Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1963, p. 6

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loo In fly Iml In man wan lmmuul In the tom vul up IIUI on My IIIIr Ill IlMIwrm oulolwrdlodx HIM Ilium lw quldly Iupwriednn Im now lnlnl wlm man who would he an Mu human In my mum yuu W0 plan In many In In Ihrn up th um um mm muu uv My iioilnnrlw Ill mlnL non Ann Landau llu Um Ian come Ior In ml llu Ikmllm ml time And lrll my chlhlrm llwlr luUur In hu bun Ivar conlrllrly llm 10 Inn And now rll flunk hand ml bu lrfemll Pardon mowoll Jun nod Du Dont mm My uln ceru npolozlu you Ind lo an other who Ilmlluly Al Illdod hnd no ldu no man Xc lullcr lrvm umullll In gum handy think Mind lmm 6m of ile 60101th with wot noodlo In you Tooh This on ma llnltlnu blooper DONT MIAKE JUST NOD know becnuu lor yum lvo lummd wllh he pmblem and WI Ill nmlcllon wouldnt win on tho devil hlmull 5031 tuy Emirath Hubby hundxhnka you culled II dend IMPdoc not ntcumfly mum Iho per lon lulu enlhmdnlm or Inter Somellmu ll limp mm 3h popr tuy yu rll Dnr Ann LIndHIX Slncn you lnncy yourch II lulnlllbla lhll Iclltr le come II unl blew You hnva erred mmcll Nelllelon mind manner 01 Banla branch The Bunk of Tomma hu been In the city over the weekend In connection wllh perom um bullnesa Now mldlnn in 0mm Mr Nekllctnn hu been Iocnled In Germany and Prlnct Edward lllnnd Ilnca leaving Bar xla our yum no zLL Jimmy Wiiflr ha re Iumzd home or xhort vacu Iicn with his partnis Mr and iiirli Warren Wiiuar PM Simi prior to returning or tho next mm Univeraiiy oi Waterloo Since May Jimmy ha been Camp Potawawa and Sundown ailchad lo the Second Eniin iion Canadian Guard Regiment Ha member of lhe Canadian Oiiicm Traininl Com at am ivenliy Senlor Mllar and Mn Guam Cum New Glnlzow Nov WESTERN HOLIDAY Mr Ind Mu Lloyd Lemmon Toronto wen hand guest or two weeks at tho em Gnmble Ron Street Min Ellun Shauzhnesay and Miss Edna Hardnker have iumed to the city after Ich wnk our to Viciarlu Ind Vnn convex British Columbia HOME FROM ARMY CAMP Mum Dorothy and Audrey Allwm M15 Mabel mee and Miss Ncllle RIbe hm trimmed to Wlnnipex allowing two weelu hollday at the home Mm John Nay Ron Street TORONTO GUESTS WINNIPEG GUESTS ANN LANDERS LINDA LEE ITURGESS 1m mule placed am In the open French horn cum pelluon at tha CNE Lde has won an Klwanh Scholmhlp Avoid HandShake Fellow Sufferers SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES BARBIE MUSICIANS WIN Home our lrIrml lml nin llru whn have had mnmu llml mmlull Mlm mmphln Mum lhclr lvlllla Ind how with they hum II My hmlund My qulmnd and mlm In muldnnl In llxln Mt0r In In qunllllcd to ma up In mer Mn In uur mun an WI made ml nvenmenu ml um lllll Incl we mnnaurd In pull You say you cnnl Ilfoni Io my In mm My you wnnl Um sped at your mull or nnym aIoynu cant Al lord NOT lo lay In ham Du An Mann lhlnk you nilml he wlih ynur re ply tn Cant Flinn Illho pmnn vim wanted lnnw why lama all who ham In money And llu high Inan llmrl Acry Irpr nymlh dllldirn bur Keeper Sorry Moth bul lhmwl film ll our human lomlmmc Alm plug ll nonlly pollnhed or ID you will MJmllly your ndufl 1n Um mu your Na my chlldnn hav dWficd lnlklnu lo ma beenqu at lave mm The 001m are turning mighty cooL They no my bdmvinr II lndmnl vhtn my old son InId Whal do you Ihlnk dad would my about mm wu lemyicd unlnnd wholo Ilory Hun Ind lhm Would be Junlllu KIZEIEII OF THE CLOBEI KIWI for vlnlllnx una another When In to hJI city my with hlm In hh lynxmen by came cant word houL 5mm Ind dnuzhlcr Georgin ol alllnx have barn renew lnz ltqullnlnnca In he clly or the past week and vhillnz lhclr mn Robert For Icvernl yam Nate Intended to cont Iln unenl Ibchl Ill lb clly Ind dumu Weddlnl ur nlvcmrlu lambda brldn pull comm nlln pu llu mum Ind mnllcrl Item lnleml to um rudm cl all my Yanr hrln ln Iupplylnl lhll um will null upgra cm phonn lhl Binl Enmlner ll PA H511 Ind or Eileen Dunn or Audrey Coalan In Wam enl Dev11mm chm uhoiarshlp from the Conservatory Music and nholnrahip from ha CNE In he pan She 15 third yam nudent in music education at ha University Wm ball but became ol lhll polity nobody mm or whnl we hul in pan the mm will you Muhamm mu TEAM hm hm Conlair ll mind And whllc ynun try Doll dmv In for me you plan nu Mun howml In AM flnrnmnmh llnmlul nullldc Jolunmhmh hull mm Ulla 1000000 Innunlly Prlor to bar marriage to nab comm Mlu Joanne Kcmlo doughler of Mr Ind Mn Kalth Mtlell of Woulnllnn Elm wm Wu gum boner ll oovml onleh lanmtnu Mlu ery flloclllr wu houua or lllchm shower hold at ho harm Mr pmnll Mr and Mn lcur Bln lllokn sum pmonll er won hold by Mlu llulhor lmrowrr ol Toronto Anothcr Ihown holleu mu Mlu Elin bolh Smkh Illo cl Toronto MrL Villllm Llllk enlerlolncd luncheon pan all her lur on Ammo ruldrnn Dinner pnfly honu Includtd Mr Id Mu Edmund JohMon cl To tonlo Mr and Mn flonnld Stewart of Nelson sum and Mr And Mrs Imr Oliver Mldhunl pmcnlnllon no mark lo lho hrlda by the null of Hmrry Collulnle Toronlo Followlnl ho mddlnl Mom Mr Ind Mn Churlrl Gull lle PAfmll of tho luMqroom enlmnlnrd It bridal party lluIr luhldo Drlvo mlnknro IIan him dllmmd ll mnluI lhrm lul boiler 11 cry rluhl llmll wIlh lhrm Tm olvl any nl Mlury lnm rompy ll me mm Burton Avenue wu honored Im lly reunion bald ll Sprinnnler Pmk an Sunday Mr anrtnco lha olden Iurvlvlnx member of the IIme celebrated 60th birthday on Aug 21 manlytwo lutvlvlnl mtmbm rellive and descendant thu Llwmm lumlly which orlnlnlllr um 10 1h dImlcl tram Enn Ind mar than hall century Isa gulhun ed or In lnmlly vlcnlc ENTERTAINMENH llgNOflEQ AT REUNION Mn Emu Dupuls and daugh ter Lina or Fan wnllnm have been vthnx In the city zucm Mn Dupull paronll Mr and Mn Humld Evanl Rodney SL Among the outotctty guest M10 Attended the ChrhttaMd Kemle wedding It Coltler Street United Church on Saturday at temaon were Mr and Mn Alfred ml and daughter Lindl Schumadm Royce Little Thet ord Quebec Mr and Mn John Little Seven lelends Quebec Mrs Robert Kleven Sudbury Mtse Karen McKlnnon Mr And Mn William Smith Ind daulh ter Etlubeth OdinIlla Mlem Heather and Dawn narrower Sturgeon Falll Mlu tubal Dempsey Streuord Mr and Mn Thoma Lee Hernflton Ml Margaret Hughu Ottnm Phl Dechmnn Mr and Mn Edmund Jnhuetpn Mr add Mr L9 Crooks ML Catheran Mb Kenzle all 01 Toronto Mr and Mn chk Lewil Samlu ML Vloh PharreIl undon Jim Neob Kitchener And Mr And Mrs Gordon Van Altar of Whldxor Major Crews was commandant In charge the Salvation Army Citadel In Barrla WEDDING GUESTS AWARDS IIT EXHIBITION MISS HEATHER McNIVEN at Valley Dr placed am In the 17 and under French horn competition In the brass sec Mon at the Canadian National Exhlbnmn Heath hu been nun mm Fouryuer Knrtn Tvulh vu nn unqullllled Iucuu Rnlurdny whm Ihc model tMI mlnkInll Mklnl at CnMdlln Nlflnml Exhlblllnn 1mm thaw In Toronla No II II wllh mmly nlklnl Quebec Entry Wini Blind Competition The Special Canadian National Exhibition Weaving Award was won by Miss lamina Circo oi Laprniria Quebec for her tnlry In the Work ol the Blind weaving oompeiiion Mr Mclgm took the Spa dal CNE Weaving Award 315 In lha hospital class Mr Lean In tom Sennayflln Que n1 uw More than 1000 entries wen received mm mm Canada laminate ynitedfilnm In In helmai clau 3103Eduw Jflfléflffi uked to play flu Count of Sun the West Auditor lum at the CNE on Sept II which limo the will be prawn ed with Icholnnhlp aha hu wan PERMANENTS fill99 All hr 1h lUDflIT IAIDN HIGH MI ll Mpln A17 OIEN lVININflI ADD LITTLE TWIST Phfllol Dy Nrnhk flown lhc runwn and bnrk In Iho mun mode llnt ruullno Karen Hand In lhl Ipollluhl ml dld An lmwnmplu will CNE mulkllnl quirk plchd up tempo In Kann WW ICP erepham Min Janet McKenzie the bridel liner wal maid oi honor The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Sincllir Min Heaflur Halrower oi Slurmn Fall and Min Eli abelh Smith oi Onkviiie Colller street UnllcdChmb Wu Idolnod wlth Ilandardl yellow gladloll and mm dal IloI Ind candelabra or the ovnlnl ceremnny Aug 21 Lloyd Mfard presided at ha arm brlda la the daughter Mr and Mrl Kennath McKenzie at Wellington Street West Tho bridegroom la the Ian at Mr and Mrs Charles Chrlrtlo of Parkaldu Drive Mr McKenle escorted thu hrldu down tho whlto carpetzd Illll and am her in mnrrlaxa Her own at white can do role was lull lanzth on need wlth lelllabrlc rom and chapel train matching ahrlc ran haaddrm held the elbow length volt silk fllualon tulle The brlda carrled ban not of whlta ram Ind Itephano mum VAflENDANlS slmllnr mm lennh own golden yzllow lllk nhanlun with lace averSacha were won by Ike attendants Their headdres AIDED CATS VICTORIA CF The Cats Pmtectlva Leanne here In about 10000 richer III result Iupreme court Halo that Mrs Margaret Alnxander was mentally competen when she the residua of her mm to the lenzue The fund to be In to find home for unwanted en $500 prize money wn awarded In the prize winner 1n lhla calm In the blind dlvlslon more an 400 enlrlu were celved with $500 awarded to lha numcmpl wlunen All winning entrlu In these competition which no sponsor ed by the CNE Womenl Dlvl IIon may be can In ma Exhlbn Hall or the Queen Elizabeth Bulldan unul Sept firefly wedding was Ialemn had qardlner Skelly When Jeanna Louisa McKentfa exchanged vnwa with Ruben Chum Chrlxlle CHRISTIEMCKENZIE Jadluond Jar Jul EMBASSY CLUB Malta WEDNESDAY 5m 4111 SHOWING 5mm pm pm IIRESHMINTI FREE ROSE T0 LADIES TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT SUSSMANS JOAN UMHHC ll DUN IT wm jawLiana jar 3a Vows Exchanged At August Rites Balm you evcn consider color Ichemo or conflder decor Allan youll have to decldo who lype o1 waddlnl you with Your choice will bu determined not only by your dream but Also by your hmllyl dmm Ilnnm when you Ilve the Um of year your church Basically then In Lhrco type of weddluzl forml anon refund to Icmlvlormul Ind luddgnlplly by lnr ho most Humiltu but IIIX rmfly do emlfil thurth or home dflmrnflmm you filth Thu lnmml woddlnl ll lh Ilull drum In mud on Irldltlonnl Ill beaule Ind rt It run am Ihnnlldly lwll You may luvu lot or Fonnnl Invllnllon lulu mm llun mil ml uld pin wemony und announce mcnll or man not lnvlled lo ellher Formal nlllrn or Ede JM or groom but man uxlml and lnlhm lSumrmr whlll Hum Ill or lllhl flmmelv dark Jackelll Farml Illlro or molhm One lo Illmlnnll 0m Mum or IV 50 nunm Cllllrfll chnpcl wmo club ar halal mtmonyl llmllcd wrddlnl lnvllnllou nwuvmuny ny uu Ln mo aopular ullralormal lnlbnale Irden wtddlnu military wed dn doubll wcddmu In All vu Ilium mm WHAT IS INVOLVED Let cumin today Ind marrow whnl II bnolvrd In form woddlnl Briefly ll mtnnl Hum 10 laugh lngytdlcnu Arrweddlnl driu mommn cd or evm mlnlcu Imull IuLhengrrglll wlth yel ofqu Lenvlnl or the honeymoon to the Kawanhee the bride don ned an oilwhile threepiece lult complemented with green feather Int and minkIona Ic ceuofles Charm MIllard told nawn conference this Young Wom ens Christian Association Ihat the day IanIauanhm am Fan and Canadian hade polclel must be mad lo the world lituatlon Mr Millard long time trade unlonlll II arma dlrednr of organllation of the International Conlederauon Fm Trade Unions THE manna EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 27 The reception was held the home the hrIdel parents He celvlnz the guests the bridal mother wn minted by the mo th the brigezljoam Following the weddlnl trip the newlywed will wide at Penn Sim University State Col im Pennsylvania WHITBY Ont CF Can ada was mad Monday to aban don unllalernl ald program and begin 11 through 4he Unlted Natlanl to help undam deggloged gggmrloa Christians we mlth try to Influence our avemmenl to establish representative lid and trade commlulon lo work out all loreIzn aid programs in amperauon deh the United NE Iel Were laxland of wk flow erl nuy carried cucudo bou flueu ol yallaw centred mm hill The Broomsman wu Jack Eth erlnmn Edmund Johnston and Phillip Dechmon both Tannin And Ronald Sluwm wm the ulherl HQME RECEPTION Editors NoLax 111 In In mend In mm ol flu llclu ken mm the hoollct Pun Elm Gnlda to Pen led Weddlnl publllhtd by PomIll Gown mum1 Thll article deal with on ml Minn YMCA Conierence Hosts Union Head GUIDE TO PERFECT WEDDING Plan Formal Ceremony To Suit Limited Budget JOAN UMHHCK mun 51mm mun me ll your pmnh In dimmed but you In very lrlmdLy with wr mm ll II qnlla come but him lnh yau down link and give you In Hw um lmlmd MM Inm Ilr In the lmnl or In ha ll your Aer LI anl he will pmbnbly In you nny ll Uxeu only your molhrr the may with portal propridy le from hrr pow la live you lwnr 1m you Ihauld In mor ud Iho Arm man In um bmhor old family lduxL nmtr ha lrooml lather nnmm DICE Your mom will med one usher or every so luau Ind prclmhly mouth Iuherl pull all with Ihn hridumnldl you want to balance ha meulonnl Ind lo mnka prodem puma mm un Wlth hm ml at he may have mm when Khan them Ire bridumnldl anurnlly ha wll him an In dllprmabll but man For he formal wedding pmy you may havo lmm ma in six attendnu poulny men ll you count In In exlm honor nuan dnnl or flower you have maid or mnlmnofhonor me In lennrnlly ynur but lriend your own mm the umoml ulster or don Mann CONSIDER AGE Flower girl although enchan Unz can IIWIYI be mud on Io take Um Irouizhk Away 1mm you Some Han pro lcr um you not haw them or they can be In hillrimn inter rupllon ln lolemn Mammy Comldcr minim Mom hnvlnz them younger an tour thuy cant be lnultd even Mod nlll Worn uu In little ol the flutlcr and flourish you wnnl yet mHor to your own dmnms The lamml wedd lnz Ls tho cnremony dear lo avgry yrldga 11pm annuai picnic Ind bar becue wzu held on Saturday at lernoon by memhm the Ser iennta Men of Squadron ol the Grey and 51mm Farw tern or All members of tha Iquadran and their families The event was held at the Ear HaAnnolxy Cher apron wen donned by 53 Ralph Clmn and Skull Sat Sun Eoblnue to wlorm their dudes at the barbecue and feed lye hunggy crowd Entertainment lo the alter noon included baseball Klmfl In charge of Sgt Chunk Harvey am Sat Brim Humming and me name or children and adults weru conducted by Sgt Maurice Pateenden Sgt Douglas MacDonald presented the prizes Ind assisted Sgt Pullendcn The iliaimhoe pitch was con dugjbd by 51L my Kelly MR5 PEARLE PUINAM Bum has announced the en znzemcnl ol her tides dingh ler Dorothy lorena Io Wallll summon youngest lon Mr Annual Barbecue Held At Armoury In Huh mm dihée pifly IMAM ll 0mm nulll All Ill Duh IIMMIJZI IN HIT MW CONT flaws Snack Bar NOW OPEN LUNCHES IN Jon Blaln PLAN SEPTEMBER RITES Hy beconflnl hunddrm will IInmllp or Ihouldahlenzlh veil Win or pale plnk blue at cream the bddal colors Ulovel Ire minim but you Ihould wear em your dun vary barearmed bdda II who to wear com fortable mm which cover thn loot adequately Imah boa qua or HAWdecanted pray er book In Ipproprmm Ynur KohlWu comm may be In mmrnl In Tohwrmw The Wedding Colon event hm In only one Allie Pk wnlkl buck low pews lo Ipedll chL If you are devoted to Ilepfalher ha may uh the place ol your real Alha with pmprlety and pmbnbly with Just much nervmunm Your own waddln am can be an heirloom to luck may or yet another lonernllnn brldu or may be Ilmph dmn to hike you dmdn Met You need not hm mu Lain but you will yum My 011421ch guuu present on the occasion were Sbdr and MrL Keith Smith of North Bay and Mn Helen Dlxan of Dar3 val guqbec TORONTO CP Canada Mother of the Year Mn Gulufl Toronto said Monday every homemaker should punur hobby or Imam or her own lelfilmpllnvenglenl Mn Gutaell wnmml dly mm he Canadian National Exhlhlllomncenw began fly Inl lessanIwmethlnx had wilted loudo Bl my The mother of two soul Ru bin 13 and Paul IDInd loam chlldrm from the Chll drenl Md Society during the last Iva years alto paints sew many her own cloth and II learning In speak French horn llbruy recordl was held In the sergennis Men at the Banla Armoury for all nqqggryn mgnbcra any may Mnler cerenwnle during tho evening was Sgt muck Harvey Enlenalnmenl wns pyovldgd hy guimgls fig Dul ph mm 19 Dblnil M15 Kg HunKey Ian and we at iarbecue suvper commend the evening and Mrs Stanton Now Dode The martian will uko place at the Salvation Army Citadel Bolller 5L Banit on pm Photo By Mother 0i Year Guest 0f CNE For lull dmlll on you can wln hlg mh pvlm mm Cluylnllon Mancor Imll Inmlmr finmulul Ilula In anbn um tmlimm or In 111 wnndorlul oppor Iunlly far he unmrn 5mm filmgm la will bll mum on ANNUAL CASH AWARDS CONTEST sums soon amicuis 9106 In AnalIn In EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANEle lhono PA um apn wmin 550 500°o III

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