Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1963, p. 20

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lbTRE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 NEW YORK MPD Gén Douglas MacArthur disclosan he has wrltlcn hl memoirn sald Tuesday he was hummer the existence lbs alum bomb nnly 10 day before it all on leush supreme com mander In the Fuel In lhe Second Wufld Var aald he had nu park in any way ahape nr manner In lhe declainn In drop the bomb He did not Indicate whether he approved use ha wcuymu MncArlhur Bl remlnisced about lhe Far East In an his rare pm conferences He told of wrillnu the m000wnrd manuscrlpl In lnnghand during the last six months to fill the MacArihurs Memoirs Reveal General Didnt Decide 0n Bomb HAMILTON CF coron gr jury Tuudny recom mended that schnnl unlety pro grams Include Ind stress Iha Importance of children not us ing crossover at runway right nlflays Iury Requests School Program For Safety um Thu rccommcndalion allowed an inquest Inln lhe death of Gary Wayne Cooper killed by Canadian Nalinnal Ran ways freight train on an over pass Aug The jury attached no bllme in the death and ruled it leci dental Coroner Dr McAlisler lurmcd lhe Jury finding an xccplianal verdicl he sun he Inquest Dr McAllsler pointed an lo the Jury the pub llcily received by the 1m Kn questhe qucn An inquest Jury conducted last Wednesday by Dr hitiiislzr amid the elecirnculinn ni dro wnrkman wu Incidental and sugguslcd ihai despite in mnvcnicnce to lht consumer prior to work bring schldnied the am he bucked ouL Tue comer lumea that ver dict absurd mm mm warn you DL McAlisler lnld Tuesdays jury you ind lhal rnllrold train snouldnl run lhrouxhHnmillon will call that stupid ver di ulu He asked the jury In malt ynur xecommendallms but he tarslul AMSTERDAM 11 Ntlher and Reulcr5Hullh Min er Judy Lahlnuh 01Canadn rivcd hm by air 1mm Cope hazcn Tuesday lor omydny marking visit during which she will study cnnrlhulnry pension la lrzislauon In The Nelhm all nwlnx her sludy he la leave or Purl on In last la or Mr European tour and win lly lmm hm Monlrul Fr day Iudy Arrives In Holland Council Pmldenl annnlazne mid Tummy lha novurnmcnll new pmgrum lo pmmolc bllln unllsm In lhc clvll xervlm II helm ironcd an by cnbincl Mmmillcc whlch he Mud and wlmmmillcu Icvml drp uty minlsurn Thu mernm In be unvrllrd lnrllnmml In upeclcd lo nrnvidr or Mllngunl hulllula or civil unnnll Inlnry hon uw hr bilingual pummel In kry poslllnru nnd revlnd Ill rrclulllng nroculurn la nllrncl mum Firmh Cnnndiann who now unwise nhoul ll ptr ml he upprr clrll nrmrl and SI per con he ponglnlinp Mr annnlagnu mm lhn mnuurnu mm mm but hold jnlnlly wllh Andru Immrmlmn and Dulelsnn Dun 1nu rnvthnlrmcn llw uan nlulnllllnn un lvlrulluulnm and lulllnzunlium Mumuhiln hr IITIMHIII llw lun Imnnl rlvil nrnlu nlnll minnlmllmu Id Hwy WI null Hm hIanunl prn gum rnrrlully In Innkn nun llml ll dnm mil AHrll HI lmnrn lur pmmullnn hl tlvll unnnln Mm IWlk Enulhh nnly Bilingualism For Service AKRON nhln Ml AIMH Pulmrr Ihnl nummllrr put Tnmhy xlrlrul lhll mum mud lnrky Cupll um um rlmk I0 5010 World 59 at Hull MM Iluylnx nmqulIy om lhu Ilayml plr nnm Flu Ihmy mmlry Iuh mum III Inrr ml Ingrlhrr 3135 In In llmnwny hlumph Ml hut ll MilTI Almrr lvrlrl Hum nlmkn laud um My Ind Inur our upil slur nlm hem pnblu Palmer 1an Mmrru and HM thum plnn Jnri Nlchlnul 171 0pm rhmhpion Jullun om Ind lvllh Own rhlmrkm Mb mm in Nu Max In It Iup lulu In the me km 509 Im Palmer Ousts Cupit Rodgers OTTAWA CF lrlvy gap inminr my own part was concerned He declined any comment on current aiiairx Henry Luce editorinvchlei Lil magnum and other iime hm puhiicailnns said Lile moxazine had purchased ali rizth including mntinnjic lure and television The print wu not disclosed The magazine will publish the memnira in lnslallmunu slur lnx arly nexl year McGraw Hill and Company will publish the manuscript in book iorm at Iboul Ihe nmu lime Cancelulna the alomlc bomb dropped In 1945 on orders of lor mer president Truman MacAr thur we asked how he ell Ihnul no helng nolllled of lhe weapon unlll 10 day belnro the bomblnxl loll no sense of neglect at all he replied The whole pmlecl we more 11mm and there was absolutely no reason to consult theatre commander 0000 mllel may on such mal ere DORION Que CP Three masked gunmen Monday Ihrcal ened to Innure Ihe lwa sun of Loyal Schmidt armor mem ber of he Quebec legislalurc before escaping wllh diamond ring and many Wnrlh morn lhgnDsmoo la the men beat the llyeamld wins and lhrcalcncd Io hum the sole or Iheir feet with clgarelles In an alumni in ind out when Mr Schmidt Md nu maneyand valuables Former MPs Sons Beaten EndOfSuum CLEARANCE OF OUTBOARD MOTORS Only 13M Mnnunl Motor Rex 510m Dniy Viking 75 II Blocle Mnlor Reg 59000 SIHCIM Only Evinmdn 40 Electric Malnr EEK 000 SPECIAL Only Evimude 18 hp Elrrlric MMnr Reg 69500 SPECIM nulyv hp my mm luumlna Ilnvlrr menp umlmh 19 POWER MOWERS OPFN CHARGE ACCOUNT EATON CB Fulmrfi ll Ind 12 Mndrll SIIO Euh EATON Trrnmnlrr Kuhn null 15 EATON Salt Euh LAWN Mowms iay CARL M0le TORONTO CPAn Ameri can church scholar said today Anglicans an unique In Chrim lendum bucausn lhey comhlna he has oi Cuthoilcism nd Protestantism and an ailiiude of reverent unusiicism Canon Howard idimsou New York Episcopalian made his stab at dciiuing Anglicanism ior the Anniican Conlresr here as he and other rpeakm tackled the apparently opposing him that the calling ni the An giicrn church is bnth tu unite with other churches ml to gird ilseii to carry unique mes sage to tha world 109°o He said Anzllclns must strengthen their church because they are best equlppcd Io bring about the Christian unity that will cause them to disappear SchOld de5 Anglicans Are Pious AgnostiCS llint Cannn lL Waddlm England suggested Anglicans are arrogant In hlnk ihey can conirihuic Io church unity wnllu they are divided themselves Pakistani and irish speakers sald Christians in other coun tries should see how denomina tional dliierences dimlnv ish who Christians or Pro tnnts an in minority Prin baia Mangamai snld Pakistani Christinns band tnxcther in tha face of dominant itionlem iallh Pmlestnnls submerge iercnncs in predominaniiy Ro mnn Catholic ircland salri Archbishop Simms Pri imntc oi irelnnd SYNTIIESIZES THE BEST Cnnnn Jnhngnn meélugiiu at he Calhcdrnl Church 5L 59 53900 72900 62500 469no Fm plm net on ruck lung lurncr talk Ile Iponn lellml qunnllly Rouular 149 GOLF CLUBS ENDOFSEASON CLEARANCE 0F In group no In marmch Mood llnll llnns It nml Ilshl hand menn And Womml lellnd qunn my CLEARANCE OF BARBECUE SETS Rogullr 995 lo M95 Johnlhe Dlvlna 1n NewYurk City said he Anglican crea tively synthesize lha heal hlt lrln Calhollcllm thebeal that 13 In evangeilcallsm or Prntes nullsmtlu has lhatJnln llh eraliam Hedallnnd llhernllsm as learned Ignorance reverent augpsllthqz Thu Anglican Neognlm that some thingsma ha beyond reu mn hut Multan dont buy Ihlng mm are repugnant to ransom Earlierln his speech Canon Johnsan that Chrls um arahclnl nulpuccd nub dlslanced nulbrcd and added The Icandal dlvlded church consumes the chlcf Im pedlmcnl lo the progress ol Chrlsuanlty God he 3me use he ear of Inian out ln nnnChrik llan lame to force interchurch unliy What He unnol avoka ram us by HI lava He may nzendcr in urhmugh fear mp saunnpyas ano ml rcsidcnl schnlar at Camerhury Calhedra unmasked the interim bolero churchunlly hnuld be used by Anglican churches throughout the wurld to slap squabbling amnng hemsnlves armer rnctnr ol Mannllck Ont sald that it is un pracllcal besides hclng dcplnh ably selfsatisfied Ind proud or Anglican to think lhuy can mike useful cnnlflbuunn lu Christian unlly beyond heir own leihwshlp they an nut ulled Ihemselves rlurnplm IQ New Inn Clulr Cult lluullr 1m Wood Illrhnry Enwkl Wlmll In My nuulnr 1k llliClAl TIM BIINIM uuhSllAMI Thurman IIIL HUI M0 HUJIIM Ivmlc lhm 1vaan NM MIKIM NlhnkhlL Iriulnr mm nu hurnnl nuulnr fimnh MM HrqulnrWc rumlc lhm llrxuhr NM Hunt lhul mum in Tia Anglican Congress Mk ECONOMICAL Humber Typewriter hp SI thunder Int Lllne Inlclnl Blltk flhhnn Only Pk Iypr Grty pullc rtlnlnrced wllh metl Luthervliku plnxllc umlnx rue Hon PA MN IH DUNLOP STREET night all away lrom lhtolngy and clhlc ln swap anecdotes and Jokes ahnul lhemselvc delognlns banquet Their lender Archbishop Ml chnnl ansoy of Canterbury lnld how when leaving the Ca nadian Nallonal Bxhlhulon Ins week nllcr oulclatlnl the npcnlnu In pomp small hay put his hand lulu he cnr wln duw and askcd flue you Dle Icnhaker In he Unlicd Sihicsme ln mntn mm was thought polsan PP°bly 93 be nlghlshade rgmuyhhleh Includes deadly specks PRIME Minister and Mrs guard ol hmnr armed btha Tm lhey arrived by Ilr Pearson were escorled by Klllurney Glrl Guide Com ma marl lawn an flu Illouun Ordcr PA 60291 mouqu yqxsonogs EATON Sale Elch EATON SIII Each 99 695 EATON Salt Each 39 KllfllM MECML PEARSON GETSOIRL GUIDE GUBRDOF HONOR 15 I9 IS 39V 99 M49 ll 25 WINDSOR Onl CF The Police Assoclnllon ul Ontario Nesday crillclzod the Ontario gnvcmmcnt for failure to lake acllan an hm rcqucsllng pny lnmases and bargaining mm In prglnclnl you Dennis Lallul lame Tommn police 0mm new full time assoclnllun adminlslraln luld 400 delegates at the ass Police Assn Knocks Govt SHOULDER ROAST 49c GROUND CHUCK BLADE STEAKS IXCHLINT PD MAI ROUND 00H BEEF ROASTS RAISIN PIE MP Se Only Meals Purchased From Fedeufly Inspocled Faking House CANADAS NEST WWW Rm SVEER BEEF 53 MEATY SHORT or CROSS RIB SAVE 10 rm in JANI PARKE clulona Innua convention pro vincial pollen nzlrluvcd by governmmln apparent lack 01 interest In lbs brief More is Aliorney Gemmi Frederick Cass going around Ieiiing municipalities that lhey simuid Increase lira pay 01 lhelr police oiiicerr while his own 01 liters are not uvm getting as much is paid lo mlm hm ui municipli police iorgusiu said He uld Illa Illhough the OFF par 01 the asspggalkm ll cafmu use lha Issiclullnn II harnainlnn Fluop IImin ALFDRINK 2m69 Vwbfiu BEANS AM Moo MAYONNAISE At my nuIuy APPIESAUCE 7sflwm99 4m rm Lupe ANGEL CAKE Your Dolor Buy More At AGIP AI PM In Cumulus Hulk Mutiny Augull c3013 1m um ao NS ANNPAGE 7mm II NI IAVI 69c Ontario Grown Ik 093 Md T0060 my Fruit ml Vegetables 249 om Grown Swnl Dlludoul hm No Or COOKING ONIONS BURBANK PLUMS SHORT CUT PRIME RIB lo lug Hal beam North Channel we photo CELERY STALKS Onlhrio emu Vfllw Na and SUTTON01IL CP ycamld womnn was drowned Tuesday when canoe aver lurned In rough wnler all Sib balds Paln an Ihe soulh short of Lake Slmmc Glenda Marcnu Brightan or Nuwmnrkcl was relurnlnz from Georgina Island with her My hand John 33 and their son Equlhs Mr pylghllgug was un able to mo in wlIé Sutton Woman Drowns In Simcoe rm mu NM oIAVI Rh ll IhUWK rrl hkIAVI 901 um rm muufi mum 99¢ 79c Idfloxw

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