Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1963, p. 3

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fifiv TM lltm ncnmmtndnl ml llu Inlkn hunul mch wllh dovrlopmrnl Jun park ll blmrvvu illrll III In mlmnlul ml £1100 mml In clmlnl rm flunlml III prmlllum Md Mrmy mllnL Il nu nur undmlnmllnl Ihnl lhll had been momd by count AM Hubevlu mulled In lnnw why HI Clly hfllllpmlh mumllllc lulnl rnnllllllll Iccommcmlullon In Mum nmmmru purl lnvn rm to one Um run hnluln Clly mmcll 1m nlghl Thu sollcllor hud ndvIud lhnl lhc cily hm no nulhnrily la lmco Jnhnsnn mm must be IVIIHHMII In he puhllc ll nll hourl 0mm nl prnvldcd hy Ettllnn of The Munlcl MI mm ulblecl lhu city Inlldlnrl unylnz we cnn do Inde lhlnk nml Johnson rrel mm mull flu Ymhl uh cnlmncn lm clnml In vchlculnr lrnfllc rum Mny 15 In Nov 15 and rm and Hunt th ncccmry by Md non chnlrmnn 01 1113 Fire and Trnllic ComA mum lold council It would ha whim In the wily mllcllars or prnvnl of lcunlny Md Wilma mud Ynu cnnl Inst road nlIawnMe but lhlnk lllnl under Hm Act we all Imus In vehlculnr lrnl ThV ricommemlnflun canccm lnujnlmno rrd min Johnson ilrccl from 50th the Yuck Club cnlronca wlll bo closed to vchlculnr trnlflc Irom Mny 15 lo Nov 15 Ind post wlll be lmlallcd on tho west sldo of Johnson Ioulh cl lhe CNll lrncka Removable posh wlll ho lnslullcd across lha wulh end Johnson Tho ncllun follow Fire and Trafllc Commmcu report adopt ed by Burris City Cauncll Inst night Prnvlauxly rcsldcnh In he Aron hnd pcmlancd council to flu lomclhlnx nboul 1h stretch 1m brake and aplnnlnx Hm as ptnple Irll Hm bench the only ham lha mom nu APPROVAL Park Development Prompts Remalch 0f Hersey Roberts ROSS COWAN finspccu hls submmno helm taking into the water The sub powered by converted 1958 THIS IS THE dlvcrs View The pmpcllor converted tor pmp Examiner Phoina ol Mr Cownnl submarine Une hompownnoulbonrdmo Stop Tire Screeching By Blocking Street Ahl may rmllul tr lvel ha mam ghoul he CLy Migrjgxqr when ht munl Mm Mdfnnhmn ma Id mai lhm MINI hll hm dnnt ll Ihlx lnlnl ll nhnuld um have Iernlle MN Almul whnl Ihmlll he dnnr mo and IIIan llw Ill Devrlapmml Commluu nhouk luv been my vullnl Hobwrll Ilklll Dun Hm tlly manurr mm vuuul Iml rhnlrmnn junwl hmunh hmp7 Tlll rlly mnnaurr annulul we ughnad Immum II llmo or Allan and Mrlcnn mlnlmnrlu come and cvnnxrllu Um no Clurlnllnn Wm vlnltlnu lnk lllunl Imullum clcruymnn mm ynlerdny av lnnynl Mnth wnl tcho In Mum ummul by lha Artllhhhop Lnnlubury III hl canny concludul Anglican Cnn you In annnlo During lulx vlnil In llm Slmcno Dlllrltl Cu on In lnld lull lho Incl Ihnl Imh unlhmnl Mu ncccplad by virtually AH he tlrl runlu prrxrnl mmkn hhlnrlc wnlcnhcd In llw duvelnnmcnl ho Anlllnm Cammunlon and In In lurch lar llrm wulmnllnn Md um In am trying in nulsl in both wln Inr nnd lummcr lhnl can can down to an Ice llshlnz In wlnlcr but would ha 10 ed to vehicular lrnmc 1n the Iummer PROTECT RESIDENTK Ald Wilson wld dunl lhlnk In In thu but Interest lhu public In hnvu can down lhm In lhu lummcr law be passed and Ihnl he ncccssnry mall on the wnsl side Johnson south the CN racks he Inslalled Iogclhcr with tho ncccuary removable post across lha soulh end 01 Johnson Mission Must Be TwoWay Process englnwlarter motor and can lpeed up to 51 knots an hour underwater and low about five persnns or coup haun AIHIJoIlme um lhlnk 1n 1h nnly nllwr lulgtln own to win nud flummlp In Ilu cnmnmnlty mvlm ummm ha lnwrll lllver ILU anL Illdl was him awnrdnl ml or Ihu but mull mu ml was juvle lhlnl In lbs mumsIllnn lnr hp lml fivrlnlmu alnlon 11w Allklnn Ilrrnld tmlny look llnl plan in 11m mmmunfly Mnlra rnlcgnry the HM Hun WnHy Newumwrl Ano clullnn mlupellllan 11 nwnnh In wrrhly mm mm mm tall mrr Mmll wrre prmnlnl nl llm un mllll mnvrnllnn ol Hm Tanmllun Wrrlly Nuwmmwrn Aunclntlon nl Munmy n91 Que 11w CommM onfvmlerrd wonderful Iplrll nltrll¢ en dmcu and mulunl mpomlhl lly wnn milled llml lha Mull rnn nmmunlnn II no longer Ilrlrlly llnzllsh rhurrh MI lha memhrr church depend on tnrh nllwr luv unld and ml llnll cnn nuvar nunln lm 1m lhnn lwoway pmcm The rcpar nso recommended Ihnl Ulcrn be no parking on tha north side Shunly my road nnd one hour pnrklnz only from lm lo pm an um 50th slde n1 Shnnly my road 1mm Punt mm to ma Garrett lub dlvlnlon recommmdcd also lhal the Public Work Cummlllco cansld er curbing and asphnlllnz John Inn mm mm the CNn lrnckl um Shanty nay rand lot the 19M wnrkl fimnrllm all lhoChrhllnn church Thu moo an or I7 nulnnomam thurchu wllh lhclr dllrmnl olillcnl ungrnphlcnl rnclnl mu mlmrnl hnckumundn WM nun oxpcrloncc nml II um wllncsl he mud long past du lo have post up more flop lhe traffic will amp lho spinnan wheels that ha been dlalurblng people In that nclghbarhopd Alliston Herald Is Top Weekly wemng Haskflholil 111mm ube mda ute THE MINIMUM ulpmnnt necessary for skin vlng In gemonsualqd by MrCow Wm Immd pm Mr flu bed Gurumu nllllnn ml Hl mm Mind whlch look third plm In If rampdlllan lnr In In lh Illan lnr It MM 5M 0141 mainlm Pier lrllnme whldl Thu Barrie and Dlalrlcl Ao mlnllun or Retarded Children will rccdvn grant $25 or rnch nnrrlo person rollalmd In an murder Workshop dred lvu Jam 11 10M RECOMMENDATION Clly lencll ml nth mum mcmlul ml lho Publlc WIka Commllltn can cuman Rom Aiml 1mm Peel ulrul lo Newlon nlml lor the MI Do pnrlmml Public Wmh pro gram Tfl COMMUTE my humn Inn nlzhl refer nd munn1 hy Mu Woudy lllrkl rhnlrmnn lh mllnn flnvo Iha Chlldrrn Fund In huld day In m1 llc ummllln Hmrln Krmwnlrll Tman and Im Imilml In Clly 3mm rll or pumlnlun In pnrnd on kph II mm lhp Cnnudlnn va llunal Ilnlluy mllon Io lhv lulr Olmlmll Wilfrid ClerCouncll In nlxhl passed by nw nulhnrlllnz pay ment lb lrnnl Allnndnlu churchu wll hold rally day pnrndu an Scpl 15 Clly Councll 1m lull nullmrlz ul ptrmlnllnn or the pnrndo N0 DECIHION Anulhrr mcellnl lmlwcrn Um 5mm Shrlnu Club linrrio Ind Hm Knight ol Colomhul wlll he held Hem la dccldo whdhcr In lwo tluha wlll uklnwr Elvuru Cfllrhrfly lehl on 0d 21 mecllnu wn held In nigh nl lhn llnnlo Cuunlry Club but lno law mvlln have hml rrrrlle lmm lnvllcd mum to make my dadIon yrl The submnrlnu painted bril llant yellow resemble atnr pods and ls powered by 1956 converted car engine starter mcr tor Mr Cownn sald It wn nrlglnnlly called oneman Job but recently ll towed my ult and tive other person wtln ou difficulty Mr Cawnn added lIu dld not know that live passenger wcra travelling with him When you gently hold an to lomcane under water cspcclully when that snmcnne behlnd tho propellur wnshY ltl hnrd In Icll ll anyone hung on to ynu LOCAL GENERAL However mans ingenuity ha devised methods enabling him In carry his ah supply with him Into ho We medium and slay here for qlmmst two hours This known as scubn div lng scuba sellcanlalned un derwaler brcalhlnl appnruus On 01 £115 foremost scuba dlv or In and around BarrieIn attorney Ross Cownn Ihe xfibrhnrino Mu sought by local movie theatre manager to use or promotion at movle RESEMILES lOmEDO Mans total Inabilin Io breathe under water on his own due In basic structure and winner in disign the lungs and lack gill has made him land bound Diving ninca the aqua lung sport was originally introduced in Canada In mm Mr Cow an added another item In in areas his maneuverability under waier submarine Names Grant For Retarded saving vest 11w inner tub lo wan boats of diver below and the his are on the aids The ensemble can cost as mu as $25 Homemade sub Is Lots Of Fun CHURCH PARADE WANTR IMIMHI Ho laid he most Importn acct lemmlng or Ikln or scuba divlnm he Accom plLahmcnl sellmutation in tho Wfllll which to mllly people an unlamllinr element Thu on 01 lhe must heallthI pummel bccnnsa the body undcrwnler alvrn uvuy appcnunfly lo rnlnx All mum culnr ncllvlly and the Individual can choose to exerclso one or All at III or her mulclu Inferran to he NASA Nu llonnl Atrunnullu Space Ad mlnislmllnn USA nudlu on lrwloll and zerofirmly In outer IpncE he laid Wnv had nculml bunynncy llnca Icubn divinn nun12d which tquivnlcnl lo umxmvlly in my spncq ancr plnyl Impnrlnnt mlo In he NASAI mile on mum pruhlcml Mr Cawnn 11 qualified In Ilruclor In ho Nullnnnl AI mulnllon Undnrwnlnr In nlrucln 04 chh conducll wlnlcr om mum on lmprnw nu Ind onrhlnx wlmminl lath nlquu nnd Icubn It nCAF Su llun lidxur Im yrnr may lack the roumn And wa hnv nlm new nunfwimnylm ng ygnr no Mr fuwnn nr lho operator mml hohl on wa Mtydclypo Immllnlmn Io be pulltd along Ivy um nypnrnlul Mr Cowan warned thll no nne should experiment In Icubl wllhnul proper instructions the mrdlcal aspect compli cated With proper rllulnx lhl can be cm at the must use lul habbics man or wnman canpmscglfl he uld Cnnncll wranzied or nearly lwo hours last 111th over that General Gnvernmenl Commlueo report and than remred it back to the cqmmmea Thu report rccammended um cilecllve Jan 1m council consist oi eight members mem bers be elected two per ward the rnnyurl hononrlum be $2 400 per year and that councll not declare hall holiday on Sept 25 as requested by the Barrig Hair Board rs mine agreed to do leleCounclI members he lee Iwoper wardlfl lengt on the proper method of mlvlni at what was wanted accord to the rule of council There was damn nuglesflom but little agreement on this point TWO SYSIEMS The Electric mom gamble of apcrnllng or couple hour at about six knob underwner powered by two nlxvoll but terles Mr Cowan has had 11 Inb rnnrlne sluts 1960 and laid ha use It as when pmslble Really qulle enjoyahh undar water ha mud Skin dlvlng conslsu salcly al mask of fins snor kel and may vest Ila laid This can be complnmenud wllh umssoflu llke Me com puss thermometer depth gauze an exposura suit welth hell and undorwalu lights and cum eras NEED INSTRUCTION QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR Then was mutated replac lag the deleted unlence with That 91th aldermen be elec teq lgy ggnerq vol Ald Smith um lhlnk lhe cornmllleu agree on eight men fur council menllunrd two ways the wnrd mum angina large 11 ydin in mm to the people you should ask which WHY He dcslgned the major porllon the registered sub Mme Ind added standard device Inch pressurepmo seal III prnpcllcr Ehlfl solenold can lroln and prawne seal he lwccn section SIXVOLT BATTERIES He addcd By the simple pro cess carrying your own ah PPU you became stub diver Ald Wilson felt repurt with aliens lha shape of taun What SiZe Council Council Cant Agree Shn Ls Iurvlvcd by her bmflwr Reuben Jenklm of Wnlmown New York by her daughter Joyce lhrcu mm Lloyd Dover ly And Jamel Ind by Iva urlnd thlldrtn louflh son Brian kllled In Italy In ma on mm Icrvlco wlm lho Cnnnd Inn Army Lust mu wm Idmlnllmnd by Fnlhcr Wllllnm Candy Corpuu 11th Im1h Iunerll Mun wu lend ll St Johnl Church Klnulm road llurlll nrvlco wnl conducltd nl Holy lCrodu Cuneluy by Fllhur Cron nn Md Mllls suggested the whola thing be Imp ed Md Jnlllfla Them In several Ihlnn about thll ra port that Im cry rum what was Intended cant ho lleva that ho General Govun ment Committee was in complet figment um fled Kid Emm isked Why WWW Md Robert uld Im dly nppolnlcd with Iha report In far cry from what wn PM to the committee Ald mum uld he couldnt penalizing Industry by mak lngtherp pny Ema and ha Md Emm asked Why is an elmmun council boner than 12min council Were no 50an In lave any money on 1k Ald Smllh acid the xenml Kanem khrouzhnnt the mine as proved Um It to ghtmnn council belle for gmclency 1110 who have been on church boards IN hnva been an couple hm seen how mullet communes work he ll 1110 City of Barrie wlll send represcmllva the Septem ber naming the Slmcne Conn ly Tourist and mmm Sues Commmoe Mrs Ida Mae Roislon died In Toronto Ann 14 following an has 01 snvcrnl yearn Sha hnd been llvlnz wllh her daughter Mln Joycn Rolalon King on Born Idn Mao IcnkIn In Ullu New York Rolnlon was edncnlcd In Ollawn and Lor ello Abbuy In Toronto shn wns mmch In 1919 to ancll Lloyd Ronlon 5L IIeIenI 09th Wmnwz Mu Rolnon llvcd In Ennis mm 1023 to was coming mm Kirkland Lake Ind Brncchrldne when Mr nohlon Wu phar mum Since 1955 Mn Rolston hug bgcn Hvlnlln Tompch find your 1000 mu Imuku 1710000 long nd uh and I000000 lam ol Iulphur foul pour out lull nlnl ch mnoyl cll ahqu be tabled for couplu week to give this electorau In npporlunlly Io in much wllhrugeir uldermpn Md Robert said If you Ire pulling my quullonl to tha Ian you should ask them who her hovannl by the ward or WJWB Ald Emma ism how lhero would ha enough men or committees on In elmman Ald Haney laid It was discussed and the mallcr combining commltleu was dis cussed Md Heisey mum um would cost 000 or $3000 In grants to declare while hdll AN msuu bellevn that mayors maxy should ho Incrcnsed and think 55W lncgeue lnsgll Rczardlnz holiday or he Barrle Fair maybe coukl he suggested to the School Bond to could hm leachm holiday Then the children could Council voted unanimously last fight to allow the recommend nuon In Finance Committee xeporl mo nport also slated that the 19 mm or Adventures ln Humnla being prepared WHY N0 HOLIDAY Barrie Keen 0n Tourism hey mug to do huslnul MRS IDA ROLSION OBITUARY THICK Prominent In lhl blkery bun lness Ind confectionery or many yam In narrla Edwnrd Brmn died at Royal Victoria llospllnl Aug 22 He had been In lood health until recent weekx Dull cnma suddenly of pneumonia zu Hr during 1021 and Mr Brynn did not to build but lnllend lncnlcd In Llnd My Ha nlumed lo Blrrlc In um and opened Imlller It cream parlor Ind lun room lev tral dam east on whll In new Dgglop street we was Ilw vorlle spa or quiet lunch or Iundn ovnr lho ycm unlll Mr Brynn no It la hll non Slanley mlrcd In 1051 Savernl yum ler Slan lcy Brynn cloud In mm and mend lhc Riserlion hullncn Thu lulu Edward Brynn wal qulul and lriendly man whom maln lnlcmll ouuldo bulnul lny ln hll homo Ind gully Mr Eryaon was born near Bond Head In Simcoo County year no on Jul 29 1355 son by Ian Jghn Ilewur Bryson no llvnd on form It Beth esda and llnIshnd hls schooling in Barrie when his pannu mav td hero The rcmalndur hla life was men In Barri except for nine years In Llndxay ms iHl early business to wnl went with ha lamlly bnklnl fiualnm Brywna Bmd le Mr Brywn opened lime canfccllnnury and ice cmm parlor In north le cob net Elizabelhmeal Ind Mr ple Ave morn than so yam ago whlch Win avarllo wot or Bunk peoplonxomund nldl alter and better think In elmman council will lmprovo our council and make or morn efqglcncyn we point alter munch had argued over what would de lelu and whether lhcre should he an amendment and an amend Some 01 lha Civic Dcslzn Som lnlr may come In Barrio In um to look over the ally in dagglnpment City council In high Idem ed recommendation In re poI3by4 wnpn Mr Wilson and Probably the main ulue the Sem inar on GM basin the up peduan to meet with other peopla In dlflmnl prolculon who are Inlcrcslcd in the pmb lem of duvelopmonl of the mlqflclpnlllkm Mk3 True Devhkon reeve of East York has elated lhe greatest value oftha mm the continuing education of the munchle repmenlallvu and It Le recommended um the Cm of Home continue to sand rgzresenlelgye In the Emmy The Cnnldion Council on Ur ban Research bu received $500 grant irom the Fowl Foun dation which is being ciunnei led through Cenlral Monzoxu and Housing Corporation RESEARCH PURPOSES iheso iund in be used to conduct memh proiecu anywhere in Cloud on urban rubiems Consideniion might given Io opplylna in the Re nearch Councillor march pos Edward Bryson Was Prominent In Barrie Business Many Years Design Seminar May Come Here no will mnrrlrd oxiScpl COL mm PA MN WI nlwm vc you malls pmmpl cauncam urvlcl Ink your doctor about our pharmacy nu llm he wrllu pmcflpllon or ynu BRING YOURNEXI PRESCRIPTION NI nlwm vc you make ynmpl caunwu urvlcl hk your doclm Iboul our hlrmacy nu llm he vrllu pmcflpllon or ynu Two Locailonl 00 Sum You Bum CHRISTMAS tha WHITTY th13 WRAY thB FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE ms In Colller Strch hlclhndisl Mama to Laura Penrl Dunk mom or Crown NHL who run vlvu nlonl wllh lwo Ions Sun loy Brynn SJ Clnppurlnn IL and Maurlcn Brylon n1 Dar val Qua one daughter Helm Mu Gnome Dawnll cl Vnn carver lhrw Irandchlldrcn llllcr hllu Joule Bryson ol Barrlo And brother Wllllam mum or 1mm No brother are predecnmd Albm and gum Inltrmcnt won 11ml Un Inn Cemetery Pnllburerl were Arthur Cruwfard Willlum Campbell Howard Campbell Hnwnrd Dunsmuro Slcwm Ery Ion and Rcllnlld DUI Dryon men In the amendment Ip Ecarod though there mm sum agreement about adop 111 um rm lb report which c9951ng of guy gggtegcer 1th on he wordlnnllon plannlnl bemeen lhu clly the county Ind the conservation An PTN The Clly or swim derive cmlderahle benefit from the luck um number protu uluul planner and engineer and civlc mpmentnllves meet hm Ind mm Auflaslloru the Stratford people mumum the duvalopmcnl of the ally Thu clvlc rupmcnullvu in Woodstock wm quite Intelwed In havan some pumdon mm In oven on sharkterm basis to look It the city and make auxwilons wnlla these tux xesuuns may be mmpmely hllr braincd they sllll repmenl now Ideas which arm useful ra urvalr for further duvelop mam Scrvlca wax held on Snlurdly allcrnnnn ll lha Slecklay Fun ml Hume lhll olnl Ald Smlfih obv mm make our repart look pretty sick Mr Wilson nld commutation should be given to tho pmsibli iiy or inviting some the Civic Design Seminar in 1934 lo coma hue in look over the city and it davziopmenL Nut only would it be loud ndvcrllflnz or flu clkv ha uld but It would be worth while an ducaflonal mew or lhc ally mpmscnlallw and und future Idea or flu development 01 tho clly EDWARD DRYEON ll DUNWP PA

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