Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Aug 1963, p. 1

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By DAVE McINlOSfl MTAWA CF Canada Ilgned nuclear custodyand canzrnl agreement with tho VUnitcd Slale less than two week Ian but there are al xudy Indications he federal latmmenl wnnla Ihed Ihe nuclm role soon de mtly posslble mlnu In he IIMHHR rut In In H1 nul lrw wrrlu ahnul HMMIA mpnmihlllly ml lnndln and uluulnl wumlnrm um deal jar II ulna In he Ihmwn about fir me who want In ulmlut Cnnndl lomhm Plan In II Imp lhnl In public wlll become 1an and Ilnvmnl 11 mull uunnlmoudy hate Vlclnr lluunrk 41 Llhrrnl mmllrlnll tar Ollyn WMI Tho Irnll In hall um filled Ind to 9mm had to Hand rial Item lrlvnl pmlqn lulmlly lw pnhllc In 1le plrdzed 11ml Lihrrnl aw ornmrnl In Onlnrlo waulrl opmu in telling up lhn pm pond Mllnnll pmllon pmnrnm Hut IHUM pay up In 75 month by HM uuvlrr could bniory Iyllcm mlnl hl campulln Inr In my rnunl rIrclinn Mr anmryrr laid rm mum Wm nnmlnnunn nwllnl nul lhu lunlu or mm In llrlmnl Ibo nInml plan uml Um wr hhlu mnnlun prnpmnl mmnnl ll Hm lull union of lhq pm mrlnl lulglnhm OITAWA CPIOnlnrlo le ml Lender Jnhn Vlnlermeyrr Mid Alandy Man prnvlm dnl lnvernmenl hu Ilrml up with 0w lnxurnnu Ind lrml tomplniu In hm In himk lha lodml Mrnlmmll Cumul lemlnn llnn 11mm AF Mr DI vlulon In Eurnm wlll ha pnrl he new Inlcr nlllcd nuclcnr or dinns will no partl gm Yur No zoo Thar no present men llnn of acquiring mm lypcl nuclur weapon carrlura he yand the tour now In mrvlce tho CRIN Voodoo cl lntrrccrr lor Domarc nnil aircrnlt mll lilo And Honcsl John nfllllcry rocket Current Infirman plan dell wllh convcnlanal weapons mm mm mm no defence dcpurlmcnl looking Into the pnsibllily convcnllonal role or name of the RCAF IF104 nuclear hnmlr an In Eumpt Thtso pluncs now are equipped or nuclear operation oply Thu mllllla playing dawn In nuclcnr clvll dclcncu role and nemphulllnl lrnlnlng In can venuannl arms MaGen Jenn Vlclor Al lnrd wlll return mm Europe In October In Aludy passlblo organ hallonnl change In lhn army Inlormed source point In than liznposla External Mlalu Mlnlsler min hu dealt III at lust hm recon apeechu wilh he mod or man Adequate pmpm mom InfUnllcd Nnflnns Muck keeping operations He has dlcnlcd that such UN duties my be Canadas major mlll Inry role in lulure Pension Pledge Begins Wintermeyer Attack Government Tactics Indicate Desire To Shed Nuclear Role THIS IS hnw Dnva Fellln haspllal early today after 110 looked In Hazellon PL and flaw coal miner we For Exammu Want Ads Tole phona PA mm The leluuhnna number In all or the Buslncu or Edllarlul Dept L1 PA HEM Our Télephones Avlnmrlkc uh lepllld mm md III mm beau IInuh ulrl wllh mnru lhnn a0 mmmm In her put nu ltd what flhl dulled mm In hmlmnd hulm wealth or fmwmmu IIIM Hm CamrrvaIlm mlnlnlrnllon In Oulnrln pond In Inlrodudlnn of hi ltd an1111 nu nmervnllvn mllry II In Wiley ma wlvm Immn mm tompnnlrl Ind lrull rnm vnnlrl who mt lrylml lo who an lhu Iunmln IMInn Plan kn clur lhnl Um lnry IllIlly II lha mlmnr nl lhl mini lnlrruln Tm lully panANI lrdrrnl plan hnwmr would my mu mum H75 nu Io yum taller ll hrxnn he benclill It Illa lrncrnl 1m mum and pmvldu or uldnwn mremlvnl thlldrrn orphnl Ind In Ablcd The wynnrnld Llhml chin Inld lhn Onlurlo pmlon propul nln wnuld not pay In mnxlmum $110 month unlll nller 40 yem lnko mnunl nl Innnllnn nc turrlnu In Inlrml and mnkn nn provllinn or Iurvivou anlnnx vole II tnllcd II will he the nlnlh pmvlndnl cIecIlon ln Canndl wIlhln yenn Qucbcc and anInundInnd mm In No vnmhcr Prlnco Edward Inland and MInIIohn In Dmmbcr an nrunswkk In Am Ind Mbcfll In June Govtmmmll won reclcdlan In all cum Vlllnirs Ihnl new lnm nra com Inx may be llclor In their lhggklng HALIFAX CW Proxrcs nivn Consnrvallve sources say Premier Slantlcld of Nova Sm Ila wlll announce dimlullon of lhv logislnlun Wednesday nod cnfl nnAclccHon or Oct vernmcnl In power since 1958 does not need lo seek mandnln bclnru Inc 1065 but pnfly worker IN aid lo Hm rlpe The govemmen owed enthusiasm about accepting nu clear arms In tho Hm placa Mr Pcnrwn Id hls Idmln mmlm wax merely carrying out cnmmhmcnls mndo by lha Conscrvntlvcs Oppasmon Made Dielcnbnkcr hu denied there wm any such commit menu All gnVernmanl official lmm Prime Minister Parson down havc been reticent about dlscussing the quesllaa at nu clear warhaads Iar ha two US base Hannon Field NM and Goose Bay Labrador Na gollauona undertaken by the farmer Conservative govern ment on his questlun hnva not bein resumed byhe Llhqrals Wllluml mu nmmn panlcm BURI ED MINER FREED NDWElI clpale In xelccllon and min mgnl pl mats for the from Expect Stanfield To Dissolve House HERES ONE Eh rfrfilrurfllo llin mm in Durlnl Ian Frnnln ddmlI Mnndny hm were mullulnn In mt and mm Adlnn WM go n1 ah nllnu Ilmmwkvl Hennlnr IIll1nnllc NII rnllwnyl Innkuuun drulul Iprruhllnn Hue cnnlvu would wllhlmm nhlharlrlurrlnl mu wrnk mm It Ifnnlrm nppuml In In an In eru nl ymlnl lulllnnnn Ii Wnlln lllrl urnlmnr nr ll unlvu Inltl Mnmlny lhry llwflnllvly ulll Ml 11ml In Ha at lbolr HIth nuumluy ll JOHN CIMHWICK WASHINGTON AP 11 Renal 96an lmlny In Innlnl ll wlmln ml 1mm Inn In and rnunlrywldl ml uth Thurldny um landz dnuhlml Du emtmnry monmu could he plmd In mm llnn lhI lrdmfl plnn cnuld not In llunchnd Ind lhll wauld be urloul Mow nnljnnnl un lly Only lhu rlccllon le rrnl mrrnmenl nl Queen lnrk would emu lhn plnnl IUllfIL Mnnsllcld mid lhnl were ndoplcd In lormll molullon ll cauld well klll ha truly because it wnuld bo lubjcci lo rencxnlmlon 11w reservallnn that sun zcsl would pmvld that ln ha even any armed nflrculon rndanxcrlnu vllnl lnlercsl lbs Unllcd Slnlc Ulla natlon would he lho solo judge nl tho klnd and lype of weaponry and cqulpmnnl It would emrloy well In he llmlnl ol the use Sennlo Democrnllc Mike Mansfield Montana told nporlm Um this proposal ll rendy inherent 1n the ml Rail Strike Seems Certain Ho endorsed the lrculy Mon day In letter In Scnnlnr Fulbright Damn Ark chair man lho Senate Iorclkn rel llons commlllcc But In or rncr prcsldcnl sald he had on reservation 1n mlnd Elxenhowcr wants lha Unlled Stale lo roservn he right to use nuclear weapon lo hull any Iggrcsslan involving 11 vlul In 1mm WASHINGTON AP For mer president Dwight Elscn howur has halted Sennle span son lhe llmllcd nuclear Inst ban lrcaly wllh call at In anllvauresslon mervallon In the pact But Democratic leaders not Immedlale RepuhUcnn helg In an arm In comply with Ellen howerl nromal mumnnvm la reneuollnle the Mo cowsigned treaty rescued ram wmweeh Im prlsonmenl In coal mini Ike Delays Test Ban mourn whim Mil Ann mm notary III Ihe mmlnfllu or Mlldlrlli wuh Wuhlnltm mmhm nld In wen rtlnu Immun llon unnhm bop or lum mfl nl up In mow TUNDNTY Lll An lnll dllnlmlnnflnn mum plnmml In rnlli wllll In Wlthlnulnfl mmh nl Amvrlrun Nmnfl ll uhmlulnl he nlnm 11m Illlflwnlk uboul lhnwmmm mllu In Amelia lltlIA when Thll Um mum JIM nuvernmcnll wny ol uk lnl lnml Ihv Illnl an of win Iludml dlmnl Innlml lhgeucidawn on Dnddhlll Unlvmlly Snlxnn lawlly hrnnchu In cily wm mled by Snulh Vlelnnmm roopl Anllulrcrlll bullrrlu mmllllld Irnund In nrrnldcnllnl pllnu nd nl luy palnll In fill an up pmnlly In um ugllml my poulhln Ilr om revolt unlly nllnbln mum hm hundred nl ha Almlnnll uprclld In In dulch Into he qrmy Throvmuru uld lhu amu mml hid mnlamplllvd relau llo nlm banned lnlmr Ilrlkel and mauled In tho upllnll 2000000 pearl nnld Fleur 1th Clurly rclnrrln lo lho ml of 3000 unlvmlly Iludtnll lhay nlhcrod Sundy or demmulrnllun Gen Dlnh uktd pmnlx lo ndvlle lhnlr chlldrcn nnl In lnduln In my legal ncllon whlch may hint about dllnxlrnul cunnquenm MN Irmmm nrlz Gen Tan That Dlnh Snizanl mlllury governor mnvtd lo raven mnsa uprll In He or cred Incurlly lnrm lo shoot Into any urnup or troublcmnkm whu viumo ht Male 01 mlrllll Inw Im pond Wtdnudny Gnvernmrnl Ipakumm uh the mllilnry wu netan under ardcrl from chm Will March In Toronto The new nmhnssadnr pre xcnled hlu mdcnllnl Mondly In chm Ind oonlerrad lwlco with ma prnsldem Ho cmlcd Mia ram Prexldcn Kennedy nulllnlnx views the View mun trials SAIGON US Ambulador Henry Cabot Dodge met wllh Soulh Vlcl Namn Incurlly hon today nflcr tho lavernmenl Izarlni lurlhtr uprlxlnu or dered troop lo Ihnol lnlo lny lllezal znlhcrlnu Lodge cnnlerrcd with Nun Dlnh Nhu hand of he were pollca and hrnlher of Pruldcn Nxo Dlnh Diem or more 1th two hourl They met at Nhul request MRs HENRY Fellln left uhnn teaches her husband break lnlo Imllo nap and um or NH Henry 11 Diem Meets Lodge Orders Irogps To Shoot Barr Onhrlo Clnldl Tuudly Angus 27 1963 wlll Mn 30 ml at run lnu bu IiioiJIfiTIr vgllljrln lupinI MI lhlllp Han pm ml nmhnm oi Hallway filooplnl Cur lndm nu dlmlor ol the mm Iuld lhl nllonnl Fun Club Manda Men In mm pm Inn um vlolencc um Bul lddod will not mmhmudullmllmov mm will In In vtolmu llw be Ill If If MEL nun nxo uncrrlninly Ahmll num be mu nmmad urly today when Ipnlunnnn or lho mm hendqunrim By lomur rrmrlrd hnl About 1000 of In rrmnl Around Um munlry who ml plnnnod In nln In llm Irm omlrallnn um hnvlnl Hyundai dmlculllu And would HM In mm In Ell unllnl lollu munw Ie mer In mp0 wllh Ihq mu lvo crowdl lllflll hum Ind curl would Ilmm Inlo lb tlly lnr ho lmrrh Cruwa ullmllu Conlfiu nl May In tnmlnue work on lrglnlnllnn llmt waixld pmml Iha nlrlkt nul Ipprehtnalun um hung In this lll nboul Irnnsportnllnn nboul 1h unccnnlnly num be About In unexpcded mark vlnlencm Th mud unlnm havo munlrywldn 1th or mld nigh Wednudny nluhl mm work In so lnla rfltrl lhm It II Ilrlko ml 0qu lcnrn lhnuumdl wrnry drmnmlrnl an lrnndvd mil mllllnu In Wuhlnutnn WASHINGTON MW Lud continua lo um calm and dlznlty or her musqu chll rilhll march on anhlnzlon Wranuday In ahsolvlnl mllllnry Wnshlnnlon appeared la be We In the blame on Diem or his brach Nhu Police and aoldicrl broke lnln pagoda and nrmlcd hundreds of mnnlu and nuns last Wednes day In In allcmpl la hall dem nnllmlons Igalnsl he ovcrn Hum 01 Dlem anan Calhm In Waxhinxtpn Ihe ml do finrlmml mid Vlclnamm ml ary lnndm had no wand of flu crackdown Ngw mnmrmman In mnny Irresled Buddhlst monkannd nun but the plans wm pnllpuned because stu dent unrest Freedom Marchers Promise Peace But Police Ready Wuhlnilon ubmml uld Au Irnag Que wu mo throw mar no mulned only Iner human rammu ll MIMI ll Lemur Larer Lake In chmwn dm lb lull Md taken oul Ind ndmlllod la Ionplul Ill hour um nu ma mun In manflu mm Vllelurk wu MUM anon Ind lmd marl Mun Ill huur nllyr IIul nn othrr mlnrr wu mm during Um nlahl Annlhtr wu thrown rlrnr wall Ind HIM Hmhm In lnnnoln caved In Ranlry llelurk nl nmlry Kurnn and ll lnul Ar dur Lain ml hen nu mllnu In hnnllul mlr my Illm umdrd Iplnnl nhlrlu ml culn mum uruughmnl llw Mum urly lndny lrml lwn mine upped or live huurl 52001ther lhn KrnAddlmn unld mlnn hm umlur Inn nu rod mudy nr poulhln use In the march They would be used In alrlm null 01 000 mmdby tmopl qulckly necessary Thu rt ulnr lmxrfly lnrccn nnd para mnrshnll will mm nhouumo The on Allc Mn South Viol Nnml cmhnssy In Washington mlxnnd Mnnday to protest rcprcsslvc measures uninsl Buddhists prolcssors and xludcnls Dicml nmbns HdDrW lhu Unlml sum quit Administrallon Iourtcl In Wuhlnglon suggested Ihcy hope chrn will as out Nhu and NW nnklBuddhlsl wife Tho Nhus are rcgnrdcd as lhu farce bchlnd the length ncllon against opflonrnljfif Diem lnrfirolm lusty wcein US strategy appeared lo be counllng mnra an lrlcndly mll knry lender lo pron the war against Cnmmunlst guerrilla and less on the chm rculma until mend HI way mm Rescue Ontario Miners VlllGlNMTOWN Onl 4LT tone center It Hazldan Pa mlne cnlombmcnl scene In each olhurl left Mull Illd Ill In hid lul lmd mum flu dun lo mldm In mine but Mhlnl what Im uld uni nzmo ml ha WM about In min Ind 11mm nle Hill In tho Infamy Il nu laud hr mm at In Ill dm mm to mt In Mllh mu tnmmlulnnrr nl hnlnllull wha haul arrlnurd Hm vml ramum nld mu In wu laid by Flllln mm mm lhl they mulllld imp warm In UuIr nlne by IO Imul cuhlrla by bmlhlnu nu mh otlwra huh Ind mung In ugh olhyl lru lean mu nlvlnlulrly In and nplrlln IIM mm llu cnlnnlulnll nupl or Imllln In hII lloht hand whlch he hm humped an mm tall lnfl llfflfltd lumllnnl thllll uh ha plannrvi In hrrp bcllln In lho hnwllnl or nluml wrrk Junl In mu lulu em lhln In llzhl lle Inld Felfin MM lllmunh In llne Ahm lhl hll mind Mu rlrnr and hm wno no vmnll 1111 Sum Inld hr didnt rxwl 11mm la rrmnln in Him n5 Ilnl nr much Humr HIM ll mun He will he Ivrn hum and tinr lull lnlcr ludny FOR WEEK Sum mld nmmel Inland anmm when he wnl hmuxht In tho nutlnco curly lwduy wnl 1070 down llllla lmm nur mnl hul conlldurod my unud lelllnl bland prcuun my normal Dr Pnler Snrul who mun lnrd Throne and Dr Anthony Fldulll personal phyllclnn In lnllln nr lhn 1m 10 yea Inld lhry were both nmmd Ml Hm minm Iurvlvrd ln cramped qunnm In luch exch lcnl xhnpc The men were examined In In ald lent lhnn qulddy le moved by Iwn hellcomcn la lha anluon Stall llosplm nine mllu away whore medal ward wnl prepared at them In uddfllnn la medlcal exnmlnn IIOHI nulhorlllu planned le rlu lean Ipcclllcnlly deslgnnd In ulvn menthol an mlsl 1n dcnjlnz wllh xal prnblcml Throne and Icllln wm pr nounctd In txcnllcnl lhnpc by phynlclnnl who cxnmlntd them an lhrlr Mdny ordmL By um um large drill had penetrated more lhan 66 Ice while Iha smaller one xenchnd lldlplh 10 ll Bi Charm ury Pennsyl vnnin gemIan mines re porlcd lhal drilling an es cape hole In Reva similar lo the lslnch shalt used lo rue Fellln and Thronc was slnricd al HMSuni Only handlul wnrkm were at Ihe scene when the drlllin oi lho lmlnch halo hexan Shorlly Ihemllcr workers bu Kan drillan new ourInch lire line hale lawnrd where Down belleved la be Throne slarled up at 150 and reached he mrlace at 01 um 17minute trip he dexcrlhed he but rlde ever had Fcllln flaxted at 253 am and reached the sur Inc It HI rescue took eight mlnulu 13 seconds IN GOOD SHAPE Aliflough mm bulk mm ap pcarnd 1n cad shape when they repelled the ammo But Ihc joy was tempered with concern In tho thlrd trapped miner Louis Bovn 42 wha was has heard from week ago today He was sep arated from them by 25 feet of debris and our diam to drill mall lifeline hole to him llke the one which reached Throne and Felllnhava been uniuccuslul The two were taken to hospi tal after being belated In My harness up an lalnch scapa hole drllled to His lhalt when they were confined Thuescue climmd drama that caught worldwide atten llon drama mixed with faith courage rushMIMI and he heartwarming stream of good humor that flowed constanlb rim Throne 13 Ind Fellln 58 mm LAMB HAZLENN Pa AP Jok lng and singing all the way Henry Thmna and David Fel lln were lined Inlely to lhe aur ace today from mare than 00 Ice underground where min cavelntrIW¢d film 14 days ago Long Ordeal Endsfis Miners Hoisted To Surlace In Harness NorMaro Tlun Par Copy12 Plan row 73 Summarywiurage m3 Sunny today Cloudy MU ahowm tomormw Winds llzhl gov1 £21111 50 High lumen lhc lbak 1nd Into In alum Fur lhu IM Mama um 6mm lha harm out no Ind nued hullm And pru vlngwlln to numb on Mon In wlnrkrvl mu pllwl mm on lap II 0mm whale jnmmrd Inu when about 150 yard Ian When he lulu Ml lhu luck tom lb nllny llu mm II ml for um III en wmsda en we turn Local Weather mun rm mm All IR lmu Inna11 llnlnl now In Imlnl umulvd mt Ct my Clll Iwkmnnn mld lwhmrd Nu drruilmrul un cnuml uhrn I4 MW at mm HM cm Illnklnl uv Um mar luln lrfl lhn Iran nnrl Ilun um llm rat mud our leerI ll Icfl lhe nml look Hm nlhrr rnu wnh II Home moo lullnm all wrrc In in min huh wrm mung Ihu drrnllul rm hm nnly om lnnkrr bum Ind Iylficd rnnlrnll VAIINAIITMI Onl ICI Ten UIII hum Nuvlh ny lxmml Cl an111 Ml Hm mum III III Hm rnllwny hem rnrly lodny Ipilllnn mun hnn 10000 Knllnnl of Incl nil ml rnunlnx mum Hum dmm nmllm liv Inx lmltlu the rnckn In bl cvncumd on polnl when by Wu Ilnppcd hccnuxu tangle de vtlopcd In hlscnmmunlcnllon HM and mm he remarked lhnl lhn rldo eels like hu tqphulg Carney Ala klnd moon on wmn old hm mu no moon him page two plum The safely harness pulled by winch and cabin arrange mcuL had been considered only lnr nu uncrgcncy but it workrd smoothly Charmbury and uhcr nmclals chunng uriglnal plans to use mo capsule bccause of bend In the escape hula which cuuscd learn ha ha capsule might cmch When Charmhury announced the hur nnss would he used he asked his listeners to say prayer or he mun Im coming up yelled Throne the harness mapped luul about hlm was up noy wmu ride um said hall way up LIKE CONEY ISLAND Dnnt cry said the mlnu as bouyan as ever Im all rlgjL In Inllrighl He had annlhcr request loo For sandwich soup and cof fee He did not care what kind nandwlch and suup flying simply he was humzry 4105 am just five hour short lwa weeks alter her husband had dlsappcarud In 1115 min Mr Fellin was raunitcd with him She had been kept walling nlmnsl an hour In the hmpflnl amr his arrival Finally the ward came and she went solemnly into Um mom threw her arm around hlm and wept on shoulder Empty Houses Rs Oil Spills From Train At the hospital lha men were first helped tntn tub lo wash of the accumulation or grime Shortly betele atm Felltn wonderud when he could no ht wife Aggro roon Mrs Fellin anun Calho He made the sign the cross prayed and wup ear of by when she received the news that the rescue had bun lalely Iccompllshed Contad was not made with Fellln and Thronn until almost six days site the cava in Then shortly before mtdnl an Ann 13 sixInch mains hola reached them Food and other supplies were lnwered to them through thlg hole whims Wm The wives both man ware waltlng or thnm at the hospi tal Althoth they had kept constant vigil and visited the rescue operation ire neatly it was decided Ihuy woud wait at the hospital when the final lift was made $33

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