Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1963, p. 2

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dun vK OHM 20 Ar Cu NI Imp rmn Nu run vnnlln um um mo rMMMn mop an Imp mm fin 1mm rrn In rm Mmlrll calmy row nn Mn All CM 41 mm mm 4m llurm AmIu Ahmm Alloml Illl Alumlnlum Mn nm Alh nu Aun Am MImlc hunt mm mm In NI InAumIaI any Grant Taylor park natural nnd Nlck Mmlln dlrbclnr ol lhn pmk lixhcrios researth Ilatlnn ma unmlnlnz hax n1 Irmwhudl clubl Icrlpm And an um Evidence has been round here lndlcallnl Indlam amped at Rosebnry Laka In Algonquln Park 5500 yearn no In lléu flowers in his bécn Inked lhnl danallans he glvon lo HIT Ryersnn Foundation Scholar lh 1he hudy has hum Inken to Univmlly Tomnla Medl Lu year he was chalrmln of the Yuletide In Orlllln tnmmlllce Ind responsible or lho Santa Clguxlarade and on Mr Palm was aclive In the wnrk or he Smphm Leacnck Mcmorlal Mum and member of mm bnard ll lqulppd rm He survived by his wllc Eileen Iwn sons Mack and Hal wyn and two amen Mrs Ollie min Toronto and Mn Jean Unxcr Marian Ohio Indian Relics Found In Park £NTRAL YAXI He was name of Ingersnll Ind served as rccrcallan dlr actor 01 the YMCA Jn Goderlch during the wqr Mr Taylor Inld lwn polished Whit Palm Mned the newspaper In becama editor In 1951 ORILLM sum Peters 55 editor the Packet and Times died hqma here lnslnlght gleTsyILLE om cm Clifton Peters Was Editor Orillia Packet End Times MAYOR LEE COOKE trial but ml Timoth Chrls Inn Elementary School Look ing on an tom left Jam TODAYS STOCK PRICES vlvl nlnlr Arnvl or anlh Km nun Iueh IMI 17mm nowaonu mil Avlunu Cnmplled by Flynn Dunlap fit quNm or In nu nl um mi ll Illln Am Anrnull Illudu humm mun mu mu ItnIlM Mn Pu ml mu Dam you mm rum Ith Klnldvlny an on mm In Mn lludlanl my Imp rnmu gum on nu In IurvL lulmd Nu lam Nlrhl Pl Ullllllu nlvrrrnv 11 Why Club mm the ma 1948 and mnvlnluLl MINING Clinnn Orlllia his The lnlia In norm mncr or In park ncceu only by canon or airplane OchreIlulncd rock depres Iinns Ira hnllevvd In have been used by lmllanl In mix tnInrinK or painllnzs dccmllnnl Ind coxmeuts The fireplace luflcsl the camp round were used mmmar hm or hunllnz Ind manly VII lhcvlhdlulian Ire proVEd It will ha Iha oldest known In dia In the pnrk 35 RC arrowheads hund are chnracterhllc who lived In In St Jnmu Ainxrliun Churan am Monday Schnnl ASerym will be Veenstrn chalnmn of In Ear ria Christian School Society flmolhy VandalWen princi pal of tho new Ichool and i31 In in CLIFTON PITIEIIS Nut nl Na Mann rm Mcln lnn hull hm Pip Nqu and Mmmnl Man an Wlllu GW wmnn hnnn Mn 7m In northwest Mark ngcexllblo the xlle lndlnn urea about HM made in July In Judlmenl by Mr Julllca Rummy 11m Judxmrnl bccnml vnflubll Wmmdny Technlnlly tour lowrd Mr Fnrrh nppealn only Al lha rcquul the ranmu depmmanl In it um formally rum In cnme In both mm In Intludo alleged pm from lrndlnz In Ihc nhnru Chum on Cam pnny lellrd which ha II quirrd In 1050 OTTAWA TNThu 151 and 1955 nilperm r1mwcllnm Vnntouvcr buxlnmmln nnlph Furrll hnvn hm lnhcllcd hy the chhcquer Court of Canada as hut pmlilrmnklnu wnmm and mu lnvulmrnunmt more are mm to Income lnx New membarl the Cham ber 01 Commerca are Dd Cnle real mall Barrio Barrie Trucking Termlnnl and Wore hnuslng le Barrie Confeder nllon Life Aasocinllan Barrie Crown Mole Barrio New 115 xociolo memberl or Dcvall El ectric and Caulhcrl Wood working both ol Alllnnn OF GOLF 1119 Armed Forcu Maison tommillco of llm Rnrrlo Chum bor of Commerce has announced complcflon plan or tournnmmt bawun ohnmber members and Army and Mr Forcn personnel at the Barrie Country Club on Sept 10 Farris Will Appeal Rule Chamber of Commerco mem ber have well Hacked rcl erenca library or their perusal Llhrary hooks Include lrnda dlr eclnrlu lndustrlal dlrecmrlu Canndlan hualness gulde lm port and possible Canadian ex port opportunltlu books nnd banks on Ontarios Industrial de veloprnenL SPEAKER Thomas Green ol the Toronto Star Publishing Toronto wlll bu guest speaker at tho monthly dlnner mnellnl ol the Chrlstlan Buslnou Men Com miuee ln Burton Avenua Unltnd Church Scpl 10 He will speak on lho loplc Challenge lo Men Mr Gordon Allrill ol Ontarlo Hydro Toronto will be soloist at the mcellnl FINE LIBRARY yam GENERMI Venuml chair man tbs Ontario Christian School Alliance Examiner Phuin NEW MEMBERS FaunI Ttmprrllnrn Um Mullhl Illfll Bulurdly ndwr 55 5L Thoma Nnrlhnrn Whlln nlvcr Cnch rant Vnrllhlo tloudlnm ludny nnd salume with Hill chanku ln lemmnlure Wind norm wul Snlunlly Alzomn Inuthern whim nlvzr Ttmnunml reutnm Sault Ste Mnrtr Sudhury North nny Cloudy with tow nunny tntrr vntl today And Sntunfly Scab lettd Ihnwm today and urly Sutur Iy llttla chnnxu In tem ptrllurc Northrml wtndu ha tomlnx llght tantglll Nonhern Lake Huron Genr xlan my Northeast winds near 15 knots loday humming north erly lo 15 tonight Cloudy with Ahowm Lake Ontarlo Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Man are Gmrzlan Bay llallburlon Windsor londan Hnmlllon Tm rnnn Cloudy with few nunny intervals lndny and Saturday law Icnlturcd Ihuwcrl onlth and early Salurdly cooler lo nlghL Wind want In northwest 10 to 15 Snlurd Synoplil Shower wt he mumd nbout Ianlhcm and cenLrll notion of he pmvlnce today Is he low moves Ilawly mat Hut nlr wwer will pro domlnala In Northern Ontaria Forecast Issued by the Tar nnlo weather 0qu at am and won the TecWeGwill Jun ior Farmers Trophy He was al to Ilia wine In the 4H Swine Clpb event Olher Muller were top sen lor John Van Dyke Bradford Ken was he lup nlerrnedln judge lap bee call Judge and won lhn Danny and Darling Trophy tar lhal real He was the high lntermedlale contestant in the 4H Swine Club event DEIIER WINNERS Ken West Brndlnrd copde lop hanan In the Simon County Judging Competition held at tho Barrie Fair Ground on Wedncsa day or the South 51mm Jun lor Furmm Expilinlng the aims at the echool in his address at the op4 eninl Rev Veneml laid that the echonl was nut lnundcd tn In attempt to imiate children trom the world or to eeparntn them imm the children at the essentially aecuilr public schools but to prnvida Godcentred education in which the pupils Th0 Chrlslinn School Society is In independlnl organization oi parents who believe that Chriy ilm leaching mus permeate all Aspect ol their childrenl llvu 1nd that rellllolu leaching lherelore nnnot he removpd mm educhlion The school will be iinnnced Ind Idminislercd by tho paranu through board of lrgllees Present Imam at the three Mom schonl 70 but prnvlslon hu been nude or Ihe nddlllan mother mom wllhln Iha next two yuan Thu Chrhllan School Soclety have to expnnd Iho 1th to eight mm In 10 yam Ngnpgnnhm Bradford Youth Is Top Judge Congratulnlanlha mlely on the completion of 337000 Ichnpl Mr Choke commented that in the worldl present slat uncertainty provision sound Chrlxllln ducaflon great amL Mayor Lea Cooks lust nlghl cut the rlbbnn at the arm opening of Timnlhy Christian El zmenlary School on Farris lane The ceremony took plnce before latheran of nearly 125 people 3151 members the Barr 11m Mum Officially Open Timothy School LEATHER FORECAST mm rnnpn moon in SARJEANT PA 82461 THE TM EXAMINER WANT PHONE PA lllfl cu nwm Iunannmlnn mum pm Imamnu mlly Muma my munm annmull Mm Mnm cm In Iwmu ltdrt Landan Kllthcncr Wlnxharn Hamilton Toronlo Pelerbomugh Klllulna Musknkn North Bay Sudbury Earllun Snull Sle Knpunknxinx Vhlte mm Mmmnce Timmlnl Ir sumo soon run ms Luun nun The Bed call club cum pemlon wu won by Earl New Norman Sonlea Wu lha LH Dairy cal club Judxlnm Lelln Mchnald of necton won III Grain Club event Ind Doreen McKay Bcclan wan lha 4H Paulo Club event Results From the Nnrth Slm one Junlar Farmerl will be avnllnhlu tomorrow PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY lop Junlor Bar New Slrnud mp dairy cullle Judge Nnrman Saulcs Slayncr John lelor Trophy hIgh novice mmealnnl Alec Mlller Creemorz 4H Club mm medal was won by Ihe Conkstnwn Dairy club con sisting BI Lalnsnm Ken Wu and Roll Cook Clly rallcl lrnvluclll lnllcl II Flu Drplflmtnl PA lJlll nayl Vlttnrh llolplld PA lSIH murmur on mun Lulucm presen pupil corn from far away Elmvale 0m Slpllon and narnlon and trans porulIan provided by con tracl wlh local mnspomllon company xpokesmnn for the society omphuslzad that lha Ichonl ll Interdennmlnallonnl Ind open In any who wlsh Protestant Chm Han ad 9n orjhclr children lhesa snclellu Ihough locally autonomoul nulnzaln flu or mm Christin Selmol Allirm whlchluppllu Inspector Ind provldu scholarshlpl or slug dents lnlmdlnz to and In Girl llan Schools The Idmoln an so reglslered wlch and Inspected by lha Onlulo Deplrlment Education Thrabqunrlm In hnur ev ery morning will ha devoted to religious instruction while tho un with normal academic coun The wheel II on than In the province all Independent 1y run by parents ornnlzed in christian School Samuel might III Ihawn the pmch of God everywhere in tha mm mal course flick aludlea II Added that ha ulnbllahmem the schual In no way lmplled condemnation lb publl Ichaol mum The Chrllllm School Society ll In lnterdenamlnlllonll ornnl zallnn armed locally In 1955 Fund for Ike Iclmnl wen ruined by vnlunmy aubacrlpllon and special project web baznn and his lulu Mr Dulcher wnn plchd up nIonnlda the told on Mllhway by Jim Slewrt drm or pllnlnl mill In mrrle Ind hmuxhl lnlo llama OPP drtnth mun alum Diva null 17 Mllltr Sl Sudhury hll bun mund Ind churned wlth rnhblnx with an nllenslva wcnpon and car mm Inconn£clion th lhalnchltnl 78yMMId Barrie grocer Frank Butcher Ila Tamnln 5L old the Barrie OPP yulcrdny lhnl ha wns mhhtd beaten and nmd oul ol hll car by hitch hiker Kelly ndmmed he hadnt lined 196164 canine wllh lhe Luau He mld he would no Lea mlnlkcrcnach Punch hm hm Ialtr lhll week to discuss Iha matter Afler the mecllng Kelly Ialrl the concession will deal mnlnly with the number hockey prac tlce sessions week He laid it was dlfllcull Io txpcc mm In commute uvml time wcck between Guam and Toronto to mend hockey mes Ind prac Ilcel while PalHuman In In In llon Kelly Ipeaklng hm Llh ernl nomination meelinu or Metro Tamnlne new rovlnclal rldlnz Lakeahore an he was not lure whclher he and his lamfly could Hand the pace last year Then possiblmy might not play unless some canccsa lions are made he said Kelly Myear veteran he Na tional ankey League aald unitary player Isnt In dls pu Mluuu nuuy the hockey pllylng Liberal member Purllament or ank Wen Indicated Wednesday that unless he receive special priv leges rum Toronto Mapla Leah MI hockey day an over Barrie Grocer Reported Robbed Kelly Hints Ht Concessions CRYSTAL GIN IWLAIKERSV chm will campite two week Viclion Hlblu school It thy Chrlnlwn Rummad Church on St Vlncenl Street 705mm Cmma My Leo DylanI Ind Ilx In mm of mooth dry mullnl llmurdlumllnl Imm Impka bnunhln llm In ruled Mum Io CRYSTAL GIN run in llnwr to Ian cool colllm Ind Imkudmr rmoflw kw Mm mullnh Try lllnm Walkul Lu Mn ll Mend bamlfully IIIRAM WALKER SONS LIMIIwnmm nvulumvon mu Ioamu Tull Mmmn BIBLE SCHOOL mas END OHM urnull nuud In Wm Beach mm Alter drlvlnl Dutch erl ur Wu Irruhd land but wen up on all annr road In taunly Iharlly Allrr lhm nclock In Ihu Iflernoon and In lnltmlva lurchwn Ilartod SXL Andrew uld The Inspect nllucd la hlvn land ane Brult look It 1mm Durham pm um look hll ear Mr Dulchzr lnld police yaukh med hlm to flop MI north of lehwuy too And mud Mm drlv nn Ind kicknd hlm out of hll nwn cnr Ham rlcu hnva bun 0mm 1ch and an xpcclu man lame Iurnoul mum be mad He laid lhnl good exhlbll fluwm tlfllblfl Ind 4H nLinnlca will bu an the Jerry meshlln Barrie hu bean rculned lhu Mr In naunccr Judllnn of livesiack shnep xwlne and harm wlll bl calured ML erghl er Iald that lhe Mr bu been allracllnl more penplc mm the cities every yeah The Ink ob served Ila ccnlenhl IEVIIII ya ngal More than 15 orchestrll Ira expected lo or lha compell on on Wednudly evening 750 Three 1145 1mm Toronto will be Iha guest lb conlm Preparation lnr ha Old Time Orchestra Cantu mannered by Ike Conkuown Agriculal 504 clcly organizer ha Cook lawn Fnlr mm Ind 16 Ira well advanced Ivan erlhl pm uldnnl laid yDlllfdl COOKE CUTS RIBBON lanlght when In children will present dlaplay nl pralecll Hera lllra Dyluln luck zmund llstens man clllld Ilrl blo Front ly to make In mpruvr Old Time Event Is Fair Feature5 ROME FOUND MEHANO lllly MP llma bnmb vm found Monday nigh le hnurl berm ll wn uplada In ha ullnr In Iplnmln hulldln bowl Emmi tenn1 In for all WIN dhcnvm If Pn Hco uld lhn TNT bvmbam pllnlod by lerrnrlm Tom or lhh yur II mlu ll 120mm commar lo total the lam llm In 1961 or MOJIO Buildlnz permlu Are down Ihla yur lor Junelnd up or July am last yenr Thu total or In year Is down Juno bulldlnl rmiu lhll at wn number is or 11v ua 07115 compared to 51vulued ll H57IAG1 last June July permlu Issued numbered 51 ml year or vnlua 1521 375 compared to 45 penmlqu Ju nod uzmo The number 01 leIephnnu In BmIe In June and July Ihll year he Increased by IIIth In hen 000 Ilnce the lame per had 11 year IIIIJ yelr her were 11940 elephants In Jun And 11074 In July In tompnred 11110511 and 111094 or theme two mom In 1961 WATER CONSUMPTION an mnmmptlnn II hIxher or June And July thIe yenpm Inst year by about 500001 1011 or both moulha In 62 34591000 Inllons were run lumcd end In July 62 91161 500 were used In June mhiyenr 90331000 were used and 1004 291100 In July Ihll yelr man In the ench ur ht said year ulll new hul pun Ind lhla yur wa hm pl water to all the IL Ihllou Chamber SuppIiés Interesting Facts khlfllofl Lllllln Rm Ind Sylvll Dole Back row ram Lha Ian Johnny Km carry Shep hlr lay Sta Ind Ricky Ruler Exlmlner Phnlo mn

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