm llmI Vmwuvll mm ml flunk 14 IM Cllllll nu Almlllm Th Aulll luvn nl Cum mm am clamn rnul mmu onuuoa um mluum mm In on um ma la ma run at cu ah nylon NH mm Id Weilxlrflko hls old ngo paymunll In The Barrie Examiner hvmafmi THE CHAMPION 0F TREE MIDDLE EAST MIMC Published by Qjaiiadlligxlmwspaper 13 Bayfleld Streak Barrie Olimri Edgn Slglihtgscanemvflmlu TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 351W fPllI OTHER EDITORS VIEWS TN 14 £359 gqllege degree In Canada the figure is 90 per cant 1n Ontario in Sepiember 1062 there were 3500 rlmary and secondary board for popu atlon 6000000 Australia has six state departments and no school bogdsgpy apopulallonJo 10000000 nu uvmuu Dh Phlmlster concludes that the days when nations could grow as Torsy am gone Those countries in the wor which are making the most headway are follow ing some form of national Elannlng This central overall planning recognizes is foreign to us We reject bigness as badness We prefer to think that govern ment must lye closo totho people However he contends that where pian ning is done on lar seals the results are felt throughout nation So it is whhcducatlon No longer can the one room school with the threeman board and the single teacher offer its students the range of opponunlly that can be Iound lnggu qrban centre Dr Phimisiers arguments are in favor at some iorm of centralization of educa tion The idea may scars many people They ma fear it as some form of social ism bor ering on Communism This of course is the last thought in the mind of the Toronto educator He wants higher standards of education more people edu caied to and including the university level He regards present standards and methods as serious challenge io Can progress Ills Mons deserve the most serious con 5ldcmtlun Democracy has never suller cd from commonsense Ideas wlh the welfiro of our dlucns In mind hcgln at least no and he would like them to ho ouhlo their present amount at he lac uvcrylhlng he can to evade ha payment of lncomu or other taxos Otlcn he does little to nccumulnln filthy nestcm alncc he gum they will not nllow km to starve to death wants job wlth hlg pa yet he more than not docs everylhlnu can to nhtrk hls duty to the man who pnya hlm Ho like In hum Instead ot Elvtng hlx employ er nn honest dnyl wor Ila wuuldnl try In his 0th la chn education nnd yet he Inc he In as com mm us the ulllcnlcd mon unlll his nck 01 nhlluy Is cmplm ml by evidence at his Incompnlence Ho believe the doc tor the donllxl nml lhocnndlrltlck mak nr are nil robbers yet he never lmlum lo make heallhy charge or Infcrlnr vmk hwlpyynnt tor wpIk requiring lllflc mu In lwnyh enmg ou no much mafq cqmpntnp he lflml 5n Jqo Donku yul he has not haAlilllly to Hold 11 81 PM he pathetic illusion that name pcry plo tlevcinp when compared wiih incl onlr serve lo allow their Ignorance Their infizc is munl cunludlclary Ind Hill In nkln would eniiy Ihow Ill lhll iha rapid mange inking place In our dyn nmic unduly mus bu paid or Ind hu cm not him when It come to the paylng SImma hut lmh younfnler II In unlly npolled Eherbmoko lecord Mnlchmnm unhould hunk our luqky Few of In at what wj dcmvo at nm Ulll wetter 1F cm eve tam 1a HANDLE Tm 0M Pusqu 1moiufrmmi mg By McINIYnE X0011 EDINBURGH ScotlandWith he mum 13 pipe mud In out the mining notes or Smlland the Brnvm uni he rcverheflllans Ind flashes glittering waxy ol fireworks this we Edlnbnruh lnlarnatlonal Fullvul Mullc and Drum hn been launched lnday Edin burgh ll lruiy an lntemallonal tlty Ind 1110 pmmm ol the lexllval drawn mm the grub est mullcyl nnddramallc art llu omnny lgpds People all nallnru have flocked to Edinburgh Jar thls mt annual thraaweeha at murlcal and dramatic leash One can recognlza that In tha cruwd which thronia the lovely Princes Street And Cannda la well re named The woman at Can mm to Aha grant prlda in clarlnl their nrlglna by wearlnu hrllllant mapla lea branches and hnva lound that they hava came tram all prnvlnces ol the Dnmlnlon At the Featlval Club where hundreds of them gather for lunch and atternoon tea then cosmopolllnn atmoy phera and by their drcaa one can that many have coma from lnraway places ln tha East to enhy tha Featlval vman mourn The Earl ol llarewoodl arlls ll director ol the Fesllval has thln year produced progrsm as varlod as lnleresllnz and as lnlernallonal In its character as any 01 ll predecessors Opera ram Italy symphony orches ralmm Holland bullet lrom Hunlary Germany and lho Unl led Slam Indlen music Ind deuce provide much at the var lely There is also Iha tumour mllllary lulloo and lhs Gurkha plpe band lrom Malaya the plpes and drums the Jordan Arab Army and the famous Desert Patrol mounlcd on camels For he first llme ln several yrara were ls no olllolal Can adlan mllllary conllnlent ap pearlna lo lhls Talloo Bul un olllclally Canada ls lo he rep resented by the plpa hand of the IBlh lehlnnderaol Canada ll has flown over by chanerbd mum along wllh members that Toronto regimen and tholr wlves and ll wlll maka lls ap poaranca on he alreela ol Edin burgh in she dally plpe band parldea whlch are feature ol tho Fexllval period ranmm MUSlt lha Earl at any wand has chosen In future lhe music at purllcular compas or In 19m he man chosen wls Schoenberg In 1962 he chose Shoslnkavlch Thls year the mu II Bella will be leatured ulnng wllh that Bartok which rilltprovide III lnlcresllnz con ms other praxums his year wlll mark he 50m hlrlhduy nl Bon jamln Brklen Two ol his oper Thu nape Lucrtlln and ThaBennrI Opera wlll be mauled by the English Opu Group For lhe Iccnnd and third week ma Feuivnl ha San Cnrlo Opera Napln wm pre neghree upcru Flgsckifrogfidigbmgh For Musié Fésiivdl Ivm unu WM mums lo lhz Fulivnl pr on unnd male with Ihe nppenrlnce lhe nudnpw Opera and Ballet whlch will present three cl nnrlnka lhcnl rlcn wmkl And In lho hut wrtk he Fullvul The Slullznrl Slale Thnnm Ballet mnku ll nrllhh dubul The orchestra appearinx In tludu lho London Symphony 01 thulru he Royal Opera House orchulrl mm Covenl Gnrdcn lhl Bournemouth Symphony 0r chulu 19 BBC Symphony 0r chulr lhe Scollbh nnc 0r chulrn and the Scollilh Nnuonnl Orchelm SCOTTISH FLAVOR In Iplll ol lhl lnlunallnnnl nature the program lhn Scuh lllh luvnr hm no bun om lucked nam wlll lull COME Ind Ccllldll an ex clunlvtly Scallllh concert will Iuch well known artlm Knnnclh llchullnr Jlmmy sham and MI nnnd Edln hurlh Player Ind ll King horn Cholr wrll olhcr kullhh Ifllfl Aml una nu culun wlll be rullnl nl Eml lbh mrlry Ind mum In which he pantry ol Robert Burn And mmmu In In Ihll nu Ihm lb ullurm tom nnlo and by hlm lulu In nor Ilmh I0 nuke Int nulon lor hrmpllvhnn Chrlnl Ml only am In mm In panulu nl nrlllnnl Iln hut lllx rnnlnnnl Imurmlnn wnr Inlul uur llnnl vlclnry our Ilm BIBLE THOUGHT WEDNESDAV SEPT nwumn nmmnn MRI nu WEALTH IIECIAI nnuNM $230 JACKPOT lEGION HALL 71 COM 51 lEGION BINGO lhI nlunnlinnnl Hughl Macdlarmid will play Ye ma laullc llle drama lhn olllclnlvpmgram arms only pan of thls great Internallonll galhurlnz ln Edinburgh lhm lha lrlnza allrncunna wllln every hall that wlll accom module In nudlenco occupled by lroups ol Irllxll manly lrnm Erlllnh unlveralllu and collagen rraxenllng thulr nwn characlm Illc type enllrlnlnmenll They plly larga In the unlov filenlt ol the Ilwn lo the Fel VI GALA ATMOSPHERE Above all the whole any permeated by the callvnl moa phm One tub In the air Onu name It in this any crowdl whlch Irtquent thn Fellhll clap be nlnhllyfignnpr held lb and jun In the menus ol lrlendl from olher muntrlcs Edlnburgh II Scal lnndl capllll but during tho lhm weeks lhlgjelllvnl it belongs to worid Hy PATRICK NICHOLSON UNAWAMa mu ccnlury will he Mummy Canada and ol mud evelqpmen Sir Wilfrid Luurlcr the mat FrenchCanadian prlma minis iermnde hat pudictlnn so yearn Igoi ll he were allvu i0 day he would changa his in maus dictum in predict Thl lecand hnli ol the will ceniury will be the no lbs ma chine OTTAWA REPORT That mnuhlne could confer rut benaflu upon mlnlrlnd It cauld bring malerlnl plant In mnuy prosperlty In the world and food to tha hungry Butvl could Also take away your Job and mlne More espe clnlly It could deslmy lha Job whlcll wa lmpe your chlldren and mlnn wlll xroyv up In Whal ls lo pr me yrablcm we laca lnday Unemploy ment you mlxhtreply Thu wear even greater un¢m plnymrnl would correct ynu Harald Wllsun he lender 00 the Labor pary ln Brllnluv re cently declared that 10000000 new lulu wnuld have to be crcnlcd ln Brllnin wllhln the nut decnda AI lhe man wlm ha rtnson Io expcclllo became prime mlnluer nl Brilaln wllhln llle year he ls consclnu that Immense problem whlcll wlll Inc his xovurnmmt to crcula 10000000 naw Jobs or 112an me whlch lodny lulnll 15000 000 workru WflnKAT mu he Intel the un dcriccrelnry labor Jnhn llenninl hm userlcd lhat his country mull provide 36000900 new John by MD hero in to be no Incrmn In lha Nessa inn work Nm 51500 Wa hav no hrnrd any whh per of our slmllur problem lwm Cnnndal mlnhlnr lnhnr el lhrr Mike Starr who vluted lhnt omte when Iha Tory xnv emmcn ml Ihlx Iprlng or Al lan MncEnrhen My mum luccmor In act lhl Ierlnun pruhltm has nnl horn mlqualy dllcumd all In ur Ham Comment This ngnnl nnd Icriou ammlr Ilnn undnlinm he crillchm re unlly mada by Rum tolumnlst Pnullnc Jewell wrillnl In lhh mlumn Dr Jewclk nnw Llh an or Nnrlhumberlnd wn frevloully prnlmnr pn llllcn ulcnca Culrlnn Unl vrylly Guam Sees Ontario Alert To Problem 01 Jobs Hul oiutrvallun Ind exper UNEMfiimEm flifilmll uuuuuu nmihlfihll Liaifibor Lono FLU roux MN IODAY ONLY um ly up chIyAIIIQN mass am has Withbrun minute the Germn nnvy elmck yem no todIyln me the day Brileln dealred wer on Germany The pee nnuer liner Mhenle 200 mllu was Scotlnnd bound lor Montreal wn torpedoed by German Iubmerlne Some 1400 pes Iemrl had lulled Aux at lrum Gleszow end 125 yor nom died In the Ilteck Year liter the Incident one of the lurvlvorl Andrew Allen Toronto recalled the Ihe Ihlp ullod down he Firth or Clyde people on then ehonced mm nmnln ewny mm nll 11 you The hnufinnede highway was olllclelly opened lenca during her um my maths an MP lad her to wmc thlu damning Indictment of our pOHHDIl lenders My mongesl Impresaan at the House Commnns 15 ha It is not the rent arm or de bale in lurely ought Io be Thar has been very llllle renlly lhouxhflul penclratlnz or lufnrmzd dlxcuulon ol the Im portant Issues that Ice Cun ad Most MP1 even Ieldlnx meg leem pnwglllnz qr unable lo dllcuu depih Environ inuu to tha dny JOBS GREAT WORRY The rental Issue the my or the Ivernga voker Ilmvly lhll Baud upnn predlc tlnna made by thouthul Ind Informed leader In Britain And In the US and II he absence any Ilmllar lamhehct pmnnunccmtnl lrom Ottawa estimate that Canada must pro vide the Ilazgcrinl total or be Iween 1500000 and 3000000 new jobs by mo 1135 Ollvu Cromwell died lhIL lrlghlznlnl necusky our or live xlme many nuw lab as have been mam in Clnldu duran the last men yam But while 0an Ileeps Ton onlo lurlunnlely Alex to lhll menuclnz problem Onllrial Comervntlva gov ernmtnl under Prtmler John mm ll lackllnl lhh prob lem hudnn II beflh our mm 1111th Indullrillized province conlmnte on Aulnmnllon Ind Snclal Change has been Iummoned meet in Toruntu Skpt 1710 Hon Malls nowlm On lnrlal lurleclnz Ind hurddrlvo Ina yaunl mlnlmr inbor hll described In mu lha step which hll qurnmenl akin In uplon Ind tuunlrr hi lhrut and In mm It In our Idellgo Mr nownlrce wll he Iccnmc plnlcd byHon Bub Mucuully mlnmer of econnmlu and valnfmtnl and ML WIHlam Dav mlnluep eduullon In ht pllnnlnx Ind Inllownp ul hll lmparlnnl cxnlomllnn by overnmenl mlnaiemcnl and nbarthn In Inch cnnlcrrnu In In mud Anywhm In North Amlrlcl TODAY IN HISTORY Chnlhnm Onl WM lhu norlh em lermlnus or ucnplnz American Nezm Ham balm the Amerlcun Clvll Wnr WELCOMED HLAVEB By JOSEPH mom MD Der Dr Molnen mm been lransplnnz oi the num nch mm Inch mu or gap to the human body Nq no to my knowledge The ldcn of lucceutnlly ram lnnllng ornnl momnch umu kldneyn or whatever 14 ntljmlln jut lo accom To Youncoon 3mg Surgically ll mulble la perform any number lrany plants Transplanting not lhe roblem II on making lransplanud man Irow Ind lunctlnnu Regardless lhromn thu hall dimtu ll thfl lhe body rejecu Illd In lee dulroyl any luua which mm or lor elgn to null As an example you can mt skin from one person In nnoflmr hul matter uveral wuka he railed Ikln mny flunk II sumclwlly dlf agent up Iha My all rld It Except II tempnrnry expe dlenl wa dn not always expect bunawed km to continua to grow well In can or nevm bum or other lnlurlm wa have cu replaca an area of lkln we lake mm mm olher part of lhe yallentl own body The xrlflcd akin becomes pa manenl And new Ikln flow In lha place from which file graft was ken law lhort yam aio It be came poulle to transplant kldnay lrorn on Identical twin to another people have two kld neya and thus cm war one Slncn then Iuth trnnlplanta havn hem extended to Include those from one close relntlve In an other but till Itlll ran prfzgedtlre Not long Ign wt read um lung had been lnmrlnnlad In desperalely Ill conv ct but hl died nveral dnyl later from another cause we do In know whether um tramplnnlinz would rhave Iuccoeded In dug by Mn 01 powerlul drugs 11 ha been mulhla to mining ha Idectlan Action the body In um transplant has been known to survive lnr month and In one we or men lhgn lwoynnrl we van lo the greater problem transplanlx In an organ mm on nuclei In anolhcra Homach mm uhezp or out or whateverla dug nr plg or wan to hu man hbanwe have not yet lound Ihe Inlwor Howaver ATtansgnlantsdfi0r9¢m May Be Réjected PA MINI Thu OrIgIrIII Drlvrln BARRIE 50th WW Thu Chalu OI Th0 PleIuru Lllllo Rand In Ihc Clly anun Hwyl 400 Ind II TONIGHT WED BACHELOR IN PARADISE coma mm non now LANA wnum um um GORGO In Color Wm Tmm Ml Kiln Open 110 p111 Shaw IIIIll Dunk SHOW AT 100 AND mm nm Mums mum unumm mm AND 0ND mnmmom mm runs IMuumind htunn lnlnYl ll LIIT Mumnzn 10 Till KNGMIKMINT NOW SHOWING THE INTERNRTIUNALLY ACMIMED HIT JUST AS IT WAS HURONIA DRIVEIN mung SHAWN IN THE MAJOR CAPITALS IF THE WORLD STARTS THURSDAY In bellm ugh In bellevl 1y flu Dnr nr Ma am an win Ion do anything tightenl Ikln face and neck wllhoull plullc lryT In there my pill or IntMR8 DC Nn Den Dr Mnlnen Our young est dnuahm ha mum lddln extra Icundl lo the ends ohher worldsllke Whatl lhnl or YenH Sometime he um the Hm letter at the end llko www Cauldthll menli Iha ll Iolnl Ingllqad lo ntuner10x15 lhlg numerth in menu She has been talking charly Ilnce the one year old DEW Th1 may be onn mu tating Start lryln In get her wlua not Iw much preum Ihough to talk mm llowly Thu may help her HONG KONG mamm Thraa crlckm have been de ulned In pollca cunody hm material wllncnel lb cm the British Crown vex nu San CRICKETS SING IN UK COURT NE has bean chum with cruelty to nnlmnli When can am up however he denied pol nhnrgc lhat he mud cricket Huh on the corner Km th Lane and Hillier Street hm Aux HI can wax adjourned un lll Sept 16 and the polcl were given the job kuplnl flu crickelsAplyve unjl ghgp They are Ilvinz contentedly on linseed In In earlhenwar Jar In the waterlrant polch Italian Cricket shun trad lunal Chinese nulma II Ieznl 1n Hon on but not In nearby Portuluuo where mol ha local thum planl are gathering or flu um he Ilhdnx mm SHHNTY Ina COLON CINEMASCOPE Illls more man we 3mm nu on wan TONIGHT AND WEDA rnnou full rosm nnzw own Wme Hwy mu lam Cm locmL nn mow Amulwua nu our wun EEK nlxhuy II II Guthrie DRIVIIH 0pm alum wn wllh CONNIE IMNCII IIELOREB HART 1E HAMILTON DARWt MUCKS INIAIII HIT No1 HRST DRIVEN SHOWING sTHE

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