45 3mm Emmi ENEMY waver FROM HERE THERE Congratulations to couple of bail layers and their wives on recent addi tions to their amiiies Pitcher Al Smith of RCAF Edgar is the proud daddy of new boy while Don Morrison of Smiths Dairy is telling all about his new daughter Al will probably have softball in his young iads hands soon After the amount of work had in the playoff series against Barrie Plaza hell welcome the relief For Don its now boy and girl Ha py birthday to Stewarts Gara pitcher Butch Boy who celebrates his 20th blrt day today Bowling lea es will be opening soon and the ocai alleys are ma Kregarations now for leagues Hope to run off the li tar softball game rea soon In case you havent been following picked team from the senior league and Barrie iaza coach George Miles lcked another But no date has been set yet retty hard to line it up while the playoffs are going on Outdoors column ist Steve onescu is back from vacation Probably has few stories to tell in Thursdays column To night at Queens Parir Barrie Mldgets will host Etobi co in the first of bestofthree OASA pin down series Second game will be played ihurs in Etobicoke Game time is set for 830 and wii fol low an intermediate Softball League playoff game between Smiths Dairy and Lakeview Daisy Smithe actually talked about pulling out of the glayoifs last night They are more than little distur ed over the changing of the dates for this am from Friday night to torgg spokesman for executive said it was decid to have game on the first open night and tonight is the night they found an opening Tonights the night the hockey fans of Barrie get chence to volce elr opinion and decide whether or not they went hockey teem to operate in the city this season public hockey meeting will be held at the coun cil chambers city hall at eight oclock and anyone with any interest in hockey for the coming season is asked to attend LAST SEASON an Intermediate hockey club operated out of the city but the executive of the club decided to resign early this summer and now the fate of hockey for the coming season could well depend on the meeting tonight It is expected that members of last you execu tive the arean commission and other mans in the osiilon to ve their inion on who can be done have hoc ey here be on hand tonight It wont do much good to pass inions and ve suggestions tomorrow Tonight is time iorii at But ouii find so many who will he criticizing the me ng who didnt have ihe interest to attend YOULL HEAR Why didnt they do this and so forth tomorrow The same people couldnt be found in the rink if the deciding game of Stanley Cup final was played here This type of person really hurts hockey in town where every fan counts And every town has them No agenda has been drawn no chairman has been named or the meeting omeone will prob abhy be appointed from the floor to act as chairman an then it will be wide open discussion Several letters have arrived at the oltlce and many people have either celled or talked over the sltuntlon at ball parksr There seems to be consldereble interest but the real extent the Interest will be known at tonights meeting REGINA CF Gznml mlnunr Ken Pmlvn Su knlchcwnn noughddm denlcd Monday nlzht hll club exerted any pnuuu an qulrlerhnck Jack Erandl In Iowa Elmldjl Shla Cyjlegn nl Bimjdje Minn The UnTlad sum collelo Monday accused the Rough Ilgnlnl Brandt lo pm eulmll contract when lull Md war mum loolhnll Wu left me dualca la luck Pmlon lald He came out mu the mm lrnln luwlh the Idea of making permnncnd pol on In club and lnlnhlnl all 111 oducnuou ï¬ller Chi11an 10on UP Toronlol Dick Rhino wllh hll nnme nl mnly the Enllcm Foolan Cnnlmncu Imrlnl menu hm nmd nollcn flunk he Inland lo km ll lhcru or while DruIlla Arxnnnull luIUlln hnp Ihwlng In lurano win In our llmu ï¬hnllo II II mdy In Iron lho luxuo In Individual Imrlnl It llma when he In mom with my IAIch IEINIKI has lulu nudquulm th lhc veteml hnlflmck ml lullch wllh hmr lourhdowl In MI mm hr palnll Ill urnr nlnl we pnlnln mnlrronrq mm Ill ï¬ll In nod for puinl maul m1 nmnor Jnmlu nleln lamur lmrk wll Ievrhml Ilmwm who Mncd llnmlllun nuvrCnll In un uon Don Hullmln nl llnmllwn Mm rd he leuuu In pm hlrru repllunn 1m year Iklml MI lo lhlnl ulm wllh 11 mm Annnur kicker Otllnun ulna II hull with polnll Rhlllo ClMl flulhnin ll nnrluo up Leif Choice Up To Player jShatto Leads Points Race The umlng hflfl 500 000 000 III SPORT AT GLANCE Hockey Meeting Set For Tonight By RICK FRASER Exnmlmr Spam Edmu OSLO lAl lnul Enark Um Cnnndlnn lprrdlknur In volml In land car which In wlnlcr hu chlllmxad Nnrlh American edxkulm Ind uld would dul lhcm III nn lhru lhu our Olym pl dllnncu Knock mad llw chnllmgn Mondny ullar Icunm lhnl the Clnldllll Skull Unlnn lull no numlnmd hlm lnr lhI Cann fllln lum In In Olym wln it nmu ul lnnlhrut Am Im angry and dith wlnled ukl he anonln Ilnlu sun Irwin my In Ill urldmt lull VIII ler bul purich m4 In ml um lulu In mum and did molly good marlin lhc Ind my III III Illll lull Enoch Im now llm In Ollo Mldx Hum new challenud nll Nvflh Amnlun Iknlm Io mad In our Ulymrlc dlr hnm II tn mo nld IM dullth ll druud lho Canrill Eul lu Union In mu FLAG PRESENTS BIG PROBLEM SUVA FIJI AP The South Padnc Glmel will opcn on this Puma Island Thur dny and In lama way they will be Ilka lhu bl Olymplcl whlch lama pmblrml Fm mum when an at For ï¬nance when am at the 500 nlhlem wlm lhl flux 01 HI colony or lnrrllory will In mind Ind lha nlllonll Inlhmugll unnonu fly Ihc Union chk Ind Iln God Suva the Queen No lly Ihu Franch lrlcolor Ind ulna Ln Mnmlllnln And 000310 both jolnlly Idmlnlmred New Hubrldu ruched In In umuu mmpmmlu It will bring flu but In hull Un Ion Jntk Ind lull Tricolor wllh lwo Iqunm om bluo Ind om lulu rtprmnllnl 1M Itrrilary Iporu luodnllan Challenges Speedskaters CALGARY CP British Columbia Lions seem have no Intenuun ol lleng up halt drenan room to maka room or Grey 01p lnallm his All in Vancouver Emplrl stud um If they can keep up lhelr cur rent pace the Lions will mu be In business when the Canadian Football Leagues championshif decided on melt home He They awept their lamb win In our mm here Mondny nluht halting the Western Cun terence favorite Calgary 5mm pedm 2219 before record 11 500 fans In McMghnn Stadium The Shiny had been pegged the most powerful team In 13 9° But the Lions led by fullback Nub Deamera two touchdown In the third qnamr overcnme an lead Calgary enjoyed II haUlee to hecoma lha only maInln unbeaten mm In the The wln nave 80 xhlra 1m place in the WFC mud hm with Calgaryelch with elm polnu Smkakhewnn Rouxhrldan and Winnipex Blue Bomber Ihlra lecond place wlgh 03h polnfl Canadian rookie Biil Kempi continued hi tiiecilva kicking or the Lions booting lwa laid goals and convert Neil Bonu mgnl nyidcxi IinlieR have Coleman led or Um WFC ICDHHI lead with Dcamer and Bobby Taylor scared touchdown nplcce or Calgnry Larry Robinson kicked Held on two convert and Alnzla and nnolhtr alnula wnl kicked byHm Furlong The Llons othnr lwo polnu came an my louth in he mond quarter when Norm Fleldum blocked Furlm kickIn tho quzafy 3ndxope fCuIlnry rchwllbhlï¬iï¬nibbrl wu blunt We didnt play bad jux Inn 51 gal HS hnslcï¬a Kidd Imivovcr Um nve mlnlnu mum dIdnl WW ï¬n Llonl wln wnl dampnncd by an Injury to halfhnck Sonny 111 THE CANADIAN TRIM Fullbnck Nub Burner Brit Ilh Columbl Liam moved up In lhnru um plum th Cnllnryl lnvcll Colemm he Wulcm Foothill Conform Icor hlz rncn Mnndly 11th llenmer Immd lvm nudi downl hII lcnm Muted lhl stampede me In Cniunry Colemnn Item lounhdawn Ind bum MVI so polnu Cllury flanker Llrry Robln Ion look so occupancy of up and he with lo mini Balm MI we canvrru 1th zonl and linllo Monday nlxhl he flurtd wmnd with ncnmrr and mmIn Jlm Dolllrd Column Humor Robinson Kemp 1m nonn1 Flcmlnl idler Thornton ï¬lemlnz ll runm WIIIIAMI Pitchers Dave McNIlly left We stock the mum Orioles Icralch their held an may look the but rack And Share Lead In WFC Race Stampeders Bow To Lions 2219 nlc lender1 lo mllywr at or MM um It In well mnu you In nnmndlnl Mm lo DANGERFIELD MOTORS WANT ILC NM loos 0000 0001 noun mos PAY OFF 30 coach Dave Skrlen who leu lured the Man had tossed awny credited de realm club or the win Homerfund be bmken rim anklewhen Homer wn hll ranching or pm late in the mend Inlf The Stump were on the move In the third umer when pan Interception the Llnm Elll Muncey on the 130 llva yard ling meg the qny Po went 27 yard or lnnInK touchdown Elrllor 1n the unr ler he cared mm the our yud line He now has le ouch duwn in our nines Coleman 4b Ive Coleman crushed over from the threeyard Ian In the ond quarter met qunrterbnck yAhuq Taylor with HAMILTON CF Ontario look commundlnl land In tho Cnnndhn Lawn Bowllng Chnm plomhlpa herb Monday akan Victoria In every event61n zlq qalrx 151d nun lbs end he um two round um Iveum mm Onlulo ltd the compzunx Lmvlncel with polnll Quo and Drlthh Columbia In dad for Hand pllu will 1th p0an Ipleca lrfCXuHVcouIIe any bllbfllï¬l ha Cauldlnn lunlor all chimplgpxhlp foilrd touchdown pm VIUIORIA CH Ynunl Keller wllh manmed Iwhm amull lha Ugh Ind damnndlng palwood Ga Ind Coun For cm rcpment nlnn pmvlnm in openln dly wlll also mun chlnco la wln lho our mun Inlzr provincial Implomhllp nrmm Columb ll Mond lnu chumplon and with lhl homoeoum Idvnnluu II vond In with Iha lum Illa wanjm yangI Monctan marrmqu Trophy mind In tho mm wllh lh The youth from Canada And Wuhlnnon sun will or 0110 of 32 quulllyinl pallllam in mholyuqunlflylpl round other pmvlnm mmenlod wlll be Album Salknlchcwnn Mlnltohl Onllrlc Quelm Nov 5coll Ind combllml New Bruanch Prlnu Ed uni IIImi mm 5mm lllmllwn cl nrlmxv Ian II Inlld herloHor nullonnl undmll um llnmlllon hnl won Ivu1 loumlmtnl ho hu enlmd in Onlnrlu um mr and It In mldn lhl uml ll ondun play to on hindlup well may might Neither 1m eve made In the ma jor luaxues McNally Mar Ind Stock 15 Mun39 Even Iunior Meet Opens Today Ontario Bowlers Take Big Margin CLOSING FOR VACATION For mo wmplm whul allgvmmw lnmo and Ill unle Ind who balancing in Hmy Marduk FROM AUG 24 lo SEPT HARRY MURDOCK WHEEL ALIGNMENT The semiInn In the Ends and Dlsmet Church Sollblll League opened 1m nllhl on two lrunu and Shamy my the clan ol the lama All nelson and Ornithunt took the opener bostloreo Ierlu Alberta And Sulllchawln In mr nlace wlth our polnLl leach Mullah Icorelen 11m mime provlncu are no npmxenud In thalcompew 11ml bring held the Churchill Field Llwn Bowl Club In the singlet OntlrIuA Gard Mlcmllnn wallow Ron LI Plum Snahichewnn 1H whlla Sand Hounnn Brllllh Columbln dented Blll Lord of Manllobn 2110 uebecl Elan llnllInhud won ucond mund 1115 deluuu Albenl chk Coward ln lhe pain Sukatchuwln Emlo Cummlnu Stun new law dawned Brllhh Columhll Herb Hams chk Delhnunl 2015 Ontario nny ml dul Darlch defeated 0Ilalh9 flu le Buford uhVIII Sham an Yam out Inled Mnnny Hum odlard 10 Yuyothlnod huhnu lenn oulpolnlal Mnlolo wlunnm um Jpn 11 tm lhn Orltnm wallomnluhl chm plonlhlp Shanty Bay undefeated thI year belted Gilhum Hemm ed 121 and losers Al Hammer and Wayne Kloosterman com blgned or the loss Leli homey tookha win with strikeouts Thu name wu pilyad ll Qucenl Puk while Shear Cnizhurn look dedrion over st Andrewl on brilliant lhirlkeaui periorrnanco by Terry Hndgsnn Ho am up live hill and only Bob Hooprrl seventhinning triple was well minim zividz up nu ma WIN IN PAIM lln 11 um Blll Elva look In any win our Mlnlwbl chk Juk lon HI Mitchell mm In nun Duebm rulnh In tho nun Quebec um 11 Dukalow mm Elliofl Jm Form John llondarlan dropped dimly contented ma mm to Ontario Ml wmlo Ed Lune Curly Lynoll Jim m°v noundl llnxlu puln Ind loun to be plnyod lodny vim lhl flnll on chnaldly whm lhl chum ionl In uch th lhm oven wlll an II THE AMDCMTED PM plolts AP Winpholo SemiIinals In Church League Open more theyu mmxjnllgg Bu mey never mm to unï¬‚ï¬ Mung FIGHT RESULTS IgnEdgeArqu ml the lam Stowartn Gum howlnu thorny 1n Ivory annulment completely mused BinII mm In the opmlnu me hulqgaqvgn Swag59 bgu Ln Illa ï¬nal lut nllhl at Queen Park when they loom vlgtory Second um 01 the mm In mntlllvely or Quml Plrk muudly nlzht suwnll turned In pom ul display of hitting which om 1L0 Wen Dawney and chk Var Seven 01 then went for mu bum Plan couldntfdo much wllh rlrhthundu Butch Boyd may 1pr him or two hlu In an opunln Innan buk mulled only two more the ml 1h My god both then mu cum ln tha mm mm Boyd wolind up with 11 min oull Ind Ive up but on pm BIG 11mm Pei by led Ill Milan with sin double Ind and In moied thy ninl huemm Prod Culling ddivmd the blues blow of tha um mud Illm homer la the third inan He also had ling and yound up with Illhm blind Plaza Trounced 124 Stewarts Garage OIVE HOCKEY PLANS XJMACK NY AP nu Bevin Unlonl world thlm lon hating lum wlll 0pm Mr cc In um hm Inlml Lon him Duth ol the Enlnm ochy hum lho Duck Announced Monay 111 km nuld wlll play ll lam Ill other 1mm In lhl um gitu III In Enum knu Jlm Edwlrd Ilso embed homer or StewWI Guam Falconer had pair at double Ind Jim Bermm wn another twwhll mun Imlcklna on FL Thms Plan our hill went for extra bum Gary Elna blasted twwun homer whllo Jlm Pratt Ind Hlmy Mlxllun ducked In with doublu Plaza at the jump In an um Innan but they didnt en Jog numb men Re 1311 inn£15 nah6n limited wiih Bne out Wen Downy flied out than The mm Dick the Bulldol Brewer and 11 Bun clplured the min van In nluhll wmmn cm the BanIa Ann let Ianan Yukon Erlc lo the In two 111 11m nu lnnlcted by The Beast on Yukon Ed by crush lnl dun hold mm In 10 mln ulel 29 leconds utter ha hell Yukon Ericl turnmun SeaV Yukon Er turnmm SeaV man An Thom wrextlod with The Bean or cw mluum onlY IN Ippemd against the mild or pboug plunges 1m lama bemly hold Izalmt Yukon Eric wn imposed by The Bean Ihonly Iller the lecond bell went Ind the bulky Alu knn went down within flvo min mu mmi The crowd round with div approval and melen wax pro vanled by he when to match was mntcd Yukon Eric and Sumnn 11mm to be held Sepla Bulldog Beast Capture Main Event Rematch Will Be Held waver lhu MI Lu bran hu llmd Kaly on umnn rollcr npan tnn4 in mp In Paterbomu In 10d LThmlllfllh to an ad pml Human KELLY IS NOT SIGNED YET NROMO CPIfled Kelly hasnt lencd hll 1063M con lrm wllh Toronto mp1 Leah but no ona ll really wgrrl Ibout lLyd Keiiy currently Lihmi member 01 PIriinmeni wcii valenn Mickey pilyer doesnt knuw hlmui wheihur hell be pinyin mh Imam inhq Nuuqmliiqcigey honeHy dont know he laid In In MervinI Mandly nlxhl knuw wontAth cantdo It my dlrl lug yur didnt mlu mater vou lhl wyoumld pllynr Idded But II In loo laugh on Iverybody mylall Ind my qrflu nm In hll llnl you In Pullman Ind MI flu In lhc dual rule lludanhockoy Ilylr Kalli ad to commulo tween Vonw Ind hmnto Amer 10 limo devaiaped Putt Inflowad with double lo McClnskcy threw wild In third Ind Jlm Barium um relrlavlnl tho bull thraw wide la the phle allowinx Barron to Icon TWOOUI RALLIEB Downe not me In two men be me In the bottom of the flu but learn Falconerl double limedstewms on mmnm lplum Lorna Arm lunnu allowed Fulconur with double Jim Edwards was we an An am And McCloIkey singled bum mun munde ouglor 91th out thla lntln third rallying ualu alter the Hm twn men were reumd Th1 am My went or Mr In www mind Illm half which moun ted or the four rum The blnl milked lunar Downy and Jnck Valr wu called In to 15 Plan had their best Innlnl 1n the HM when they mm three nm and Gary HInen tworun home my ambush 3mg Sluwml so in back in their half of the tram when Edward homered with the ham amply and Memoskey tripled Ind scored on mums NW Cutllnx drove in his llxlh run In the nventh when his single neared McClmkey who wan on 5on wllh doubla Burton Wln Downey mu cl Wen Downuy Valr Falconerl mend double ol the amp scored we run In the allhth Inning and this ï¬nish ed In lcnrlnz when tho Misha Dutrayer and lllla Dllpnlo wrangled each other on the In wow ollhm lull match The Dalmyer was disqualified alter he won lha um All tar ynvlng In phleck In hand nu cut llke mum Th6 benroyer uniblood hn Diapan shortly below he was dlguujlflgg For CalharlneL playing conch Jim McNully cored lhree small Derry Davlcl and Brian Thom ncmd two each And Gary Maor lCONd one Brnmplon Bruce Fenlloy and BI Culnor Icond lwn xnnll euth Jon Caruso Wayne Thumpan Ind Km Richardson Ilnxltd Emiln in ob act Inn Hand Than begin hand draw the Fred Atkins wul the winner uIInII Thu Mllth Ursul who almost manned In flanr Alkln In the 11m lo mlnulcl the rim bout ST CATIMRINES CP St Catharine defeated Brampton 87 hm Manda night in tha flflh lame ol air but of Ieven Ontlrio Lacrosse Amm uan unkn umIflnnln Brlmplon land he Ierlcs 31 wllh the unh lame to bu lecd in Brampton Wednesday night St Catharines Posts Victory BOX SCORE Bmlg Pllll All AT 11M PLAZA Mlklflï¬ï¬ï¬‚lf HOLIDAY BOWL PIN BOWLERS CI Now Far Your Em AIA Tum Or lndlvlann Mens Muior Pin league Begins Early September MINIMUM AVERAGE I90 MIXED lEAGUES NOW FORMING Thll 01hr Explru Sophmhnr 4H FREE GAME OF PINS BRING IN THIS AD FOR YOUR ll COLLIER STIIIT Attention Stawnfll 304 020 IIIll 14 Flu locomooot amnion PM lulu Dewy thl ll BUN said 311 Summary 25 mu Martin Falconer Amulmnl McClaskay IE Edwnrds Cut unu HR Hines Edwards Cunlnl SH Tract Bert ram HPB Amummz by Dawney WP Downey Val DP mu Hines Donneily LOB Umpires Hm plate Knapp Campeau bases The Calllamh mm an zany 3011me players who huvv milled lhounnda of spam Inns M705 ho nation wlu Im rlva In town lomormw mm at their exhlbIllon mun um against Slawula Garage to morrow vcnlnl Queenn Park L1 ha mun or the much talked about or es and the lame wlll not dunvny Al seven oclock The Cuties who dma llkl mnlc and hue such dunne lm as Um Juno lplcbmd hove and Beulah 34inch mldgcl have many spedl wu lined up Prlxcs will be drawn or the arm and the op who 50 gallons xmollne That will be 0m other wlhh luv 2000 each Cuties Play Game Here Wednesday Totals LIZA JANE PA 151