THE ANGLICAN CONGRESS Port Arthur NewsChronicle The Anglican World Congress now eetlng in Toronto has set itseit on im ortont but monumental task in seeking discover the key to relntorcln the ect of the church on man in at his tvities ileople of all Christian denominations will agree with the observation of Arch bishop Michael ltnmsey of Canterbury It who said The world is in rightful mess because there has been too much lllng away from God and Chrlsllen ndnrds at righteousness it is how eas enough to diagnose the illness wor where for the most part ma slism hss displeced spiritual values goin to be an extremely littleult to feet the cure to thousand delegates representing vnrlds 44 million Anglicans have to the situation in which It is recog thet Christianity is minority re nml not keepth pace with the ex on the worlds po ulstion Dele to the Congress wil doubtless be ded by many speakers that 0d larxism by one method or anal ier cqulred as man tollowers in 50 ns Christianity id in 1000 years in countries where the threat is rom Marxism or lslsm or Buddhism tlenity otten seems to be losing to secularism and selentitle hum Barrie Northern AdVance Au ust 211903 School Board met to consi er tea vvcher replacements for new term also granted Ed Shear and Evans prin clpals increased $50 per annum Seaflowerr Fishing Club brought home nice catch of bass after two wccks at Duclos Point Handsome twostory Brick house on High St which was first site oiRoynl Victoria Hospital will be of fered for sale Saturday at the Barrie ll0 tcli Barrie cheese market sold 905 boxes Thursday at De 01d Methodist burial ground on Eugenia St will be sold by tender lilulcnsior St irom Dun lojp to Market Square finished with mac am top Little Lake is tourist par adise near Barrie Call Miss Lawrence to reserve picnic table or boat Harold To art received scare one day when ar riv home found tramp had taken over pram scs Harold didnt wait to air ue but caped over back fence for be 0n ireturning with Miss lillnnle Robinson no algn was seen of unwanted guest Colllngwood excited over prospects at getting new furniture factory Frawlcy and Lamb are spending two weeks vacation at Altantic Chg liar oldDyment added to laurels winning Premier Roberts admitted there had been thought an earlier provincial election but the federal election in April and the period of instability which fol lowed the election of minority govern ment at Ottawa made later election date necessa Besides most people Were well fe up with elections last sgring Voters are happy about the art campaign The need will be to arouse the interest of the people One month of strenuous electioneerlng ahould be able to do that mum ILAIOIII Mvllxllml cm ADM no llll All lull Al lllllll Mull Mmull mom lulu ll lulmlpllm all nva Ik II mm In Id no m1 minn um mum on ml ml 1m um um IVA It An Tannin rm ml alml Mum um mun mm Vnmwm um at 0mm mur Nunm nu mum Mum mun nm Auï¬ll II MilHaul There doesnt seem to be much public stir about it et but the act is the Pro vince of On ario will have an election on Wednesday Sept 25 That is the second anniversary of Premier John Roberta election as Progressive Consen vative leader Just what issues are in valved remain obscure at the moment but Mr Roberts has indicated that his government seeks mandate from the people before proceedin into important negotiations with the ederai govern Imon Aumulnd mnnd mu null Tull mm Ivld or pl mnl mun ma mum VAL nrcplod eojEARsuAco IN TOWN September ls good month or polllng when people can get out without the ln convenience of bundling up or the cold or struggling through snow It vlll also be good month for campaigning Most people are back from vncotlons and sum Where Are The Issues For Ontarios Election Sept 25 The Barrie Examiner Walls Publhher Andi naiv lcro OTHER EDITORS VIEW Published by Canadian prspaï¬ers Umltyed 16 Bayï¬eld Street Barrie Ontarlp DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian 5mm Gene Munw mnAY Auavsr 1m 41m muu npcuncumr expen mcnl or Iwayml by mlllla prenum can do Icrloul harm to con ldcnco Thu unmnblguom mm of the White In or on hlghlovol nuclanr mu ll here on vo welcomeand American nclonllxll nm olllclnll would do well to hand what It lays The report 11 panel of umlnonl nrl llnh sclemlnla ull julllflcl lho urllor crlllrlum ol Amer cnl rnlnbow bomb cxplonlnn over llw laclnc hm Jul any that tho Heel lho up onlon an llkely lo pmlal for several years lnlorlrru wllh rmllo ulmnomy aml humpor llullï¬ lho nulurll mllnllun bell round enrlll Sllll more llnqulallng Is that lhm mm were ml and nol lully pro dlrlahlo Yul llm uporlmcm wan prm nl lhrmluh lenplle vehemcnl rolcm lrom ulenlhu ln moral counlr KEEP SCIENCE RESPONSIBLE London Oblorvcr Mnn governmental dcclalonl nown day and an lclonmlc advice This Inymnn Inked take much on tnlsl 50 an lrrcaponslblo lclcnllllc minority cnnmourcd ol culnr experi mnn ma The chnllcngo faced by the Congress Is not restricted to Angilcam and is grove one for mankind Even the goal at eventual church union mun lake occ ond place to the problem oi gelling mll lion oocalied Chrlslinna to shed their lmliiiercnce nnd nccept thelr own church as on integral nod motivating iorce in thelr daily lives The prospect is not encouraging bul one can only hope and prny that the Con gress deiegnles and their fellow church men throughout tho world will 1050 neither hopo nor alrength Lnyme mselves drifting away from the Christian church he uenllg in periods oi sellexnminaiion nd cmselves puzzled by their own attitudes Whatever the reason is Arch bishop Ramsey is undoubtedly right when he voice the ballet that the world will be better place when more in dividuals allow their lives to be con sciousiy direclcd by he teachings of their church parent than 111 England Itself worlds senlqr Ajgycgn sec several canoe races In Muskolra Judge Ardagh in county court in Barrie sentenced Negro and white man both vagrants to three years in jail for assault on Indian couple from Rama In their hotel room in Oriiiia At Sunuidale Corners Hen illck slip ed off his barn root while sh ling an received fatal injuries dewalk on Burtorli Ave ppe up repara cry to new pav ng Mr KelseyPa voice was heard to good ad vantage in solo at Burton Ave Method Ist Church on Sunday Aliandale has had more than share of fires in recent days including two on Grand Tnmk Rail way proferty Steamer Enterprise hard an fast aground at foot of Muleast er St On trip from Big Bay Point one screw was damaged and boat began tak Ing water in stem faster than pumfs could handle At one time the captain cided to beach at Fishermans Point but made it to Barrie just in time without Kassengers knowing of trouble Craig ursi Band decided to get uniforms at cost of $130 or 22 musicians David McCullough ap oinied tax collector or lnnlsiii ounty read gang doing good gradin work in south end Bright Smlt Barrie opened drug store in Bothweli Block Aliandale The Conservatives have been in pow er or 20 years Hon George Drew led the party to victory in 1943 over the Liberals and CCF and Mr Frost con solidated and extended its strength But it has made some mistakes which Mr Frost and Mr Roberts both were quick to correct Mr Roberts has been grad ually getting more youth into his cab inet There is always the chance that many people will think 20 years is too long and its time iorye change At the moment it does not seem likely that enough will Since Mr Robarts took over from Premier Leslie Frost his performance has been good Where Mr Frost held great influence in the rural ridinga Mr Roberts is more of the urban type What the rural people think of him will be known on thoevenlng of Sept 25 only the most optimistic ogosmon party leaders predict Chen aukely Out come of the 10 new dings created in suburban Toronto will be of interest These areas electEd all Uberala in the edgrgllvolmghbut thug party wpuld be federalvollng but that my would be foollsh to count on such appenlng ro vlnclalli Toronto can be quite ten ent in ta thinking between federal and provincial governments It could be nn Interesting battle but Wampamlzmni 99299s3t19npw seat tho IMAM don flu mm hln mum 0pr um Inl Into In worn nnly hul um My Ghoul In luluu nonl III Ila Q1131 muld drpomi an hum 7mm jnr lhe NrrcllrrmI Hwy coma lrom Mnnlrrnl they drive or 20 mil Man fourhm dlvldcd highway whlch dulxned nml mmolhIurlncrd nuen nuddenly lha mula nnrraWI lnla Iwu Inna lrnrk whlch hulllomch ovcrlwn nnrrnl hrldm Tub llu crawll or clam mllu un til pm ll lam 50th lot Carnwull Ind Toronla 11m lucklm ourln IIIII probably Min mlnulu lu Inch Alan In mmrlormlle nypmnch lhu mu MM and Another mlnutu Io Inch 11 Tomnlo Junrllon Thtn flu 0Han Md tllmhl Ind Mm lwlwnn pollwlu aver hllll um lhrnuzh two Ilrnullnx mmmunmu Ianl mum and Ihl martial Juljrmnl over he Tho WW mull Mn ouhln Hm on lhv grin oncqm In in be Ind they come mum Along IM wmllc route from lho ncnrut border cmulng palm Iman dimlly lo Canndnl tnpllnl hey wlnd nlnnx mud dwan or horm lmwlllnl ukht mlIrl Ill hour nd luv rm lhrlr carl ipflnlllltll crnlcrllkn pothole 0n In am 01 hr laur ncyl lhm welcome dallnr mending luurlm drve Along Iomn cmdu curly Cnnndlnn tun lrnrk whirh II dlsxrm lo dnnunr lo hem Many of In lellorl Ire lrvm Us and lhe malarily these are allowing Canadas most bealm tourist trail dxc Ilnz thmugh Toronto and or Klnxllann Fort Henry and or Comwalll Upper Canada Vll Inge lth to Ottawa and ll nnlly lhrowh Mnmrul emu wllh an extcnslnn lhroulh Que beEIClty ey came in heavily laden Iiuiion wagon In packed lliilo European can and prmiom innnliy In North American Ic dnnl Many come in chartered hm many bring their own mnlcll in ihl iurm oi rulier tnrnvnnx running up in run iunn icnzihl Ind bremilhl FIEOM IpTliOLE 10 DENT BIBLE THOUGHT Ottawa record tourist yenr wllh tha capltnls 5500 hotel motel and tour home bed tilled nu capacity can nlxht and 10000 tour Ist home beds Hllcd vnenr ca pnclty each nlzht whlle 10000 tourists lwnrm thumb the clty daily pourlnu well over $1000 000 lhmuah the mash register vcyy wegk Ivorlle radion here are mum the color tul ceremony of changing ha mud on Iha vcrdnnl parade around lhnt Is the lawn In Iran of lhe Parliament Hulldlng and the mueslan guided tour bulldjnx By PAmpx NICHOLSON OHAWA Cnnadal prol perlng amls rude being lea nrdlzed by pally hlckerlng amI by lack of collaboration Imong our various love of cmlva govemmenï¬ OTTAWA REPORT ulllé inuï¬omiï¬i up um Petty Bickering Hurts Tourist Trade Tho mm In om In clly mum Inlrmlrd In Ihrlr awn hmlnm lhnn In an Inlrrul ml the unlnr tllllrm Our rluh In lhln II run by law 00d lwnlly lmllu mull llkn In mm at mvlre clulm dn nomulhlnn lnr hr old In mic llrmemhrr unllrmen you In mun oldr yuumlm my day Wu new In Imc home bull or In lnlh Your manly havo Jun nlumed lmm Nurlh Vantouvrr nwy him our rluhl or unlnr clllunl lhc mm belnx no mum 111m duh nm by lhc wnnll club rlly bum home lnr ho unlor cIllunl Thor uh Hum or lall lnvrly lrlpa like Ihln lummrr mm mo mun lo Bunk WitPr lnnlon Ind m7 vlIlcd lhl Navy vm Im vlml Krnmdyn cm Ind than 179 hullluhly In In Mt by llnl Japan bomh ll lrnrl Arbor Dtnr Sir Hlvlng Men un lor when of III rll or lax 35 um would Him In all you name at Ihe lhlflll hey it Iar lhc oldrr Map olhrr tlllu Wt he Iuilm III clly went Hunllurd lhll Iummcr or he convrnllon Ontario Scnlnr Cllhrnl Hero II whnl Ihuy do or lha tluh of lhn clly They hnva mm on Frldny nluhu day an Enlurdn for lumll um ol park and hi or can nmu and hlnlgl Inddnnm ll gr Canada In expenllvely and In ufllclently over governed with mpomlhlllllu jealoufly armed out man ledaral pro vinclll and munlclpnl lovem mcnll That lhe lhm lava cannot cvm um la cram Ilandard uccllenco on and In clcmenllry mnller nl lhe nu Honn pride he TrnnICnnndn Highway II Icandnl and MI eloquent bud amcn or olher lldl lmlllc dcnlh Ira up 15 per cent lhl yu Tnumm could All cvm more Ihnrplyl lENmfl ClTszNl mum II In Iuddenly much lmymved when It cmm the frontier Into Onllrlo nut lhn mad become Ihlmclul In In this anwu clgy llmlll5 um has fur lraderl played Jam by uslnx ca noes Frlnk Lornlne Vir glnll mu nfler the death Ildo rum Montreal And Um vaunted Tram WW why cant Canadian learn that we no longer uxa do lemu uked Gary Carter of St Louis Mm anu nunlng his udal nlml that Inadequate mlL BIEIVARF DRIVERS An laddillonnl hazard slung that rand Is he lElfllh and un disciplined Quabec drlvtr Ot Iuwms my you It Que bec llcence lake evnlve ac Hnn but duck lor cover you plume rellxluul turn be hlnd he windshield Th1 zen enlly Indicate FranchCanu dlan driver and they wlld Here we vIvldlyramrmher Ihal after MI Ottawa driver was ha third all vlcllm Wear ald Quebec driver MI licence was sulpended or anly ï¬ve years by Qucbcc court T0 EDITOR JOHN WY CRO Cnnadnl much Cnnnda High MONTREAL CF GAbrL elle Lachancc quIonnry In In the order Marl Immacuv Iu ha returned Irom Texan where aha luunded neural cn echlu centres nnd lektd In elghl panshel Her next tour dulv wIII be In MIdrId where Iha VII up mute Ior xIrll at unIverIIIy TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA um THE CANADIAN PRESS lmThe Duke Buck lnghnm was usnninaled The World Council oi Churches was armed at Amstardsm 15 years no todayin 19M Embracing churches from ovary pan oi the worid By the time of its second world assembly in 1954 it represanled 11 churches from 48 nations The accord ruched Am sterdnm removed much of the disunily In Christendom dating from the Great Schism 1051 when iha Church divided on an ens vorsuswut basis Th coun cii has no powtr ovrr the churches but is means of don m7 acilon lollJapan declared war on Germany ANNUAL SH AWARDS 50 TEST WORK AT MISSIONS TODAY IN HISTORY ron run DETAILS ON HOW vo AN wm an CASH szs comm cmcuumou ANAGER BARRIE EXAMINER 112 Tï¬arriv Examiner STARTS 500ml Slmply new nnw lubltflpllï¬nl Ind nnlwnll Tho conl Out In 50 bar and conIlmm or Thll In wondorul opponuniry for 9h womon Sovlh Slmwo Io wln blg uh Iwrdl 50000 HALIFAX I1B RM to ranch three tn ped coal miner AI Hazlelan Pa In up mem orlu ol 11m kltruule In Me bnckwoods villus Mom Blvar Mum N11 27 year ago Rexcuen held Hm or ht men But In Mr they law whp ol nmale In lram UII altered warldn Thu cry lhoyn Iklll Illva not In mollon on the dramatic rmun elloru In Can dlnn mlnln hhlnry ay mm Mom MD ctor old me to dun MI clothe wkh Inlphur but lldoeant mm to help hnvenc dusted hll bed cloth Would the lulphur hurt Ml eye or do any damage 11 In l1 hll gigth Fur lo day up to 500 men lulled with dllmond drilll picks Ihovels and bare hands to reach hm Toronto men Im prlsoned I40 down In caved In gold mine They brouth Iwo of lhem out alive he Ihlrd man died lhm dun Mm rucum Herman Mngili lha mine owner hi lriuld DrD Robertson and Mind Scuddinx mine timekeepcr entered In aid disused Mom River old mine about 50 mile north at Halifax on Enter ndly April 11 1330 About an hour later they aimAllied llil to the surface part the limit cavtd in They en JWd Dear Dr Molnm My threa yearold Ion ha been ulna chlyen 1th ponlbla lo tha chine 10 In mum and do reg dnmggulgl The lulphur dull might or mIth not Irfltnle his ayu but wnuld not be hannlII1 ha of name In mom However there In lame other trldu qr 0055mm thflerlï¬ the lranblo not reldlly cleared up Ind out when the boy getting the chlum Presumably he doesnt roam too far Taka piece at black cardboard and Ir them up edgewlse on the round in varlou llkely place The CM gm ll In the am wlll cllrnh to use top edge of the card aar One you hm found the pace or places Iprny the The LLS departmcnl of lrulture recommrndr chlor dn loxaphana or llndaner Chl ren should be kept an the en until the may hn drled tu lunch memlelves the skin then drop all In abnul our after hlvln cauxed vlolent llchlnl The gch mm fluid which the chiller Inject lnln 1h akin Scratching the Ira my obviously lend to Infection but the chimrrdo no nude be yond the Mn Ia you need have In en lynamnlc harm soapy her will re Fnr he vlcllm Wlllhll wllh move at of the chine but Traï¬ ing Hazleton Miners Renal sMoose River Rescue TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Some Methods For Correcting Chiggeis when Itchy Ipoll remainfrom the lnlecll injemd fluidduh them with Inklteptlc For people who know they are 0an into chlnerlnu tented area clothing can lmpreznalad wlllr rapellau Dlmethyl phlhallta or hen benzaata can be used or ln Add the re ellant to mpr Iolutlon ten lerh clolhel around In lt until they are leaked than let thorn dry DearJn Molnm on my doeI toraudvlee have been taklnfl rather lnrxa vitamin pl every nlght at dlnner tlma Br next mornan Ihln plll panel thmnuh my eyrtam com lately undlmlved nm evident set ting no beuellt from them an they are qulta expensive Maybe tha plll her too hard Math or perhaps romethlnt II wrunz wlth dlwtlva glam Can you vlsa malg wouldnt be concerned abou the dlzeatlva lyrteml Either th coallnl ol the plll ma hard or the motlllty at your dlnestlva tract In such an tn cause the plll to In through too rapldly Swltchlni to anmher prennw tlon nna In gelatin ca sula for example liquid oul Then on Sunday April 19 uven day alter the cumin diamond drill crew punched twoInch hale through to poin neg the gntomqu trla But nuurhhmenl and en caumxemenl wera Ion lilo Iar Maxi Roberuon and Scaddlnl passed the Iombrl new lo ht Iurflxce next day Mull lolvi the probiuï¬ Dear Dr Molnen Duflnl Ihl gnenxlrual period lcummqn to pass large clam am in my 20 and am worried lick have Ilwnya been ex tremely henlthy However our family he been under quit n5 3an lamy LM Clots not unusual par tlculnrly In the nut day or but you might benefit doubly you an no wonled by ueelnl gynecologist It would put ivlmn mind It easeInd mull ave secondary eflect lhcl nervous tension can Illu anll cycle WIthln hour volunteer had started Imvlng ll Moose Elvei Imm coal mlnea across Nnvl Senna Ind hardrock mine 0mm Newspaper And Md men flocked to ha lmle hamIdl banning the population Ibrml logic almost 1000 Rescue crawl triedvto diff their way to the trap men through another old she umbi hul mckllll topped theml Bilge waned gulp The volca of dam clml lhrough lhe hale Were herem allvcl Food medicine and telephone were lomred through the drill hole Thu Ilruggla to man two lurvhorl around amolicnl Around he worldArnu lhl confluent Ind ovmen pcopla In up all mm with lhelr earl llued lo lhelr radlol willlnl or the latex word flann