Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1963, p. 7

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W335 Miss Joan Cale twin sister of Ihe bride was maid honaur MIL my Cole IlskcrInlaw the bride and Miss Pa Sluhbs were brldesmalds The mald of honour Ind bridesmaids dzeues Basket of pink glwoll and while mums decorated 5L Johns Unlked Church Mllston for ma xummer wedding June May Cola and John Arthur Maud lan Rev Shllkan perfum ed the double ring ceremony Kr Inkster played the weddlng male and M11 Allan Powell Toronto sang Perlecl Love and The Wedding Prayer The brides parenL are Mr and Mrs Wlllard Cole Alllxlan and the brldegroama parean are Mr and Mn Mc Lachlan Bulzrl leen la marrllle by her lather the brlda chose while gown ol nylon or Ann over mum wllh llly no at sleeves llluslon lace embroldered wllh need pearls and sequlns adorned the rounded neckllne The floor length lull Iklrt was Inshlnntd wllh three sell labrlc rose the hack 01 Ill wnlsl and lace embroldared wllh pearls on back and rank ol akin crown cl pearls and rhine atunu held her Ilnxertlp veil of nylnn lulln She tended bulb quot red chelhcm rose and sham dalsles Mu mm Mouldl um III WIEM lunml bump vln Jvl ultllnrr Saturday nllrr lwn mnullu lmllIlAy lhu hump al Mr um um lalllhlflvlfllul Mr lml Mn Mnulvlu ll Alum hllhlllm ol III Ilun In mu Cumin wu Mn and Mn Jnhn Lem and um Paul Huhnnn Menu ham mumnl lrmn holiday mm In Norway And unman TM INN Iamlly vlultod Cap tnllurm Drnmuk or on wwk lml Inlrr Iprnl lnur wrrlu In mrgrn Nnrny mum Mr lawn IN bmllm and Inmlly Helm lflllmlnl lhc Imnlly vlnllrd lnril Fun Kennth rr um ol 5811 and Mn loryrr cl llaw mm Avenue II nwndlnl lwo Ink Camp lle lwond Dell wood 11 rump II mammal b1 llu Kiwan Iub Gurlph Among lhl llltlll Iflendlnl lcryrrMCKMM wnddln whlrh lock mm In Oflnvl wrro Mu llnmu Dcnuma and nnbfll 01 Ink El norm wn but man or flu brldelrmm slant lmrr mm ElbgL And Mn II loryrr ol nowmnn MI WENT ION BRITAIN MR AND MRS JOIle ARTHUR MCLACHLAN Summer Floral Arrangements Form Setting For Ceremony mum WEDDING IIOLIDAV IN NORWAY KIIANII CAMP nu guml loch ll of un ally Ind fllllflrt Weddlnl nlvmmu blrthdnyn lurid unruu omlu 91 pm llu vhllon and unvrllul In All lleml lnkru In women rudm ml pun Yin help in lupnlylu Ihll nm Eumlm II PA HIV and uh or Ellun Dixon or Audrey Caution ll lhI Wan HII mammal New In Intended to can SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES wen designed of while nylon organza over alleta with blua satin cummerbunds and match lnz flowers ap liqued on Iron the nil 11 Their head plecu were blue tullu with pink mm at the back They carried bou Help of pink and whlta am am Paul Ken cousin the brlda groom was hell man Usher were Ray Cole brother he bride and Fem McLachlun brother the bridegroom The recepiion we held in the chard parlour The brides mo ther received the new wearing sheath dress oi pink Iilk nr Inna with while necessaries and coma oi while carna linns and pink ruse The bride grooms mother assisted wear lnu dresl of blue orients with weighing mag Indy him and whlth icesfiesxd 2311 plnk camaflonx and loses For Iravelllng the bride chase twu piece linen dress of yellnw tflmmtd with black and whim camalinns ML Ind Mu McLéchInn an resldlni Wusnza Beach dlsbohnt Ilorca lightleean our Toronto accompanlcd by Mn Aimd Saucy Also of Angus BOUGHT DISCOUNT In 1962 consumers In the United States and Canada upenl Epout agsoooooooo In mm 5500 Mn Orva Carr Thorn Ion enleflalncd at lronsseau In In honor of her daughter Mariam brldeclec nl Sub urdny The hasten and her dlughler ncclved gueslz mm ed by Mn mm Jnrman oI Barrio mother ha brIdm Imam elect Presldlng nt lhn ten tnhle were lhu blIdfll aunt Mn Torranca Elnck Mn Ellie Sulcllllc MI Imbcl Carr and Mn Church lllll aunt ol the brIdegroom elect Tea null nnll Included llllu Wnndn llul chlnlon MIsI Dnln hlnrrln Mlu IAIII lilan and M11 Myml Spencerl Aulrllng In In trour lean room were Mrlr Jnmu IITII Mlu Eleanur Jcnncll Mlu lth Jenna Mlu Elean or Peacock nnd Mln hlnry Cur mqusmu um nll MHzelect dnuxhltr of Mr And Mn Orvl Carr will wed Robert Jmnnn in 11mm United Church Aug II pm On mum lrom Iha vuch dlnf trip flu coup will mum III dulch Iuchm wllh mm Public School Bani BRIDAL IIIOWZRI Sovml wlrroulnmcnu IIIvn been held In honnr bridulbcl Mlu Mnrnrd Cnrr Ml Ruth Jenn and Mlu Nlncy Norlon wm helium mlmllur ecu Ihawcr htld ll ha hom ol Hm Prlrrlon Anne SlmL kllthm Ihnwer wn hrld by Mlml Elunar Ind Glam hum of Thomm In Toronto ML lmlwl Curr Andi llrl Ell Sulcllm mu haslum dinner puny Iur Mlu Cnrr and brldelmomcL cl Robert Jlrmn Mn Torrnu Black and Mm Ynmel llmll rnlulnlncd In llllllmll ol the lrnuuuu And weddlnl rrrcpllon ENGAGEMENT nu rug5mm hu been In Munch nl Mln Ilml Flm llahlman mum at Mr KAY Hum um Mun rumi m4 SPECIAL uunm PERMS 499 1250 Got Wln mat lhl weekwd wflh hllpmnll Mr and Mn Garfield Gordon Mr and MrIuAllred Webb visited Ian week with Mr and Mn Hirold Pulley at their lummer hum fllwlmmn Mr Ind Mn John 1mm and funny or Mr want um ween Elidckwlm Mr Ind Mn Alec and MrsthCm Mu Roy North meuvn meat kw dIYI recently with bar pnrenu Mr and Mn Will lam Luca Ind finally Scuboro spent watt with Mr And Mn Elwood Fun EHWLM Mr and Mn Fred Slophuu 31mm my thewesksndwlm bell Mr Ina Mu Ham cun me Alberta called on Mr Ind Mm Wallet Ame In Lynda Campbell Cm and Lynd wlth Llndl Ind Donn Jun WIIIOII In upendan week mun on uh 51m coa Mr Ind Mn mth Ian at CIIn Ipendinl mm week wlh her pnrenu Mr and Mn Elwood Fun VIEW RESIDENT We wemm Mr md Mrs Harper and undl anonto who hm moved the farmer FaImy Wicklam game Mr and Mn Ernest Taylor Coulnxwwd Ind Min Ma Enchern Toronto were recent visitors with Mr and Mn Al tred Webb Mr and Mn ma Mullmlland spent the weekand with F15 and Mn Pete mum It Central WQW About 11 tables audio player won out Monday night to play eudlra In strand Hall Mm Lay Ind Mr Duvmlnz Bum wan prize winners and lunch wu served by Mn Garv don And Mu Walton Hanls Natural GAS By MR5 WILMER WILSON Ivy Juvenllla buebnll tum Ion In new arm Cocky lawn rte Kflpnlrlck linul from Bulypngwt County Ann1m Ireland an rpmth law day with Mr And Mu Me Money The It toured tho US and are now vblunx menu In Can Idg beings 11951191 go Irelnrjt Saverl reddenu ram this mum trnvellzd to Toronto on Sunday to attend the wedding ML Anne er former junior mom th tucker lo Saul Selmonl Mr lid Mrs Kennel Sumer hand And Jan Glry have been Ir holiday with dearia Mn Archibald John Rablnlon Alba Prim Edvigrq Ialnndl nv mu4 mum to Lionel McAney Bank son 01 Mr Ind Mn Dan iel Lelzh McAmy Mount Slew PEI Thu ulemoon wedding will alto plln Sept 17 In Be geézlue United Church Bedeque cayronm wlgnnmo Mr and Mrl Lorne Cnnghlln Cullomll hava Announced the lorlhmmlnl mnrrlln lhelr daughter Gall to Paul Menard Ian ol Mr Ind Mn Menard Cnlllomln The urcmony wUl lake plan It the Chlpel In the Clnyon Canon Cal Aux 29 Lqa mum quarts Mr Ind Mn lular Thlbnull of 14ml IIn New York warn weekend xu the hum of Mr mm ulster Mrl Am old Burrow mry STROUD You Still Cant Beat Mr and iilru Oilver Carn eron ceiebrnied their soiden wed ding anniversary at their rw Idem on Duckworth 5L yw exday iilo coupi marked tha occasinn by entertaining close friend and relatives at In in lngnai uglirering wn Earl15 couple were muffled an Aug 21 ms The bride 15 the lame Sadie E1115 daughter ol the late Mr and M11 11 E1115 Bum Mr Cameron ha 01 the late Mr and Mrs George Cam eron of 01111ch HONEYMOON CRUISE Following hmymoon misc on the St Lawrence River thn newlyweds mturued lo Barrie where they took up mldenca at WI Collier SL whera they re slded or L5 yuan of their mar riage Th bddegmm wan Relishr of Deeds of Slmcoe County un til hh refinement In Ombu of use He had held ha poxlllon Linea May or 1938 ll mm mlnl wu twofold calebnllon sigma 13 tllol hll Mrghldny ecord in com munlly Iarvlca and Ipurh ll nulawnnhy lla was lacrelary Bunlo Agricultural Soclely or many yran and Iuch man aged the lalr when win held on the grounds now occupled by he Camndlau General Eleclrlc and lho Barrle Anna For man yrnr he was on the manne menl board Ind inanclal lec relury ol Andrewl Presby terlan Church He hu served as dlmlor ol Bunlo Cham ber 01 Commerce ln the day the Bond Trade lla charter member ul the Klwuulr Club Durrle wax resident In 1911 and was chi man prgcllcpllx every rommll Tho bridegroom II 33rd Db Km Mason marker 01 Supreme Council He lrsl lulnod lha Kerr Lodgu In 1910 and hu filled the up ofllcca 1n Banla Lodu Pcrlccllon and Spry Chapter nose mix 01 which he wu rexulrar lor yam unlll reurcmnnl curlicr hlr year Admlrlng one the mm attractive entries the nun exhibition of the Banlo DEVDTED WORKERS The coup In mm Ind do Couple Celebrate 50th Anniversary ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW voled member at the St Ami ruwl Pmbyurlnn Church Mm Camzmn ha been member of die Womana Association im muny yearn Sha was nllo mamber of Die Womenl Auxil iary oi the Kiwanis Club at Bar gh uni Med with th While Mr Cameron ind curl lng most Intelling apart And to prev hII luumenl hu was member flag Burr moud Onlnrl mud wlnnlnl 1025 Ind he wu lklp the 1m Grind Amezatl rink the Toronto bansplel In ms nu Cunemn Iflay good was brldze can be call ed upon to mike up tour mm on momentu notice muffin Fifi The anniversary culebranu bolh love to travel and have travelled um Cand 1mm man to cont Ind hm even vltlled Alaska Thuy Ipend thclr summer at their summer home It my my Point CONGMTULATORY GREENE The cmmlo meivcd many ratulnwry menu Ind zllu eluding bouquet contalnlnl 50 golden mu um nude members swam Council at Scottish Ellel Present or he apecm dly was the brldel neph cw FlLL Harry Ellis of Olanll Mr Ind 11 Cameron were mm 01 IIqu ocluck pmy held the home or Mr and Mrs cmch Kem Pall mm on Mmdny ave mammal Society In from um 19 MH 0mm nough ley Mn Mm Kosowm Ind Women Teachers Honorary Members They an own Barbour cl bondon Glndyl Blyla San Sla mm Hiram Dennll lfgmlpglunugflhu Hume NEONTO PP Five On tario women lenchm received honor mcmbenhlp In um Fedon on of Women Teachen Aliocllulxu filednugq nlxhl kin of 0mm leln lat Eithu me 924er And Ev Gordon Ran BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 1m By PATRICIA RUSAK NEONTO CF Thu Fed enuan Women Telchen lodntlam of Ontario hnl unhar lzed in bond direcer to Elk clpflne leachm who IP91 for paxlunna with school board an Um lederallonl grey llsL Dtlegntu uld the mm at the mu annual meeting here L1 the rec mull of an unsel llzd salary dlxpute between the lederauon and H13 Idwol board ol Lakelleld Ont Ibou 10 miles north of Palerbamuah The Laketlald nllunuan In which 17 leachen Ipplied for positions evan though requuted no to by lha lcderullan wu described major crisls by Extmun Asahlnnl Martha Hurrawer Hm Charla Brown The no Lakefleld earhm have no btcn muted any improvement In um below average non category lypo luxuries or the past five years she said ward Vwere prenatal Intav nlmz Examiner Photo Desplle mm by In women and men leaclxcrs cderaklonl to warn lunchnu ol the Lake lleld bon unsnllltacwry re Innonahlp wlth the edem llons tha my list board has oblnlncd lull Ill lot the opening ulmol in September ah Iald Acllon will be taken again he unprolcnlonnl wmen teacher man lhelr name mum known MAY ASK TO EXPLAIN FWTA Will Discipline Applicants Of Grey List ATTENTION Lfln llmawer Inld the AVOID WE TERMOPENING RUSH rim min In nlnm In 7m Inn school Mr um NI need nu ma In Ilu mull 1mm l4 ml loch Inlfl mllnd For The High School Students WEAYMOUTHS of CALGARY CF naw minionth been Mn to quho women HIGH scnool STUDENTS Candito play llrnr rola ln publlc allnln Ind take mater Meme ln wmnwnlty volunteer work resolution urglnl member the CanidllnCIlhollc Wom to ldopt herring anl league to ldopt lnmmd WWW v2 Wed Wr nesday during an 51311 busi nul lemon Lbs lenznea null oonvugllqn hexeJ flamed dla cuaslon In Iva mm fluxlay which CWL member wm ax hoxud to mm man an their Intellecu become mm In emallonalkymlnded and can ulda puncth him do becoma mam mm puflcipmu community nu Thu burden hllflnz address was demand by Rev Gamy Unman ol mun Columbll who laid the 500 dew pm Indvultorl that hell wnyn mlrvellod flue Intellect women and marvelled that they huvent used 1L He uld women must com NEED ACHON Mn lame of Ballard Sash old the convention Wld nesday women hm done lime to mm lhe late Fa Johnl call or Roman Calholc partl dpauan in mid action Must Castr Aside Parochial Ideas tendlnz tenchm might be uked to explain their action helm ha ledermanl board direc tors or they mlzh be declared membcu not In good mad Ing and be dunlzd federation benefltl and ymmflnn In In Iry or other dmlcumu AA In mm the board may ask the Onlanh Teachen Federation to pellLInn the mln Lmr aducntlon to Iulpend the attending members lunch lnz cermlcnle Iho laid Many ol the 000 Menu la voml cmtlllcme suspension punishment WIUIdell ol teacher cerullcnle would be lelz mostly In Illa pocketbook and would mnka tucker think lwlu belon Ipplyinl lot alllnn wllh ireyllsled board on dglexage said Another from Dillwn nld Ihe federation Ihonld not hullto lo enforce lumh discipline Ilnca other pmlmlom namely the legal Ind medlcnl keep light nln on Ihnlr memben UNLIKELY 10 FUEPEND Exzcutm Socrclury Dorothy Martin said Ina Ihuuzhl ll un likely ha minlsler would nu pend certfllcnle beam lnlnry dlspute and um other means mull be fauna uked lo hel MIND Iller dLv pum ln slmnr in In Mndolendmr ml no In tho Metggpnlllnn Tolqnlounru ll dolendmr ml no In tho rnpolllnn Townlo ml ml mu ulcndlnl mm BOOK STORE Our membenhi in no Chrir liln enough ul Mn lam grouer Ihauid drawn up In distributed in Irish mun cilx nullinlu chm an duties Rev Peta Nurlnl examle director dis nodal mum do pmmenl ha Cmdian Calh ollc Conlmnua uld his aunt would be lld lo work with tho own to prnvldu luck Mr Mra Hermon seven Cd nry wn eluted to second year resident at the 19mm Moat av Thomas MB Clihglll Blimp St Gamma om win pointed national diam realms My Ma OWL reghcln Moat Fr aln Bllllop First vice pmldent Mlu Cumulus Tall 01 undam 0nl and mend vicwmldenlz Mrs Damn Com wnll also wen realected Secretary of Mancton Ind reamer Crallenof Moose Jaw were talented lmrPemon coming from lhreeday tour ghe bulb rock and lnkeund of his Nodth Ontario constituency to be welcomed ofllclully by ths me lmpolla today and will Vitae pll bl agrml Ipedqcle Mr and him Pearson arrived lrom iiianiimriin illllld Ind Ihl riding oi Aizomn Eu Wed nesduy night and had no oili cini enugemenil lanned or today him an ear liternoon civic reception by Mayor Don Iid Summervilie Hamilton north to Bmle 11 1mm stem 0mm 12 from Nglhem Ontgrlo Twenty le dhpum mu solved Ilmply by letter or Ir phone reqnlnd direct ne uIUon balwun the ederalon and flu boudl and 01 mm Scull Peel Hamil lnn Geomwwn Tllllonburl Vaughan Towwhlp and lanky Heldremind mauled Fedmllon 011 Ram 01 SL Thoma said teach an 1mm Idhm In belnl 1n orbl Ind ampl lhl Impllcm any of lullcyan gorgd Pearson To Attentf CNE Grandstand rongNm cmmm Min Sh snldchhdro mm taught to than whm Ind haw they can find lnfonnnuan bo cause much what wa Inch ll times out data below It can be lhnulhflnhy taught 54 mum SALLYS SALLIES mmmm MW flfiflifl

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