Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Sep 1963, p. 13

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Hutu umnunuy IDIM WM III MIMI In yumhm mullul prfllum In womm nnl dly my nr am on humwon Sunnld ammn Apply wun nimnm humon IA um pulleulm 0m Unlula EXAMINER WANT All lllONI PA um Arcmmnwn Hullmflnr may Iunly tor mm mm mm lamMud maumm mum um run mum ma hullloun ml nnnl punkII mum up In mm Illlly Mam mlm Inrlvmln um urnl an pullmm Inlwmnllm nu HI mumnan mm mlm nod Ind mum ll um In Invl run mmpkll at umnut In on hund vmlu Ia llnl mm hum SALes risufil Aomfl nr ll Thin mm 1mm Inmudlan Inn In In nna dmmmlnl Apply Tn lu noun run in up mu mm ID rur In John hm II In bur PHOTOGRAPHER DARKROOM MAN Required 1mmrdlnlcly by name llrm MN hnvo nomo expul cnce Apply to Box 61 The Mr rln Exnmlner mm mnmunn ml in com Tlchnnlhlill or Eluln mm mum my mm mm lludy Tum and rm nooun Cm In um Imnlu lodl JIADIO cmle camm Mn Town an until flu in And cmlnnn Ind III hull with Ill rnnvenllncuy Mull b1 tonklmlloul Ind mm chud Rn mmncu um monthly Tr lwhnm bran PA Hall or PA um may mun mun mu mm wlm mm mm my wuk Ilrmlmn gamma or mm mm Apply 911 PA was llnnul um muma or Blyvhw hr mm PA um In 1mm In maum IM wonderful oppoflunlb or WOMEN In South Slmcoa County win big cash wards UP TO $500 BEAUTY HOP flnldwnu Ill Ila I71 lulld hllrflfluu LI your nun ham or MIMIl uh Rural PA Man or PA Gnvrrnrnent Chartered School Thorough training 1n 11 bur dzes beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL l1 WORSPEY ST PA mm ICCOMMOIMHDN llnlldr 1n Pr uh hnml Ildul ll mid mklllmflm And can on min cm mum but hounholdu will numnl pawl would bl Moll Wflll Bax Burl Illmlnif Io HELP wANrE IEEION LON Nuranl Ho Eur AV Burk lndlvid my llmMPhln plum plum Inqulu by mu Oplnlnl Inli ll IOWLIRI Wink MI Ind llnllr Mlllxlnhd or Lid lcnl and Mlnd lulu Kim lllw Bow IIllphunl lW Il PA I015 NITUNI IllLINE Do on Win ur UNqu lold I1 Ia when Imam or woman PERSONALS ANNUAL CASH AWARDS CONTEST km VOLHWAOKN mm mu In load Gammon clun law mm In nlloublu nlllr 53¢ Itva In Jobblll Mnomlmu me on truck or candlunn low mllcln um ollm human PA wax pt PA um Barrie Examiner WANTED top dollar plld or mas1m ku milomobuem AEIQMPIVE uéibnfiasibk sfii vnuxmu vnm or mm condition pnu mu uphonu sum 10L EARS WANTED TO BUY BARRIE EXAMINER PA 66539 mum ma noun plug acupmcs TRGCKS TRAILERS mum mlnnnassifid woMEfiébLUMN TELEPHONE PA 81311 CIRCULATION MANAGER MALEfifi FfiALE HELP of the lnmflnllnm lul polite Mun dny In mu mllrl ml uwmm roll haw mum um um what my will Mnmlly II mrk 11mm mnlur ur llun penulan In Hm Ol lm VA Furer mun may he um III and ullyn In MIM mm llnlxlu 1X pallet mllnl Am durum lllh cumnlrury to flu lulnmoerl mu llnlph Ilnnkhm 2a Ilugrr lmmml 71 llnyuuuul Ivr mum in Am wlmxl Culmrnn 0mm mm om my lunrklfll ruvlnrlll CONCESRION MM in humIva CONCE5l0N 10 In to influx FONCESSION In 23 lnduslvo CONCIZSSION 11 In to 11 IMMIM DATED ll Klmud III II mh 0W Annual mm mm Clerk TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Municipal lionrd has Bppolnltd he Illh dny ni Scpiembcr 108 ho hour ii oclock in tho iorunoon at he Stroud Com muniiy iiuili in the Township of Innisill nl Siroudi io hear the application by he Corpora llon ihu Township innlsiii on behalf of tho Slroud Com muniiy Ccnim iionrd ior won oi lhe onnsiruolion oi Community Centre Anna In utimnind cos oi 3250000 which 1300000 shall in mind by Iain oi drbmlum replyabia nvor period oi My yum Thu ml of iho dobmiura lawn in lo be Moi by the iovylnl oi lipodill rnlo ozuimt nll ho rnir nhlo property In lhe Siroud Community Arm AMI The allowing the area whith hnx horn dnslnnnlai Ilia Siroud Communily Amm Ami CONCESSION Nh Mil in IMilHIHI CONCESSiflN Min l1 025 Inciulivu VC SiON Crackdown 999 Ring CORPORATION or ma TOWNSHIP or mmsm NOTICE OF HEARING AKE N91301 mm the Ontario WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tnka MUNIMK the Supreme Court Asslm wlll be held In In Court House Dnnle com mcnclnl Monday September 1963 mm hour 10 oclock In the farenoan no Honournbln Mn Jusllca Richardson pmld In ROSS HUGHES Sheri Couny Slmcoe I4 PUBLIC NONE TENDER Tender willhe racelvcd by the undersigned tn supply the Essa Twwnshlp Public School Area with luel oil and ntova all Ten der to lncluda n11 whoola In the ma Tender to close II 11 oclock noon Friday Septem ber 196 The lawn or any ender not necessarily nccepb ed lEGAL Noncss Nam IO HELP WANT Inln la Iiiiélmlva COXWORTH seem Thomlon WILLARD COLE RR No Auhton ESSA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Ann Vlmlnbill 50 ML lkd In lonmr um mll Hanan Cormlluu Vim mu Iu hutrd 1011qu plul In New How On It Hun day he mcellnl Ilsa vnlcd In ndmll nlno new member dcnnmlnnllom In vurl nus cuunlrlm brlnxlnn he 04 In councll constituency In 209 church bodlu applauded lhn amwlnx dlscusslnn be tween nnmnn Cnihollclxm nnd oflwr churches nnd urged lhn every appurlunlly be ulzcd or lhe duclopmcnl Ihll dlnloxuu nl ovqry Dri Visser can laid also was significant ihni III the groups had arrived II an amazingly good consensus in making In common pusiiive re Iponw to cunincis opening with the Human Cnlholic Church ADM NEW MEMBERS Ensitrn Orthodox churches have bucomo strongly repre sented in the Christian cowar nllve nrgnnlmiinn which lino include most ni ihu wuridl mnior Protests ni denom inniinns Summlnx up result of the menu Dr VLuer mo Geneva the caunclll genernlAsccrulnry said All the new elemenuln the councll have com to eel Iham Ielves home Thcy In em oporaHng and particlr ch more gregly anq tul It new central budm $671000 Involves an expected $511000 deficlt But WM Ip rroved In confidence that future ncmnse In member church can ulhujmpn will le can of ll The council centriréommlk lee Monday night concluded an FEhbdny policymlklng met By GEORGE CORNELL Altogether hay have In umled 350000000 mzmhcra Damsmm AP The cnunclll new budm The World Council of Churchu kman mm mom Wu embarked Iodny on new ma mm mum program high on hope and hit 350 um um shorten money urvm dlvlnlnn mum Innauénarircflecu were cited auhu causgpl thq zgp Oppositinn lendar John Dlel enbaker rlzhk check his travel schedule with wit and Conservative House Lead er Gordan Churchillwum as Church Council Has Huge Debt TREATED HOSPITAL DIEP GOES T0 EUROPE any lot what pollu deunlml Intuitflow by huhllur In dudur ed lmn hnlpllnl lmr um In fill or qwuonhll ave or rcnmnnbll Ienzlh time he mm Chlnn wlll Idvanco In In duxlrlnllzullon Ind be Con lroncd with many of tho Inmo problem nuw lacing Ruuln Urllnln ghn Unlltd Slnlu and Cnnldl Mr chcr IUHEIIEIWIIIIY Ruula wllh mlllnnca ram countrch like Canada could convince Chlnm Iendm la adopt man tactical and mgycrnle pain view7 The only Icmlbla approlch In In recognize the zuvtrnmenl of Red Chin he do halo government and to keep openl our dlplamnllc channels David Archer pruldbnl or the omnrlo Fedcmflon Labor lold crowd xnlhered In llnmlllonl HAMILTON CP An 0n lurin 1m mdcr Mondly dr Icrlhed hypocrltlcal the Ca nadian uovernmcnt policy 11an Whln In China on one hand and Musing lo rzcalnlu II on ha other An lnvimion wu ecuplld tom the RmiIn orthodox Church in hold the nail council executive commlilee meellng at Minsk Russil Feb XML mu me next central committee meelinz will be held in Aliice in Janulry ms The cnunclll new budm In kuplnz with cnlkam ll Iepnr Iled in mm cnmrlu $150 300 Im lhe reluue and 10119 service dlvlalan 0115000 or the mlnlnn and uvlnzelllm arm and 53mm or other de plglmenuangi Idmlnmrnllon China Policy Hypocritical Mu VIIan chu dAflIIrM he 11ml em my loolu on The Didenblken left am Sundw on mweek tip that will take them to Even lha nnvn lnmlly up pcared mlznod la he Inn Mylarold mlner rapped nun wllh Dnvld Fellln and Henry Thront by lublerrnn un Illdn Fellln and Thrana weru mmed Aug 27 Sllll Inullm brullifl Jouph Immune um Ihuy hm what my dulng dnnl knnw Inrlhlnl llmul mlnn uh hem lo Imp mnklnl Bmllh uld he lulled wllh llm ml mm hrnum Daniel In nu II In Mm IlrnlihL lel nld lhI bmlher Incl ll nlherwell Annlhor hmlmr Tony uld ho did no wlm Inyrmo lo III III In In halt Charmhuryl downy Gordon flmllh mu even man dellnm lll All ovrr or mm ll renamed ho nld nqonwnn mm Brtlclm one rcgulnr urlu In reply la rcnden quen Hunt on upecu ma Slano vie Ideological clmh described Hon Kong dunzemu zmwlh on the body Chin Thu uvlly ll unanle Hm IMP Iruh Mk Irth Oil And llmlm ha Inld um view lnl lelmu by umern Iow cnd marl Ihnn 100 lnla dumber when av wn llcvul lo he Dr IL 41 Chnrmhury Ame mercury 01 mlnu Inld vlrlu Ally hope rmulnl mu WM 1011 Fallawlnl merllnl with otllclnln and exprrla In dum lhu oprrnllon Charm bury llllli ha would no lend volunlur Inln now map lhlfl drlllrd Eundny night IIAZLETON Pa AWHope lar Mull nova In pad by conl mIne cnvcrln um 13 In all bul norm Ilnlo mine Dm duh mid Monday IZVHUA In Monday mlcln nld Chinee leader mlde lerribla us About the 1111111 01 tho reople lunaran undu Imperial bul lhny nurpm lngly lxnuro lhn lullerlnls holr own countrymen In Haul my The Soviet lavernmcnl newt paper Well In allucked Communlu Chin lar Ignoran the lullerlnn ll country men In the British colony Hon Kong Hope Wanes For Lost Miner Family Resigned To Loss The ipokeaman Ilsa accusod the Soviet Union adventur hm In recklmly Intrududnz rockou lnta Cub well capltulnllonllm In wilhdnw In them government lpokeumm quoted by the omclnl Naw Chin new Agency Sunday mm Iha chum Inwmm an Ann Soviet unlement which accused Chlnl of publiclzlng clnslfled documaml ul Communm wuntrln defences 24HOUR SERVICE um um SIRVICI All we NIATIN IQUIP PEKING titanium Com munirt Chin has secured the Soviet Union oi betraying to me United sum detail oi secret Soviet Chinese agreement on einmic weapon long before China revealed to the world two week no that the agreement exiued Reds Accuse Soviét Union New York Rome hue and EIpr Mr an nveMn Dlelcnhlker he orchid car me erephoia nulll All Mlfllllll 1mm PA mu BOWENS Mrl Bovn ml hcun In hnlpl Inl or wtck Nahum are min or he cnupln elzhl monlhnld mn lame Marl hmuu evcn II Luull ll dud wurwunl he body WILL LOSE mn LONDON Reuters Dr Gluuppl erlllll Ilnllnn WILSON IIII BONN ifleuterel Britieh IAbor PIrt LeIder Herold Wil Ion was ticlzed here Monday by West Gcmum Glanmiiar Ad enIuerI Chriuien Democrat Party tor supporting Commu niIt docirlrlee ihe party press Iervice hit It William who iIet weekend in Hamburg told German Iudience heiIvored thinningout oi military commit mentI in mm Europe MARRIED WHITE NEW YORK iAPl Cher inyne Hunter Negro girl who was graduated mm the Univer Iity Georgia In June end we the rim oi er race It the uni verIily diecloeed Monday Ihe is married to white Georgian ihe iarmer MIII Hunter Ii IIid Ihe Ind WIlier Stovail 25 oi Douglas wero secretly married ieet spring WIIY THEY L051 NEW DELiii Reuterel In dian menu It the how at the Chime CommuniItI in bor der lighting iaIt you were ceueed by iIck oi bItt train ing Ihortege oi equipment Ind pear generIiIhip Iriiement wnI taid here Monday ihese reetonI were cited in In oiil eiIl inquiry whoee iindingI were reported to the lower house by Deience Minister Chavnn AGREE TO UNION DAMASCUS SyriI tIleuterI iron and Syria have agreed to eelahlieh complete economic un ity and let up military commit tee to soordinate their der ience Joint communique iI Iued here Inid liondny The communique ioiiowad le dnyI oi talkI between IrIql Prceldcnt Abdul SoiIm liiohammtd Itrii Ind Syriln icIderl LIKE IDEA ROME APl Bomol trol flc oommlulonar hon returned lmm oludy ol electronlo Irnl llc control In Toronto convinced lhnl only well nyllem hold my hope or Home and other Inclenl clllollol Europe Antonlo Plll uld he than the Cona dlnn city or hll murch In Toronto recently Installed yrtem ol lrIlllc lllhu mu llled by In olectronlc computer lcoordlnl to lulllc donllty my lvon momenl in on nnllro clly dunner noun Wm ma MOSCOW moulon Eyc loruulnn ooufl ha lenienced four men to dull by rhootlnx for tho mm murder Jew Ind lgypnloo lo tho nbllc dur lnl Second Worl Wu tho So lo lovornment nampa Hr lleo reported Monday now nper uld non nvn ovl enco Alolnn le med nld lo luv worked or lololu pollen cor lnz out llvo expcdlllono pr ARIEL T0 TEACH LE MARS own AmFrank starxoL lormor Alwclnled Pm zonalll rumour who null II worklnn loward hll collm degree uyo he expects to teach the Unlvmlly of Tom at Aurlln Surzol 59 round Auoclnted Preu onaral man ner lul your yum mum Exmmn TUESDAY smnmn WORLDNEWS IN BRIEF You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS an to Soviet Premier Khrunhchuv urzinuicamidarllion inn aimed at lhniierinu the nu Curtain by massive exchnnn oi citizen beiwun the Uniiad Siaicalnd Ruuil in 401 ward cubic Pmionor Edmund Zawnckl expinlned to Khrth chav hil open ciilu pinn Im dcr which zoom Amurlclnl would lhcSovinflnion or ISSUES APPEAL MADISON W1 AP Unlvmlty Wilconlln prom hu luuud direct appeal TEN KILLED LIBERTY Tex AP Te forum wm killed Ind on wI urod In heldan Inkamo bl cruh on anIllck mu Mahwny In Ionthun Texan Monday In one car were Iaven member of ha Odom Amily 1mm Baylown Tex Six were klllud And one wu Injured Tm our uccuplnu at UM olhur car all from laufkln Tex wm killed Ilomlc ldcnum uquhled here In July on chum pr In to Ipy or Ruula will an hll job with Brltalnl Ilomla mmnulhorlly human or Ihu Iulhorlly nl Monday nlxht Thu upokumanlald Iha authority Manned Eumam Mmellll employer lhal hll contact lheBrillxh atomic enurly nulhorllyl mallch uln uon Culham In southern Eng Ilnd will not be ranewed when mm ha end or Ihll month Bathtub sinks lavato titling and supplies wt or soltener piping burners motors do in commercial furnace vacuum cleaners hand es hand pi cutters and hoiderst taps deck faucets thermos at and airslat controls soil pipe and Cl fillings galvanized duct fittings crane solder Joint valves etcl black galvanized fittings and nipples sump pumps edger and crimpera burnera hand tools space oil heater plumbing and heating repair supplies etc 1953 Chevrolet Vnlon pane truck inapcclion morning of Hale of PLUMBING HEATING CONTRACTING COMPANY to In Iold plmmnl by PUBLIC lIQUIDATION on pumlm II CALDARONI AUCTIONS TEL TORONTO 282416 Audionor ApprInu quuldum 360 Jnybull arpvo wn HIII 0M 106 Coldwanr Road Roar Olmll Onmlo On Frldny September 6H1 I963 at 1030 am BANKRUPTCY SALE SALE conllulng form will SALE CONDUCTED BY mlll number of Rumn vlillorl lo the U3 11 Player led with Filmer alter the openlnl round Sunday with whllo Nicklaul llld 68 llhed wllh Mal89 or laur undor Nicklm the PM In Mulm chlmplnn carded 343610 far In Leld money wlnnu Pnlmer In 864071 lhlrd WAUKEOAN Ill ANle Plain South Alrch dellted Jnc Nlckhul Ind Arnnld Pal mur In the 0000 Holldly Doll Vanum turned mil control Ind thrnw drver Bud Vnn Dunn of Raw burn out He wax not lellflulU hurt FALLS 10 DEATH SANTA YNEZ Cllll MP Ikydlvcr holdln ml llm lell 15000 loo to hll dulh Sal urdly nllhl whon hll parlchulo lulled to open The mwnll llra lull by 20 purnchulm wnl thu dnyl cllmacllc uvunl Labor Day weekend all erlnl blllad an lha sum not Jumpm Jamboree can mus No ROSEBURG 0n MP drlvnrleu me car number Into he lrandsland crowd the Roleburu Specdway Salut day night Two pemm wm killed and hurt one ulllcnly Thu madlrledalnck car 10 from wine In rounded turn eath In the straightaway helm lhu lmndalnnd packed with 00prsgnllr mm Player Takes First Place

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