Mr llrlur lm Illd mlndful ul nmh Cnnn mun lmluIry llul hon lndl IIicnlNl Hull he ll mom mlnpunn any 1mm pm uh lhl mnln nrnmmvnl mmhumnm lmlry lml not than Mum lam Mr Drury hu lhll Cm mlnl mlhluy luncllmu Ihould In mnm lowly de lo the rlmnlryn lmlullrlnl mm nmy Md menrth nctlvlllom HIKII mm hu uld mmld prnvlllo annularAunt llml lo Um Unllnl Slam or IM Cnnmllm ulanllne rommunlly nml hrlp Allnvlnle flu lulum olqunymf wvhlrm OTTAWA CPD lnformod Inurm Iny In lnlrnmuul cub Ml nrgumrnl lhliflnl up our Um mm In whch delmu pmlom Humid In gum In cnpnhllllkIand Modbol nndlm lmlullry 11m Mr dwuunll In In duslry Mlnlllnr Chum llmry and Helm Mlnlnlor 1qu lnllyrrl HAHFAX CHNow Stella climbed on tho election band wnxun Thursday Pumlur Robch Skanllcld Innmlnced pmvlnclnl won for OcL Then appaand be nn mlhr issues The yhmlcrs announcemem cndud week of speculation Hull his Prozrcsslva Conservnllva lovemmunl wnuld mk new mnndnlo Mr Slanmld lnlncd at press conference It lhls all would he nod Um or In alccliun when mm In no Ilker tn be dislrnclad by led ergl campaign In View lho Inslnblllky lb pmcnl Home Cnmmunl lhl mllht no he Inn for 1W lhe pmgler Iqld lnco announce an alecllon or 12 Oalrl°le€° 1h Mr SInnIleIdI lavzmmenl was elcclcd In I056 Ind wn rr turned ln oIIIto In 1060 hlvlnn 1er mon yum In In current term mmler laid lhl omn mcn ll mklnl tndammm In politic and new pmmm would be act out durkll mo cnmpnlln 1110 iibvlndal lendr ol lho Lllwrnl pnrly Elrl Umuhlrl nnld Innunncemml wn no Iurprho Mr and Mrs Bert Seller Ind Deborah nl Delmll vliltcd Mrs Scum mmher Mrs Evan Ind lsler and bmtherAlnllw Mr and Mtg do Noble On Wednesday member oi Ihe Womens Insuknlo went to Midhursi for the day Arriv inl at 11 am he ï¬rst nap wu the provincial fares Ilnlion when conducted tour of the nursery Ire was mlde Guide Paul do Lesiurd explained the planting of seeds umspiantlnu of iron and finally packing and nhlpplnu oi trees Dinner was in Sprinlwnlcr Park The indie hen hnd limo lo tour the park and sea the flower And minim iha Iinai slop was at the Simeon County Museum to view tho numamu antiques BOWLING CLUB The annual maelan the bunling club was held on her day night omcm elected wen Presldanl Jack Armstronli vice presidents Lena Swllzer and Harry Pugh mercury Olive Anderson treasurer Ethal steers Bowllnlla to aprt pt i7 Vlimse wlsï¬lni orbowl till year should get um name in NEW $105 lly MRS WAth Miss Doreen Smith arrived home mm Thessalon on Why mprnlng haying spent our week nurslngln the has In hm She spent the We end with her pnrenks Mn and Mn lnmld Smlu and boy below MugMn 1mm By MRS DUNSMORE Mrs Wayne chkllnl will be hostess In lha Evenhlx Circle members Sept 80 pm Mrs Gordon Atkinson wlu conduct lhe devotional Roll call will be an auction of lewellry lunch M53 Igegnard igem Congratulations Mn and Mn Carl Reynold on Illa birth ofï¬u son 13 Alllgton hog Mr and Mn James Usher at Montreal spent Ina week with heir puma Mr and Mrs Fred Usher and Mr and Mrs Roy Dixon Miss ida Smiih and Mn Al vin Smith visited Saturday with Mrs Glass oi Conkxinwn and her granddaughier Min Sharon Smith and iriend imm Vicinrin 50 Bus Mlsse Emma 71nd Cnlhy Flnlny and Johnston Finlay spent holiday the homo thalr arcl Kerr Jiï¬rtd with her kmml Mrs Clark for wee Expect Spat Over Deience Announce Date For Vote refl sum 25 ndhï¬uiï¬ Co mbln 53 CROWN HILL BOND HEAD IA IHI HANDEflSON MONUMENT CO lull Burton hullh HM Man Show 11ml XIInuwkk Mr Ind Mn Fred Vlney and mm mm called on Mrs Wanleu Collinzwood on Sundny afternoon They also Titled Mrs Walter Hill In hos The Unlled Church Woman wmmea Sept the hum of Mrs Willim Wheeler All mm Ire welcoml Conzralulnllon to Wm Hm Ind Barbara McFadden who gen mlrrled Snlunily In Ear Friend and nexxhboura Mr and Mrs Dobson mhmd tho hall Saturday evening In bidhem unwell they lenva or their new home In Barrie Mm cCola read an lddresx and Fold Wheel McGln and How ard presented hem with Val 01 ï¬eMnduhlc And match ing trim light canalsllng two table llmps and floor rry Rown son Mr and Mn Cllna lump wax hll on the head by pulley whlle brlnzlnz 1n hay Saturdly diamoon lie wu rushed to Collluxwood Genml and Marine Hamlin where 10 mtchu ware needed to elm Iha wound on top hishem Ha wax pauent In hospital far ow dm Symon 10 out to Mrs Rum Hum In an deg 01 her Aunt Mn Whurovaol Ba Int week Mr Ind ï¬n Tyson Smith mended mu Camhnnan wed din lq Thornton an Salurdly PA tam aunt lad uncle Mr and Mn 13 Burn Ind son Finlay Mm Norman Rawn of Stlynur pent tho weekend with her lll ler and brotherInd Mr And Mn Slave Jun er vial wllh Mr ml Mn ann Included Mr and Mrs Allen Rmyo Slwner and Mr Ind Mrs George Mo wnlk Toronto on sllnrday eve nln and Mr and Mn Jim dm lrom Anton on Sunday DENIS SHEARD LTD LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIIIUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTs Doulumnamy Humull ILO IXIHB In The null Enmlm mm Announumulu In 1M nm lmlnl IM Ilium Atllllllu he In Um your John lush II plnl allm when MM mun mu will Ilm thumbNoam hm In ltmllflhll Impulu la run Illar hrm Hut Ill Ion luu Io Chin you 11 mm In with unfl an mt llpu Ind smut pnyur In your hurt but whn flnt huh kl new pun Mn Ion mumwa human To lha uulhll Maul nod Ext1s nufly whm mm bun In God un lhflhr hum In Irth ll plflll think And numl In th Chunk In 0d mm Mhd yaqu um um Bum M11 limbs lhuak Dad for mu Ilth mm mm mull 007 IMl MumIn mm In limluvl In add nun whm imam nun mm Al pmnt you In InnMaul ma Ind mild Mmmllullmh Ilrlld By MR8 CON1 mu nimva sum sauvxcn STATION flpndly GRENPEI UBRTMM BROS LTD BUILDING MATEIHAIS Ml Dunlnn lA Mill ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Mondny hmdny Wldnudy Thundly fllmull Inlml lllllh IMllppllnl IXIHB IOIIID ll Kilt Burton Aw Bllh Ivl Mr and Mrs William Burn and family anombe Albem Mr and Mn Wfllllm Slewm Ind anally Mn Rabat Kirk wood Ind lam of much spent nuvernl days in Mr and Mn 2ng Bagn9 Mn Nellie Gowur Toronto vhmd Mr and Mn vam Home Mra Fred Barlow spent two dayA the CNE Toronto on work Mrs Barlow lava talk Thursday at tho 4H meet Mr Barlow lolncd her on Frldny and they men he week end In Falls Miss Linda Home span sum al days with Miss Lynn Blanche Orlllla MI Donna Home upon aw day with her cousin Mr and Mn Joseph Mcuml home In Barrie The Women Institute wlll meet Sept 915 pm at the home of Mrs John and Jack Easxman This change Holmes and Helen have returned home mm vacation trip to Ylpxllnnll Mich lo vim Mr Hound ulster Ind bmtherlnlaw Mr and Mn Schall They travelled back by way Soul Ste Mule and Mlnlloulln Island Rcv and MrlAllan Barnes Ind son mum Sash also called on ha lumen lamp Both Mrnnnd Mn Dob repll Mi um SUNDAY SCHOOL ALLIANCE CHURCH STEEL Ind COOK STREETS Rev Gum Rm Pnlor By MRS JOHNSTON WORSHIP EEJWICES RUGBY SIECKLEY FUNERAL HOME ms why PA 033 200KB CAnTAGE AND STORAGE LTD 11 um Em um Mr cinflmie Prop mm pl 43 Hippluu Kilt Phil SCHANDLENS FINA SEILVIC ilAlION JOHNSON SON MACHINE SHOI HOWEY ELELIIUC Huwcydrqpl lHl CMUICH All All In ll CKUICM mm mlI am an um bullflu wad dunmm cum driLlullu an minivan In mm mm ihy my mmldmmd unlu mm mummmuumnu Yumanah mumum rumn mm mum mum 1w nuaMMumlmmh wvmmnnudwdmm hummmmw services In Enxllnh Th0 Church mo mm In God Hour nan pronm Dlll cron 0mm may luau 800 pm Vincent street hum new no flemhml Phone PA shanty My null NILsunny School IMO mmEnlhh 8mm 130 Evenlnl 5mm ltd sunny Eur Maul am FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Fm Moihodlu Church CTORY Bunud RDLION an NAZARENE SERVICES 10 mm Sundly School 11 Im Ind 700 Pm Monlo St at Dalton 1000 mm Funny Blue School 1100 am MORNING WCIIISHII van EVENING WDMHIP Meet In Blllmll School Andlloflum Cor Anna lml John BI nu Welaon null PA 7731 CHURCH OF THE ab vmmz on THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH VFIRST BAPTISTCHURCH 11 mm Hindu Echoul YOU ARE MOST WELCOME 1nmslnv1cz 81 Ammaws pmnnnnmw cmmm 910m fluidly School And ran EVENING smwca IN ms amm cuuncn Ftlentlly Summer Services Everynns Vrlcnmo 030 nm Years Ind Over 1100 Yam and Over II NOBODY on IONIEDODY Nnmry helllllu Anllabln Com And mm 11 rnmlly To church Chppumn It Wordy SUNDAY pm Timely Prophetic Men age given by Ruth Tunkl THE WORLD JImI COULD NOT BE SAVED BETHEL CHURCH REV ll ADAMS ILA hllnlller ST ANDREWS SEPT Ilh pm mullHon Servlco For REV II VAN NEE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ILW IJn WORSHIP SERVICE ALL ENGLISH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Na 6th Echnnll Dnrlnl llolldny sum UNION SERVICES Own Ind Manley ll BURTON AVENUE UNITED ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN 159 Collier Service And Sunday School ii am Testimonial Mealing 2nd Wed pm CHRISTS RELEASE PERSONALITY Mark 73137 Wfldl The TV Pmlnm IM In The ma Bundul Lulhtnn our Broadcm Bun am mm CKBB PHONE PA mu Hum Dempny nlmlor Pnlu Nursery Caro Provided or Inlnnlu IN BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH What Caused the Flood When the Sons of God Married the Daughters of Men W11 it Happen Again 950 mm Sunda School Lyn Wonhrp 5min Steel st of High No ll new Jnuph Mollwfll Chnnh Phone PA Hm inrl Relmenco PA mu Sundag School at 945 um Adult WM mm HOW 10 WE WIIH OTHER PEOPLE sunonv ICHOOL lUTHERAN CHURCH OF 1le GOOD SHEPHERD EVERYONE WELCOME an Guru Tunk Pmor VISITORS ARE WELCOME PENTECOSTAL 00 mm 1190 JOHNSON 5T SCHOOL 73011 mm 600pm nzv SUMMERS Dlmwr Pnlu Mn Mrlflnnun SUNDAY MASSES mm mm 1015 mm 30 mm Sundly pan Wudnudgy at 730 Our Movhnr of Parpolunl Hulp Novunn FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 110 IIn DIVINE WOIISIIII MISSION IN THE WORLD OF LIIIIOUII Duel MN MM FERGUSON In Your Immu II WarMp God Numry and Klndulllltl lulmlu WESTMINSTER Roman Catholic 31 mm culmciay MULCASIEB 81 PA NIB EVENING DEVOTIONS Holy Communion am Holy Communion ST GILES CHURCH THE MOTOR you An wmonl 95 Cook Elncl rm nanny BSc Llh THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Mnlller EIGHTEEN MULCASTER In M5 Mn Sundny School lar mu ll mm Tho Lordl Supp pan Oolpol Wndnlldly pm Pray Bblo fludy Rev Wlllu Dyer too am Ilnly Communion 1100 mm Mania lenlci BAPTIST CHURCH ALL ARE WELCOME NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Meellng temporlrlly in Coclvlnglon Street Publlc School Sunday School 10101 Worship Assembly 00 Permanent Bulldlng Elle Cook Ind Wlllowdnlo BARRIE CITADEL SALVATIIIN ARMY UNION SERVICES TRINITY XII ST GEORGES Sunday Strvlm BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST VIIITOM AND NIWCOMEII WILCOMI 0mm Sim ALMNDALE Burton Avenna ll THIS SUNDAY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE annvllln Elml REV WILLIAMS BTh LAM lenI CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 945 mm BIBLE SCHOOL 00 im FAMILY WORSHIP 700 pm EVANGELISTIC SERVICE BABY FITTING ACILIIIII AVAIMIIIJ MINISTER REV DONALD JAYBA BD ORGANIST IRELAND RMT um COllIER 51 UNITED CHURCH EVANGELISTIC SERVICE CENIRM UNIIED CHURCH 930 Mn SUNDAY SCHOOL CITADEL PA M595 CAPTAIN AND MRsL RANDALL WORSHIP SERVICE WHAT CAN DO WEDNESDAY 800 pm mum AND 31an mm EMMANUEL Gum Spnker REV JAMES ECOEGIE Clnm For All An 00 H100 nu 700 pm BARRIE Frizndly Church Wllh Sou Winning Mlnlltry 60 COLLIER ST WILLOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH REV BAKE UI Bin MM Chukluar and plum Benin In mm It hhool II II IJII Herman 1m THE HIT LABOUR DISPUTE ALL IVOIIKEM UNION AND NONUNION CORBMLLY INVITED Nu numuu nd Vllllan Hun ertamed Ml thlldun cordlllly llvflld In mend chumh Imlu Illa Sun la mul our low mlnlllm TRINITY CHURCH 10 Cum Shed Nut lo Pol 0ch The Van ï¬eld 00 un Hon Commnulon 130 mm all Commnnlon The Rev Dr deCnunxm mm Holy Communion 700 mm Evemonx ST VINCENT sr