Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1963, p. 6

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II II umlullmulnlmI Mal Gary mum ha ll me he llrll llmr lml In Mun In mum thhllxh IIan mum an In Illand In El guy will Hr Ihmllll umlmlnml Him nullvlnl uhnnlrlul nr vll In rr nlvlni umllrnl mlmrnl mm llwmlmr nylmlllp nun ll rm mum rmnfluml Invulml ulm lm pnllmu than mm mrrhunlc ll wlfll MI rm Enpfillniwbrfi Si m3 nlmul Mn body Im mum Ha fly mum Imlu Hm my track to In durlur run only In clear up Inhalml nlm lo gel llll hnlh wnnl ynur npmlum houu dlvldnl mm In rnll the donor and uk hlm lo plann am my lhu lump lrculmrnl IImM and Imp Hm num am My hudmnd IMIIU lhu arm will Hulni am tnny ll myl nu durlnr Mm lhg num In do men Ihlnu Ind we Ihnuhl lmlnl Ihnl nary han uhrlhcr Illu ll or rural Thu Hum thth In the ox Mnlnnllon room the whale llmn nml lnry mld ha hm ncvrr hrrn In rmlmnmml In all III Ills 11ml Um Iluclor Ml lhu mum Ind lnM Um mum to am he buy am Irrulmcnl Gnry nld ha wnuhr not no lhrumih that horrible upcrlrnu nnnn cvrn um um mh HUI hlm Dur Ann Lande Last week our l1tyrnwld Inn cnmu dawn wllh IHII rush to we aunt him to doctor nry nuppoacd lo Imtk In flue docxor lamar row but In reruscs Finally my hunhund uol lho rmnn nul 01 hlm MANSFIELD Special The United Church lumen 01 Man iield held Ihcir mmllng this church They cnlerlnlncd lha iarrner senior members mm 01 mm naw living In Allislanr Mn Clarence Cook prcslded in lira ahscncl ol lhn president hlrL Sayers Mrsr Carl lrnlnnd conduclcd lhe worshlp service and Mrs Austin Rutledge and Mrs Barber lhu prugmm Mrs Pnuan oi lilllrion sang solo Mrs George Gmninn played for ma hymn alnxing She also described the purchase 01 lhe piano in he Sunday School roomy by lhe lnle Gnllnuzh cr mnny yam ago Lunch was saved The bride the daughter Mr and Mrs William Jams Gilpln Barrie The bride lrwml parents Mr and Mrs Lawrence Benjaan Boswell are also Battle SHEATII GOWN Entering the church on the arm of her lurker the bride war znwncd In wall length sheath embroidered cotton lace over mum rabrIna neck lina and llly point sleeves en hanced the bodice of lhe dress headdress rose held the shoul der lenflh veil yr embmldered Baskets yellow muma with candleabu adorned Trinity An gllcan Church or he wedding lulu Danna Marla Gllpln lo Leslie Charles Boswell Pndre Sherran mama at the IllemoynA cexjemqny JulyA 27 Former Members Entertained By Mansfield UCW IARRIE EXAMINER mm Auousriu1m Vows Exchanged In Trinity Anglican MR AND MRS LESLIE BOSWELL ANN LANDERS Boy Is Ill At Ease By urses Attention 11w walker Ina hnl or will The land ll aluyl and flu luvlr Inucmlhl rm hulvln mnl rlun mnulh anll and Hymnalqu on Mar mu you In An they men Hum you Iver had your Incl lllled In An lhou mlh your own 17mnk youmndlnn Annoy lmr lump Tm plclum Arr mlly ma They In recent No Mn mm hld my turn IIHNL 10 You mm mm an my own Yauu welcomo Ann Iandm Ins And rm old nn July bwhlch Ihnud nmwur he quuunn you dldnt uh but prohnlyly nnled to IIOIJIMVI Hm Ann hulk Far rut le pm my uuhnmi Ind hvu Inlrn our numnw rnllmu wllh mullwr coup luv mm whim Iimr varn llnnl Imam In meln rhumlc tomplllmr Iclum rtully bdwml lho plclum HIM Ip pcnr wllh ynur column Ind nu advlcu you hand nul Ynur we turn look uni nl nboul Your ndvlu mundl llko uqmun In her nur Ann hndrm you are good upon you wlll In lwer all them uullonl In the Im bellnu mi wllu yogllfomn rough ENOOPING Anisllng ha brldogmnma mother were mauve dress wllh mulchlng duslen whlln and mauve ha Ind cursagc yellow rose complameuted her enxemble For lravenlnz Ihe bride mm rose loned Ihlll wllh whlm accessories and counts of red rusebuds Following lhe honeymoon nl Gravcnhursl lha couple will have for trlp Callnry Album Guclla mended mm Turnnlo London and Slnyncr ow lh wedding re ccpllnn was held at Bayvlew Terrace Receiving the brIder mother was Illlred In beige linen dress Itcenled with cessorie In brnwn and beige lanes Her mum was yellow rose surrounded with brnnzo carnnllans Gllpln the brim brother Han old Gllpln Also brother of H10 bride and Wayne Kniccly of Smyner were ushers RECEPTION Lul lummu no In an M15 Shelley Enswell af Ban1e he hrldegmomu ulster allend ed as meld of hnnor The hrldel niece Miss Klm Pearson was nnwer xlrL Terry Pearson the br nephewtw ring bearer Tha mnld aHIonor wore slreet length own or whno lace nvu yellow mum with Ilola of matching yellow Culla and rose Lhaped headdress Her bouquet was ashloued or yel luvi my and whim mums The flow glrl wore ban nnt white Imck with matchlng hnnnet She canled hasch nfplnk cgrnntlnns lace The bride carried cas cade bouquet red mm whlll mums and brldnl ivy streamer ATTENDANT Pholn by Smith Studio SIITAKEMORE THANTALENT HARD WORK Kim van Annlher vnullun wllh lhll rourla but my huh lund ny un Mn cnml up wllh llrllul aul we nurL And 01 mnn ham Anni My hulhnnd look mo Ihoyplnl onn nllemoan Ind when In whnl wo boulhl IM named her hmblnd Iur lho durnllan or flu lrlp Imuun bl my Ila lllhl Min Shlrley Hutchinson Bar bara Mnore 11mm Dunsmore and Lloyd llulchlnxan currlcd In the glll bnskcll Lunch WA served nflcrwnrds 0R0 STATION Speclal lurprlsa personal shower was held recently far MIA Phylll Jahnslone at her llama She will be mnrrlcd In September Game and manual were play ed by he 35 ladle present Mr Ind Mrs Dnuz Mitchell and lnmlly spent the week in Ottawa vlslllng the home of Mrs Mitchzlla brother Allan Ferzuson hls wlle and family Am naumon Civic liaildny waekend was lime oi enjoymcni and im re mowing aid acqunlnlance whm pm members lilo Creelnon AYPA lot logclher or the annual reunion Festivities this Mr and Mn WILan erLhl Coamawn wMI In an home the magma of nelr daugMcr Anna llulmllo to Mr than Zoom lunllnl non Mn Jennfllu Dnnllnl Vaullonlnz with Mrs Eva Calm nf Alllmn us her grand children from Trenton Sympathy mended la the hmlly of Robert Nixon of H11 cres In Alllaton on he ludden death his lather Robert leon of Calgary Alla Mr leon wax Inpls 131 year Mnndly vlsllm al the Allis Ion homes Mr and Mrs Peter Wodchh and Mr and Mrs Alan Swan were Mr nnd Mn W11 lam Palmer of Ottawn Mia Mar Wallis Bay laid Street and her niece Mrs Annla Ingram Richmond Hill Mr and Mn Eno Caslenanol and family of Toronto and Mr and Mn Gordon Burn and lamlly of Long Branch wen weekend guest at the Thom Ion mldenca 01 Mr and Mn Charles Byron oapnnlap amen noun Shower Honors BrideToBe IAKI SCUGOG CAMP Mn Harry Wllwn and daugh teu Ruth and Colleen of En genln Strut Accomsanied by Mr 19d Mu Ham Webb Essa 7R3 spent the wéélianci Luke Sum Cm WEEKEND GUESTS MIL flaky was dlscusllnl the whim In general term but nha might well hm been talk lnl abqg henqlg MONTREAL CF ll were music luchu nld Colello Boky would dllcouh no you peoer ram leaking meet In mum unleu they had everything It takesgulen health the counu to work an the will to study Ind even phyl leal Appenrnnce The zsynamld FnuéhIpuk Inn laxmet model In an upng Jadluond Jar Jul Iho EMBASSY CLUB Bllkl If WEDNESDAY SEPT 4th snowmos pm pm REFRESHMENTS ms noses TO LADIES TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT SUSSMANS JOAN MllllK nlmlm I12 wm By MR8 SYLVIA SWAN geldtimid 301 3a ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES Beware Of cafeers1nMusic Opera Star Wc1ri1sYoung People Phono Eileen Dixon or Alumq Owhon PA 537 PEOPLE AND PLACES T0 WED IN COOKSTOWN Dar lluuvll Tell your Mend you olnl lo vllll nlulim rrndl MI do In or mu In whlch you In your 1nd ran In whmvo yuu WIIPL bun Mont Mde Ind doolnl mm la rhk dulmyinl lhq lmdlhlp CIII you hdpi lhfllvlllo Mr and Mrs Carl ireinnd are spending law dnyl viriiinn lheir dauxhler Rulh and hub hnnd lvnn Cody oi Symuse New York following liveweek mum which Mu Ireland ha been Iakint prior lo Ilnrtlnl iur pariiion Bl anther or tho Iiiiil Ian Ind District School lor Rb lardcd Children The wheel will be ening here in Seplumber or um lime John Caruso spendlnl his summer vacatlon from le hnela College In Toronto wlth hll palum Mr Ind Mn Sam qupso of Alllslcn Guull came from Ericsdlle MIL Tlmmlns 0mm Mldlnnd Trmton Alllndlle Cmman and Allhton Included man than unending wem Peter Elenner and Tony Wodchla Mun Sylvla Tammy and Tlmmy Swan of Allluon nndDonald 1nd Cathy Malm nee Orolhle Dunlroon Mn Malm wu 101111511 Art Ireland lomnh upen dan Vlcaunn lho home his pnrmu Mr and Mn Cnrl Ireland Mansfield And the hill Mr Claude Bld lnz or Burk 1h marrlm wlll lulu pm on Salunhy Au II lhrwlhlrly orocl In St Jnhnl Anxllun lunch Cookmwn Mrifflulh Du II on WW week vacation mm her Job In uug ugugan m1 sum year consisted of patluck sup per at St Gemgel Anxllcun pallab hall In Allandnle hosted by Rev And Mrs wallet Dyu lhl win followed by dnuclnl Plumell Dance Flvlllan 51° lurday avenlnu Holy Commun lon at St Lukel Anglch Church Creamorc Sunday mar nlnl and hamburl barbecue at the Creemora home at Ala and Robyn Wilson on Sunduy avgnlng Goddsn Bun1a spending thalr midwmmu vmtlun It Wiz wnmn Ladu Multan HOLIDAY CALGARY McPhemn manning editor of Barrie Examiner Ind Inn Allan hm rammed to the city Iollowlna week motor hlp Io Calgary Alberta While In Cnlzuy the mulls were nuts 01 Mr McPhersonu Innlnlnw and Enter Mr and Mn Murdo will leave for Orchard Belch today when their will holIdIy at In Baum Bel Comm or tho nut aw weal MHSKORA YACAjfloN Her talent ha been widely manned Min Boky wan win ner the Prlx dEulopa In year The Quebec Commlion mm the 000 prln Innu Her lookn hm been compared wlm than of ammo Endow whlchvtaku care of the quu fluna phyxlcnl Appearance RE Clan brown eye and Inky Manda halr Iva an up Pfi9°l°d Fm linger who has jun rammed mu ym of may mama gunmanan Europa JOAN MIIIIKK mm ITYLISTH ll MAP AVE Pholo hva Thll III Immylluhul will an milnimhunn hymn which Illr ly hllpl but In animalLu mm rm Nn mum Mom In olnL mm Iuvpmllmy Ad In hwymill mll mm mommy bud nunu laund nnlriun hulln submu Illh Ibl lty uh uh hum rholdl lukuly Ilnll mltchln uml Id unmlavl In In ruqu In Imam ol Ibo Injund In out all an uh null nll vlnl Iln IIullfldufllnl Mann look Am ml Imwvunt ol IIImqu um mthonrulh In anlmvmn mnuumlnulm unn pulod pl many mnnthn huntmanumn IMI bunkHa aimingIlla nnuvnod nu rch Imllluu In quizIna hmlu whlch conlrul driven with Inlld color hbrkl do In ucellmt job of mnculmenl Ind In lxlnmaly Imm Ind mm or nummur mr mum from bl Filth pockau Ind nlnl rl ht an ovcr ha than 11H mlku tar Inn look um my to war In llmo dly or on nlnl And In With by ch loo Ingldgnlllly oxpup Imoch mo In plquc an very much In lho mhlon plclun cgvgnur frymca Whu with he Ihlm the Mine Illhuulltu lho high wulm Ind Empire IhapIn molhartobt cnn bl debuunle 50m at tho mules mun nly clothe whlch ham dllplnyed In lhu stem or sum mar lncludl Ull crlw coal play 0n bllck plquo with In AIhlpod Illhauollu hu mock pfind liflched 9n whllo But how about some hlgh Ityle too Thl II deflnilcly Ih lesson or In Act aim cull lo he mnlemlly ouulu rom tha other luhlnnl And Indeed Ioma mllemlly oulrlu an ID Imnfl lhal mn ladle mHnwnlunl hv luvdad lhu maternity department lnl Iha Ilom NQ man ro ru Nothan Iclullly needs In Ill Inywhero ll like kecn eye la dllum th dlflerenu hetero Ind llurl By ELEANOR R05 11m Aim most women lh0p flux for malernlly clothes to In Me that do not hnvu thnl Iadylnwnfllnl look but do hava he bmellu of cnmlorl lMlnl and any wnhlbllily Healing Subslance Shrinks Piles Panll whate Ill Imam llonnl cam heln Colette nudled with no Mlchelu made we loantoborelaued recording nnd ave numbu ol parlamlncea Sh also per lormed In London Munich Ge neva and Bordeaux and IV lu mm mncem here be on gaming to Frlnct 1n Septem er ally to two promith young nrllsu And In lam Ihe won first who In In Innmuuou music contest lnr um will to study this mnan widen In the at aha hll come to Erickb She lmdled mull am Ind dancing or num ber of yam hulnn in the 1m Ive has she mud voice lerl 0W coma BOKY II Ipendlna thI nummer Mr Montreal home betwun Iludy and concert tour ln Europe In Boky who fluted Itudy High Style Comes Into ItsOwn This Season In Maternity Wear Announce New One lho best number Among lha naw mhlunrlght mm In cool canon voila which ties at th lhflllldlfl Sllrplnz In and out of lhlx In vn vel virtually no mark Al honul advanugc wish Abilityn Incl mnchlna wash IbIllIyIs IO plul lemurs of 11530 mar malernny Inshlqnu here ever lime when woman wants and need to look her but with mlnlmum cl CHM and maximum ma Ind comfort WI dnrlnl than monthllo walling that mm to drug Ilowly READ BY EMILE All he lndlzenoul African human 01 Sath Afrlcn have been IdEDIEdHW Du Brnlllo ATTENTION wAuaia$z1o theatre wth beln coaxed wgy9Hlg wig them One of mu BOUI realm or returning Cand In her Iva year old dlulhler Dlune who live In Menum with her mndpamu The oolorllurl loprlno found European Ifldlbfl wonderM Ind full load will She full yam mulle lm In Europe In more tortu mla than lhoan Cloud ho um of thc opportunlllu When lludonr receiver in prha mm Europe conrervntory theatre mulemenu automlllc any 001qu any rhenlre Iln man hull In which to pertainthere In mum In every small own Inf 4ng In Iudlence In volco mloully only live yam no um mullcal career dgmnndl talent health the courage lo work and the will to Andy well phy Ilcal nppamnce CP Photo HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Mlu Elsle Nay lack the prlu or nnmlng lha man hymn In Nam he Hymn lrom Ihu Music canlul Mn Turnhull played lhp mum Alter the content the mem hm Ind lhelr gum Row TownIcy dawn lo got luck luncheon complela wll birthday cm In honor occulon 1115 WMS wan fanned as year no meeil monlhiy in dip cm and mm in Prenbyiery million work 0M ill annual project is hula which in luck ed and Inn to the Indian Schoui in Kenum Thin yearl haio it be pncked Ihe September mceiinz oi the WiiiS which will he held at the ham oi My Nicol Wednudnrl mecllng upcncd wllh he an to worship nymn miplum rcudlni and pray er Thu pmldanl Mn Turn bull led In devotional erlod dugsong of lnmlllnr ymm hallowed In the Sunday Schml room the church Wednesday after noon to celebrma the 38th hlrlh dag MA 99 VMS ALLISTON Special Nenly two members of tha Women Missionary Society 01 Knox Prel pyleylart Church Alhareq By GARY MYERS PILD Whan Iha hnby begin to dim creep and move about nude hLI awn ateam he may no In perilous places and find Imnll dangerous lhlnls some of which he may put Into hll mouth An adult Ieelnz hlm loco hue dander may naturally Illoul It hlm dash toward him and lore the object from hII lrup Suppose the child were on top of chair Slurfled by the ndulll ludden exaltement he mllht lull ll be had lust wind was danurauu oblacl the all could be 1111 mm hu ardoux 0r Iuppasa you no the lad dler will than polnled Iclnon or kllchen hulls ll you Ihrlek WMS Marks 3Bth Birthday The engagement hu bun nnnuunced of Mill Mary Do ulo BanIa Ind John Ralch 01 Arm Inwn The brIdMluc the daulhler ML Ind Mu LWd De Lfla 01 Codflnztnn Street The DONT SHOUT Baby In Danger Use Persuasion COUPLE PLAN WEDDING Inmld Ihxlekinz It the to who hat climbed to dangerou film or rushan to him to to In quietly cahnly gently to give him protection Never lerk away the damnan Ihlnl he has or am Imnll objact from awar ha ha It object how ever minus in MI mouth to no hlm to let you remavu willy or to live to on Make It rule to penunda 1m to give you nnylhlnz he hu whch mllht Inlun hIm nr mm which he mm cam Iumc harm BAITLE TUNEFULLY Some 1000 munchnl wm perlonn durlm um 15day Canudlan National Exhlbllionl mun mmpeUtIom mun All 10 at him or duh toward him In my run IWIY with it or IG dgengglly cug mpgeut baby litter or an older bmlher or liner may Incline to handla luch litunlam Ilmllnrly unleu warned nut to do Ia in all luch me tinul ened dunner lim young child aw simple rule Ihnuid b0 nburvod Do nothing Ind uy nothinl which might Ilarilq the chiid or um him to maps or ngiai yqurfigqug pilarili Or you ghlnk he has put pln or button into his mouth you may try to ulza hlm am remove 1L But In his excite ment the child may IWIllow It On hnvlnl had ulch ID oblect reed from My mouth helm he may hold II lhero tho mare undoust and my up you jugerlerence brldemomelec II 110 of DA gohmn Rnlch Mll wnukea Wlmnlln And the late Dr Curl Rlich Collin Street United Church will tholelunx or the alumoon ecumeny Aug Photal By Eric Camelscum Illldlll Phnno PA Hm 0mm hm lo l1 Hthurs 31 non WATER AmmanI only EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS 550 Will

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