Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 5

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1mm nmanmmnr flolh Mr flmllh and Slnnlly Llllle pruldrnl NI Onnll Unmn Pub RutIce plnym luv lmn ram 01 mlunmml nl unlnm WILL BE BIGGEST ijwlll be lha hlxgcnl pun1y CuuUnn uninn In he counlry flllh Ihe mnllon CUFH wen expert rtawnkenlnl Ow lrunu nnllunnllxllc lcrvnr $3111 Um rank orxunlztd rn Cnnmln now lltrml on Cnnndlnn 1n the Hull unlon nume mrntwlll be rdlrclm In m5 In Um bnlnnre paw wlan Hm Cnnndlnn um Tom lelhe ccnlrnl labor body mm IMooo uninnhln In lhll mlry Inna run will be ruhum In hlemruhy or Iha In mnh room or run and lnlluullnl lrndrnhln Telling the audience oi the work he has been doing or the big membership of milk pro ducerl Mr Todd revealed that he in an oillcient man with abil ity to get things done He ielt that change in Government was due the people of Ontario Indvthut he would be able to make this change very eltectlvo il he were elected He mention ed that it the Libcerale won he would be iirst choice ior the top place as Agrlculiurai leader Thin was indicated by Liberal leader lohn Winicrmeyer Mr Todd Alld he telt sure he could help th party in the pro gram which it had outlined and could work with Ottawa in netting plan adapted that would htbcst or the people this vigince especially the elderly hombre looking or better pension plan on national basll Jlalph Cowon member oi the fideul government or Toronto He told me audienu that ha In Willing Lo sacrifice his prns Em and put his whole effort to mving the people ol this riding cloned as member of an Ontario Legislature for Con tra Simon said he dcxlred clean light and wished to win on MI nnmerits He ell sure he amid give he electors real un rtilllnmfiul unlaw wllhln CnnadnI mujnr ml 11 min vnlm nl Clundlnn mlmlun wmm lho whlfltl of mmlxrd Inhnr new In Wllllnm Smllh Imllonnl pmhlrnl on 15000 member Cnnndnm Brothflhmd of railway Tunn pon Ind Gcnflnl Warlml Item rrglnnal vlmprrll that on In urcmlvn mundl Cynuru WI ha the umnd Inrml union In Canadn nnklnx next to In powcrlul Unllcd Slccl wurkrrl Amerlcn which chdms 100000 mrmhm and chad ha Camcnlm Bron hood Ind lhu Aulnmoblla kam Amer lung and somcllmu touchy engagement Iwu puhllc service unlons plan In marge Sept 24 In arm new labor glanl mom Khan 50000 mcm be Hrhe merm will Joln toxelher the 30000mcmhcr anlnnal Un Ion of Pub Senlce Employ eu and the 50000member NA llonnl Unlon Public Employ 06 I11 new unlan will be called the Canadian Unlvn 01 Public Employing Uiiions To Hmalgamate Will Have 80000 Members By ROBERT RICE OHAWA CPiA wedding link may rank the imusa oi iu borin Cunndn and the United male is planned inr Winnipeg next month ingigandidate Promises EBesults By Liberals Funk Todd Innisiii innnel 19 given Ill Iccinmnllon an the Ilandnrrl bearer for the le finirPany ln Centre Slmcm rld he conveniion held in Burl Mrsdl night When Jerry Coughiin Edwin yarn and Del Cole all of whom new nominated withdrew lire field was lei open or Mr Mchr Coughiln mined the nu nod inr Todd Mr odd war nominnled by Hawnrd Minn nn nmgennrian nnd iiieiong supporter oi the le oral Pnrly Mfr Todd member oi the aidinmily who hm been in lnnlrlll since plonear dry and hum whlch many municipal pol lticinm him name has not been Gonnecled with politics He his human active oiiicinl oi lho Ontario Mlllr Producers Associa tion vlca president he unnd Ixood charm oi being head thin group ll 16 remains inflthal ileid fThe Beacon WASAGA BEACH Dance Saturday Night to 37 The Music Of The T0 ix Sunday Night Dance At 900 pm Foaiurlng the Count By ILGI Donl Inn Clnmnm an lhry wm Tcxnnl or an ank In said CLC Extmun Vlce Pruldcnl Willllm Dad lhe mu AFLCIO convention Cm nln II III Independent nullon Ind Canndlunl vtry deter mlnrd nol In In rennrdud hey wan clllzrnl oi ll Mme Propolnll or union bomolidn llan In Canad uuunIIy meet III wall In Inlernullonnl unlom Morn lhan 1000000 or znnlxcd workm In Canada hb Ion lo unlnns Ihnl In hand In the Unllcd Slllu flnuuhl 335 000 unIouIIll In In nllunnl lhnl In exclullvely Cmndlm unions CLC Pmldml Cumin Jodnln Im rcpnledly wnrncd Us un lnnlm hi my mun not lake lhrlr Cnnldlan membm or Krnnlrd almllar proposal or union merger hna been aimed In re cent yum by Donald Sccord aecralary treasurer ha CERT Specifically ha wlnla lo ace all the railway warktra in Canada united In one or we un lona lnxlend mm union II 0W Mr male who Ilkely will be come llrlt pmldenl the new unlon lay Ih mmer In only Illa bulnnlng of what he con tends must be mnjor dorm In Hue whole ham 1nd Ilruclun ma lrnde union movement in Canada lion almed mating Icwcr but bigger unlam around am central labor body hydra break an power lhls mornln In parts lbs urea mund hlzhwny 21 Ind up Into Sunnldale TownthP Imu Iormcr blew and an of one phase transmislon llne un Ml repair could be made DUCK POLICE HHLT TRAFFIC This Indian community about which enquired yesterday is located near the mouth oi the Potlnwotami River In section known Brook which is now part of Owen Sound Bruce County We Ara indebted to Rev Peter mm inaniil or thin in lormation He tells us then wot ship relied by his namei and the sister ship ha Tecumseh is now in the museum It Owen Sound Ros mannen director of the Simcoe County Museum had united ii wa mid lo cate the place he uwulht it was In Simeon County Whrn lint lmfltd durh um mmhlnl dnwn In mlddl ol Ih mad Sownu Hum llwy were rhn ml mm by ruleMann nnly In nlmn Duvlnnlnl Inch In hull cos the debentura would be met by special levy against ratepayers The El dexignaied include properties on Concession loin 12 la 13 Concession lou 12 to 23 Con cession lull in 2a Concen aion 10L Lo 74 Concessian 10 lot 25 Concenion 11 lots to 25 Cmoenion iz loin do 21 The loin mentioned are the orizirrgllnrrn ion lecond he lng the Hm them wu some dispute about Inkan in pan where mldenu had not been Asked sign pelllion 1h boundariu hnvg now bean adjusted Ind It In elk by ha Strand Commith lhnl nll Wilh In the area naw Included an In accord with 16 proposal NEEWASII LOCATED ELMVALH lfipcdlm 11m mm polka pnlmlllnx flmnlnh dhllllrrlu hnvl Im an1 on duck pollco Elmvnle Euluvdny ninhl we find Mk II lhn VIII mm Impmc their own Ivrand ml 4ch rnnlrnl The man would cost $32500 which 325000 would be railed by public debentures replyabla over yeng NoUca hn been rcceived mm the Ontario Municipal Board that he heurinl on the Ippllcnllon the wwmhlp on behnl of the Strand Community Centre or Ipprovnl lot the culmination Community Cenln Anna will be held at 11 Sept 11 came dbwn from MI Iummer ham on 69011111 Bay and la Ill 11qu maynqfllnentloqed tha many mini he 91¢ chlflle mm 0N am mum he e12 were in none Hull Inter lhu pmvlnclal po Hcc wnldllnl Koolrnny hum bu gal mixed up In In human and Funny went Io Klnulnn rrnllcnunry or Ihreo ynn hu 1an Funny and Pm mnvrd In lho Knnlrnny Vallr hul hhrn lhl lrnublo Alum nho wn unl In lpctlnl Dnukhnbnr mm Knlmd an llm hlnnd nmr Vlr la And we have lmn detour which won to have led In Uru may Mull nnd nrazll but dldnl WAR ON FARM ma Funny grew In the III at 15 on he llmlly arm It Canan Sank llun he lamlly mnvtd tn nlchmond CaliL fur yin My hmlhnr wnnlcd lo marry German Id and my molhrr MM 11 we will In mum Calumhln when he um mlrry send Dnqkhnhnr girl vrr when lanny Ind and mur rlrd Fred And when and III lbs 1er duly wnl horn nmdrhlldrcn ull ml uth yy It led from Russln which the lefl with her famlly the an of hue dnwn Ihrough Saskat rhcwnn Inln Cnlflarnla Ind hack to Erillxh Columbll ha been nlghl by the 11m burnlng homu and torn mm by explaslvu It has led IMP prilmn lnd ngl anjn The mad he camp bcxlde began 55 yun mm or Funny born lulu lnrmlnx nmily In Russian vlllnxa on lhe Turk lsh bordzr Some are an lnnaflu or burning pnnqlng And Qvhlle hunger Ilriku Ind anqu an among the mnln weapons ol prom adopted by the Sons Alwin mm load ar the chlldnn Funny Ipeakl or people whose men wear their hands III In flowing Ianhlnn of blbllcnl palriarchs or wnmcn who cover lhelr halt wllh embrald cred bnhushkalz for meal ID Ipoken children and typical teenum quE FANAHCS Aaron he road we lho Imall green ten she shares wllh her husband Fred hunky millworker and logger when he workL Illzhrlrhow Im watchman henyl In Russian watdl She lat heavily onlo striped mntlreu cover In nun pop lar nova Imlda the road and my again BRUCE LEVEH AGASSIZ BC CP not He Mm Flurenca mg Fanny Storm regards her slandlnz lpakesmnn or the Soul of Freedom Dnukhobon Alon Ind meted Irusl fiharlli hindhr Murnrd In But OrrelI miqu the kid In um harmless oneup on him Theyre dropping dye1h Ill Ilyerl use mm Ills the prawns green you ever saw lay onell Big Fanny Takes Pride In Role As DOuk Leader SUBSKILLER POOLS TEENS uyllfluLlllwlInmll WMRIuImrmim Tecumcomm FEATURE TONIGHT 700 mi no an For the lm three year een 1m prankuen have been foaming the Old Mllla waterway dumping detergent the darkened point when huge wnter wheel cream current In pro pal he beau Once the ride had In be lhut duwn or three day while men will Ire hose fluahed out the place Thlr year Jim Orrell 59 Oklnhomn City has com lermeasure chemical al which one pint Mu care the nude In 10000 non of water kids mith me their money rel the In suds com on chemlc ST PAUL Minn AP Olemlstry lm provided an nnzwer to Iudsy Inbouun Iha Old MI popular tunnel ova at the Minnesota sun mun Rwulnr Wk PTIO MT AT 100 730 45 7J5 950 CANADIAN PREMIERE gomé 671 WRIT Ihl mndcralcs other with prison records homblnl and nude Ida had tn be or three day wlug In hose well la 01 ngn You Me hunlry or the flu hm duyl he my lha hunger Irikm Mur Ihal yam dnnl nnllco ll Rho lnku lurk ln he wnll hnnd nl hrr vnlumlnmu nnkl Itth Iklrl lo Ihuw ll nnw ll nix0311 lwo nim pa Inf mi Funny fiuik m1 uln mlly Inlemn hrr hmvy lluullm Mle lv ncirrwtlghcd lm Ihln paundl HOIKSCIIT FAMOUR She In lumwn lhmuxllnul he lltl or Mr lmmhl Hrr Imnll an II III nrnl nI wnl her hnula In Kmlovn tr hlurrgrey yrl Ihankd Ivy Mnmlu Hlxrnlmwer hunnl Ire Iunkcn Somrlimu nhu ulnuu Whm Mildrificy Saw Idn rclumcd1 Mu smiaumnm numb lnur 4M mmu by her nlck honcxlly Where wnuld lhcy xa Funny and the omen burned lhclr Inmu In Krulnvn In laurnv mlem HC when they began clslwnrd lrck your an Wu had Ihrcau we were Md our human would be burned wllh our children In them So we burnrd lhcm lo law he chdrrnl We have no plans to mu Wha lhrcatcncd Ith Funny lenn nc man up 00ch agent Anyrwhcrre Ann ll nhlnnz yrhcn God willl ll VImVyflwwld so alway In ruumcd Fanny Ind mm of um Eon Freedom nhe Ipeaka or were In the second week hunger strike ailing In lympnlhy wIlh abnuk 100 brelhrcn In MounlaIn PrInon down the road Would lhere be violence No wu want to Ilve peace lully IN URUGUAY Bl lnny my lhc Son wnn Slelan Sorakln their Iplrllunl leader In return rpm Umzuny where he went lo year ago In search or pramlw land or them Earner march through Rural and Emil had Ilsa lallcdr We cant llve wllhout hlm HBI he one who can solve cm prgykm ghAeulayl Theyr erect ilamebody the have been spokesman or year now she layl They elected me can ha lpokeu man unlll make mimic And when that happen We kick her lay with mm the crowd We with her nyl an other volce 1950 Fred went to jalllor threalyean or nude parading andhecausa hay told him to bomb the railroad cnowo FOLLOWS thnever Fanny slop Io talk crowd gathers They with hat an ha mluren cover and lean agalml Ihe mes HI nppolnlment an nuumed Thundny by Chairman 11 Howard Webslu who took over an publisher alter the death of Mr Dalfileish TORONTO CHJam Lee Cooper hu bcen appointed vice prexldeut and editorJnchle 113 Glgbe and MalL For four year Mr Cooper wan ashram to Oakley Dal llelah adltor and publisher mm 1957 until hll death Aux Mr Lew laid the Rhythm mugnlng officer Sluafl Jen kln Ind hu III alflcoon Syden ham Street TORONTO JO Rodeflek Lewll chief elecllnn unw or onmlo laid Thurldny night all 108 Muman officer for tho Sepl flelecunn were appointed by orderlucauncll ML 19 lb day lha wflts vygra Issued On an New Democratic Putty Lender Donald MneDnn nld had charged In earmalzn npeech In Kitchener Wednesday um no retumlnz nfllm Ind been named or Kinsman balm Mn 29 Toronto Globo Appoints Editor Writs Issued For OfliCers mm A110 IOWINO Mull mamaml PA 3339 Th Orlglml Drlvmln BARRIE Soulh Wllh Tho Cholu Th Plchml Lllllo Rand In lho Clly Bahn Hwyl 400 Ind 11 Admlulcn 75 Chlldron yn or Ider FREE Carbon Envy Program nm while majority publirnn jalnni In wpporl ho ml DemocrAumanlly noullmn mnmvnflm lhmv lh lolhu apposlllan HAROLD MORRISON CuIdln lteu sun erler Cnnurm In dinning Im on Icvcrnl key lame and while Imldcn Kannndy lrndn lo hlnmc Republican Mr hl Iran Mu Illa morn evlflnnl rnblrm the lncrmlinl calm on Ind Ilrtnulh lhlrd me In US pallllu Whnn he mm flapmcnl nllvel llnlhcd Simmooomo lrnm lhe us arrlun nld pro gram1mm In ammun lho pmldmlu Immnllala rrnc llnn wnn In cnIUnIlt Hrpuhll rmu lnr uhvrlIlqhml Inc Immlmo ncllon 616 YOUNG AUDBEY MEADOWS apronEm Adult Boplxluloatod gammy There Wu Mme when Dank hobor lander quesled she comm tn lha arson chlrxu ngalnsl barbecame martyr laidpinion me or 55y ing ltlo hull with you do no He Conservative Democrats Foil US Presidents Legislation 7111 will xlvafianndlln gov ernment leader In unprece dehled av arlunlly la let Inlet nlflonnl bx business know ex actly what Cannda wnnll em and from nuulda owner Ihlp Ind control of Canadian 1ndunlry Thu roundubio group com prises the director of the world wide operations vi 100 oi mini mlnulnciurinu companlu oi North Americn Ind Europe including Iuch ginnis Ford US Steel Fiat oi lialy and imperial Chemical ol Britain Tha combined annual tales voluma ol the companion repre Ienled Ihe mundlnblu Is Iald to ba bilge than the grnu na Mnny lhhu In In pm The hushhush meeting an scheduled for Sept 15 at latherlnz her group knawn an the Bullnen Imam unul Executlve Raundnbk nonm nicz OlTAWA WVPrime Minls lar Manon and bin top cabinet minim go behind cloud door next month in thrash on Canadas biggest vrabiemx with tha most powerful mun or in ternational bmlneumen ammhied in cum Roundtctble Kept Secret 33 PM HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE lAST TIMES TONIGHT BIG FANNY STORGOFF COMING TOMORROW BACHELOR IN In lum mulhern Democrnll Illllrnrd lhclr nppmnlnn ln lhI Kmnmy mm paurlu hiIr llchl lnlo morn ulcnllu tonzmllannl hnrrler to Ken ncdy propoull Thu IN In Iha Drmocrnflc nnh lnrrrnnd Ind no mm nl mum on tlUur dds ha Ippemd lhe oulm nl Ml While mm carter up preached he clvll KM luuo wllll caution But under me lure nl mnunllnx Nun pmlul ha lhruu MI lull wan bchlnd ho Nauru Mum em Democrat hvt kind with norlhem Rtpubllcnnl lo black on admlnlllrnllan vm xram But MI was mllnly In lho mm tor clvll rlxhla and minor chhlnllan Then wnl roller Dcmocrnllc wlidnrlly In lhl lurclan Held RAID mu BUENOS AIRES Argentlnn AHFour bandit raided downhwn hospital today killed two persons wounded Ihree and escaped wllh more than 100000 In paymll cub CLC President Claude Jodoln or one of his senlar olllcerl la also Ilalcd lo enter lhe round lnble oonlmnce hull Ru mlmkyv luvernor the Bank Cnnadn leader nl Quebec and Ontario as well Canldlan banklnl and buslneu leadm wlll Also take pm Expected to varudpalo In all munduble conferencn during tho our day In Trade Mlnly tar Sharp Industry MInlslrr Drury External AIM Mink ler Marun Labor MlnIpler Mac Eachen Privy Council Presl denz anonlaxne Finance Mln Imr Garden and Health Mlnll lerLaMarrh Member of tin roundlnhh could themaalvu mde Meek to lam about Cm Adl In problem plan and bogey The mundubio inn nthmd at lean once your lines use meetinx tho up lovarnmenl leader at Emil Argentina Japan iuly indil Britain Spain Mexico Ind Prince it has also met manually with 05 gngcrnmen oliicinls iiu rules for tho oilan meeting In Iimpie Th 54 Ilanl iniormli Ind nitthe recurd with iwwuy question Ind Inlwm and no upeechel There in nu ranucripi of tin pmceedinll no membarl 01 an puss Admitted And In dale menu In made to outsider abouilwhli gnu on inside an mpierqnca itself 35y caunllrynln thus Western Whit axupt Survived Ordeal Returns To Mine PARADISI 2ND HITI AWlf mnmmu EEWZWWA By GRANT ESLch Monk Ulnh APIAm In back down In Ihu mlnoI OI cvum knew we would at out Wu had bean walllnl there lanx Suddenly heard my part nor my something llld looktd up Ind mm was IGmEMB wllh lighL The rescuer wm hol lering but In Iink thing did wu whlsIIe Mm lhe explonlnnl wu like In coal mlna down Ihcre my wont mnmrnt came when our group mxhcd up lho lunncl and ran lnln Imnke nu Ihén we to mrd dnwn Ind hum Ihou barrludu We wnrkcd an hour and Ml pul ling up thus make cumlnl mgda plpsllc ms 11th an lor mm of nut mm had clnul lmphohlu Jul when IM 11th went nut ha on hll own 111m wan nu polnl when were nll hgrdcrlyx on hynlrrln 111m Va nu150E when were nll hordcrlnl on mum rm lylnl hm ll wu lho wan One action of Ike rldinu Isur dallan nomlnlud lnwyer Lawrence June 25 the ansmfnllye undldalt Another Action In Also dulnn nominated Mn leergna Thurldly nlghl Mr Laverne dcmled Thomas Edwardl Gordon Laverne Iomer Com lervaflve MIA and mayar nelghbodag Eaalvlew when he clvlc Idmlnlatraklan was in valved In misappropriauonm and acandnl was nominated candldala In the Sept 25 Ilea Una against flu wish at Pre mler Hobart and the pmvinclal wan MTAWA INThe Ontnflo Progressive Conservnlive Am elation not an extraand urr wanted candidate In Russel ngngthnday nigh SHHNTY BAY Dllll ro DAWN mow lllO 73AM An EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST mm fin Always hm tonlMtnn Former Mayor Eastview Nominated In Russell Riding Gnu EIUcIr Huh Uuh one at flu mlnm mcued Thmday nlnl II hum Inned deep undcrmund nl In howl lll omzil TONIGHT AND SAT Veronch Lake movie unsallon with her mukabm huhdo In the men shown backstage IL lhe alfvbroudway Stage theatre Jul night lllxluuy II II MM nggyIm lOHOIRIQ muni SUNDAY RETURNS T0 ACTING thouth It the explosion wu dynamlle blnsl Part my mmnsihlllly ucllnn boss or Texas Gull Sulphur owner of the mine was lo mt or mclhnne When those other lwo Dom Ild llnnnl and Paul McKinney the two mmod in book no Ihnt command Air to the bar ricade It was heluvn moms hamlet to hear that air 60min through beenu we didnt have Imoko becnuse whn we put up Imund ut Mr Lavergn Iald Ila wlll stand the uflldll candl dala of the Russell Consent flve Aucciutiom Mr Hobart lrlcd vainly Tues day to patch up the quarrel In hullhour ulk wllh Russell laclnflona president Hrluan Ha askedMr Bdmn to mapper Mr Lawrence Cmservallvnfmy Pmldent Elmer Bell of Euler has ed that Mr Lawrence n03 IJnE wqx lexillmlleu Mr Brisson ha said Mr Lawrences nomination was 11 legal Ind um um party rm 0qu Mt lha Conservatives three slats Russell Ottawa Em Ind Ottawa Wm and another entrant who wllh drew Illa last moment after her my debut In vlval Bea Fool Forwnrd Veronica who once earned $4500 week In trying to Ilarl comeback AP Win photo IIIOWB AT 100 AND NOW SHOWING

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