US Denounces Diems Measures Cammlnlnn tn chnrrmrn luv dn Munmlrml nml luvldmn Dunlnn hrhl llvrlr llnl Iumneu InnInn In rhnl hlrully ml lflmllurrd llIrrInnI llunl Um lull lomrlnlwr mmmlulnn wlll mm hrm 5cm In hull Ila UNIV trappch nilniriiuslï¬rgr look ram la Aloyfercd 111 gee ynggr The lwo men who have been mcelvlnx Md and olher Sup lhfaqghnlhn nun mlg lle dld pu ur lnu or new mom pm lbly not helm Jlnunry I0 lhnl pmvlnclnl luwrnmcuu nml vul unln mimlimflnm vumltl man llml lo yupn NM appeared at he mamcn the big hop for haul Have 42 of Pallcrmnvllle who ac nr alcd lmmlhem by wal ol debrl lion nangway when lhey llcd aim the maln mine hall wall collapsed elghl duyl ID fly UNA OTTAWA 1C my mmmlulnu rm lvlcullllrnllun And hlllnlunllun lflwly wlll Aha nod mi hrloru lmvlnz Into an lMfllhl mum ml public hurlnu nn Hu lnrbulrnl In la lrrlallnyl lmlwun Ength Mr lmurmluu rnlllnr nl Ilm From In an an Munllnnl dally IA Davo1r um nul mnnlhn mull will In mm Maven41 Id mlnknlmllve round hmuzh hole worked doggedly to thy In dim to reach sep Irmed Ind weakened cnmpan lon who xecslahllshcd conlact wih lhem nncr nearly 40 hours WASHINGTON AP The US Ravcmmcnl today donounccd the nnlSBuddthl mum at Saulh Vch Nnma Diem mimu rnprmlve ndinn directly vlolnllnz Diem pledges or pom lul reconciliation or the Buddhlu dilpult Tho slnlcmtnl the most ouupokon ufllcinl US criticism the Diem ngime was ï¬nned by Iha mm department Washington aulhorluu sludied wilh maunllnz cnnccm lhn rtporll xclrlounh cnmpnlin by Pruldcnl Nno Dlnh Dicm against Ruddhint oppmcnu um um mnuu the Auslrnlinn wamcn chumpiamhlm hm ladny Mrn Slreil unmrnn record 01 70721 or lhu nnyal Sydney mum In both qunhlykn rounds Inrj VFnilrrl Vlnï¬uungg reGB SYDNFY Australia lCNluclrm Maxim Sircil cl Tomnln muncld Tumkln In lhe Hm round AGASSIZ BC ICP Mare lhnn 500 hymnchnnllnz Sum of Freedom Dnukhnhou camped In lent vlllalu nuhlde Mounlnln lrlson mm to kin lhcir imprlsonrd hrrlhrcn today In mm lul ntlllnd he hnrlm wlm 5nd canrme wnlln x1 lhu ml mcmbm Jnllrd or 1th vlalence and rnnlpirnty um hrinz loneInd bccmuc nl hrlr dnnmuunly weak condmon rum mnmhlanu hunm Ilrikt Marlene Streit Sets Course Record 99lh Ylll No 195 No Food For One Week Miner Bova Still Alive Chanting Douks Begin Fast dmvn Much well to where trapped coal miner Louls va was discovered alive laid has nigm llslcu Intonlly at top Al the same limo aulhurilic rLpmd to drill ncw escape mIe through Whlch hey evnn Western Mail Floods Royal Commission HAZLEQN Pa up No DRILL OPERATORS who For Examiner Want Ad Tcla plum PA MAIL flla tolcuhana number to call or the Buslnnu or Editorial Dept FA mu NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones Drlllmz 12 Inch hole which was mcnnl la be reamed lo Inches In dianuler we ubundoned early today at depth of lac because It was crackan the too above the er and authorities cared un olhcr cnvcln Mn Munmm nu wul nl MA mull mm mm wnrrlrll wulrmvu who wnnl In hmw whrflm Ia mmmlulon wlll run In In nun Fumh nr mm uumllnnl nhnul Jull Mml KM ummlulnn lullnth lo 10 Th6 win to llnlrmm ml Ml Iflnlunlwl nl lhq mnlr um Mr hwunduu mm mu While Bovns wife Eva 32 conlinued to hold out hupn one or hls bmlhen Peter 58 took dim view saying My hmlhcr gain lo die know it and he knows il But III wife is lhere and he doesnt want her lo know the truth Hes been miner loo long not In realm the shape hes in Expert drilllng crew had worked 12 hoursvbclarc It was dNidEd to hall khu upcrallun on llnlh lu nm Mr Dnnlnn pru ldrnl nl mlnwnl Cnrklnn Un vmlly unhl lhoy 1me Mn Imlvlnu nllu mull mm lnlrmlnl mum nnd mlvhl lllll Arnvu Clnuvln mu ml murlnnl ulmm lhr mm Hm lollan thuwl Hm II ltul Iulcrul In Illa wmmlnlnn Du Iolvl pm mnlerrm ThlI rent the peoer In or Iurn about hm Alllkd Mr Dunlnn lunlly hope In bring lhe man to the surface wymgnunnn OWNED ol well caslng or sounds ram enlomhed man Buvn lslut tn be mntncted three min ers entomde near Hazlclon Pm lince last Tuesday Drill 112 Emir Examinvr chum lnr Thu pmidw xtrvnu plug Int hls lorrlun nld prngrnm was llmrd In the wing at drlmla In lhn mm or flnpmcnlnflvu an In measure In second nllcmpl ucs Iy nlght they were AIICCOSSWI In drilling twin sxlnch shut cslimulcd la be about Is casl ol the one through whlch con lncl was ï¬rst ramblishcd llml and Ole mm or Imam nhaulll culnlnly not be In llxuud he laid um cnnlcr enu Tucmlny nnly hnun err Ihn 100000000 nullmrltnllon hlll renchrd Hm Homo floor upsl rnmlni Min RmuuBn Ilcscum apparcnlly were un able tn plum lilclinc hula In nova who has been wilhnut 109d sinco lhg cnvcin Aug WASHINGTON AP Preh ldcnl Krnncdy nuyn lhnl no mnflcr hnw llm Amcrlcnn mny gc mnr arcinn nld our ndvfrsnrlu nn not Hm IluUI Nlmlll Im MInIrr llalmnl lrnmku In wrck ml wmh ll Murray Hay Qua Illal In IIIHHRI Idmlily Canadian would mmly uponl lo Anmlrnn dmnlnm Um Canlcdenllon broke up Charmbury PennsylvaA nin secrclnry of mines nld workers wauld shark as man as possible on anolhrr hole In eel west of lhe nbandoqu one Authorities uponled Ihc mnmcnl may did drllling any mm nix holgs They asked Fellin Tuesday night In try la give mm but lcr dircnllnns to where was located 1n rclnlian ln um mum xinccln drilling opera llunslhcrc somcllmc land In be drill from iurlnca to un dcrground Hm mynl mmmlwlnnl mln will In mg up huh and umr nun rxllmu In lho lrvlvrnl nml pm vlmlnl nnmnmruu nw nuv Immcnln wt lrcn In lhmw lhl lrrflmlnrmlAMrm nul KM wln 1an lhry wldml Mr Dunlnn Inmrnlml Ill lhI rmmnmlnn wlll Inlluw he now unmrull Imu rrlnmco ln lhe Irllrr unhmu Omlwerlnl MIDI llw HEM Ihn pmvlnrrl ur mmmml the advlcc of two the trapped men David Fellin 58 of Shepp Iun and Henry Throne 23 of Huzleton who have been direct ing rescue oration through mlcrophnnu owercd down their lllcllne hole Fellln and Iron reported lhe drilllng nppnrnnuy on close In lhem was tracking the mat NT TOUT nmnm IFK Stresses Foreign Help ers era left lo 113th William Galinac Saltsburg Pm and Paul Savage nl Hazlewn Dril ling npcrnliuns la reach min at confluuing AP Wire photo IankAml lull whal Iln qu lenilhlu mllnlrx HERES ONE that at not plan inch An lnlcmlilcd Icurth bunn lur lhe mun and wamnn wllh mm bully who tell lh ilcr pnrknl lnxl wuk on nur Durklnl Surrey Thu Zita wni ml nr from ml In nrlnhhorlnx woodllndl when Another mnooo 011 Ilqmllm quullonnl Ibo rhulnnrn ulmul crlllcllm tummlulvmn luml enu lny Fremlrr Mnnnlnl hula Mr Mnnnlnu uld llu tum vuuo And mm Ind In MnIV Mid rmatlnnnl Fvrlnchltnnxluh rluhu II he Mr nnnlnn uld um Ih rmmnruhmn Khlrl lull wlll In lullmln muly nl Mllulunh In In In ledzrpl tlvll uni wean Invlmlonl Io lhe lam and umln lnrlumlln or nnhnflonl and Indlvldfllll mer Mr vlewl In mm my nlrrulrd Indlvkï¬nl lump nlll ulme In It nmmlmun or Iuhmll hill at huh The crop lhey say ls so big and so slrang at this stage that not much can prevent good qualily humpcrvyleld mm ga lng Inln the blns But he grade may be Nas and Northern rather lhan the highemuallty Na Northern Ihal usually form the has 9m Una al when hoard stalls llcs show experts at when and wheat Hour In lhe crop yur Ended July 31 mulled 316400 000 bushelst 23000000 bushels Baghdad mdin declared Inql Nullunal Revolulionnry Council was prepared ln xupparl Syrll Immcdlnkply with all mlliury means and moral rcsouml slnlcmcnl count uld he mum armed lorcu were on an alert Ind were helm placed undcr com mind of lho Syrlnn hlxh com mand In Dnmnwul LONDON Pnlica nnnmmced loduy he dimvcry ol nnolher 510000 1000 la rrll 1min mhhery Ioal hldden In In nlundnmd nuln llllltr Mann Hmanally Mr unma 11m nmlmmled In VI Hmuhl lmnHKnlr In ham In Ilqnlh Am my mm in lull Vc hm plrnly nl uplnllml In nnmln nu lhln woldm MI lulu Extent nl Ihe deterioration must await extensive snmpllnl but officlals doubt that it is cause for serious concern lower lhan lagz yenr DAMASCUS Syria AP lmq Indny moblllxcd 11 am and air area on ilnndby Ilm Ind announced wnl plndnl It agmed lqrc nxjer the com mandol Eyrlm Nnmnnl anolullonary Council ollowlnu alr and ground clashes betwaen Syï¬al agd Isrnel Both Damascus and Baghdad radio cancelled regular pro gram and whlpped Syria and Iran late mu nl excllement by broadcasting martial murlc palrlnllc songs lalcgrama cl sup rt and lhrenla analnst la ra la the wake ol hmdaya ballle WINNIFEG CF Harv Ing of pussiqu record pnlrlo wheat crop in lull swing but qugllly may 11 below avenge Grain was my recent scorchan Walther and In tack leaf rust are certain to rogue polh rpde guild yield Barrll Ohhrlo Cumin Wldnudny Auauu I963 Iraq Army At Alert Police Recover More Of Loot Western Crop May Set Wheat Record Businessmen Lash WUST9x Measur 11 Fn nllra MUMt lhnl HUMM lucn Mnry ronlldwca lrirk Ilor lulled In dluulnr lwlprd mnvldr lhl womann lnurh In the Inuva Irlnlloum lhnl Iho unl mod hmlqunrlm 1n ucnnp £160000 7000000 mm null lmln Unlnz ho nnml Muy Mlm Inn IN WIN nul some HI Ilnlrn uh lo buy warn cur Hun day Iflrr lha mhlmy Will hrf wu Im In Pun mum nnm uMnr wllh mum nl vinlrnn Mumwhlle lwn underworld rhnrnrlcrl known Iluhlnr Incl Mnry And lclrr lhu mm In lha Inn at Scullnnd Vurln wnnlrd Nu lhr nnllnn wlda much lor mrmhm or lhl ll arm Inumm Iu UN dew on In mimchnm yewed tum Tho trullcr cnsh canister 01 0000 hank nans ll hmuxhl lo £27307 MIMI lhe lollll so Mr recovered at he £260000 0100090 lnkcn hy ha robber Ink Thu Irnllcr Wfll Inwed In pn Ilra hcndqmrlcn Aylrnbury In In mlnulrly combed or no Ilhll cluu mm nom UNITED TIONH MP Th UN Sum Iy nmcll II mind In mm null or Mr all net lo mm llllil chum nl Hymn border Ah lath nloi In romplnlnl mm PW 000 robbery cmh wu lmmd Abundantl lew day emllcr Mr Sheppard laid he le like salary cut but Ierms have been worked out on basis think qulle sallflnclnry Mr Gmssman received cab net ministers nlary of about 1000 year Harry Sheppard 58 Tur anln businessman who says he has lew political ambitions and no aspiration for cabinet posi will take over he poslilnn Sept WASHINGTON AP The 0n dy adminlslrallnnu Ilgncd In by defunct Aclenllsl la Inpparl May the limllcd nu clur lestban lrenly agalnst crlllclsms rum hydrogen bomb ploneer Edwnrd Teller Harold Brown he delcncn de parlmml research and angl necrinx dlrcclnr wn schtdulcd lemon wllncss as he Scum foreign relations commlllce em lered ll seventh day of heur lngs on USBrilhSovlcl treaty lo oullnw all nuclear wsls except those under ground In Advance Emwnx lcslI mnny nlds said the Pmugnn mcnrch 1ch would nply palm rnlscd hxcsdny by Tc lcr In slfllour hearlnz berm lhi lennlora Teller planned to address National Press Club lugch why WRONTO CF Ontarlnl Hm nunpollugnl llqnnr hoard commissioner sinca 1933 was appointed Tuesday byAPremlcr Hobart to replace Chlel Com missioner Allan Grumman The chairmanship has been vacant since ML Grossman 57 who held the post or two yours was Appointed mlnlsler re form Inslltulluns last week Mr Sheppard murmnn board of International Business Machines wIlI be lhe first prl vale businessman In an on the board Inca 1918 when then Pre mlcr Mllchell Hephum up pointed government member Eddie Odelle In mcmd prl vale businessmen whn had held the post ulna 1911 Mr Sheppard xald he will lign MI IBM poslllon but will UN To Meet 0n Dispute in UN Inlnllnu Truri super rlon ormuaun Mow President Assigns Scientists To Defend TestBan Treaty NonPolitician Gets LCBO Post Prrsldenf Kennedy waded lnln hmkm Mnlock of Own Suund who wns dlmlissrd Irnm hlx Job In Mull mndo the Allc Hon In Inlcrvlcw spe cillc and uentrnl nccuxnllnnx were lnlrr drnlrd in Toronln lly Highway Mlnlmr Clln rlul MuanuzMan nml unlur do pnrlmtnl omrlnln mrr so Imclnr or flu hluh wnyn dcpnnrncnl Inld lucsdny lhm hnn hurl wldcsmond chtnllna nn mnlrncl In lho Our Sound dislrlcl NEW YORK CPD long plnylnx rccnrd salirlzlng the Helms allnlr and other tea Iurc of Brillsh lile will be Is sued In Britain and Norlh Amer lcn lhls weekend dcspuo lnlllnl rcjccllon by one mcardlng com WHY spokesman Iur Anthony NcwIcy British slnge slat snld Tuesday the record called Fnul Britannia In to be Issued Frl day by company set up hy Newlcy and Issnclnlcs It ex pcclcd la he on sale In record shun In he 115 and Britain bf Monday and In Canada noun er The prcsldcnx denied Teller chum that ha admlnls ration cunnilcd Almusphcrlc luu lnsl year or pollllcnl reav sons dlsclnscd prcpnrnllom or US Padllc lcsls are al rmdy under way as precau lion lo Russlan violmlnn 01 Ill rum mud Disputed con lrnl Tchr conlcnllonlhal Rus sin is ahead In the nullmks mm mm lhnl Ihu lrculy would umml lha Suvch lend 0n lhcsu Vpoinlsfk mld Mlcr the Russians broke the lhrccywr lcsl mnrnlarlum In mm lhe United Slum on 16 nlomlc explosion In the nlr nnd 91 underground remain on lhl hoardsa nev cnmpaEIcs lhlnk lho IIquar conlml hdard is large Important and cnmplcx business and ap polnlmcnt was altered to me he myse ham buslnmsman he said His nppolnlmcnl was de scribed as good thing by Donald MacDonald leader at the Ontarlo New Democratic Parly the lumen Iucsday at hl press cunlcrence whllc Tulle wax Illll on the 5mm liand Wovld bureau In 16ml flmï¬ 311 is HI Niall winia Charge Cheating 0n Contracts Fool Britannia Soon Goes On Sale 0VIN SOUND CPLA or 51 Muck rndlnlor Elm the Canadian aniunnl Exhlblllnn In tcrnnllonnl unique nuln show on Aulomullvn Day Nudny wm wanhy fllrhurdmn ol vlnlnzo 1M0 Lumhm wnn the Ontario Mnlnr Ltnnuo Tra nhy Thu remull red mndcl awnni by Jahn Lumber Huflnln pnncd lhr drpnrlmrnl or lrnnsxmrlx modern mnhllu mt wllh llylnl cnlnu on Mr anbcrl nald ha men about 810000 In pul lho nnllquo In Inp Ihanm Serrnly Hum nnllquo um um cnlrrcd In Hus canlpcllllnn onum dcnt Knnncdya proposed lnxon fnrelgn stocks and band snld In 115 rcsldenls was described by me New York Chamber Como mam Tuesday as serlnul error which threnlcns lu cm ale havoc In established world inanclal murkcla Criticism 01 the temporary 29month inx measure begun in pnur in as the way and means committee at the House oi Rop rcseniuiivcs begun detailed examination oi the key ndminiy irniinn plan in reduce the US inlnrnnllonai payments dclicii lo discourage longterm loreian burrowing in US markeu SAIGON Rulers Hanks and laymen nunht mops who slarmcdBudthsk pagoda hm and Invllue odny mnrllnl law was declared thrauuh South Vic Nam curlew was clamped on lhis tapilnl nndsoldlcn nnd po lice wcro ordered in than cur cwbreakers ll Yul 0M Molt Enhfll who Im IM MM mummy mm wl IM Camdlln Cufltrworl Immume 01 bllhn ml Ishd ad luqu In hitMai ml III um mm Treasury Secrnlary Douglas Dillon lead of witness ex pialncd Vhy new Canadian is sues would be excluded from he levy up to per cent saying lnlllal announcement ai the proposal had aucll marked impact on the Canadian dollar that Canada mlghl have been iorccd lo seek iurlher devalua tion or ï¬lm emergency ex change measures ii the Us had no unread io an exemption in new Canadian Issuns Hnwever the law would not allow cxcmpflanl for existing Canadian Issue In lhe Cnna dlnn government requested And It was the US govern ments understandinglhal the Canadlnn ndmlnlxtrnllnn or lhn Canndinn central bank would work towards lower lunï¬nrm Interest rates In delcr new Saigon rudln mld mm mm casunfllcs when lroaps chased Orillia Man Wins At Ex Car Show Troops Storm Viét Nam Pdgodasr TORONTO CPI Tho model House Committee Begins Detailed Study Of Plan No Moro Thln Per Copy20 Plflll Sunny and warm today and Thursday Dow lunlzht HM lomnrruw For cam pleie aummnry pan lwu Local Weather Four Buddhist monk and nun hnvo mnrlyrcd llltmulm nr Ihclr came by hurnlnl lhrmsclvu to Ruth publlc plnm largescan inveflmtnt in the U5 MAY MAKE EXCEPTION Thu novnnmcnl led by PrMJdcni Ngo Ilinh mm flnmnn Cnllmllc Ilomnn Cnlhn Ilcl nlnl nhnul Ill pct ml ho mnullllon lha name Ilme the Amerl can admlnlslrnllnn la wllllnl lo eunslder excluding nulslundlnl Issue what are essenllully Amerlcan mmpnnles nperallnfl abroadl Dlllon clled such eom pnnles as Alumlnlum lelled Montreal and lnlernallonnl Nlekel Company Canada lelted as the type lhnt mlth be excluded Whlle these com panle operate ln Canada they are owned largely by all ma Informed diplnmatlc sources In Slnznporc uld hera wm mm dwhs ll he pnuodl but there was no omclnl conï¬rm llnn The mums said rue land at monk wm lukm from lha pnzadn by tho army and Ambulance were men carrylnl the wnundcd la hospllall tn Hue mnjnr ctty mo mltcs north at hm when ttu nuddhlst ntruugle or rcltltou rights tint flared Saigon dID Inld Huddhlstl attacked nutty mm wtth luck and mm woundtnx nine men ttvl at them nrtously Hxlrcmlll ulcmcnu Med la lire I0 Ilues Tu Dam pu xod area accordlnz la lhu gav rnmcm lluddhlsln whn cnmprlsc 70 121 cent or 50th V10 Nnml pnpululinn complain of rellgl cu pmccullnn Treasury Undersncrcmy Rob ert Ransa Iuld The Cnnadlun Press later that tho udmlnlam Ian ready Io work out mna modfllcntlun of he program along base 1an In prlvale dlr cussions wllh committee mumA burs He Iuggcslcd as Dillon had stated bclnre he comm lze that xuldcllnes or such cx clusluns mlghl he Amulcln ownershlp least 50 per cent of flu entire foreign aper allnn with large part he stuck traded on US exchanges One cnmmlllce member Rep rcsenlallve Thomas Curtis Ml sourl Republlcnn said In III In tervluw ha no Impressed Ha described U11 overall mmura as Berlin wall azalnsl hl free flow capltn and pra dlctcd many Republican wlll vole llfliml monk out of the main XI Lo Paxodn hm E331