deputation ol ralcpnycrs tom lhc Shamy Bay Road area of Johnson Siml complnlned la councll Ins nlghl rowdy ism nulslnce and screechlng the all hours of the nlnhl on Johnson sum Spanking iur lhe depulnlian Dr John T4 Anders Inid coun cil them were 57 signatures on ihn threepoint petition which asked for curicw an use ol the beach for parking mule ions lo one side uniy on Shanty Buy Road and or eniorccmenl oi speeding iuws The Kempcnfclt Bay Kiwanls Club we has 10 aulollnwn Kiwanis member yesterday anonnoon at the Continental Ala Hoï¬ey laid Rowdy lsm Dr Anders said We icci that on the beach swimming in the daytime is nil ï¬ght But hey um carrying on iii lime or our oclock il thyrgomingi mum on Mr Hersey asked occur Man avcry Dr Anders sald Its not only weekend bu prmlcnlly every mm In mod wcnlhcr no ink may spln the wheel and scrccch llrcs all tho wny up the hlll Ald Roberts mld There ll um Burrln Yacht Club Could Lhasa car be com lng from illegal Delegation Raps owdyism In Johnson Beach District Win Andcn rnpllcd Wed ï¬ver know lha chhl Club was tcr Md Newton snld For yum since 192 hm hnvn been corn roasts dawn here Would you wish to cum this too DL Andcrl replied ln Mule lmnlnnlmnn Ralph Euolnnv uum chln 415 pound lunl all Conn5van my Nrwlnumllnml 10 day nu ll mhl ll lrwh Mm ll mlnum In hm In lmuly all hml Illllfl My but Illll Inn Du uld ma amped Into BARRIE MAN GETS TUNA Doc Im weekend mien with woul Did you know this went on as hr back as 19217 lm alran wasnt even Khought lhen lnn From the In Hurvay Mitchell prcsldcnt Blonr Club Hnrold Stuck president Own Sound Club Murmy thn mntlcr was hmuzhl up ngaln under mollonx and In qulrlu Ald llcrscy mnv ed that the clly manager con sult um clly sollcllor Ind ln lhn lnlcrvul tho Mayor use hl good ofï¬ce lo encourage pollen lo do all In lhelr power to control he slluallon at Johnson Street Bench Ald Hersey uld have In mtlzaled and hunt alma llon duos cxlsL Bu lhll gm far beyond that have been informed that lnvcrl Inna serves usclul pur pose ln ma cammunlly INVESTIGATE But ask that hosu or you who have Um no down and view the situation and complclo plum 01 um dam nzn that on on down there Ald Robert sold We hnvc an nuxillory pollen om we had one or them nalloncd down there Im sure he allua llon would bu eluted up very qulckly Am Newton aald Ive tulaycd many evenings dnwn lhcrc corn must and on lln In good many year no now For many your the buy was WHUM muldnl wnnl cu Icw of nlne oclock put on the place wlcner mm or cum HOST T0 VISITING KIWIINIIINS Tha Examiner om Ila Mod that ha Cuncwllon my Im II bmvmlnl lamauu or lunn and llml II II Mum lo lmw In wmkl llmmlnm mul lnI llxlmy Mr snrlgmvc mu nllrndlnl lhs nrlllma Ihnmlmlug Aundlllnn mul lull Witiioï¬na the residents we could apply mme alHLrflrhw My roast at nine oclock AI think Ald Williams snld Dr Anders mentioned the trafï¬c and think all commlttcc of come worklnz together can solva lhls parkln problem down thew Mayor Cooke sald think it unfortunate that few spoil It or the many In our city thlnk we have rcspon slblllty to nerve two groups 01 people Anderson candidate or Llcu tenant Governor or Dlvmon and put pmldcnt of tho Blwr KIwanh Club Charles Tierney prcsldent Kempenrcll Tha Royal Canndlun Armour rd Corps School wlll celebrate annual Corp Weekend Aug 17 and IB Featured In the conmanic will be not parade Impac llon cadets lrnlnlng demon alrallon and maunled march past tanks In nucndnnca throuihout lhe mum will be MniorGcncral Wnnhlnxlan CB MC MM CD rellrcdl Comm Com mandn ol tha Royal Canndlan Annuured Corps Armoured Corps Plans Celebration Hy STEWART PAGE Amcnlmnl ncpnnnlnflvu Nnrfla 51mm In lew wcakl 11ml all lnln uhool mu Junlor tnlrl will In In full lenu In Slmm County lhll 1mm lo bu good Im Innuuncn lair dam and diuun mung may or he Inlr nl lnlr opcmlm by lhn locll Krlculluml Aoclcly unlquo occmlon bclnz comm blncd Inrlnlllurll commeran Ind IDClll mm Primarily lha Ir oppodunky fr 911 In uhlbll lhu producll of IN tum lho union lhn homo and tho mlary Hm Ihc producrr and IM cnmumer 1k can not ml oduuflon WM mn Mlqu quality and um perm llan In lhmoci In mm mi in vnrloun ull Ind mm and pmduru ol Um home lho nhop Ind lhg lulory PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY Our hr In ï¬lmroo Coun Iy IhIl yen ll lo held Orlllll nn Frldny mi flnlunlay Sept ll On III allow Wedneldny 5ch ll wn 0m Fnlr lnllawed Ivy Cungler and Cpnluipwn ï¬rpl Preparations Started For Fall Fairs Of Area 11 ml if hwdayl mér Elmvll rnlr ll In bu uhld on hmulgy and gulfy 50m l1 mluf ml Illdlmdirmnl I0 ml of week on llw mm and II mm In hm MI Ier dnr In the hull Mrk ol RumMr Ikclon mm 10 ml 73 Unr lh Sepl in 11 ml 7n and nlllniwmxl Frpl 21 am In Our lull Inlr Al ï¬lnymr will he Alum on Vcdnwhy On All our lull lulru have mm at mare Ul Club Adllevllllllll Duyu glued ul lln lulr wllh llnmplmulllp uvunlu belnl held ul nettle um Colllnnwl lulu und callulnle mllon rll llu lulr mlr ler uvlrullmnl rlelln hnlrl Mm lvnlr In mmlhm wlm lhrlr lull All And In Mdlllon mm Tom Clly Pollen PA 5568 Provinchl Pallu PA Hm Flu Daplrlmenl PA mm 0111 Vlclorin llulpllnl PA Mm Facing Murder Attempt Charge Antonio Picalll Toronto was cnmmlilcd or hill at the concimlm oi preliminary Marina on charges unempl ed murdcr and wounding with intent to min at Wasagn Rajah ypsierdgy lie is churned the result oi an incident in which Mrs iiann Spencer oi Toronto widow in her enrly Wu was stabbed Ia lime In Wnsagu Bench hotel on July 29 The woman was treated or iniurien lo her neck hnnds and body hi the Coilingwnad General and Mar inghqspitnl Club John Walker president North Toronto Club and Wlll nrd Klnzlc Kemponlcl Kiwan 15 Club who was the guest speaker Examlnor Photo Magistrate Huron nl Kitchener prcsldcd over the Marina Durante caunsclwm Gumhln or Toronln and the Crown was rupresented by Thompmn crown mar ney olSAlmcogQouqu Tho trial will no heard by jusflce of the Onlnrlo Supreme Court at the Full Asslzes deputntlon from lhe Ennlc Agrlcullurnl Soclcw asked Clly Councll last nluhl to declara hnll hollday Sept 20 to perm school chlldren to attend Junlor gnimeu day at the Barrie Gerry Coughnn spuklnl lar lhn grau said The llvcslock show wll bu oducnllopall Md Smlm naked In tho purpose In ilvc chlldnn hall day am Yes Mr Cnunhlin nplled Was It distusscd with the school board Yew but ilwy said it was up courgcll1 Fwy didnl hnva My School Fnlu nra hclnfl plun ncd or Em 5an 17 ll Thnrn lion In Son 18 11mm Orlllln Township School Fnlr ALUMNI also of Suï¬ 1n and Nnnnwnsnla Fnlr It Crccmnre Sept Tm Tub Inranlln Fnlr will probably heldnnl lIxcrtfl onScpl 10 Urges Holiday For Children To Attend The Barrie Fair cplémhr promu cl huly nd Illmulnllnl month Il In and old ml lmu lho ycnr wllh Iho lulu btlnl lllId IO man low minim la la lhu uletllon Ind nnpnulkn ha uhlm Ins Indltnlod or mum lm MI by Ihll dnln hnvo mwn or made qunllly pmducl hnl II waxlhy or Ihnwlnm 111 in mm Imrannnl my opln Ian qunlty omrnnh Ill flu Um Imn mod mo dud lhe ncxl INTI II he ulce llnn And ï¬nally lhc prepnrm llun luv rnlry lnr Hm nhuw lrvpnrnllun any entry fur the lnlr lilu Allasllfll up or puny you ul on yaur bul omlil lry In Mk your lml and put ya Ilkalvlna mmMl cnnllmmun rnln am wlll mun erulwnnl lhrmuih lhv Inulhrm hull of Wars 11 mumln lwln plum luy an Inn MIN Ihuwrr nml llvumlulhnwrr nrllvlly Dy rnrly annmlny lhu nynlvm llmuM hn wrll er ha mav Imo nml rmmlly lulr mm Ihuuhl mull Lain Huron Nlaum Lulu Elle mlinn nny Wellem Lake Onlula alum London Hnmlllnn Tnmnln Inudy wllh Icnllmd ulmwm Iml lhlmder uhnwm min Ill avminl Tomfomluru mum nnvln Wednesday tlmuly 1mm WImI nnulh nly I5 nhmlnq In mum vul uly la 21 am May or In Dun Mud MW WEATHER FORECAST Lulu mam undun with under mm mm puny WW vul Baum lnndon Kllchmr Mnunl hm Wlnlhlm lllmlllon xnulm Imm 33832888888 Préposes Overhaul Of Barrie COuncil warnlnl lo Barrie cllizenl from the Battle Clty Pollce II volca on the telephone asks you to help check out dl honest bank emplnyce can the police department Immediately magma police spokesmannald this mnrnlng um within one hour yesterday before noon poncn received no call snylnl vain wanted ham to no to the bank and wlthdrnw mm of money nnglng mm 200 to $600 to check dishonest hank em plgco Tho lpokllmln anld be bank names were but that the elephant ceased alter noon POLICE WARNING It was an expenslva weekend for holiday makers who lelt that lhey could not sun hem selves wlthoul In added xtlmn In of Alcoholic beverages Innlslll Towth pollen lnld 18 charges lnvolvlng minors drlnklng under age or vacallon hmlnz liquor in plm other ban usklence promslon of visitors mas or them from Toronto pleaded guilty helme Magus rate Foster ln Banla Magistrataa Conn yesterday lo havln liquor In public place Most were lined $25and cosh Several teenagers did not cow lest Iho lnnlsfll Township char ges drinkan while they were under age M05 or the Intrac tlons were Md by unstable Mullks It dance at Alma Beach on Salydny qvgnlnx Weekend Costly For Sunbalhexs One enterprising vislior Vio let Nnvciio 25 Tomnlo brand his beer chilled In travelling cooler it was con hand by the cm Md William asked Wfll ll nflect the gran the school bean authorize IN Mr Caughlh Iald You ll wouchI Am Roberts Id understand that Imlll hi mm slmclura got so compllcnl hey uscdlo get Fm dn Yes that rlnhl uy unlll am last few year may always got hall holldny Mr Cough Hn said When the mall3r was rdcrrcd Io ha Flnanm Committee Md Horny declared com It Interns and IL was rc fund the General Govern mcm Conunluea whllu ll would hko hour to dim In dmdl lhn mum mcnll or null clusel ex hlblu them cw Intlm Um may Ierv on Include many in mIJor Importance ThLI Also covm lmdom lrnm dump Any kind and mum each product shouki be prepared and dhphyed mm It on In Ibo but advnuxq dillnï¬nlli L1 Imporan vhm man lhnn one Imlmen mnku In Sllnhlly Inmr hm medium In tho tlundlrd or man produtu Glnnl ma pm duct nm AM be came low qunlly qr ain our ll qulo lmporlnnl wllh ï¬nwcrl Ind run In meculnr and in mm mm wllh veg Iner nnd mu Iorm bury pmducl Ihould vmrqnn In Inn or uhnpo in pining rm sum n1 004 prnrlurl wllh Ikllllul Illmllun lo Hm nbou Inclan Ihnuld mull In worlhy rnlry II 4er unduly In knoll nhllllu lhl Aflnnoon lo we In mm wnl In knoll and Inlc nllrrnann Ia unnh In narlh ml in In so knoll Huh thunk In In Icnllmd thomrl Ind lhumlmhuwrrl lMI nllunmn and lmnmlnl partly cloudy lhh mu law mum Illnl Mudy Windmr Mna MMm Kllchmr Mnunl rum WInlhIm mmm EI Culhmml Tmmln tllubornulh KIHIIM 38328888883 33383333333 Dont Bé Duped By Phone Calls nunv uscd call The mans methnd Is to can vlncu the person that when he ur the receive the many an Inspector will plck up thu mark ed blllx and thus catch the dtghunest person Last year around hh tlme lh esume type phone call was received by one woman who was quEd her money Pollen Ch Ed Tachlrhm warned all clllzens these calls Thu spokesman uld of he 10 cans received no person had gone to the bank Mn France Sommille mu Shayner wlll be Simone Coun ly Com elllor In the Cinndlnn Nation Exhlblflan In Toronto Aqg 13 Mn Snmervllle volunteered to enter the competltlnn an aid In orgnnlzln local competl lion She sad It hoped that there wlll be Slmcoa County 133er Pringestcontcst nut yang Judging In the ONE compell Ian based on department knowledge the Ontario dnlry Industry and competence in milk Ing amt pubjlq speaklng The nlm the compemlan is In stimulate Interns in dairy larmln and mllk both In yuumz renple Um dairy Industry and ma general public Will Seek Title Dairy Princess Five zencrallon will be mprcsenled birthday cele brallons or Mn Ida Well mind when shemarka he 95111 birthday Oct 30 All to right Mn Hllda Cockbum Labnus Pllsoner takes second place to no boar John Laban began making boor In Ontario In 1828 and Labaut the west Pilsonom clear crisp and spatkllng Hist Cholco of so many people labaffl Pilloner Bohr first chmolyce beer of so many pegple FIVE GENERATIONS Han1e Cfly Council may be overhauled and Itreamllncd Ald Smith last night brnughk in mollon seconded by Ald Roberts calling or hoflmcrnl government com mlan to sludy number proposed changes The motion wg adapted The proposal called Alor change In the alle 01 councll from 11 lo elzhl members Ind hr alderman be elected at large Instead by the ward ayiemr The mayors salary would be changed from $2000 to $300 yeah Th mollon called for nldermen to gel $1500 year and chairmen of commlllecs $1700 set nmuunt would be deducted member missed either council or commit legrmcqllng This plan would require do puallon Ioappeur below cummlllee before comlng In council TWO iron mum Undér the Viripased system there would be two aldermen or each ward Insteaqro grey Alderman Smith uld Kitch ener has to mm on cmcil ml 05 population nearly doable that Pymlg mï¬x Hat an eightman council would make or strong er equnclj With reference lo the Mayor salary he said lhlnk shame that man must spend halfflhrls llmq for Nobody who didnt hivé um ally at heart would aver run or council Shanly may urandchlld Mrs 01m Emms cum er and Edwin Cockhm of Sanford 52 grcntnlnd child Mrs Niwcll holds mg her mntgreMlnm chlldmn Clndy Cockbmu Would Reduce Membership To Eight Elected At Large Members 01 councll hlva seen us sit here lwn hourlwflh deputatlomu If he dofulflllnnl had gone lo cummuea or dlrecuon 1n the llral place wauldnt have been necéuary Iar them to appear berm coun culn Ald Roberts said In second mn hismotlnn at Mr Smithl have given carcLul consider ation The ward system wlll not sullen It 15 now one ward has less Ihal ml the pop ulonn annular Ala Smith has nummed up well Perhaps mmebody mlth lko to make Ill aleclion issue this but am only Imam ed in an thing belle xuvcm men for Battle It would no cost you much and youd get mm work done and done more efficiently DISAGREES Ald Emma dldnt nine He nld Last year thera wera three new alderman ll them were only eight alderman It could be that youd have nvcr hull of the council member new members Ald Newtnn said lhlnk Md Smllh and Md but have put lot of lime and thought Into this motion My question Is Can mlka cammendaflons lhe general gov ernment brinl In be put Into Ilium Mayor Cooke said Bartlel council lam as mncll go The scene changlng The dis tribution with regard In wards and It large requires Itudy Ald Wilson MM wouldnt Ilka lo see it lhnl man was prevented from rum nlnz or council because it lack lot money and he didnt have It That one advanlazl In wan system It dmn can In much or him to get around In his own ward if he want to lake crack it Aid Rubens iniroduced motion ai mcciinu oi City Council last night proposing that Um Pam Ind nu Recreation Board be combima Suld Mayor Cooko would Ilka to see this no plsfld at ma present time feel thin would be premature ll lho mo ment would Ilka no tho group lhnl make may MA have rcu hand without any overtones 1mm council WI need to study lhe whall quesl lan ul recrcmlonn Ald Roberts mid will um notice of molinn um will bring up ngnln Would Combine Barrie Boards