Would Develop Northland Says Liberal Leader If II null ulnllu wlll nm mm 000 In Mr mow vThm II In ImIIlnnum whlrh all mt mud II Imlmll mulppnl IIlh nu whim 101 ml KM mewr1 udnu modal In Mm my In mm new Mom VIII nl njwulrvl In lhm lhml mm all wwlh wul hum purlunlly In mm nqu Ill MI about mu They have put he hmku on northern developmem lime which calls or full speed ahcad he lold an audience no buffet luncheon In thll 31 lawn 40 mlch ms of Sud ury Central Collegiate Inspected By Council new government depart ment would be headed by calr ï¬ne mlnisler from northern riding and slatted by profes rlonal men Ind technician lrorn lhe noth country Secondary industry would be kncouraned In some norlh by ronrnm of lax concessionsr Ino cialion allowa prelerenA llal hydro rates research anis lanee and the development at better highway network OTIAWA CF Premlcr John Roberts Irch In Vain Wed nesday In palch up Conscrvm live party rill that one oIIIcInl lays could can he puny up to Ihree sent here In lho Onlnrlo ï¬elcctlon Sept 25 The flu results Irum rivalry or Conscrvatlve support In Russell riding between Ilwyer anrenmhackcd hy Mr Robert and lhe provlnclal parly organlzallauand Gordon Lavcrzne former mayor nI sulr urban Easlvlew who won Rus sell In 1959 by more than 8000 vules HI Enslvlew cIvlc ad minislralion subsequrnlly was Involve vver mis ngroprlullon of lunch llunr In uéh lnmmed up ltrlinll Ilaltd rmmnln MI nl Inn 111 lb Inur Im not And um urlllon mnkinx uni MI nu tnmxmclal and d¢mlc mm In lhc um Am vhlrh hr nulnr Knvtmmrnla mm mulrllmlal mu bl Iï¬lldinx Am Muixvplnfl 111 ullnl mu Imwnrr will ll rnmnuhllilv Incnl hum mler lo nu qual lunl ï¬uvbmuly Ihnrrd hy Um 0mm cmrlnwm ol lï¬ducuhun rlunmu Sixy4ma londum min Niou ï¬lm we mm In bl rmlanlI lmn lnlmld mmlu In INA nml lama Hfllll In lnlrl lvy lllmllul Hnuman lhal IMIII IN MI mw alwlmlu hid pm In mum lhmuh lhI ledmiul 11100 We clerk wellm nlllm And all Mel ol lhc lowmhlp ut drd he nmirw mule waldo Contrl Collulnh Wu uxdny eunlnm MIMan II now Ilnllcd And wflh lhc mrpllon cw net mulpmmi II nndy ï¬r H00 pupqu nul nmdny no of whnm Will be lrrxhlu Thlsl conemm whkh II Alon Alv nrw mnMnnUm em MONTREAL CP Renewld Inlcml In Canada Joining the Orgnixallon Amarlun Slam an lhe worlds old ul cnnunuing IMEmIHonIl mlallom was noted lndly in report publlshcd by he Cana dianAAmerlcnn Commlllce The Intern has been murrtd partly byomclul Ind open cncourngcmtnl by Amerl um nnd South Americufl lhn report mid Mr Wintcrmeyer mid many northern own In no lallinl proper share of Ontariol pmsperilybccausn the govern In Ontario would sat up new depmment ol nortth resources sllmu lulu Ihe economy of the prov inces vast mrlhlnnd Liberal Leader John Vinlermuycr pledged Wednesday Opening his ï¬rst Northern Ontario swing ot the Sept 25 elecllnn campalgn Mr Wlnter meyer charged that HI Pm aressive Conservative govem ment has been lalkinz about the Nurth or 20 yarn and still hasnt done Anything about It Mr mm ha an heur In an Easlview molel wilh Ihu president he Russell Conscrvnllve Assuclauon Edgar Briï¬on and said later he had reiterated his support or Mr Lawrence The premier had ap pealed earller to Mr Laveran and Jr Driswn to back Mr Lawrence Note New Interest In Joining OAS INNISFIL NOTES Pdrty rRifti MdYCOSf Conservatives Seats 571105 Inqlnljl ngpcil Ilonu wlth ESPNOLA om on Nuwuh Imflln vlllnn mime In Alma Cmnly mm mum indot 01 IM 1va amly Mulcum ru duvurlnl Io merlnln Ill Ion ML my Inlnrmnflnn will In null bandM lormlll In Innhlil lrl July MM Io 18000 thirlly mm up mldrnllnl hulldlnln Ile Inln nnrl Illmllml nlm uld 9d lo lhe IMAI Th new MIMIo rnph phl AM manM and VIII Inhll who Ihll yMrl um mm nhllmn In My In In mm flullyfll were bclnl mvcd In Iho cnfa min Ila uId It mIKM Ila mower Iva or lhn rs null of lhl pmmm IIIOW ellccll In aur My of Ille bul ha loll mm but beneï¬t wauld ruul In our mmmunlly And In It nuploylnrnl mndillunl through Ihn dlnlllcl 11 nun lIml than who hm hm mpommlc or ha duelnmnem would proud lhtlr eflom whm IN prod wu ll hunt mmpIImtnled CIIIrlM GrlI lin dulrmln ol llw hulldlnl commlllu who Ind bun momm lnrcl In Win mm Am ml min lhl bond mnny dolln Mr mun hm pm In many ham HI lilm And had hm he by In Inuullul om pmlm than pmjm nu nlllrlll npmlnx in which lhu public will In lnvlud ml In Md 0d PERMIT MM Thln mndulno whkh rm an 4000 II uml 1w MIMI Nu inl lime lhlu ynr It ll Mu mum by Miu Jnln Rnnll WHITBY OnL CmDespllo talk to the contrary the church unlon movement in Canada has wukened dunn lha last 40 years lhe Unilcd Churchs null conference on evlngcllxm was Iqu whedqgsdgy Can churchts languish In an cummical backwash Forly your ago Canada was in Hue inreimnl oi Iho modern ecu menicai movemcnl wiIh he or mntion oi the United Church oi Canada but now in more darinl upmmeni In being carrch out in Mrlca and Asia In spllo lenllmtnll expressed It the wmld Anglican mums recently hcld ln TOP onto we hm no mn any le rlous avldenco cl lne Anxllun church wnnllng lo lose llsoll in mater unlon flu Hid cénvmlllom warn lhc Anullun and United Churdn In Clflldl hIVI slnllud Rev Hard secrelnry the board evnngcllsm Ind ch servch In about 155 mln mm Ind laymen Illendlnz the conlmncu er ermeyer drove to Elllot Lake lhe llumplng uranium ctnlre lo speak to plrly worker Ind lent the luwnsito talking to people Mr Wintemeycr ald lhe Lib eral plan also calls for nld to northern farmers in mlrkelinz lhtlr pmducts 1nd tpecinl cre dl facilities In pramola tourist Mr Brlmn and In this were ushered out buck door the motel room In an alrol secrecy Imposed by ofï¬cial Iccompany luu he premier on his cum Pll Mr Brian who my lha nominalion of Mr Lowrance June by one inciion oi lilo association wn Illegal pre dicted iho coniinulnz split in ma Russell Conservative muvcmeni could call the party his ridinl and the neighboring riding oi OIIIWI East and mum West mu Conservnllvu Jule Morin won Ottawa Ens in 1339 by voles over his lebral opponent and Donald Momw won Ol lawn west by 14 vale over his Libmh Mr Laverne wan by 3445 vote In ml at 15 men hu not manned the re skys special 929d Sum would be lald on the processing in he Norlh DI raw materlal now exported rum the area The Onhrlo Northland Emmy which the provlnce owns would be restored to It original rule as development agency by lowering freight rate But Mr Brlmn said In de phnne interview lam the his plan stand for nominating convention tonight when Mr Lavcmne expected Io bu named lo luck reelection PREDICTS SPLIT Church Unity Said Weakened ay memhcrx or La Phalanx must men In onfll Ilnhilnnk Morn chmer clllxcnsol the lulure Ilnla Laurenllt presumably an lndcpendcnl Quebec OITAWA CPlPrlmn Minls Ier Pennon held lmzlhy cow Itronce with Mnyor Jenn Drap eau of Montreal chlwsduy and nller lworhour cnblnct mael lnx expressed hope Um causes Mellon In IN MI warldn Illr ndminlnlrnllon can ha over Tremblny sald La Phalanx was armed secrclly by Roman Catholics because someone ab way wanted lo IIIIVC to death the muonnlist leaders The mulan with Mnnuclll form minded mnyar vnt III lwo lop men in ma world Mr Idmlnlllrallon CommlulnntrGenrrll mm envenu Ind Deputy Comm QUEBEC CPlLm Trem blay lulllied Wednesday that Rene Mme Is member LI Phalnnge secret organization Tremblay described in earlier testimony as Krnup of Roman Cahnllcs dpdicllcd lo ï¬ght nx alhe mparliculnrly Free Mason Mnllr hlzh school lencher In nuburbnn Stel Foyn Ind hls brother JeanPaul 31 are charged wilh then or plaque on the Plalns ul Abn ham hat mmmcmumed the 1339 visit of King George VI and Qgen Elluhelh Tremblay cmwn wilncss who testiï¬ed Tuesday he member ol Ln Phalanxc snld Wednesday mm Ilene Mall also one For hm yam lhey hm lried to slam me postponed two day previously by disputed decision I11 nssociallan cxecnllva but sup porters Mr Lawrence held meeting anyway and nnmlnatcd him Mr Erisson and Mn Ln verzne among other were no urgent averxne sald Wednes day ha nomnaled he intends la stand lha omclnl candl dal the Russell Prnurasslva Conscrvnlive Assnclalion al lhough ha has no substanllnl lunds Air Lawrence cummnnlcd Iiiai he has he support rlhe provincial nrganizaliun and 10 cal association iunds would no he signiiicaniabout enauuh to pay or poslage He nccuscd Mr Lawrence of wrecking the local party on gnnlzauon by seeking to oust Lavarzne with the help or few friends in the ornanlu Ion MEETING SET BACK Mr Brluon said he naked Mn charts to Incepl lhe mm mm Mr Laverznax undi dacy He aid the premler nu plled am he has nolhlnl Ixalnsl Gordie but wu Im pellcd lo abide by decision provincial Conservau fly Pmldent Elma Bell Exeler ml the anrunca mmlulllon wn lexidmlp Thu Russell Ismcialian pmn Identcnmmenled that Mr Bell mud hla min the dnyfnllaw In lhu Lawrence nomination muting and wllhoul speaking to elected lender or thu Rus ull lisocllllnu 739 vale us In Russell 111 ha in election May Keep Pets Indoors Court Pearson Drapeau Discuss Worlds Fair Administration Says Teacher Belongs To Cult Mr Julllm Sum Hughe nlm Ml lclrr nnd 1mm ï¬llcklnnn In Imp lhrlr hamnrnl window and loan closed In km lhn nnl mnl And lhclr odor Imhle Tho tnuxl Wu horn mmplnlnn lhnl pclsunmdllu and Allin on Iomu Imrnl rel 14ml wnlkrd lhrmuh llxrlr up dun TORONTO CmA mud rund Wulnudny In Onl yllje Imllly law kup It vllla Imlly mny lap In pmvldtd they no Iupl ntjqnnrnl all lhnu Incumcowné FEATURE SHOWN AT 700 Ind 910 Row Prku CANADIAN PREMIERE Innerchncrnl Curslcy mlxntd mmnlnlnlnz that the drum and almlns on ma ml mlnlslmuun Ara lnsurmnunllh hlc Mr Purmn old rrparlm lhnl whllu Ihc nlr has hczn be wilh ndmlnlslrnllve crlsns they have nal lrnpcdcd lho work of prtpnrpllnn scrlnusly We mnlrmplnln In very xuc ruslul worldl Inll In Montreal In m7 and Im sun mm In lho View lha provmru nnd lhu clly In Tornnln Gmrtc Ilm lrnnsport mInInlcr In lIIu Ins DIrIcnImktr ovrmmcnl who was nppnlnlul II Illmlnr ol IIw world Inlr luv the LIIyornl guv rrnmrnl In July mid In In Ilnle mtnl Iw Imd no Ilrcn Mkrd by In prlmv mmlslcr In IIII IIIu msIllon oI rIInclnr nor In In Im ukuL wcrn lulud unuld nu bccnuw rel lhnt Ill pox Ihauld ho llllul Iy mun 1mm Ilm nravlnre Quclltc nm my many mm In Um Imvlnco who ran nhly IIII Ma pmlllun PORT ELGIN Ont CWOne ol Canadas up Indinn leaders said Wednesday lhe limo has come when the Indians must Dr Gllben Munlure Mai hawk Indian Ind vlccpresidcnl or Explorations and Develop ment fur Slrnmnl Limllcd Monl Mr Pcnrxon told his new conkrence nllcr he cahinct mecllng lhnl he 15 pull in much Immediately wilh pos Ilhlo nucccunr In Mr nlrnvmu and hunt In nnnnunco me Mr polnlmenl next wrck TORONID CF Canadian mmmunllles should keep the elderly In their homes as long as posslble nn expert on ca forAlh 51 said Wednesd added that whclhur eld erly pcoph rcmnlnnd In lhelr own homes or moved Into com munal home for he aged it was lmponnnt that they slay in lheiiowq cpmmunlly don lranspiant unsin when were older especially lnlqnwmcorxe ohelgnrdpn pcaple who an old now won raised In workurlcnmed so ciely They need help lo use lheir Insure lim Mrs Vlola Halpenny chnlr man lhe inletlallh commit lce ol lhe Ontario Soclcty on Aging sald keepln he elderly home helped lhcm malnlnln molt Indgpepdqnce Try To Keep Oldsters Home The lenlnflve boundaries for the school year 1561M ol lhe Burris Public School Board will remaln unchanged hnm last year Indians Must Help Selves Top Tribal Leaders Say MATLNVM DAILY II Jn mm mm HUI MM MIOWINO Wilson Brooks Toronto Ne gro public sthool viceprlnclpal sald conlribullon of minorily graups to Canadian life can be cmphnslzcd by rrwrillng school hlslnry Ickls ML Brooks snld lllnl school cnums lend la chn loru Negro childs feeling lnlonorlly and do nulhlnc lo de slroy rncllnl slcrcnlypcs The opcrmnrs me he Nnnhcm Worker Conslruv llon Unlnn rnjcclcd IcqucsLs by lhu lnlcmnllonnl Union of Oppr nllnx lInxinucr APLCIO Iv Juli lhe Imlcr unlnn Two other lllliOIHIu PlumhA er and Flllcrs CLO nml he Innm nllon n1 Association Bridge Slrurlurnl nml 0rnn nlrnlnl Irnn Workers AH HUIan also nrorcd Two mm plck mile Wndncmny hcnrlnu slam which mul llonlcr Ims no um maul will opcrullnu cnklnecrx The lwo crmm opernlurn nm unuloycr at Planter hnnruc Hon Company pcvlnrmfnx work onwmndi In the ma llunctr lmldcnl rnnl Iltn dcrwn mild Ml unplnyru mo Iwrmtnlcd by qunmiul union nml ll mum mnlrnmm Um mm thur Ilrlmlmn Am in lcr lnln nllrclhu hnmnlnlnz lumemrnl with any ulhcr un Dr nlunlure mining cconm mist who hns scrvnd an num bar of international bodies tuld lhe Ontario mntmnm on Inlcr Kmup relations at this Lake ltnrnn community lhnl the led nrnl government nlrcndy has gone lung way toward helping the Indian Ho saidfllhc onus now was on Ms people lo start trying to hclp lhpmselvcs He said lhe lac Iha lhcre were only 65 Indian sludenls in Canadian nnlversilies while the federal Eovemmenl had spank 0000000 on Indian education shnwcd that hls pwple had not lnkcn hill advantage their up cs Our histories Just say lhc Negroes who came the Tar nnlo area In csmpe United States slavery In he 1950 slnrlcd many of lhe Kim mum rants pharmacies shnc repair sham and nlhcr businesses SUDHURY CmMn than 250 wurkcrs on the mulllmilllun dn Laurcnuun Unlvcrslly mnslrutuon project More put down HIclr ml WLdncsdny be cnilfc or lwo cnmo onerglors trcnl sald lhls must be done to help the Canadian Indian arrivu at cconnmic equality wllh lha while man PA MN Tm Orlglnll Drlvoln BARRIE $0th Wllh Tho Cholu Thu Plzluul Llllln Road In Nu Cllv fluwun Hwyl 400 and Mmlulon 75¢ Chlldnn Ll yn or undor FREE Cuioon 0n Evury Pragrnm umw Mull mummp Workers Refuse To Join EFLC10 mGIGYOUN6AUDREYMEKDOW Pupll In Ihc Onkloy Park and 50ch Street School area whn may he unending the new school on Grove Strch when it completed will nllcnd UnrealIons Adult Soplxlméatod gomody HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Huangé QFMinlllgl Indu comma 51m BACHELOR IN In Tho True Story at lhe FLO mmgo hook wrlllcn Frtnch nml lnunrhcd hm Vcd msdny Snvoln myn mm or lhn topic In llw group have con nncslcd nucy Imd Iormcd mund FLQ In June whlln In person wcru Minx churned In wnncc Hun wlth Mules bomhlna whirh nhoak Munlrcnl hut prrlnL Sumlo my the In Fm wns mbsldlml by unlvcrxlly pm mm And Inlrr Ilngu hy Mnnlrrnl Ixusinrmmnn mole lrlémlflnnd tanner Insamnlu lhreo Fqu pccln wm hold by polka or MONTREAL CWThe Gn zolle says Ihe men wnnls to force Ihe rélurn of Rlchird Eh lcr chnmed In connection wllh the lcrrorisl acllvltlu Le Front dc Liberallon Quebmis now seeking palitlcnl asylum on he French Island at St Pierre MLnnelan newspaper says molion canch the laycawld Iarmnr clnvnlor operators hail $2 450 pmbahly will be made next Tuesday In superiur court here Ihc Frcï¬ch embassy con ï¬rmed last week Iha Blzier had armally rcqunslcd political asy um MONTREAL CF Claude Savoic mymwld Journalist and sludcnl says more humb Inn can be cxpcded ln cum Inu manms ram ynung people muncth with he lurmrlsl group Le Front 11 Llhcrnlion Quchttols Thornnv FLQ rmcwul conlarl wIHI lhe llnnnclm lho llrlll wok gnynl If Ihe mallun ls granmd the Gnlcllc says bench wnnnnt or Bllicrs reams could be Issued Ind ulradillon prouch Ingj slaglcd OneArm Golfer Aces Twice Crown To Force Biziers Return Oakley Park and Slccla St Schonl respectively until In new school ready The Public School Board stresses that these boundaries Expect More FLQ Bombings Young Quebec Journalist Says Robinsonwho alsn clnlm to be he first unmarmed ï¬ller to score halo In one sank his lirst shot he I22 ynrd luurlh hole nearby Ilayddck Park Gall Club Inr lha second limo In month MANCHESTER Englalid lfleulerfl One anncd RulIcr Jack Roblnson clalmcd world record he ï¬rst man ever to gel hole in one twice at lho same hole PARADISE He mnnlion In he hook that he nmona Zl prrmn lound criminally sponsllllb In the lmmbln dealh Willrcd an ccnl ONclll at uurnurrx in qucsl but the clown didnt lny charge against hlm hmoin says hn wnmt cm can with the FM Hmugh was In close louch wilh nevch mspccls during llw UIIMmnmh chum of homhlnul whlrh slumd March nnd ended Mny 20 In Incl he he had hm lrym in lrnrk nun llN lerrnr himul an rcmmr ur lhe Mnnhrnl wtrkly IA lllll Jnumul llll hnur In jnll will Hm nmprcll nme him ruuunh Ilelnlls ln um flvlk ml Hus lmuk puhllthrd by 14 lidllkons du Jour MONTREAL CWExternal Affairs Minister Marlin indi cacd Wednesday he gavcm mcni gradually will expand ils foreign aid program in three main directions educational assistance capital pmch and food givgnvya hourx durlnu lho early Jnnu crackdown on thu FLQ was lhcn released VANAPITEI Onl CF chcn evacuated lnmllie waned overnight III nearby moml as the rghling dc He spoke 035 Canadian high school leach whn are being sent his week lo six unduvcl oped countries around the wnrld by um external nld ci iicua isdcrningnncy It Is the Ihird and largest con ungcnl of teachers nsslgncd overseas In the lust lhrce years by the Canadian guvcrnmont More lhun 1m Canadians will each foreign schools In the coming acudcmnycar Mr Marlin said all rcporu about lhe llrsl contingent are my lnvnrable and several countries were nsklng Iur morn This is signlï¬canl cunhlhu lion and am very hopeful lhat we can cominuc In cnlanzo nu program in me coming yum he said Train Spills Sulphur Dioxide Police Evacuate 7Families Will Expand Hid Program are cnlalive and should the enrolment on openlng day in dicale need fur adjustment the Board may Kind It neces sapj lo rqvisg the boundaries NIIUWS AT 100 AM when dccldmg boundaries NOW SHOWING MNM uy EDGAR Spcclnll mrrunl The Trustees at Schnol Ann 0m wns hold No Mnnr Ann 11 llimm In IlthJL IslSchncd Keyn he nrchllrcl nnd llny Knlxhl lhc rnnlruclnr wcro pmenl nan mum the Board lhnl Ihe ulmol mild be ready lnr uxe Monday Sch Dun my was hlvcd cure lnkcr lnr lhh tchml Tlm secre lnr lrcmurcr was lmrudc In nnl ly lhc cnmpany wmvlyinl lhc lurnllurc lhnl ho Imnrd wlll Accept dcllvcry Srnl Relallvcs unrc WIUIWMIL Roy She was in stale of shock The Inmlllcs were evacuate by provincial police Wednesday night from the urea 01 Hcm dcmllmenl that occurred hlcs day Ofliclnls said lhe side he tank car were weakened by he accldcnl noys family has Just re lumcd here from Moab when they spent lhu summer with lhclr lather Illsnldm son Harvey 19 1d lyny by nlr urjloahl The Inmily came to Nath Bay six years ago from Elllol Lake 0M Mien nay wnl mine caplaln railed railway lank car six miles east Sudbury contain lng 20000 gallons of sulphur dlo xkfl qu mflponod until today The Canadian Paciï¬c Rafl way Irclgh was en route 1mm Sault Ste Marie lo Nnrlh Bay when the accident occurrnd During churning npcraliom Wednesday crane toppled and Nllcd dawn an Incline Nu one was Injured whcnue crane cl drngglng an old tanker with IL nun he want In Utah uilh the Harrison lnlcxnnllnnnl Company lo slnn lho Maab Mine operalinn Bayrlalhor ix ï¬ildrihfflcnl Roy 40 is one of is minor In nrpolash mlne Mnab Ulah SUNDAY um 10 mm mow IIQVIAMH Best School Ready Sept In Potash Mine Nonh Bay Faiher 2ND HITI ADULT llllIVIIIIllll he safely oi the chiidrcn and he distance ihey are to travel are given ï¬rst consideration The Board is as well irying to keep the classroom load equalized across in cityi SHHNTY BAY TONIGHT FRI SAT NORTH BAY CWA North llllhwu Gulhlll ngIVIm muui lllllll