Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1963, p. 2

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WED LAT MEXICO CITY MJ wm Mr chlldnn loohlnl on mph um mania In mm nmnony In In nudL tnvlum hm uuunlly lb of mm maldm and mun Tho ouran mum Milly In ll umpnlm lulu couple um 1mm Idloci auntled lum In an man Oman ol oflmdm mot ml lo mm hmgh no Minuqu uu luporvlud unit an bl Inylhln mm Kiln mcdlul lmlmoul mun mfmor Maurine It fiwml Illnlvmlly he Inld vunllhmml In nlmlnnl II II In pm lmllnnnl Ind lhln alumni munl In Moria My in la hum III In ollmlly Im my mam Itde Man plydllllllfll unllnlr hm lhll lhu couru In criminal mlblllly would not In Ihc Karim or whn la dam wllh hlm All mnvldlon lguoclnll KINGKIDN Cll Monully lll convlclvd crlmlmll bo lent lo prlwn lmlud menu ho Ilnll beenu under candim IVI court luv no Tomnla lAw prom ldhmundy Bards City Cotde wlll hold rezulax meetlnx pm Monday Allu recelvlnl utanns bouncll wlll hanr tho allowing cammunlcatlona The Canadian the Chlldrcn Md next my day letter mm ho Bum Planning Board hnflnl open apnea wnlnl and new llro and pollen bulldlnl nd letter from tho Bards lannlna Board rourdlnl dralt plan In Speaxln vlalon Councll wlll also hear morn Ol ha Flro and Truth Public Worn Clty Devclopment Gan unl Government and Flnanoo pommlllm Four bylawl wlll up for nal nadlnl They bylawl 10 ume Aluandar Av pm cl on Cruch 1mm Vincent St Io Shannon 5L Prnlt Band In public high rum In lha any Bank To nulhariu 1h purchnu E10 101 on an north Mental Cases Go To Prison Wanern Lake Ontario Nina Hamiiiim Toronto Becam inz cloudy with ihundenhowen this litemoon clearing during iha into Ivminx Cumidmbin ciaudiueu tonight becoming sunny and 11an cooler Sutur day morninl Wind was no this uilemoan Italml Planning Board To Report Plans For New Fire Hall Laka St Clair Lake Erie Ioulhem Lake Humn Windsor lmdon Becoming cloudy with natured thundenhowen this gmoon UIIIPM £03m aunny an warm wlnda LIth Northern Lake Huron door in Bay eularn Lake Onurio gauhusflfix fimufiuurgiy N31 IV 17 and talk with down and thun demnrma today Cloudy numb maan Saturdfiv morning cooler Saturday 1nd Hm 2x cgpt briefly hither 1n thunder snoutx Shower Ind tlmn demhowen will lpread lanth wud Into the lower lnkel re glam today but Ikle will clen narthem rerlons Generally lunny weather expected aver Onurlo on Saturday wllh cool temperature ovu all sealant except Ioulhwestem nulonl when reading wlll auln tench the 90x Fancnu med by lhc won her olflco stewrt Page Agricultur repmanhllve or North 51mm nld thin morning huh Avuunx of when bu mldo WEATHER romfi HARVESTING PBOGRESSING WELL mm 17cAredl or mm CI VCMb 01v hp Cdn Dovonlln Cm DOL lllu 9mm VI Mon AmVI BI rd Ilul cum rmm cm Eon ner Com nu Dom uddn AIMNI Ablllbl Alum Ind Alumlnlum AlbHI BM Anam an Ann PM Al mm In Ian Dlni of NJ mu TIL Brullhl 1M 011 n0 Pow CdnlmP MCOI can 1mm cm Cm CumII annual CIXler Pan Linum iuliloflio the paymenfofnnll la The Harris and Dhldct AI sodnuon or 11de Children Iflenetm St and lo Sault Ste Maxie Kn unknln la River Mouton Pelerhomuzh 1mm Kluglot Iuuuun Foxem lmpmtm Low WM Bin sumy Windsor 65 St Thom Georgina northern Lalo Hum Westerly wind 10 In no hot brldly hlzhur In mundenhowen hr coming mtuly flva to 15 by might Cloudy with chowm and mundmhawan today Partly cloudy onlzhl Ind SI lurdly nowqonn roux Mill up Mlh up J0 NINTH ITOCK lltlllh Muflfllll up 14 Hold up ID IL mm Alxoml Oochnne Whlh River Saul Ste Marie Show er Ind lbundenhowen ending by only afternoon Mainly Infill And cool Saturday windl Bnnmgpuslfifisfiiififilzcn fvuy ma roman gives lllfll of pretty lalr warm em He mulled that so pu cent 01 lhaqleld ha been combined This com uuuuuuuuuu nununu PLEASE SEND ME FULL IARTXCUIAIKS MIOUI YOUR SCHOOL WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY PART DATE 19 NAME ADDRESS mmummum OLLIOI 66 TORONTO ITRI IAIRII TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn ll Dunlap El Inm 66 TORONTO sriisrziwms COMPLITI counm rqugNgnAL 0ch fluxhp Femnu mu sasssassssaséaaaasgaa PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER or In Duhull mm Lllln Amr lAnIaml lnnda nmumn man no mm In lnw XXV WW mm mm um macm mm on ma nu In uua In on mt Actpt Xnnna Nu mu Nm mm uuuuu lnlomruv rm loch cm yam YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY IITABLISHID 97 INDUIIIIALI Imam ACTIVI NC Cam lmllllnl mm on roux AVIIAOII up J0 UIUIHII an JI IXCIIANHI anll II IMAM dn Umnm Ihu number of foraging bean killed thin lum mer In and around III commu nlly min west of the Lab head Isz 1mm 15 lo ovu so lAAIKOIUW PLACE PIWO pcs cy an could bu turned from nuh NICO In moneymaker Land and Forum Department ollLcllel in IggyAnd Foraging Bears Make Profits melanin wu appoint in tho baud oi dimlon at he Luikin ilqu Co Canada Limited in mud board meeiizu hold yummy at lilo company oilicu in am rig Mr Macinnil chic caunlnnt Luikin ha been with the company inr as yam He wn born at Prescott 0n mio and now wide anler Strut Mne opunlor template wllh lam cigar wu ll work on the arm Victor do Phnh PI Milton Examinat PM APPOINTMENT aMPlvafiir mums Mn rnm Unllo MM riff Nonndl Not on Moon Cory Mcln wmon hnflh Hth mm on up omcnno nusmm an Thu lnqulry mildod over by Hupcflnl mm JulietArthur Smth ol Momma upodod lo llnlnh wllmlnl uvldancu II lodlyl Mum uLllu muunrrlll My Sun Dun Wonl lha fluen Icnl uum olllur mulled mm In Dormudl ownId Ihlpl ndu hid NIEde out IMOp July In than oar balm dug colllllon mun Moan llwyar npmnnklnl 010 mm Sulrmhl Com any of nunu 0mm tho axingd HI uld Ila um In with ol llur in nu Cu John swnn tan mu Ar Ilium Ind to uk him to mm to lhl Ho haul but tho ugum ldnl Ho um weather lnul flu Mb pllou mm mm boron by Jun 11min pilot from Quabec Clly nld when look the Nkaniu upurum July In lhu ndlr blanknd out twch dur lnl pariodl law vlllbwly run to piioi oi Iii indiul mini Jlildharml nid hil Ibip ind to manaaum lhnthly to mid colliding with tho Ian by oni 150 mi lie laid the in dont took aim in navy on It the en Incn tin channel lie aux Coudm In ininnd limit mile downdvar 1mm in coi iigign ueno PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY mile doszlhu 52 wrencn My gmm Quebec nvy miiho mm min alum flva dAyl balm mm man Ir ltonlcg find lhq July 10 co mwmcl and In the Julg 10 co qu oil on lwo 31 ten 45 QUEBEC GP No river Hull laid lodml Inquiry undy night the Nlonlcl wu badly on comu 40 minuch helm eode with lhc Econ uh Ha Ilalflng Clly mm PA um Imhdu Polio PA Ht In humanl PA um ml VIM fluvial PA Mill Lid Lb Hutton wwld Ilk munldplllml county ol 11cm Ind ovemment mm minim to look Into the mutter Tim mun attraction In luau yet an un way than uw nn um um told 39 with Klmh Id Ple unt and place may want About but deuflpflvo um were meted than md even Emmu An amp Idorl mum ho woke me hit up BI mu ml the nuw muuuuw In an thn um on Highw c3511 Into 3min Whig mun thl clowlull Ind 31v unmet ol BunII Intanan mu Tritonica Off Course Io finial In Balm we mould do III to inlorm tho gvdflmupubuo when lunc A11 Emu POMPP 81mm Cum nld tho DHO Mr lion on hlthway um us too thinsz dlutm with um rulings WI mun uh good £90 um lining on our wwm mm lm than In no db Noll for flu MIMI Rt uld director to ho 81mm county Tourm Ind Indlmflll Commluu pmluunl mqu lid 1mm nom tlm no but In melvod no 0m mm chmmm at th couggll oommlflu um um mo lthntllzmeauldnokbo mm way pa an nutmeg cozmw man so mm much1mm of mu and Wu mum lorrtbln ch 01 aim in mm nthdim mTumma common In 0mm LI mmmlu um 1n Strum 001mb wu deplond Wdlmxon ul Zone 000mm DevdqpmenMuodAUan at meeting yeuudny II BI ma Deplores Lack Tourist Signs In The County Winn II Sonu Wm lull by lilo Annie Dam and Durban Go hem duet cl Loll mm and Mlbll Brndloy and qunrlll or Connlu llnnlhnrn and Alln 11 nd Raymond Inhm him zu allown Ides Mn MW Ildut VJ The original Unllcd Emplro Loyan dclcendnnll of flu Gm been clnn hurled in he cemmry cl Maria mu cnn Church Part Hap Nmy Cohen For Hope talked ol the nerd lnr lmprnvbmtnu In lhghmfly memqnnl Tha trcalurer ropor wu Ilven by Fern Manon XIII mnnd Onhcm rud rural mm mph unnbh In allond the unlon Mm lhn mom who cnmu mm an far away anlmnrc mg lew hymns chon Gm hem npcko of mlulonury work lnflullemuln under lho umplm ol thoWyclllla Blbll Tmmlnlorl More than 100 ralallm and friend or the Gohccn Inmlly mu Sundny for reunion At Eprlnlwnlor Park The pmme wan under lhn thanmnnsh prfsldcnz Allan Gohcan 0n Thu mmplele tour the lhm ring the will embrace 15 Us mm and Ontario total lbcu 20000 mflu The hit cl lhn circus huwnver Ieemcd lo bu lhe two elcphlnu Anna May and Bess Those two Ha laid the Sell and Guy Clrcnl tour lhmuxh Ontario wt Icheduled to play only onu month but wo were received Io lub cmlully we decided to extend our Imu anolher month By the mm the circus mm Elem its Ontario our throth any Sound Sudbury Kirkland Lake and Timmlns will hm havelled 0913 mllqa In dm Hut he 1000 people who law the tide now And tho bl 10p parlormnnces yesleh day allemoon and wonlnu the Aron grounds Illa thouth ol buunm Jambany didnt enter their min Bob0 the clown uld clrcul Wen three ullnu emuuln mgn cngdy floss and popcom Goheen Family Rennion Draws 100 Relatives And Friends ll TED BEAUDOIN elm an efllclenl and highly orzanlud buxlnua op unllon Elephants Hit Of The Circus nonnmo hu clown 1an specialcake mix to Hobo her partner tn tho circus Thu 0mm NitDr Muurlu OConnor mm of Oman uo Ont Ind all pruldcn 01 hi Klnwon Md CII Socioly Wuhlnton Eric IL John llon o7 nuldent of th Mo tlon Flo urn Auoclluon of Amerlcl and lormer pmldlnl at United sum ChImber Commam man Mr Chappello youngest baby Ruth Golmn dawth nl Allan Ind hlurlel Toronlo caupln moat recently mmlud Howrd aoheen and Elunor llrll Tomnla lrom lrenlut dlnnnce Darll Gohccn Nelson and Cllllord Gnhecn bolh 1mm mlllmare mathcr wllh must chlldnn pmenl llulen unhmn Nowcutlo prlzu or ha youn er lolh wllh birthday nurm mpamnt lamlly hhlury dam worn won by Anna Brndloy Joel Johann Shelln Goheen Duncan Johann Cheryl Plfh Ind Llndn Cooper Eul the children named to really an oy it though lame mu mud bl mu Che In umlr wachu nia circus perlarmanca who wasnt bad but there were three or Imu cluwn pm that tinned By THE CANADIAN PRU Perhlp th moll turloua light In ha Ilduhow wax the Ham Anolhcr circus hand laid he just mend his time Hon there Apgnrenuy lhs Hon wan 1nd an up oniy lnfrequenlly Another performur to cnplun the chlldrznl hamm wu Can an the lorllll who Jumped Ind rounded wary 11ml lemme Ill anounh and warm gim tlAIpranhed the cm mi récelveadm at In inrmluon IrInt from flu mordnwnlluwerl mauth lldl Ihow oiabx uu ciééushnnda uId ijol lemmnmcntnl could Junm Chll ten lelmed that to nul Iow word All you hlva In do In Imp your body malth lumbertn hunk ol mu to through air pm And perlonn couple of Ion clown provided amulemenu In between It yesterday peflonmm in nude DEATHS ll Mr Lamaby mind tho to npmllnn cl Mitchednh Run DConka Ind 61mm Count Council or lhc luccen ful al om lo hm lht md liken over number or Duvlo men mdl have bun bull In 81mm but KM no he stated II the lamest ever canmeted In Sim 03 Cogmly Mr Letherby explnined flat Duchopmcm Road Hm clan plved hlxhwly unduly paid for by In xnvernmenl and on completion ll lumed over to municipal or county Idanlb mien or upkeep This had III goinlad out heavily travellad lamIII Ind mldanls cl Mulchgdush Mo dora nnd Wood lowmhlpl all whom would he happy uu pro Jost yny contract or over 00000 ha been let to Miller Plvlng Company to do tho In hull of hlxhwny in remalnlnI hull II In bu mflmcled nexl yw Lloyd Lalherby MPP or En 51mm laid will mlllylni item that um DunnImam lehwayl hl moved conmw Man millun dollnr Dev elopment Road rum Goldwater lo Severn Falls Arthur Evm MPP lo Slan Centra um lut lexlslllm hu announced hi invention 60 ml the nomination Jul Garner publldw mu uer or Mn Evans said earlier was hoped to have Mr Nnuahlon as guest mum or tha convention Hon Chum Mncflluthlon mlnlxtor ol mining will be Rum walker It Slmm 0min Pmmsdve 00mm le convention In BunIa Db lrlct North Ooflezllll Sept MPP Gratified By Decision To Build Road Duo tho mid new and potenull nine 010 mu maxelm the num 1m broum to the mutation mn tho In Game Emwnl mu Bevan Falls and was llde to provide lull Ind wlnlur work In new is If ha 1111s runnin por on town pro perty lo hovelInn will be con utrueted In 1m The Minu tom 1999 PA 82412 BARRIE ll PETER WEST 50 Elam AFCAl Mllllllllllnlolu Mal ll II loci Inhlnlll menucom I0 Col In CA an NIH York Mndon IN om land prob abh cos of 31000000 um road wm pmvldl ks urvlce to worn as mile cl mm my thonllno balm Spam Lah Ind Pm Sewn one cl the 1m rmdnlnz Iconic man um um undevan ed In East 51mm Mr mean ay laid 1119 IIIIIIN In or gboutAhnll INTMNCE muomn scum PA 82412 STOCKIBONDIMUIUAI FUNDS II DUNLOP 81 Roads Minister To Speak Here Awnrdlnl of emuact In Mll Ier Conllnlcllnn eumplny pull into action the um hm on the largest avolo mam Mada in hlltory mm County DoConley ward on of the county lined todny The prova pm loo per ton cl he cost ESEARCH ADVICE TIE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST IQ ma Spend $508000 On County Road NIIBIIT THOMSON COMPANY llMIIlO withqu obllnllnn Oni of lhl man lha Shula Inld hm WI more 111m ml at flgohlhnnmnny qlher vulu pflcu Iii Cum wllh lRemap gullulo exception InnI Ha added lhll tho directors were Imam II In emclency In npmllan whan they laund out when we bum And in lap lhe mummy we learned vary Hula pair work had been dong on it Mr Kinda laid ml the the overnmanl should mo mm the railway Ind protect lsh In k9 Slmcaa our dlredou mullnz yu erday nu ma Chute we 11 md would bu buusled In Ilud of being called dam meg pithy county ho Dig Chum mun1m nil way coniroveuini Mom is considered by Zone Georgian Bay Duviopmenl Auociniiun be picturesqun ailrnclion laid Willard Kinzie chairman oi Zone saw Railway Line Is Attraction Kinzie States The Conn Ilse develophu County no 17 1mm Goldwater to lamina In Mikhath on 50 provincial luhsldy huh Whun completed mile of hlahwuy from Goldwater In Big Chm will rovldo new In alumn noted or Icenlcl buuly Ind other advmlnxu ty and rovlnclal ofllclnll by 0w Iownsh at Matchgduh lollaw ed by county delegation head ed by Matcheduh mm DeConkey then Slmcoe County rand committee chalmun and attended by Dick ltctmen hwrenco Davina ana Goldwater malty Engineer Clark and oyd Letherby HER tor 51mm East who mud tho uppotntmunt and sup porth the delegation The road wfllbe but by 1115 County and lubsidked 100 per cent by the Department Huh SUITE IO

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