Brim Brclhel in delexala lo the YPU Nallonal Council at Old Alberta Mr and Mn Elva Pearsnn and Mr and Mrs Carr lllï¬ndtd he mumbcrshlp an nual IamIly plan at he CBMC ILSprlngwnlcr Park Mr and Mn Ross Rablon with six of their chlldrtn havI returned tram three weeks trip to Western Canada They $551M with relatives at Rut llnd Sukw Carnntlm Alburta Ind It nun returntng by way northern us Mr Fred Slmpson hns re umed tram vtslttng Mr and rs Jnhn Simppsn at Broch Bmh W5 learned recentlylhal Ver nnn Scull Scarbom brothel IIIlaw Mrs Gnry Wilsnn had pused away Aug having nu ued mm lingering ailment lor some lime Mr Scott had been Inkercslcd Ln San Cadets and had come ln Barri an dil lercnk accasluns An even of last week was In Carrs Imusseau lea nl her daughler Marzard ridoelecl Mr and Mrs smwm of ML Mary Carr and Mlu Glorll Jennelt hnva relumed ram being counsellor he Bolton camp Cnnlrnlulnlon lo Vcndy Hulchlnsan daughter of Mn and Mn MlurIca Huldulnsunv who passed her intermzdlnle lern mlnl mursa at Alllllan lhls summet The United Church Vomm ai Trinity United Church are hav ing Miss Ediih Clark oi Toronto inrmerly missianary in An gola as guest speaker Sunday or he rexuair morning service hegimginglt nck cnyncn 551mm Hlack brain again liter hlu May In haspllnl In Tomlin Mn Cecil Brother his return edglrom months vlslt with her ulnar and father Miss Willa Broderick and Broderick Edmnnlnn Mr Kay pruprxclor the vice flallun mh the village In Weslem Hospital Toronlo or surgery EXTEND SYMPATHY Resldcnu oi this community extend lhcir sympathy In lha Roush amily whose mnlher pased away suddcqu nun AUGUII 400 Saul um no human Tlml am Ln Tomhnlnnl Tzrrllnry cumin cm Mr Spam rm mm 5mm mm In Ilannlu noa cnc Nu Nun Wuum Emu1 Mule ALI EllAdi IATURIMV mm 1115 nxl lmem xuu Popry Menu uu nonp Loo Wmmnl on flu II fllmn I1 Wuk axouu Wu no nun nunny Mm Tn nm nn To num 1M BIVIYU Hmbllllu nun want 100 mapmy runmmo THORNTON ll ynur an II Inlnd by ny RITA cum TELEVISION PROGRAMS THI NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI DRlVIYOURSILI CAR AND TRUCKS AM Can mu Dluvmd In mm CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 Pelerhomulh were vlailon with Dr Harlan Mrs Margaret Llwson II visiting her dam Mu Eun bem time Brunptnn Mn Mmmt Hindle who living with her daughter Mn John Kuzyk at Slnlhlmpton In hasplul It Oolunxwood 1ng of Mrsand Mu atom Hall have relurned mm holiday In Muskaka And Parry Sound wmxa Mr nnd Mn Harvey Knupp were up tram Guel on the weekend Ith vinlle Mr and Mn Guam Holt By MRS M1 HAYES Mn Ind Mia Jlmel Shah well spent last week at Burk Falll Egbert Hicks Pam Marchlldon Tom and Normln MncLeud and Slum McLenn joined them or the weakend Mrs Cecil Shurdawn spent 1m weck It Edmnr Beach with Mr and Mn Morriwn Dunn Recon Vltllflll with MIL Ml hel Everett were Mrl Henley Ind Dnuglu of mm and Mr land Mrs Young Sunday visflm wilh Mr Mrs Mnurlce Hayel were and Mrs Ens McDowell Glmn Mu Grace Beams Mr and Mn James mum and Mnrllyn All Tornmn Mr nnd Mm Thumas Hlye and Michael Whitby Mr and Mn Ed Barchnrd Phillip and Paul Newcnsue Mr and Mrs Geurge Holden Gay Jimmie and Dnvld of Sultan Was Willred Au Cnln and It Edmnnm Album are visillnl he Inller parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bidwzll Mr and Mrs Georg Cantu Midhunl called on ML and Mn Heljb Shellsygell nn Mr and Mr nauey spent Suqday wilhng Il Allixgpn corglnn mm In spending he neck wilh hu slslcr and hrnlhcrlnrlaw Mr Ind Mm Wayne Yorke at Mldland Mr and Mrs Orville Arm strong and Mr Johnston Alkendcd he Blrthday party at Mr and Mrs Course Vlvlan Jam or Mrs Alice Jnhn shine Drillin who ulehnled her Both birthday wipn nearly In no lo on 10 By MM ARMSTRONG gm lurkl Mom Eluh mania 590m NM Iivnru 71 Even to rammll Turonlu uonlml rooml mu moor uponnun Nmmul val mm mm an nu BARRIE TORONTO nu mu Mum bum 11 mn TV lel MIm um Thm llulan CARLEY EDGAR Ill her family present also hur lwo slalarr rum Form and New York alsoquits largo number relnuvu andlrlen from Uuersnn Oahu Em rIe Ormla Toronto wall ll other pl Mr and Mn William 6111 01 Siouiiviile warn lint oi th week visiiau with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong and Mr Ind Mu Gears Fleit Dlphnl and Rudnay Gill remnined wlih lair lrandparunu or couple of week holldm Mine Phyllls Ind Betty Johm Ilono huvn turned home In Oshawa IHII spending the pan coup wuka holidaying wllh Mr Ind Mn Evzrcl Johnston Ind Mr and Mn 61 John nne Mr and Mn Orville Mnrtln cl Orlllll warb um of I11 weak vllltnn with Mr Ind Mn an llca Day Rmnt vlsllnrlï¬lth ML and Mn nix Bum were mu Llndn Mlddlelun Strand Mr and Mn Mark Rumll of Bumlo MY Mr And Mu Bob Beard Ind boy Jamil Ind Mr no Eggrdolqmp Hayden Thu chartCarley Lndle ai Huhm United Church held their Aukus mating and quilting ai the home oi Mrs Williams at Couison It whlch time they made iurihzr pins for tha bl unr which lhey Ira hoiriin on in celebrate iheir birthle on the 13rd of October Mr HJJo7ï¬ifnne his re lumed homo from vhlllnx Mr Ind Mrs WHIIIm Gill of Stan ville The Carley Womenl Insulqu held lhelr August muting It lha hum of Mn Jon Booth lust Wednesday STEELES CORNERS MM was Mn chk Rumbll Ind Jac quellna attended lrnussuu on Saturday In Richmund Hill In honor cl Mlsl Danna Robson bride pl th ISMurdnyz Sunday 15mm and callm with Mr Ind Mrs Ernest Dale werl Mr and Mn wllllum Hunter and Robin Downsview Mr Ind Mrs Archla Adams Carl Ann Ind Tenure Weston Ind Mr and Mrs Sam Mum Brldlord John Dales wtm hnl spent the last three wreka will Ynu Ira dccllrer wllh he West hand at Four Spadu Norlh lead the new of dia monds How waud you ally the hind OAQMHI um on an on Man +Aqxo You In doclmr with Wu ma lb Club North Ind queen of almond Haw wuulvyou pity hand OIL um VA van AK was 0ch no You In decimr with Ihl Wu hand ï¬ll Clubs Norlh Ind lh qutnn dlamands liqw vynuldl youplay hq huff The sign la play lhl hand In the II my possible and ma my on luck my morn lhnn II ncculnry 01 count ynu cuuld wln Ihc dlumand dflw mumsl pd Ind lhaxjnclc of club And Mus ll Snulh on thy klnl ynu would Illll hlvl shunt mnklnx ha cnnlncl on hem mm pra vldrd 50th had In act hum Bul ynu would probably In dnwn ll North Ihnwed up wllh the In hum way pinyin ha hind MI Ilmnn laolpwal It nvmnmu than undl where South hu lhl klgx nl clubs Ind Nnrlh lhl DAILY CROSSWORD 1475 Mm JIIMIG momma MWIMOP mummy 10 will noun wk Intnun nuth II but vii IlJnupuh MM it II Ibumablm Llva Bikini mummy l1 tum mu DO mm M7303 13 luau 949pm mun mmm ALVlnlum mm am Mn CONTRACT BRIDGE ll Amman ubm nick in Am NAMIme nunn nm Oglhrl Exalt By JAY hls mndparehu relumd to lhg cily5qndy eygnlnx Mrl Junk Rumble mended thq lunaral on mm Mn Cllrence Price of Holy Burlll 719 in Barrie hinmï¬d Mrs Emu Kma Ahnw mm Sundny with Hand 1n Minna Mr and mm Emu Bell And John warn Sunday mm with Mn Belln mm Mu Arm Ilrgnl Mignlqa BECKER Conmlulatlons tn MluNor em Kneeshaw and Gear Pr Ira whn were mauled Aug 10 Ebenuer United Church ery Brawn rammed harm on Sunday with her mum Mn Bram after apendlnl two wnekn with her uncle and Aunt Mr and Mn Fred Vtrnon Bflcnhrldn We no lorry to For Mrs Ron Bell In Royll Vic arll Ho pllnl Barrie Her mnny Mend hnpe mun qulck recovery EBENEZEE Ebenezer Unlled Church We men met It the drurch Aux Hit wlth Mn Ernut DI hostess The Prealelent Mrl Doug Kneeshnw opened the meeting with hymn and the Lordl preyer in unison Roll call was nnrwerad with per Innl ham or place starting wlth the letter Mlx Alleen Glrdener gave the prayer tor the mlulunarles Mtnutu were read and approved and tub surerl report given Buslnen included donntlon to the V0 utlmhl Sehonl ot Chrlsttln Erl ucattnn and lnns were dim and tor the ulnar whlch wlll be held Oct at tha home at Mrr Dang Kheeshaw at For neltl Comm Mrs Matt Knee nhnw wu In chlrla wlth Mrl Kneeshlw uklng the study book an Hong Kong Mrs Emu lineeshaw read the Scrlptura tram Psalm ltd Mrl Dale eon ducted contest with Mn Gur dan Kneeshnw the wlnncr The Mlhpah benedlctlon closed the meetlng Alter the lunch the ladle tank hnma MWan tor the bannr The September meetlnx will be held at the cottage 01 Mrs Ivor Rndxer Bully Down Beach Sept at pm Rall clll person or place startlnu wlth either or There Ir hemr hunt makan ha contract by IMMIan In extra lrlck in nudes Win the dlamnnd cash lhe Ice mad Ind enle dummy wllh lrump Nu Jack or apndu Ind discard hurt South lnlInw lnw Take thn heart or diamond mum silly rum to dummy and In can or Ipndu dll cardlnx lha Jlnck hum ll 50th lullnw ow Thll malhnd plly wlll lumen South wn dull lhI kin or quccn Ipndu cnurlc Snulh cnvm either lhe nm or locond wad lud lrom dummy you rull NHL The pmhlhillly mnklnx lhn Ilm wllh lhll llnl sully ll npprnxlmnlcly Mr and Mm Jack Rumbla and lamily Illended thewcddln Saturday at Maple at Miss Danna Robson Ind Mr Van Endleon Duck the In diamond Lell assume lhnl Wes continues wllh dlamnnd him the king draw trumps can lhe cl club and no of dlamandx d1 urdlnz the Jack clubs and they andA he quucn clubs 750th caverl wlb lhe king yuu run and now have ynur tcnm lrlck In the mm ho Inn clubs Sonlh vinyl low on lhe queen tlubl you discard hurl Ind once man In guured ten Irickl It would ha wrong to Ir to weld the Inn lwn hurl lrlckl by nnelslu In lhnt xull The add wnuld Ilmnlly mm loninl two hm lrlch with lhs method of plpy mm umb In Wu Im ml Luna IM In comm IN numwm 1M as Vonbodln an IAullllu cndlnlu shaman Young hzlllll boy IuFM Tamunowx lunlm Iquuu xmnoumounw KEEN mammmefm 1me raven mum at is was cow um m5 coma my mawrsomm comm susv Mrugxamm BARRE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 11 ms ll mum mmmoomu meww um IM NOT UT MV WIDWI WMATOII ARI OIYYIN MCI AND kiwiN