Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1963, p. 3

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win am an Looking south to Lake Simme one can gaze to the horizon where Ihe wonderful blues and greens of the water ranch out and up In meet the sky As far as one can roe are bonl every description some far out to appear moUonlessr Mr Marshall wilh l7 yearn experience can tell at long rnnge the size and type ol appraechlng watercralt and whether it will be necessary to swing open the bridge hIr MArshnlI watched lntcntly as slrlng 01 hour of every disgripllon Including our high clearance cren approached from the north Ollkrr mlrl Mull mm of Illlnlc ll nuulnl lhlrhl lnr helm lul nllloum cadet In llul war of Imlnlu dur IM nrrnl rmlllllllm om Iimu nmu Wyllllwnlk mu Ne Ill nlm mrnlnl Illh Elm 11mm lull and mu molar ullirrcd mud our lucnvy Iron wedges lwn at such nnd 01 he hrlduu umd lo mun he mavcahlo bridge low with mu Ilnnly nunlnsl lho pcrmnn cnl lulnhwny npprauchlnn mm bnlh AM were wilhdnmn rom bvlwrm Um blocklnu plum ed on Ilghu wnnwd hixh rnlllc la lap at Elmer tn oi 1h brldzn Then down cnmn rnllrondIike slop unlcs hlnrk nnd while slnpcd pm ducln lha lnmlllnr and acne ruling ding ding ding dlng mi llghl on tho brldxn lold uwnm hunt with clcnrnnm mentor than fight rel lo xlnnd by lhnl Hm bridge was pro puran la 0pm To open lhc elcclricallyAnpcr nlcd brldxo Mr Marshall flipp ed switches and mum lcvm at lhn cnnlrul punch closely watching bolh hlghwny nnd mar no traffic WNIN TRAFFIC Will have la make wing hr these boys be announced Bnlh noth and south bound vessels must pass on lho was Idn lhls hrldnu when It Ipcncd 0n lhls side lhe channel Is at dtcp Like In hlghwny lraIlic water mm must pass one nnolhcr on the Den hnnd nlde youll nullce It prcvtnls contusion From ht elevated control law er operator Joe Marshall of Ortttta has mngntttccnt vlew bath hlghway and water way traffic Lqmgma soum With one end reaching Simone Counly and the oiher Ontario Caunly there are few more in teresilng structure in our area thon the swing bridge at Ather iey The bridge carries traffic of Highway 11 across The Narrows between Lake Simcoe and Lakn Couehiching it swings open in 90 degree are oilon as necessary lo allow yachts and other high clearance vessels pas ram one lake to tha other un obstructed 5IANDINI men abuv the deck the Wing bridge at Atherley in his control lower Has Magnificent View On Big Swing Bridge BHRRIE CADET By BRIAN BAKER Inry Mulnty volume lmml lug the Ihkkl in Coloan Lyn camp command ulmlrul the 0an Mllllnry ollvlr klnnlnn lbllkrr llrl Wmlrs Ibo ml Mr and Mn mm ol Bum It would he puulblu lo lhu cnnlmll up 50 lhnl you had only lo and one control And he mrlu opcrnUnns would nulomnllcally be mm nu ma nutr Iho ulhcr but wllh tnrh upcmllnu having to be slur lul Irpumlcly you havn belltr mum rattle nnd can do any nl he Icrlll oncmllum lmlanlly Ihould nnylmuu wrnnl Inld Mr Mnnhnll Al It you cnnl low the gala Mlnr n1 of lhe beau had pm through Mr Marshall swung nu hrldgu buck lo Ihn highway Tn nvnld damage ha Ilruc lura he cut he paw dovm by ualnx lhu grndunlcd power Ivth From thls part he Tron Canal ayucm hollday mnkou in milnble cabin crulscr can ICIIC hany 5m coast port or cznulAllnkcd port In Notlh Am cricn WINS AWARD Code numbers permit Mr Mnrshnll dclcrmlne rum when each cmn has come In lho course or season ha to card mscl or narrle Lenny Orlllla Toronla Hnmlllon Mon lrenl SL Johns Clevelandluw York Florida nnd Was Coast purl In name low About no seconds lalcr lhn bridge rolled caught rolled llillo mare and then flopped slandan at right angle now la the highway lin end hanging far out over the blue green water blue lamp flashed on and carefully lilo iaur inboard crui nn glided arms when mlnule beich can had been massing As each boat plowed deep green funaw ihmugh ill channel liir Mnrslmll 10qu down lhe code number in ma Federal Dcparlmeni oi Tran part log hook There ll no loll churn CODE NUMBERS To the land lubber looking out the control lower or the first time during wing given the somewhat dizzy sensa tion ol Icelng the cahpuckcd highwny land trees and build Ingx bcgln to swan northward and away while tha lake teem to low bodlly In below the ob suvcr to fill the vold You alm pIy dont expect salld brldzo to tum For the filth and final time Mr Marshallrecheckcd the hlgh way traffic to make certnln my body was attemptinl to force crossing then he slowly rntnted swingtype lcvw marked swingt 15 horse power mm tort huge gears and shalt came to life grumbled whined Slnwly at first then faster the bridga started to open xwtnglng like giant campus needle DIZZY SENSAHDN Joe Marshall prepare la make swing to permit high clearance yachu Ind WINH AWARD VANNUVBI Cll Joel mom born In llolllmd lm bun nwlrded 1M finvmwrlmmll hum modal In unlvmlly lnmru mullu In mm mm ml Im an in II lul no you lmnly mkln lemnlu uuund NM mh Ind hollm Ill each 10 nwn man up 12M nth Ind hello can null mur hllh wlm Incluth mo Will by lhuy ll Valluu Ind Ron llrlhvlllo um NM by lid Mllkr llmlu Fill Mu 1ch by Hrnlo ll Shaw Hulk Falln Iml no pun lvy AnUumy 1mm Schomheu Guhlm rm mm hllhnl prlu lot hmer ul 01 50 Dunn lllll Arm also Md £550 or IM um cull hellcr nnrlvm Suprrmu le Mu zelher Dun lllll Mm bounhl ulna Mid Indudlnl lho lop mm mm yenrllnl ll 15 and milling amnion ll In And Intel 817620 or an Iver Me $309 Bath wu melvtd or the 51 nnimlll Iold In lhc dllpznml lb Dulvue llul min herd lcnll nnnlc The 1an wm held at Dukvllle up nrlru alum wnl rcnclmi WIN llnl when Ivan Clark Ind Sam Shnly Ilny mid lhll Imounl or lurlvua mlkcllnn Shawn Tnlx nlx ycnrold Good Hm cow ha MA prr cm or milk and per cent or lal on her llnl lhm Imnllmu and II dnughlrr ol the wilenl ll Ilolnml lleflccllnn Sow trelun And out Bur llrood Lnm Dunn lllll Arr nkn mum when ll raining and lairly lmnz north wind New In water rllu up hm In tho uulh and Luke Couchlchlnz explnlnl Mr Maulmll and you can actually we Iha waler pour lnl buck lnln Lake Simcoc rm p0 ular boating watcrwny One nleresflnl future Mr Marshall has noticed hat mrmally water mm Lake Sim can flow northward through The Narrows Into leo Couchlchhu and down Hm Severn River ll Ihaulrl do But Ihll not In We sea everything here ex claimed Mr Marshall laughing Is he waved to he canmscd couple No water cull Ihnuld be underpnwcfcd However know no accidmu ever hav lngoccqml hora Mr Mars 51 the flu wenkcnd In July when he make many 150 lwlnu en fin weekend he must make an nvmge 40 wings daily lndlcnlina that the Trent Cam Willthulil pm SE EVERYTHING Mr Marshall shouted lo the skipper lo Iry to keep Ihe thlng out the channel 10 that he could open the brldze to let ll lhroulh But lhe sklpper lrled lo coax more power km the motor lhe molar flooded and no out Whlla an amused gljoup ol onlookers lhou led ndvlce the Illlle craft bun ced all the plllnls and won blown toward the brldge under whlch It appearzd ll mus lamb AI he aklppcrs wile threw her hand over her head expecting the tool lo be knocked oll the lillla crall lolled everyona and Jusl cleared the brldxe under Ilmclura by bare lnch or two Herd Brings $17620 Total An amusing incident occurred when peculiar top heavy and underpowered um craft resem bling hardy built on ouun pontoon could not he stopped It was blown northward by moderate south wlnd toward hebrlqge 11 the stop lights are no on and you cant open the bridge 11 the opiates are no In low ergd pnsmqn cruLsm la pass through Tho Nunown Mlar brlnz thoroughly clum ed Med In nppmlmnmy nlx ptr cenl molfluro mnlml lulcd lnr vilblmy Ind mm In llvvullun Inn 1m ll mum lempcrulurl of in do xrm hy Ipetlu may or dxlnmrnl VIIIlorl wm Ilmwn vnrloul npcrallonl Mulnnlnl wllh ha cums drying thch IIlcr cum Ihipmenll lrcm Iho dlxlrlcu throughout ha province IN ro calm In In all of the yamv Conu uzrcunlcd hy Ipcclu and kvpl npnrnlc Iccordlnl to Iced zunul Exlrucllon whlch balm uxunlly In Navembcr ll cllccltd In kllnl alluwtd by Win 1qu clunlnl prvwm mavo of can needlu md wl dualpnnlcllgl It Operallanl Imus commenc ed in 1911 Ind lhlDuKh lhs your varlnm muchlncs and technlquu luvs been Irlnplcd And dcvzlop ed In much very hlnh dczm ol clllclency Wllh ha comply on of the new exluclcry bulld ln thI year tho plan wlll be equlppcd lo Iupply lulllclcnl nod 01 lho producllon of up lo loo mllllon rec lNdllllll ye ha tree seed plnnl An nu the need required or op Milan dcpnnmenl nurseries lhrounhout the pnr vlnca pmcemd Icned and flared ready or Ihlpmcnt requlrcd Innunlly Slat members ha Depan ment at Land and Forum In Imunto lelled Lake Slmcoa district 1m week and warn con ducted on our the seed plan Angul hudhum nun ery and Sprlnzwnler Park My praxlmalcly an employee look part In late trip number of lhu most Import Inl acllvilies ln connecllun with tho depurlmcnll reforesutlon program are concentrated In the AnquMidhuru area ANGUS CAPACITY In his own dmnce lha no cused uld that than was on She uld um she called out In hlm in annoyanca because she had the children In the back neat 0n the lama meet there was Ichool he now There wen many children and adults In ha area when the In cident took place she told the court Mm Davis testified that ha accused almost hit ha back left hand comer at her car and then mm across the mud nlmoal Into tha dllch Mrs Davis said that she dmve on down the meet to the corner when she heard car approach lnz the Intersection at last KEEN Sha told the court that stopped her car and the ac cased swung around her with his Urea menlm as he made hand tum Mn Davis said ml the de iendlnl Jumped inw hi car and backed out of his drivewny in rule speed ionlha can fined surroundings Mr Wehher Almost hit her car aha noied She Iold lhl Court that he look all In cloud dual Shr told Aulxtan Crnwn torney Jahn Murphy that she wan pnrked outside the delm danls mldenca Ind nw him mmemu with his We The cnuple wen abaut no fee awAy she testified 31301 9N nosz BARRIEEXAMINEB SATURDAY AUGUST 1mKatlmlna 15le 01 Bell Ewan Iold the cam2 that she hld been drlvlnl her Ion on Me pafien route with tavern other ch dren in the buck sen so on the day In question The wife had blood coming from her nose ha said and he Accused was laughing Ht temper cost Charla Webber 22 of 1mm lar men110 51 Ewart 25 and com of $2150 upon convic tion yellerday In Barrie Mull untel Court of circles drivlnl The charge by Imus Pbllca frnsgoul In Incldgnlpn Aux Forestry Staff Visits District Seed Plants MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES For Temper Costly TO Thronto Man CONSULT SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 49 Dunhp lurk COMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE Allhoul shipping aperallom carrch out In lha lpflfll Ind lll DEYIOdJ lho group had and opporlunlly lhl pmmium Involvrd Includinu um llnlnz Im Imm the md During tha VII he nun rry at iiiidhursl lila Vllilufl wera Ihnwn haw mdl obtained 1mm AnluI In lawn in pre iurmtd bed duran ihuJaii per iod Ind how lbs younl ucd iinu alier Kerminaiiam ua proitcied from too much Iun wind And the disco ornunhm causing dumping oii Thu md bedt laid out in lwwncra compnrlmonu are upurnicd lcmrdinz Ipccles and lCLd mm in ii way he Iubse qrxucnl pinnlinl Itock my be lhlppcd la mu mm which an mor1lnlly coiioclcd Another Aspect oi the work urrlcd out the Angus lion is the seed production pro Jccl dullng with improving tbs quality oi roe need Thu group wlu shown how lclon ram npeclnlly nelcclcd mature mm In dillercnt dlilrlcll are main ed on young rm malnlnz their high qulliiy Ind mnluh liy chnrnclurlsllca Thu anili edlon subsequently heA cornea lho new leader and Um young lrmi Ireland in lilll way an out in sud orchard will bo zin to bear high Quality and at Mlnlivtly early 10 AT MlDllUflSl Mrs McMasler was siruck by but while keeping learn ball game in which her son Daveya father was playing better lei are but fly from his hands on his iinal swing and Iiruck Mm McMnsier on iha arm and inc and hit Davey who was kneeling hesida her on ihe head Mrs Mchiasier luiiared broken nose Ind bruises on her arm and iace while Davey received head cut which required our stitches Mn McMasm expect In be released mm hospital this wetland Seeds Muted In vault gravidlnl voyeur supply on Ind or nursery mulmmmls While plne for example aver lgu 15000 clean seeds per und whcrcu 1n the cm ol Iack spruce the number Impunyp nhout 400000 Mrs Garnet McMasier oi 251 Dunlap St whn was in jured in an accident at Gren lel Park last Sundny in in good condition at Royal Vlciurln Hospital Her grandson Davey McMnster who was also hurl In the mishap was treated at the hospital and relunnd in same night Under muexunlnnglon by Ike men ha Idmmod um ho had been dflnkinl during ht memoon And that be bid quin mlled wllh his wife Mr Webber aald that he had been gain nowhere in particu afghan ho drova Imnnd lilo In nply to the defence the Crown Iald hat Mr chhnr hid jamd his car Hound lhu block In anger In handing am his judi ment Mulsunle Foster uld Lhnl ha nccelad Mn pnvlsgpvldqgcp an hur veh lion Bf tfie 1min on one of MI brak Ihou 0m of the rear wheel had Ian dency squeal when the brake we applied he told an court comm Hs ma uni he bud control car all Ilmel during lha Incident Ofllclll Dnlo for School Openlng or the F11 Term Scorekéeper Hurt By Bat ATTEND PARENTS Rogmmlon puplll now Do my llmlo Public School wlll Mk pl ch uth on Bolwoon Iho hour of 1000 30 mm Ind 2100 330 pm Each Prlnclpnl will be In the school olllco welcome Ind enroll puplll now to um nchool FRIDAY AUGUST 30 I963 sebum wlll In run Ichool day IARIII PUILIC CHDOL BOARD September won It 900 In Iha park or many ytml Srcnlc ponds and rundwa Inlcrspcmd In the plm luI Inllunl nlmm wllh number of InnIIIIIu rovldcd In recent ycnn run lhll one oI lhe mall nllrucIIvo Ipnll In In dLh Mr or InmIly irouru In Iho lummnr mnnlhm 11m pnrk new cnvm In ml III we Ind bu ummmodnlion or we lo LOW plcnltkum Durlnl tho visll lo Spring wnlnr Prnvincinl Park directly mm mm um numry when lunchton wm ocrvcd In Um pnvlllon lhu viskarl had In onporluully to number of plnu plnnlnllom uubllahed no In 35 vnnn no when the puk armzd pm 01 the Mldhunl nnrnory OI nfllculnr lnlcmt wnl the wildlla dllplny both nnlmnla and blrd whlrh htu bccq very popplar wllh vllilarl The Mldhursi Forest Siallon established In 1922 was one oi the three original nuncriu in lhe dcpurlmcnil reiomlnlion program and cover an area oi nearly 2000 arm Three hun dmd am oi Ulla is in actual nursery operations and tha hal uncu in tree plantations and unlurni woodlands Conllera make up 95 per cent of Um loiul production including various species oi plne apruco and some cedar lumnruck and lurch Prn ducllon at lira rule about 10 million recs pcr annum or lcrown and prlvnlo land plant nu Mayor Hum Roger nald council we wcra very happy when lha Chamher ol Cnmmcrce recommended that glaque be erected and we wen app when knew that Hydro was dlrecllnl It Since Ihn highwm hm been and Irnnsplanl bad thing In bundle at 25 and the prepar allon for Ihlpmcnl 1n bales wlth sphunum mm to prom lhe young 001 ram drying out In ha shlpplng barn lhwn omiinl and the Ball Chamber of Commme welcom od vlsltorl More lhnn filth the pop ulation of Blll cumnd out yes Ierdny for the unvemnl pluqua erected by Ontario Hydro on he alla of dam callbllshed 95yean 9g lwo persona were hospital allowing rear end col llslon Lwa mun north of Thurman Clovorlgn last night Unveil PlaqueAt Dam Erected 95 ears Ago MOTHER RND DAUGHTER HURT IN CRASH Wnllcr Templeton pre anl nun Chamber nl Cam mme made the clash me Thu plaque lnscrlbcd ml pmnccr gcnmllnx Mulknlm mm pm ll Hnro prcxenl am manager lulu who Iuccecd ed Arnheim Bellrcy WM men llanad by Mr Buyer and wu present nl lhn tercmnlny other prmnl or lhe unveil lnl ccromnny were Co Kunnedy uso Commlnluner of Onlarlo Hydro and armor Cam mnndlnu oumr Guy Ind Slmrqo Fareslm Am today and men like hlm dld muth for Hydra He wna tho Ire manager or Ontario Hydro Ind aflcr completing years with Hydro ha retired In Aprll your camel from UII lama Hydro lumily havan le brother all In Hydro GUESTS Three daughter or the late Dr Thoma Bums were pre sent at he unvdllnl Mn Ray Rnuuhnrn windxor Mn Gldloy cl Hula and Mn chllt Bramplpn Mr Boyer laid Thnmll Bur less established dam here 83 yum ago and lb enmuraied films to come hero and esta HI Inn was the Km mayor when the town was Incorpora ltd so years ago In wa Dr Burgess and his brnlher in 1811 who worn responsible or thls dam Dr Bums WI the flu Hydro mnglsslonexj 1n Elll In ms the Italian wal ac qulrcd by Ontario Hydra and lndny hydro available 95 Eur can our arms includlnz umcslcadm in he remole Ilflfll There has been Heady In crease ln cuglqylm inlnco mo Robert Boyer vicechum man of Ontario Hydro and MP or Muskuka Dmrlcl unld ha was proud Io represent Hydro hr Inma way have bean proud Io represem thll comm uenfy 1n purl diverled tourism has dropped on and the hlstnrlcal mes Inch thll will help In attract tour 1m He was relerrlng to the un of lehwuy 1m lnxtead nghyiny 69 Royal Victoria Hospiili In nikiadory condition in Mrs Clara Adeimunn oi Dleppe Ave Elliot Lake Poi ice mid Vince Olivor VI Our pnmlvm lm Ml IIVCOLLIIR IT WI 302 SAVE ON YOUR AUTO INSURANCE ll our MM PROTECTION BENTLEY and C0 EVERY MONTHS 00000 IJCL LIABILITY 0500 MEDICAL PAYMENT Dluovnl For Can Na Churn For Auldonll THE BEST BUY FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS CALL 141o NEW POLICY SAVES CAREFUL DRIVERS REAL MONEY Illa defence counsel uld lhnl ma deltndnnt had cemln ldm n1 mm In the lunmh Ion wu urlomly tomler lnu buyan the which ml lnko lny In keepan no long he bend wnl told Vnlo youlh arm labour laid lhe court thll he wu gullly oljoyrjdnz When lho dclmdnnl dld no re appear our Ind half hour lam lha proprlulor ho dul euhlp nollflcd the police 11 Crown prouculor Iold the court dull lhe dclcndnnl had been ap prchended by lho ProvInch Police on lllxhwny coo norlh Drndlord Less than an hour Mer tho delcndan reappeared with Irlend and anld that the demon alralor car had mn out of on Dunlap SL The pmprlanr ntcoxmmnlcd the ywflu llllcd up the car and was told by the accused that ha would drive he car but In Um gar aqu Mnglalrala Faslurrwna old Aulstanl Crown Anorney John uurph old the court Ihal the accused had been rermlutd by the proprietor ocal mlomtr blle dealer to aka nuw car or rial run on Aux with vlew go purchpu Port Carling Maclierand rur roundinz districts Completed in 1917 it was built and openud by tho Bnln Electric Light and Power Company In the 1880s timber dam Ind walerwlleel wera built this slte to supply motive power tor sawmill which opurnted until 1910 The electric power Ian was pnr chased by Outer Hydro in 1929 Ind designated Elle Generallnl Station No The development with capacity at 215 kilnwaltl was retired tram service in 1951 Wllllnm Charles Joseph Swaln IL Dunlap cast was remund ed or semence to Friday morn ing yesterday when he was con victed In Barrie Maglslmtn Court 01 laklnz car wllhoul lhg ayncrL pcrmlxslmll Youth Convicted 0t Taking Car Without Consent Mic street Bracebrldza run into he mr of clr driven by Stephan Adelmann One of ha wrecked can In shown above Bamlner PM ll DI Huml IERVICI PA MM

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