Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1963, p. 5

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Unless rchuucd lhl should mean lhe end 1M mum pnr posel on the pm lhe ad minlslrnllon lnld Conlmsb mnn Thoma Cums nl ML wurl member the noun Representliven way and menus mmmnlee ha com mittee continued Wednesday In hear cdllclsm the lax meal uro mm the us Investment community pow veslmunl Ban Association of America has axv pressed opposition to President Kennedys proposed tux an lor elgn stocks and bands leading Republlcnn legislnm lo pm dlcl conapse the measure un less the assoclauonn testimony ll challnnged lucccmully 111a nchlnllun represent 766 US lnvulmen organlu Hons mid lhe lemparar BED KNIGHT DIES Openlux of the Worthington Library and Museum at thr Royal Canadian Armoured Corp School Camp Burden on was currch out recently Investment Bankers Oppdse Kennedys Equalization Tax LL mud Morln ol Mnnlwnkl Que lulher In chlldrrn wnn klllcd Wednudny when hl 14 jet Irnlncr trnshul at nlr Ihow ll Glmll Mun Morin mu rlmmlnl In hln min In th CAF mln perlnrmer knmvn Tho llcd Knlkhl 01 WW yholo WASHINGTON CF Th They were young bored Rebelsliving form AIicouomouao Amo pram we rnNrmumm mow nan mm LIBRARY AND MUSEUM OPENED RT BORDEN at up lo 15 cr cent wauld brill mare traube than heneflts It wauld hurt the us Inlemn unnal capltnl market badly My mpt US business ulatlmu with such countries as Guam and Japan and Impose hardship on Imus that over lha long term can only he dclrlmcmal to well other wilnnsses warned lbs in might miss increasing in iematiunal doubts about US economic slrcngth lemma possible largescale night of larv sign capilli mm the US TORONm CF Internal In ha teaching nrnl French rowan ncmu Ontario Ed ucation Mlnlslzr Dnvln nid Wednesday night He told marlan the Fed eration Womtn Teachm Ab Ioclallom Ihnl In the In Ichoul year oral Franch wan taught under 11 Ichool bands to 75 pupil In 2456 damn Then wen we teacher Involved lummnr mum on the melhodl lenthlnl French to Ennllnh wenklnl puplll wu htld In Ollawn 1m monlh Ind it hoped lha text book on ha lubject will he made nvnl Able Mr Dnvh uld wu conlldml Um tollegl or hillnlunl Mudtnt lenchern which opcm 1n Sudbury lhll monlh will nrenlly lmpmva mclhnds and lncmun the num brr at French lllh Itnchem Mr DIVII Inld Impmvtd Illuhwnyl and lhumnvlcllon Amonl cnunlry tom lhll their chlldnn Ihuuld flVl lhl Advan am lrudtd Ichooln mm In lo lurlhtr dcvtlopmml ol IIllll ccnlrnl unwell Davis Reports Interest Grows In Oral French nnlanu now ban ccnlnl Ithooll pmvldlnx nrmmmodm llnn or 12371 pupil mm Hum 10 per cent UN rlemrn my Ichaal tnrolmtnl pmvlnce allowing graduation premise Ofllcer Cadet by Miler General Wunhinmn 93 MC c9 Cplmel Commandanlrollhe itin Can ROME PEOPLE IIIOWN AT 700 Ind 10 JOHNNY NOHODY RIIOWN AT wn ONLY TODAY WINNIPEG CF All ex change program between Punch Ind English speaking Canada In fpull lha curtain up can what the other Ilde Ilka we wanted hm chnnsday by Norbert Prelonkalne film or of lha Canadian Cenlenary Council In said In an Interview web program It dune promptly and lnvolvlnl Iarga number people would be Inlnllun lo separatism Mr Prelnnlnlne luflcsled lhal lhunxands ol Canndlnm from flu wm and Ontarln could Irrnngu Ia mend fix wank or more with French Canadian hmflle at part Cunadnl centennlnl program The French would In change llvn wIlh EnlllahIpeaklnl Ink lllel Ha nld people In Ontario In parlicu have been Ivory except tn lhu H51 Clnldl They hm been to Miami New York and HIWIH but they hlvn no uen thulr OTTAWA CF The 0501 man Canldiln hlnnuy brlznda In West Germany wlll Ihlll Ill apernllonnl nm mm 75 mile mnwnni unlll up unlml ha 1an Cumln Llnfien Gmflray Vnhh chm cl lha lenml Wed nudny or Europe whm wlll overm vnllmlnlry plum lnvolvtd In the move NATO arlzinnlly based lLI mlln round dtlcnm Sn wm un Europa an lha Rhine River lhlt drlemlve no wu nndw Illy pulhtd enuward NATO db cldcd In ynnr la ndvanco it In lho Irnn Curlnln Avoid Separatism Pull Up Curtain Idlan Armoured Cam Lon Colonel RndleyWfl ten Commondnn o1 ha Ar mound Corps School NI lionnl Delence Photo Brigade Will Move East ummm wrmootw lmm mull iuhnIWkr QUESJouns 5qu MI SHHNTY BM TONIGHT FRI SAT mcumwnmn mm Howawootlt Is mmny lulhfll owlm CIA ST GEORGE Ont CPD Uberal Leader John Whaler meyer uld Wldnesdu Premier Rabrt wu nlumberhgu 1n the cabinet with ma of them will unlvmfl crllh bull up In Ontario 11 nothinl wu done Ibout mlnlmum wages wedlcll an or portth pen nna hnd nnykhlnl to bar on then vltnl guesllnnn he Ind In hlmscll ML wmurmeyer nld during plcnlc at the arm Robert leon member of he legislature or Brant Ind presi den the Ontlrlo Liberal AI Iogllllan But lormer liquor commis Iloner Allan Gmssman was pro mond lnh parlialln when he hecnmo an embarrassment ML Wlplermeyen Hid Premler Rahall II no new boy with nah Ideas and alarm Mr Wintermeyer nld Ha very much rpm that symbol 20 year of lory lam the lat flabby ynwninx hippopotamus depicted in ma gnvemmuall trade crusade blllboardx Eicerpla ram Mr win meyerl speech was released to lhu pm before delivery MONTREAL CF Man real und Quebec Provlnclal Po Ilca comhlnlng In ralda to break whnl they bellow may he an nlemallnnul ring hm brought nbput lhu arrest of 17 persun and xclzure of more than 100000 Iwcepslakea flckell and Iluba Pollen said they had selxcd lists name of possible dln trlhulors In bnlh Canndn Ind the United Slates The name hlve been sent to puilce In cl Ieinl halhrwunlrlem Th selzed llckeu were far In lrluh sweepstakes and lb Allny Ind Nayyveepslnm Surinmohsen were Issued for Hyper puffing Thusl irreslcd included wu wgnen nyld ISyglgmifi Innnf The raids began Monday Ind Included nevunl Iuhurhan dll ercl Montreal When they ended noon Wednesday police laid they had lulled $1000 In cash on place Ind Ihnt the total mlrkek valua sold Ind unsold ticketsmost them or the Irish lwerpstnkel ll Ibgut 8150900 One hose Arresled PMle mm was charged wlth oper aLlnl an Illegal 10mm Ho melded no zullty when nisan Wedquday Slxteen at palsun have also been Irralgncd on charge Illegal pamsslun of mm mm llckell or ol lllllnl ha llchts lhlrleon plelded lullly CF Mn Camillo Duxuny hmdcul In nppenl Wednel dny to her l1yeamld Ion Ind hll two campaninnswhn tired while belnl taken to pnon week Ilalo Iv themxdm up to pellet Ind at rldflol lhclr gups She uppcnled In French In htr Ion Roger Ind In Cllflard Barry and wind Du holl all Sault Ste MI Ill who mired custody Sudbury no It ml here while helng men In Guelph Rdarmnlary Ind Burwnh In dustrlal Farm Liberal Lashes Ontario Cabinet land ol ncrryn bmndcul an Ippul hlm Tuesday nlzhL Palm htllnve the tapm have lrnmlstor radio with lhem cmcenlrulcd lurch ll Hun nearby VIIIgo Gm Cup lulled Wtdnudn lo lacnh lh lrla Pollco Ml camp had bun hrnkcn lnlo ntnr Gm Cup and hey belie lhc lhm my my amp Sweepstake Stubs Seized By Police Police Search For Mother Radios To gm gm mm on Nurly 50 menIncludln yo AIRCONDI IONED GIANT ACTIONFILLED COLOR HITSI CONHNUOUI IIIOW MTURDAY PROM Il NOON 2ND BIG COLOR HIT riuous mums mum WASHINGTON AP With tall nozollnllon It anlmpnm the Senate commerce commu loo begin work today on leg lalIUan avert countrywide mum next Thunduy lmpelled by new mm at urgency lhu commutes may be ready with bill by early aller nonn Chairman Warren demacul from MONTREAL ICP Richard 51110 In mused In connw on wllh termII activities of Le ant de Liberadon Quebev 0L1 Is in St Plum Mlquelon French embassy spokesman n13 Weflresdlx Paul Blue Ira Iecrtlry of the embassy uld Blzler ll nwaltlng word on hls IPDHCI 1qu 0poXIUCa ngylurp Mr Blane said he had re ceived conflmwllan ol Blzlerl presence an In bland mm thg galgum Jn L19 Heny SL Flam and Mlquelun l0 cnlcd mm miles south Newloundland are Frances only remaining posseulom In North Amerca Blzler has been charged with lhe llme bombing on May 13 Royal Canadian Alr Pam labllshmenk in lhu Montreal up hurh of Outremonl lie was held In lull for over monlh balm he was 11an ball to lnlllnz $2450 OIIAWA CWThe capllal enjoying ha blunt tourist II history RCMP reported Wednesday lhnt ullmnled record 5000 people rimmed the lawn of Parilnmeut Hill in the morninz In lha changing in guard cerunon and lhen lumped 1h FE inmeql Buildings Tuesday night accommoda tion was to lurco In the capl lal lhnl palm on Pnrllnmcnl Hill reported that Mum tour lnll slcpllln lhglr gays The Claw loutls and can vtnllon bureau exllmated lhl 10000 lourhu were in town Ind every one flu 4500 hold Ind motel room In lhl 0mm Hull Irea wu llllzd Fina Impnud nnaed mm 50 In 3150 Mu Ind number Saul Sta Marla lurch Ind rucua nullhaw combed lhl Iru of Nellletnm Lake Goulll nlver and Grol Cup but with llllla lumen cordon hu been thrown around the urnon ha Ihvra Laka Superiorand police lay the youths un 21nd Icnrchm only by wnler No polkemen men the night It Gm Cup government dock hopan lha youth would xiv Ihemrnlvu 11p FLQ Suspect Seeks Asylum Dumay Berry Ind Dubai In described an Irmad and dnnnmul holgnn rifll nnd Immunlllan wm Itolen lion their maps mule Pollce 1mm Wtdnesday Hm woman Innkceper II Gm Clp Inld hnl don Ind on Salnrdly lo Ull ucapcd vrlmnm Ottawa Enjoys Tourist Boom US Threatened By Rail Strike HEATING P0110 Thm wu drop 66 per mu In lhn world Incidence of pollomyelllll belwccn 19M Ind 1060 EVENING KNOW AT 700 Ind MATINKE DAILY II Escapee Surrender TODAY Washington Ilala planned lo mnler wllh Democrat Leader Mlke Manslleld of Montana to Ice the Senale wlll be ready to take up Illa measure Frl day If not the blll will he bryyzhl up Mgpd Mmmson said Illa fluprcsen Inllve Oren Hani Dem Ark chairman of Ihe House or Mr msenlallves comment cammlt lee had told him ha Senate bill should reach the Home early ncxlwoek Although held extensive hearings lhe cammcm cum mlltee has been hanging fire on leflleutlon proposed by Presl dant Kennedy July 21 lo Iver atriko1he mmmlllee hoped that than clnlerx and the rail unions negollallnz under the eye the lnhor department could mule the ouryear work mle disputa themselves 14m 13qu DOWN Wednesday these hopes were dashed Labor Secretary Willard wm said ncgullaflon had broken down and Ihm was no Immediate pruspecl 011e condllauun The railway contend the have to slash payrolls to Illm lnala thousands nl jobs that rep men an unnecessary cast The unlons claiming th would lm perll sale and eltlclenl lrnln op enllons have pledged lo nrlka as soon the new work rules Are put lnln ellocL mm alrong uppun In the wmmlllce or proposal ceptableJo the unions lhnl would direct the two side In bargain for In Iddluonal so days under the Inldance of lumenabet jalnt congressional nomlnhtce QUEBEC CP Lo Solell quntu Gerard Patron 50cm Credit member of Pnrllament or finance wing in an In terview lhal former prime mln Lxlur Dielenhakar Allempled to arm coalition government with the help the Social Cw dll party allowan the April election Mr Permn uld tho Illempl lulled when he and Ilva uther Quebec members ul Ihe Soclnl Credit parly announced they would lupporl the Llherals glv lay them lllm majorlly In the Home Cnmmnnl Tman the courts events Mr Permn nld that shortly nller the elucllon he heard lan he Ccnservnllvu were unempl lu to arm conllllnn There were rumnn um noherl lhnmpwn national SMIIICN dll leader and Dr Guy Mur mux clllel parly whhr and member or Quebec Monlmop ency would he Invited In Join lhe cablneL The newspaper quolel Mr Perron laying ha hurried on Ind met wllh mup of Soclnl Cndll member to dlrm llIe Illunllan llll Idea IUEPfllufll the lemlr wu bros cd Dr arcnux wu Ixnlns the Idu the newspaper nyl ML Palran Illd he lnler learned Mr Thompson had uld conll Uon would no Innuer be puuihla blzxcauu lhu Attitude of ihu Sacred Says Die Wanted Coalition DUNLOP $T DINNER SOUP 0R TOMATO JUICE CHOICE OF FIIUIIY OMELIJIIE FIIIED IN BUTTER Spanish Western Mushroom or Choose SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN LEG 0R YOUR CHOICE Grilled Ich Liver with Ilncon or Onlon Breaded Pork Cnllola wllh Tomnlo Snuco Breaded Slnglo CentreLoin Pork Chop Apple Sauce Hot Dec Sandwlch wlth Gravy Supromn Pork Sandwlch wllh Irlvy Supreme Hal Turkey Sandwich wlth Gravy Suprema Hot Chlckon Eundwlch with Gravy Suprrmo The Above Includes cholca of vcgolnblc IEAS SOLESIIAW 0R IICKLED BEETS French Fried Iolnlocs or Muhcd Iolnloel Jello or Pth is or mm Fully lclnud by Tho LCIO DINE IN LUXURY FOR $125 Businessmans Lunch aalmmg 1m BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST By 63 Following the readinl of mln utea uhd currespnndence at tawn ship councils Wednesday meet lnl hearing was hid in the form at court enhuiry with council members acting Court rhlx was to live the partici pants whose lands an heinx sessnd inr thecnsta oi cleaning and reconstructing ditch in the southwest earner oi the township chance to Ask ques tion and know the new plan or this ditch This drainage was med an the lnnlsiii property owners when Wm Gwiiiimbury put this water aver iha counly road and into the south islmcoe drainage bgsin The land owners In that me many oi them nevaanadlaM purchased the land for market gardens believing they could make profit and keep their iemilles The drainage mm the south township was dumped over and insuiilelent depth given the ditch to take peak load away The owners claim they have lost erop alter crop oi potatoes and other vegetables The contention at the persons who came to list en to Engineer William Alnley give his explanations as to how this problem might he taken eare oi now was that this south drainage could have been taken at through another watercoune which crosses under 100 highway south and which would have lead it directly to the Nottawas aga River instead oi letting it meander fiva mile devious route through innisill and thr ough ditches wlth right angle turns that blocked Mr Alnley explained that since Judges order had ioreed innlsill to admit this drainage into their South Slmeoe system it was necessary to plan sys tem that would handle iii He had therefore laid out course Ihat would do away with the rightangle turns and also take the water iarther north along the side the urvlce road until it reached the double culvert under 400 highway which had been Installed our ieet lower than the onenur the restaurant He claimed that this additional toll would give the necessary impetus to the water to keep it flowing with auiiieleat all to keep the dlteh clean and take oiisprlng tioodlng NNISPIL NOTES PA 83391 Th0 Orlglnll DriveIn BARRIE Saulh With Th Chalet Th Pldurll um Rand In Clty Botwun Hwy 400 and DESSERT AND BEVERAGE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY hla landowner wen doubt iramar aralend um on mm Etafix Ditch Brings Many Protests HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS mumma ROBERT Huron AIM mm ADULT IT HAPPENED IN ATHENS snanma JANE murmur COMING SUNDAY THE CASTAWAYS ini oi my success as they had been subiected to Innuai flood inxs In the put and the water ieit standing in ditches aiong Ihe County Road wn also detri ment to their land as they claimed it hid not been given an outlet Various Ipealerartuid oi the manner In which permlxslun hld been gained to let Allow auqa to put the south water over their lands on man said he had been uiiered inn doiian which he reinsed but they came over his property Just the name 09 Mrs lilosko with her Ion Philip acting as spokesman for her II her English in not flucnt asked it tho Judge who ordered tho water dumped over their land llld ever come to the result 01 his order Her husband had been able to make living mm the land until thin flooding began How he was assessed for ditch work over and above in creased men yet Illey could hot product crop it cost me 800 lor thin ditch she told the Court oi Enquiry Her son oblected to clause in the proposal that the muck lmm the ditch cleaning and digging wu to be dumped over thn land ond Ipreud about This loll will not produce any thing We ulreldy have about two leet of thin mm the pro vious work Ind it is unless lor productiod at my crops he claimed He wantcd the propos ll to Include tailing may the mlterllll lrom tho ditching and cleaning to portion at the farm where the muck would not ham per cm Enxlncer Alnley felt that thll win 0an to add to the general cam Ind would not he Ialr to other partlclpantr Mr Masks felt Ihat ll thus who warn pay ing the costs war from the tenth twwnshlv they should not object to paylnz rather than dunua th llndl of the recelv era Enzlneor Alnley Agreed that the matter wu left to prlvato muzemenu he felt lure It 03ch ha 1d ed Reeve Wllmd Kneeshnw ol Wcst GwlllImhmy listed that thin drainage begn It mum an 11 hluhway on the farm farm Reeve Hughes Ha nld that hr ht Council law then wen no complaint no In lmm Welt Gwlltimhury plrtlclpnnll

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