Mr Ind Mrs Douglas Hume SU Tomnln aptnt the weekend with their parenls Mr and Mm no but Blake at hair lummer home on Rush may mended the flower show at Anxuu r¢h £911 on Aug munnu auntn on llldnwly ruwnnu Mlzkly Mmuu Club Mr and Mn Ciiiiord Robin Iun and lamily Kimioi 0nL mm 111 weekend with their warmly Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinson Brenda Ruhlnsan slay ed ior weekl hullday with her grandparent nwllnlfl AuGulr xl Scull mu Allan Tim um llIlhIIY Pllxol cnmnol chz Ncwl Wnlhu Ivorll cnmnm Dr mhy cmbook Thu Inlandn Unloucmhlu CDC TV Null Wulhef 59am NI Surplclun ma Mian Norman Coulson Toronto vlsxlcd thall alslcr and Vllsnn Meme kan Ind Iami Ottawa vlslled the uncle and aunt Mr and Wnllbr McMackon Aug 25 Waller Hicks returned home from he Shelburne hosplknl on Aumst 14 after belnl plum Hum for 10 week He had heart attack Mr Ind Mrs Mervin Nikon Ind Ian lptnl lhe weekend with frigid nenlm Mr and Mn Thomas Kirk Mn Halley Mn Duke Lee and lllrs Alfred Knight mem hern of I11 True Blue Lodge 512 of Angus are allendlng the lufnme Grand Lodge at Brodb vu thls week Mr mdMrs Thoma Kirk Barrle their daughler Mrs male Bnnun Toronto and their two lrandchlldren Debbla and Leonard Kirk ol Wurmlnmr attended the Hunlcullural Sm cielyl Flower Show at Angus on August Thomas Klrk BunIo wu he judxe at the Ihaw The Klrks vixllad lllrl Duckwonh Mr Ind Mrs John Trot and lamlly Mn Allrcd Soucy and Miss Adrlenne span Sunday at lllldland at Murlyrs Shrine and swayed plcnlc there gAROUNDSIMCOETCOUNTY Mn and Mrs Roland Ham mond Ernmplan and Mr and Mrlr Ernest llnmmond Angus attended the JarmnnCnrr wedd lnz Thornlun United Church An 24 Robert Jnrman Barrie and Mnrgnrcl Isobel Carr wen married by Rev Mr Warr pas tor of the Thornton church ll mr mm In mm hy I9 And cm III III Dcllvma To In mm THERI IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS IIIVICI onlee lawn Their relallm warn hm from Chatham Osh nd Angus And Mrs Alex Robertson returned home last week mm their summer canals at Dnn Church On Aug 18 Ith enlar mm ID membm the family With pignlc unddnnur peryed Sunu lllll vmllon nm Wlh Tnmblom lmllary Chuml NL Nam WI ht Svolh Not So 14ml 31 DUCKWOMH DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS EVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VAllEY TAXI ANGUS CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 ummuu 1m crv mm mm Im rum cum on IIHIAV AUHUII lb IMO Kulaonl um ma lornl In mo Hnrnlnl Mm no Our Houn 100 numl Tn nromr Mull I00 Outdoor Dilflllll CW NONI Wnlhl no pun 1n EI no um II Misses ery June Hudnu Ind GIII Pollock mended lh CNE last week npmenflnl Hi Club and nest of the Department Angmllure Mls shlrely Campbell hu returned home alter upendan twa manllls worklnz ll Camp Anulan at Bollon Mn Mend and and daughter Peggy Macaw PaY Mm Auhur Gross Ind Cheryll Jon Ind David Bow mmuvillc Naw York men week with Mr and Mn Guam Campbell Ind other telndvu By MRS CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Bert Jnmlelon and Mn and Mrs Mel Jamlmn visited Mr and Mn Rod Chi holm ol Niagau FalLIon Sun day ï¬n Ind Mrs An Ledger Gngetown NB are Vilmnl Mr and Mn Cecll mwn Mn And Mn Cllflord Duck wnrlh are spending lew dnyn with Mr Ind Mn Archi Simp son Khflund Lake Mr and Mn Russell Kemp Iler Illd win dlulhlen Geor gina and Chrlstlnl Bellevllle visited Mr and Mn Funk Dunn onwlhe weekend Ind Mn Delorem Sim coe SL Ind their house puny destroyed by Hr on nmdly morning Faulty wlring wu peclzd the ume of the In Mix Erma Duckwnrlh vial ung have In Toronto thll wgnk hit MucKay Ind hlrjhler Mr and Mr and You and family St Thomas spent Scum evmwlth Rev and Mn Ind Mrl Gien Chlsholm Toronto span lha wagkend with Ihelr daughter and lonhhllw Mr and Mn Emu McKnlth Mlu vBeuy Ann Km Mono Mills lelled day last wzek wgpflevnqu Mrs WHHI Sgt and Mn Leo zinur Ind Kenneth Britnell Sun dly In Totem vll their daughter Miss Janie zlnxer who patient In the Taronlo Ggqeul gym brother1M Mr And Mn Cameron Mcflae Mrlnd MmJ Oscar Llnum Mn Gludyl Gnulhlnnnd Mn Wannamlker Attended the Legion drum head Irvin Ind made at the Canaloh Ind mm at Colllnzwood on Sundly allernoon or leI Luv Tn In Thundly Ilavlu He II Cathy Wand 5mm Hum gm TORONTO Slum mud bum 351 Emma BARRIE GUTHBIE lml For ex plc look mix hind when South pllyed In lour hum And Wen lad lhe rkuun cluhl Doclmr took tlub with nu Ind phyla low hurt Wu uun wllh III And ulurncd lhl ck ol clubl tamed by mum out mm it Pu Openinl Iud queen clubs Thl m0 lurnullnl part of Mid II that Ill any In min mislnkc Ynu plug Ilonz hand Int hlfld trying him Ivald error and then cl luddrn ynu goal and ma camel lumbllnl down Mon thl llmc lhl mmlh ou mlde could mlly thO Ivnldcd but Iomelhinl went wranl wlth Ihc think ma chlntry And lhc enllnl lame hn tanked out DAILY CROSSWORD Ibbn Twhlddun IO Inï¬llI 1p LR Elmo mm Cloth mm mm nu ll Proof IL is BOWLING RESULTS 1h lelu Bowling Club GIII Elll Roepman of st Catharine the nllevinx mnmxer at the Royal Bunk whllu Mr Veal ll on hnlldly Connalullllou Mr Ind Mn William Urblxnkl on tho birth or mu Aonou um Ind ii John Vul and Johnnie It on two week holldny with lend In northern Ontario Ollllll Elll Emlfh 12 Monday for leerll Wu Africa where he will be teaching In Teachers Callus the coming year He eh Manon by plane and was making mp ll Montreal and Tili Sle henmn visited Sun day in Tor nko with MI liner Marque Slephensun Mn Belly Wallace pal lem In Stevenson thorlal Hos me Alllslnn having lulleer broken bone in her not Mlu Wllllee and Mn mm of Tomnlu ave been visltlni thalr Intern11w Mrs Belly Wallln Soul dnler NothSouth vulnenble By MRS MC Mr and Mn Charla DLury Iccomplnled by their daughter Mn Gertrude Maher and Zen Ann of Toronto hlvo returned Iran trip to Wu Vlrxlnla Mlues Mym and Said Cmpbell Betty Caldwcfl and Dyan Junelu spent last week cunplnl near 01min Ilnor Mn loom Gumballem minim lamuy dblnur par t1 on Saturday evening or her mother Mn Wallm 0m Smlon who will be eightylam on Am Later In the eve nln Mn Lloyd slrnchan Marina Emu Ihowed mlny beautiful nude 01 thelr war II mluionnrle In Em and also had on display many article In in 113111 man in In Burl Hosp mm mm Mu mm séomm din Shop attended flu Himnd Glmea alut Wgek TOTTENHAM Al ¢Au CONTRACT BRIDGE xa uxou QKTII ¢Ku mummy nod um 11 mm my ni Grimm Aconm pllahmnt Mlhll town um 99m polllla By JAY BECKER Ilup 71 In In can MMUM and uni11a not 21 rm nn mm runan Dub Nil 10an nl epeulnl drrn nbla ys you run lnlo Hut Ippul In mnkl no dill nro Ihould Ilwny bl viewed wllh Iusplclon you Ignore lhem or Inn them with dh Inspect lhey hnva may cl coming hack to haunt yau especially ll they lHtcl your bank account umnwllu nu cluh Cnnxldcrlnl lhal West had bld two clubl Saulh llmuld have mnda allowance lm lhe poul blllly that he had nvmnllcd will xixAcard lull and would have pmtectrd azalml llut danger by playlnl lhI klnz lmm dummy Scth had done this he would have made lhe mnlrncL He would lead heart at lrlck two and gel lhe club relum just the lame but the outcome wauld have bncn vastly diacr ml East mind 50th would wln wllh ha Ice In ullher case he wauld lose only three tricks IL hurt diamond Ind Saulh xhauld hnva mad lhe hand He Upped ll trick on mny not hnvl mmod Important nl 1hr time whether he won he opening lead In dummy with Ih klng qwn hand with the nre bui later events provnd hat would hava hem Wise lake Ihe Hrs trick in mm king Ind rufled by East clnrer later 10 dlamand and club and went down one rpsull wutl litrTand Mn sandy Demp Irlg cajled qn Mn Durlng thelr parenu absence the Welland children spent luv day wllh lhelr grandparenu Mr and Mn John Ellls nu oilWednesday Afternoon flu Several mm Utopia attendcd 115 ONE Toronln 7135 week Mn and Mrs Verne weilund Angus and Mr and Mrs 11 Robinson Camp Borden vlsmd Mend in Washingmn last week Douglas Bridger n1 Leif0y visited or lew days last week with his uncle and Aunt Mr any Mm Bush Friends Ind nelghbm 01 Tom Exell were happy to hear he had mumed home mm the hospital ï¬n Toronto Friday mumoon wmma Cairns $33 Mn Wai icn oi Drillin visited Fred Mc Cann Sunday evening By MRS KEN BUSH Mr and Mn John Elton and Joanne Scarborough went day yup Mr and Mn John am last week Mr and Mn 11 vw1laan spent last Wednesday wllh Mr and Mrs Malllonv and ï¬rmly Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson spent last Wednesday In OrlllIn with Mr Ind Mn Jack Simy son Hammond Daria Audu lan and Mnrlarel Clarldxa won he Earl Rows hophy at Bee lon Greens last Saturday There was also draw on mm am They went to Marv gm Donnan Mra Lauder Hamlhon and Ray Baxler The lpldel won ben Palmer hand palnllnz by Hazel Wnlkem Th6 wlnnen were Mn An damn with three wins Mn Filmer am that win Mrs Kelly olMarkhlm high as wo wins and Mn Earth 91 Mandala blah for an win Day Triplel lmirsney ï¬nd PM pflzea PHONE PA ml 31 mdom Mew1 kl mm or In mi a1 nimid WHA nous IAIWE EXAMINER THURSDAY Auausr 1n £53