Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1963, p. 14

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Flu ll INIIMY mnnum In Onlnyln Whenl Pvthum Mnlkrflnl 110ml aid the lloclxpllo camplm IMTHMI ll 1le 1m rm um Ilnw up ulna luv muMml In maul mk III nl 1000 hmheln Un uln nlwnl Himl mmrllnx nlfklnlyhl hm Walnut lullru we on rmulnnl alul Ian Um nmhnylllu wrro contldrnl Ilw mum mm million In allan mud on lnllll yrnr hhrn llllrr nummnndn Inle rlddlrd at wllh hulkII PM lllrlllemlnllm rrnlly rrrrhtll Ilm nhrml tun plnln lmldml Ilv Unullo and Ircunly pyrrnullmu lunc lmu lhmfll up van lrnrnrd mlny The mnn lnld mllrr luv In mm lhu Mlplllmll nml ml Iny mnrhluu nml plunmlnn In Inllnllnnn on Hm Iiln um llnm nnrd Wheat Stockpiles loIlrr unld llw nrml ullnwnl lnvnllunllnn mmplnlnl by rnnnmmllon umkrr that hm Irrtn numlml on hullding III by mnn uhn clnlmrd hn hclnuml In guzllmlnn ngtnqy TORONTO 4CPIolco ch mdny nrmlrd Jnmn Pnr her 54 former Cnnndinn wnv ywcluhl mxlnx rhnmplnn on rlmruo nllrmmlnu la extort 310000 lrnm Tornnla ruldrnl hy Qmnll Judgo Sulllvnn dlsmlmd he can hccnuu tho promu Huna Inllurn In nrnduca wil mxm whn tnuld nrmnlly place nnncrl lHhlnd he Ilccrlnu whrcl In llmu Ihu accl drnl Protect DeGaulle PORT HURON Onl CW Munlclpnl courl Judge Sulllvnn Wednesdny dlamlmd lhu um nunlnn erycmold Percy nan Surnln chnmd wllh ncxligcnl hamltldo nflcr lulu lhrwcnr crush on he luv Wnlcr Brldgn Inst month filckera will sum mkan nn bulk 01 lho was crap next week The gmwaru an mkinx mln Imurn prices 105 km for Albcrln and Juhllcc punches and 0050 on ur other va rlcliox The ll mucusan firms want the pouch prlcu sol at 59550 or he lwn Mng qunllly penchus Inglgmo or he others Tries For $40000 Pmccflurl mo expuclcd to handle nhoul 27200 Inn ml years 4100Mun peach crnp 30 nor mu grown In the Nlngnra Peninsula the hnnrlng was lold The resl Hm peaches are snld la lhe publlc an lhe fresh Irull mnrkcl An ullday hearing was held mull or breakdown be lwcun he growers and canncrl In wgnlka 03 15163 pgnch prices The arhllrallnn board can sLsIs Judge Anderson at Hellcvilln chairman and Sulllvnn and Hnrrlu bulh nlrst Catharina HAMILTON CF prlcc dispute between Ontarlu 2700 punch growers and lhe prov lnces processing companlex was Ml In he hands or lhrccmnn arbitration heard here Wednes ny Case Dismissed CAPSULE NEWS Singer Enh Genie limhen up on an abdominal board with helping hand from hil Peach Growers Discuss Price GETS IN SHAPE FOR CNE SHOW Hrv Vllllnm Dukn nnmnn nlhnllr Archhlnlmn ul Vnnrulh rr Wrdnrlulny duhmin Irr Inn llw Inramo Tux Arl nllnrkrd Tucldny hy group nl Drl Andrew Oucllcflc mid lhnl on July Mn hchlnnon vlllud lhu downmwn bank and warmed tauntcr hrqua or 500 nloni wllh main uhlth mm Make no man nr mund nlnrm Im dupernh Clruhtumue and do nnanu TORONTO CPDMn Vun MrKlnnon Gymon Toronln wldow wnl Itnltnctd Wainw dny In nlno month In In nHer Aha plcndcd guilty to rnanl brunch at lhe Ilaynl Bank Cunndn £00 5110 Win In it nume The lncidcnl mnrktd the In nulbrcnk vinlcncn since mnm be at tho Unilui Elcclrlcnl Rndln and Muchlno Vnrlun Union 1nd bcznn nlckclinl he Hrml new plnnl hm lnsl Thundny nix mllu noth of Toronlo Defends No Tax MARKHAM Onl CPD wnmnn laid all work the Tn mnlu plum Amalgamated Elcclrlc Corpornllun lold pallco Iruck rnn her down as aha Ehknlcd he Ilrml nnw Illa are Wednesday Min Mnrlhn Wagner Tor gwo wnl treated or bruised The board unuouncnd flu or mnllnn or he ndvlsnry cummlb In In Inc with lhr recommen dallon Board Chairman Gems Dcmcyore at lhc an nqu matInn here last month Widow Jailed TILLSONBURG Onl CF tobacco advlsory wmmmee has hncn formed In an llcmpl tn settle dlffmnccs belwcnn major tobacco buylnn compan lcs and the Ontario FlucCurcd Tub Gmwm MnrkLllng Bourd with 400000 bushels at Hull me last year He said It has bull up primarily because this years crop are the best llnce 1953 up 20 per cent from last year Knocked Down Tobacco Group new brlde Cm Lawrence Carol gave Bab the stomach exercise out wedding present They an honey Jlllfl Au AT 400 TEXACO lTN bank Ml IM Anne an PA um COMET IERVICI STATION mmuw PA l5 CUBES empu member 31 Hsrah 3x dm lrom paying Income tax Archblshnp Duka said that when person aka vow perpetual pnvorly It mums ha can never have any puuminnl or income Bapljs miqisteryVthat ex monnini in Toronto until Gou iet open at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition grandstand show Fridnyi CP Wirephaloi Save Now On 1963 Viking TV Stereo Heavyammo tubular alumlnum Immn wllh llatnndcnll lprlnl mbbcrrllrcd whrcll zplcce uprlnglllled mnllrm covered In flor alpnlnmcd Iupporled Vinyl GUM plnxllc to mulch umbrella Inlor CLEARING AT lnr rcvcrllnz to cotton duck SemiInklan or Ilornzb 27 Here Is Your Chance To Save On Position ALL SUMMER FURNITURE 20 to 30 OFF EATONS BIG SUMMER mu 3mm anmnn WAY nuuusr 15 ms The premier was In Hamilton to ullend an Jnveslllura Wed nesday night of eight Roman Catholic momlgnara at tho cu lhcdral ol Chris Una King Oi syndicated crime in Onta rio the premier said is dif ficul to iaik about organized crime unless you define the terms There in no evidence Ihat this country In governed by it or that secret italinn Insier is rlmninz hp gounigjy Earlier during Iclevlslan and radio Intervlum Mr flobnrla dIsmissad reparla ohm election this all as newspaper talk and said an election not 1m mlnenl 1519 queiiian oi organized crime in Onlafln had been Inland in Hamlium day can iler by Liberal Lender Winter my Aakcd about ralslent mm pmv nclal emun nlecllonmn and whether he has set an election date in own mind the premier laid Ill announce that when Um my camel HAMILTON cm Premlcr flobnru dumbed as man nonsensu Wednesday an oppo Illlon cmm that hi lovem menl has Ignored lhe amen al unlzpd Ide in Ontario We at up camrEIulon didnt we Mr Roharu IN npgua panhrence hm By CARMAN CUMMFNO cmdln men Sh Writer The lemnd mnlvennry ol the Berlin Wall ha puma provld lug little more evidence that International relations seldom Mgnnln gum NSevernVl hundred youths turned nut the wall or the anniver Roberts Denies Liberals Claim Berlin Violence qu WhippedUp WRHIWBE MIMIII 27 VIKING 23 CONSOLE TV Model TC 591 Trunulnrmcr npmlwl II who chum flrnulm hardwood MIMI And vmrcr ubmrl Tun Ivcflklrt Walnut llnlnh 23ch 269 H1 Premier Khrushchev has Ipoken periodically of flaw deal under whlch the Western In In Berlin would be re 153m by that of the United And lhera may havo been some Justification for In Ger man View Ilnco lhure has been limo rcepubla change In the almu either East or Wu on the qermmy qqeglian was his quesuanlhe fear that an EastWest deal was be lng worked out at Germanyl expemothnt apparently led Chancellor Adznauer to delay planiqznlhe pact The queallon In Wm German mind naw particularly lol Inwlnl the nucltnr lest bun treatyIa whether ha general using EndWell lempcrl meam mat the wall L1 mm My whether the division of the country In to mnllnue indeli nltely lmosphera has changed consldmbly lince the Dewber day In 1981 whzn Amer Ican and nuulan links laced clack omel tenuly over lhe par er Some reports an Iha hrd can H15 demonalrnlon num bered only low score One lbs leader had predicted urn nu 30000 la 40000 Lanyear mob of up to 10000 run wild for more than 11 houn screaming milling and lhrnwlnl pnvlnn block at Ihg wall This In from proving that Germnna at either lldo arc rec onciled lo the wall or to tha dlvlnlnn Germany But it my man am in Ihe Iona journey toward mlnz man reeling la tho point when ulelul ne Kolin 5m cqyld lymungenaken nary head but their demon Ilrnuon mullnulls wllh Ipnn tanzouI and ed mu yaar In nppenred la hm bean Earelully whippcd IlA mloguo Order leno PA 6019 llon And Admlnlmlllon Whom PA 04983 Emy curry ycl llrnnl enough to luko hemnnl weight Slurdy lriplclnld aluminum rams wllh contour back Just lbll la Ilvu pallllnm Long weurlnz plmllc webblng 19 hur lwnml vtrflul in your hnlll Summary Yellow Gmn or Red nll comblncd with White overall lennlh About 71 unavmn 1m CLEARING AT 999 Here Is Your Chance To Save On King Size CHAISES Anllpnrtlcles are Ihe dlrcc opposite of particular klnds pnrllclc such as Ihe proton he neutron and Ihe electrons which make up ordinary mul tegwu earth pcpqle know It Whin narrllclc and Ila cor responding anllparllcla collide than Il mumnl annlhllallon WASHINGTON AP Selen tlm welcamed Wednesdhy Iho dlmvery of longnaught scl enmlc wlllmIhowsp Iha missan link In Iamlly mm parllclcs whose lllctlma Ia ahqut ten hilllonlh no and Link Found By Scientists Makes AntiMatter Plausible Wliat makes Lb new discov Hum Nw law mMun in we new pm Allm mammal Ml ldlupfinnn in mm mm nu ha mm mun muyun Anlmlbm man Illmnmi ll mun mm In Io um III IV Inm mm mm leh nIn um mumm Muu pomIn munIn um VIKING STEREO The Momlc Energy Commis slon announced the dllcovery by team of physician mm Yale University and lhe AEC nwn Brookhavm Natinnal Ln hnrntnry The ABC sald the new Ind ing confirm fundamenlal theory of physlc which state that or every known ellmenl Iry particle In the unlvem try so Important to sclenlllls that mnkes more plamlhlo Ith ever hetero theory that elsewhere In the unlvme hm may be enllre Inlaxles made up nullmailer IRAle ffilfllNATION Gcneroully roporlloncd chair with luId hm Iubulnr umlnum frame runlaurcd mm and back Longwear plum webblnx In your choice GUM GreenWM YellowWhite CLEARNG or nodWhile lo mulch lold In chnln Save Now On Matching WEB CHAIRS TzfiflTQN Millmullet In Ilpace mm phyllc st outside the AECI Dr Thomas Day at Ihe Univer sity al Marylandtold porter that nstmphyaiclstl have long sought ta explain why disI tant galaxies inr beyond our Milky Way give out radiant am my in fantastic quantitiestar out at proportion to tile marzy explnlnnbla by ordinary conl cents of stellar energy lla said Ihat in theory Pian at oi the sular system could of by colliding with an umrparnm Astrophyxlclsu have long Ipecululcd that there may be faro mutually annlllllallng culllxlml bclwccn galaxlgaj made up or antlmmer and gal axles mud ardlnnry mullet such as our own Mllky Wu lnclu Iqla agnem 309 REG 34900

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