Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1963, p. 4

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mum mum amm mum mumm mm mm Ilium Anon nu mu wmun mum DONNIHJ cm Im mum aunmmm nu only mm mm mm my mu on cm nu mu mum mu mm mm numa 0mm mm you mm mm Unmnn TMMIM ml mm ummu nu um mu Vlnunm Munlw In an Amlmm um mu Inl In thlrlllm nu AMI mm Mmflomunnmum mmm II In ll In bad enough that Illegal gambllnu preys an than who can lml nllonl ll lho nmwcr Mu In whnl gambling docs only lo the lndlvldunl but lo no cioly whole Mler all It In If uml people alwnya lml wayn lo plncc mu nwny from me track no mamr hnw hard pollco try lo slump out bookie opcrnlluns La Voix do LEst Granbyt it has long been said that the act of 1807 was 1001s bargain that ngiiah Canada profited by It to grab all the powors and on tho rights with tho ro suit of Isolating us in our Quebec vil ia But that is not tho important po nt Thero is no use today crying over the ant it Is to the uluro that must ook with View to correcting injustice In apito oi the avian the in dependent are making the people Quebec so at at least harbor no so ar atist leeiinga They want to main ain the present association but in new constitutional context CORRUPTION RAISES CAPITAL thlallan Sclcnco Monlturh Why In II no Important lo crack down on 111ml gambling Barrie Examiner Aug 26 1043 Stu den Pilot 21 from Niagara Falls killed in crash of his aircraft near Elmvale during night operational flight He was duo to get wings next week at Camp Borden Innlsfil Horticultural Society had excellent flower show at township aark with gladioli featured lifrs Earl Vice was traghy winner Signalman lilurrey lilac enzle of Barrie wounded in Sicily transferred from North Africa to hospital in London England told re porter German lilesserchmltt got him 40 miles in from coast on fourth day of invasion Barrie Rentals Committee made decisions on 29 properties Bar rie See Cadets along with four other corps from Ontario 01an were at Prin cess Alice Camp iinnico Island Div isionr were in command Lieut AikIeI Lieut Ineson and Licut orman Petty officers were liicBrlde George Monkman and William Lowe Two new Federation of Agriculture womens committees met In Barrie for first time with Mrs Frank llewson of Duntroon as chairman Mrs lilontagu Leeds outlined work of County Library Association which is io have Vfulliim llhrarlan liilss Alberta LeiLs Welcome news to housewives that tea and coffee rations would be in creased onethird Kiwanis Club mem mm WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO Most peo 1e end lot of ttma look lng iorwnr to elr vacation They pore over maps and brochures As the time for the great fllght into fnnc draws near thelr excitement mounts helr vacation should be all that they wish but all too often they slmpl become vlctlms of hardeyed tlght lsted tourist buslness They are beset by rudeness and frustra tion humtllated and cowed by an over bearing crop of functionarles who osten 5nyI are there to serve them And rlght at root at thetrouble ls thl lnlqult oixséistéin 6f dpbmg True mine host ls gcnlal fellow and his welcoming smlle is warm and sometimes even enulne but not an many mlnlons 0y are only as frlend ly and helpful as you pay them to be Oh how vile is this business of tipping It corrupts the host and embarrasses the uest It turns normally confident travel ers Into furtive cowards normally able bndied waiters into fawning sycophants Under its spell waitresses become snippy cab drivers snapp it makes dictators of maltre da and bul ea oi bell boys Many people who travel often by Hill and water and who use hotel accommoda tion will go alon wllh some of the ideas in recent editor al In The Canadian Mot orlst The magazine comment ls Tipping Has No Modern PlaceThrowback To Feudal The Barrie Examiner Aullmlnd nrond rhu null lnul mm mpmmml on m1 mmuu you In lunflln mm mm llolmm Mn WALII hillI Wallh Publisher Ehétmarriéiixamimr QUEBEC VIEW OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published By Canadian Newspaper lelted 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian Slllzhl Ganenl Muller TUESDAY AUGUST l1 Pllll Could there be or my chnnfi In Int or dIHmnco belwun Franc olkn Ind Engllah lpuklng Cam nm In polnl humony ll would he no curcnll for Canada problmm of langun um It would be domunslulion Kfomlwlll And mm mon lento It ahoul b0 donsnow Alr Canada would servo lmlh Inn nungu It would he briefer and almle Ihnn lho present name and more npprm prlnlo or an nlrllno lhnl HM ovcrmn nn wall an Icmu Canada It would be bellcr ll Irovdro Ynnmln Alr Llncn and make Trum Air Innada simply MAKE IT AIR CANADA Ollnwn Journal 11 has been nuggutcd Inn to mom nlm Inumlnn two oHIclnl langun as ho words Mr Canada be added to lrnm Cnnml Mr Llnos on alrcrnn III cnunlryn publlclyownml nlrllnn It not sur wish that tho New York Slam Commlss on lnvcsllgntlon bl Irllsan nxcnc cslablishcd or Ive years 1001 MM ha prolesslonal xamhlm are the major corrupting Influence In our Illa lodny Alumnus mqu or Tiny way It Is financed In through local booklu This in lhu outlet If these rlry Ihn hIgllmo operator will just be on business Ot bookmaklng Allorneyflcncrnl Kon nclly has Inltl TM the nourco mnney 101 progllyllgn narcotics murd Once yuhlic official or law enlorce mcnl 011cm hnvu been reached ncccgllng bribes they cerlnlnly are vu new In to corruption of more serious nature olnls out Arthur Garrlly Ullllllcd nlcs Allornuy or Mussnchus hers and tamilies enjoyed picnic at sum mer home of Mr and Mrs Moore Oakvlew Beach Roy Mchttle in charge of orta John Ferris Hamilton of Barre received air gunners wings at Maedonald Manitoba now home on leave prior to overseas posting by RCAF Chief flying instructor Wing Command er Gordon Welstead presented wings to class of pilots at Camp Borden Grand son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Feyston of liiineslng Flying Otttcer Frank Foys ton of British Columbia awarded DFC Late blight was threatening Simcoe Countys otato crop 1m erlei Theatre rrol Fl nn in Gent eman Jim Mrs Clements won Ea ton Tro by at Vespra Flower Show There much loose thinking and loose talking about the hardshi and incon veniences at war restrie ons or short ages We cannot attord in wartime to be sentimental and softheaded said Donald Gordon chairman ol Wartime Trade and Prices Board to dole ates at weekly newspa or convention in oronto Rev Alex nclair preached Iirst ser mon as minister First Bartist Church on Sunday Mr Justice Embury died in Regina He was associated for some years in the practice of law in Bar rie with the late Judge Donald Ross and went west in 1003 lo was brlgadier general in World War One Illegal gambling lncvllably lends Io cor rupllon ol publlc olllclals because ll cannot go on unless local alllclnls and rallce close their eyes to ll Furthermore llegal gambling ls hellcvcd to be arg anlzcll crlmcs princlpal sourcn of capllal funds for llnanclng new crlmlnnl ven lures Tipping has no Place in modern living 15 crude an vulgar throwback to feudal times when barons rewarded the ubsequiiies oi serfs with an errogsntly tossed coin Today it represents system oi far from delicate blackmail utterl de tested by the vast majority of trsve lers The stunning success of motels in recent years must be traced in no small part to the absence of tipping Guests are spared the unnerving experience of running the gauntlet oi palm waving doorinen hell and chambermaids irplng can be endedjust as soon as hate and restaurant management plucks up the small courage needed to accept their responsibilities They will not ilnd it ruinous nor will the customer ilnd it costly True lprices on meals and accom modation wil rise but the increase if it is honestly made need be no more than the guest now adds to the check in tips Yet it is only fair to say that they are not entirely to blame For more at fault are the terms of their employment They are scandalously underpaid recent court case revealed waitress receiving weekly wage of $20 Only the genero sity of customers can assure them oi degent living llke smile machine that dispenses pleas antness according to tha number of quar tags put tigefilqt 11 Km mIfime 11 Int 1mm lllumM lo 1mm would and um Ill ml 1M All Ilmnll Ihlll Io uud lmn hum um nlml lllh flu uko II the nthIN Ill lllh lhq lnm II htl nunhull ll wallml doer Hm mm mm Hxll pulllmrnlnry nav nlly Um wunl at Mllnl mm my mlml In hvll lnplm llnlrln lhymu to loud by chlldron all up llu mm mum who Thru ImI my ulhrr mm Quflo It mmm Till plclura II no mm In lhu nnrmnl murmur II meurd In he wnll Suvclg ll II XMcltll ml nulrl are lllhl Hmmd Inlaplnnmn llcn 11m Qulcl Room In odd uulcn Ihnlm hurdly Idnplnbln lnr Iny known purpose Shaped Ilka monkl cell 20 In Ion Ind only nlna Mdc ll ll Inr nllhtd monnlllcnlly wllh hnro wondon lIbIa nnd few chain but wllh mnlrmllnlly apulrnl In cl rpnl Thu nu cHnrm rnnlrnnan 1ch II chIchIke nlmmphcre which Ix cnhnnccd by In all pninllnl almvn lhc lnhle drplcllnu tho head Chrlnl lurmounltd by huh BIBLE THOUGHT Eul hnn Ill lllll can mm In llua brlel prayer read by Mr Spcnkcr at the openlnx of each dnyl Ilulng Tho ubllc ll not ndmlued ln panlc pm In lhnl lwomlnulu pcrlnd 50 mm curl only nuts how they prny hr 1an ln Uml last week wetk of he hnny 315000 my bill lhclr pmym included the am lllnr and up ruprlne Inmlly xrnce For wml we In Ihoul lo rocclvu may lho Lard mull ul truly Ihnnklul It Is lha Qulnl Room Inlcndrd or MP who whh lo enjoy prlv ncy or prayer And mllccllon he cxplnlncd Ycl only two MP1 wm Men In use lha Qulcl Room In Um In week GRACE FIRST What is In lewcr lhnn wcn observant MP asked ha mmmllsionalra dnrlnl lhu Inst wcck of PnrlInmcnlI men malnn The West Block of tha Par llamun llulldlnaa hlll Just been completely modernized For nearly century it housed de vnrlmcnls ol Ravcrnmenl ln bl chlll 0mm sullnble or clvll scrvlca stall and bl echGA Inn room nppmprlulo for lnlh century cabinet mlnlslers To day In same old my Ilene lucnda hides new lnlesllncl with cnmlonnble prlvnla alllcc or lllPa conlmnce hall And new calelcrlu clcclcrl Pmmlnunl among the elcelcrl mystery room hall wny up the mnln mircase Inside he wm doofl By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA An Ipprnprinia new iringa benefit provided or our Members oi Parliament by Iho lhoughliul taxpayer is Quiet Room where in run qullily our inwmakm may Ipiiy ponder upon the whth oi their Maker Im on In mum lm II In OTTAWA REPORT Quiet Room May Lead New Ethics ALAS POOR YORICK LOOKS NONE T00 WELL luhnpl ly lcnl ho lypc mad II Ilumenl lmm Krn mm mm nm lllllnl mem Imr In TurnnlnWnodhlnI CLAIR INKULT Mr Hrs11m IrnIIIM Mr Vlnlermryer hidlnl luhlnd II will rhiilpllillll out openly Aqlngl lha Liberal lmlcr The NDP wllh vrnrlcnlly no hop Mnnln more thnn trw mm mm wnnu In In Mr Vnlrrmeyrr and the Uh rrnll lawn In hmi Mln even mum than ll want In In mu circled The main Illnck on In In mall lhu wny thlnn no Ihn In up wlll probably In mtcd nnl lo nrnmm nr pub Mu hul lo Mn Vlnmmryerl ahlllly In do Jan ll DON OIIEMlN TORONTOUna In quullam lhll lecllnn mm pnlun ll mun will ccnlru on Iblllly Ind pennnnllly Llherll Luch John Wlnlcr mtycr SALLYS SRLLIES Iler conlalned In Ihu Inch Ina II New Iulnmenl Fur 1M Ihouzhl glve crcdlI lo the leader aI mo the ImuIInr panIns In our oIIIIcIl llfc Maybe In Iulurn eecllnm thanks la IhaI new Qulct Roam wn may hear mma Chllsllnn elhlc andlound prInprleI In lace oI Ihu valehthIng prom scl and charlllnns clnplmp which Imvn unhapplly been on nromlnenl In recent cIchIom No pollucal party lodny hnl uduplcd pmzrnm which would be nearly an Iullnhle and bane or Calnaqlnrlls 1h pr And Ill Iortl funny lhnuthll Run round my land It hnl tully anymm umewhm eln tulled Thl drnwm ln Illa mm in that mom llck In ohvlou mn enlty or quiet MPI The hm not yet been rllsmvered lhu Gldeons who l0 klndly Ind Iwmly place in the amply drlwer ll bedslda table III we hotel room Ihl mlsalnz nrlic elhl Holy Backfll our qulet MPI aver llnd hut ha Gldeunl or mm other phllln hm Isl have not Imund to pull nu Blhle lnlo lhelr nulel room Another ml 01 thouth nol no funnymlth run round their heads QUEENS pm 50 III II Illa mm When than flop Can Wintermeyer Do 01 Is Asked 11m Ion him In 1mm my wllh pour lmue And lulu blunt In lhll um alln muM In mm rm to In wbfla II no In 11 mm ol ulranl mmrivnn nnd qulu dem lrnnkmu And when In In In polllm ho ln flanged mmllulll lhmlm man HM ulrk Iaclnnn nul mm decalnn Ma Ma In nnlnnl our lmllllnnn lrdl Ilnn hulll In mum IllllpIN my Ihldh ln mlfllrllm him Mull whlln In whlle Ind 111 lg nalnhewenn utlllbnl VImIIIh mm llum In lbw wllh ll nf mllf no IIIIIII un9uirly mm II II MI la ulmul yam un pl HM DEITII llulho man lrplh And lmdlh who lumwl hru Enlxjrn Ally Ill Milan 1le Pram Ilu Cnnmvallm All will In lnllnwlnl um nnurm Ihnulh lhclr ark nwl likely will Ml no puhllc hnl lmn ml wlll in man whilprllul cnmpllln Mr Wlnlermuytr muhl mm mm IM Ilnllllm Thlx nl course blnlum lly pnIlllul lnu no mnny pro plo would lnkn Il Ierlaualylhl thought NDI nM quu tlonlnl prntllully any npnn II nlmml Illllhlhh mu pm uncrnl rumpAInn In rldl cult Mr Wlnllrmeybr could hr Inr11 lho Mnlln nld ho was In mlllnl 100000 Ilnllum In Can ndn and Itltlcd lhnl Ihc NDP wouldnl think qutxllonlnx Mn Junllca Hnnchl pan on nruy Inh qlme FIGHT PM RISE BUENOS AIflES APVTlxl drlrm hcm have decided In llzhl new munlcipal urder rallinl uh um nboul 40 per cenL Thu rm hike wu ro qnuled by lhrlr bouts th Tul Owner Amcmlon MD NEW NATIONS BONN ANThu Well Geh mnn xovernmcnl has promised lnlal 300000000 1n long lerm 1mm lo develorlnx coun MM the cconnmlu nlslry has Announced Bonn undertook ILI aid program In 1961 the mall gallon the United Slum Fart Frontenac nnw Klnzslan 0nL wn cap lured and destroyed by lho Erflllh 205 yam ago today ln IMwhen was an Impnrlanl defended port or the fur Irade The ma the present clty wu picked by LuSalle In 1m and tha rut explorar wu mud commnndank the camp In In tho Illa was mean pled by United Empln Lay Illsll lmm New York Sinks and was nnmcd Kingston probably In honor at Klng Guam It Inm became the chic naval base on lea Onlnrla IanThu um all well was drlllcd In West Penn Aylynnln su ncChinm phllosn pher Conluclus wns born 2177 ms THE CANADIAN PRESS TODAY IN HISTORY mum lnal II llr lmm ll lunclure Ralph Pmlnl took hind In lhl ml lcr mm In vllll Ihl wrath whkh hnd bun uncovmd Al the hollnm 40 ul dcep dun Iunk on nu bank at Ihl rlm Thl Lord Mnyor ancl ll wnl lhcn dtclded lo mm an Man In lulu up lhu hulk by mtanl mrchnniul lrub Hul here um rm cm In Illa un nl Ihl rub on he an clcnl umber DI lhe uhlp wnuld mm yham la lull to plum gas project It wu nol balm td ll would ha poulbll la ul vm It in tha llmc nvnllnble For week Mr Cock urrltd on work mardlnl he wreck dluuml Ind phala mphl nnd Inlvulnl mlny reliu Includn puller plectl which we lound In The dlncovury H1 old Ro mm min wu brought lo ht Illenllon ol Normn Cook kury of lhe Gulldhlll Muxeum AI he cnnlrnclnn wm an lllhl llma IChdelB wllh lhl undeh By MIINTYRE HOOD LONDON The hulk In aid Roman Ihlp dlnmvered deep In he mud on lhI but ma names It Blacklrlm II to pruerved Ind llnd lIcI or pmlurlly In lhl Guild Ill Mu mum Thl unusual vcuel wllll lmhm 15 cal lnnx MI in closed In Vlaw while conlrnc or were cxclvnllnx wall to be constructed or 0500 000 undemasx IchemI ll lhI Blncklrlarn nrldlu It wu Im mcdlalaly brouxh la lhI Illen llon 01 lho archnmlollcnl Iulh orllles And thruth lho lnlar venllon Ind nod 0mm of he Lord MIyor of London Ihn hulk ol the nhlp wlll bu raised zenlly rum L1 Inclcnl relllnwlnco In the Thamu mudblnk Ind rI conxlructed 1n lhI Guldhlll Mu Ieum There ll wlll hI housed onl ma prchlu relch ol the mm the 11mm occu pnlon Erlnlln chrona GENEROUS Yes or lets put It thin wly Penile ulcers may he ellhcr guslrlc In the stomach or du ndcnal In the duodenum or Imnxl Just oumda the llamach ll lha bulnnlnl the mall Imam Tho mm lhe morn frequent Drlr Dr Molar II plot mnlnalous why due peh nun who his had elm mm plaxlon or so yam ruddme develop Ihh condlllnm dll mllalozmn prescription never ugpnrlu No you dont lch psoria In not hlvml been The basic cause oi pow nasal drip Ira obxlrucliom Ind chronic Irriiauonl Allergy can oi coum be irriulinz ii person In Iiier iel i1 is almost nulomltin lo nvem 131 um upeci when past nnsni drip II pmenl But ii other lizm oi Iiimy not apparent lhen one doe not end in mm it only in tho poutnun drip Del Dr Molnen Are poplin ulcer the same duodcnll ulccrnn Dur Dr Molnerx Am lur Prlaed lhak didnt tell that ha alnml dfl mm In clund Illmlel endured one or 15 yam and only dismal2d the cause by cldent whan develo ed morn levers mellgnl Ivu and asthma um mm ble but try not In emphulu them no much lhll peep over look nthar lympwmx By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Skin um muted wu Il lcr In to mm mm Elimi natnz the god lhl REPORT FROM UK lat nu mu km on mllflod inabe who In mi mun TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Iimgglexfiuu lot My trou 01d Roman Ship Found In Thames Gout Requires More Care Eating LHIIMWW HUBEHT NOW NEED VISAS AMMAN MP Tho Unlltd Anb Republlc will Introduc vlnl or Jardanlln Syrian luql Ind Slud Imblln nu tlannln vhlllnl €1pr Ilwnn dlnclnstd here lrnvluualy clll mu Arab Leanna mtmhrr lulu mum cnlcr lho UMI wllhoul vlm Thu declllnn In allow llmu or he recovery nl lhu Ihlp wnl made only Iller he mall lur chlnl uamlnnllon by Pmr Mnnden axcnvnllonl Inlelanl llw Guildhall Muscum uhn ls cnnvlnced of he Iulhcnllcllfi cl he dllcnvery Vhrn he hul ll rccomlrumd ln Hm mustum ll wlll be vulunhla Iddlllun In In many nllu he day he Flumnm 1n llrlllln now hauled lllm ll lrutlmnled lhnl the cos dolaylnz lhc bulldlnx wnrk wlll In About um dny Thu discovery hu held up work by he Dtmollllon Ind Conllruc Inn Comynny or mm duyl mdy Now Inc dEIICIlI mcnmy opmllun ll ullmlied In aka nnolher 10 days So lhII ulrn Hmu llnwcd or will Call finnlraclon III Hunted recoznlzed lhe hlslorlc Ind nr chmlonlul value of Illa covery Ind lnd talk wllh Iha cantraclan Al result lnlervcnllun he CDllllICloll vc lenerouxly Agreed In delay lhclr work lung tnounh lo unable luv hulk hlp In In remnvul In plum by hand work Io that all 91 It could b0 Inlvmd and Ihaplccu rmmlrucled lmldo lllo Gulldhnll museum Tho tunlnclnn nld Mr Cook hm been exlrnmzly nnemus Tho Lord Mayor hu Ilm naked us Is Inlvnn every lhlnl that II posslblu lo Move wgui cosruom No up whnl lmn It needs Indlhcn Itop Too little II had Jun moule 11 line mu loo much wont do any hrm And lhlu wlll nomqu lush bland preuun but Dr Mnlnen Does unl Inu llver or other road to In mm Iron In the blood cum hlnh blzod plougrut AnywnY you donl med elm or menu lull Ivold lhl huhpuran loodl 111m lucludo the own or llml meals qwunlhmdl llver kldneyl heleho lelnmes Inch pm Ind helnl Ind herring Ind Inchnvlu flu my on re main Poullr moat llsh ballad or make hnm lamb and ahelllluh crahl oyalen lobmn have much lawur pur lna coptenl Evidencl ls maunllnl Ihnl die much leu lmporlnnl In tout Same caution 1n diet helplul but proper dmn lrenl mun mch with benemldl lo prevent emu Accumulluon or urlc Add In the mm brlnlllu axcellenl mu ll When works nolther nor nor the dermatolo can all whalher he medicnt on dld It or whether the manual wu ready flop Anywulvl Thu prmri lion can mlluva him and soften the Icnly Mn to wily peck Iwny Dm Dr Mom My hul bnnd hu out and II on pur InHm did When can Im mm or nclpmhms Not purinoJm but Xléw purlno Avnldln Ill purlnu wquld be vlfluu lmpoulble Ibh find clul lo whn mm ll MW llmcl Jun come Ind lponlnnmusly denmlolonlatl premlpllon lomuumu helm

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