Need Back To school MOney Use The Want has Now PA It THE EARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 19 III ANNOUNCEMENTS ForFIowars And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 80247 BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE NIWI olthe Blasted Eyed can be announced to your trlends and relatives tor only tlm Just telephone PA lztlt nloNII Mr and Mrs Ken Mod ey Inn Norma Jackson ILN of Bella Rtver Ontarln wlsh to am nouan th Illth or Mr dlulhtel anaaitnn on wnnunay Aunts cnvItNItorIl At taa Roycl VletnslI llmo III on morny Illu last at rm to arr and Mrs cuntah or II Mounthalun Road Barrte ntushlrr chossLna Mr and Mrs TrInLt Croaally OI II CImprIl Avenue DIrlle Wlsh to InnouncI the birth Mr dIulIttIr NItIo Its an lot It osL on Turn day August 27 ml at the Itoyal Victoria IIMFItII Ilatvl Ior DIalrlI ENOAGEMENTS IlURISONIIRATON arr Ind Murlsnn at Toronto annnunr engIIcment or thsle dIulhllr Marilyn In to Mt DI vtd MIlcolm Boston at Mr and alra Gordon Al andar put Thl Isrllll wlll Frldllr SeptemhIe pn In tho church or Toronto 7waNsva NOLIIIIII ntr and tin Nell ovum or latent ot It to Roll nerd Nouhuys Ion or Mrs trrderlka van Nauhuya ol Van couver The return wlll tIlI plan at Central Unlled church Ilarrle on SIIurdIY Sept II no pun IN MEMORIAM In Invtnl memory or Ind lather Lealla Issed away Aug clue grandmother Jcnnll rnsnn who passe out In In NIgllrllunanlno lanra and Ihadowl tall taut eet remembrsnu outtals th Ill Always rlmemtsered by with DIP olhy and Andy COMING EVENTS DANCING AT SAVANNAH LODGE Every SATURDAY nght Novelty Dance Prizes CEDAR HARBOUR End oI 8th Concession Call STROUD ttRIl tor reservaIIons OPPICIAL OPENING ol the TIMOTHY CHRISTIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 85 Ferris Lane Barrio wtlt be held Thursday Aug 29 pm EVERYBODY WELCOME SECOND ONTARIO OPEN OLD TYME ORCHESTRA JAMBOREE sponsored by Cookatown Agriculture Society In COOKSTOWN CURLING RINK Wednesday Sept 730 pm tsoooo In Prisea Door Prizes hlany local and wellknown ar chettras commllng Special Guest llrIan Adams IromConn Ontarlo FOIL ENTRIES Mrs Rowe Newton llohlnaon OntIrIo TICKETS NOW ON SALE III ISSION 00 OMll Elects New Executive KINGSTON CIIEIMII IlPltl clerk nl 5t Thomnt tlty counrll Frlttay was alerted Irenldent III the OIIIIIIo hlunlc pnl Alloclnllnn other other elected were vlrrprrtlttrnts floor mnn mayor nl lrlortmrnuah tnnlptlrll rearr nI Scar IXlrtltllII Henderson nae arunr tnwnthln ol Ennlaltlllen Mu Cameron Mnnlroar IItlrr nlan tIntIrnr t7 littnat Nor rla rlly clerk Toronto Executlvl mmmlltre Itll Ilam Arrllrr Tnlontn alderman liwarl lltnaar rltIItIrulutlr IIIwrlllnrtl IlIIIIMI mayor III IIotflltllI Falls II II Cooper rlty ceItt llttlllrIR Iercy En InnII lltlfllltfln Owen Rotlntl lltmtnn um Invmthlp oI fawn Kennedy rlrltt trulllter IIIen ltlrer It Martin rIty rIrIII FnIt WII llam AltKlllIllR lelk mn tmltrr Itlnaatnn NII Ntatrn tents III lort Colllolno IallIII mayor III John AliveIor orltaro olllrrr loan ahlp III toII ltnherl Ittmmrr Ivy llllllnlMl Ilttxltvlllr and Thompson county eater ant Vrntwntth MEAT AIIIIILT VIENNA AIIIIIII tAIIRul latter has sellout meet ahntt are the ommnnltl pally paper Itatmtntrtmtn llelo Mrll the paper Inlamva ltle Iborlale on non lnllllmrnt hy rollrrttya laIIIII oI In meat production gala tor the Iltst ala months at Laaacn near hush Laeaee II loss and REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Enory MILLER enoro LS REALTOR 19 COLLIER sr PA Host to GROVE ST WEST well located ntcoly landscap ed home wlth plenty ot room near schools and swimmlng pool llt storey garage bed rooms separate dlnlng room ImmaculateToms Call Itlta Scandrett EAYCREST tDRlVE htagnltteenl vlew orerlooklng the bay on large treed lot bedroom ranch brick bundl Iow with attached garage For lull details call Itlta Scandrett 200 ACRE FARM Laue brlclr homo and hiproot barn Implement shed and other buildings lto acres working ba lance bush and pasture H000 nsklntz $6000 down Phone Per cy Ford FIRST TIME OFFERED Central Spacious older brick home Iealurcs separate room apartment and excellent extra building lot Included tor lull price $11500 Terms to suit Call Emerson Swain DOWNTOWN Compact homo two bedrooms stone Iront lreed private lot replace don garage This one wlt sell soon See It now Phone Emerson Swaln EVENING CALL Itlta Srandretl PA Mata Percy lorn ra 01m Damon awala PA onto Karl alarahall PA an Dlea Henderson ra uses our Wheeler PA too Emory alllIer PA Inst CARSON PHOTO MLS REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST LARGE FAMILY OR INCOME HOMES Your choch Allandals or Barrle Both are brick and convenient ly located to everything All reasonable oltcrs conaldrred CIII BIII Ilamtlton PA OMBI Evenings PA 05315 EDGE OF TOWN Interested In bungalow see thlsz bedrooms lrlchIen vith dInIng area Large living room and large Itnlshed rec room with bar and another bedroom Large lot Must be seen to be apprsclated Call Bill Ilamltton PA dull Evenings PA 85325 ANNE ST bedroom bungalow on large lot With garage lmmedla pot asssalon Call tloppy PA wal Evenlnga PA Ltltl PA 66481 pl gand Ind Dlstrlct IIImbIr Ilolrd Kulltl Marshall AMI LITAII DROKIII PA All II CLAPIIIITON IT IIAIIRII INVESTMENT PROPERTY year old lourplex three bod room apartments one bed room all rented 0n quiet street In East End Owner rctlrlng wlll conalder any reasonable otter DOWNTOWN AREA room brick home brlck gar are very central modsmlsed and In Immaculntn condttlon Reasonably prIcod can be In anred STEEL II COOK STREETS ltntlldlnl totII IL its It Ser tlret lully pnld Ior Ideal Ior Immedlald use or speculation SIIORT DISTANCE OUT OF CITY Large bulldtnn lot llll It ISO It In nlcn realdenllal area Irlrcd Ior qulctt sale II MIDI LACIY PA Ioolt Member at rural nd Dlltlltl and HAROLD FORST AND COMPANY Iholo ILLJI ttaallora VICTORIA AND tlIIEY TRUST COMPANY Mortgage Funds Arallabls lvmtrtna mun IA III LIIInn FA III III John It Whltn Maullst Mann IA III II HATFIELD IlT PA was ANYTIME Itulty ol Inn on rt pashlnl atalla CORBY REAL EST ATI llrolter Ihooo IA III llunIop St tat and rod martaa on low mom IIIII mu our Mm mall Ilast nansttatl ea um mot Iratan rs mu All IA III In II Ind Itu lullLAND Imus nstt talltan nome EE ROGERS PHOTO PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL REALTORS DUNWP STREET EAST PHONE PA 85568 Snva MENth our Photo Ftles EVENINGS CALL MRS MOOREPA 85151 RogersPA Noll atmasn IAIlltlI AND orsnu SMITH PHOTO MLS 32 HIGH ST PA 0241 CouncilPA L376 REAL STATE BOARD CAMPBELL REALTOR Res PA aIaao ALMOST NEW WEST SIDE OF CITY Quallw constructlonbrlok bungalow wlth attached garage lovely laud lot and not In lrom shopping plaza Thls home has largo ltvlng room with Lshaped dining area bedrooms tpleca bath room not basement with all heallng Excluslve ltstlng call to day tor Inspection MODERN RURAL noun pleasing broom matow In Immaculate condltlon all ï¬lled with aluminum storms and screens ed and has dlnette there are bedr tplece bath Spaclous lot with gar $6500 MLS Ltvlng room ts mIllolany Ila ooms kitchen and uultty mom age Taxes Ira low Priced at ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW DOWNSVIEW AVE East end brick home surrounded with quality hornet Features pleca washroom ott master bedroom also tpleco bathroom Largo kltdlen wtth apaclous cupboards and dlnlng area Beauttlttl Iarca recreatlon room not quite tlnlshed Sepmata tastelully landscaped Prlea 317300 garage Lot In with terms EXCELLENT LOCATION Thls oroom bungalow hu many teatures Ia near adtoot shopping plans and beach Has separate dining Iron fireplace tlnIshed rec room and garage Call today Ior Inspection on lhts cxcluslvn Ilstlnu 200ACRE FARM HlllIdlm has good clay loam soil IO acres hardwood bush room house with bathroom and Iurnace Bank barn with water on tap Anatoua to sell on account at Ill health Iust tlaaoo wlth easy terms WE HAVE OTHER FARMS ot various sizes and good price range Ioan LangPA tom Del ColePA Itoal MI bIr oI Blrflr Ind Dtstllcl III FRASER LTD 32 IrelrrItruznno REAL ESTATE BROKER man Dullertn St Toronto Farms Suburban Properties Homes Businesses ApprltsIIJ Represented by ARCHER COLWILL Barrio Phone PA SM GARVEY NEW fllllll low lull bIselsaant all treated loud well Itttlated on um v1a opport an am an IIUPLEX POR IAII III Duck wortsl aIpItItI Intrantsl malara Charles ReadPA 517 Mrs Loreen theoro 9qu unard nooal tranta house on Hwy Is pronouns bunn land Illel MW pan 1m DOWN thraa Lathed brtck home badrnolltl our pl ualnenl aIa Ilel Real 55 BNke Schools lmmldlltl possullon an RR BARRIE mrNoN amt on Nlolrr PA I715 REALTORAPPRAISER Home Farms Bustnesses paved drlvaway pallo leaped lot Many astrI morlllle IIIJN It Ii down Mild Arnlltmvl Motan aIx room rll Drannlaut wtth attached ur ls Partly Ilnlahed ornament mlallaln storm wlndnwa Indfl duo ROBERT grugzrt out otter HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 DUNLOP ST EARRIE Phone PA 87216 Opposite and Store rllsutl unnonnta hardwood Iluflll attached l0 IDA lot Mortaana arranard cloaa lo elty lalaphona PA III all para ILIVIN ROOM hours Includes two Iplrtmentl and aeeommoda tlon tor Mr untlrhrd or untum llotlla PROPERTY FOR SALE two nd lower wul lent on nlth low down hone ra Meat INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transter your INSURANCE and It you need extra coveraga ot any kind holpltIt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and damned adver tisements an Inserted at the rate ot to per word tnsertloo Ior oat and two tlIneI Io er word tor three tour or Iva tlmes and Ne per word tor or man Insertions lofl Iddl tlooal chem It not pald withln ID dIys THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENI IS Doe FOR It WORDS IF PAID WITHIN I0 DAYR OR 06 FOR It WORDS IF CHARGED IER SINGLE INSEILTION rnnoaa OI connwn onvmll ThorIIon lhl ClaasL In am that same In tinn III lhs Inllnwtn tnsaltlm no rolnl out IIIII rna num nu Ia woman In mu throw an alarm tnurtlo Ill IIMMIM Ill III In lhI IItInt pnrtlan II IRII IMHIWI III rlnt Isllonl or II man Coming IZvenlal Ie load tmlnlmnm him It Illnh and Death Notices 50 Int up to words lover words In or eatra wordt In Itamortam otters um ttl sersa used lo per word estrat alarm Lamsn hart Intatmatlon Illldln ltlura utlnn nIIaa All Numtnn In Iterllu It hall amen Adlnlll Irplm to Lott Iltl ho MIA only II Int day It nth lull Claatltlad annrtlaernanta and pollen tor these pages must be recaltrd by run day or cedlng putlllcstlon wltb the IL ceptloo ot Ctmtfled DWI Idsettlsmentl Ihlch must be III IN noon prmdlltl tm Ilytn amt an no INMI so nlnatu no III In salty no at It yo top strut RENTALS IllIt araca mum In no or phone mmtthly vault and aulnmohll aIn Odom see STEVENSONS III Dunlop St PA MIDI MOVERS MOVING For complete moving acrvlca later and caster call COOKIE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD voun amen VAN LINES AGENT PA SIM Ito ANNE sr MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Isl In 2nd htortrgago Loans In whero mam In at nouns AND ranus low storms IarlssNrI II YOU NEED MONEY Isa IonIotld dabta ttnn morttatla eomtnl due Intent can wort whllI esuu WrItI or Phone IA mt Mortgage Funding Slm sonsScorn III INLOP IT Itamln Untalla Mot an stats Itnvvfly wtll tall slut mono mortam Mr It At low taptn an at tln run low monthly nut II yarn or may your pm at marl at run No rm yumnmr tnrlly III dnolnn IrIrIIM antInn Ilnlal ralrp Im WANTED TO RENT IAIIII ttultsltnslu IIr LIuh anatla totlahl Inttn an Inn to Illa Inn nIIt Into It rtl naa III Nousss eon dam WI sinuous ltt hathl new on Leeann llaplt alnt toe tultnu lntlwm Altll wanantlrdtltrn mt alt nutt mm rm mllu mm mm Tllvï¬ï¬‚ll PA RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT NEW Null llDlDohl Ioaaa Ior rent Inrraodlltl punldon Melt Id In Coohtowu 10leth Mb town Aid0W ms was Ito naar wuunn Plasa rman lotl ts ark Inl llbll Ilr Dhorll PA HIM In III ma IanooNl horall schooll on We mull pIVId dflvt Oll lllln Is In lull yard AV IDII Our bu Thtephonl PA roaNtanan aorta to NM wttl ower will mm wlth run pla ctty uulluo garden In vllls Dwraar home In at lrent Wlltl EDI AT DIIIII XIIIII nor HOUSES WANTED Dualesa MAN uttl Iamlly wsrlt to not thus atnrnom llama Otto bu In Ill and or North Cab IerIau aru raItpnnna PA was WANTED DY OCTOBER Ile or rts room bunnatow unruntlahod tantnl Iocltldn dIItrId thtlnl to also III II nLlIIIcLori Wfltl Box BIrllI Ellmlner TIIREI DIDIDDM hotlaa wanted to rant ay Octobor wlth optlon ol huytlll wtth malt dawn pay mutt Must have all convanleneu With Max Elllll blatant WANIBD TO RENT tat Strand of lttrllalty Inn he or heutI In lawn reasonable convenient II erII or slnalalon as rlanolhy at Navy marltat or phom mam APARTMENTS FOR RENT RooM APT Large living room and kitchen bedmms and bath Front and back balconies that light and water supplled Stove Ind ra Irlgerator It desired Downtown locatlon prlvata entrance re cently redecorated Available Sept Phone PA em or PA W56 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contalned two bedroom apartment lelng room kltch en Iult basement wlth laundry tubs Central location Free parhlng sos monthly lmmedl ate posseaslon Telephone PA 892 rlnrsn MODERN two bedroom IInIItmlIllld Iplrlmlnt ln stroud Tole from Iltu III prn Ior IIILIIIP dIllllJ TWO asnnooln artmaata only um Inelunlar sailor IIMII Itc Ina atop at door Clan to moon IIllpttonI PA um onouNp noon two bedroom apsrtrdent IIlHuntIlaId td netrlaarator and new Ian on colller slmt pbooI urea or an out 1mm loom partly tumluld It bun stop Sultahlu or couplI nr couple Vllth Imall thlld North ColtellItI Vlclltlty IIlopholll PA Hm lItIr pm aanrtnnnmlo lellted one bedroom Irtment 11 St Vncant Street rar Ins s1 mnnlhly TItr phone PA MIN hItweIn Ind van wan IIIIINIIIIID etnan mod em thseI room moral pleu aatn aaIMnnlalnr en tranr Qulat salt AVIIII II now Photo PA rsl roll RENT rurnlanad IpIIIr mutt Thrrl rnoaaa and bath Cen traIIy locald Apply Syda Darhar shop Ill Dunlop atreal East or talaphoaa snot ANnul lwa Dalan apart ment or nnl all convonlnnca It monthly Tatphone Run ape us My III or IWU Millar ll Etnsl Anlua ONI IIDRDOM Islmam IIIlnl loom Illehen plea bath halted unturnlshod Immediate pe cupancy Ill monthly Woraley Stut CIlt PA lldfl APARTMENT tn nl Inna rooms unlunllshcd Isl monthly lnetddu heat are and rutr Cldaa to school IlwhonIPA Ill sun Mn rltnln norm ruralhad Matld apartmnl Ior rent nltn all hath located at Its Dunlap Itrl Rant III monthly TIlaphonl locatlon RENIAIs APARTMENTS FOR RENT IIIATID MODIRN wall unilat ed unl hldroon lplllmont ll Rtlnud IllblI Espumblr Tl laplaono strand an altar pan WIRED LUXURY modlm apartment onI bldrooln down town BInll lull ldutla For IP olatmnt la III Apartment all RLIIIr PA days VOW hall PA mll APARTMENTS WANTED YURNIIITED mil room Iplrt mint floulnd by Slptsolmbol ha Prlvat bllhroom dul but not event III Avrly Box II and KIDth ar ROOM aoano ROOM AND hoard avallaala Ior gentlemln centrII locatloo TIII vhunl PA IvTIIT ROD AND BOARD arnuaman pnlarred honta prtvllelll lunch packed For Iurthar Interna tlon Telspnoraa ra Ines nouns AND BOARD to stroll arm cloll to downtown area flattenII pretemd Abstataer Tslphoas um ROOM AND Gourd sultlbll of tuchll or hultrlul DIrIon Ior Iurtaar Idlorlnltlod IIIphat PA MAI Ur wty to II Iradlard strut lta ROOM AND noano avatlahla tn prletI Roma dIJtrlct Homo cooked mull Iunthu Ill IIIHL the PA WI Ior Ilmher dllll llthtlT comonraaan hadronsa In prlvata ham Drama lunch chked II dulled Arl dlItrlrt parllrll lplce young untlemln rIIIrred Abltalnen HDTV on NHL ROOMS TO LET lUILNlIIIED ROOM rlrlll HIP Inter and tlnen Itlppllld AWU to It Itlry Strut amt IIJILNIIITID ROOM modern name last Ind on or to Lrll home pflvltelll TIIIDhonI was BRIGHT CLEAN bedroom or non tleman In downtown am partr In IIcIlllIeI IelephonI PA IAIIII IWO LIGIIT houxsheplnl rooms or rant sully tarnished hydro but and water lneltadod Centrally Ionlsd TollphonI PA lIIII ROOM so HINT very central lpv than ley prllerred Apply It It Dunlo street ml Apartment It nltcr MDIIIRN DIDIITIINO room Inf rent ookloLIIcllltles clou to omtown dy prutrrnn ra ruanIlIID noonl Ior rant near the naw BItl TIlehoIII Dulldlnl III III buslnesl IIdy Clint and Apply Ill EIyIIIId Strut IIInlI IlIRNIIIIED Room Ior lInL Tele vlatosa Included Psrllnl No cooalnn laelltuu and lunch vIcIed II Apply Idlrcul St or II PA III ARTICLES FOR SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 II Ideal Ior Ilnlng hen hotuu attics garages elc pertect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Plus Tas AMI The Barrie Examtoer Barrie Ontario CLEARANCE TV Sets 35 up Ilso Vacuum Cleaners 20 and up lelted quantity Itepalrs to all makes ol TV sets and vacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE PA not It hlulcasler Street nanv cannlaus Ior eondltlan blue and unit lehonI PA cnox ItnVl tor uln Large Ideal or coal dl stoyI In Iood ron dltlorn whom PA up RICOAlllll rhullpa modal too yaarr old navy play one lm Arlllahll Ilradlosd um two snow apartments com plallly Iurnllhed romant Alto nmoom abutment prIIa mtunu ground floor Apply as Vtrtorla aunt slum or tlo phone la rllnnl n00 Ipntml Iltehm Ilnly or room Alla hac alor apartmant bedroom IIIIIII Tole MM PA Ill allullnost or run nl AVAILAIILI No room IsraIuh ItlAMd modal Avlflmfllt Iou plate hat health and eludd and IIIIMII Lnl phon IA IIW slurij vow IKNI two In looml llvlnlrdom Iter It eonlltned to mlnutu downtown Itelstltralol autlah mrphona PA IA ll urtvunNIIItsII IIo hldrnom arImnt nantro by Orlnbey Illltt Iva tlallr IIIINIIIIRII VI mlnt IIIII oath prtv IIIt Ilytlrta and Ira mu tmtlal tnIIu head TIlehIns PA Hm vrttan IANIJI Ior aall Im ma dat It lour horne Ill tlm eon troll TIllphoAI PA an ntcvct Ior ulI Olrt tum at Ill Roys ear but III TIlehonI PA solar null IIlnD thllly by alaty Iart tor laIa To be moved tram IIII Tatphone llnt allaud altlr no wn Nlrr ICA mllnunol II ra htc loot cnutIna Imr land as onanroom mod lllrular ms hen PA no cullll tor sale rlanlhand antt rluha tor aan or wllt thaan In tatthannao ut TIllphcnI IA In now well or II ltana or youtha rtrhl hand anI clubs hal and ralt In unnmt eootmn TIIIvhonI PA assmoons volt aau tests In good rondtlton trr RIIlnl Itontu and In ducltn Geometry rnonI ra Ital IIIINrnIt rtrto llam smlnd told all It Iy mrraona ra laws attn tm AVAIIAIII lmauolalolyl Nut dun Muslim amt no lay an tm pt nun on no tool In Iam rmnsan In hedloell mun Ila WI nd rm Ivlrlaallnl Krmwnllll Iltlnlnslle amt stallIll to en sun or Dttvt Apartmlnt or urvlu tm Impll partlng ltm ma mt erhtr mm um II llnn aunt Tllpholll III Dyrl talophona ea um no Inn urn Ellpplt In ntowart NI II naul III awnIra pltra OI IaMth IIIIO wall III rIII wlInItsI and sell nod led otnt wtatl ea or month rm to on any II VIII cnln trade Ll no bnn Inlnll Trrma IA no Malta only ltn auntln our IMIIIIInIA alna Ia rllt ntrlr Inn to mu my AMI In Armptrvn III wsn PA MI Lannl touusw III war ell malt DruInm nIl apart and aim alto mod All II Mun EIGHTH sous ARTICLES on SALE ammo noon Elatt Iparllosnt on law oak la tour ohatra norm and mu cata talilt roIphnn Hall man DII out are Ilust ma to an tar country and out Inn PA HIID Fours nooMI ot madam turnt tull Ilflpt atova and Inn tor an and In and eondlltan yIIII old wtll IIII llleIlU or II NIH PA MA lllhhll III II dlhll IIrVIcI AIL IEHID TANKI pumpld by thl mast aaodua Inulpraaat an only Now Nut PIG Illtla 1001 llLloI dlwonl III truth KID WLDIIr telephone PA mar GUITAR It PIul IlIchld flaw Glhlon IA dl tor oily ms or na otter IIlebonl Inn In Iront top an ROIC Shoud coaunluu ntAlutlt aleepa bullt In It cupDoIrdl and stall Ifly II pumps luaranteed1 tnr aarvtca IreI Ior on IU NACIII NII rad lull to ILl dllIIrId urrlICIl two dlllllld Iloor mmlcu In good ulldltloa and usual Ilud otlIlnd In beaten Also one rat or IhltI Illthroum deIIrII WI Oood ulld PrupInI or III cook Itdvu Awl Norman Irlatow ale It now Plumhlna an Heltlnl umltdd Blrrlt PA 45 HOME IMPROVEMENT DONT MOVE IMPROVE GARAGES RECREATION ROOMS ALUMINUM STORMS SEE BILL BALL Our Home Improvement hIanI ger who will help you wlth all your plannlngno obligation all course We will work hand In glove wlth you It you do It yoursell or we will do the com plete job tor you BEAVER BUDGET SERVICE AVAILABLE BEAVER LUMBER CO LTD l29 Bradldrd St PA 855 Evenlngs PA L258 SWAPS Dayan GARDEN SUPPLIES IAlOl IAT Island bItllt was lIrdIrlI Approved It at Amclllllln Ilh IInlIlc VIII holdln hthIlI melt Call IAIN FRUIT VEGETABLES sarArou Net altrmd In arm or Alla or at In larrla IIt llna Velvn Tlllphorla PA IIIII COPY IM Want Ad Secslon accepted untll 01 Day belora plmllcatloo PIIONE PA lult IELEPHON ASPHALT PAVINo ASPHALT PAVING Drtvewaya parltlng areas etc Guaranteed workmanship Call Ior tree estimate SIMCOE PAVING PA 819 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING GORDONS HEATING mo AIR CONDITIONING Gas and Oil New Installatlons Converalona Ind Rrpstrs lrco Ihtlmslet No Obllgatlon loo IIAYtIEIJI PA sma INSULATION Rock Wool Itltlwlnl Method INIIUMTIUN ï¬rm tiltlmateo Otluaranteed SCOTT MUIR Alrtlla tnaulattnn Itrp IIIONE IIINIJIINII Ill NunsINo HOME ARK EDEN NURSING none Itullt Ior thla untll Accommov dallons Ior bed and as pallanta llala and Iemale load artIon Itatu um and up Call Strollll MRI flame ttay eoocvllallona and more must he phonvtt In Maren and am IIIONI PA All Iunan sums and Numlurtns made to man ARTICLES ron sate BOATS It MOTORS 40 hp Electrlc Starttng FlRESTdNE OUTBOARD MOTOR tllmlted otter Rog Prlca $759 Sale Prlce $49995 FIRESTONE STORES ea Dunlop St PA 66588 BRATITRAIIIégIII Obllto Ihullt anaon or eat lebnnI PA IN roor cauan step out old steerth wheel ul prose vars Iavm tront Naw Dtaeo AMI la wsvntousu my errInc It helm 75 ha lvlnntdo motor Ilenerltdr ItIr IPBllllhl Ill weather curllLIu Prleed Ior Illrl IIII Call Mr Campbell PA LI ll not ensure nay crdttte faulted wlth ts hp Evlnrude altctrto at Hull sully Ilnhllid Iltd lï¬tIIfl ped arm sold arm only aim or Closest otter ld Ind It PA was AIRMAN mANarannso are lost moulded lywoodVIN boat wlndahta In It box ttll tuner 50 Phonl III ARTICLES WANTED EARRIE NORTH COLLEGIATE GRADE xt aoousI ENGLISH Man and Ills Worlrl Style and Structure IIISIOItY Thousand emf SCIENCE Baslc Physlcs torl Secondary Schodlnlï¬ trevlsedt ma Please telephone PA Hum alter pm WANTED Two Itnlla dra tlI lng cahtnat Plow wrlte Barrla mmnm atatlnl prch and descrlpuon wartnn mo land cost and wood lurnars slhl ram hauls onI wttn tan pro mad and all condull ptplnl 1m Ford or paru Iaphan na mat FARMERS MARKEEI DEAD STOCK Illglacst prlcen paid Ior dea or crippled cattle Ind horses Small aolmala removedlrei For taat aervlcs PHONE BARRIE PA GIZII Collect or ask tor NICKS DEAD STOC ZENITH M130 INO CHARO at hours day7 days ml Itll Poxmead Ontarto License No IIMAI Nlctt Montague Prop LIVESTOCK WIANID Ill Ior Illl VIII Itlsted Apply oa Routaton RR Now Cookstdwn or lllephonl MM COW 70R IALI IIOLIIIIII low mm to man Apply to Atlred ar no No Thornton nourlIN covll to choose lrom mtlatnr lull tlow nun up to monlha Al McLean mono Iatu om rltll son IALl Eleven In on warts old Illlnl It corb lllahway ll IA lnllI south Ilnswtcl Mt PIIII ms nu rourmn pl old nlna plat lahl tum old ellht win Ivaa was old Ill ehunlu Apply to am cslrns PA Haw Mnr rawan pony ntdl wall hrohtn pony an and hrldle pony on rubber tlradl pony chroma and balloon Ill mason rut No Own IR Illd BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year PA 82414 NURSERY SCHOOL WOODLAND Nursery School And Summer Camp 57 DERCZY ST PA 845I5 ITITIN1INo AND PAPERHANGINO EDWARD aItInI AND 50 Ialntlng and Paper ltangtag Spray Ialntlng Itervlu Elncs mo on Ilarrla PA MN PLASTERINO PLASTERINO REPAIRS NEW CEILINGII ANI PATCIIINO Ireo EltlInstIa STUCCO SAM CRYER IA Hm aa PRINTING nmsly Ilsnllnltsr tor CHECK yotlr tu Iy II PRIN ING Ior but value place your order NtW ALI nIIa or PRINTING We are ItIlly equl ed to trundle your llrtnlllrg ro qutrementa ncludtng 214 color wurll For QUALIFY null VAL UE have our PRINTING done In AllltlE III The EXAMINER COMMERCIAL IIIINTINO SEIIVI ll lAYIlIJaD 51 It malanIle