Kiddies Featured At Horse Show Shouts oi encouragement pro vided lively background tor horse show staged by 17 child ren between two and nine years It the Powys Riding School ring yesterday morning it marked the ilnot riding event at the season lor the child sea at he Strathallen Woods Day Camp who have been ink lag lessons irom Miss Barbara Lloyd proprietor oi the school Marty Krnvlls 27 director at the camp said that all the mothers and some oi the lathers oi the campers were In atlcn dance at the ring tor the show All the parents have shown wonderlul Interest in the kids activities They give us great deal at support In making success our purpose in teach Ing through enjoyment he sold The contestants were divided into laur classes tiny lots at two and three Juniors ol ioor and live Intermediates ol air and seven and seniors oi eight and nlna Equitation the abllltylohan die the horse at various speeds was common to all classes Some oi the more senior entries competed In potato and carrot races where they were required to ride their horse up the course and pick the asserted vegeta bles oil posL The carrots were led to the horse as part at the competition Entering the events were tiny tots Gull Mandel Shelley Swnrtz Cheryl Tannenbaum Sherri Lipson Iunlors Jordy Lipson Jonathan Gllck Steph cn Florence intermediates Mark Tanncnbaum itane GIIek Earl Llpson Cheryl Iterman iiurhara liorowiir Susan Moses hlarilyn Schtpper Stuart Schip per senior Shari Shopsowlts Jason Dorimsn Aubrey Mandel Mlko Mnyzetl Joel Glick Mark llcrmnn Alana Shaflsowlts Amy Florence Mark son Gall Moses Debora Italic man ltulh Schlppcr Operations 0i Barrie Fair Are Outlined At Kiwanis Dinner William Molcomaon lorm er president oi Barrie Agricul llrrnl Society and manllgcr ol Ilarrle iulr was the speaker on short notice Ior this weeks dinner meeting oi iiarrlo Kiwan In Club at the Continental inn lie was Introduced by Itoyd ltrn Irrrlson nnrl thanked an Ilrlrnll ol the illIlI try liolr min Mr Malcmmon olttllncrl lilo liltinry ni liarrla Agricultural Society which goes back more lllun till years lie presented some highlights or glrzrnrll lrtlrn early serrrtnrlnl hooks and quoted arnurlnc lrrrlllrnts rl tlta printed pillo list book ol title The lnlr grnilmit nil llexallcllt 5t rlnrl lirarllorrl St was sold In lltlfi tn Cnunrlinn General Iilcc lrlc lor Ila new plnrlt lllcn iIC gall llowloiiiritirl ol lllo present grounds and Inrilillngs on itssa liond trnlennlnl gates were prr mom try on Ontario inan rrrenl oi Agriculture Tltr orig loot lrllillling nt the entrance with mnlrrmnnl and ticket nllircI was the gill til llto Kiwanis liltlir lrmtlrnliy the grrnlrlrtr Mill rnro lrnrk put in that class Ilrnpe llre prosenl lnlr lulllllirrg and rolling rink was rrrrled In Ilirl loriny ilnrlle has one at the top Clare It lnlrs In ltrllnrin Lust yrnrI show was largely lnlrterl olll hut llln lllrnrlorn are hoping inr good nrulhrr this year All Mnlroirrsorr explained operation ol the rrrillway and how well the riddle is protected Tn stage liarrlo lnlr In Illllllliilll amount at work In nrh cruary try the tlllrtiliil anll lrtlllliwrn nl III iirilrp limit lilirmlllrrl he laid President It Ii Ilnllllerrr prev Iirlrrl lineII lnelllltell Vlnwnt Dansrslirld at Vsoewrer mt oi his uncle George and Gor don McKItlerick lint vicepro aidrnl oi the Kiwanis Club at Toronto whose position II we rclnry at Canada Permanent Mortgage and Toronto General Trusts Mr McKIttcrIck had hecn In itarrlo earlier In the day tor theKlwnnlI divisional centerence and remained ever lrn dinner DEATHS By THE CANADIAN lilEll AlltwaukrelJIlo it iirards lee at lower secretary nl General Motors Corporation ios Angrlaellnnlel nnrtley loordayotd ttlanresl twin horn Saturday and separated lrom his brother liavlrt Sunday at hlrrod Inlectlnn Iisyton Ohla Arthur Knny 7a iorrgllrna theatrical and all erllle lor the Dayton Ioornnllinraid until his retIrs nlrnt Toronto Clayoln Film erI rhnlrman nl the Toronto arrhrlgemrnis committee tor the current Anglican tllfllital Ilrorhlllr lrrl Alallor or Inn lirrls Ilrrrtllcrman in illnclvlliz Ilrwhlilolilrl John Moon ill widow at John Moore and mother nl Arthur Moore vlreprrsident oi The Itrcorrier and Times HAHN rumr FLOW Alrer oi the 101an imrpls rli Znnritmr rarn their living pIrIrIog linntllit llrlwrr Innis whith when processed bcroml cioru Held at the Powys Riding Circus Coming On August 22 The circus Is coming to town No truck convoys carrying the Sells and Gray extravaganza will pull Into Barrie Aug 12 inc onaday stay perlorming In the Iilemoon and evening Advance publicity promises hundred show people and more than 50 wild animals The thrcerlng circus which will be housed In tent will Include Rosemary Audrey an aerial pcriormer lrom Vienna and the Brazilian Santiago ia mlly recently brought to the US to periorm bareback rid Irrg act WEATHER Forecasts Issued by the wee lhcr bill It am EDT Synopsis All oi Ontario Is ex perienelng unseasonably cool weather and there are no signs at return to warm weather within the nest couple oi days Lake St Clair soulhem Lake Iiuron Lake Erie Windsor London Sunny with lew cloudy intervals and cool today Ind Friday winds light tonight and Friday Northern Lake Huron Niag Ira Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Ilallhurton linmlllon To ronto Clear tonight Frida sunny and continuing coo Winds light tonight nnd Frlrlny Cochranr TImIgnmi North iiay Sudbury law scattered showers today Frlda malnl sunny ad contnu all can Winds light tonight and Fri dn Algoma Sault Ste Marie Sunny with lew claurly Inlrr vsts today and Friday continu lng cool wlnrls light Lake lturon Georgian tiny Winds westerly it over south ern portions ol iIka Ituron earl In period otherwise winds nort in northwest to to knots decreasing to to to to this evening Scattered showers today mostly lItr tonight and Friday Fourst IcrnprrIlureI low tonl Windsor SI ntorn 75 7a Malaya Approves Ioining Federation KtIAM LUIIItIil tllrolrrnt The Malayan llillllllttnl nir prnmt Werinuriay llla llmtltlil agreement on tha lnrmallnn oi the Frderntlon ol Malaysia Malaya will Iain Sloan min and till llrllleh liornlo lerr lor terr at North ilorneo rind hara wait II lotlmllnl members In the lrderallon Ilrunel the other British Home territory ran mains outside Aug II rm the original hlrttr slay tor Malaysia but router In donesian prrsaura Malaya agreed to deter lIr Iain rmllI llnltnl Nations trams how ur Illiall lhs llshn oi the tiarao peoples CHILDREN lrom two to nine years participated in the Strathallan Woods Horse Show School ring yesterday Top tell Kathy Byers 15 at Elli rte will accompany Barbara Lloyd proprietor ol the school Vlci Matthews andTlm Gordon in oi Toronto to the Canadian National Exhibition where they will show eight oi Miss Lloyds horses Mist Byers will also show her own horse Bobby Top right Tim Gordon leads two tiny lots and years down the equita ttan course at the show tint tom tell the iour children oi Mr and Mrs Lipson oi To some took part in tha classesh They are left Sheri Jor dan Mark and Earl ti Parents of every child were at the ring Examiner Pitt tor Credit Union Da Planned By Geo At meeting oi the directors at the Georgian Ba Credit Union Chapter last right Jim Wilson president announced that the International Credit Union Day celebration will be held InOrItIla Oct ID Chairman oi the committee In charge Roy Lennon oi Pains wick has almost com letcd ar rangements There wll ba smorgasbord and dancing and the chapter beauty queen will be chosen winner at lids event will compete with winners at the other 29 Credit Union chapters In Ontario at the Ontario Credit Union League convention next March In Toronto The Georgian Bar chapter will sponsor bus trip it September to the League oillca In Toronto to enable members to become acquainted with League serv FORECAST 45 45 London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Iiemtlion St Cathariner Toronto Pcterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskaka North Bay Sudllury Sault Ste Marie Kapuakarlng White River Moosoncs TImminI sruarur as Working In the oliirn at trmlaorihs llrlarly lltthn dead is will enter ngrII is run EARRIE EXAMINEH THURSDAY AUGUST ts1m Plan For Big Development Conference The Georgian Bay Develop ment Association wll hold its Fourth Annual Economic Dovet opmcnt Conference at Dctawna imr Honey harbour Sept 1317 Subjects currently producing major problems ior urban an rural councils will be up lol discussion More than on invitations have been sent out The Association hopes to break the moment record set lor last years con lerence The program ior Sept 16 be ginning one am Is as lollaws business meeting at the GBDA open to all members and lrtends Short reports on the years activities and open dis cussions on programs at work llnanccs and membershi Mrs Marie Curtis wet known In Mctroloronto politics but now inactive will discuss Grants to Charitable Institu tionsf Other topics lor discussion are Land Development In ile sort Areas industrial Plants Community Development Funds and Regional Development 0n the agenda lor Sept 17 are illghwuya oi the Georgian Bay Region Parks oi the Georg lnn Bay Region The Cottager and the Councillor and Region al Development Collegiate Board To Meet Monday Barrie District Collegiate Board will hold special moot lng In the Board Room ol Cent lral Collegiate It pm Mon day Purpose oi the meeting Is to consider tenders lor rewlrtng and reilghting oi the old sec tion at Central Collegiate and to complete ilnal arrangements tor preview oi the buildings by Municipal Councils Any other business that may properly be brought before the Board will also be dealt with Celebration rgian Bay Unit Ice provided tor the Lino credit unions In Ontario Another event scheduled next month Is the Bluewalor chap ter Training school lor credit union olllccrs to be held in Colllngwood on Sept 1t Attending last night was Clint Croswell oi the League stall Other guests Included Lloyd Cumming oi Innkitt FarmersI Credit Union largest lIrm credit union In Slmcoo County Bert Ward vice president oi the little water Chapter and Ontario Cre dit Union League director Wil liam Acres ol ltlaalord Borden little Team Wins CONNAUGIIT RANGES Ont lCPtThe central command rt Ito team irom Camp Borden Ont Wednesday won the itch ortsnn Trophy In the regular army rlilo championships at these rlile ranges near Ottawa Shooting In cold novmlIcan hour wind tho clchlman team won the match with livepoint lead over Its nearest rivals with total score at so out oi pos4 slhlc to points Each competitor In the match tired to shots at 00 yards at series at snap targets ap pearing ior three seconds on each exposure Members oi the winning team are Ma Narthnlp Li Molnar Cpl ll Purdy Sgt Stuart Tremblay NC lloot ltultan LIcut Ken Ld gron Sgt it Wilkinson and Sgt Lucky Lochmanets WORK It North Colllglnll in Mp trrober tEaIrniner Photo ea Boost In Play High MP Fears Salary increases granted mem born at Parliament at the close ol the recent session were very necessary according to Haber Smith MP lor simm North However am not entirely happy about the also at the in ereasehs said They may hnvanbecn larger than neces sa Members at the 26th Parlia ment elected in April this year voted themselves an Increase so per cent to 318000 alter three months at sittings Mr Smith pointed out that It takes number oi years to gen crate enthusiasm lor payin crease for government employ ces in low years the In creases will probably be about right law years sitor thIt they will have alien behind the rising cost at living he said VOICES FEAIL ile noted that while It was desirable to make MPs econ omically independent he learod the creation oi class oi pro Iesslonai tltlciaas mcm ers llrst responsibil Ity is to represent his constit uents he said its must remain receptive to the problems and aspirations oi people In his rid lag lie must endeavor at all time to keep in close touch with his constituents he noted Mr Smith expressed concern lor the economic aspects oi the recent parliamentary session He ietl that this aspect oi the gov crnmcnta program had been poorly handled The mistakes made by the Pearson administration go be yond the realm of political par tisanship he said in the eyes at iuture commentators the Prime Minister ltlmseli will have to take responsibility tor the manner In which conlldence tn Cnade has been lowered he noted LACKS KNOWLEDGE The proposals and handling oi the budget demonstrated the OBITUARY Funeral service for George Ed ward Slunden bl oi RR Stroud who died Augd was held at St Pauls Anglican Church In lnnlslll Mr Stunden was patrol lore mnn lor the Ontario DepIrlment oi Highways Born in ida Ontario the son at Walter Fredrick Stundea Ind MlnellI lCIlderi Stunden he grew up In iiImlllon For the last so years he lived to Barrie and Slroud areas its was married In 19 at Thornton Mr Slutidea was member at St PIulI Anglican Church lnnlslll Ind Loyal Orange Lodge 505 Ila Is survived by his wile Nancy May Reynolds two sons Russell 35 Strabane Av Bar rie and Paul at home two daughters Eleanor Gregory till strand and Cathy at home two brothers Frank and Walter both at liamiltan and sister MarIorla Clark llam Iilon and grandchildren Gary and Warren Stunden Burial was In St Pauls An glican Church cemetery ilcv Peter ikant oi St Pauls Anglican Church lnnlslll olllclv aied It the lrmerel service Pall bearers were lloerd Penny Joseph Pratt iloss Kell Albert Plunder llobert Clark and Aubrey Stephenson lack ot knowledge ol domestic oiicy held by the Prime Min ster Mr Smith said that only Mr Pearson and his minister of Finance had read the budget belorn It was presented to th Coirunons The representative lor North Slmcoo said the budget was con ceived in spirit oi negallvlsm It sought to penalize American Investment instead oi encoura lng Canadln growth By lacing penalty on us cara ngs In Canada the government wIs discouragingAmrricnn com panies irom investing in our present Ind iuture progress Mr Smith noted No matter how patriotic we are Canadian Industry cannot survive without American capital or technology he noted We mustndorl positive ap proach be sad to the pro blcms at dividends lorcign ex change and International trade Ila declared that incentives must be provided for Canadian investment capital and personnel Bonuses might be paid to Cana dians ior owning their oWn com panies Payment ol succession duties on shares might be de terred as long as they remain in the hands ol the lamiiy or other Canadians MIXED BLESSINGS Mr Smith said that It was perlectly open to the govern ment to make adlustmenls In the tarlii structure Raising the protective barriers ior our Industry brings mixed bless lags he said At least larlils apply across the breadth ol one In ustry instead oi discrimina ting against spcclllc loreth iaa tenets tie said that Canadian indus try Is going to have to come to grips with the realities oi the world trading situation We have to get out and sell ti we hope to maintain our Independ ence he said We must wheel and deal with the best oi them In mponse to the prosperity ol Western Euro and the nation attsm that is owing lrorn every quarter of the world Canada like so many coun tries has miard economy The General Agreement on To rIlis and Trade assumed that countries iell Into the categories Date Of at primary and secondary pro ducers he noted Pointing out that Canada has wheat timber and metals as well as highly developed ire duslrlal sector he stated that GAll had outlived its uselull ness put more lalth In theso called Kennedy round oi as gotiations he said until the government has an economic policy we are not going to are very well on this part oi the International secna RAPE GOVERNMENT Similarly tilelgovemment has tailed to sea the economic Is pecls to the lerment in French Canada he said Mr Smith iett that the recent outcry on language employment possibilities In the civilservice and bleultnrattsm indicated the Frenchspeaking oi Quebec had been tell out at the slwlr economic boom on wh ch Capo adlan prosperity as rested Mr Smith said that it was lnconcelvablo that not Ilsingla prolessional economist was in eluded among the personneloi the royal commission on blcul turallsm Commenting on the pcrior mnnce oi the political parties Mr Smith said that It was extremqu interesting Although there had been good deal at talk about divisions in the Conservative Party tho Lt berals were even more badly split The Quebec Liberals are by no means toll per cent Pear son men he declared They are playing their own game Someday their role In the sudden Increase In MPs sat artes will be luily known and documented the Social Credit party he said that It had neither policy her leadership In iotlowlng to Quebec was last disappearing he said He noted that while he did not agree with their policy the New Democrats were able critics in some ways they were tblbe adrnlrcd because they had an ldentlllubla program he slid ï¬lming in the Conservatives he said that Mr Dteienbaker had rediscovered his great skills as leader oi the Opposition its relused to comment on possible iuture changes in the leadership at the party Election Is Top Question Election breeres have started to blow They can be expected to gather strength until the el octlon dale Is announced and lull scale battle begins sign that something Is In the wind was the announce ment yesterday oi liar rls ap ointment as returning oiliecr or Simcoe Centre The New Democratic Party has nominated Ila candidate Derrick Manson but the Liber Ils have not named candidate yet It Is expected that sitting Progreuiva Conservative morn her will be nominated The tot question Is What Is the election dach Not will there be an electlnni Nearly everybodys guess is that the election will be In Sep tember ii the guesscrs are right then we can expect the election to be announced any day WALKERS in loot It will be announced week from Friday II the el ectioa is to be In September be cause so days alter the announce ment must elapse belors the election Absolute deadline tor the In nounccment oi September el action would be August it but since It Is not likely to be an nounced on Saturday Is is vir tually Friday August 23 PUSII DANISH GEAR EDMONTON CPI Danish iarm Implement producers will ush the sale at specialised arm machinery In Western Canadas mixed iarmlng areas Danbh consul general Scheel said on visit here III said the llrms will concentrate on such areas as the Irrigated vegetable producing Ircas oi southern Alberta GOLD CREST 7M ENJOY THE llliilllEiiWHlstlYl nudging Sew WW one AAWdlmaéa flrï¬ommwdiuur r7meth