Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1963, p. 6

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IMAM IN FAVOR In ll monlhl May In Ammlln upnrM mod toth manly lumen In Jr run And molnd uumm In Imam Ilm Dur Ann Lnndzm Our ion ll yem old He on to dine lnfi Ichool when he lumlnz Ko and ballroom danclnz lost the boy and glrls in hll class me lo 11 and 12 yam Last nlzh the clan hnd party the home on of he lJllla girls It wn not dale nflllr Each chlld was brouth by pann Ind wan to ba picked up hy mldnllhl Our Ion told this momlnl that he hnd lmlblu time be cause of lame culled Haven or Hell The My take he zlrl who It mm closet nnd for seven minutes he can ellher kin her heaven or hit her them Our Ion uld he didnt Want to hit air and he dldn want an his one llher Accord lnx to him the III llkzd the gama but the boy didnt My husband ll boillnl mad our lhll Ind he wall In uh our Ion out the Ichonl have mixed emotion Wonan shame he lucked be Ind dldnl know how to anoc when dancing II no lmparllnl lo popularity these dnyu BEVERLY HILLS MOTIIER Pmnu who puxh llAnd leyenraldl Inlo adult Illuallonl om them totallylot Thu but we kl cnn do ll IM me hay lmulm II Null behavior Yonnmm such you who Ira chuled prr cluul chuth yum becama burned out hubeem 11 Dur Hamlyx Who gave your husband polu laman Mlne looand they Iurvlved lama how didnt they lhnt kld ol your on of that lilly danclnl school Ind put hlm In YMCA IwImmlnz elm An 11yurold boy Ihould be plnylnl hnublll climblnl hm Ind wmulnu wllh thr bun lle Ihould no bu klulnl or Mlllnx MI In clalcll Dur Ann landerx II III 1th lnr lhI ldedy mum lmly through our Iprlmcnl llnl Ind lmoklnl llld nick Inna Mimi nd hi MIL vln Mcxlnnm lo mph Jolm curlmun hu Mon nnmm ol Mulon Kalhm In Mcklm dlufllln al Mrl mm McKlnnon ol Inn Mr and Mn sunny Shel dnn Dlvld Feryer Ihnwn allowing their mmllze In st John Thu Evnnxellst Chub ch 0mm Rev aner coileze classmm bridelmom officiated It lho hIgh noun ceremony Aug 10 Thu bride Sharon Ellnbelh AN LANDERS Teach Him Wrestling In Ring Not Closet VOWS EXCHANGED AT AUGUST CEREMONY TIANIIATI PIA lnmlon Ian hu Inlllllld Ilmulumu lrnmlnllnlmyv dun IIIl IIya an iv Inl land In lmlr Anluuu month rpbonu llld ady will nut perm lll to change In lock on our door because the mull hm Iccm to our Apart ment In case an emergency ls hare somean we can do None 01 wants to mow CLIFP DWELLEM In her nose Into heaven known whm Im one nix Ilnxll girl who Hvu In Ihll convenlem building The unit wa run no not Iumpluoua but to thll II home We dont own anythan of vulul but Ihe Idea lhll nome ane can come In and map lwndJuneddenw but Dwellm Th Inndlady may 1nde hive lho key to your apartment but the hu no right to ma those key except In ml emerazncy llre plnz gal em Many lam so your do not per hqu It mould In lame places llIe landlady could bu prosecuted for Illegal entry ll the invaded your menu jusl la moon mu Dear Ann Linden went Ilendy wllh Rollie or 11mm monlhl Sevenl week 35 we dawn and had long lllk We umd the remnu had cooled and lhnl wv had loll lntcml In each other There wen nu hmh word ou muhl lay the romance us dled nature causes Yellerdny when heard Roll II dnun nlrl lrlcnd or mine decide to zlve Mm hll lrnlemlly pln back looked high and MW Ind cant llnd the Mr Inywhpr Do you 21 hnvo Ill ohlln Jan to la lune In Or lhlll wnll unlll mu Ind than an Mm Too bad Frlend Ian lhe blpcgnln lhln nkl or yohrfinlp nommm no NANCE Den Doornlllx Elncn Rollin lmnl menllonrd um pln he rohnhly down much much mponnnu to ll Sly nolhlnr II ha would uk or flu pn lller you In obllullon lo Rpllca lll In v11th you to L7 ton Mr Ind Mu lu ph Cooper of Bay FL Thu hlullcm Arm Cll Idll will In In nlllnl or flu kytnmmr waldlu on Kept pm McKeane ha daughter of Mr Ind Mn Edward Mc Kaine Ottawa nlo brida lmrn II the tan 532 Ind Ind Mn Penyer Bowman sznue Ban1 Th nawlywedl wlll mIde Parkwny Apartments Park WIy Avenue Omwn Phola By Lloyd Brawn mumwn 61am and flPullman II nllmd lho clutter bl lhl Orlnnlmlon ol Mrlun Unlly Alum hy flu held Mrlun nlllmu ll mullnl in Addll Ablbl XImlovll 1m May 1m chulcr All It unlllnl Mrlun mllnnl min llnlll povmlul pollllul tum EDMONNN CP For to yam Mu Eunice Human 71 has ridden her bicycle to and mm work through Edmon toqfil heavy dgwngnwn mmc She wan famlllnr lllhl to city policemen who marvelled her Ihfllky to thrud her way through Ihe ram and her nggluauufely record By PATRICIA llUBAK TORONTO CP Chlldrnn pliable You can put almost my Ilyle on child and nu wlll 109k Mn Hansen bu nevtr owned The blcycluIhe had hm durlnl four decades more lhnn urved the purpou and never lulled lo hcr to or from ha tailor up when th worked Now remed Mn Human nun enjoy blcycl mm mm anrlbules her cod heath In her Icflva phyl cll We Ellen llendmun has dkmv and Ulll during nearly 20 ya duluninz Albion or chll drfln Huge 12 yenn up Mn HandelIon Iuyl uh lmlltd that more mclhm dont new or lhelr Illlle zlrlL Chlldrtnl Itylcl lodnx like melr molherl dominalzd by lhe loose clmiul llnu of me Ihlll Ind ryrnmld drum which rcqulro lllla But they mull be IhorL Mn Ion explllned thll lenllh never chlnlu In um llrll Ilylu Drum my Ibovo flu knee unlll Ihey In about to yum old which lklma lha hem an drop to tha me FIbrlc II In mall Importnnl mnnldemlm when nwlnl or chilltun firm Id Mn Hendman rm to mo only Inbricl of ma canon ml or wml llbm renqu IhI hu found nlhellc Ind drlpdry Inbrch on wuh Ind wen long Iuccyululy mor hbrlc Mu Ilendemn It It vlzor cunly wuhlnl Ilmn lonl vllh Iny lrlml la and In hot man ulna ulna lull yéu dont have lood ml mm In um wlh danl bolher lewlnl PURE FABRIC Im In or drlpdry Illa thnfllll color lhu cloth rm whlm camelHy In no nnlunl whlln veteran Cyclist Keeps In Form rm AND MRS Robert lan klm Ilgn the rellmr follow lnu their wedding at Colllar sum Unlud Church Tho bride 13 the larmer Sum Jones dlulhter Mn Ed ward Jane Barrie and the In Mr Jones The bride SAYS LEADING DESIGNER CALL IMIHI uumo For ll ll Fabric Is Most Important When SeWing For Children Cnmmmlll 0r lmlullml Pholol lmpon lnrlrnltn Film Duvolnplnu max uum fibllc Ichaal teacher decidad unday not court their male counterparts unlll ha man lhowed mm lateral Thu Annual meeting of the Fedenlion oi Women Tuchm Auaciatiam Onurio deiuleri two resoluiianl uquexunf lhu Individual member be ven chance to lxpreu Unit inionx on nmnlnmniion with 0n nrio Public School Men iuch en Fedmiion Voun rhlldml ouon mu filmy puny lhlnu will lull Ill And mu My the men mnl lnltmled dont think lha women would courting nld Ruth Holm threads to be lure dyes not Mu Henderson Ieldom um fabric In brllllanl calmI Gray trimmed with while In her varm or dlyllma walr make mu ulrll look was and pure Also vlvld Ihldu and la drlract Imm chlldl natural color Whm Mn Hendemn ccnlly vmlod childrens uh Iml home In Londnn and Pam Ihc found molt pmy drum wen while ilnd hid my way Ill puny drum would bl whllz swoon wzm Velvelazm In browns my Ion red with loml bluel an arm wm beln Ihown for bickloIchoal wear Black vel vel will po am or dreular occulonl Prnll mnlnly mined and plaid nlher Hun flarnl other lrendl lrom Full And London In plllfl netIn Alum unhmkm mum and collr on high bundl Ilka thou nlhmen mm Mn Indmon ml mnlh who new no la avermlh clolhu You an III In men with too much dtll and URL Man llml Ihould b0 lPflll on Hnlllllnl dmlumlhu wllh Ill Elm mdmun Ilbcl In omglmly French mmod um 1y llnnd Ind hemmed m1 gym by JIM Mm Madman dullnu of thc new culomIlylud Girl Gulda unlhrm unuu um children Ihauld Ilh UII lhlnn Imy tho lo mr Ind Illlll mnlhm In with lhrlr chlldnnl hm And dltlllm In mind nruom in the on Mr and Mn Jenklm at Ottawa Rev unrdlnar Skelly omclnled lhn Altainoon nupunll reception wal held ll tho ham or flu bridon malhtr on Payntz at Thu newlywed will nuke their home In sum FWTA Defeats Motion On Unity WIEGINS WES gpaonmj gm Women llvm llm flny fin Cmpm oqumn walluflllllr AND Alovl ALL VIII In ammun Allllfl ulln nu ull mm Luu an 5mm mil 1mm wlll ordon Iodd Ind to Glenn and Robb Them SL hlvn mumld mu bolldanmr trip to Pull Mlnnuo Enron they Inv elled win an nontth than lhc lulu Superior Ind returned vln Chic llllnoln Ind ugly mgch nly gm V1 WA OWEN SOUND GUEST Mn Cummlng Omn Sound In houdl In II the ham her mm In Corbett ll Emit BEACH HOLIDAY bar that Ind llllebmllwMx Ind Mn WIIIICI Todd durlnl their my 11 st Pull In Hunter and dlulhu Klm And Cnlhy of Bum men men day It In homo of Mr Hun Iurl broth at Vlrflnll Bench Mr and Mn Funk Hunter dluzhter any Ind Ion Chry Irl returning tho visit th week1 an Mr and Mn Douzlu McMor un Ind lam Cull and Bud ley huvc returned to Hamilton alter mndlnl lhe pm weak wng of qut Vlllllm ark Alter Hm Irvine ol An cutar told tho 600 dale am that thc manl roup ha no emuu nppm ed the wom 11 mum About nmIlzIm on Th0 ledmllon pnmd ma luklan uklni that lunchun with as mu urvlcn be Allowed to min renrdleu of In Un we vrmnl Superlnnulllon Act either with 35 yurl of undue recelvu lull penIon only In 61 yun old Children dont becamc uh Ion camciom Ind Ipprecllu Iha mm cllulcal linu mul lhoy anu light or no yem old lhl nyl Num In lllllldld In cant Ih mun well In lb lid mum Wldfllntu nlumflu hmhfim hfllu Dmlu mm ol flu vullon Ind tr Ill hung nl mm In womandun un will In fully up Plun nhonu Tlu Elm lumina Ii PA Hm Ind III Elma Dixon Audny caullu the wom ua Dammit Th 600 degelAlu lllo finned Electricity Is Safo Clean Flamales 15 IAYFIELD STREET ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS is proven to be over Matchless Electric Water Heating Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrq Cannon Ms5m PEOPLE AND PLACES BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OHIO methods may only In cl much on 65 Officiant with Mn Nixon DunlapSt wm holidaying Ind vldiinx in ill vlnlnlly BACK 10 LU BC Mr md Mn Mm thor is Barrie Mny by molar or Vlncwvu whm they will ro Oumarundluji Unlvenity oi Brltinh Columblu next manual They wm Iccompmiod by Mrs Donlld Unknown Mn Fixhuh motherhwho will VII on Ihl West Coast for uvenl wealu helm returning home Prime Mlnllter Lum Pub um and MnuPumn wlll and the opening performance ho Jlmalun NullonllDmcen In Strluard Fullvaln Avon lhgnm toning Acwmpmlad by thalr duuzh ler Ind IonInhw Dr and Mrs Wllur Hannah thc Prim min later and Mn Pumn will re mlin In Slrnllard on sumday to mend both the mnlhm Ind evcnlnl performnncu Comedy Emu and mon 01 Athenu ln hl Fu tlvu Thu rmlullon that peruIanI or rellred luchen be calculmd on tho bell even ner than tho In In mu or nrvice Prime Minister Attends Opening EDUCATODS DISCUSS BIBLE BROTHERLY LOVE HAMILTON CF Catharine hlsh uhoal prlncl pal nld Wldnuday the Blblo Ihould be used In dam00ml to leach brotherly lava but educnllonlstl unnol use it wllhou embrolllnz them nlvu In milieu comm varv7 vary Unfortunately mlel re Ilrlcll ul 1mm 1an Evan Mlcdonnld he 5L Cntharlnu Collegiate lmtb lute and Voenllonul School told 35 hlkh Ichonl prlncl pull Ho wu member gnnel dllcunlng an Iddreu In nula company execu uve whn asked that the lhree be pul buck Into educatlon wllh view to turning out more Ilherllly educated Itu denu with me 01 broth Wllllnm Bourke general lulu manner of Ford Molar Compnny of Canndl had said what mm to me to he nuded II find the most Fur lderly and convalev enl pnllznu Excellam nclmm or pnvale or lemInnvnle Hal and cold water In roam neglllcrv ed Nuru In mendnnce STAVNER NURSING HOME STAYNERi ONT MARSHALL Rug PHONE um Flamaltm And More Efficient tool FOR FULL DETAILS CALL THE Independent nurvoys prove that more water can be healed It lower cost with mt rm electric water heating than my othu way You CAN use OVER 200 0A You CAN use OVER 200 mom 0F PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS ONLY The same volume hlJlld by Anolher melhod could cost over 300 per month PER MONTH T0 Hm IT BARN EXAMINER FRIDAY AUOUIT 13 Dr Dnvid Mmhnli lul com ieled hi medial traininl It in Unlvmily oi Toronto Whil Ixiondinl univmiiy he won hi athlalic mm pilyinz and or levelIi your on the am medical ioolbnii team He will lliln Ic Iive in hockey Ind minim oi the university boxing Iqulti comment with his medical Mica ho Iummm uudinl pollich Icioncu Ind coonomlcl Harvrd Univ Iiiy in Cmbridu Mm Ind McMnier Univmiiy in iinrnii on Ont the Unlvmllyol Toronlo ho wu lll oxucutlvo mnmbu ha Wyclllle Cullen Lllenry Bo clty and Unvmlly Toronto Flilniflub Ho Wu 1110 III edtor ol lhl of medial Journll In Ml mduflln ym hn wu choun pmldanl Phi Chl mad lcgl rnlly In In wu elected mem bar the Toronto bunch lb Cnnadlnn mum cl 1mm nnglongerlgugp Dr Minth plus to mm Dunnvlue 0112 Ind joln hll lllher Dr erlhlll In practice Completes Medical Studies To Practise In Dunnville Edinburfh In claim to he In flora cloc 1n the world lnauxurnled in 1904 emuleu way noulble to pro mi general education in rendinl wrmnz IrllhmaUc thinking Ind dullng with peo He gave hll talk at lum mer conference of 1h 02 Ho Seconde School Hud maséers Assnclnuan here this wee MUST UNDERSTAND Mr Bourke nld um Io work with people well we hIVB to undemnnd hem how they no Ind use and insofar as ponlblo why my my they do Above all wa mus lenm la lava Ihcm 1nd conduct oumlvu Io II to have thllr respect their trust Ind their Ilfgcllon Commenting on thll Mr Mnedonuld replled nzrel book in every home that Icachu Ind lunch on all the thing you Mr Burke mention and the Bible We could It In high Ichoala but 90 MASSAGE BY APPOlNTMENT PA 87III cmma FIRST SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prim EFFICIENT Dr Mmhall married to Korma Jlll Smllh Blrfle And they hm dauzh Julian Jr reunlon the Burke Iamlly Wll held the Hayfield summer home Mr and Mn John Hugh Euler Thou pram Included Mr and Mrs Burke or Peter borough formerly of mania Mr and Mn Robert Ward and Mrs Jeula Waterhmm Toronto Mr and Mrs Slnn Burks Pam Jim Gordon cm and Janlcs Barrie Mr And Mn Ed Burke David and Marmara of Emu Mr and Mrs John Burke Ju dith JoAnne Ind Mlchul Ex am and Mr Ind Mn Tony Unelmnn Debra Ind Dlnnne Barrie and David Burke Ind Ricky Morrh Mnnlmblr KINGSNN CF In Edwn Raine at tho Ontario Supreme Court Thurldny prnlsad the Inclusion women on Lyrics Addressing the openlnl of Enemy umlmr and meanch maeum here he made no re erence lo woman ability to dellbtrnlc or contrlhute lo juxy dechlonl Ha with ll enough the lb presenL Her presence on In Jury reduce my mates earthe lockerroom qnnllty 12 men Burke Reunion Held At Bayfield Women Praised For Jury Duty DE DAVID MARSHALL CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 29 Dunlop Eu Tnko Ouv 0rd PA 60263 or 64 CITY CK The Finest In fififiis PA 61525 OI

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