Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Aug 1963, p. 2

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muuwvl in um mum Nn mr an mum hm Dnil lrfllulflnL uln lul 1hr Hmnnl IIHII In Illllkh mum MMI nlml dawn the runwanyl nlvrrlllnnl lhm ham April me 1mm 11 Allulml lwmd mnmr nel wow by ml mnmnlvd DI mm mlka II nuIn Inn In Mu nn mmmml uni nur mum nu ml MHIMII Iv HM amuuulrrl lo 01er 1010 Hum rnmpuml ullh 1321000 or VH2 nlmu tnr IM mmqvomlln qunvlrr 1062 NH rnrnlnu be Ill month rmlnl Jun 2mm Il mmmlrd 1n llnmum nr um than an nmpnml ulh mm we lvm fur lho um rmnlvlr 1M1 pulod nnadn IMlurl Llulllrd Th mmhmy repurll ml rnrnlnul lor the Hill yrar rxldnl Mnrcll 21 1061 nmmmlml In 5701779 or no Mr and II Ihaw ll rnmpnml ullh mlm ur Ml prr Mn mm Inr Um vrulnln will ymr KrrrMdllnn MM MIMI IM llvo mmvmuy rmrll Ml rum lnu or hr mnnllu rmml Jun 10 Im nlnulmml 011 Mo nr MIJI prr mm In mm purrd vulh wmm or any mr lhlll Inr Hm curlrlpalkllnfl perm InIl yrar Alumlnlum Hmllrd The Cum Hmy mmm lwl rnnmm lle mvml mmllrr rmlrtl Juuu puny Tho Company rcpnrtl ml Inmlmu far the alx munlhx end rd June 1M amounlcd lo K712000 nr 2L1 vcr share rnmpnrrd with 15572000 nr 69 per share or he cvrmpundlnx period lust ymr TrnnINlmmlnln Flue Lin Com Ilny Th Lnmmmy ropnru not enmmu Inr Hm llx monlhx rndcrl lunz nmounlrd In 510111000 nr $415 per yhnrc cullumrrd wlih mum nr mm per slum fnr lhn onu numilnu wriud 1m year Truro Inndu Imllrvl The nmlmny nnnm ml ruining lnr lhe nix lnonllu man Juno 19131 llnmunlrd la WILD or CHI prr ahnu compared wllh mm nr 1134 per mm In he mncqmmlmz prrlml 1m enr lnltrprnvlntll Pipe llne Com flolnrelhv ha Ibrauuh dnwn hm rnccoum nnd porcu plnu had been living In II and the MMhnr hurl slnrlcd In him ll 41ch We had he mnl Iho lmnl purl rushinnlcd wilh hum lynu shingle known as shakes iridam mu anymom Hon hmrc puma We are gu In Umz i1 uruidu We lucky Imam lhu AlUslnn WI mrmbm have Ink cn 6n the ask making lhc wlndnw curlnin In the aid fash lypciolAmnmiul Thu Mr McDonald Inlande lhe house to be strong and long lnsflng In Innlcnled by Ike Incl that he canslruclcd the walls of areal limbm of salld rock elm TAKES TIME ll wlllmkc lime and muney In du Mm wut do ex pI enllglr Al The house was orlglnnlli hullt by Scotsman Angus McDan ald in mil on theeas half Lol 18 Concesslon Essa Mm Norman Marrlsnn he only person who rnmcmben thls pnrlIcular huuse being occuplcd and she remember because as child sh llvcd on an ad Joinlng farm Wha prom to harm an Interesting feature of the mus cum in the near future is large wellpreserved twostorcy log house donutcd by Snlndn Foods Ltd By BRIAN BAKER Thanks la the eflnrlx hoard mumbm nnd Interested donors throughout the county Msmrlcnlly Inleremng llems mn llnue to be accumulated by the South Slmcne Pluneer Muleum located directly west of he hos pllyl In Alllslon LEFT 10 RIGHT Lloyd Co bum Nawlon Rohlnson Mu seum curmnr Jim Dprmau Conlre and Allan Lallmer South Simcoe Museum More Than Interesting BULLETIN BRIEFS have Inn hmrc puma Ve Umz il uruidu iwr INN 1m mun pumllnl pulml In ym flnlhmnnl Pill Mill AIMI Ha nup tummy mm no cumin lnr nu llml your pm dnl Jun 30 IN anlmlnlvd lo MIm nr latI vrr mm uummnl mm ml In JILILI or 1961 Incl ml ME workcd nII lhmugh Inventory llrllhh AmerIrnn Cnmnlnv leIIId The Company rcpnns not rnminn Inr Ihu IIx mnnIIu ndmI June 30 I961 nmuunch lo 31109300 or 8063 Ahnro nn compared wIIh lllN000 or 5an nhnro Iur IIIE tnrmpan KIInI pcrInd In 1061 Our IIAI he 1901 decrease In mrnlnnn nI ammo Is nIlrlbuch lo Innhrr Inmml Inm LIIII your enrnInzn reIlzclnl Ihc Ilnnl up pllcnlInn nI lnx xImInclInnn Irnns lrrnhlu Imm CnnmIInn GII OII umpnny mm Mulch Ihnre In no mmpnrnhlo IIIMIII In 1063 AIunlnl ovnnullnn Hmllrd The mnpnny rrparls MI cum Inxn or In In month HIva Jun 10 was nmounIrd lo mos IIII or V140 nIvnro unnl IFIHII IIIII IMTJIUI nr W57 ll nImrc lur lhn rnrrrspundinx ner IDII In IDIIZ Nannrlnl Mlllnl nrpomlon Thu nnnunny rrpum ml rnrnlnu lur the III InnnIIn en Ird June 30 um nmnnnlnl lo 10000 nr 0011 IIInn rmn mrrd uIIII mum nr um rhino Inr III ornlpcndInl yen Iml In your KlIrmIIO opprr CuhIII Iyld Kllv rmlw rapper 7n WI ll numd Ivy FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE Nlrktl IIllnu Irrlnml nn luIIInI IIIVIIIIWI rrnln Ihnre pn nhln SrpI IZI nm In nlmrrImhIm of HP and mum 1m Illrlllnlrv II IdlIrd Gold MIan IM TIm onmnny dr tlnmI mmInr nnulrrly dhl IIIIIII 15 crnlu prr IImro plu III rulrn In mm prr IIHIVI ImlII plyans Heplrmhel 17 Illa In Ihnrrlmldrrl nI vrrmd Ant ml J0 mm Tm nm nny pmn IIIIIIIM In In IIIEJI unsnnnr Irr lilrIIvr lnnlnrl III nln puny Hw nnnmny mm nd mmsnuu Inr In In ImmIIH INI mm 10 um mmnnml In urmmn In mm Hm mm IL Rnbm Lnllmcr mllcd nn Con cminn cast hall of Lol 11m wnx customary at thnl time he dld nnl recrlvo the duds or 19 property mm the Crnvm unltl 1356 Apparently many 01 the tow cesslons were orlnnally survey ed rlnlhundmdl so am wide In an allnmpl lo Elihu bring Ihv am home Mam 04 Helm or to make Its Ilker Ihnl any one 10 should contain all swamp or rnvlnes lr Lal Imcr has phulosml the or Iuinnl dncumcnl dnléd 1856 Hum In lhnl hls grcnl ureul grand nUur Robert Lalimer and nclghhnr Thomas Arnold hrd muually nursed to trade their backlinks In order In make mun 1mm nrvs la cllm lnnlo Ihe lrlps mudn noccssnry in uark thq back secllun of Ihn firms According to Mr Lnllmer Ihls log house was pur luxury com pared lo the Governmentgrunt cnhlns creclcd in some cases lo encourage settlement parllc ular places ln Upptr Canada These cabins were onoroomcd allnlrs 12 by ll lent square The floor was nl packed dln no mo wns cvnslruclcd lul splll overlapping logs covered with moss or sod The sclllcrs them selves hnd lu nupply wlndowl and doors wcsl lawn and Mr Lul lmer The sum lamlly owned lu second mlll rlnhl here ln town the same llme And ll ls lrom lhls lnsl mlll lhnl our newest exhlblt real walsr lurblne came Those mlllslancs musl be rnlnllvnly modern age as far as mlllsloncs becnuse unlil mclhads overland transport Allan and roads lmprovcd such hnavy llcms could never have been convgyed lo Alll In us 1an EUXUR Both downs Mr and upsnIrs the hnusc canals of but single mum enchlhrce or our limes as large as roam In days average homes Both Iron and back door are low so low In rm that adulu must iloap Io enler Inwréclllng wcre Nature defined In conserve hm 1n wlnler Thls was péclal order 1mm Hrjllsh Columbia manager discus tho perfect condlllon th two ma mlll stones The slab stone upnn which the Museums ldenml OLD ANNIVERSARY Whmlpq barn Mk linger 0w rnr mm will MI lVA Illlvd Irmlvnury mm Ray mm hmnug mm In Cauldlnnmr lm Mr Lullmrr palm nul Ihul uII Inflqu Ilrml lnrrlruhly ruin hum Irrlmp Im am In nllonlhly and mmllllnn mm nrkmm clnnullnm In he IIIINH Al mmnl nlrl Iluu quimnonl would bl IIHy up wulnlod lnru numhrr mum vhlrlnurnphl Ilml lehl on lmmu Mrly hillmy Encrrll ugly lnlunllnl an numhnr any mm 55mm Upprr mmln nml Tunndn Hm mm my urn Mu In ducnlml lny nlllrlnll mm llnmlnn hul xfllpln vlvar urkullurnl InwannIlu lnrlndln Mrryllllnl hum Inrxllnlll IIIIHWI Md muml null nl wry llrstllp an In mlvulltl mun MIMI and llunuluhn vrhlclu Olhrr rmmlly Intrlnulbnl lllplnyl VIV lIHy duullm Nunwr hnme HM mull bun nddod ha Muxmmn wlltcllnn Much lnlcmllnl mnl rrlnl to ho Lllsplnyfll In the Ar Mvol mam hnl htrn ollnnrd An old lull lrom lmlel whlch mm IlnDd nl lZlmlzrom hown lhnl nna man qul lmuxhl rnnxhlcrnhll qllnnllllnl Hull lxy ml chII then pnlxl Ior ll nl lllo em Nu drinkan year MIH MMI mm 0m Snulh Slmrno mldcnl hn am he um Iupply he mus aum Mlh very turly WM of properly wrlllcn by ulllcr In ncnl hnnd wrlllng So IcnKhy IA ll ml It rmmirrd luur mum of lnuhcan In In many quaint Ind lo Amusing n1 Cliffl In llmse WA rxnlnlnrd lr In llvme hiya rxnlnlmd Mr Lnllxmr mnn didnt an In luwytrl olllce In mnke nu MM MIL He made ll nul In own llnmn Duznu nnllmm Imru lmro Everylhlnn In worklng or der all we have In do MI up xullably must weigh lam Thusc lnslallallans wm meal Imprmcmcnl over lhe huaa old averslmt and underha wal er wheels lhnl ware onca ustd In Canada In human waur power mm unusual lem muvod to he museum courluy ncnrby construcllnn company ll wnlcrAmwcrod allsteel lurhlne xlmllur In llu no al used my ellcdlvcly to drive Nichol slun food mill are1900 phooxrnph show In most Allislon And the mlll pond shawl Flclrherl mt mill where Hour bran sham and cum cereal lands were mlll ed three storey ram nlruc mm The height was designed to Ire he continuous chutn Iull ol xrnln descending Into lhe mlll lhe pmsure neviml pound ncr square Inch rcqulr cd In Korea Inla and human lhe lwn mlllslancs one revolv InL he olher Ilallonary chléclléd out Just hdore they cil inln dlsusn OLD PHOTO Thcsc mlllslanu must be rnlnllvely modern age as far as mlllsloncs becnuse unlil mclhads overland transport Allan and roads Improved such hnavy llcm could never have been canvcyed lo Allislon In the early day mlllslone wera most commonly em out In Inter locking dovclull mllons espec lally 10 make Irnnsparlatlon lhcm easier In these the radlnl grooves are deep and welldefined as If tppyuhpd bgcn rlrosv the same lime And It mm lhls Inst mlll that our newest exhlblt real water lurbine came These millslanu came rum grin mill owned by the Flet cher family on the 50an River west of town said Mr Lul Thehfnrpg llgmllyA owned Twn massive pink granite mill xtunes probably one of the best sou oi milisinnu remaininn in Canada make an eyecaichinz display inclined on short con crete ramp handed by great while oi stun Marin in Mid black ielierlnl South Sim cos Pioneer Museum DONATED cation written came arm Illy mm the Bank Hum lllon which uplralad In Amy Ian In 1875 The Bank In nnw exllncl Vindwr SL 11onqu Elsie Luke Onlurla lInI hurtan rezlum Clnurly wklh law Iunny lnlervnll lad ml Mullly Aunny Ind ulluhlly wnnnrr Sumlny leh erly wind bccumlng 1an nluhl Lake Huron Nlaunra Iouh cm Gmrahm huy western Luke Onlnrln Landon Hnmlllfln Tnmnlo Clearan by tuning moltn Mostly umny Sunday Ind AIIIMIy wnnnrn lehrrly wllndl bccnminx llghl lhll eva nun Synnpllsz In Iklu hngnn Lundun clearing today bthind Mann Kllchcnu whlch moved mm Ioulhcrnhlounl Iorul Onlaxlu late Friday rhuncu ul WMhum two day air wcnlhrr are Tann qulle high or 1mm Ircnl hut Icmpcrnlurcs wm be on In Cnnl lldl Prtv ously he vllluge has used Em Townshlp hullnl boxes Ac curdlnl to law these must my main scaled for 30 days nllcr use Essn Township election are held the Hm Monday In Deccmber Anguisnl bl cnnugh now In have ll own ballot boxes Trus lcg Mllwn arzued urnnan Duck warth aald he hnd favored nn cnrllcr rimHm mile far It long mm Alwayn hufcrc lhcru wnl Tumlnlz la ol or loplcx the board mam lhe vlllnc election dale ahud Thl ycnr Angus nnmlnnllnns will be held Nov ls wllh llle elecllon lullnwlnz the null Salurq Nov Trustees lhe prevmus prav lice of holding lho nominntions In the Christmas season and the tlccllm In Janunry was we Ingunvgnlcpl 15 he cluclors VILLAGE PAY HALF 0n Trustee Merv Mllsonu mo tion the board alrced to have Hha village pny halltha cost by gawnlr gyrvey Floor space roughly 1000 uquare ch In the basement with ovnr 900 square lock up mlru he told Mr Page NllA mnrlgnxes will be available EEEUION mm Em Township englnccr Dave Beckett who doing the lur vey xpccu la hava rough callmalu of the sewer cost ready or Mr King to lake to His OW RC on Tuesday The completed Iuney not to exceed $1000 may be flnlshed in two weeks My Klnu galq SHOWS PLANS archilucls drawing the first architects drawings of he iirsl our houses in plans in build on the subdivision Basic price is mm All brick cun slructlon with aluminum rim and lullsited basements with tithgr Iwo or glue bedrooms LIMITED Dunlap llmla law lonlnhl High Synan Since on would only lnvolva lialemani ui oplnlan nu authorization ol cnplial ex pendliure tenants as well roperiy 0mm could vote on isnld hoard Increairy Snnlord Pay Later on ii the village wm to Install either oi than services only properly owner could vale on me dehcniure is sue Later 1n lhe meeting In dis cussion which Ihuuld coma rata water nyslcm or ww er lyllem he trustees decided to put the quesuan nn hallols at the next vjllaxe election and he volm dgclde MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES TKE IAN EXAMINER MBA AUGUII 8119 He explalned that lheownC wnnla Ihe survey dons new In case In future year he vlllln decide tn take over sewer sup ervlllnn FROM PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE ORGANIZATION ALI CIASSIS OI INSURANCE to an survey lha ms or sewage far In village helm the Ontario Water Resources Cnmmlssian will up prgva 1ng pin MrKlngald ANGUS sum nie Ioacre Iubdleslon on Ihe 4211 Line eras from the cemetery muvcd step closer lo lhe construction sun here Frlday nlxhl Pop erty owner King Enrrle aid the village Board of Tms tees hlx suhdlvlslnn plan had been approved by the Ontario upwelij gourd wf uuuu mu New subivisfibfi Is Near Reality In Angus Area SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY WEATHER Fonncifi Mr Page alm nmlndzd Inn lces that the question hiring thlrd uwnshlp pollce 0mm might come up at next Monday luwnship council meellnl Slnca Essa Townshlp meell during tho day whm lrustee Ron and Hum are work Mr Page nursed to arrange Ipcclal cw mm maelan lulur In Scplcmher III In Alternative Imme Illuy rnuvm lpml leulu Vrll The nkx he use should pay pm at the cost at an mm min ML Pam cummnnled Nlncly per cent of police work In lhla corncr of lhu lnwnshlp HM In lutll lwww mu Mm um mm um nulllmm Imllu NI This project lnvolvlnl 1000 llneal lee will exlznd from Kim slreet to Cenlm urea Ind Ilonz Ihe us me at Auburn mm Sod has already been Red Ind Aha arms are In Ilunz pm of lhegoule This woman need careful wnsldurnuon Mr Ran said It cant be xludlcd Idequatnly ruulnr council mullnu Ahcre lhe pressure or olhlr bus lngsj lend la husle Ou hem Munnu mum Km 1lequ won am mm mm mum now lnu M4 mum mayImmmlmnmmmn mm QIIIIIA Wm on mm Imvnuu mm vIIM bu mm nunI mm 194 Ihll 10 Wl nu Ilpmrléllw MUM Secretary Sanford Pale speak In his dual to Reeva of Essa sold Iho Inwnshlp could draw up the bylaw Had no lha numhm mode Than It would be up to ench householder lo pay for lhe number And put them on mu cowUN um Accounts passed Ior payment Included $1068 Jar pavlnz Mas sey street $100 or garbage col Icellun 83890 township road ac count and $75 or re pramA Hon Two lrlns by flu RCA 13X Hrs truck and one by an army unit from Camp Borden made up he re prolecllon hill RigNUMBER HOMES Another move by the Board of Truslm authorized Em Township lo draw up plan to re number house In Ihe lawn shlp planning Ire which by elude Angus They should start pouring on Tucsdan weather permitting Trustee Mum re med Only In elght eel 15 or dnlnagc fly be needed or the Hdewalk Jib Allan Cook Comtmcllon Co Ltd Hume won the contract far lnylna aldewalk In lhavll lane at one dollar per llnenl loot TM llrmn nder wu tho only one lubmned Meeting lime or the hand was Advanced 1mm 030 to pm on the last Frlday ol mh month xlnce Trustee Ron waya has to work 1110 lhal nlihl rrcparln payroll Thll dECII all came when lrusteu dltenv cred It would be lmpnctlul In mm the menu dull to dllllglrent llxldpy Mr Page aumstcdclostng the vllm books it ths end at October That would Iva the audltur two weeks In repute nne Thats plenty 01 me Tmslca Fred Rosa uld he was Ind to lea the dntga moved ahead It nmnves tha election mm tha Chrlltmasvxeasan Last years nomination meeting was 0n clone to Christmas ha uld lfinly pins or 10 people Itlended Ngw manna mu thapmhlem fielllnz finan cigl alstemenlA 11ng ItIm RAISE Did mu go sum scHools All Im Firemen respond to In Irm lurncd In 536 ar rived loo Inc In MW barn hul In lmylemcnl Ihcd which WI Imoklnx whcn flrtmm ar rhcd jurnvcd lhé Ihed ll locach About 40 led 1mm lho ham lehlnlni mod re yes lerdny In burn owed by CH lockhnrl on Ihe 12m Concession lnnlslll The barn and HI con tents mm of hay and oats ware dellroycd No llmluck was Ion howtvcr Club member will eqqu in aid kn as am 01 the qulmnenls lhh prolm Home Econamlsl Miller Announced The nulumn pmjccl or Samh Slmtoe County has begun with Lender Schoou Conkslown and Slaynnr when 4H Home mlklnu Clubs won organizsd The project 111 Club Girl Slam on Guard The project cover brand Held dealing wllh first aid ure Iy cillzcnahip unHalIon and re crcnllon Provincial Treasurer lUnveils Hydro Plaque Mler opzninu remarks and In troduction bynabert Boyer MP and vlce chairman ol Orr turin Hydra Hume Reeve Orlllln Townshgp lave the wel come nddren Dr den former Chief Enginccr n1 Dnlnrla Hydro gun the historical backmund Vns dell Fall Genernllnl Station 50 YEARS OLD Fire Destroys Innisfil Barn downpour Interrupted he Ichedule he ceremony whlch was to lnke place outside Alter change In the echedule which put the unveiling first In re mainder ol the ceremony took plnee Inside Girls 4H Clubs Commence Projéct Hon lime Allan Prov lnclll Treasurcr Ontario un veiled In hlslorlcal plaque com mcmantlnz the Wasdall n11 Genenllng Slallon Wasdell Falls yesterday Dr Hnlain dislgned the plnnl ROBERT ROVER vice chnlrman of Ontario Hydra wn chllnnln of yenerdlyl Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Business wns humming at the market this morning with wide leiactlan oi ircsh grown produce being oiicrcd With prices un chnnzcd imm last week enr ruts two hunches 19 cents or or 19 cents Boots bun 19 cents or 50 cents basket Tur nip 10 cents each potatoes bi for cents dlil 10 cents hunch Green beans qt for 35 tcnls 85 cents haskctt Cuh bane hands 19 cents cauli flower or 35 cents hand let tte or 25 cents Celtry art In cents radish bunches ior 25 cents Tomniou ms 45 cents 60 routs basket Corn cents is dozen Cooking onions lb tor 18 cents Pickling unions 13 ccnls qt Cucumbers cont Each with hcrklns £100 bass Gwen peppers or rants Squash cents cents each Splnlch 30 cents phn iInpinnl 10 ml each Eu won up lilxhtly with mcdium at 50 cents dozen $5 ccnls or large 60 cent ior um lame aimi ioit 40 cents bunch mixed toutrs 15 cent hunch It good solution nt home knitting and bnkinz was Ilsa oitemt WI gralilylnx to know but the plum wnx rclircd run be cause physlcnl dlsablllllu but because ecunomlc rea sons 01 operating small plan Instead of large mod plant BAmllE FAMIERS MARKET Dr Holden nld here we mom an In Eugenia Falls Its just 50 39an Ilnce joined Hydro This wan my Hm Job Although It was small dam 200 horsepower and the dam was nboul 20 eel high got more may huhI building this plant than on any Job since He said II we were design lng this plant Iodny It would be About onethird ll present alzc 50 year 330 ml monlh In 1917 He uld the detnll design In plant WI his In Job after he to out university 11 areal pléasurt to be back alter 50 yearsIn won derlul Dr Holden uld unvclllnl prozrnm It Wudexl LI ahan ImkInl main Fnlh historical me Abovu marks EXamJner Phala MMEBS MARKET Conslrucilon wn wmplclcd in 19 and Sir Adam Beck iim chairman oi the Hydra Electric innr Commission Oniario niiicinlly apnnnd ihe development on Oci la oi lhni year The dam lhe plnr Ind Ito Jon lypo wllh nix Nfunl Ilu cc and central overflow section 25 ch long whlch we used during Iho hlgh water per lada Iar drlvlnl lugs Formed In 19064 the Comm alnn at Irsl confined ll Act Miles In In purchas and trans mlsslon nawer but gradually begun to cunslmct its own plant beginning with Wnsdcll Fnlll devnlopmcnt The Wasdcll Full dcvclupmanu lhe first generatan nation constructed by Ontario Hydro marker located hairdo lhe plant on he wuthcm bank he Severn River About llama mlles norlhwest WashIn The plaque am of series belng created lhmughaul Ihe pmvlnc by the Department Travel And Puhllclly acting on the advlcl of he Archnuolozlcnl and NI toric Shes Board Ontnrlo Dr Vlllrld Jury mun her Archaeological Ind H1 lorlc Sim Advisory Band was scheduled to speak later In program Ngm msmco Also on hand or the cert many were Llayd Lelherby MP for Slmcoe East Russ Strike 00 chairman oi Onlnrln Hydro PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY drBIor 47 yam 11ch Yonlg MUM Ill entirely lecrent type plant 550 foot head lthe highest head can of Rh mp 23 CM Inllca FA I55 valnclll Pollen IA Flu Deplrlmenl Nlll noynl Vlclorln nume PA Mill Howey who 31 wlIhHf

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