Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1963, p. 1

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Hue mu vlrd mm Al lwnrrl wer Hm laml hum Innu mlmll and mm Mu nrlmd liminme Inc vlllm hr Hm nuddhln um bul rlmrch mum have rml Inn my Hum flu Mth 11m munk dlmwd nu nl MI plan1n wllhnul lelllnx nnynnc whnl he plunnrd pnured kno mm um hlu minn nml lnurhrd ymhh In hem Monk In Inlmll MM Hwy louml line 1me All lvnnul dmnm Tllnro nxuprmed In in no wllnmrl In llm Ml Thu sorrel nllrhln uvllrnlnl Ihul nnnlhrr ynun monk Mm hman Ilmull In mm In 0w nwn nl Ihnn Thch ml Buignn on Au OUT nmflnm Thu uMdo cnmpnlun Immrlml ly Hm llrry puhllrly Illllfd donlh 73 your 0M lennl lmc Juno II upwinva In lya Irllinl au6llhl rnnlrol ul Ihfimmfiuh 13m nuddhlnl olllclnll In no wnu Ippnmllly lnknn by aumrhu Ivy tho Immalnllnn lhu lhlnl In ho hum dlxnuln Ivclwml lha Ilud dhlnlx nml lhc gnvrrnmcnl dam hunted by lhu Ilomnn Cnulollc pmlr ldllmllm who nccnunl or name no rr can Hm cnlxll Ivyl mun nllon umm lhr an umnml ul rellxlon dlmlmhl Allnn old Buddhist monk bumcdhlm loll la death In hc mum Vlelnnmm clly ol Hun curly logy ropam rnnchlnu Snluon In US mum conllrmrd the lulcldn In males Illulml Pm ldcnl Nun Dlnh Dieml mzlme Inuk place un oullldn he Thuc Tuym Inzodl lull nor Hum TORONTO CPI Church men represenung 44000000 An gllcnns mumbled today or the opening an day world my arm Wuhan admonition from lhclr spiritual lender to make the church speak to contempor arymnn In llIc More 1000 lshops clergy laymen and wmn wh emd or 0mm allemoan acrvlce openlng he conicrence and an ovcnlng rally ln Iha mom Maple Lea Gnrdcnu homo Ihu Toronto anla Leafslylogkey corp Arch up no Ramsey of Canterbury head this My xllcan worlds senior we and Host Archbishop Howard Clark Prlmnlu of all Canada worn to Iddns both mpg DL Ramsey dLIlned the mm lb meeting as an Mlcmp to inform mo impact of the church on man In all hl nativ MEL The world he told con gressova press conference In 99 No 158 Monk FireDeath Is Third Suicide puml Buddth um Members of the National Ynulh Oreheslrn gut royal treatment on arrival in Van Anglicans To Begin World Meet In Toronto SMGON AP lzylclnr CANADAS YOUTH ORCHESTRA GETS REGAL WELCOME For Exammu Want Ad Tele phone PA 374 111 telephone number to call or tho Businesl 6r Ediimfu be mu Our Telephones Our nation In lhll mu of dnnznr red all her mm and xlmluhlm ha Inhl le ll uulo lhh manu by nrhllrm llnn Robarts Says Hint 0f Split Is Wrong mnom CI lmnler llnlmvll HIM Mumlay ulnhl nr Illnllnlll HIM rulxnnllon at Trnvrl and luhllrliy Mlnlllvr llrynn Cnlhulrl Ilrm Iwm In In lhu cnhlnfl mm mm pfirlrly ormnmm nml mmtl lulrvl ul lhnn rnmm lknmhl Mnrlxmnm vlnrlnl lurkr nl ll Nuw Ilvlrh Mrnllc IMly lnlovprrlnl the wave Rand Fl lhn mm NH dlvluun mllnlnn bohlml llve PM wllhln he ulvln In lrvmlor flnlmlsl Male mml howuor Mr Mhurl wm prnrml In yum In mvlu In luluInn Hm the home at cl Pm Idenl leml Inmlly um Ihu hcmlqunrlm hll hmlhnr Nan DInh Cnn who mm unlrnl Vlcl Nam Imulhor hmlhcr Nan th Time llomnn Cnlh nlic Archbllho or no Meanwhile Ico lmldcnl nlic Archbllho or no Meanwhile Ico lmldcnl Nuuycn Nkac Thu old part do luml lhu wnvu ol lul cldu Illl gllrmpm Illkllkl Mr ulhrnrl mml lanl wrvk he IImI mhmluud an un Inlan mlznullvm In ho prr mlrr Ind would no ml eledlnn In he nul Onlmln dqfllm hran In Huu Mny la when lumps put dawn church dcm Flinn and pmom wm klllcd In righUul mess hecausu there has been too much all lnz away from Gad and Chm Klan sknndard fistle MSL Th representative In Epkmpal churches throughout the world are meeting becnuw they helluva In commnn wllh mher run that mlum Io Chrlsliun rlghlcousncss Is senllal Io put he world back an lho rlghl ruck hu sald The head the Anglican churches will meet every lwu your to mnp world rlrutcxy At present all Ihe blshups meet nnce decndu nl the Lambth mnlnrcncu landon The cur In pmde dccishvo Ideas for Mun ncuon Archblshop num soy announced new program or wardlnnllan ln hl church that drawn up by precon mu mceung of bishnps in Umdon 0rll pm week UUNCES PROGRAM couvcr Monday night or con vtert lanight The 92 Canad Ian mm all 10 provinces an Eh martiv Examinvr rent congress Involvlng clergy and laymen well as blihaps 15 only tho Ihlrd such Enlher Ins prwioua unca bclng In lan dan In 1903 and Minneapolis nIrle ycarg carsprob ably representing such dlvlslunn as Asln Mrlcn lhn Pncfllc ma Amcrlcns nnd Europe will work with nllhop Stephen Dayna who was moved from Seattle In Ionan by decislon lhc Inst Lamlxlh conference In 1958 lo become lho Anglican cnmmunlnns Hm rovan KIN unvo officer Regional liaison niilcen will be appointed by varinus re glans the Anglican commu nion to coordinate work In their awn lerrilories and with the rest 01 lhe church 1W1 Wu llarllnm hnIlknrdllm lmlny In In hrqw HI PIAHHI rm mm 5qu Mi huff nil llmn In lh bulnwnd SAFETY SIGN WASNT SAFE Mm conducted by Walter Sussklnd permanent conductor mu Toronto Symphony 0n chestm GP ercpholo No Im vini hurt ihlrlcm Um uucal wuro hard Inlcly hull Labor Mlnlncr Rownlm stood on lho mm of lhe Wnrkmcnl Compan mtlon loud Buildlng Mom day explainan lwowtck xnlcty cmltsl mnnu lhu prnvlncou rand bulldcrl nalrly hauntr lnppkd aver on In plullormxues TORONTO CWll wnl Im nmInoul haulnnlng for Onlnrlol lam wmy cum pub BERLIN WALL MARKS ITS SECOND YEAR obscrvlng Ilnllonl throughout lho vrld now an manuran lho ennh lldcs lhnt tamed by gravitational pull of tho mum and lho sun and Dr Paul Melchior the Royal Observnlory Ilelglum In Brut Icls Each nnllon um grnvfly mclm and harlzonlal pcndu lum at In dccp mckl uxunlly wllhln minu 0n do nccurn wlco day nthcr mice day Ynu dont Incl mllormnslcr cum be cause ulch wnve mu much ho rank at llmn Hui lhnru um Enrica nulonnl dlflcrenm Tho 1an wnvu nru Irnnllcr on lho Allan confluent llntherfll mid the window Ihe brick house weru blacked nut and was nhvlou the bandits had bacn than or some time The hnuse was wall flocked wllh food he continued and It looked as lhnugh the men lell ll hurriedly about ulna days ago LDS ANGELES APMathcr aim hu some mysterious fidu Dal land lldel II he groun much an hall yard he North Pole may be drilling mum at the rule three eat in 10 years lhe earthl Mullen menu lo vary low lhous andlhs second day These Insight warn described Monday at symposlum sum marizan result mile be gun or expanded duran lho In cmnllonnl Gwphyslcnl Your In 105758 and slnco continued Th IGY was coopcruuvu snort nmonz sclenllsls In 66 countries In learn mora about lhe enrlh ocinm qr and gpnce The place ls En isolated lnrm hogse aynyjroxg qmlq rggd n5 Defimi Scotland Yard commander Gentle Halherlll 015i pyrtm VWahnvca whale hnusu to urn oven There lot work Io he dqne 113 MM that the mo ment pnllce were not allowing anions gar l19lamh9use ii the hnusa police lnund truck answerlng dulrlpflnrw ht sued In cannecllan with the bl Tho mY mcclifizihl span 0er by lho anianal Academy Sclmces Pallcosald some mull buy wen found In the hideout but none the cashlhe equivalent of 57500000laku 1n Thun da berg lha hldemll was Identified by police as Leakherslnde Farm Oakley near Brillshrew mlle mm the scene of the holdup oa qual Mull yelp LONDON Reuters The hldenul of the bundfla who pulled all Britains great trnln robbery has been lowed police nnnognccd today the llelnrldrlleno 8mm Lump youlnl pol lo gm nerllh Mmfiuimu Mani gm Cnmvmmlu hum ll In wmlmmll mun II wm mum mm mm Crazy 01d Planet We LiVe 0n Dips RollsLike Roller Coaster Bandit Hidéout Reported Found 3min Onhrlo Cnnldn Tuudly August 13 I963 WorldsFair Gets $50 Million Aid nnlys ol luliluda ob srrvullons made since 1900 In dlculed lhnl um geographlc Norm Polo may hnvg wnndcred about an feet south rinse then down tho meridian 60 dunes was langltudc mld Dr Wll llnm Murkowllx ol ma v5 Nnvnl Observatory The mullon wnl unllkrly lo br npprovcd because of Du Cnnkrlfl Inrtyl mmlva mn jorlly In Inrllnmcnl pi was dug oulalde he larmhnuse he laid repelIon II Aylesbury near lhs scene the robbery it was disclosed an the French Riviera ha rewards will bu client in France allow ing nupicionu that he robberya musicrmind may be hiding in the Mediterranean re um area palhan near Cannes Ihnn lhny ufe In Europe 0r America Difference 1n com position of lhe Ennhl upper mantle the region below the Ihln crust may the explnnr llan Dr Melchiur auid TIDES CHANGE 111m nre sysltmnllc chnnm In Um dnlly llde perhaps dna in MCIIIMIOM nr lerllngl In the earths core of molten motel he added NEW DELHI titaniumMI upmllllnn pnrtlu excth lha Communist Iodny julned In rmmlInx motion no can ldcncc In tho Cnnxml Pnrly novcrnmmllhn Ilul luch mo llnn IrIme Mlnlslcr Nchm Inn nd to act In In yum In ICE lab as well two Imaller hlclcs Extra fingerprint experts and laboratory worker rushed to the farmhouse from London There has bcen very real deal pubch in this case Halherlll nulcd He added the bandlls an the breeze up became lrlghl wednnd were gain to hum or bury lot of sun and they let In hurry HUNT IN FRANCE inhaler announced hut the hunt for the bandit ha spreaq Ernnce We hnvc no cafnpleled the search lhu Scotland Yard man said 1115 might take at least three days police work The area will be salad off until the task is finished Ha therlll added urvlm lo mm Unumd minnan lho bmlwh mend bull flow at MW pg go Ibo Wu AP Viln NonConfidence Faces Nehru But Unlikely To Win Approval 11 mm mm durlnl In 1th hr at lunch for flu wrw mmde pllr rod Mull mm II mm on north am mu mum on mud robbery vmuml and Jimmy Maxman bunk my van bum mum 1199mm IMI muMMA it nan ROCK Oul CPI lo llu quod wlmnu lot lho nrv ml at two ma flock youlm madly chum Ilium Illh lhl Irma robbm hm hm mday comm Wm Thoru Mm9flm9 EW Mm clad mm mm MIMI VII um Polly IN Mu um Tho Indian uomnmtnl hm also been crlllclzui nr lx hnn dlln or am bard NM with Chin and over heavy lnxnllm land the flu in call of MV 11R The nocnnlldcncc mnllon wlll be dlmxned nut wuk AI llxouxh It In hope bcln adnplrd It II comldertd Ilunl Irnnl lhnl or lhn um Uma lha nppmlllon II Ilmnl cnaulh lo Inlmduco Iurh mollnn It mm In mounllnu crlll clam the mytamld prime mum chlcny avrr Md lrnnsmlllcr usreemrnl wllh Iho Voice America and Naurud joint nlr exmhu with he Unilcd sum and Drllnlnclwo am neon by Nthrul trilch brunch ol Indiul nonIlln mgll mug BRAZZAVILLE Congo Re puhllc MP Rlallnz Congw less workmen nomad um Brazuvllle clly prlxon today and llberaled all prlsanm In the lane at pollen llra whlch kllled least five pemns and wqunded several olhm DIpXomnllc mums laid the llrlnz broke nut ground 1045 am when nrlklng wakaen Wm lolha prllon protest Mlle arm or mml union WM TOKYO CFAP led China leekInl In capllallze on racial mile In the Unlled sum in stepping up Ila campaign In support The olclul Peking Poaplal Dnlly Announced that mcndous mtcllna was held In lha Chinm on In anday lo expms Red Illll profound Iympalhy or Negro In lha Unllcd Slnlcl Five Are Killed In Prison Riot Bed China Sides With 15 Negroes THE BMZZAVILLE Can go Cily Prlmn underlined was stunned today by rloung workmen who berated all the prisoners Ponce gunllra killed at least llve and wounded several others The Ilrlklng workmen had ma la the prlxan to protest tho ar rest last nlxh of mm unlon olllclall AP Wkephato map Youths Sought In North TACOMA Wu AP Twanlflln NM And IN nun mm Mr ninth ban Iboul Ml ml lo In MAM In MAWMM mqmunubomgmmmaw lut lucid mm Ink mu ml hullI cllmbm mm mam mlrlonnwlmuhm nu mu null mmTmh and mmlnu mum at Mm mlnd mm III III nmonurnlon mm In hon ol Unlltd Nullm chlny ed lhll mnAwhllu timed mm mmlnldlon 0b Us 1m New wk mm lulrrmndl About 70 II Hum marched Mlllldl lhc UN hudqumu cum null nun my Ihlll labor on Alrlun wot pavlllmulu Mr GcrlnLnona hlll jun com lcled rllhl tlrlnz day our n1 lhe an and lawn St Lawrence re on dlmmlnl tducnllon pmblemn WASHINGTON MP Tho Unllrd 61nch wlll hunch lht nm ol urlu ol ulellllel wllhln lh nm We monlhn dHJIMd or ddccllan of mm nuclm um mllllam mile on In lplCQ Home Seamry McNaqu lald about lady durlnl Ml mu many Iupponlnx mumum ol hu nuclur luLbIn lmly VANCOUVER CPI Vlclarll And Vancoqu um plunud Into dulmu Memory IIIth II llmnhu knochod out power thrme the lower Imln and mutth Vlncuuver IllM and In north Pow mm 50 mile hum hm MONTREAL CF Primd Minister Pearson has called or quick canlerenee with Que bee and Montreal in make sure the 1967 world fair In mm film success starter he promised $50000000 worth federal help 420000000 dlrecl grant to Ihe worlds lnlr klfly 321 000000 for Canadian exhibll and 15 real or manmade Icebulfer to protect Ihe Inland me the air In the middle the St Lawrence River We will be on nhnw before he world said ML Fearann The tvenl must be one whlch we can ha proudIn ev ery part at Canada am convlnced that can be Inch an event But It will nu be unless there In unretul plgnnlng and concerted gallon The stun was amngcd by Momma Mayor Jean Drapeau who kept his pln cm ram bomlendm until lhu 1m mo men QUEBEC GP 0n the lhtory um oflcnca the be defence Youlh Illnlsler Paul GcrlnLuJole la campnlgninu on behalf of lcglnlnllon to estab llsh an education ministry in Quebec Ho uppann lo he nltcm llnx two thingslo cnlm lrndllonnl upprchcmion male control over oducnllon and to sell Qua becm on In pmcllcnl men Illy or an education mlnlslry In loduyn world ren on minmry wan am several rcwmmcnd Hons mndn by royal commll Ian nfler lanl Andy lho provinu gdqcuflynnl Iyllrm Mr can Laiole mld he came away 1mm hlI Iour wllh Volclng concern about the magnitude thc lob to pre pare for he Canadlnn World Exhlblllan MLPeumn nld lhc lhrerwny conference would no out what has to be done who will do It whal in costs whlll be and who will meet cm Mr Pemon made the mark alter donan while safety ha and drivlng hugs earthmovlnz truck to dump 15 cubic yards ol rubble on 119 Honda to nymbollu ma dart at work on ma midriver lair sue Quebec Premier Jean Lungs panmar In the alt plans fol lowed up in bulldoler to flat leg out ha earth luch lun lo do lhlx beamed the prime mhlfler more Mun 1500 perms watched Lighining Knocks Out 30 Power Lord Home See Guardflll Pickets Protest Lily White Labor 25 Children Escape Sinking Boat 18 To Launch Satellite Series Education Ministry In Quebec Is Goal Youth Minister mum mm mm umv dmmlmnvflllfllflnl mlh Wm PM Worried Over Task Calls For Quick Parley NEWS BRIEFS NoIMon Thin For CopyIZ Pug Showna tonight Moody and cooler onHWednesday Low to nle 49 fish tomorrow 85 For full nummnry turn to page hm Local Weather fOnce sin uld Mr Lo nga revv n1 up tho bulldozer behind him 16 my turn an do unifies 1913 Mn GerlnLajola uyenmld Moch uhalar and Ill be becama tduullon mlnlller Id mnllon ol the dcvnrlmcnt palylrul development In Quebeci hliiéry up are that the prime minitar Canal ahauld unload lha resource Canada and tha rlme mlnlmr ol Queblc rhuul unread them over Quebec Mr Puma wld the vm throng Thu ceremony took Mace on lsam fle Rondo one at that Island In the annnca River between Monuenl harbor andlhn entranca lolho Inter national Ienway to lha Great Lakes he that hean lhnt he mm he populauon Avon the Tradlllonally Quahac hu avoided creating xuch mlnll lry on round lhll educnum In pmlnliva lho church Near the and the In lull lallva uulon hlll crutln he dgpgrlrpen win helvca imul this In aulcry mm mm qunnm GO ON NU Wilh oppollllon lain up Mr GermLark and ndvlv 11 ow of cnnlldtnu WM needed The medlum may rlcked wnl tour thumb lho ower St Luwrcnco Ind lune Thousand mm ol th wlll be dumpad onto the Islands In make Ihern Into an Nam Island La no known as Hal ens Island The entire worldl alt complex on the Inland Ind bolh shares will cover on 0cm Thighs of he job II to be llnlnh by next Junoa In Alva tnk um hu brought St Helen Inland the title the fastengrowing blind In th world Nu harm wen mom on tha muddy Honda tar tho ceremony ona bearing 01k llnzen drill team In colonlll French unllorm and II loot letlm EXPO c7Ihe coda ward lhc lnlemnlionll lair The other ham wn con verted Inlo nu bednked blencher to mt we Invited zuem The men Ill wu mm WW Who of Iovemment hualneu financa induler and an dlppmgnc com TO DUMP TONS In the relalloiu betwun um province Ind Ihl lzdcral gov ernment iremler Lenu obvlmly on Ihe hell of mm with Mr Pealyon hglygd ngw cum

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