Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1963, p. 4

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on 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Erisn Sleight General Manager TUESDAY AUGUST 11 tm Defence Bole or Canada Remains Uncertain Shape dentGeneral Howard Graham former chief of the Canadian General Staff and now president of thefloronto Stock Exchange is not the least bit im ressed with the Canadian Armys role In Western Euro He told the On tario Command the lie al Canadian Legion st Peterborough at Canadas defence policies are outdated and mili tary leaders are hard put to explain how they would meet Canadas commitments That Is something which has been aus ected fora long time Ever since Sir ISlam Hughes un ended the ill famed Hossrlfie on the Canadian Ex edition ary Force in World War One anadas defence policies have been in one up roar after another We still are not sure if the Bomarcs sitting in Canada without nuclear warheads are going to be monu ments to colossal mistake We dont know yet how Canadian bombers based in France are ever going to et to West Germany to load up on nuccar hardware should war break out We dont know yetlwhat either the home war establishment or those units ftcers along on foreign assignments would do should serious shooting war over develop And we dont know either If the recent signing of ban on testing of nuclear bombs will mean that we can bring some of ourflghting men home The three armed forces have their training areas and bases scattered across the breadth of the land as well as over seas To maintain these establishments requires fair number of senior of with clerical staffs Then of course are are the seamen soldiers and airmen to justify the officers But with all the brass there happens to be why cannot Canada have de fence policy suitable not only to our needs but to our pocketbooks Why can our military peo ie be confused about existing com tments Surely there are reasonable answers For the billions we are pouring Into defence we needle know that we are getting value Defence Minister Paul Hellyer should examine closely what General Graham had to say and If It is correct then steps should be taken to correct the slim on quickly Be Wise In The Water During the past few weekends the toll from drowping has been particularly high In our lakes and rivers as the sum mer holiday season gets Into full swing it Is all very unfortunate as the major ity of the drownings would never have occurred If the most elementary care and common sense had been used Everyone should know the potential dangers of water recreation Parents in particular should familiarize them selves with the dangers for their chil drens benefit Theres no need for anyone to be frightened of the water but there Is need for everyone to treat water with due respect As long as you give water the respect that It deserves you can en joy all the recreation that It has to offer to the absolute fullest Anyone who is not strong swimmer should realize the importance of stayin in shallow water Every safeguar should also be used at the beaches where lifeguards are stationed We cannot ex pect score or so of lifeguards to keep an eye over thousands weekend viso itors at some of our beaches it is also carelessness on the part of many boaters who fail to equip them selves with life jackets to safeguard themselves In case of on accident Fed eral boating regulations require that government approved life Becket be pro vided for cac passenger boat but it is ignored by many Avod tragedy Ba water wise and have fun In the sun this summer DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 27 1933 Rem vations pour In for annual Assembly of Knights Tern lar to be held in Barrie Aug 012 general chairman is Hugh Plowman Presiding Prcccptor of Mount Calvary Preceptoky Professor Hume told Harrie iwanians in ad dress that apple maggot was real danger In this district Alexander Cowan elected to Board of General Purposes of lllasonlc Grand Lodge of Canada Garrett prominent citizen tiled sudden ly while walking on bay shore Was aga Beach had first drowning of reason ldycarvold boy from near rangcvillc at mouth of Nottewasaga River Coroner Dr Duncan Corcoran of Elmvale called In uest Iwo North Simcoo farmers loffgcd In county jail charged with stcal ing cattle magistrate from Alberta vacationing in tltis district was lined in court for reckless driving Charge laid OIP Constable tiny IIodgson of Bar rfle Barrie Boy Scouts returned from camp on Georgian Bay where they were In urge of Iiarold Vnrdman and Wil liam Crossland Lolly liornard Mrs th lbbon wellknown Canadian writer on native of Barrio died In Victoria EC youn girl was killed by lightning while ghtin from car In South Smcoe and anot or from same cause while bathing In North Slmcoe Emms soccer team of Barrie bcat Edgar 31 Tom Murray Fred Thomp son and ike Nicholson scored for Bar ric and Austin Mason for Edgar Harry Slessor of Ed ar although kept from scoring was cst layer on field Manager John Do son announced he would use Archie Thompson and Letty Bill filagulro as IIchers In important baseball games ths week ainst hlld land and Orillia George cott 10 of Hillsdale busy playinlg softball for his home village team are Itiidhurat soft ball team and Penetang baseball team Harrie Girl Guides read for summer camp In charge of iliiss sue Simpson and Miss Lucretia Rowe Herman lcrricr anti Fralclgh Crows opcn new service station on Burton Ave llarry liccforth appointed moat mana er Ea tona Grocctcrla ft Dar of Huntsville presented with production trophy at annual liietropolltnn Life Ic nIc Lloid lufford arrived from lington to ccome orlganlst and choir mastcr at Colllcr St nitcd Church OTHER EDITORS VIEWS THE CIGARETTE PROBLEM Gall Evening Reporter At almost every turn the minority gov ernment of Lester Pearson fittds itsclf facing hurdles some of which may be hard to surmottnt This situation just rc vcala Itow difficult It Is to carry on ov crétmcnt amid the complexities of tie to try An Ittstonco of how careful govern ment leaders have to be In peering to be responsive to public lotiona has been furnished by loalth It Inlaicr ludy lnllinrah She we some indication tItat some action ght be taken to assist the The Barrie Examiner Auramm rut ottt rlmsnl and puta Balls IIIIMI no statutory Irnuam aawwrrrt wanes ratmn natsn atatnwr mural auum rt saunaamt manta warm crust wanna Malena start wttnort Alvarllstu Mrcnaat postnatal ctmiaua one sum me daily by mun lh mm arm lo fr unit in 0mm as months at mathJul mntn Untold outm and mu mosrm pm on tmlan trtaa you Bills UllvtMl Ave Toronto no rat out aunt nmnu Omgtl sum Vsmum atrium of tha Canamt Dell rtesum no um Attestation ranam aaa no Ahdltflurun dmatsusns The tamdtan csrtm ntiltod to as no tn to bites on of all out stones ta ta rm use to If no matte Im no calm and at the level laws nutsed mm rind rinse cantpal against cl arctic smoking which being led by medical moc lation In their statement about lung can ccr as hazard of heavy smoking Now It Is being pointed out at Ottawa that tobacco Is one of tire bctt tax money producers that the government has also list tobacco Ia today farm crop In Can ada worth tnore titan loo millions year also that the cm turns In tidy export profit to boot oi only these features of this crop but the government also supports this type of farming throu the fctcral ricul uraI department aiur ally too an operation of this scope there are thousands of farmers and their wolrkcra Involved with many thottaanda of vo ca Under these circumstances how far will any proposal get at Ottawa which means go tin Into campaign sgalnat clgarotto amo lngl LIGHTNISS DEEDS flfalifax ChronicleIicraid In Spring Its said young mana fancy lightly turns to thought of love With the onset of Ilghihendncrr however comes an Increase In IIghtfingotedneu law are forcemant officers long In observed that In March April and Ma tha crime rate rises in direct proporion to the temperature Thankfullp the weather does not altpear in Im the efficiency of the pol ca More mos are solved In Spring titan at any other time of year Harris Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Lithited T0 eooo HEALTH NoEttereise Ior doodlEyesight by season neuron not bear DrMolnart would like to strengthen my eyesight so that gleam are not neces sary Recently read that this can bevdona by exercise but one of the requirements It todlscard your glasses entirely am worried about dam from forcing mysof to do wthoutithsm Can theory of this word actually achieva ra lultsfA No such theory wont work and HI explain why Should We Lower Rope Mike0r Drop Bomb QUEENS PARK Little News From Conference 0f PMs By DON OHEAllN HALIFAXNine of Cahadas to provincial premiers met here for their fourth annual confer Ml You will have read some thing about the meetings in your newspaper But not very much For the premiers are ex tremely sensitive about offend Iug anyone and they hold their conferences in extreme Iecrccy Not even the agenda is re leased In advance The sessions Ihemaelve re held behind closed do And very little is said about the discussions This Is frustrating for the press of course And also for some of tha prcmtcra WIMP OFF One has to wonder whether the conferrnce mighlnr Its more valuable If there were fewer wraps There were two reasons why It was decided at the nut that the premiers should met In closed session The first was that It was felt this would mean more free dire cusslon That the men would talk more openly It the press was not present The second and mat Im portant was that thrrs he no appearance of tho provincra or ganizing bloc against Ottawa The smaller provinces par ticularly are lmld about of fandlnl the federal lovcmmcnt And when these conferences were first prn rodtry Pre nticr Lcaaga of sachet In I060 lhcy wcro somewhat rcluctottt to even attend and wanted full roicctlort against living of cues to Ottawa CAVT AVOID The original theory was that as Ottawa would not be rep resented federal matters ahaud not be discussed Even In theory the reasoning bchtnd thla int too strong In frde provincial mattrra wo distinct sides on aIIona da there It the fad ernl government on the othcr tho provincea From lime to time It In clalmcd th the relationship bctwrrn and the prov Incra Is rtnarahlp but In actual practr of room this Ia not so The relationship is TODAY IN HISTORY ly Til CANADIAN HIM Ail II III Florence Nightingale lha reformer of hospital nurs In died If your are today rate In her youth tilts Nlahtlngsia did much phil anthropic work and vlaltrd hot lists amt rcfnttnatotlra In Jumps and aludird nurs Ing At the beginning of the Crimean War wounded sob dtm suffered Itrrihly from the Inafficicncy of the fronts mrnl the received and alts went III as ours to be battlefields list as acri field services made her name fatrwua trotTho nto CM way linking Cape firrton Ia and to the Canadian main and was mrwd INCWriter It Wells 00 twoway house Ottawa and the provinces And really there should be no offence It all If the provinces sat around table and worked ottt their cus her with ths federal government on various issues But qulia aside from IhII today It Just Isnt practical to keep hands off attitude with 0ttawa4For the provinch find that federal govern metal is mm and In practically everything they wont to dis cuss And In future years there probably will be new ground rules for these conferences OTTAWA REPORT LETTERS TO EDITOR Dear Sir On page In of your excellent pa or under IIpr Wanted you in llshcd an ad for enlistment RCAF apply at Orillia Att mories between noon and pm on this day lily son and 15 other Itccn lads appeared as directed and were told by the caretaker the gptieman had gone fishlna They waited until 530 pm and still no sign of his appearance and got disgusted and left to their various homes think It only rightto bring this to your attention so or to prevent similar occurcncs am sending your ad to re cnsltlnrt In Toronto for fur ther information Yours truly iltfiLPl Boilins Help Govt Ministers Dy PATfllClt NICHOLSON OTTAWA The hoiflrts of Parliament IIII are the crew live assistants and special at aiatnntr to cablnct mlnlalcra Thcaa backroom boys can make government If they are clicc live If they are not they can easily break government The classic txamplo of what boIIin should be and do was of courts cffcctivcly demon alrolcd by the greatest of thcm all hiel Isclt who was rxccu ltta assistant to George IIcra when Its wus transport mlnII Icr and when he was trotle min later In tha rccrnt Conservative government blot was prime minlslrr in the Ontario boyr Parliament 33 years ago ta has been In polliicaalwaya In barkroomsevcr aince No body but nobody knows his way about politch and Parliament Hill better than IIiel Jack So rffrctlvr waa he In aiding George first In producittl ldcnl In atrarlna hla minister politically and depurtmcntnliy hat hla fame was wldcaprrad In OIlnwa iI la srcrct tltnt can now told Ihttt whcn the Pearson cabinet was worn In fIIeI Jack the longtime tlrtil catrd rtrvatlre worker could had the job of ex rcutlva ant to any one of anr of new Lthrrli mlnia cra ticoras llm ran the most glamorous and effective depart ment of lnvcrnmcnt in tha Conartvatlva rr Imr from llm by his own artl work and with iIIrI Iacka gttltiautr de vnloprd Into tha man who is ths ma my choice for lItI lcndcrshp oi the tfottarrvatlva arty II II not too much to say Ital this now Ilm ia the flora that chk hulll NEW LillllllAi TEA With these iacelras men he hind the ministers plapllnl amh an Important rolr tcra hall been real Interrtt to as who would lta rrctultcd Info lhm powerful and Important john II he new Liberal lovrmmcnt Gradually the tram took shape and began to be known arnun Parliament Hill Then Doug Fisher the New Democratic MP for Port Arthur atkrd rt action of probing questions In Part mrnl WM II the norm ttslant or the trial as In such mlrtafer he asked What is his am What are his qualifications for the job How much Is he pald Thus we now have rather unusual surrcp on the record The is mln ricrlat assistants appointed to data range in age from or ycara down to 22 Their pay bracket normally runs from 39000 to 1000 but there are exceptions Jacob Austin the Jlycarold Assistant Vorthern Affairs Minister Arthur Lainl has an outrtund III rcctnd ill atudcnl lcachcr and practitioncr of law he draws on exceptional 115000 ONE WOMAN IN GROUP The prime ministers own rcutivo aaalalant la the dcnn of this group uho has been Girl Friday to Mike Pearson ab moat since the end of the war In his various roles underscore Iary and then Srcr ry of State for External Affairs position leader and now PAIL Mary Mocdo Id won her DA magna cum Iaudc gradu atcd RM to political science Irrvcd at Canadian lird Cross headquarters in England during the war Sha la the second hlah rat paid at atom and the la the only woman In this group TM or Lllicral hIfa from Quebec both dcfcalod It So credo rctlrrd army rlsa dlcr serving officer in tho llCIF two rccrullafrom the federal civil service former Llhrrnt association offlclels tclnttnru practitioners and rt rmcn as wall as the us stirring at young lawyer make up Ifll arnup IIIaclnnIr lito oldrat at Ia aiao lowcll paid at 500 If not to Solicb torOrnrr on hIachuaht For in rs he was rrportcr on the Charlotte wn Guardian and he was adrtrtlalna mamar on another Tttnmtnn Daily Newspaper Iha tttroulrlo Tolrgrnph In Qurncc city he lhcre Ititltrta troubles shooters and wotktvoracl rath nna handpickrd by hIa own minister reprcunl very lb malflrd rrnaa acctlnn In par Irncc wagrt age and blck ltound PATIENT LEARN TOD EDMOtkmN ICfi new arithmetic ayatrm will be In iroduccd In Edmoruon arhoola this fall Special mums for parents will lie act up for than who want to help their rhlldnn with thslr homework If enough patrols are Interested Nobody wears glasses unless he needs them Your sya itroubla sloped whlta youwcra not riul llasses There It no rear to think that not wearing glasses now Is going to undo what bap pcucd then You did not unfortunately describe your trouble Near lightednesat Astigma tisrnf Faralghiednesaf All of these however atom from the same basic cause The lenses of the eyes distort the image and do not focus It perfectly on the back of the eye Glasses dont affect the shape of the lenses of the eyes Glasscs merely compensate the eyes bond the light rays little too much for perhaps not quite enough so glasses are ground to bend the light rays just enough In the opposite di rcctlon Good eyesight cannot be des velopcd by exercise anpI more than you can Improve caring byllatenlngvto nolacs However should add one point to avoid misunderstanding Such problem at faulty mus clebalance can exist The mul clcs very tiny ones which are used to focus the eyes may In some cases be of unequal atren th In such Instances cyc exarcasa can be ofihelp This condition It not very common though and applies mainly to children For the great majority of syn defends exercise or struggle to get along without glasses will do no good at all lm no saying that It will harm you caIt ElmbIbly wont But thd cfort make It harder for you to see things and It may put you under enough strain to give you headaches or other such conaequencea of tension it will also ha waste of time Dear Dr Malszrt Our aoo new nine years old always slept alone until recently How ever to the last few montha he has begun roaming In the mid dle of the flight to his daddya bed and wants to sleep with him Before It hammer prob lent please give me your opln IonMrs 51 it sounds to me as though it Is problem already albeit maybe no great one Who can say where youngsters get these aottontt He should be told gen tly but firmly that when he is put to bed be Is to stay there Remind him that he wakes up others by his roaming Dear Dr Molncrt What is wrist drop My grown son has ItMra EN The muscles which hold ths wrist in position are not oper ating correctly to the wrist drops Foot drop to simi lar condition of the foot the toes dropping or dragging with each step Instead of being raised as occurs norrnslly The explanation usually to that nerve controlling the muscles In question has bccn damaged by Injury or Infection Treatment should be by neur ologista nerve specialist REPORT FROM UK Renounces Peerage Returns Commons By MclNTYRE HOOD LONDON With the passing of the peerage bill Viscount Stansglie legally reverts to his former status as Anthony Wedg wood llcnn and as soon as byelectlon is held In Bristol Southeast hs will reium to the seat In the House of Commons which he had to vacate when his father died and the title of Viscount Starugata passed to him There will be byelec Man for the Bristol seat he formerly held because the lt ting member Malcolm St Clotr two years ago gave him pledge that should the law be changed to allow Wedgwood icon to all again in the House of Commons he would resign This pledge was given be cause while Mr St Clair was defeated by Mr Wedgwood Eran by over 13000 votes the High Court ruled that as Viscount Slonagnte hlr Benn wu lnell sible to be candidate and that Mr St Clair was the mom bar for Bristol East Mr St Clair very honorably fulfilled his pledfl 0n the do vtbrn the Peerage Bill waa vcn the royal assent be up bounced in the House that he was resigning to make way for vcdsuood Dcnn And under the circumstances that ensures the Iottcra reclcctlon to parliament The Conservative and Liberal partch oulckly announced that they would not contest the by rlccllon Perhaps this was be cause they recognized the merits of tha battla put up by hlr Wedgwood bcnn to rcnounca his title and remain the the Commons Or it may ha that they realized that to oppose him In tho byelcctlon would be ra pouaing boprlcu cause nd they would rather let him the seat by default than risk an overwhelming defeat at the polls which they would undoubtedly aultcr Bo unlm aoma Indcp cudcnt candidate atrpa Into the arena hir Wedgwood limo will be elected by acclama lion and If an Indcpendcnt docs malts challenge he will be circled Just the aame by huge maturity The whole country baa watch cd with tech Interest the battle of Mr Wedgwood lienn to re main commoner and the ma jority opinion to ca with him that he as wort the means of of portant chansc In the ow pecting the tIghII of the hairs pccruea ANOTHER HTEII DOWN ftlr Wedgwood II not gains to he the only pcrr to step down and min re election In his Horn of Comnwns The Earl of Sandwich who was formerly tsrounl IlInchinahrnokr Im urvatlva Ml for South Dor ut has announced that be In tends to disclaim his title and trauma hla faintly name of Vic tnr Montagu which be last mad or boy lie Intenda to mk reelection to the House of Com mona ll soon as possible which means that he ll be CIMII date as mm as he can conven ilntly find seal to light One of the alantflranl Ihlnsa about the portal hlll Ia that ha renunciation of the title at nxmbuamv tn nunsu paumm ti trillions II Ia concede piles only to the present holder and does not extinguish it if the hair in the title wishes to assume It again after the dcth of the holder who has relia quinhcd It It will be legally pox sible for him to do so So In the next generation It will be quite posalhle for the names of Viscount Stansgate and the Earl of Sandwich to appear again on the roll of the House of Lords Lord ItltrInchsm Conser vative pccr who has won aoma notoriety by past attack on the royal family has Ilsa Intimattd that he Inlcnda to give up his title and revcrt to his former home of John Grlgg But he does not at present at least intend to neck scat In the House of Commons Although entitled to do to he has netrr applied for writ of summons to tha reuse of Lords Its holds very strongly the opinion that only life peers and peers at first creation should all In that august body ON TO THE SUMMIT Let us keep things moving Is the popular reaction In lirl Iain to the success achieved la the agreement bctwccn Russia the United States and the Un tcd Kingdom for partial nu clear Icst ban This Important breakthrough In the deadlock which has existed for years to discussions on nuclear armam crtla and acncrnl disarmament Ia accepted as dcftnita indi cation thot there his been rt chnnga of wind in Moscow and that full advantage must be taken of this to pron forward towards other steps to rafters and remove International tcn atom The nuclear lcat ban agrcc mmt some at crucial ma mcnt for prim minlaltr Mac millan The crowning glory of his carrrr now aould be sum mlt meeting between the hcndt of than three lovrrnmcnta to carry avcn furtltrr ths altpt necessary to nature lasting pc on basis of mutual as mrnt Thla ngrccmcnt has put an and for the time being at least to all tha demands from within his own arty that Mr IIIacm Ian ahoul mlgn Ills rratl throughout tha country as non aignlfloantlr and In one of the public op nlou polls he has runlntsf all the support lost our the Pro fumo afar and other that If there Is to be aumrnII meeting then Mr Macmillan la the than to represent tha Unl ted Kingdom And tha ova tion ha recalvrd from the whole body of Tory lIIIa when tut antrnunrcd the Moscow agree ntrnt In the flours of Commons was ronucta evidence that ha Is the man who can bolt trail iIrIIaIn In lurlhcr motsa In warda disarmamenl and possible ncw agrccmlnia with ltuarla BIBLE THOUGHT Tho tttmfm radars but am at and acid of Irma amttr Tlmoihy 11 titaltt tralnlns rather than anlt living makes both and acid for and sum Christin nw

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