1NQUIBING REPORTER ASKS hm Pemhu shag mm llmnl mnalu Yes We should be unlocked and why no In proleclud will the best weapon passlhlel Tho day nl the out anldler gone Handojhand llghllng all right lor Imnll wars such as brush llre war nr pollen acllnns but ln an all uulwar whlch wlll be waged with nuclear weapons we will need somelhlng to slrlke last with and Ms mean nuclear wnapom Kenneth Frnnk Rayncr 53 linii serum on lira Ontario Provincial Police died sudden ly vi heart attack Sunday at Niagara F5113 Son at Mr and Mrs Frank Rnyncr he wan born In Eurrle and grew up here He worked or hlx lather drlvins bread wagon unul he Inlned the OFF in 1941 WWhllellvlng ln Barr he mm rled Hilda Walker daughlur ol liqu Walker Hygie In Ihemurae his pollce dut In Sgt Rayner lived In Sinux Lookout when he became Ii member at the Masonic Lodge He was also membcr St Davids Lions Club Sat Walker had been working in the St Davids detachment the OFF for two yam and id name Ihcre ram his pr nus posting at Huniavfllc when hellvcd our years It ayner la survived by hi parcnla hl wile dnuuhler Mrs Ann Rheubolwm hwlher Frcd mmer and sister Mu Drury oi Walkerlun He also luvu two grandsons Membm the Squndmn thc Grey and Simcoe Foru wlll commence lrnlnlnz this week lor the in annual Cun lrul Command ludmhly and lmlllllve mlnlnz chlmplomhlp bl Itld It Camp Borden over Thnnksxlvlng weekend Thu llnrrle nraup won the Northern cnmpcllon which wn htld at Ptluwlwa durlnn lummer mllllln camp The om nlghl reconnnlnnnu Ind llzhllnz pnlml whldl caplured the wnrd wu led by Ll Dlxon wlln mlllllnmen lrom the IQ dmn lncludlnx LL Vaynu Slu wm Szl Glenn Brown Cpl Blll Llwrence Cpl Chlrlu Mc Nnhb nnuper Slenhcnl Troop er lllll lelor Trooper Allan llgCurdy Ind Troopgr John Kerr Sergeant Of OPP Ken Rayner Dies The Combal pnlrnl luml ram luur Inmau Onllria nezlmnnll Ill cnncludl one he laughul Ilznmcnll ever hlndcd Cun mlllln in penceums when they cl ll Clmp Borden The lour wlll ulnu arutlA llnx our cnnlul la drcldn the In Innunl Cenlrnl Cam mnnd leldtnhlp and mlnlnl chumplomhlp Allwmu Amum Mum mu MumInhIm Mbull mu mun Foresters Start Training For Leadership Competition mnlllm uh mu hunt mm llllflfl Au um Ann AHIIIII mm Calm um um rm 21 In an 1mm 4m lm III AI mm an nl Mun 11ml 12 UIIMI Do ll hpmlrak Inn Tn up lm mm nlmp Inn VI 10 Acml VII In Mh rm Imam mum III pawmun Ill min IIAOII luau1m In In by Illmu an urn mull Lntflmiuumm 1man Hm ml TODAYS STOCK PRICES nmpllod Flynn II Dunlap hum You Think Nuclear Weapons Are Gaod For Canadian Peoplgg mi 4m nu Mu in mi II OH lru Aflï¬rl Nfl Nlrlll lllll lnlnvn rm Indv lilub Ihmu In Ilm mady mum on Ium ll mu Ilufllonl my Imp 1mm lum on MM lmlmu An IMva 1mm in it Immu munnun mum um Bridlay urnprietor of local hnhhy mu Who am to lay ihoyrotteklng surveys all the time on subject that tho ovenago citizen is not com petent to pass judgment on The question at nuclear arm or Canada is one oi those and lh reason is simply that the question is too technical or the nveragu citizen litmus ha ha neither tho knowledge not no cos lniormauan about mo clear arms Funeral mvice will bé at Jan mu Funeral Home Wednesday at 330 pm Burlnl will be In Burris Union Cemekery Bruinchild of Major General Gmrgn Kllchlng gcncral amcer commanding Central Command the tanks ls dammed meet growing lcndcrshlp nnd lull Im problrm ln Canndnl mill The contest It the only an at La klnd hclng run In Cunndn thin yeur but General Kitchlng lure tho Armyl other Ihru command will be watchtn Camp Bordon lhll lull TAIPEI Formosa MUFiï¬ Iran groups welllmlncd Chl ntu Nulnnnlnl zunrrll lul Itmded In Communlll China between My 17 Ind the end July an ofllclnl ucncy hm Wind today ry whlch dullnad lo he ldrnllllcd by name Inld ho utrrllln ulnbllnhzd Iocrel um uranian la plln Thu nlxa or the lndivldunl group was not dlnclmcd bu hay problhly nvunxrd nlmux mm mh Repdrt Guenillas Landed In China HGT KENNETH flAYNEB im up nv xvi NKL um um um rm IIKIM Ilv mu Q11 Nil III m4 Ilmpmnl lmlvu flu Nam 4mm rm run run an Alarm mm Mm Mum II lovl mml NM m1 Innm um mum Imu im Allen hill teacher Nu Too much many in now spent on deience which could be put In more constructive uses such an educuiion or iorelgn aid Pen le are blind In this real necessi El and values of life or Ihe are not bllnd to lhem they urn hllnd the methods of Inulnlnl these goals WASHINGNN AP Thu United Slates deficit In the in Iernalional baIancn of payments ran considernbly more than $1 W000000 In the second quar er Ihls year the commerce dcgurtngq aquauned Mpnday The dtï¬cll increased sharply desplle strong showing In the cummcrclal trade balanceIn vimsay exporu uyer Imporp The arm second qua deï¬cit continued or he re mainder ol the year would re sult In lhe US 1011 more do lnr than the record 300000 000 outflow In 1960 ems whc ran up the dell clL were increased bank loans lame Inmaso in flu mount of new mm murllle sold In lhe USv and rise In US grants and loan to ureiin countries ILS Deï¬cit Up Sharply RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA CF Th edcrll government going Ihcad with new warm to make French wnrklng lmguale ln he clvil urvlce wllhout walling mrlha report Ihe rayll mmmlulon on blllnxuallam and blculluml cahlnelcommlllu and mall lhk nree ol highlevel cmcluls nu preparing Ieverll concrcle slaps ln be announced 1n Pnrlinmcnk mun um the lession resume 5ch In Ianned source my hm Th1 xovernmcnll nhjedlve In unable French Clnadlnn la dcnl 1n lhelr own Innxunz wllh my branch or Izgncy nl the uovnrnmenl and lo allow lnnch lmuunxe clvll urvnnll In use French and Enzllsh lnltr rhunxcnhly In Mr cverydny work Thll lI morally no the case prescnl wul muth by lhe Glnmu royal tommiulon on gornmmenl nmnlznuom Many lcchnlcnl delnll re mnln la be worktd out but the outline the hlllntunl pmmm ll am from alllclnl upmhu Ind Inllrvlewm Thu mnln mum Ilkzly will In nnlnry hanul lnr wlnln kny olllclul who no bilingual nnd occuny painlonl whm knowlrdua ham lInxlhh and Frtnch II pnxllcullrly lmparl ONO KONG MPiA rim In whlth mnn mm 400 plllonlll Al labor form ump In Cllm munlll Chlnl war portal mm by map ml rtnnlul Sort lodly In hollled Incl Will Make French Working Tongue Th4 upon ol lhl rlol quotlnl menl nhllrl lmm Chlm tauld MI carmlmruled hm 11mm whn hmh lnla lhu null llnnm MIII mlldml own nlahl mlmd Imu Immml nl mnnry uld rlly lnllcr 1m Ed Tuhlvhlrl lhll murnhll lhlol Tndlllhm lhlrm ï¬lmed kn Ind en lmd Ihe hulldlnl by mmwln dmr pln lIuI Ihry mlmd lluI mqnoyf ppnrrnlly Huh In Mole nm hunkIn mun pd Ilmrily Ill mm nrlark lhiu mnmlnl nlahl mlmd Imu nmnunl nl mnmy uld rlly lnllcr 1m Ed Tuhlvhlrl lhll mornlnl 11M Tldlllhlrl uld lhlrm ï¬lmed kn Ind rn mm Ihe hulldlnl by munle dmr plnl lIuI Ihry mlmd lluI monoyf Appnrrnlly ury Huh In Mole nm hunkIn mun pd Ilmrily Ill mm nrlark mnmlnl Wm MIVV nlr WlllZlEC ï¬l llnull TIDunn nrthln um Emmi by llm arm on nrtmaor rock whlch born memmam lo Imï¬lnn hlem lyphlu In Ilnllam It vulul lull rlvlllullmJml ml nmllul Mu hm hm mam rungmm Ind hummmummmum hatmm nun1mm nnawnod rumh lnulul hu laund unl hulln nubunn Illh hl In am Hi homnr lhnllllr lnlmly linilvuilrhln Iml tllmnihlll qu Andv Irm ulnlo 1a nun lnlhmul llluum In Ill nu IMII pnlly nllnlnx Ill ulnnlmluulon nMnkucrImL pIIN Illt Imponuu n1 Illvmulu canhurouhlhulhlulmpurnw maul In nulnulrml an mm mu mnnm Thll lemmpllalml nu hulln abutrm Elm ynfl lhlth Mr 17 hnlpi MI lg ollnn annulm nut mu manm la nflmd In my mm ml cugymlmy um 1M lnpulllnnl Minlllllllldlfl WMnmmr lhl Expect Chinese Prisoners Killed Thieves Miss Large Amount Kelli smug student dont think that lt mitten that much to Canada We urn nnt mat power and in the weamns that we can obtain are not nowulnl These nucleu Barnum or ex ample are strictly delenstve Ind thlnk that they would man no dlflurence In the Event at wnr Forecasu issued by the Tor onto weather alike at am Synopsis Clem1n Iklu and r1an temperature are now oc curring throughout southern 0n larlo Some 11th showers have been ported In Northern 0n lnrlo but these should soon and Lake St Clair Laka Elle N1 Ignrn Lake Ontario Lake Huron Georgian Bay Halibur tun Wlndaor London Hlmllton Tommo Mainly sunny today ï¬n Wednegday warmer winds Tlmaxaml White Rlvzr North Bay Sudhury Snull Sle Marie Sunny with few cloudy pedods today and Wednesday Wind wellmy no to 15 Cochrane Variable cloudlnm ladny and Wednesday few Establishment bilingual Insmule yubnc Idmlnlnru Hum where new upper enha on amclls wllh unlvmfly rainan would be ten or brie count In lannulges Canada wn main cultural Ind Camdlan hlllogy New mrmndr ramming rlvll Iervnnll nnd rcvlscd ex aminalion or French speak lng uppncanu lo encourage morn them In cnltr lovem mvnt service It ll argued lhnl present clvll service cornme nun cums landed wllh queslims on Anglo Americnn culture allccllnn lhe math 01 nrndunlu oI Trench culluro orljnlrd cullcm AIM vlnns lo top up the number or xpeclnl cnurm In French and English canvemunn or hluher lucl ofllclnll Several ot hue vai unlnry mums were launched In wlnler and lha mpnnu exA ccgdcd expeclnllons ennwhlle the royal commll lion on blculluralllm ll Kellan to begin MI wldcrrlnllnx In qulry next wuk The 10 mem ber wlll me In prvale here In nppmve ndmlnlmallvc dncl Ilom and prepm prlllmln limelnble The cammlulon expeclcd Io hold flu uuhlk hurlnxn Im In Oclnbtr leII 10 province lllcr Na Nath Collcnlnlu Jude XIII Iludwu hire won Outr10 Bcjlnllnhlm uorgh l00 gurh Thu Aludénll bolhrllm an mrlnlhm Cnmumn Ind Knml quuon fldmlmhlm fnr Crnlml Coll eamn wm announced Inn wrek lull 11 Htrxlnu prlmlpnl of Norlh Cullrunlo 5m betn Imlldnyn and lb Irholmmm lur Nam wen not Imwuntcd unlll many StudentsWin Scholarships Healing Subslnncc Shrinks liles Announce New WEATHER FORECAST Ruben Dulnane eatIIIY clerkx Yea Canada haa bouzh weapona auch aa lha Roman and modern lighter planes which are uselasa wiihnut atomic war haada Why should lhe potential oi Iheae weapqu he wanted and the inveaimcni oi the Canadian taxpayers be lost ita like buying pencil and not aharpeninl It Hxht Ihowera Hula wmner Wind westerly 10 lo 15 Lake Huron and Gcmlln Bay Winds wulhwezl to well 15 to no knoll Fair Forum Tempermm Low tonlm high Wednudy Windsor 30 St Thomas 50 London so 75 Kltdltner 50 73 Mount Forest 46 7B Wlnxhnm 4a 75 Hamilton 55 so 55 80 Toronto 58 Pmrbarouxh 50 7E Trenton 50 Killalo 7B Muskokn 4a 75 Norlh Bay so 75 Sudbuyy 50 7D Enrlton 75 Saul Sle Marla so 75 Knpulknalng 70 White Riva 45 75 Mnasnnee 45 £5 Timmlnl 43 72 nnnle nlrberlhnypcrl wlll hnld tnmmlllto muting be xlnnlnl at pm omarrow III the Emergency Manure omn lnllon ofllm II Couny Bulldml Put lhl mullnl II lo mm Innngomanu to An pervlu overll lthUu or Full mnunllon 0n hand will be Hurry all Wnlevlw pmldmk KM Onlnrlo Buddy or flu Prem vnllon Ind Emuruemcnl Huber 5an 0mm 8nln In Immch SIEMQSAI and ylrelrnldrn Sld llpcr nl Bur Mnjor nrlnn Ilennusy cl Hnmllton Ind Tomma will Barbershoppers Plan For Fall llnxlou be nppolnlcd chle Instructor lhe Royal Cnnldlnn Army Service Co School In Clmp Borden III been Cnnldlln llnhon either with lhe us Trnmpomllon Com Centre In For Eullll VI MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES mo PROORHSIVI Milt Dull IL It lurk INSTRUCTOR ALL CLA OF INSURANCE INSURANCI ORGANIIATION SARJIANT INSURANCE AGENCY assassssstsszaassgssa flurry Valley In dllvm Yen Woipaed the best arm sslhlq The palnl an It thll nuclearupped Bamarc wlll cook dun0y wllhou explodlnn nuclear weapons wheuu convzmlonal arms wlll not Bunlhebombm my lhnt Cnnudl thuuldnt have nuclear weapons but the wzapam were In Icqulra are net alienslve and In no Canada that wlll slur war InyWI but Rusalll More Ith dozen teacher at Burrle Dlnrict Central Col legme set an enviable record Mm 100 per cent the nludcnls in their clams planed June ex nminauong me the highlight llstcd In the Barrl Dlerlct Gem ml ColleKlale Summary 01 Juna examlnnllon rlsulu presented In Ipeclll Board meellnl last night were follow GRADE NINE Mr Dnvll an agriculture aim of 21 had 100 per cm pulsed wllh men In class loven mend clan Ihrae lhlrd c1553 andJaur cgcdlts ML DeSlefuno In hame ec unemlu class elghl had 100 pcr cent wilh Iwn mund class we third elm and our media GRADE 10 Mn ODonll In In English clan 29 had 100 per cent with eleven ï¬rst class eleven mond cm and Ieven third chm Min Wu In Van Music class had ï¬rm 10 se cands uven Ihlrds and we cradilsu Lloyd In our clnssu cl Henllh wlth 60 Iludcnll hnd 100 per cent wkh 10 HrsLs Nndl and two lhlrds GRADE 11 Teachers Post Record All Of Students Pass Woud In Mary class so Iludcnu had 100 per cent with 11 Hull mnndl lhlrds Ind hm crcdill Mn Chambers In llva Health alum as had 100 per ccnl wllh 1a lull elm seconds and one third class Mr Smith In Molar Mcchnn lu clan of had 100 per cent with on Hut our mands five ï¬lly Ind 51m mj Mn ercellul Woodwork clnu II had 100 per cm with In nu our monds three Ihlrds and lwo credits Leanna In Home Ec nnomlu clan had 100 per cent panel 101 our ï¬rm le agenda lwo thirds and lwo cre ll GRADE Savings this Week at DA Egg Creme Shampoo CORICIDIN TABLETS 25 129 value 119 DELSEY Twin Pack rag 33c for 89 KLEENEX 200 Speclal for 31c KOTEX Fomlnlna Napkins 12 51c 47c RAID House and Garden BUG KILLER 169 val139 PEPSODENT Dental Cream 109 value 83c GILLETTE Super Blue BLADES 15 100 87c IDASAL IDA Brand 300 99c 87c ARRID RollOn DEODORANT 89 value 77c Thou SPECIAL rnlcssand Augult 24 Henley ntlrefl me Iltuatlon hu chanledl real deal In Iha Ian 51 months In the 1mm of he recent lest ban and more opllmisuc atmosphere lhlnk Canada would be better on withqu them They have no deterrent value as their my on ahart or them to be used uflcnsively Canada can play more eflectlve role with conven tional weapons Mn Davla In In Agriculture class of elghl had one Hm three grands two third and two ere ls Mr Sloan In lwo Hullh clus aes of 33 auxdunla bid we par cent wlth ï¬rm 11 seenndx IIx thlrds and two credits hlr Chambers in lime Huiih cinsses oi had 100 per cent with our links 13 Ieconds nine thirds and we credits Mr Wood In an Economic class of Iludenll had 100 per cent wlth Iva mm duh le Blflul event on Ms mend cvenu the annual flower show lolaa how at 100RHalL Collier 51ml Wedncsflay at 130 pm Donn will open uu 040 The Barrie Halcultural Sm clcly has planned or busy Autumn hmlnr uxhlbll will be In the basement and senior and cum mcrclnl oxhlhll In the Iqqln hp The mm Khan 100 club that made blrdhuum ware xlven load In plum hey will exhibit whnl they gr Guide made map bank and were also gvcn needs They wlll exhlbll what they grow Scrap banks will be on display and prize wlnnm vvlll receive lWlldl at plm Vcdycldny ad Vllcl The conmll or he but inwn tha btsl planltr and I11 bell landscaped home In Burrla nnw belnx Judged you not anybody paylnl nnmculnr al 1mm lo your ground plane donl drlvn hem all You may be lhe wlnnrr nm rdcndlind in micran cam pclltlvc exhibit Junior 1nd Scnlonflll pagny At Flower Show See Many Entries is The Barrie Park Board nl lm Rand Dvnlop 301M HIV mm CALDWELL DRUGS LIMlTED ALLANDALI DRUGS LIMITED HAIPERS PHARMACY am Nicholm llnlllhuir There no reason In urn world why we ahohld have drum and 80mm missile that upabla 01 carrying nuclear war heads and not equip them will hear warheads Therefore II government Ihuuld arm than weapons and Inn them now b5 cause lukr week In equip Ihew weapons After the sharp Ing sum it will be an II by HUDNUT 100 vnluo cands eight third Ind th crcdlla GRADE Mr Moasop In in Algebra class of 14 had 100 per cent wit 31x first class three men class two third class and thm credits Mr Dnvls In Zoology clan II had 100 per cent with 11x llnl class hm second clnni three third class and nix creditli Average mum on all pay the school was 627 per can en Its beautiful rose bowl In annual compclfllun or the hull lawn and he beat landscaped hnmc er Olhcr hlnhllghll on In Socl elyfggnlqndar grcg Mldlund Festival cl Flow er optn 750 pm Annual 23 In Mldlqnd Curling Rink and upon afternoon Aulusl Ind 24 Slroud Vomcnu Inllllula Flawcr Show Aug 25 aflrrnmn and evening In Mldhunl nem cslry nhlpplgu Iahcdg chpra Socldy Flowcr Show Aug 25 aflcmvnn Ind cvenlnl in Mldhursl Ruiarcslry lhipplng mods The Barrla Horllcullura So clcyr our lo he Cnnndlnn NI Hana Exhlblllnn or Flower Id Mualc Day in lhurr Auur 21 Bus loam mm mm Well Inxlon nuL For reservnllnn cnll Mn Archer PA 84135 The regular September mul lnx hm been uncalled In pm mll mcmbm exhlbll or win port In mm way Ihu Barr Fnlr Stpl 23 27 and 18 or culture nxhlblu mull be pllced btlwccn pm and mq pm 5cm Bilm Flower Show Aux PA MIN PA MN PA IMO 99c