Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1963, p. 3

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AItTilUII EVANS MPP ior Slrncoe Centre leit and Jack Garner vicepresident oi On tario Progressive Conserva tive Association right chat with lion Keiao Roberts mln Barrie Citizens At PMs Several Barrio citizens attend ed reception given by Prem ier John ltobart in the On tario Government Building at the Canadian National Exhibi tion ground Toronto last night Among those irom Barrie seen at the preview were lack Gar ner vicepresident oi the On tarlo Progressive Conservative Association Angus McKay su perlntcndent at Public Schools and ltire McKay Noel Step henson chairman ot the public school board and Mrs Stephen son Signs oi the iorthcoming ell ectton were evident to the ONE Progressive Conservative booth Several telephones lined the counter on one booth and visitor could pick up receiver and listen to message irom Prem ier Roberts while they watched hl Image on screen Athur Evans ttiPP tor Sim coe North was seen chatting with visitors irom Barrie and irom other part at his constituency interesting the exhibit were the election seemed to be uppermost in most peoples minds As people admired the exhib and commented on them the Preview conversation invariably return ed to the election iamillsr question we When do you think It will be announcedt Most answers were think it will come tomorrow As speculation Increased copla were almost unanimous the opinion that parliament will be dissolved and the elec tion date announced today There we also considerable speculation as to the date Ac cording to some who had iigured it out and given their reasons it is likely to be Wednesday September 25 The guessere reasoned that since the election In likely to be held on Wednesday and since so clear days must elapse alter the announcement beiore the el ection it is likely to be an nounccd today that the election will be on Wednesday Septem ber 25 other disagreed with Wed nesday election and iavored Monday but predicted that it would he held on Monday Sep tembcr 21 So It the majority oi guesses are right parliament will be dis solved today and the election data will be announced And the data will be either Sept 13 or Sept 15 TW litCNE Building or Govt Premier John liobarts and cabinet members were host that night to more than 1500 special guest at preview oi the Ontario Government Build ing at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto Guests were able to get tree haircut or shampoo hike through typical Ontario ior ut and cnioy animals In their natural habitat test their skill as drivers see how nuclear power plant operate and watch the tratilc iiow on ilighway tut by mean at tuIIy automated board Activities and display are put on by to government depart ments and agencies in the On terio Government Building dart lag the Exhibition irom Aug id to Sept Some guests got tree hair cut at the Department oi Labor booth which highlighted the oc tivItIt ot the departments ap yrcnticcahlp program maior attraction was the Department at Land and For ests dleplny it comprised oi small iorrat with live ani mals iioh and makes min iaturo sawmill In actual oper ation is working modsI oi the Penehowo Dam and displays on hunter solely and indlan cratt On show at the Department at Economic and Development were morch exhibit showing Canadian manuiarlurinl Ingra uity and recent advances made in research and technology On display was prototype oi the proposed new 8500 million nu clear power proicrt soon to he built in Ontario powiar exhibit was iuily automated bliooi nloticl at itlrirwsy tut irom Avrnuo itand to Iange birccl illustrating the new plan or II tama oi trai ilc iieln attrattloa at the lir parlmrol oi itilar uhtblt was working mortal oi harsirmk mining operation Travel and Publicity booth an wcrcd travel enquiries about tourist attractions oi Ontario ilighlight at some at the oth or government booth are tiealth flower garden created by patients ot the On tario tiospltal system itclorm institutions Exam ples oi industrial production in cluding the iormat oi the loot automobile licence plates by in mates oi Ontario rclorm institu tions Agriculture Exhibit oi Ona tario grown trait and vege tables and special demonatra tion in home economics Education Physical eduea tion demonstrations by children irom itietropolitan Toronto schools Transport Paychophyalcal drivertesting uipment where visitors teat drlv ng skill to see how they rate sale drivers Citizcnehlp language boratory where visitore test their spoken English by means at playback tape recorders Catch Big Pike In Couchiching An ilpounri northern pike caught in Lake Cauchichlas last work Indirath the sire oi link that can be takm out at Iakra In Simcoe County According to Artimr ie man Lake Simcoa District lror eater pike reach length at is to so inchr in live year and II to Inrhr in it Dy the time they reach iull matur ity tbry weigh it to it pounds Ftah over to inches like the one taken last week are occa slonnily caught The but water ior pike In the Simcoa County at are iaka Slmroe Lake St John Groralaa liar and the lower region oi the Nottawasega ittvrr but pike can he iound lster oi Lands and Forests in iront oi the Lands and For mts display at the ONE last night Examiner Photo Locar cannons PREPARE FOE PAIR Progress reports on prepara tions tor the Barrie Fell Fair Sept 28 to 28 will be sumit led at the regular monthly meet ing oi the Barrie Agricultural Society Thursday Directors will meet in the Department or Ag riculture oltlce Collier Street at eight pm QUIET Mill The Barrie Fire Department and the local detachment oi the Provincial Police each reported quiet night call to the Boy al Victoria Hosfiital this morn ing soon alter oclock prov Io be ialse alarm TWO INJURED motor vehicle accident re suiting in injuries to two per son occurred at the Five Points at am this morning the ml ha being investigated by the Po ice Department CAR STOLEN rose model car valued at 000 we reported stolen at ms tth morning irom Dunlap St East The thclt oi the ve hicle owned by Ted Simon iii Whitney Ave Downsviow ls un dcr investigation by Barrio police PAVING PEIINDALE Paving to begin immediate Iy on Foradale Road between Dunlap Street and iiighwny 00 Arthur Evans MPP ior Sim coe Centre announced yesterday the contract has been lctto Peel Conetnrctinn Company at Bramps ton Deadline ior completion oi paving on this stretch is Aug 23 LISTS CLUBS For anyone interested in serv ice clubs and organizations in Barrie the Chamber oi Com merce has prepared listing at so such groups The list con tnlnlng the name and address es oi group presidents and acc rclaries Is available irom the Chambers olllc Iirchbishops To see Camp The Archbishops oi lndla Pek iaten Burma and Ceylon and Australia will be among dele gates to the Anglican Congrcss in Toronto who will visit Camp Borden Saturday ailernoan They will be the guest at Brigadier XII Moogk oiilccr common ng The guest are expected to arrive about 130 to co the march past at tank oi the ilayal Canadian Armoured Corpe School They will be takcn on tour at the camp and will have supper the loyal Canadian School at lnientry iiaior George lilclricy scnlor Protestant chaplain at the camp will be in charge oi the visitors SICK BODY CAN BE LIKE PRISON There are many people who anlirr recurring nin lntI disromtortl lkuno oi thrm era ocn touonsiy taking activtrnntmcnla other do both ins and permit their body to be tormenting prl on In this wondrrtui ago to be healthy should be tho 1qu and Italian an osrrptinn it is also to consult your on litIItl whenever your body is not pteeaura to is In can BARBIE announce romav auousr to teesa family Reunion Draws 70 Guests Seventy descendants at George Smart Brooks end his wiie Ann pioneer settlers oi the Shanty ay area met to reunion near the aid homestead in addition to dinner at which old acquaintance were renewed andnaw onumade the agenda included an outline oithe iamlly history by Max well Brooks oi Lorne Park This was ioltawed by viewing at iamlly photographs send visit to the cemetery oi Thomas Anglican Church where many at the original Brooks iamlly are buried The day closed with Bionic on Lakebimcoe near arrie Mrs Richard Brooke and Mrs Allred Brooka oi Toronto daughtersInlaw oi George and Ann Brooks were presented cor sages as the closest living re latlona oi the laundere oi the iamlly Those attending were Mr Wil liam Brook and Mrs Harold Brooke oi Shanty Bay Mra It Many Choose Gerhart oi Clarksoa Mr and Mrs Harold Crawiord and iamlly at Toronto Mrs It Brooksoi Bellavilla Mr and Mrs Menstord Brooks and in mlly oi Sudbury Mrs William Baker and son oi Detroit ltlr and Mrs Harold Brooks and iamlly oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Gliman Brooks and iamin at Kingston Mra Atlred Brooks Mr and Mrs Thea Stainton and iamlly Mr and Mrs Nelson Brooks and iamlly Mrs Max Stetabarg and iamlly and hits Margaret Brooks all oi Toronto Mr and Mrs David Silvester nod iamlly oi Sb Catharinee Miss Bath Silvester ol Believille Mr and Mrs Roy Fenian Mr and Mrs Lorne McItiurty Mr and Mrs Davidson and iamlly all at liildiand Dr and Mrs Frank Thomas and iamlly or Alamo Calttorala ltlr and Mrs Brooks oi Lorne Park and Mrs William Hunger iord oi Lindsay lhe iamlly decided toscbe duie another reunion ior 1967 Their Church For Simple Convenience Over 90 people heard George Snure speak In the iouth Church oi Christ iamlly night at North Collegiate last night Mr Snare Canadian now residing In Memphis Tenn where ha pastor oi Church at Christ spoke on Choose Your Churchlle sug gated that many oi the reasons people choose their churches such as coniormlty with the commonest national church atmple convenience or personal liking oi the minister were poor ascs The Bible said Mr Snore is the best criterion ior choosing church pattern and guide may be iound in the New ies tament which can he used as guide ior the establishment oi church which coniorms with the original Christian Church at Christ and his disciples Mr Snure suggested that church unity which is com mon topic or discussion among the churches can only be ach loved through return to the New Testament as the basis of organization ihe Bible must be central to the church he said in an interview later The meeting opened with hymn singing led by itlormw music director and teacher at Great Lakes Christian College secondary school operated in the Niagara DLstrict by the Church ot Christ Prayer was led by hiagnar Knutson minist Woman Injured In Car Mishap pedestrian was reported to have collided with car at the corner at Ecclcs and Dunlap Sts at 55 yesterday ailernoan Elizabeth Johnson is was sold by Barrio Police this mor ning to have stopped In iront at car driven by Jack hierrctt oi Eccles St Const Kenneth McKenzie Investigated ittias Johnson who sustained laceration to her iacc was taken to tho ltoyal Victoria lins pitoi ior Xraya This morning she resting in the hospital ctory condition Wasaga Lions Sponsor Band WASAGA BEACH Specialt iho Wasngn llench Lions Club will sponsor visit irom tho York Lione Dmm and iiuglo Corps This band made up at St per iormere recently won tirst mace In contest at 00 bands Id In Miami Florida It will pcriorm Aug 24 weekend The club has undertaken to provide aiccplng accommoda tion tor the band er oi Bayview Oiiurch oi hrist Toronto The Test National Film Board Production Noel Stone was shown The ii about school teacher who tried to put stop to cheating on exams and met opposition irom parents rai led the question at how well we all lace the tests we meet in real tile as well as how we teach our children to meet school tests The Family Nights organized hytho Barrie Church at Christ will cnd with meeting tonight Wesley Jones minister at the Church at Christ here said the church is holding services at Codringtan St Public School until new church building is com pletcd at Cook and Willowdale Streets Nigerian Bishop To Visit Barrie The Diocesan Bishop oi the Niger Delta Nigeria llt ltev itogers Nathaniel Dora Ilart will visit St Georges Anglican Church Aliandai Sunday Bishop Barn llart will be guest preacher at the it am service luncheon in his honor has been arranged by the ladies at the Church and the congrega tion will have an opportunity to meet the Bishop in the Parish Hall On Sunday Aug 25 there will be another special event ior St Georges Church and turning ceremony will iorrnniiy bcgin work on the new Parish ilall Chief Would Curb Skiers Police Chici William Brown oi innisitl Township has asked iar restrictions on water skiing and boating in ccrtoin areas ilo has called ior immediate licensing oi boat operators lie said skiers are severe threat to swimmers ltlr Brown said it is mir acle that there are not hundreds oi people killed each year in boating accidents man can go out in high powered boat and he docsnt have to have license he ntidcd You can int Just as many people with la moto boat as you can with he said COOK IN HAND lho Bashmen oi southern Al rlcns Kalahari Dewrt cat plants which they cook In ovens In the sand heated by bumlng wood wraaaa Mullallwfl SELL cures T0 RlliSti Youthtui player oi the Corn adlan Legion itiinor Baseball League were out in iorca last night to sell potato chips doortodoor to raise land to purchase baseball equipment our oi the young canvasser are shown they set out on Ier sounds Lett to right Jimmy hiacPheraoo Steve Ruddick Doug Lamb and Bob Lamb Examiner Photo Praises Cooperation To Stamp Out Weeds The maiortty at people are very coaperatlvoin helping to cut down on the stands of nox lous weeds in the city weed inspector Fred Churchill said yesterday iho weed situation ls better this year than it has ever been he said Mr Churchill has made istt calls in the last six weeks to industries and home owners to remind them oi the regulations ot the Ontario Department oi Agriculture with regard to plant growth which is poisonous or injurious to the public health RESPONSE The response of industry to our request to control weeds has been exceptional he said The general public as whole has been good too it having received complaint and interviewed the party the weeds have not been cut down alter week the ins ecior ls empowered to commssion private contractor to mow down the attending growth The bill is applied to the owners tax assess ment Personal contact Is usually enough to bring about an im proverncnt in the situation said ltlr Churchill litany people think we have the power to cut unsightly pri Visiting Bishop To Speak Here Congregation at Trinity Angli can Church will have an oppor tunity to meet itt Itcv ltonaid Winston Bryan in the Parish liaii nitcr the 330 and 00 am services Sunday Bishop Bryan who attend ing the Worldwide Anglican Coho gross in Toronto was boat in Punjab Murree now part at PakLstun Educated at simla India Bishops College Calcutta and Cuddcadon College Oxiord he served the church as vicar at St Thomas Calcutta beloro becoming Archdeacon oi Calcut la in lubl he was made assis tant Bishop ni Calcutta and he came lirst Dioccaon when the new Diocese oi narrakpore was iarmcd in loss man at wide intcresta illss ho ilrynn has done consider able writing ilo has also been active in the Boy Scout Move ment which he has served as district commissioner ior liar rakporo and headrluartcrs com missioncr ior tranlng in the West Bengal They use Canadian National ot savings and plan their trav iookatthose oxompioethon today Tito new iaros oro al Nortttlond Railway Iirlwmt ilarrla rat vale propertygrowths oi grass sweet clover and that sort oi thing he noted We are only able to deal with noxious weeds The rest at the work oi making Barrie beauti iul city rests with the parks board and private Individuals noted Mrs iean Gable oi the Barrie liortlcultural Society said that the present policy Is not working out She said that the weed in spector should be given iurther powers to require people to keep their lawns and iields in present able shape PBAISES INSPECTOR The meaning or the term noxiotu should be extended to apply to everything that goes into someone elses garden and spots it she said hire Gable praised the Job being done by the citys weed inspector under what she ter med trying conditions However think the policy change whereby the chap who cuts the weed is no longer an employee at the city is slowing down the eiiecuveness oi the control program she said So iat the changeover has done nothing to improve mat ters she noted 0n the whole the response at the public is reasonable There are still notable instances where action should be taken she continued All citizens whether in their public or private capacity have responsibility to keep their property lawns and gardens tree at unsightly weeds ll they dont the term Bcautiiul Bar no will be mockery the Code Is Printed On Fancy Scroll The ilumnn Rights Code at Ontario has been printed to tha iorm oi goldbordered scroll ior display in public buildings schools and business establish ments throughout the provln The aim oi the code Ia partly educational to create cli mate oi understanding and rn tuai respect among our people as It is expressed oiilciaily nd partly to provide legislation through wh ch ioir treatment at radlnorlty groups may be eniorc The spirit at the code is ex4 pressed in the preamble oi the act where it states that it is public policy in Ontario that every person ls tree and equal in dignity and rights without re gord to race crcmt color on tionality ancestry or place at origin and the code help make this spirit reality The Code prohibits discrimin ation on the basis at race crccd color nationality ancestry or place oi origin in hatcls and apartment building at six units or more Discrimination by cm rioycra and trade unions in Mr ng or signing at members is also prohibited and applications ior employment which require iniarrnatlon concerning race or creed are lorhiddcn by the code The code rntorccd by the Ontario ilumnn lights Commis sion which Invcatigalea any com oi discrimination brought beiore It The Commis sion is also responsible ior thl recent distribution oi the docu ment copies at which may be obtained irom The Ontario ilu man Rights Commission York Toronto Ont tissue noon ORANGEVILLE Ont CP This town celebrated its tooth anniversary Aug with an unusual answer to the silver commemorative coin oi Cobalt 0ntA wooden nickel Orange vtlie itlayor ilarry Ttdcmen ex piainedt We dont have silver down here but some at our cur rcncy hewn irom tough tim ber our ancestors cleared year ago DISH E5 The Finest In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING Take Out Orders PA 60163 or CITY CHI 29 Duniop St East HERES WHY more and more people go ON between TORONTONORTH BAYHEARST and Intermediate points IlED WHITE new Red White and Blue calendar at on Red mum and Blue days Just make sure you gatyour CN caiondor so avoiiablo ovor lines at the Ontario BLUE 0Iit ilATti and caught In almost all the autallcr Iakn oi the district as tron S130 in in 383 dfst Itd 21 Tomato Attractive rrdroatrd ch Northilay tioniala at the Department at RED IOIIII DOCTOR CAN IIIONF Uh lirrrt you need medicine ltrk up your Tiraniptiun Ii shopping nearby or will driver promptly Without raira charge great many pmpla calrnal us with their prescriptions May we compound yrarrei CALDWELLS DRUG STORE 0N Caldwell lhrn It iicd rm Etiectlva am Everyone pays some basic taro For intermatton phones depending upon the dayon which they travel on was The only extras are In your chotcaotreeorvodoccommodotton FOR COMFORIANDECONOM GO ITOCIIIrBONDIMUIUAI FUND SEARCH ADVICE NIIBITI AND COMPANY lIMITID without obligation IIIOM ION II IIlINIAH IT AIIITN ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUAIII PA 82412 BARRIE tPETEltt war as ran arrtar

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