Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1963, p. 5

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Whtn Ib Frank Cormmu hald mepllon lhalr mm mer conlo wu lamnod they In now Idopllnl thll lhelr permanent mldencc or III In In monlhl the nu house hn been renamed In on nhle mm In llvo lhm ln0clo bar or Novumber um whldn they take or or Florian Jpend wlnur Many old poop hm lhln or homl ln mlnd unen 1th buy lumrnu tub Alon our them Mr And Mn Print Car Amnck ulnndod lnvlullonl to Mr lricnd on um occlllon lholr Mu weddlnl nnnlvemry Ind tho 75m blnhdny or Mr Cormlck Io VIII hem their Gltnwood Belch cut0 Mh Ilno 5mm on ma Altornoon of A01 ui mm both local Ind rem olhn pm npoclllly Toronto hm tho Cormnch um un ul lhoy mom mlll um All won nunmoon Printer by blrdI II ht my Mr Commit In daule In fiery Arln In an mnlru Imm or III ch be hll in Ihfrh ho IM hll mum oncu wotkod nu wn lzhl ny any and relmhmtnll wm nrvnd Tu lnvflallon Im plan onjoyod plunnl urhlnu lmflnu mm Iwmlc Ind mldn room or olhm mod on he plumbor II but Iha Iddcd ml of pmvldlnl nanny um tar outlyan humu commlulonmwho hlvo full ro mlhlllly or nrrnnnlnz lupply wnlur well dnln Ind wen muklnl unenl Iumy cnqulry tram tha Oom mlulon my b0 Ill lndlcnuon um group uwm will be nulred In huvflyqeulad um thin mm to bc hul It would unwary to rozulm All lyalcml SepUc lulu rou bluomo Ind tm growth due no uke 1m to nu with man and block drainu el pednlly In low land Whm WI 1011 nowgnl However tth happen my neldom now Iho work cam ull done when comment contrnctorh 2mm The are those who purch md pmperuu when plumhlnz lllcr duvolopcd lmubh Ind ll wu lound that hi lmlnllltlonl wgre laulty Many home owners do not know Ihn plumblna 1mmqu In lhclr homes do not hm to be Inspemd and that qunllly of the work depend on the handy in contumr who make lhu Installation 1105 loner received by innisiil Council mm the Ontario Wam Resource Commission asked to verni questions one regarding um institution of pininth ln Ipecllnn mvlco in thn munici nnliiy INNISFIL NOTES I9 REGULAR ROUND Carl Rowan ML us Imhnundor to Finland enlar Inim member ma land In larpol Comm 111 the Halslnkl mhmy Olhm 1mm left IIMIII flll WMLTII IIICMI BOUND $220 JACKPOI lEGlON All C01 51 Plumbing Service Is Being Studied WIDNHDAV AUGUST 28 lEGION BINGO Vimwfie mummy ROCHESTER NY AP Church lender lrom Iround tho earth cunventd hm Monday nllhl Ior mullnl 1h cm Irul commlllu hi World Churphel Vlth mnny II up gum III Imlnllnlllm Ind Orthodoxy pmml rowing It wm cllvd Mntfturzeg xdvnnlod 3s r3112 opu un to lake Iwny flown Thu mutter wu termed to the NW commluce llld the supervlm lo maku nation and poulbln witth cxceulvo cost to have In mltlu carredcd Another vprnblem lull unnamed Involved dralnm mm mum in the Tallundal nm which cmkd lo In lulM would have to emu rldn In prlvm propfliy whm the owner doe nM HI wan to null an curmonl now luueslcd Ihat pipe be mulled hmuzh lhk ridge to lhnt It will not lenva In open dlldu Ind depreclm thu pm MAN INJURED Ihnmwyu III Coola lown ma lnnlml whllo buck lnu Inclor and lrnllor ml 01 hll bum loll with tho mnchlno om the end of ramp lullorod ule Injuriel He will mhed by unbulnm to st ML dlnull llwllll In Wrnnla wllo who was In the yard heard thu cruh Ind phoned neigh bmxrl lnr hrlp By lhl llme po 1m mlwd Ih Injured mm Church Leaders Meet In Rochester Amld all mo dum xlmu that dovelopcd the lust regular Canncll metUni came request for relief to water hlockuuo nlonx lhe mad front Inz an 0111 Sturgeu arm on lhfiflhune wen Ilderond riicie ahawzd par oi copy or in indcnlure oi his grandiulh er whcn ha was apprenticed to ieurn iIiI trade in printer in Kinznlun in im Prininrl hnvo been in in inmiiy Ilnce ln cluding nan Roberl now with no Toronto Slur iour genera tion Cormack wm in reception Frank hi non beri Mm Jahnsian who is nob eril daughter June and Knihia Johnxlon The Cormack hm niicnded iha Anglican Church nil their lives They are members oi Si Pnuin inniniii nniun nounsran FJnInr Jarva chlcl of tho Flunlxh pollen force Sir Richard Jncklun pmldum In International CrlmInI Pul Ornnnmllun Inlerpol zor muuosnwc mamsmmmilfia viv°f1£vubtmmo Docummu ol nmnlnmnuan an Allard by Gordon Onltr nl Wlnnlpu trulan new major Cnnadlnn hivemun company Tho morncr Id lnnd Securlllu Corparnllan In Miltm Cunadn and llm IIIA vulmml Iccurlllu dlvlllan Orlrr llnmmnnd amt Nnnlon rnlepnycrs mceunu lbs nlzhl it was decided that fluor escent 11mm would be adopt ed Ior tho new street llghllnn lyuum This wlll cos every householder about $10 nnnually for tho Hrs our years The cost of power cxpcdcd to be less lhwn mm for tha oldfushloncd lixhunz mell brush fire was ex tinguished Monday In the urn nclghbourhnad when call mm mm Mr MAchads home at thodulh concession and 15 Alde ron Hrs cull Saturday to Iho ham Frank Crawhum ha look the nth conccxslan Mn luccculully handled by mem ber 01 Innhlll fire department nloylnund lho fire had burn ed hols In the burn floor but as tho bulldln was empty hay were able we had been removcd and was on his my to Iupllnl and assistant bnmmlsaloner CID Scotland and and Cl lard HanInn chld at Iho Royal Canudlnn Mounted Fal ice AP ercphola NOW SHOWING MERGER MADE OFFICIAL Jfififlul PA BJJ9I Thu Orl lull DrlvDIn BARRIESoulh Wllh Ilw alto ol flu Pklum UM Hand In lhn CI bflwun Hwyl 400 Ind ll Admlulon 75 Ch ldnn IJ yun or undor FREE CARTOON 0N EVERY PROGRAM In wulcrn Cmudn the laruul Enuwm mcmr ever to lake place In Cnnnda lhl now mmpnny wlll be lunan n1 MldllndAOIIer Semrlllu lellcd wllh Mr Odor ll chnlrmnn Douilnl Weldon of Londnn Onl trlxhl wlll be honorary rhufrmanl Cl Wlw phnlol Ai Var pres mntmnce earlier Monday the minister said Iha In wulcrn Cmud Min LuMnrsh said pension piun Ihould be the concern of every woman because it has al ways hem the responsibility oi women to care or how unable to cm or ihemxeivel HQPE FOR PASSAGE Ihelr lichent than era Pcnslonx like demnce too Important lo be left In the exyng gm yald Under tha present federal gov nmmentl old age Iecuxtly scheme couple drawing th enalon $5 month often avu larger Income than that once provided by the Iamlly bmndwlnner upcclnlly tn mral arena But she sald couple rc tlrcd and ltvlnz In the city can hardly llve on this amount She nld residents filo ml angler Mia LnMnrsh mld Cnnndn nhould follow lha modern Eur ofcnn Irend to contributory pen aom related to earnings mhcr thnn Halrate pension because of his countrys vurylni stnndw ards flying Her plan Ii agreed to pro vincial government wnud en able lha icderal government to look niler widow lei wilh chil dren bciure they are eligible or the aldm penilon workerl who became disabled belare reachinz pension age and chil dren leil without parcnls CITES EUROPE Min LaMmh told ONE drcw Inn and represenmlvnul na 10 womens orannlzallans that the toured segment of the population now Include many mom lhgm lhose person eligible or the old age pcvnslon Addrmln the Womens Day lqnchwn lho Cunndlun Nu llonal ExMhlllan Miss LaMmh Inld countrys level mm llcallon II judged rum Ilrchll Idun lu Med and III motor 05 hnvu heard no complain about our chlldmn andccmlter lea xho said but many about nulls TORONKJ CPX Henllh Minlsler Judy LaMnuhaaid Monday hcrprnpnscd contribu zory rum penslon plan pulse lhc Hoqu Dom mons wll be Canadas most lmgorlnnt lcllllullun until the an or lhlchemnry nmmruz EXMIINEIVTUESDAYL AUGUST TI 33 LaMarsh Says Pension Plaxi LegislationOf The Century HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE lAST TIMES TONIGHT al cam morn In bricklay do no In hnw Conlcdm Illon can Iurvlvo our Frmch klnl lellow leflll do no and MI um lhey hm The man pmhlcnl Ind im portant dumullc problem thl pdma mlnmer Inld now II to mom lhe pnrlnmhly Nu French and Efllfllh loundln al emmu in Cnnndl and mud unlly without unHormlty BwIIchlnx briefly lo French Mr Purl3n nld The vrlma mlnhlcr Ifler luncheon lober Inld um one HM 01mm of flu and 1391 Wu Illa mnnllm delllny ol the Unlled sum lo Annex Cnnada Ihll now zone and the Unllcd sum no longer db Ilm to Intelera In Clnldllfl pollllcnl nflllu or could do Ia with lmyunlly PEBBLE ID IMPORTANT Mr Pennon pluccd in posi flan cement hunteuIlanaior lhl new 5000000 Fllherl oi Conizdcrlilon Mnemorill Build ing belnl conxlructed by lhe ed erll Ind provincial overnmenil linnnidn old Prov nce Home when the 1m mniermcu wu held it will homo theatre Ind conctn lull library lai lery Ind comrem Mm Ind ila be 9mm ngxt year called an lhe nullan to thaw the lama Apirit In mnlv In the Inns centrallzntlon Venus lepnrllhm dld ma Fnlhm Conledeullan when they met here In 1554 to fly ha bull or Iha m1 Brilllh North Amech Act By JAMES NELSON JHARLOIIETOWN CF Compmmhu mullinl ram flulblu Illltudcl and and 1e1 lowml were tho brilnnlnu ol Conic ernllon 100 yum ago and Ira herded today to meet Cm Idal current problem Prim Mlglalerulfnrwn lald Monday Mlu LaMnrxh laid that pri vate funded heme ulunlly ro quIra About 40 years before pension can draw lull bandits KINGSTON CF Farmer Toronla Mapio Loni hockey tut Syl Apps was nominaied Monday Promexam Conservm live candidate 101 Kingston and The Inland In iha Son 25 pro vincial elections In hll int Iltampt to hold while oliice Mr App Mak ng in retain IO mi held or lilo last in year by retiring Conservnlve William Nickle she laid the prmm mnddlq and caniulion hctwttn he pro vlnciai Ind ledernl government must be eiiind quickly so In pcopie in husinm labor the municipalities and the pmvinm will ow how topmcged It no matter partisan politics but somethan men ury to provide security for our mired clglzenxl Sha laid 11 her plan passed people now approaching retire men up would receive full benellu hoped the House or Common wquld pass the plan by Iall PixLeaf Star Apps Nominated Pearson Requests Fathers Spirit JUDY LIMARSH SE CINEMASCOPI mm mm Imsz passionately belleve Illa ws Cnnndlnns can solve lhe roblema Illa Inca and do ng Ihnw oursnlm worthy nl lh ellan and ldcnls at our forefathers Only In lhll way wlll we duerv that hcrllago lhty lefl But also do no me lmw nnlional unity can be maintained or Confndernllon lurvlvo it re gional or pmvlnclnl or racial ccllng canrind no at to reduca our luyally Ind dr vollun for Canada llselL Axnlnwspaakinu In Enlllsh he nrlryn miplslerjalghfl Ill same righla opportunitiel and responsibilities tlut other Cnnudinm hnvo than in tn development vi 42 whole nation while retaining their aepnrnt culture languaxa and trldlnl Sturgeon Fells Mr Ro mm mingled wllh Ibnut 54 vol He completed 111 Int day on load In evenlng recep tion In his clly of 12000 men In the record of his month old government and oulllnlnl plans or economic Expansion in We Iveech The premier who hunched hls campalxn olflclally last Frl day night In Iormer przmlor Leslla Frosll homo town Llndsay hem tour but wlll touch In the ma rIdlngr In the next our week by flying the 100 ml hm ram Toronto Mondy mornlnz He switched In car to lell lnIormnI re cepllans at Slurgeon Falls Mal lnwa and Bonfleld durlnx lha day The our war relaxed and Informal wllh spechmnklng at mlnlmurn In Bonlleld lll spent about mlnula In Ihe lo cal tavern hnklnz hand wilh Ibaul IS pnlro SHHNTY BAY mnnemn WW Mr Rnbarla told both he town council Slurucan Full and Comervatlva gel ta zelher at Mnltnwa that hall blda or llw bl project would melve every possible could crntlnn but he emphasized he could no cummll the gumm men this stage He repented hlt slund on paid political tel vlslon lnlcrvllw in the eve nlnz BEGINS BIO TOUR By CARL MOLLINS NORTH BAY CPD Pm mlqr John Hobart hit the elm llon campaign lrnll hero In enemy held lcrritory Monday and at times It was hard to tell who wns waning whom The premier xccklng reclec llnn or his Progressive Cun larvallvu government Sept 25v made lea party our Ln eraHIeld Nipisslng constituency and heard local voter pressing the needs his nurlhern arm or Job and Industry At least mm times during isomile round at the riding by car Conservative supporters opmiy lobbied the promiur to not thlxsing nnmcd as the true oi projected $500000090nu ciuflr power generating station being planned or Ontario Jointly by the provincial and laden Iovemmenta TONIGHT AND WED 0mm 00 aunts rmmlcown Hm EnemyHeldTerritory Invaded By Roberts DRIVlIll Inn 11 II Guthrie MIATI 2ND BIG HIT er at the local cumpnlgn hund uurtm ol Conscrvallv candl ule Juck Gurnmn Alycnruld bulldlnz canlmctor who suck my In unscnt Liberal Len Troy Sept 15 Mr Trey wan NIpIsA lnu In 1039 by about 1000 votes In 0101 at 20000 can The pH mior addressed tram oi nbuui 75s the side walk outside lhc Sturgeon Full commiiiee lhcn was lnkun to View riverside lruci oi land his lawn council wnnl potential site inr indusiry The land nnclimc alle oi the lawn dump in purily owned by CANADIAN FREE rh 73 THE YOUNG RACERS Todux Only Reserved for you Thu Inn nary nl lt John KInMdVI Inmdlhln Ilium lun In In San Pullch long ammo Am Coda my all when you call ahead by Long Distance BELL WIMMSM WW mmm AT REGULAR PRICE Mannwn Junction of Iha Ottawa and Mullawn rivers hr cal Conservative pnny chulr mun Leo Vulnll suggested he waterrich town woud he an ideal she or Ihe nuclear power plgpl the department ma and for can Council nlsu pressed or the nlomlc slallun here mmgmml 5m Mrs Mnrle Van Russel pre senlcd um prcmlcr with an ar Ilsla mncuplion what the own would lunk like with an nlnmlq ntallnn In lhu ore Emmi MATINEE DAILY AT PM

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