Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1963, p. 10

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mmme lhnl llw nuary Im iullrumd II Mlle In lawn tlrrk 1n Mk or cun Iimullon by thin ml rauncll ol lIw lluw mw Inrnmlemnl llghll ll mlmr Hurry nml Amrlu mm nl lln miner Fund and Donald Allrtll Iml ul llw rulnbr ol unplmll Am and Ijua and Ill unl uld 1mm In In mpunllnn Mn rulimdlwl HM lullwinn nmwm In Im um mm we Vrh mmlnl an rmmlry Mn ml Ihy my Ixy My In vrlhrr Hm rummwltmm would mldrr llw pmpudtlnn IM mum at he hlnck nl almzn mmer In Mn Bim uu II wul mlnvm ml flu mlmy Inrmm Mr my um hu mmllulnnfll ml pap rand ll In lrlflll Um la Wm he vlflllliuflm 0w pour ylanl belnl WW The commlssiun aulhnrllcd purchan of KV trans lormer aLsa flu necessary dead plalu at the boilers as recom mended by Mr Han rummkso ndoplcd pulley that All cmplnycu of lhe Elcclric mm Dcpanmcnl whu are using current be pm nn meter hull usual rme mm Jun l4 l9 mccllng on Nov 1m was udanlcd lhal the 1mm daccnl lamp at Kcmpcnlcll and Buckwth be rcmnved lo the suulhnnsl comer of name xlrccls pct rcqum council PETITION TORONTO CP Thu pmvln 12 government should an Into hr second mnrlmu huslness Llheral member thn selpct Iefllslalure commune on can wmer credlt qucsled Wedncb day Georfle Bukaior who repre Ienu Niagara Fails said pro vlnclai agency could niieville he llnandai nap belwnen Nu Ional Housing Association mnrlgaxc and the vial cost property was aha adopled Trial Ilainch cxlcnslon be laid on Main Slrccl Allandale at prnbahle cosl or $30 as DcliMnn ed forY and that ourInch ex lenslnn be laid on Ecclc Slreet II pmbahle cost $220 In pelilinncd lor Ihls mming he cummis Alon dccldcd that the hydrant in rant lhe Barrie Canlane Company be moved urns lhe Ilreet and unhcr north on mac on Sept 27 1909 lhacnmmlsslun voted that Commlnlnncr Beccrnll In vulud wllh lull power la in wall hunting apnllnncc and pro cure dark xmn blinds nr ma new office EMPLOYEES RATES pnlllion from James Ball and uthm asking Iur txlenslon on lake Street dulyrccon mtndcd by lnwn council wilh lnslrudlmu llml lhc NunIn al hydrant nl Gnurxn Culu corn er hurl hccn pimrd wns read and anka to he mmcd aver Sumrlnlmdrnl Ilmwnke la 11 um ntrtmury nu dcposil Milli imlructiunn lu Kn nhcad Mlh umulun when mild drpm Ill um ltLtIVld ll um ndoplml Hun ll mlary II Mclhcc um Nov 550 munlh 1mm lhc Elm lm mm Drxunhucnl and 115 mm llm ancmmkl Dunn mcul ny lNJ Imm of Innml ap pm In llm Inlnutu 11 mm In on Nov 29 IWJ llln cum mlsdan llrchlul lhm llm pul llna NW lube In lho numva humr ltLUllI mrmlnl by hr Imprdurl pufl he Lllrlltd um ll nlw Irwnunvmlnl llml lho umrmnrkl xkpnrunrnl In it um Lhrquo ur IMO Inward ram uvw mm In Hm Mlnm leruu lur rrnl lllo lnrrllni nl Ihu mr nn Jun 11 mo munll IHVHIU lmgaull Minimum llrnnrll Mull Muyur llcecroll Mm pmml Im real cslale broker but my ufllco never touches sec nnd mortgage Mr Bukalor rald al committee session dont helinve burdunlnl peo pic that way Enrlier In lha day he xpoke out In upper or marriage broker zabetwecn or bar row and lenders Oscur Rechlshallen presldunl Security Capital Corporallon had wanted that within llva yura lhl xrnup would dlsap pear as service cnuld bu pm vldcd by companch such hls awn whlch also lend money Ho said broker serve mm mm sulvcs and charge Ices of $200 or $300 Iur slmply finding name one with mumy la lend meeting 110nm on July cidcd Hm Ihe Camphcll and 11 raLscd $30 July Dark Green Blinds Purchased For Commissibn Oiiice In 1909 TM II 1th lnxtnlment In Mary on Hydra and Pub llc Ullllllu In BunIt liken mm the mlnute hack Ihe Dlrln Pnhlc Ullllllel Com mlulnn Request Monév Agency By HARVEY min of he commis July 19 1909 ll de Ihe wage of Mr and Willis be $36 he Viman mni BLACKSTOCK 71 BM EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST lcucr ram Superlnlendenl Brownlce was read Culling al lcnlian lo lho act that Suntan Company ware undormlninz he water tower It was re Icmd ln snllcilor Boys In nulin Sudan and Cnmpany nnd man lu comganshnerL Dougall chairman of trim ngh and Wulcr Commis DHC Dear Slr We undue your letter Just received 1mm he Surjcnnl Company rnply lo lhe loner we sent lhem ln slrucgtd bx you Inalimhs know this taminclory Dcur Sin We have your the Inn and Me com lcnu will within the next few days do lame work at ha pm puny mlnrrnd la In as to pm cnl any dnnmr Along lb line mcnlloncd Mrn jury brought In mm nnluml loath Wedncxdly In the can Iwayrnmld hay who hnd hrcn xhcn lha wrung muIchne In lunsplInlI do mu mum powerful lIum Hm morphinevlmrd madlrullon pro thrd xnxicr IL IL nuum mm Nilftll mllrcly willl lha wr mm Vuvkcr um Mr Ind Mu Willlnm lmkrr nl lecuu ML xllnl Juno lnur duy Alirr mlmllllmcl mm whul vnlllnlullll Inld WM lulmrcm llmll hronthlnl pneumunln and Inlmlnurm vomIL Amy Whlle hud num on In lwyn wan uld uh went In the howl phnrmnry Ifler ll wu chum ml um thrcklnl hr lhe mrmllml mrdlclnl In the mmlknl dlcllunur mm lltlul umpoutul Inuurn plum Rho look ml to Ihn um llnclun opium whlrh nlllrlnl flu Illnrmynm rrnl Inharnlury uld equipped lor undertakings lhls nature meeting on March 11 10 secretary was Instructed can or with Superintendent Brown lee and suhmll report to the commlssloncrs wllh the object or ascerlalnlnl If the water ral could be runner reduced In May 1913 ha cummlnion accepted lender 01 Under hlll Company or supply coal or the year to May ml prim 3405 Lab Barrie freight and duly paid railway rates nearcsl point slack $175 L012 Barrie Irclghl an duujpaid rhirrlollnviinrz leum were mud Your truly The Harlem Company For fiachanl Fm 1113 commlnion dccldm la raise McCulchwnI wnm 110 pcr mnnlh llvnwnwr lho Jury nmm mended Um rruinlmd phnr much he ml duly II All mt In Mn Illun rnernl llmnllnl llnro mi In lhln mm mm mm nlmn Wnl lrrrgulnrly lum llIHL Mm mmfim mrdlclm lhu rhlhl mums dram Ind dlul lollnwlnx mnmlnL KENIEMS LAWYER HAMILTON lYltu CAVI fln nllnhnrml hwy was luunll mliy Wrdnmlny II than 01 convmhn mum 954000 and Irnlrnml lo lnur rm In Klwlnn lrnllrnlluy lAvnln hm mrmlnl uilly ln ll llml Ill vml WATER RATES MflmliAPIZ meeting the im misslon decldnd to purchase 500 carbon at each klnd Boys Death Ruled Natural By Iury hlrs John Kennedy and Iho Presldcnt hold hands as McConly Brain rand llfirchlson VMD HAMILTON ICW coro Mchrdy Buy andilurchl HAND IN HHNDFROM HOSPITAL NI or run vu Your truly TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 1211 lhey leave Air Force Baso Hospital yesterday Thu Flrsl Lady lell hospital one week after she arrived for proma lure birth of son who died two days later AP Wire pholo 233 BRADFORD ST mm mm 000 Aumcmun quAuvv ammoIL ALIII GINMAL M010 VALUI No other car on the road today no completely antlnlluu your prldo of ownorohlp and ionic 01 udvonturo as dean Oldumobllol Thorno Io much to ndmlra about an Oldn Tho ntrotchout Ipnclouonou of Ho hunduomoly appointed and richly upholuiarod lntorlornl Tho Nook nllhounua 01 Ha dlnflnctlvn styling and Hm foollng un lmpndod motion thni It fimpnrtul And Oldnmobllo Mupn out Junl us llvoly an It looks thanks to the VB power of oplrllod Racket onqlnc and tho silkenomoom TAKE THE EADV DTEP UP TO OLDB AND DTEP OUT IN STYLE DANGERFIELD MOIORS lIMIIED MP1 Rise B¢bstéd ByBackBencher DTIAWA Special back hcncil member oi parliament is tirikilll hack public criticism oi dire $3001 ynr pay and nliowanc lncrme or MFA Murdo Martin the New Demo cratic mamher lnr Timmins Ir zues that lira 018000 Mai il iuiiy Justified Ii arbitration board procedural in deciding increases for public servica employees Ire uscd fl nriidpnted in great ex tent nezolinllons and 11bit ntlon Ind Hound that Indepen dent nrbitminn boards when considering pay und remuner ation of service crannnel Ir rived at heir iinu iiguru after considering lhethrge main iac ion of cost living hour work and the mu national pro ductMr Mmln expinlnl The thinking oi lites board that service persnnnci up much as production waxkm arc entitild to share in my general incrusn in the Iiandlrd oi iivinl or in H95 nationni pyqduc Hls rescarch Into parllnmen Inry pay reveals um ram con cdcraflnn In 1357 to Jan Ihe Indemnity for MP5 was 600 year was reduced to $1000 mm 187 1901 and lhen ralscd to $1500 In 1906 went to 52500 and In 1920 $4000 This llgure was unchanged nr 15 Years until 1915 when parlia men held three sessions Ind members were pnld or each In or total 01 312000 In that same year the $2000 your expense nllnwance was llrsl 1n The Timmlns MP was nullva In the ProfessionalFlreflzhlern Auoclaunn for alum year prior la Ills election to parliament In 1957 Your Chuvrulfl Oldnmobllo CndHle Envoy Ind Chmolcl hunk Dnlcr trounced From no lo 195 than were two eesalons pith year whlch meant 58000 plus the $2000 allowance In 1054 the llxure ol $8000 and 32000 were established as annual figures regardless ol ha nurnher ol pnrllnmenlary seselone Mr Marlln llndr the cost ol llvlnz has rlren 76 per can be tween ms and 1361 and per cent between 1949 and 1961 Ap plylni there increase to the $2000 expanse allowance slab llahed ln 1915 and the $8000 in demnlly alahllshed ln me he calculate that Iha total pay and expense should be 140801 He then qompm lhe number Iltllnu dlyxlpr the first five year and lulu Iva year the $10000 grass Incnmo parlnd The total or the first Ilva from 1919 lo 185 was 558 days For the last five from 1953 In 1962 was 675 alum day parlia ment This an Average In crease 155 per cent whlch appflcd Ihe Indemnity figure brlnulthaolalols304 Finllly Mr Marlin um the gross national product which ma from $165 hiilion in ms In an exilmaled uo hiiilnn in 1962 Basing iha figure on the GNP only be com up with logic W400 My expurlenca leads mo lo helluva an Independent nrhllra llon board In all prohnblllly would arrive at Sam llgnn he lwccn llle sumao wlllch ll han ed on the cost living Index only and the figure of 524300 1110b has solely on lhe gross natlunnl product Mr Marlln clalnu ln vlew of lhls the actual llgurg ol £2000 ap bears to Vbé 1116 In 1an WHY The Timmin MP has lent copies his caicuialinno lo nil member parilamanl While he any he relzonally has re ceived very ill criticism from his consliluenl about the raise than has bun considarahie pm test in some nuwspnpm He feels the MP should have hil incl at hand to cunnieracl any compiainls lhey may receive modern practch Independ enLaltlQrallqn boards Glaml Castle Scotland uld to shelter Ihe ghost £an Enerdle doomed to play card with the devil for eternity An English policeman walla behind dog my search grounds uound unhenllda Farm yeslerdax nr clues to Identity of ma lnln rubbery HydraMano Drlvo wlm Ilu oxcoptlonnlly authorltutlvn pnulng gonr And along with thlo oxclllnn action packed powor loam Oldnmobflo given you hundllng lhnta unnquullod In Iln clans Blg hunky coll nprlngl at each whool llbx with tho bumpu to lump you hugging tho road Alum on tho urnnl No wondor hon that OldnmobHo In such pleasure to ownl San ltlry It noon Youll bo nn Olda admirer ram horn onl Uldsmuhila DOG SNIFFS IOR CLUES AT THIEVES HIDEOUT WASHINGNN MP TM 115 Food and 1mm Adminis lrauon has urdcrad drug manu facturers Io prove their claim for amlhlallcs In with variety or compounds such throat lozenges nose dmp and Ipray whlch zcneully can ha bought willuoukmucrigllnn 11w FDA set deadllnu Sept In the order and spokesman or the Pharmaceu tlcnl Manufaclururx Association Drug Companies Must Prove Claims ml Behlnd Iflem the farm house near Oaklay Enl Iand where palm say In hid out Ind disposed at loo anu nnpplnl and robhlnz luminle DMMIM CW lullom iUIUI ll HOLIDAY IWLKV PHONE PA 66527 The spokesman expmud tho opinion lh companlu problny cannot devise tests In mva lhl ellectlvcnen the me regggred let alone carry them on The FDA has no queslloned the My he unllblnucl but it said labelllnl Clllml thqlr el lecllvcnm are not supported by available medical am nid Wednesday mlny com rifle cannot comply by Ike Aflecled antlblollcl Include drug Inch lyrothrlcln mlcldln and neomynin mail lraln of more IhansMMr 000 In currency In Week Search It Iarm In part mn liva manhunl be conducted or lhlevu In worlds blunt cash robbery AP erlphnln Iqu Ii

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